Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 12, 2023


Chapter 119

The air was thick as I sat at the table looking through my sketchbook, I felt like something bad was coming our way, and it's going to be huge. I looked at a drawing I had done many months ago, it was just a memory really but I recognized the main subject, it was the great one, and behind him were seven Archangels. I couldn't quite see his face but I did feel an urgent pull to do this one. I stood up and faced my blank canvas then picked up my pencils and started to do the base drawing.

This time it was Spud that brought me out of my trance, he had placed water and a sandwich on the table as I dropped to my seat exhausted. He rubbed my fingers and as I shook myself out of a daze I felt the magic leave until I felt at peace for the first time in ages.

"Den, you have been at it for three hours. I was about to go and get Evan, who are those people in the drawing?" I looked around and saw the eight guys but they didn't have any faces, they were the only blank spaces on the canvas the rest had been done and I could feel the magic pouring from it.

"I think that's the creator and his archangel's son, but I have never seen them in their perfect state only Evan." "And the baby?" "What?" "The baby he's laying on the creator's shoulder; can't you see him?" I looked again and sure enough there he was, a pink baby no more than hours old nestled on the creator's shoulder. "I don't know him, maybe he's not born yet." "Well he's beautiful Den, I feel that I should know him." "Maybe he's Anne and Jacks new baby." I let the cat out of the bag. "She's pregnant again?" "Yes Spud, but wait until they announce it before telling everyone will you?" "Sure Den, I can do that. do you want some coffee?" "Yes please Spud, can you get it for me?" "Coming up."

He walked down the porch leaving me to ponder that latest work. There was no Evan or magic baby in this one, this painting was trying to tell me something. Even Ayden when he came home was a bit confused and he tried talking to it but I guess it didn't answer, so he got on his bike and rode it up to the cafe to secure a burger before they were all sold out, Oh no not the bike today he's on the skateboard and doing a good job of it too. Evan and my boys stared at it but because it wasn't finished they couldn't make head nor tail of it either. I knew the seven men were the boys but why didn't I paint their faces? A mystery painting for sure.

Rita had run her eyes over it and nodded, I think she understood the meaning but she didn't say anything, she just went back to her kitchen. I covered the drawing up and thought I would try and finish it when I have more information. Although I felt relaxed I kind of knew deep down that something was about to happen in the bay and I looked over at my son who was eating his burger. There were no indications that anything was wrong coming from him so I left it alone. It was just before he was put to bed that he reacted, I was tucking him in and he said.

"Tomorrows dah, we will be ready because he comes." He then yawned and went to sleep before I could question him. I dropped my shorts and crawled into bed, Evan turned to me and placed his arm across my body. It was a warm night so we only had the sheet on but I could see his excitement. "Sex before a battle is that allowed?" I whispered. "Eh?' "Nothing bubs pass the lube." He assumed the position but his face was still confused.

I was having one of those on again off again nights, I would doze then wake up and the worrying would start again. Around and around it went in my head to the point I thought it would drive me insane. I started to doubt what Trident had said was true, that everything would be okay. Ayden had said he was coming tomorrow so it played on my mind all night. When the dawn arrived I got out of bed and went to put some coffee on in my new kitchen, my boys slept on as I sat on the porch and sipped the brown liquid. If there was to be a battle today, why isn't everyone else up? I watched campers with rods leave with their mates from across at the foreshore, kids were waking and starting to plan their day, everything seemed pretty normal over there.

I was tired and I still had that knot in my stomach that had been around all night. My man kissed me and reached for the coffee, he was expecting Horse at any minute.

"Where's Ayden?" "In bed bubs, why?" "He's not you know, maybe he went surfing with Trident and Blue." "Maybe he's on the beach watching bub, I will go find him when I finish this," I said back. "What's he up to?" "I don't know but its huge whatever it is." I looked up and down the road maybe to try and see anything out of the ordinary. "You're not making any sense Den." "Nothing down here makes any sense bub." I kissed his lips then looked him in his eyes, it was then Trident appeared.

"Sire, the filth has arrived, call your father he will know what to do to protect the folk." "He's here already?" My stomach jumped. "Yes, sire he thinks we are stupid and has hidden in the dark clouds overlooking the beach this morning. The prince and Queen have been watching him." He poured himself a big coffee and drank it in one gulp. "Good, I so needed that." He then burped, such good manners.

I called father, his answer was that he has everything under control, I'm not to worry about the folk. "What's going on Den, Trident?" Evan has to know something we can't let him go into battle with no idea what he was to do.

"Bubs, remember when I told you about your other life as an archangel?" "Yes Den, but I don't remember it." "Well it's true, for every good angel there is a dark angel, and your doppelganger has appeared on our beach this morning, we have been expecting him." "Bull shit Den, what's really going on?" "He wants the secrets that Ayden holds, I have been assured he won't get them but he's been waiting in the shadows to attack us, and Kate and you are the ones that will vanquish him forever. I know it's hard to believe but you and Kate are the most senior angels and have the most power, our friends are the other ones."

Evan stared at me then Trident, I think he had some inkling that what I was telling him was the truth; I never lie to him; much. "We had better get this show on the road then." He hugged me then Trident, then the three of us moved to the beach to be with our son.

Both Rita and Ayden were there looking out at the black cloud. Rita's colors were on standby and Ayden pulsated with crisp white radiance, they hadn't shown their full selves as yet they were hiding that from the filth.

"He come dah, call aunty Katie's please nanny." Ayden looked Rita in the eyes.

Rita swept her hand across the sand and Kate appeared instantly, a little bewildered but I could see some excitement in her eyes, I think she sensed something was about to happen and I felt her inner anger surge, and also I felt Evan's rage as they looked up at the dark cloud.

"Gabriella, show yourself to your queen, and do as I bid," Rita yelled an order. Kate instantly changed into her Archangel self she glowed snow white and green her wings were enormous and every inch as beautiful as she was in human form. Her red hair flowed like a river down her back and her green eyes were like emerald spotlights.

"Stay calm angel, don't let the filth see you as yet; sire please release your angel," Trident ordered. I yelled. "Michaelides come forth and protect your king and prince." Evan suddenly changed, his mood was bloody murderous and it took all my inner strength to hold him back. Then something happened that I wasn't expecting so soon, the filth showed himself, a black cloudy mass made up of hate and revenge moved closer to the beach.

"I have waited for eons for this moment you filthy angel, release me now mother." Kate screamed, but Rita held her at bay. Evan looked at me and silently begged to be released also, but I held on until I got the go ahead.

"Dah release pa." Ayden yelled over the noise of distant thunder and lightning, a storm was forming and we have to quell it. I could see a hole forming in the atmosphere and dark lords were trying to get through the wormhole the dark angel had created with little effort, but he couldn't fully open it without the keys, Ayden apparently held them within his magic. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was Evans twin so he must look something like him.

I released Michael just as Rita did Gabriel they both soared into the sky screeching like giant birds in a feeding frenzy. An attack from both sides unhinged the dark one and he dropped out of the cloud fully, he was not expecting so much magic to be around. Evan and Kate attacked and covered it with their wings as they threw killing light from their hands and eyes, then it happened. An almighty scream was heard and Evan fell to the sand with a thud, the filth had got in a lucky strike.

"Dah help Katie," Ayden screamed. I had instantly changed to my full colors and I watched the dark one try and entrap Katie, he had her in his grasp, her eyes were turning black, he was trying to change her to the dark side. I felt a sudden surge of anger, it had hurt my Knight and now my friend, and that's a big no-no.

I raced towards the dark cloud, then with a burst of color, I started absorbing him into my ethereal body. The more I absorbed the more it screamed in agony, black filth was felt in every part of my being. Kate had been released and was now next to me and as I absorbed the filth's magic she took it from me and cleansed it. There was no pain just pure cold hateful magic being sifted through my body. Katie was smiling as she held onto my arms steadying me, her eyes joined with mine and I saw her black eyes turn once again into a clear emerald green.

Evan had recovered quickly and was now beside us and then he started to cleanse Kate of leftover filth, his eyes shone azure blue, his wings were white with gold highlights that pulsated. His long fingers transferred the offerings to Ayden who had lifted himself over the beach and was glowing so much that even in my state I couldn't look at him. Katie and Evan were turning the filth's black magic back into good magic and while they were doing that I lifted my arm and pointed to the wormhole, it slammed shut, locked forever as what was left of the dark archangel's filth disappeared in a flash of agonizing screams. It was then that I realized that Ayden didn't hold the keys to Hades; I did.

Ayden and Rita had joined and moved in closer the magic was transferred to the folk's cities along the beach, it was reappearing tenfold and at a rapid rate. I felt Trident using that magic to seek out the lost folk it was, after all our folks stolen magic that was being returned. Suddenly I heard Horse's roar, he had changed to his real self, then I saw Ab's Tiny Donk Nuts Trip and Tim line up along the beach, they were all taking the infinite magic from Ayden and storing it along the beach. I have never seen such magnificence and I have never felt so alive. They moved up closer to us and started adding the magic to ours.

Ayden and I were almost the last to receive an enormous supply then it was just Ayden, he hovered there as white as snow and absorbed the rest of it.

"Got enough yet son?" I said in my head. "Yes dah heaps but there still plenties mores, he come dah he comes." He shouted, then with a big loud giggle he kissed my cheek. "Who son, who is coming?" "Our great one dah." That blew me out of the air as I moved to try and get nearer to him. I watched as my son exploded in mid-air pushing Evan Katie Rita and myself back towards the beach. He lifted higher and higher and we couldn't look at him he was as bright as an exploding sun and it hurt my eyes to look his way.

I stood on the beach and held my angel at bay, I could feel his complete satisfaction his nemesis had been annihilated and when I looked around the six archangels were standing behind us. I smiled at my horse who had tears running down his cheeks I don't know whether he saw me wink but I felt his absolute joy a hundredfold.

Ayden was still pulsating when the explosion happened, he split into two suns, I watched as the magic was given to the other identity that I knew was the great one. Ayden was bringing him back and whatever he was doing it was bloody awesome.

They both suddenly flew higher into the sky, Evan screeched and flew after them and the three of them disappeared into a white wormhole that had appeared.

"Ayden, Evan!" I screamed.

"They won't be long sire he's gone to consult with the great one, the excess magic can't be wasted it must be preserved, and the golden prince will do that with the great ones help." Trident said. "Evan?" "He's been summoned to be with the great one and to look after the prince, his bond to you hasn't been broken it's just that the great one is more powerful than you, you can't control Michael fully while he's with the great one." "Why?" "Runes, magic, intricate weaving, and that other backdoor key that only the great one knows about, whoever calls Michaels real name gets to control him a little, but the great one is absolute sire; apparently." He actually smirked at me because he knows my inner secret, then the prick bowed deeply.

"The dark angel and black king never knew his real name. He suffered so much to keep that secret sire" "When will they return?" I felt so guilty all of a sudden and dropped my head. "Shortly sire." I felt him easing my mind.

After the last sentence was said the bay lit up, it shimmered with magic and I knew Ayden and the great one were sharing it with the earth fairy, it seeped into every leaf every plant, and filtered through the soil to be gathered up at a later stage. Rita was almost in fits when it started on her. I could see her eyes light up and she was in raptures. The stolen magic that was taken by the dark ones is being returned to its rightful owners like a welcomed old friend.

Katie was beautiful as she felt her absolute being returned to her soul, she turned to look at Donk, who I might say looked magnificent but he only had eyes for her. She pointed to him and transferred unlimited magic back to his angel self, he writhed with ecstasy, I had an idea and looked at Horse, I gathered up his lost magic and returned it to him also then with Tridents help we did the other angels, my beautiful men. Spud and Ali held Rita's stare and I could see her doing the same to them.

When Evan and Ayden burst through a snow white cloud I could hear their laughter. I looked at them both and Evan in a very deep voice said.

"Did you think I would let the golden prince go there alone master." "Master?" I gulped. "Care to try a dance with an Archangel sir?" I guess with all this magic around he's a bit randy. "Would I, let's not waste this moment my heavenly man." We flew into the sky and had wonderful magical sex as our colors entwined. Trident in his earth form appeared and said. "Can I join in?" "Piss off you pervert." Evan roared at him.

When we were completely spent and before we started our descent Trident appeared again. "We have a lot of business to discuss with the great one sire, follow me." We were transported to a white globe, which was actually a planet and we were then seated at a never-ending table with the great one. I knew there were others watching but for the moment it was only us four.

"Any questions?" A spitting image of me sat across from us and smiled. I wasn't expecting that one, but I did suspect the great one had a good sense of humour.

"Ayden?" I got out as Trident turned into his human self. "Firstly, thank you son for my Tridents image, he and I will dance for hours when you leave sire." He laughed and Trident giggled like a virgin bride.

"Now for Ayden, the golden prince has been hosting me for many lifetimes, I had to hide from the black filth and I knew my secrets would be safe within your son's memory. When I followed you all to the earth I could feel the pull of the dark king, he was trying to find me to steal my infinite magic so I hid within Ayden's memories until you annihilated the black ones forever." "So I came in handy after all then." "More than handy son you made all this happen." He waved his arms about.

"Why didn't you stop the war?" "I couldn't show myself and I knew you would eventually win with your knight's help. For me to appear would be like ending everything fairy if I was caught, I couldn't risk that." I understood his predicament but I still felt sorry for the lost soldiers and folk from that war. He reached over and took my hand.

"They will return fully son, only their earthly bodies were destroyed or turned into china, not their fairy selves as long as there's magic there will be fairy, many have already returned, thanks to the magic baby and there are more to come, thanks to you. In time sire, you will bring them all back; in time."

We talked forever about all the things that had happened around us and when he made a gesture with his arms again and he said.

"We will talk later, especially about your rewards, but for now I have a very old friend to catch up with, and thank you again sire I believe he's a very good kisser." He flashed and a more beautiful young twenty-year-old god stood and took Trident in his arms, surprisingly enough he was now almost the spitting image of Blue.

"Blue?" I stuttered out. "No sire but close, this is the real me, I like a bit of variety in my love life. Trident my love, care to dance?" "Oh, yes great one its been far too long." I think Trident was swooning, and his attachment to Blue was explained as they both disappeared and Evan and I were suddenly back on our porch.

"Den you have both been away since yesterday, Ayden's not worried, but he's been a bit suspicious of your absence," Spud said. "We were dancing Spud, then we had to go to see the great one."

My son screamed as he skated up the porch, he didn't know who to go to first so I picked him up, kissed him then handed him to his pa. We both hugged him gently and he rained little boy kisses on both our faces.

"Were you worried son?" "No dah, I'm okay but I miss you. I sleep with nanny she snores." He giggled as Rita hands on her hips said. "No more burgers for you then my big mouthed boy." "Nooooooo sorry nanny!!" My son laughed.

A dozen burgers appeared on the table, we were a bit hungry after our big holiday, thanks bubs, or was that Rita. My father arrived with the other kings, they were looking for answers and I could see in their eyes they already had a newly found respect for me. They bowed very deeply and took up their positions at the table with our most amazing friends. Horses smile was the biggest followed by Donk, Nut's, Tim, Tiny, Trip, Ab's and even Kate was still there to greet us. She had changed, she no longer was a woman with a past to hide she was magnificent, I couldn't imagine making love to someone that wasn't bonded to me like Donk is to her. Okay okay, I can imagine.

I left Ayden with his pa and took her in my arms and thanked her personally by healing her mind of past regrets. Her tears arrived and she looked at Rita and said. "Now I'm complete, thank you both." She took Donks hand and they seemed to move together as one as he kissed her once again.

"He looks like your Blue, my friend." I looked at Horse and said. "Who?" "The great one in his human image, he's dancing with Trident as we speak. They go back to day one I believe, but he's nearly the spitting image of Blue." Poor Horse, can he cope with it all I chuckled to myself.

"Now what do we do with the extra folk sire, we are running out of room to place them." father said, he's back to business talk. "Then find some room, find enough for a million more folk for they will all return, all Horses army, all your city fighters that lost their lives in the great battle, they are all coming back." He lifted his eyebrows.

"Its the magic, it brings them home it was only their human side that died, nothing can kill the magic now." I tried to explain it in fairy terms. "Amazing son, but that doesn't answer my question." "Build a new city along the beach, extend it for another two miles, but don't go outside the bay. I can't be responsible for what will happen if you do."

He looked confused but I suppose they are all thinking about it. I sipped my coffee and smiled inside, they don't know how this place is going to change in the next week or so and then, when I looked at my beaming son again I felt the bay shift. It wasn't a quiet shift either, it was loud rumbling one, I knew the great one had extended the bay and stretched the land on our side of the road. I looked across at the holidaymakers and nothing had moved it was still the same.

"Okay, you lot we have a party to go to." I jumped up and took us all down to our new beach. When we got there my table also appeared with food for miles on it. The beach had changed and now we had large sand dunes with houses and trees all over them, the crunching of the beach made loads of extra room for the new folk. Thank you great one, only he could change the lay of the land, and I kind of liked the new look of our beach now.

The party started as many more tables appeared, cakes and ice cream were loaded up on top of them. The folk had a party to end all parties as jet skis appeared, and my angels found their surfboards and were running out to catch the large pounding waves. My sons laughing was the loudest as his friends accompanied him for a surf. Evan was magnificent as he waded into the water I could see his dad beside him smiling as he turned and waved at me.

My lovely Rita was covered in children and was dishing up hundreds of plates of cake and ice-cream, Tush and Bubble were doing the eastern dance with Ali and Spud, I saw my Birdie riding his tiny camel with his fairy mates and Jay and Hulk were working up to a dance I think, going by the bulges in their shorts.

Blue and Alex appeared out of nowhere, they looked exhausted I think they had been dancing again. Little Andy instantly was in Alex's arms getting his daddy kisses and did I see Aisha and Arras laying on the eastern king's day bed with little Souma? they must have come back for this wonderful moment.

Everybody was here even Anne Jack and my Mike. I suddenly had a thought and touched Mike's shoulder, his eyes lit up and he smiles for yards I had given him both the human and fairy tools that will blow his professors away at medical school, I had also made that tiny leftover scar disappear from his brain.

It was an exhausting night and as I placed my son in his bed he smiled and said. "No party dah just sleep, Sam's coming." I kissed him again and said. "Good." Who the hell is Sam? I went off and found my boyfriend, he was in the shower so we played on the bathroom floor for a long time.

"Son I have an urgent request; can you meet me on the porch?" Father appeared in our room around one am. I moved out of our bed and slipped my shorts on, then walked quietly out to the porch where I was met by Trident and dad. "Yes father, what is it?" "We need to discuss an ongoing glitch, a problem that I think you can fix for us." "What problem?" Coffee appeared, father and Trident helped themselves. "Sam sire." "Who's Sam?" "He's been in the human world for quite a lot of lifetimes and he should be back with us by now, but something was stopping the process. We need you to unblock whatever is holding him here with your keys." "And Sam is who?" He coughed and blushed.

"Sam's just Sam sire. We are trying to help him come back to us that's all. Say if you don't want to help."

I didn't get the right answer so I consulted my encyclopaedia friend. "Trident who is Sam?" "He changed from fairy to human when he entered the human folk world, but he didn't change his basic reincarnation magic, so he's being born over and over as a human. He has hidden amongst the homeless for eons sire." "Is he dangerous?" "Not at all sire, he's just a friend of the fairy." "Tell me for god's sake Trident." "He's Spud and Ali's new son sire." Still not the answer I was looking for but I reacted anyway. "What the hell?" "He has been slotted in to be Spud and Ali's son this time around sire, that's why he has to come back at this very moment, otherwise he will have to wait through another lifetime, and he's so desperate to be released into our world again." I could hear the tremble in Tridents voice.

"Take me there." I held Tridents handle, it was easier if he does the transportation. Instantly I was in the city, in a filthy damp lane looking at a bundle of rags behind some overflowing trash cans. A very old homeless man was dying and his dark brown glassy eyes were staring up at the cloudy skies. I placed my hand on his forehead and read his mind, he was very close to death. He trembled as I tried to unlock his fairy memories, it was like he was resisting me. "Go very slow sire, he's terrified he doesn't know who he really is." My father said.

Mentally I calmed Sam down, then he seemed to know who I was when my colors collected and embraced his body. His old eyes suddenly opened wider and he smiled, mouthing a thank you to me through his grateful tears. I felt love and an overwhelming feeling of belonging. I felt he was more than ready to be reborn, and as I extracted what was left of his magic and held it within me. I suddenly knew who he was as it sought out my hidden magic and started to download to it.

I felt his old life slip away and die, it was peaceful as I unlocked his original spells one by one, it took some doing but I think I got it all untangled. My colors burst into a rapture that lit up the dark alleyway when he took his last breath. I looked over at father he was so beautiful as his blue and gold true self. "Thank you sire, he is at peace at long last," Was Trident crying?

I then noticed I had a newborn baby in my arms and I touched the small baby's forehead and transferred the old mans now perfect fairy magic into his tiny body then locked it away again. I gathered the bundle of rags up as I stood and then I took the little precious gift back to our porch, but not before sending the vagrants body off to be reborn someday soon into the fairy world, his reward for his eons of service. Sam had been born behind a trash can in an alleyway in a filthy city, how apt that he will be Spuds son. Oh hell, how do I explain this to him and Aly?

As soon as we appeared so did a warm bottle of milk. I undid the rags and looked at the pink baby, he opened his bug eyes momentarily and I saw his lips turn up. His eyes were bright azure blue and I knew he was a special kind of fairy folk, not only fairy but a full-blooded fairy, his parents hadn't mated with the earth folk. I wondered if they were still around, but I knew deep down they never really existed.

"He is a foundling sire he's always been a foundling all throughout his many lives. He is now back with us and he will be Spud and Ali's son. I have taken the liberty to cross all the T's and dot the I's sire. He has a complete human history if anyone asks, Evan will be receiving the paperwork in the mail shortly."

Trident needs to be rewarded for his act of kindness and I almost wept when I looked into my father's eyes, how could I ever berate him for trying to lie to me. His heart is as big as mine so he will be rewarded too. Rita came down the porch with another pot of coffee, I guess she couldn't hold her excitement any longer.

"Oh Den he's beautiful, is he one of us?" I clicked my teeth and replied. "You know bloody well who he is Rita, and yes, of course, you get the first nurse of your new grandson." I passed little Sam over to her she was grinning from ear to ear and her colors burst from her nightgown, her tears dripped onto the soft rags, and they turned into a snow white blanket.

"Now you can tell me what he's doing here father, and what do we tell spud and Ali, and why has he appeared as a foundling?" I knew already there was more to this miracle, but I wanted to know what they knew.

"Calm down sire, you will give yourself a heart attack." Trident was in my head again, he changed to his human self and sat with me, then grabbed a big mug of coffee. "We all need some coffee sire, want one?" I took what he offered because my throat was dry, and he's only trying to prolong the inevitable.

I looked at the sleeping baby and whispered. "How do we tell Spud and Ali?" "He's a foundling sire, a folk foundling. Spud will find him on the porch in the morning dressed in his rags, exactly where he slept when he first came into the bay. It will absolutely be love at first sight; he is the great one's gift to the boys. He knows how much they wanted a son." "And in the meantime?" "He will sleep with his earth mother son, he will go unheard through the night. Nanny Rita, you have company tonight please don't try and mess with his memories." Father chuckled. Rita gave him a glare that would melt ice cream.

"Yes, your royal kingship." a sarcastic reply that got us all laughing again. "Why has he done this Trident no bullshit now." "He needed to protect his folk so he planted some triggers into the old man's spirit and he has unknowingly carried the secrets around with him for lifetimes. You unlocked them and transferred them to this little newborn, Sam. The secrets have been stored away again and are completely safe. To us all, he is a tiny baby in need of love, to the great one he's insurance in case the folk get into any more trouble or the great one disappears again, all you have to do is say the words and everything will begin to right itself again thanks to Sam's pure magic." "So he's here as a backup, will he know?" "I don't think so sire, to our world he's just another beautiful little soul." "What if someone comes looking for him?" "They won't sire, not with all of us around him, the great one created him after he came to the human world and had to hide, he holds just about everything the great one knows, as I said he was insurance. But its time he came home too, and what a wonderful surprise for Spud and Ali, they deserve a reward for looking out for our mother nature."

"He wasn't the only one the great one hid his triggers in was he?" I more or less knew that my son and Sam were virtual twins and my son held many triggers. "No sire he wasn't." Trident rubbed my hand and smiled. I looked at Rita she was smiling and she was in love with a little baby called Sam. We talked some more and as the minutes went by I absolutely fell in love with our little Sam too.

Next: Chapter 121

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