Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 28, 2017


Aydens Eyes 12

All was well again but Evan didn't tell me what happened until later and I decided Blue had told him he had said something to me. Evan was all smiles again and our little world was happy because he not only got a serve in the surf, he got two more in our room later on. One when I put lotion on him and one to go to sleep on.

The big guys took Ayden down the beach the next day and Evan went with them - just to observe. They wet him and put him on a board then pushed him around. They made sand castles and Evan said Ayden looked like the adult in the group. They returned him to me in good condition but asleep so I put him in his cot and shouted them hamburgers and cokes. I never learnt their real names, they each had nicknames like Nuts, Horse, Tiny, Donk and Trip and that's the way they rolled. Nameless guys just surfing the coast year round, but I found out later they were all local guys and they all had secrets.

I told Evan about Lindsay who was over the moon for me, and I mentioned Tony was here for two days, he and Alex had hit it off but Alex didn't let anything happen.

"I knew he had been here, Blue's in love with Alex and he's secretly furious another gay guy was hanging around him."


"He's struggling with his feelings Den but I had a good talk to him about you and me and he seemed to get it. I also get the feeling that he and Horse have a connection, not sexual though, more family connected."

"I think I had the same talk with Alex bubs, he's so in love with Blue and yes I have noticed Horse staring at Blue a lot."

"Blue knows that Den, he was worried when he heard Tony was here. I give Alex due credit for not responding, Tony's a catch."

"He is bub; his turn will come as he's already talking about moving here."

"He is?"

"Yes bubs, he was talking about buying that old Georgian house a few doors up and opening it as a gallery."


"Did you whack him hard?"

"Who Den?"

"The guy that looked a bit like me."

There was silence.

"Den nothing happened, he was being a royal pain in the bum, he asked for it."

"It's okay bubs, maybe next time a firm no will suffice."

"All right but he asked for it."

"I don't want you to get a bad reputation, after all you are a lawyer."

"Not anymore Den."

"Well do you want to try on that suit you kept just for old times sake?"


"You sure, not even the shirt or jacket?" There was silence, then, "Meet me in our room Den."

He flew out of his seat and headed for the bedroom. Easy peasy.

As we lay there he was thinking something over, I could tell because he went quiet on me.

"Penny for your thoughts lawyer boy." "Oh Den I was just thinking about that guy, and us. I suppose I shouldn't have hit him but I got so mad that he thought I was easy." "Well you are bubs, well I find you are anyway." I smiled at him. He ran his finger over my chin and smiled.

"You know Den when I first met you and Carol I instantly fell in love with you. You were always in my thoughts and I couldn't figure out why." I kissed his lips.

"Den I know now, it was because I admired your talent and the freedom you had to work on that gift, I envied your ability to make something out of nothing. I suppose secretly I wanted you to make me into a something but you know what?" "What bub?" "You did make something out of my boring life, you gave me back something I had lost on the way." He looked around the room.

"All this, and I get so mad when people think I am easy because I think you're the most beautiful spirit in this world; I look up to you so much and I trust you with all my heart. Why would I throw all that away because someone says nice things to me?" He was down.

"But I say nice things about you all the time, you're my hero, you're the strong one, you're the one who saved me." "And in turn you saved me, I love you so much Den, so fucking much." "Me too you bub, can I lay on top of you for a minute?" "Yes Den." So I laid on him for a few moments then my legs spread his and the humping was on for young and old again.

Rita had been making some good money and it was about to get even better as school holidays will begin soon, the last four weeks of autumn. The caravan park and foreshore were already littered with caravans and tents. I knew Rita was nervous but she had Blue and Alex to back her up, and she had me on call. Evan and the guys would take Ayden down the beach some days when it was too calm to surf and he would always come back asleep.

We had to find some more tables for our end of the verandah so that's when I moved my grand red gum out, it seated ten but usually a few extra chairs were added. It may as well be used and there was still plenty of room for it. The holiday kids came in their droves and Ayden greeted them all in his broken baby talk, he talked his head off to them; I think he was trying to serve them at one stage. I caught him escaping out the back one day because he wanted to follow them down to the beach so I grabbed him and shoved a small icy pole in his gob and he was more than happy with that.

Blue and Alex worked well together and one fateful night Alex had a little too much to drink at our nightly close up get together. He decided to go for a walk on the beach to clear his head and had gotten very down in the dumps lately.

After he left I looked at Blue then Rita who was looking at him too.

"Go after him Blue," I said.


"Go after him, walk on the sand with him, you know why he's down, maybe you can help him."

"He's okay Den, it's just a walk."

"I give up, it's not just a walk Blue, he's in love with you and he's hurting, you can fix that."

"Den!" Evan yelled so I turned to him and replied, "Would you let a friend walk on his own if you knew he was in pain, I don't think so." Blue grabbed his tee and sighed, "Be right back."

Rita laughed when he left.

"I've been watching them dance around each other for weeks now, hopefully something might happen tonight but Blue's a little stubborn."

"They love each other, end of story, he has to come to terms with that."

"I thought he had but Tony's presence has unnerved him a bit, he thinks Alex likes him."

"Umm, he does in a friendly way."

I slept well knowing that at least Blue had followed Alex, anything could have happened on that beach, it's dangerous to walk alone especially if you're a bit drunk.

I went to change Blue's sheets in the morning but his bed hadn't been slept in and Rita gave me the thumbs up when I went to get a coffee and toast.

"They're still sleeping I think." She nodded towards the bedroom.

"Good, then all's well again."

"I'm so happy Den, Alex deserves a nice young man like Blue."

"And what happens when Blue decides to move on?"

"I will encourage Alex to go with him." She smiled.

Butterflies were awake in my stomach and I so wanted some kisses from Evan but he had left early to surf.

When she brought out the coffee I spied Blue and Alex walking up from the beach, they both looked kind of happy.

"We slept on the beach, it was much cooler," Alex said.

"Sorry we are late Rita; I'll get started onto setting the tables." Blue started work.

Nothing had happened, I looked at Rita and her mouth was open, I think like me she was in shock. Fuck me, kids, they just don't get it; love is love no matter who it is with, a man or a woman.

Ayden was calling from his cot so I went and gave him his morning kisses then changed him for another big day. He sat in his high chair and destroyed his toast and vegemite, singing all the way through it.

I was looking at two rather large motorhomes trying to park on the foreshore, they were massive and the cost alone on one of them would buy this business lock, stock and barrel.

After my coffee I caught Blue sweeping the back verandah.

"Was he okay Blue?"

"Yes Den, we slept on the beach, he was too tired to trek the trail."

"Nothing happened?"

"No Den but I got a taste of his sweet lips when he went to sleep."

He grinned.

"Good boy." I started off towards the beach with sandwiches in a carry basket for the boys, I missed Evan.

I sat on the sand with Ayden just watching my boy surf wave after wave, then started sketching scenes.

Poor bubs tuckered himself out moving sand from one spot to another, he worked like a Trojan then rested in my lap.

Evan finally emerged and was all wet and messy so I kissed him then passed him a towel. He undid his wetsuit and it sat low on his mighty fine hips.

"Are you hungry bubs? there are some sandwiches in the bag and extra for the big guys too."

"Starving Den; hey boys lunch." He shouted to the bunch of hunks who were just standing on the shore waiting for an invitation to come over. They ran towards us and Evan passed the big parcels around, they were all talking surf talk but I did hear them say they had to move down the beach now the holiday crowd was here. They weren't nice about it either.

The sandwiches disappeared but I shared Evan's, just a bite, that's all I wanted. He was done for the day so time to open the surf shop for a few hours. He has sold quite a bit over the weeks but not enough to get his stock investment back, but we weren't too worried.

"They have been waiting for the shop to be open for an hour now Den."


"That group sitting at your table, I told them you had something to do and would be back soon."

"Thanks Rita." I gave her back the basket that she had packed the sandwiches in.

"Sorry folks, the shops open now." I smiled as I walked by, Evan was still showering.

"You're Den Curtis aren't you?"

"Yes sir that's me."

"Good man, girls go look at some pictures while Fred and I look at rods."

I told them Evan won't be long, he's the rod expert. He was too and he knew the best places to fish. They dropped more than a few grand that day and I found out they were friends of Lindsay's. The two big motorhomes were theirs and they were here for three weeks, Lindsay will be down in the next week or two. Evan's till was bursting with cash and he told the men he would be over to show them where it's safer to fish. They also dropped money into Rita's till too and had a big lunch while I packed the twelve paintings. Later, one of the ladies wanted Tony's phone number because she said she simply must have a table like mine for her outdoor patio. Fuck me, I know this is a one off but the grin on Evan's face was priceless. I stood behind him while he counted up his till and took the opportunity to play with his nuts through his pockets.

"Den, don't I see more customers looking?"

"Okay, later then dude."

"Groan," he replied.

Towels, buckets, sunscreen, all the things people seem to leave at home was cleared out of the shop and the holidays had just started. The boys came up to grab a hamburger when the sandwiches weren't enough for them and my customers had left with their paintings as well as a few of Evan's rods and reels. They sat at the big table and Alex took their orders.

"Slept on the beach last night Alex?" Nuts asked.

Alex blushed but had a come back.

"I was waiting for you big boy."

"I came by but Blue had got in first so I had to use my fist again." He winked at Alex. While all this was going on Blue was listening from a table he was clearing.

"Well all I can say is that Blue's a lot bigger than you give him credit for."

Rita came out so they shut up.

"Oh don't stop the filth on my account boys, please carry on." She giggled then went back to flipping their hamburgers.

"Hey Alex come down to the beach tonight, I'll be waiting by the old wreck." Horse then got in on the action and it was only friendly banter, they knew Alex was gay but didn't have a problem with him, they kind of liked him.

"What makes you so sure you're man enough to make me scream Horse?"

"Umm, Alex, Horse, doesn't that conjure up an image?" He grabbed his crotch.

"Leave him alone you filthy cretins." Blue looked quite mad.

"Just having a lend of him Blue, no harm in it."

"Well leave him alone." He dumped hamburgers in front of two of them then turned to go get the others.

"Whoooo," they all said in unison.

"We think Blue's jealous," one of them suggested.

Poor Blue turned on his heels and grabbed the shocked Alex then turned him around and gave him a real hard smacker. Alex nearly fainted but he returned the kiss gladly I think.

"Now you lot lay off, he's taken." He stormed back into the kitchen while the guys giggled and nudged themselves winking then roared with laughter. Poor Alex just stood there suspended in time.

"Well are you gonna help me or not Alex?" Blue shouted from the cafe. He snapped out of it and smiled at me.

"Coming right away sir." He turned on his heels smiling.

That led to another roaring time on the table. That afternoon Blue moved his things into Alex's bedroom. I don't think it was until they went for a midnight stroll that the friendship was consummated but they blushed and smiled through another day at the cafe. Rita was singing under her breath. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face and every time she looked at me she giggled.

Evan's shop got a little busier that day and he was run off his feet handing out advice and suggestions so it looks like he won't be hitting the beach until this afternoon. Poor Evan, I felt like wiping his brow for him.

Around three he closed the doors and put his gone surfing sign up and I giggled at Alex's face when Evan kissed me then grabbed Blue.

"You could learn how to surf Alex."

"I could too, couldn't I?"

"Go on Alex, I can handle it from here but be back by six for the dinner rush," Rita yelled from the cafe. I grabbed the sandwich box, which I got a hefty discount on and walked with him down the beach. He had put on a very revealing pair of speedos and I watched his firm buns as they fought to release themselves from the thin fabric. He was a stunning looking young man, his shape was awesome but not as good as Evan's.

When we arrived I put Ayden in the shade where he started playing with the tip truck I had hidden last week under our shady tree. Alex decided he would go for a swim, much to my surprise he did it so elegantly and out by the breakers I knew one pair of eyes were on him. All hell broke loose soon after that; he was happily splashing around in the water when a red faced, angry looking Blue paddled up.

They argued but I could barely make out what was said. Alex was fuming when he returned, he didn't say anything just grabbed his towel and stormed off, but before he left he turned and winked at me.

"It's because Blue thought he looked feminine in his speedos, us guys don't wear them," Horse said as he grabbed for his third sandwich.

"I thought he looked nice, all bum and cock, yeah it was nice."

"Den!" I got a stern word again from Evan as he walked up to us. I sort of giggled at his face.

"Hi bub, want a sandwich?"

He picked Ayden up who was telling him something but poor Evan couldn't make it out."

"He wants to play with his truck."

"Oh and how do you know that?"

"He's telling you, you don't listen Evan, you've got saltwater in your ears again." I smirked.

Blue arrived not looking too happy but he shut up as he plowed through one of Rita's sangers.

The boys went out again and Evan kissed me and played with my nipples before he left, he was trying to turn me on, the prick.

After returning chubby bubby to his jail in the lounge room, I gave Rita her empty basket back. She nodded and looked Alex's way who was looking very sullen and upset.

"I'm going to have to read the riot act to those two." She giggled and nudged me. I laughed as I turned the sign on the Surf shop to open.

Around six Blue came storming up the track, all muscle and attitude he dumped his board and stepped under the enclosed shower, when he finished he went to Alex's room and changed into board shorts and a tank. At nineteen Blue was a poster boy for surfing, his curly sun bleached hair was awesome but in the cafe he tied it up into a man bun. I looked out the window and I could see him pointing at Alex's body, he's not going to let this go. The fight went from the porch to the kitchen to the bedroom; then Blue stormed out and barged into the shop. He looked through the board shorts and tanks and picked three of each then ripped the tags off and glared at me; what the fuck did I do?

"Tell Evan to put these on my account, I'll pay him at the end of the week. He then stormed out and pushed the clothes into Alex's arms. I detected a smile on Alex's face, that little bugger, it was all deliberate I bet.

Later on I sidled up to him and whispered, "You're good, very, very good Alex."

"You ain't seen nothing yet Den; tomorrow I learn how to surf, guaranteed."

He laughed and Blue glared at him, but I also saw love in his eyes, he was hooked big time.

It was a slow night but Rita had orders for twenty hamburgers and chips to be delivered down to the beach, the boys had lit a fire and were having their take on a beach party.

"Grab a blanket and a bottle of wine bubs, I'll let you play with my nipples under it." He stared at me, I get that a lot from him.

"Okay," he said slowly as I closed up the shop. Ayden was dumped in with Rita who dutifully sat him in a high chair then fed him veggies. Then we grabbed the many orders and walked down to the beach. The guys were pleased to see us and quickly pilfered the rolls from the bags. The fire wasn't big but it was welcoming as our group expanded. I started writing orders on my phone then sent them to Rita, someone mentioned they had their hamburgers delivered so another fifteen orders were sent. Poor Rita, I hope she doesn't get too busy up there.

I was lying between Evan's legs just resting my head on his chest and his boner didn't go unnoticed.

"Poofters," I heard it coming from a kid who was no more than fifteen, little smart arse, it wasn't called for. The guys also heard it and started in on him. They picked him up and dutifully dumped him in the surf. I heard a lot of, "Fuck off asshole, don't come back ya little fukker, yeah fuck off." The kid was last seen running towards the caravan park.

"Thanks guys," Evan said.

"Your welcome buddy." Tiny said.

It didn't faze me one bit, one thing about living on the beach is that everything that should have been done yesterday was done next week. That's how relaxed we were. The holidaymakers were actually pretty nice but there's always one asshole. It wasn't long after two very ordinary looking fellas came storming into the camp.

"Which one of you lot dumped my kid in the surf?" The whole five of them stood up towering over the men.

"You tell your foul mouthed brat to stay out of this end of the beach and if we catch him here again he will get another dunking."

"I'll have you up for this, it's called child abuse mate."

"He's not a kid, mate, he's a thorough little asshole, he started it so we finished it. If you would like to take it to court you can have my address, I'm a lawyer and everyone here heard his disgusting comments, there are ladies present. If I was you I would go wash his foul little gob out with soap." It was Evan talking now.

"Is that right?"

"Right sir, come up to the cafe in the morning I'll give you my business card." And if Evan doesn't take the job on, I will.

"I'm a queen's council so you can have my card too, I'll defend these boys to the hilt. Go kick your son's ass and make him apologize," the guy who was a random said. I looked at him and it was one of Lindsay's friends, he smiled at me and I gave him a nod.

Blue and Alex had turned up with the orders and were listening.

"If it's the kid I think it is, you can add stealing to that charge too mate, we just caught him trying to rifle through Rita's handbag."

"What?" one if the men screamed.

"I'll kill the little bastard." They stormed off "I leant over to Blue and whispered, "Is that true?"

"Yep, just caught him red handed, Ayden frightened him, kid about fifteen, brownish hair, freckles."

"That's him." I chuckled.

The night turned out pretty good and as it got colder I pulled the blanket up and Evan played with my nipples.

Blue and Alex kept it low key but as we tracked home leaving the guys to sleep on the beach, we heard noises coming from the bushes.

"Alex, ooh Alex."

We giggled the rest of the way and me thinks Blue was getting his knob polished.

I popped my head into Rita's where Ayden was dead to the world in her spare cot.

"Leave him here Den, go get some sleep, I'm ready for bed too." She looked exhausted.

"Where are the boys?" I looked at her and sort of giggled.

"Somewhere in the bushes, two thumbs up Rita."

The next day I went to pick Ayden up and I didn't go into shock this time, I just picked him up and held him and his eyes had changed, only slightly but enough for me to notice. I felt his forehead and he was hot.

"He's sick Rita, what do I do for a fever?"

"No he's not Den, let me feel."

"Oh, he is a little warm love, baby aspirin and keep him cool, maybe a cool bath."


I put the pill into his juice bottle and he nursed on it until it was all gone, he must have been thirsty.

"What's up Den?" it was Evan.

"Fever and his eyes have changed."

He stroked bubs while I poured water over him to try and cool him down. Not long after while getting him to lie down the crying started. I lay on the floor with him and commiserated with him and he was telling me something but I couldn't make it out. He was naked and I had turned the fans on, in between sobs he talked to me. I agreed with him wholeheartedly, being sick and miserable is a bitch.

Evan didn't go surfing but hung around the house occasionally talking to him and wiping him down with a cool cloth. He eventually exhausted himself and went to sleep so I listened to his chest but there were no noises so I figured it was just a twenty-four-hour bug. Later I went to get coffee and was met by five burly guys who were eating sandwiches.

"How is the little fella Den?" Word travels fast.

"I think it's a twenty-four-hour thing, he's miserable but sleeping finally." I was about to go into Rita's when Tiny said, "Do you want me to have a look at him Den, I did four years of medicine?" Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Well I did, where is he?"

"On the floor in the lounge thanks Tiny."

"No problem." He got up and walked into the shop through to the lounge room.

I left him to it and when he came out he was grinning.

"Twenty-four-hour bug Den, he will be right as rain when he wakes, now which moron gave him a bite of his greasy hamburger?" They all looked at each other but no one owned up.

"Sorry Den, it's too harsh for his tummy but he passed it while I pressed on his bowel. I found a clean rug and have wiped him up so he's good to go."

Then he looked at the guys again.

"Morons; he's a baby, babies eat baby food, nothing else, Rita no more chips for the baby."

"Okay doctor Tiny," I heard coming from the kitchen.

Rita wasn't too concerned and I guess neither was I but his little tummy must have hurt. I went and checked the laundry to see what was in his stool but Tiny had rinsed it out and put it in the wash. Ayden was sleeping peacefully again and the boys kidnapped Evan to go surfing. He kissed me goodbye.

"It is okay isn't it Den?"

"Sure bubs, I was about to have a lie down myself. I'm feeling a little hot so I thought I would doze in the nude with my legs spread. I thought I might maybe play with my balls until I drop off. I hope no one comes in."


"Guys I'll meet you there in half an hour." We headed for the bedroom, Evan polished me off beautifully then I did him; God my balls were happy. I didn't sleep, I just opened the shop and watched over Ayden. I had a couple of lookers and one kid bought a tank top, he counted out his loose change but he was two dollars short.

"Sir can I put it aside until my dad gives me some more money?" He was only a couple of dollars short and he was polite.

"That's enough son, and there's a free milkshake with every tank top today, you go see Rita in the cafe and tell her you bought one."

"Thanks mister, thank you." He smiled then I followed him.

"Rita I forgot to tell you, we have a special today, a free milkshake with every tank top."

"Coming up sonny, what flavor?"

"Chocolate please miss."

"Grab a seat and I'll bring it out." She winked at me.

That's the way it goes, your nice to us so we are nice to you.

Ayden was stirring and didn't know whether to cry or smile so I got him to smile as I gently washed him down again. His eyes were normal but then he wanted to get up, no rest for the sick I see. I managed a singlet, that's all he would have so he crawled through the shop to Rita's and the last I saw of him, the kid was talking to him at a table. There was my Ayden, almost naked trying to have a conversation with him, I ordered coffee.

"Where are the boys Rita?"

"Down on the beach Den, Blues giving Alex surfing lessons." She smirked.

"He's good that kid of yours, very good."

I didn't think Blue would hand Alex over to just anyone to teach him, I think the pleasure is going to be all his and I was very happy for them.

The kid left thanking me again, he had put his new tank on and looked very smart, I think he's going to be a wave chaser. Evan came in around six and was waterlogged because there were only small waves today. I asked how Alex was going and he laughed.

"Dirty little sods, they moved well away from the pack and if my eyes weren't deceiving me Blue was doing some humping while lying on Alex's back, but I could be wrong." I laughed.

"You had a few sales, two reels and a tank top."

"Cool, thanks babe." He gave me a quick kiss then must have thought about it so gave me a proper whopper.

"How's Ayden?"

"In helping Rita make pies I think."

"Oh, do you want coffee?" He's up to something.

"Just tell me."


"Just tell me what's up then I can make a well informed response."

"Can I go surf Cow's for two days, it's dead here?"



"Yes go for three days, now where's my coffee?"

"You're the best Den, just the best." He kissed me again.

"Well that's three days so I will want three fucks before you leave, right."


"When do you want to go by the way?"


"Let's have coffee then we better get stuck into it."

"Gulp." He grinned.

I had planted some rose bushes when we got here along the front of the verandah and they are now bursting with color. Nearby we found Ayden giving orders from his high chair, Rita was answering him with silly things like, "yes boss, no boss, whatever you say boss." She was laughing into her pies.

"Den, Evan, try one of these and tell me what you think."

She handed us both a very nice looking pie.

"I'll get your coffee in a minute."

They were awesome, chunky, rich meat pies, where does this woman find the recipes? "I made it up, no additives just pure beef, I could charge a little extra but I think they will walk out the door."

"Of course they will Rita, they are so bloody delicious," Evan said.

"Want another one?" Rita puffed out.

"Yes please."

They were so filling we couldn't finish the second one. Ayden was now sitting on Evan's knees and was grabbing for the crust when Rita whisked them away.

"Not for you bubs, here's your veggies instead." She handed a dish to Evan and Ayden's lip dropped so I put a little tomato sauce on it and he was happy again. He started to pee so Evan pointed him at the rose garden, that will help them grow. We laughed and so did Ayden, he thought it was so funny. The guys came up hauling a couple of others with them and Evan placed Ayden on Horse's lap and said, "Feed him." Horse gently held Ayden in his huge hands and fed him while Ayden leant back and stared at him.

"He should be right now, the blockage has passed Den." Tiny leant over toward me and I said, "Good, his eyes are back to normal, he's good now so thank you for the help."

"His eyes?"

I explained Ayden's eyes to Tiny who sat there in amazement, he had never heard of it either; the boys were just as interested.

"No hamburgers for you lot today, we have free samples of my new pies." Rita brought out a tray of pies and the boys were onto them immediately. They disappeared in a flurry of lip licking and gob-smacking minutes.

"Hey Rita these are sensational; can I order three dozen each fortnight off you for my shop in Longford?" Everyone looked at Donk.

"I own the tea rooms in Longford, so what?" The guys sniggered trying to hide their faces.

"It's good honest work, the missus runs it." Oh that's okay then, the boys relaxed.

"What was that Mr.Donk?" Rita emerged with coffee and milkshakes.

"Can I make a standing order for three dozen of your gourmet pies fortnightly, someone will pick em up?"


"They are real good Rita, not like the crap we serve up now, how about it, give me a price? I'll let the missus know."

Poor Rita, I think she's going to be busy through winter too. She looked at me, I shrugged.

"Three dozen a fortnight." I wiggled my finger.

"We will pay you cash Rita, that way nobody has to know about it." Donk was serious, these boys amaze me sometimes. I looked around the pack and wondered who else is hiding secrets, but I left it alone?

Next: Chapter 13

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