Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 8, 2023


Chapter 118

We walked through the front entrance of Susan and Patrick's hotel and were greeted by Rob and Millie, the smells were so inviting but we couldn't get near their counters for customers, so we both waved and moved into the dining room.

A gorgeous young woman showed us to our table that was already loaded up for afternoon tea. Heaps of delicate sandwiches and cakes and two steaming mugs of coffee awaited us.

"Boy, the service here is fast." I laughed at Rita.

"They heard you both coming Den, this is their take on a pop-up afternoon tea, and I think I will join you both if you don't mind." Susan sat with us as one of her girls placed serviettes on our knees and an extra coffee appeared. We thanked them and they went off to attend to some more customers that just walked in off the street, they took one look at our beautiful table and ordered afternoon tea for four.

"Looks like we are doing afternoon teas now." Sue giggled.

"This place can do anything baby; it's pulsating with magic." I smiled at her face. Of course, there's no show without punch and he arrived with his friend moments later. Somehow our table got larger and two adorable children were sitting with us licking their lips. Two milkshakes appeared in both their fine gold and blue covered plastic goblets.

"What took you so long sons?"

"Wes has to brush our camel's dah." He giggled as he eyed off the tea cakes.

"Okay but just two then I want you to try the sandwiches, they look delicious."

They nodded their understanding but took ages to decide which cakes to have, they were all so enticing, one of the waiters came by and said.

"May I suggest one of those and one of them sirs."

The boys nearly fell off their seats giggling but they did take his advice and slowly tasted the offerings with big grins on their faces.

A crowd of boys came in they were pretty pumped and loud as they made their way over to us. Evan kissed my neck and chairs were pulled over as the table grew and the food multiplied. Luckily we were in a spot that wasn't quite open to the other diners.

"How did you know where we were?" I looked at Evan.

"Trident dobbed you in, so we got him to drop us off here." He smiled.

"Well there goes our quiet time my lovely, I must have a word with him."

"I don't mind Den. I like the boys being around us they make me feel safe." Rita nibbled on a sandwich. Patrick appeared from the kitchen and they all started talking about surfing. I could hear Trident's chuckles but I couldn't see him. When the kids finished their meal they headed for the playpen, a girl appeared dressed as a fairy and started doing magic tricks. I knew my son could do a lot more but to his credit, he enjoyed the simple ones she did without incident.

"What are you going to do about Cyn Den?"

"Nothing Rita, she has magic she just has to feel it so I will leave it up to Tony to show her. Or as her queen, you could show her."

"I will send them a teacher." She giggled. When I looked back at the table our afternoon tea had been moved towards us and the boys were getting their steaks and seafood delivered from the kitchen. I had a few of Evans fries then I got an image for another painting. We had a great time at the hotel, Patrick was coerced to come home with us and have a surf and Trident got us all back in an instant. My sons were full and sleepy they have had a big day. I put them to bed and then had a nap with them, I dreamt of Camels and Horses on our beach the boys were riding them and Birdies grin was the biggest. I did wonder about Brian, would he kind of get jealous over this?

We were out for the count for at least an hour then the folk kids were hovering as I opened my eyes.

"The prince must get up now royalness," Peter said.


"Because we haves some things to do."

"What things Peter?"

"Eats ice creams your worships." He giggled and my boys woke up. I kissed and cuddled both of them as I heard my big boy's screams coming from the beach. I have been very slack since my magic has come back so I decided to start on that painting. A table full of seafood and my boys in all their glorious shorts and singlets eating it.

Ayden and Birdy ran off and I opened my storage room to get a blank canvas. When I got to my position on the porch I did nothing but draw, I wasn't trancing but my hands were going at a hundred miles an hour, what I imagined it drew. I looked at the drawing and it was shaping up to be a winner, I will sell this one. I covered it up and went to find more coffee, Bubble was at the ready with a large pot.

"A small one will be okay Bubble."

"Not really Mr golden, forever, and now divine one king, your men are coming." He smirked and wobbled his hips as he curtsied.

I grabbed the pot and he followed me down the porch with the cups just as Nut's and Trip with Evan came through the shop.

Evan kissed me then he had his coffee and a good feel, then when he finished he turned his gone surfing sign around to open.

"I wanted to have a drink before I did that Den."

"Oh, why?"

"Because every time I open the shop nowadays it gets busy, I had better call Mel."

"You're going to be that busy tonight?"

"Yes 'that' busy." He looked at me like I should know these things.

My boy was on the small bike Rita had bought him for his birthday, I noticed he had been using it to get to the cafe lately. He parked it up against the easel then climbed up on my lap and faced me, I could feel something was wrong maybe he needs to consult my magic. His head fell onto my chest and his deep heavy breathing arrived soon after.

"He's looking into the past sire, he's thought about something and wants to fix it."

"What Trident, I don't want him to do that, why doesn't he ask me?"

"You sure do have a lot of questions for someone that's suppose to know everything sire." He giggled then shimmered into human form.

He sat on the other side of the table and the boys couldn't take their eyes off him, he was a dead set spunk after all. More coffee arrived and he took the largest cup and a big chocolate doughnut.

"What's he looking for?"

"Someone he needs to find sire. Please let him do this it's very important for his work."

"Okay so long as it doesn't hurt him."

"It won't sire, it's just a minor search at the moment the deeper one will come when your both asleep."

"He can't get into my spells can he?"

"No sire your protections stop him from finding out a few private things."

"But he's already more powerful than me."

"Yes and no sire, some things are still hidden from him, don't worry I have my eye on it all." With that he pulled his powerful leg up and started stretching it with his arms, I had a sly look to see if anything had popped out the leg of his shorts. Unfortunately, there was nothing. I also felt him smile, he was right, I am a pervert. I shook my head and pretended nothing was going on.

As sure as there is a sun in the sky Evans predictions had come true, and the shop was inundated with customers so much so that he did ring Mel, and Trident got her into the shop pronto. Nut's and Trip helped and I could hear the ding of the cash register going faster. My son woke up and was immediately surrounded by his folk friends.

"Did you find it?"

"Yes dah, mes finds cause I'm good at it."

"Good, now what do you do about the problem?"

"Nothings dah, you fixes in time. He comes dah."

"Who son?"

"Can't tells, but he comes backs."

"Is he bad?"

"No dah he's very good and good for Ayden's world,"

"Got any clues for your old dah?"

"No clue dah." He then wanted his dinner.

"Nanny burga peese."

"Coming up oh bottomless pit one." I heard her giggle.

Trident moved to our sofa where he popped in a DVD to watch. Ayden went with him and it looked like they were having a deep and meaningful conversation. When they finished they ordered popcorn and watched their Blues Bells beach win; again. I went to help the guys in the shop, people were stocking up with Christmas presents and I heard a lot of them talking about going to the chemist shop tomorrow.

I refilled the watch and sunglasses cabinets, as soon as I did some ladies rushed over and started shopping in earnest. There were no folk amongst them and if there was I couldn't tell. I rang up many expensive items and then I heard Nut's call out.

"Evan you are needed out the front, the jet skis have arrived."

"What?" I looked at Evan.

"Den, I did so well with the others I bought ten more, I got a great deal." He wiggled his eyebrows

Ayden was jumping up and down as he watched them being unloaded from a semi-trailer. I was really busy so I couldn't watch him, but Trident was holding him at bay, their movie all forgotten for now. I did notice a big Blue one disappear as soon as it hit the car park.

"More money for your knight sire and lots of fun for the human me." Trident laughed as I heard an engine roar into life coming from the beach. My son was screaming into the wind because they apparently were going at it full throttle in just an instant. I felt happy inside and when I looked in the cash register it was jammed with fifty dollar notes. I took all the big money out and stuffed it in my pocket.

It slowed down at dinner time and we all had a breather. Evan had displayed five of his ski's out the front and he was selling two with the help of Trips expertise, I didn't think they would last the night at this rate. Cyn arrived she was looking stunning and Ab's was awesome, she had him wear his tight black football shorts with a fairy singlet, it was lumps for miles in those tight shorts.

Ab's was unaware of his public display which pleased some of our friends.

"Do you like them Den?"

"Ahh, yes." I slowly answered.

"Good, so do I." She muffled a giggle.

She is such a tease, and I adjusted my seat so I could have a good view of Ab's goods.

Mel was next to receive a gift from me, I moved next to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, she had loads of magic within. I whispered in her ear.

"Talk to Rita about magic and how to use it." Her eyes shot open and she understood what I was saying.

"Please Den, can you do the same for Katie, she's feeling a bit left out."

"I will fix that when she arrives, but between you and me she has unlimited magic already."

I didn't have to fix Kate, she glowed when she got out of her car and walked up to the porch, even Rita was impressed with her green and white colors. Kate being an archangel will have almost unlimited powers if let loose, but for now, she's under my controlling spells like the other six. I did see her eyes sparkle when Donk arrived and kissed her as he had never kissed her before, the sparks were flying and everyone at the table saw them, we had a lot of love in our hearts for those two.

Evan got busy so he didn't drink and Tony and Joe came by and he and Cyn had a standoff sort of night. She did lean over and whisper to me.

"Tomorrow we will get it done."

"Get what done Cyn?"

"You know bloody well what Curtis; at the moment I'm bluffing Tony into thinking I have plenty of magic." She grinned.

"You do Cyn, loads of it," I said a little too loudly. She nodded her head and smirked at Tony.

Little David was in with Spud and Ali and to top our night off Shan, Michelle and Tiny arrived in the one car. I nearly wept with emotions when they held hands. Shan kept winking at me and the boys started getting themselves up to speed on his miraculous release.

My son and Trident came back and he buried his happy face into his Pa's legs; he wants something. Evan picked him up and kissed him, then he carried him around for a bit while he closed the shop up.

"I will put him to bed tonight Den." I thought they would be talking about jet skiing for some time tonight. Ayden was buttering Evan up to get his own ride. I didn't care what he wanted but he's not having one of those things, it's too dangerous, he's too small and too light to handle one of those beasts.

I popped my head in to say goodnight to my son, he and Evan were still talking so I kissed and hugged him then as I walked out I heard.

"What color did you decide on son?" I went cold.

My man crawled into bed not long after, and I stared him down.

"What Den?"

"Seriously you have to ask me that? you gave him a jet ski?"

"Well he's the golden prince Den, nothing can harm him, and anyway there is a smaller less powerful one I snuck in the back yard for him." He smiled then kissed me and I answered.

"Oh I forgot, what color did he pick?"

"Blue of course Den, but I made him pay for it."

"Oh?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"Yep, ten dollars I finally squeezed out of him, I'll return it to his piggy bank tomorrow." He chuckled.

"While we are on the subject of money bubs, there's a wad of it in my back pocket, we can count it in the morning."

"The register said I was only out a few dollars Den how much have you got?"

"About nine grand give or take, Trident paid for his ski in cash."

"He didn't have to do that Den you should have stopped him."

"He's got plenty of money bubs, for eons his bank accounts haven't been touched, there are squillions in them."

"Oh my god, then he can pay."

"Move over here bubs, I want to check you're not too smelly tonight."

"Den, I don't smell at all."

"But I want to check anyway." I moved down the bed and checked my Evan out.

The next morning Ayden was jumping up and down to take delivery of his jet ski. Evan cooled him down and said it was all ready and out in the back yard. We went to have a look at it, it was a smaller sized one I felt a bit better, all Ayden was concerned about was the color it had to be the right blue.

He pestered his Pa to tow it down to the beach, and when his mates arrived they distracted him so Evan could have his breakfast and kiss me a bit.

"Pa wes have to go now's, times a wasting."

"It's already down on the beach waiting for you son." His eyes lit up and he minimized and shot like a skyrocket towards the beach.

"His mates moved it while he had his burger." He smiled at me then kissed me on the lips gently. I had sexual menace on my mind, he had the beach on his and wanted to go and see how Ayden handled the ski. I reluctantly followed him down to the shore. I could hear his screams in my head but I couldn't see him he was so far out.

His fairy mates were having a party on it when he came in, all I could hear was Ayden's giggles and the little guys yelling.

"More, more!"

I dropped down beside my new tree and watched him go up and down the shore giving the kids rides, Birdy appeared and it was all over rover, his mates forgotten as they went far out to get in a good run. Evan said it wasn't a powerful one but I thought by the looks of it, it was a rocket it moved so fast.

Blue had arrived with his and Trident wasn't far behind, they had raced up and down the ocean, then the boys arrived with theirs, they didn't have to launch them, they just appeared.

In all the confusion I could see the folk on their tiny ones, they outmaneuvered everyone and yet another party had started.

I was feeling quite special when Ayden took me for a ride, I screamed like a girl as he tried to scare me with his moves. He's forgotten I am a king and nothing scares me, except heading for the shore full throttle. I screamed then fell off into the water to try and soften the impact. The guys laughed so much I cracked the shits and waded off to a more civilized part of the beach. In doing that it bought Evan closer, and when he finally got next to me I stood up and pushed him off his ski. We fooled around in the water then he nicked off leaving me on my own.

When I was exiting the water, I felt a stabbing pain in my left side, it was enough to make me drop onto the hot sand. My head thumped as the pain got worse. I calmed down and started easing it and was winning until Trident appeared in his human form and pushed me onto my back. He placed his hands on my chest I could feel his light spells working and shortly after there was no trace of any pain. Thank god Evan hadn't seen it he would have gone mental.

"What's happening?"

"He's seeking you out sire, this isn't good news. I felt him touching your heart but he can't control you or your bodily functions; I think he's testing his powers on you."

"Shit, it was Evans archangel appearance that's bought him back, what can we do?"

"Sit and wait for him to make the first move."

"I think he just did my friend." I rubbed my left side.

"He's not sure sire, he has to be certain that we are all here before he makes his first attack." I felt Tridents excitement, why would he be excited?

"Come with me, we need to make plans sire." He transported me to a house I hadn't been in before, Tridents home. It was full of technology a huge screen TV sat on one wall, a popcorn maker some pinball machines. It was a veritable man cave, he plopped me down onto the sofa which was the size of a king-sized bed.

"Sire please don't get all crazy over this, we need him to show himself so we can destroy him, he will come alone thinking we don't have a lot of magic left, he took a lot of it off the folk when he disappeared, they were left with hardly any magic. Destroying him will keep whoever's left behind in the dark dimension's locked there forever. They need him to escape to make a pathway, we need to destroy him before that happens."

"But how, how do we do this?"

"You will call two angels sire; it will take two to destroy him. The others combined will do it faster but all together they might do some collateral damage along the way. So we call Michaelides and Kate. Also, you will strip him of all his magic and return it to the folk"

"Really? why Kate?"

"She's earth fairy and the most senior, and a very powerful Archangel, she was made by the creator to guard over Rita's folk, and is also a killing machine when on the loose."

"What is her real name?"

"I won't tell you, you don't control her Rita does."

"Where do we go from here?"

"We watch the prince, he's been working on this problem for months and is getting near to the answer he seeks."

"Ayden?" I was annoyed he was dabbling into the dark world, it horrified me to think he even would be doing that.

"He's safe, remember nothing can harm him, he moves amongst them like a light breeze, undetected and covered in magical runes."


"He's the golden prince and he is also the great one, the creator if you like. As I said there are many gods in many dimensions, and I did tell you the creator put a little of himself into Ayden."

"So he's really not my son then?"

"He sure is sire, he's just being neighborly by hosting the great one's secrets and maybe his keys for a time," I remembered the great one he couldn't harm anyone good or bad, that's why he made the Archangel's.

"So Ayden has held the keys to Hades all this time?" He ignored me again.

"Sire he is already warning you, he will tell you when he comes. He will help activate nanny Rita's killing angel who will side with yours and destroy him. This is already written within my runes sire, we will win this battle, we will all survive. People may change and some will stay the same but the peaceful era is coming."

I didn't understand his gobble gook talk but I did remember Ayden's words. "He comes."

"He said 'he comes'."

"Yes, he's been keeping his eyes out for any disturbances, he would have felt your pain today and he will be looking for any rips in the atmosphere or wormholes out there."

That's right Trident, confuse me even more.

He tried to calm me down by asking me if I wanted to make out with him, he could teach me how to kiss a lot better. I willed myself back onto our porch. I don't have time for his nonsense; well not today anyway.

After I set up my canvas I was sitting alone at my table, then I folded my arms and rested my chin on them just staring at Birdy's carvings, the more I stared the more they moved around until I saw two magnificent Archangel's doing battle with a dark shadow, one was Michaelides and the other was Gabriella, it shocked me for a second I always thought Gabriel was a man, is it possible that the Archangels can change sex at will? I panicked because I had to warn Kate, she will be scared shitless if she's not prepared.

A hand was placed on my shoulder when I finished trancing and a fresh pot of coffee had been placed in front of me. Rita kissed my head and said.

"Don't worry Den, I have it all covered."


"I have it covered, you did notice a big change in Kate's aura last night didn't you?"

"Yes, my lovely she has unlimited magic."

"I have released it to her, she will need it for the confrontation."

"And does she know about it?"

"No Den, she will only realize her full power when she is released alongside Evan." She smiled gently at me.

"She is mine to use and she will be magnificent in all her colors." She sat down and sighed.

"It will be good to see her again, she's been a little lost over the years but now when she comes back she will be bloody awesome my friend."

"Why was she lost?"

"The last battle nearly annihilated all her magic, the dark angel took most of it from her. She went into a deep depression as you have seen with her down here, she had lost all hope of finding it again. I believe Ayden has fixed her soul and made her stronger and better, he called on the great one to restore all her magic. He needs her to be strong because he doesn't want anything to happen to his Pa or us."

"How do you know all this, my friend?"

"We talk sometimes." She shrugged her shoulders then smiled.

"Why doesn't he talk like that with me?"

"He adores you, so he won't worry you."

"And here I am thinking I'm the one protecting him when its the other way around after all."

"Well don't worry about it Den, when the time comes, he will be by your side."

We sat for ages not saying anything the more I sat the more I felt earth magic seeping through the table and floorboards, I occasionally got a whiff of rose oil, that would be Evans mum calming me down.

"Dah!!" He came screaming through the house and stopped in his tracks. He took one look at the both of us and slowly climbed up onto Rita's knees then touched both our cheeks.

"It's okays Dah and Nanny's, Ayden's got this okay?" I crashed into his little body and felt sad for my boy's enormous amount of courage when I had none. It hurt me to think I could do almost anything except being a man, a man that protects his family at any cost.

Evan kissed my neck and I got up to go for a rest when Ayden went with Rita, I guess they have war plans to make. I stripped off and crawled into bed I was mentally exhausted. Evan wasn't far behind, he bought two coffees in and tried to get me to have a conversation with him. I wasn't in the mood and I didn't want the bloody coffee either. He stroked my back until I drifted off to sleep, or did he put me to sleep, another one looking after me.

I must have slept for hours because my man wasn't in with me when I woke up. I looked at my watch and saw it was six o' clock. He must have opened the shop because I can hear people talking. I pulled my clothes on and sat on the bed for a moment, after gathering my wits I walked out to give him a hand. He was serving over in the corner when I took up my position behind the counter. His eyes never left mine as he explained where all the best fishing spots were down here to a new customer.

"Are you okay Den?"

"Yes bubs, just a moment, it's gone now, and thank you."

I wanted to kiss him but the shop was too busy, I will do it later.

By seven, people were drifting off to dine or start their dinners, we were tired and Evan locked the door to the shop. We ordered dinner and for some reason, my crew was very sober tonight, maybe they smell something in the air, their auras seemed to be a lot brighter.

By nine Ayden had been put to bed and I was showering. It didn't take Evan that long to move in behind me. He soaped up my back and slowly ran his hands all over it.

"I meant what I said Den." He whispered in my ear.

"What did you say bub?"

"Evan loves...." He didn't finish it, I did.


"Yes baby, Evan loves Den, and when my Den is troubled so is Evan. You don't have to tell me what's going on baby, but please don't shut me out when I at least try to comfort you."

"I'm sorry bubs, it's been a big day for all of us and I will never forget the dusty table at your mum's place and the words you wrote in it." I turned around and gave him a deep satisfying kiss, he held me for ages I calmed down then came back to earth.

The next morning I had an urge to go see Kate, so after my men went down to their beach I drove over to the shops. I could see the book shop had some renovations done to it but there was no sign of Maggie or Kate, her shop was closed too.

So I called in on Anne to have a baby cuddle. Emma was growing fast she was standing on her own and had been taking small steps, but when she saw Ayden she started giggling so much she slid down Anne's leg and bum danced over to him. He started talking to her in fairy and she looked like she understood him, even nodding at parts of the conversation.

"How's Mike and Jack?"

"Good Den, they are out fishing Jack bought a small tinny (boat) finally."

"Good something for himself at last." I smiled as I hugged her.

She nodded her understanding then opened some biscuits to have with our coffee.

"And Mike is everything okay with him?"

"Yes Den, he's a very different young man nowadays he's thinking about chucking his medical ambitions and helping Jack with his business."

"You won't let him do that will you?" It was sort of a question.

"Never going to happen Den, Jacks talking to him now, and anyway he doesn't need more staff, the folk have more or less taken the business into their own hands, Jack does very little now except for your shadow boxes."

"Good, if you need any help with him just let me know, but I do know one thing he's going to be a brilliant doctor one day, that's for sure." I knew that because I had done a painting with him and his parents he had his graduation scroll in his hand.

"Where's Mavis this morning?"

"Still in bed, I think she's living the dream down here and I think she's discovered a little magic, so she's been trying to work out how to use it." She giggled.

"She will eventually get there Anne, and you?"

She blushed.

"I have all the magic I can withstand at the moment; miracles are happening all around me." She rubbed her tummy.

"No!" She had surprised me with just a simple gesture.

"I think so, it's just a feeling at the moment but I have felt it before."

Ayden had been listening he got off the floor and started walking over, his hand went to Anne's tummy and he nodded his head.

"Yes pregnants, a new little bubby boy."

Anne almost screamed and kissed my boy endlessly.

"Thank you, thank you bubs, that's just the best news."

"Names Chrisopper." He smiled.

"And already named too, I love it, it was my father's name. Yes, we will call him Christopher." Tears arrived and she hugged me and my son forever. Mavis came looking for coffee and we told her the good news she stared at me and said.

"Well looks like I'm about to get a whole lot busier Den, any ideas where I can get some more cash around here?"

I started laughing because truth be known between her and Jack they have plenty of cash to splash at the moment.

"No." I chuckled.

"I can't wait to tell Jack and Mike they will be so happy." Anne joined in.

I thought about transporting her to the boat but thought better of it, in her state she might land in the ocean. I received a mental image from Ayden, it was Christopher at about three weeks old. I will paint that when I get some time. Then another image, it was his pa and Christopher surfing together. Chris's hair was so long it matched Evans.

After we arrived home I couldn't contain myself any longer and asked Ayden who Christopher was. He thought he might just be the Easter bunny then giggled all the way down to the beach; he kills me sometimes. Later that night I had a thought after I had started the babies drawing, it niggled at me that Ayden had sent me that second painting of Evan and the baby.

We were working up to a very nasty night of lovemaking, frotting away when suddenly I asked Evan the question.

"Bubs, you never told me your father and mothers names, what were they called?"

"Den, not now."

"Pleeeases." I begged.

"Chris and Maureen; there are you satisfied?" I smiled because I now understood what Ayden was on about, I won't tell Evan it might be too much for him.

"He's coming back, Anne is pregnant and Ayden named the baby Christopher." Oh shit, me and my big mouth.

He stared at me then his tears started he pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear.

"I know."

"You know?"

"Yes, Den he told me he would be returning very soon yesterday while out surfing. He didn't say whose baby he was though."

The frotting had stopped and Evan moved onto his back and added.

"Give me five minutes." He rubbed his stone and went to sleep. Jesus Curtis, your timing is way off, I said to myself as I continued my rubbing without a partner.

Next: Chapter 120

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