Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Ayden's Eyes 116

My eyes were getting worse and some days I had to lay down and rest them they ached so much, I had better do something about it soon otherwise I might go blind. I really thought I was painting too much and it was affecting my eyesight. I made an appointment with Tiny at his surgery. He was surprised to see me because anything to do with illness he deals with it down at the shack.

I told him what had been happening and he had me read the eye chart, I felt I did okay he didn't feel the same way.

"Just wait and I'll call in my eye doctor Den, and get a second opinion."

I hoped with all my heart she could fix me because I couldn't bear not being able to see my Evan and Ayden.

She did a few things then nodded her head, then she placed her hand on my eyes I felt a tingle.

"I can't fix it, doctor, its powerful magic is resisting me, let me call my assistant maybe the both of us can adjust them properly." The pretty lady said after she sang her fairy song into the air. Another doctor arrived and they went through the same procedure.

"We are sorry our king, but something is stopping us from mending your eyes, it's actually causing them to shut down. We are confused because you should be able to fix from within."

"I don't know how my friends."

"You do our golden king but you have forgotten, we will talk to your father or the little prince.'

'No! not Ayden he's not to know about it, it will only worry him,"

"As you wish our majesty then we will consult with the kings." They disappeared. Tiny sat and stared at me for a moment then said.

"Den I don't know what to do really your eyes are almost gold in color at the moment, do you think maybe they are turning fairy, maybe you're turning fairy right in front of us." I didn't want to know because if I was turning fairy I wouldn't know what to do anyway.

"Well if your father can't help then I'm stumped," poor Tiny he can't fix me and I heard the disappointment in his voice.

"Maybe he can't but I know someone that can, Trident can you come here please." I instantly felt his presence.

"Can you tell me what's happening?"

"You are changing my king, you have to stay calm and take it as it comes."

"What do you mean by changing?"

"You need to see your real colors my lord, then you will be set free."

"What the hell does that mean? elaborate Trident." It was a command, not a question.

"You only see human color not folk color; your eyes are adjusting to the fairy world. Its all part of the process to get you back into our world safely."

"I don't want to go there, sorry but I'm very happy to stay right here in the human world."

"You don't have a choice, my king, you must come back otherwise you will be stuck in the loop for eternity."

"Why didn't I come back with the others?"

"Because you still had things to do, paintings to create and people to help."

"So I won't be able to do that when I change into fairy?"

I heard a bellowing laugh as Trident almost buckled over.

"Sire you will be able to do that a thousand times over, your colors will change and your magic will get stronger."

"What do I have to do then?" I slumped into the chair.

"Let it take its course, the prince and the king's can't help you, you must do this on your own."

He was confusing me more and I know he could fix me in an instant, I just knew he could.

"Why don't you fix me?"

"There's no fun in that your regal gracefulness. You will be fine just relax your eyes and one day you will wake up with your true colors intact. Can I get back to my movie now?"

I looked at him I had no idea if Tiny could see him but he did stay silent.

"How long?"

"A day, a week, a few month's sires, I suggest you don't drive." He laughed again then disappeared.

"Was that our friend Den?"

"Yes he said there wasn't anything to panic about I'm changing and can't stop it, can you get someone to drive me home"

"Of course Den, let me just close up shop."

He drove Evans car back and will get someone to drive him home later we chatted on the way and he did say he was surprised that I didn't change when the rest of them came back.

I said it's because I still had things to do loose ends to tie up.

I kept opening my eyes and every time I did they hurt, Tiny went to get coffee I thanked him and went to rest them in the bedroom. I needed some alone time.

I imagined all sorts of things while I tried to have a nap and with all the worry I also imagined me with long grey hair. no color no gloss just dead grey hair.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Evan was next to me when I woke.

"How did you know?"

"Tiny said you went to see him, nothing else."

"I can't see properly, my eyes have changed and I'm changing."

"I see, what are 'we' going to do about it then?" My heart warmed.

"I don't know, Trident said to just rest my eyes until I can see my real colors, he said there's nothing to worry about." I turned in and held my Evan, with everything that's happened over the past two years you would think he would be sick to death of me. He held me and occasionally kissed me as we lay there not knowing how to proceed with my affliction.

I couldn't paint most of the time and I could hardly see to even shave, which Evan did willingly. Every time I looked at him he took my breath away, he couldn't stop looking at my eyes, he said they were so beautiful. I couldn't see what he saw because I'm just Den, nothing special just me.

My son had noticed them and he wanted to look into them all the time, I think he's going to do a write up on their progress for his test at school, maybe I will be dragged along for show and tell. I worked out that there were still a few hours in the day where I could focus and paint so decided I would do a series of the change, just so I had a record of the progress. They started off as gold flecks on the green, but by the time I got to do them they were almost gold. I didn't want to panic anyone so I started wearing a pair of Evans sunglasses, they helped me enormously, it felt like they were cooling my pupils down a bit.

"We need to close off the loose ends, my sire." Trident said one day not long after Tiny's surgery visit. We both had been sitting on the porch just chilling.

"I thought we were finished."

"No my lord, we have much more to do, can we lay down, this standing up all the time is killing my handle." He chuckled and instantly we were laying flat on my bed, I took hold of his handle and the downloading began again. He was replaying my history at a very rapid rate. I figured he was updating things that had been missed the first time, I felt like a computer chip.

We finished the whole session at a certain point in time, thank god it was fast because I didn't have time to dwell on the awful stuff.

"Is that it?"

"No sir, we need to do this several times, it's a very important part of the process; and I like laying on the bed with you." I could feel him smiling. I must get the Dwarf King to get him a soft mattress.

"Try and change sire, but don't force it just use a little magic."

"What, in here? my wings will knock the walls out."

"Do it without the wings, very gently, you have done it before, but be very subtle when you think, quiet and gentle."

I knew what he was talking about, once before I had blasted into my fairy self dripping gold everywhere, it really was a messy process for me at that awful hospital, but Evan and I had worked out if we go slow it's not so violent.

I tried to bring it on slowly and with each imaginary image I had in my head I started changing, it was a wonderful feeling and it didn't take me that long at all.

"How do I look Trident?"

"Fantastic sire, go and have a look in the mirror."

He followed me into the bathroom which immediately lit up like Times Square. I looked in the mirror and sure enough I could see my colors, I was no longer seeing black hair I was seeing multi colors, they were amazing and I could see them very clearly.

"You need some more juice."


"Uploading." He chuckled.


"You're not bright enough."

I didn't hear them arrive, but Evan and Ayden had come back from their surf, I suddenly heard a loud.

"Dah, your beautisill, Ayden's up peese mys king."

I swooped my son into my arms and his perfect tears showed me his love, he couldn't stop touching me as Evan stood nailed to the spot.

"Den you're gorgeous, my god your beautiful, your eyes." His tears started too. I turned to look once again in the mirror, my eyes were glowing emerald green so much I could see the light from them bouncing off the mirror and over walls. I have turned into the green lantern.

"What the f...?"

"Den!" He cut me off, he was standing next to me and the closer he got the brighter his azure blue eyes got until they shone like mine. What's happening here?

"Your change is rebooting your knight sire, and the golden prince I think is changing too, but he already knows he really doesn't need to." Trident said as I looked at my son's snow white and gold-tipped hair.

"So I'm bringing them back to the fairy with me."

"Yes sire looks that way, but only your knight, your son has always been folk." That threw me a little.

Ayden was talking fairy quietly into my neck, his eyes were the same as Evans they were both angels after all, and I understood every word my baby was saying. I must reward Trident for all his hard work, maybe that soft mattress will suffice for now.

All of a sudden the room went white a soft glow shone from us three and it found its way over to Trident, it covered him then lit him up.

"Thank you sire thank you my prince, and thank you to our very cool knight." He seemed to bow to us, then suddenly a flash of light emitted from my right hand and hit him fair and square on his handle.

Standing before us was a magnificent young man, his beauty made me want to cry in his presence. He looked like Blue but it wasn't him, he was Trident, and in his fairy form he was heartbreakingly beautiful. The long curly midnight blue-black hair was below his shoulders, his eyes were as green as mine and he was naked except for a blues tank top, and a gold wristwatch on his tattooed well muscled strong arm, he looked like solid iron but in the human form, he was amazing. His runes were his tattoos, they emitted a golden glow that flowed continuously over his body.

"Trident, my god you look fucking awesome," Evan whispered.

"Care to dance with me our knight?" He bowed then he chuckled that menacing guttural laugh, it suited him. I looked at Evan who still had tears in his eyes, if he wants to dance with that young hunk I hope I'm included. I looked down and his member was uncut, huge but flaccid.

"Only joking knight, I won't dance with anyone, I have too much work to do." He changed back to his iron self.

"What just happened?" I said.

"You released me, sire, I can now move around in your world with more ease, thank you my forever king, I am greatly in debited to you. Now I can touch my Blue, Alexis, and the little prince at will, and they will see me when I deem it safe to do so."

"So you've been trapped?"

"Yes and no sire, from the beginning I have been seen firstly as a wooden staff then as a fork, and now you have given me the gift of looking human. I don't know how you did it, but you have given me this precious everlasting gift, I am forever grateful to you, the other "Trident" gift was given to me by the almighty one, you have streamlined it."

Ayden hadn't stopped whispering fairy, when Trident changed he was all eyes and started talking to him quite loudly. He was talking about surfing. I know because I understood every word.

Trident practiced his new magic and kept changing back and forth, he even shortened and lengthened his hair to see what suited him the best, looking into the mirror he deemed himself quite handsome. He settled for just below his shoulders where it first started. He took Ayden in his massive arms and whispered.

"Want to surf with me my precious one?"

"Yes my Tridents peese, yes wes surfs, come on times a wasting."

"Maybe you had better put some shorts on, Horse will get mighty pissed off." I laughed.

"Thank you for the large appendage sire I always knew you were a pervert." He and Ayden disappeared and the last I heard was Tridents deep laugh alongside my sons. Evan grabbed a hold of me and we gently changed then danced until we couldn't stand up anymore. so we lay on the bathroom floor forcing the dance to go on and on until the lights exploded into a single flash, and our orgasms throbbed for many many long minutes.

"Wow." Evan finally said.

"Wow back at you bubs, that was awesome." He looked sideways at me because we still couldn't move.

"Den, your eyes are back to their original color."

"Good, they have done a lot of work today."

"How did you change Trident?"

"I don't have a clue. I know I was thinking I wanted to give him a gift for helping me but I didn't count on that amazing one. I can get him to dance with us if you like." He laughed.

"That would be wonderful my love, but I think he's Blue and Alex's to play with, and I don't mean sex slave either." I wondered if what Evan said was true, and I also wondered if they would include us at some stage.

We both showered and everything returned back to normal, I had one more squirt in me but Evan grabbed a towel and avoided my dick then he slipped on his sexy stretchy shorts.

"Let's go down to the beach and see if they are surfing our waves Den."

"Awww, but I wanted some more," I whined.

"I know that's why I'm changing the subject." He ran out the back door, I watched his awesome ass tighten up like Fort Knox.

We ended up on the beach but there was no sign of Trident or my son, I guess they are treasure hunting again.

"Who was the young dark-haired bloke with Ayden, Den?" Horse asked as I passed by.

"A friend of your son's Horse."


I left him standing there I had an urgent need to paint all of a sudden. Trident in his fairy/human state, oh boy am I going to enjoy this, no shorts I think, after all, I am a pervert.

My excitement didn't dull over the next three hours and I finished the basic drawing of my friend, I had placed some very colorful board shorts on him for modesty's sake. I had a lot of lookers because the boys by then had come up for food. Again Horse asked and again I ignored him. Not because I didn't want to tell him, because I didn't know how much to tell.

My man was getting me a sandwich and water when I came out of my trance, I didn't need to look at the image I knew it was awesome. My screaming boy ran past me and yelled for a burger then he stood still as if he had forgotten something. He ran back and landed in my lap wanting a welcome home kiss and cuddle, then he ran back to get his order.

The bay was buzzing and I could feel the folk's excitement that something wonderful had happened. My butterflies were back and they were going ballistic in my tummy but I won't paint just yet, Evan and I have some unfinished business.

While I ate I watched Trident turn into human form and come up the stairs, he was a bit wobbly I guess he was still trying to find his land legs. He stopped at the head of the table and pointed at Horse.

"You, big man come with me." Horse's mouth dropped, I think he's a bit smitten with the iron one.

"No, I won't, and who the hell are you anyway, I can't get an answer off Den?"

"Come with me I need to experiment a little, no dancing either."

"What the fuck Den, what's happening here."

"Just go with him Horse, he needs to do some sea trials and it looks like you're his guinea pig. Trident please don't damage my Horse," I laughed at his face that had almost dropped to his mighty fine chest.

Ra turned up, I suppose he had heard the fuss but he took a second look at Trident, that silenced him quick smart. The iron one took Horses hand and in an instant, they both disappeared. Yes, I heard both their laughs coming from down our beach. This is going to knock Horses socks off, I hope they aren't really dancing. I felt so happy inside I could have burst for Horse at that very moment.

"Where did they go Den?" Ra asked.

"Southern seas Ra, they will be back soon, this is all new to Trident he's experimenting on Horse before he tackles the others." I stared at my boys who were all silent and Nut's said.

"That was Trident?" I laughed at their shocked faces as I pointed my thumb over my shoulder and replied.


After I filled the boys in I saw Horse run up onto the porch it was about twenty minutes later, he was babbling on about his surf, the planets the mermaids, and we couldn't get any sense out of him, but Ayden listened and smiled for yards.

"Experiment successful, I can surf the oceans with almost fairy folk now, thank you so much sire." I heard a sniffle in my head, then he went silent, Trident was crying for joy.

"Mr. Horse, have you been surfing the oceans?" Rita asked. Poor Horse was in raptures he didn't know how to answer that, but his tears started and he lunged for me and his iron embrace was so genuine and heartfelt as he too thanked me. Ra had to take him home before he exploded, he told me he would try and calm him down, then winked at me. Rita had guessed what was going on long before I told her, she looked me up and down and said.

"Figures Den, I knew you had something to do with his state of mind. And by the way, your eyes are gold again.

If my eyes were gold I didn't notice I could still see perfectly well.

"He comes but he's alone." Trident whispered in my ear.

"Who mate?"

"My Blue."

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes oh golden one very, it will be awesome, do you think he will like me?"

"You're not going to dance with him are you?" Change the subject.

"No I wouldn't do that to my Alexis, I have loved Blue and him for eons they are my mates, just like you have mates. But I certainly wouldn't ruin that bonding I have standards you know, and I do belong to the great one after all." That confused me a little, I was told by my father the great one will never be seen again. He's still around but not involved with my beautiful folk.

Trident then reappeared in human form he was sitting at one of Rita's tables, he did look nervous he has waited for this opportunity for all his lifetimes. He didn't go unnoticed as Bubble walked out to take his order, he nearly pissed himself and got all tongue-tied as he looked at this gorgeous young god covered in golden tattoos. Trident ordered coffee just as Blue came up the stairs he came over to us then he sat down, I leaned over and said.

"You have a visitor Blue, over at that table." I smiled.

"Who is he Den? I don't recognize him."

"Oh but you do Blue." I giggled. My son was going ape shit with his friends on the bean bag, he even shouted.

"Donts forgets me myes Blues."

Blue stared at him then got up from the table.

He walked halfway up the porch it was too much for Trident he jumped up and landed in Blues arms, and as soon as he placed his hands on his friend's shoulders to push him off, his eyes widened and he shuddered, Tridents runes glowed. Blue knew who his caller was instantly, and slumped willingly into the outstretched guns. I watched as Tridents runes crept all over Blues body then they both disappeared three seconds later leaving Bubble holding the coffee pot. We have seen some miracles in the bay since the folk returned, but nothing like this one.

I guess we will have to give Trident a human name, unfortunately, Horse has been taken. I got an image from Ayden it had the words Sonny written on it, we can go with that I suppose so I sent it back to my boy with a tick on it.

"The planet of Oceans Den, I remembered it and can't wait to take Alex there." Blue was so full of adrenalin he was shaking when Trident brought him back and dumped him at the table, he didn't hang around he said something about a comfy bed a house and a big screen TV and movie, he then made a screaming sound as he disappeared, I think he was extremely happy. Blue blubbered that he had been taken to the planet of the oceans, to the mermaids and somewhere called peaceful planet where he and Trident talked for what seemed centuries.

My Horse came back and stared at Blue then they both started with the tears, something I have never seen them do, then they started comparing rides. My little boy joined in and the noise didn't stop until they got food. My other boys were confused but happy for their friends, one day they all will surf with Trident, I know they will and I told them so.

Horse had waltzed me and Rita around the porch he was so happy, he said that the iron one had told him he had the magic to withstand all dimensional traveling.

I shudder to think what might have happened to my Horse if the experience hadn't worked. He also said he could feel Trident pouring magic into his body and it was fantastic. More magic for my friend methinks. As the night went on I lost my butterflies and paid more attention to Evan. It was an early night because I was mentally exhausted and Evan was about the same after I gave him eight of my best.

I could hear him and Ayden whispering in the morning, then they left with a very excited Horse, Nut's and Trip to go surfing. I imagined they would be looking for their new best friend on the beach, and maybe to score a lift to some exotic planet or two.

The folks were abuzz and my father was full of questions, I asked him what was going on but he laughed and said he thought I might like to answer that question, he didn't have a clue what was going on. I told him what I knew and he almost bowed to me when I finished. He left to go do some investigating of his own, in other words, he's going to consult with the other kings.

"I left them on a fabulous beach on the planet of pearl water sire, they are happy to have somewhere different to surf." He smiled.

"Are they safe, and who are they?"

"Perfectly safe sire, I have one eye on them, it's so much easier than doing it as a fork. And they are, your knight, prince and your Horse, Nut's, Trip, and I sent Ra and Tim with them, have you caught up with Blue and Alexis yet?"

"No, not yet."

"They are maybe still sleeping I had them up all night surfing planets and wormholes."

"How did Alexis take it?"

"In his stride sire, I had to leave them at one stage they were getting quite hot out there and I felt like a third wheel." He chuckled, not so loud this time. I was staring at him he was gorgeous, and as much as I wanted to look away he was enchanting me.

"I can't go there sire, the great one bonded me to himself, he said that would keep me out of mischief. I don't mind I adore him more than you or Blue, what you haven't had you don't miss sire."

"Oh, that's a shame, because making love is awesome."

"I only have a very slight urge to make love to my friend Blue sire, but I won't upset Alexis because I love him equally. And anyway when we are surfing the planets I make sure I get a good old feel in." He roared with laughter.

I couldn't help myself.


That kept him amused for the next twenty minutes, he had discovered he loved Rita's coffee and hamburgers, he is human form now, he can eat like us, and boy could he put it away, and every customer male and female that came to eat nearly wet themselves as he flexed his muscles, just giving them a small show, he's such a teaser. He even had some surfers asking here he had his golden tattoos done, he told them 'in Nepal'. I guess there will be plenty of guys going there on their next holiday.

I showed him his painting and he was in love with his image and quickly snapped the painting up for his own. I relented and promised I would finish it shortly. It suddenly finished itself then disappeared in between bites of hamburger and was replaced with a copy I could work on for myself. I will hang it in our bedroom, after all, he was my creation, well some of him was.

The next ones to be given the tour were Spud and Ali, they were taken to Ali's island where he surfed and Spud skimmed and painted his heart out. I believe at the moment Ali is giving Spud a tour of his old home, and they have discovered the bedroom. Trident said they wanted to call in to see Arras and Aisha if they could, and he will accommodate their wish on the way home. My boys were bought back in the meantime and were crazy excited and said they would never be able to surf our beach again, not after that trip. I had my suspicions, if I let them I may never see them again they would be surfing the universe. Horse, was still on a high and couldn't stop kissing me and Ra, my father joined us and before he sat down he bowed to me and Trident, I guess I have been moved up a notch or two.

He wanted to talk to Trident but was dismissed at every turn, he wasn't going to get any explanations off him. Trident had told me later on that the fairy folk was exactly where they should be, and our business is our business and not to be shared with them. There was no need for them to know everything, although they do know a lot. He explained to me that when I created them I also placed a self-learning spell on them so they will be forever learning new stuff, but at the moment they don't need to know why we do the things we do. Father was furious but he understood and said he had other ways to find out. I immediately thought of Rita who miraculously appeared on the porch and nodded to me, she was telling me that her lips are sealed.

She has super hearing I think, and won't say anything and anyway being earth fairy she probably knows more than all of us. She did tell me not so long ago she felt vibrations that's how she knows what's going on.

"Den, I felt them the first day we came here to look at the property, it unnerved me but when we moved here I have become one with the bay. It calms me and I know I am at peace with the earth."

"Well you deserve to be who you are my lovely, your kind heart is seen by many down here."

"Yours too Den, but you just laugh it off most of the time."

"Do you feel other earth fairies around you?" I asked.

"Yes Den, Kate, Joe, Tony, Mel, and others they are all my children. Mostly they have mated with your folk and I feel my people in everyone, some are more intense than others. Kate is the most powerful one, I guess that's why I'm drawn to her."

"Do you know who Kate is my love?"

"No, but I do know she's someone special, she's been cloaked I can't read her." She smiled, I understood completely how the human folk worked and was so happy for my lovely lady friend.

I felt that Rita's magic was returning on its own, she was, after all, mother nature. The earth fairy wasn't so different from us, the great one created them and I knew I couldn't interfere with what he created, except, I had streamlined Trident a bit and that didn't hurt at all, not that I feel the need to change the earth folk, that's Rita's domain. I also have a funny feeling and an image of Santa Clause kept popping into my head. When I looked at my son he was smiling in his sleep then he glowed for a second. I think he's dreaming about Santa and it's giving him a wonderful feeling. I also saw a black shadow lurking in the background.

"Trident, can we talk somewhere where the folk can't hear us?"

"Give me a moment the film is nearly finished." He chuckled.

Next: Chapter 118

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