Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 29, 2023


Chapter 112

I was back on top of the world, my work was now going ahead in leaps and bounds. The next day I took Evans car out and visited Susan and Patrick down the road. They were pretty busy and Millie and Robert seemed flat chat. Her cakes were awesome although the big ones were only samples she made those ones to order, she was a real artist and I wondered if she was getting any orders.

"Den, I had to ask for a couple more assistants to help I'm so snowed under with work. I want to thank you and your friends for everything you have done for me I could have never have pulled this off alone."

"No problem Millie your family, you get all the help you require and then some."

"Thanks anyway Den." She smiled as she passed a sugar rose over to me. I put it in a bag to take home for later.

Susan was serving drinks and the restaurant was half full she said they were booked out tonight. Patrick can't stop smiling but he needs a surf soon otherwise he's going to burst his bubble.

"He thinks he has to be here all the time to keep an eye on things." She laughed.

"I thought he would have heaps of free time now, what's his problem?"

"Nobody does it better than him Den, but we know the place will run itself if we took time off."

"True, my father won't let you down, they love to work it gives them something to do."

"I know Den, I think we will come by this afternoon I will use my womanly ways to lure him down to the beach." She grinned.

"Or I can wiggle my tush at him, that might get him going."

She laughed her beautiful soul was showing.

"You could go out to the kitchen and insist he has a surf today, or you will have your father shut the place down. That will get him going."

We moved to the kitchen, there were a dozen ladies and gents cooking up a storm it was like watching a production line as they presented fabulous food on the diner's plates. Pat was supervising them and as he fiddled with the plates one wise looking woman slapped his hand.

"You deserved that my friend." I smiled.

"Oh, hi Den I was just fixing it."

"Do you honestly think it needed fixing?"

He blushed and said.


"Come on the boys miss you its time to go surfing."

"I can't leave here I have things to do."

"What things, fiddling with perfect dinners, smiling at the customer, serving tables?"

"Well, that too Den."

"Come on your being silly, the surfs waiting for you."

He stared at me then Susan.

"I'll get my board then." He didn't need too much pushing, he was well overdue for some mate's time and as we watched him drive away Susan laughed and said.

"I'll get my bathers; he seems to have forgotten to take me."

I followed her up to their apartment it was magnificent and I could almost see our shack from her big panoramic windows. My mind went back to when she helped Evan and me out when I was sick, and the time we spent together in London. It was Susan that pushed me into doing something about Evan and I will always be grateful to her for doing that.

"Okay ready?"

"Yes, my friend." I moved over to her and gave her a big thank you hug then whispered in her ear.

"Thank you for everything." She knew what I had been thinking and said.

"If you were made any other way I would have dumped Patrick for you, you know that." I didn't know and moved away.

"I'm sorry but I think you got the better end of the deal." I smiled.

"I know I did, thank god you're gay." She laughed.

Everything was on the up and up, I never thought of Sue that way she had taken me by surprise that's all. But my chest did puff up a bit, but then I heard Evan in my head.


"Come on lovely lady lets get you some sun, times a wasting."

I drove us back to the shack and she went up to talk to Rita then changed to her bathers and headed for the beach.

I grabbed yet another coffee and walked down to my new magnificent table. I will get used to it because it was carved by someone I absolutely adored and it was carved with love.

Mel was my next visitor; she was also heading for the beach but she wanted reassurance that the Ogres wouldn't stuff her house up.

"It's a big house it has been in my husband's family since new, but unfortunately it's outdated except for the small renovation I did after Trip moved in." It was a nice house, a red brick federation house that begs to have a full restoration.

"You needn't worry Mel, the Ogres are excellent builders although they haven't done any for centuries they will come up with something different I have a lot of confidence in them."

"Do you know how long they will take Den?"

"Moments, days a week or two depending on how big a job it is, the Elves did this shack overnight you can have a look as you go out."

"I can see something's been done here Den, and I love your new table it's beautiful." She moved her finger over the glass top.

"Well who knows what you will get, but I do know it will be awesome."

She finished her coffee and I showed her our new rooms she was impressed.

Two women down the beach and Cyn must have had a call because I saw her in her sun hat with David in his carry basket heading down there too. I grabbed my latest work and placed it on the easel when I looked it over it looked dull and uninteresting so I opened my brighter paint box and started fixing it up. I was happy with the adjustment and Ayden playing with his mermaid children was beautiful. The colors leaped off the canvas as the little fins made bubbles filled with folk again.

I was hungry and Evan wasn't back so I went to find a salad roll dumping a couple of hundred dollars in Rita's till on the way.

"There's no need for that anymore Den." Rita saw me.

"But we have to, we all eat here you can't be expected to pay for us." I opened my treat and started biting into it, it was delicious.

"Den, Mr. King insists he pays for everyone and dumps tons of money in the till each week now, almost more than what I make in a month, he calls it the rent but its really because the kids eat here mostly."

"Well, he shouldn't be paying for all of us to its unfair."

"He does, and as he said he has tons of human money just laying around, they don't need it Den."

"I will pay for us still my friend, it doesn't sit well with me." She smiled then hugged me. I went back to my painting it was now black and white.

All the color had drained out of it and although it was different it was dull and uninteresting again, I thought about calling Trident but remembered what he said.

"When your colors return you will be fully back. I remember seeing my colors once in the hospital when Birdy was ill. I had looked into the mirror and saw a burst of bright colors emanating from my body. I wondered if I had to get really upset for them to come back. I placed the painting into the storage room and went for a laydown.

I was thinking I would never be able to paint again if I lost all the color from my life. I wanted it all over and done with, I was sick of second-guessing my life I just wanted to be normal again.

I heard the showers going and thought I had better not go into a spin with Evan and the boys so I splashed my face and went back to the porch. Before I did I took one more look at the painting, it had returned back to its rightful self, it was perfect and the colors were exceptionally vibrant to the point it was hard to look at.

My baby boy was first to come and give me a hug and he gave my legs a hard workout as he climbed up onto my lap.

"Did you have a good time baby?"

"Yes dah." He got in close and looked into my eyes.

"Is everything okay son?"

"Yes dah, everything's good, just accepts and then you gets betters."

"I have to accept it then." He giggled.

"Of courses dah, you bes so silly."

"Okay, I will try and accept you're getting bigger, my home is here and I'm a king."

"Goods dah, buts you are forever's king not just a kings."

"Oh, I forgets." I laughed into his neck, then I blew some farts in it. He struggled down and ran up to see his nanny, but he really wanted a burger.

That kiss I have become accustomed to was on my neck again and the sweet smell of soap wafted into my nostrils, my Evan was magnificent in his own colorful shorts and tank and so were my boys when they playfully all sat at the table again.

food was brought down and the girls joined us.

I played with little David for a while then he wanted his mummy, he's going to be a handsome boy when he grows up. I can already see a lot of Cyn in him, Abs' eastern looks only appear in his dark hair and olive skin. His tiny mouth was searching for Cyn's boob, I think he was hungry. She was a bit old fashioned when it came to feeding him she excused herself and went into our lounge room. It wasn't long before Abs joined her, I know the feeling all too well. I had to pull myself up and focus on the present, not the past, it's gone and won't ever come back except in my memories. I took Evans hand and kissed it, he picked up half of his pie and handed it to me.

All of a sudden I was hungry, so I scoffed that piece then had a full one.

"Did you get any work done today Den?"

"Yes bub, it's in the spare room I'll bring it out later you can have a look."

"Good, Mel was telling us she's more confident with the renovations now, I think the Ogre king talked to her on the beach."

"Probably, did she say when they are going to start?"


Food came down and the boys tucked in I watched them all scoff their treats, they really were a handsome bunch of men and their lives have changed so much since we met them. Horse was the happiest I had seen him for ages and Nut's has moved on brilliantly. I wondered when I would move on. I looked at my son and smiled, he was a beautiful kid and he was talking surfing with Tiny. His head was nodding up and down furiously I think he agrees with whatever they are talking about.

Spud and Ali joined us today he was telling us he had finally heard from the cops. He gave them all the information he had and was expected to go to Adelaide to make a statement, he also said they had no leads on his parents and he should expect the worst because they dealt with some very unsavory people.

He also said while he was there he would go and lock up the house, Rita said she would go with him, she was protecting him still.

"I will talk to father maybe he can get you there quicker and back safely, you need to see if you can catch up with some of your friends and make sure they are okay Spud, it just didn't happen to you, it happened to several boys." I had to say it I was worried the kids would have nowhere to go.

"I know Den, maybe the cops will have a list of where they were taken to."

It wasn't instant but pretty bloody close, a folder with statements and addresses appeared on the table, methinks Trident had a hand in that.

Evan looked it over and found the boys address mostly they were placed in care, some were forced to go home and it was a great big mess in my mind because I wanted the whole fifteen of them back here under our protection, but I knew there would be more frightened kids hidden away. Spud was a bit overwhelmed at it all but he soldiered through each name, some he didn't know and some he did, he said the others that weren't on the list were maybe too scared to make a complaint or have moved on. He was in a bit of a quandary as to what to do.

When in doubt and to lift the mood, Ali went and got his latest painting. It was a halogen, and it was perfect. Cyn had come back and gone ape shit over it, she said it was nearly impossible to paint that sort of work. He had painted Ali with all his eastern fairy his face popped off the canvas and his smile was awesome.

"One of six Cyn, they didn't take long." Spud giggled it was nice to hear his laugh again.

The boys weren't too worried about Spud, I think they had a plan and Horse spoke to them quietly. I tried to listen in but backs were turned and the whispering got quieter. I found out later they were all going to Adelaide with Spud and Rita.

"They are all good sire, I have organized for them to receive a very large compensation payment from the government each."

"If there's anything I can do just let me know," I said out of the corner of my mouth.

"I will sire." My friend answered it looks like he's doing all the hard work for us. I know Spud has wanted to do something for his mates but he really didn't know how to handle it. I am going to talk to him later and tell him all is well and he should relax because Trident was looking after it.

After a lot of fuss and ado, he and Ali went to Arras and Aisha's place, I asked them when they were leaving they said tomorrow. I was a bit sad because I wanted to have a farewell dinner for them. Ali said there will be a farewell breakfast because tonight he wanted them all to himself. He will miss them and yearned to go back and see his country but alas it's still too bloody dangerous. By seven my headache had arrived and by eight I had asked Evan to see our boy got to bed safely. I showered and popped a couple of pills which eased the pain then I climbed into bed alone, or was I?

I felt the enormous surge of Tridents runes running through my body he was next to me and I was holding onto his handle. For a long time I held him and his runes were downloading information at a rapid rate, I was only seeing things I didn't know about in the past. It was a natural thing to do and I felt wonderful as pages of images passed through my memory.

"That will do for tonight sire, you can let go now." I had a sudden thought and let go then moved to one side.

"Who am I really?"

"The wise one, the almighty the creator of everything fairy."

"What? so I'm god?"

I heard that deep laugh.

"No sire, he released me then created you and all that is good. He created many worlds. Earth is just a grain of sand on his vast beach. You created the fairy lands sire you are their forever king, they don't use the word, God."

I slumped then asked.

"What is really happening?"

"I can only tell you a little, the rest you will know when you have read all my runes."

"Then tell me the little I need to know."

"He created you, you created the folk and magic. It has been a very long journey to get to this place and I'm helping you to catch up. I hold your rightful memories within and now the times right for your return to your creation."

What the hell does he mean?

"When all your colors return you will know all sire."

"When then?"

"We have only just begun sire there is a long journey for you to travel yet." He vanished, probably to go have a good laugh at my expense.

Evan came in with Ayden, my headache had disappeared and I got out of bed so we both can put him to sleep. He undressed our boy and slipped his sleeping shorts on and he wanted his fairy dress tonight. His gang was hovering and I told them he needs to sleep once again, they quietened down a bit and I thought maybe I should ban them from his room.

"Goodnights dah, goodnights pa ise so tireds I will sleeps good."

"Good thinking son, sleep well." I kissed his forehead Evan did the same, then he took my hand and kissed it. We turned his night light on then we went to prepare for bed. I wasn't sleepy after all and the more I thought about it the more sensations I felt until I looked over and my knight had transformed into his ethereal self. His white hair flowed down his body and his gossamer shirt had lifted above his chest showing all his glory to me. I had changed too but when it wafted past me my hair was no longer black, it was a muted rainbow color. Evans' eyes lit up and he smiled broadly at my folk self.

"You are beautiful my king, I have never seen you in this state."

"My colors are coming back my knight; can you just lift your leg a bit?" He did and I slipped him a goodly amount of dick.

We were well spent by the time we finished and I breathed heavily as Evan came down to earth and kissed me. His eyes had rolled back when he came and I thought he wasn't going to stop shuddering he was so worked up.

"My god; my god Den that was wonderful." He said puffing the words out.

"It was my knight you have changed; you have got better."

"I felt your presence I took your all thank you thank you."

"It was all my pleasure bubs."

"No it was my pleasure Den, want some more?"

"Yes please." Now let's try that again in human form.

I walked into a madhouse in the morning, Rita was shouting at the children and Horse was laughing his head off.

"What's happened?"

"They got into her cupboards last night I don't think there's a piece of chocolate cake left in the bay." he chuckled.

"I guess they were hungry." I laughed back at him.

"No surfing today?"

"No Den I have to go into town to sign some papers."

"Oh?" I was suddenly interested.

"I'm selling the business Den, there's no need for me to worry about it now. I'm set up for life and I doubt if Blue would want to run it. My father started it years ago he always said that when it felt right to sell it. It feels right Den, and I can set the boys up for life, not that they need it now. I would like to do that anyway and father would be proud of what I achieved."

"Will you be okay my friend?" I was fishing because I really didn't know how much money Horse had.

"I am fine, it's not wealth I need its Ra and all my friends, I don't need to work. I only did it because I enjoyed it but now I enjoy my family more." He's not going to tell me. I will ask Blue then.

"Den, between you and me I have loads of cash and I'm getting forty-six mil for the business. Ra has shown me his wealth, he has it preserved in a vault in Geneva, there's eons worth of gold and jewels in there I will need for nothing." Oh, he did tell me after all.

"Good now I know where to go for a loan." I smiled.


"Yes please Den, I didn't want to go into the cafe in case Rita had her ladle out." He roared laughing. I gingerly walked down the porch and poked my head in.

"Is it safe to get a pot of coffee, or do you want me to come back later?"

"It's safe Den, good morning to you." She kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, what's been happening?" She looked at the dozen or so kids and rolled her eyes.

"Night raiders, now I have no cake to offer my regular customers." As soon as she said it three large iced chocolate cakes appeared on her bench.

"What the hell?" She looked over at the kids they were giggling.

"Wes sorry nanny Rita, wes bakes sum mores for you."

"Then why don't you bake some for yourself instead of raiding my cupboards?" There was silence then Geraldine flew into Rita's face.

"But wes likes you to bake for us nanny, we only likes your bestest cakes our lovely."

She was holding off that laugh and instead of saying anything she cut off a piece of cake and ate it.

"Its the bloody same you lot." I heard a collection of shocked voices. Rita's ladle lifted itself up and tapped her on the shoulder, then she let fly. She laughed so hard she nearly wet herself.

"I guess I can't argue with that Den, better start baking more this morning."

"You should be buying them off Millie."

"NO!!" someone shouted.

"Why not?" I asked Peter the little elf.

"Cause nanny Rita has to do them, they are the bestest."

It didn't go unnoticed with us all that they all spoke as Ayden does, they mimicked him beautifully. I guess they love him the bestest too.

She handed me the coffee pot and I said my farewells to the children, then I heard.

"Wants sum helps with those bestest cakes nanny?"

"No thank you, Peter."

"Good, when cans we have sum more?" The small voice replied. There was a lull in the conversation.

"When you get out of school." A collective hooray was heard.

Horse was still smiling and talking to Evan who looked at me like I was prime beef, his hand rested on my leg and as he talked it found its way to my bulge which was very happy this morning.

"Do you need me to come with you mate?"

"No Evan and thanks for all your hard work getting it all sorted out."

"No problem it's all in order just watch out if they want to add anything to the contract, ring me first before you sign it."

"I will." Evans' hand was now running a finger up and down my shaft. He finished his coffee and turned to me.

"Shower Den?"

I was up and in that shower within seconds and Evan was leaning against the tiles getting ready for another onslaught.

My boy was in the kitchen when we arrived back, he had showered and dressed but his shirt was on back to front. I fixed that and kissed his head.

"The label goes to the back son."

"I knows daddy, buts I wanted you to do it." he gave me a small giggle. He will never forget me and I'm being stupid again. Of course, he's growing up and I really can't wait for him to become his awesome adult self.

I painted up a storm when everyone had left, my thoughts were everywhere and I found it hard to find that one subject to do. I settled on an image of a magnificent bright light made up of many colors, it was shining on a small boy who was playing in the sand, but it wasn't sand when I looked closer it was billions of stars. I had no idea what it was meant to be and my mind couldn't accept that I had painted myself in all my colors with Ayden. This bought up another question, where was my knight?

Had I created my son and knight, had I bonded with them all those billions of eons ago and why wasn't Evan in this painting?

So many questions with no answers. I sat on the floor and stared at the painting then somehow I was in that painting, I was trancing again.

I remembered how Evan had appeared, somewhere somehow I had remembered. I had made Ayden from the stars first to be my forever son, he has been with me forever and always will be. When I finished my chore I went into the fairy lands to look at my handy work. I fell in love with my knight who I bonded to me, then I and my son got caught up in their world for eons, Evan could not go back with us and I couldn't leave my knight.

The war came and I moved my folk to a safer place in my head, then I took them and the army into the human world. That was my biggest mistake, we started to become human and I lost all my history and was doomed to be human for lifetime after lifetime, my son and knight were also doomed.

How we ever got to this stage is beyond me, but all of us are together again and I knew it was time to call the forever king back so he can protect everything he had created. My son didn't lose everything he held his magic and with every reincarnation, he passed some of it to me, but I lost it when my human self died. I owe him so much and I will let him grow into a young man because I have kept him a baby for so long, and my knight must be released from my bonds, it's not fair on him to be so subservient. I have learned the human ways and along with the bad there is a lot of good, and having control of your own mind is one of them.

"Dah, wakes up." I heard my boy whisper. His lips kissed my cheek and my head spun around to look into those beautiful blue eyes.

"I remembered something son."

"Dah times a wasting, you have to go for a drinks and foods, I needs to look at paintings." I don't know why I complied with his wishes but left him laying on the floor talking at a rapid speed to my new painting. My legs ached as I walked back to the porch there was a glass of water and a sandwich waiting for me along with a smiling Rita.

"Did you trance Den?"

"Yes my lovely I think I just painted the forever king in all his glory, Ayden's talking to him now." I chuckled.

With Tridents help I am slowly coming back and that has caused another worry, will I be human or fairy or will I simply disappear back into time.

Evan kissed me as he went to find some coffee and something to eat. the boys were coming back and their aura's were very bright today. It wasn't unusual to see their auras but today they were awesome and all colors, Evans was gold its always been gold and I wondered in his released state if it would change. I felt the happiness behind me and somehow I knew Trident was pleased with my progress today.

He had been the creator's staff and was sent to find me so I wouldn't forget where I came from. In his runes was all the history of all that's been and I was only downloading my history which was a grain of sand in Tridents markings, but an enormous amount of almost never-ending memory.

I didn't want to release Evan from my bonding, what if he decides he doesn't like me anymore and is angry I used him all this time. I was dreading coming back, it may mean I would lose him forever. I watched him walk back from the kitchen he was beautiful, his legs were so long and so well shaped I nearly cried at his magnificence, he sat next to me and his hand rested on my leg as usual.

"Where's Ayden?"

"In the storeroom still talking to the painting." I smiled.

"What's he talking about?"

"I don't know bubs but I think he's got plenty to say."

"Is it a keeper?"

"Yes bub, can't sell this one maybe its a gift for him, again."

"I'll have a look later on." He smiled.

"Yes, you can see the forever king in all his glory." I smiled.

"I have the real one here Den." He grinned and patted my leg.

If this is my life from now on then so be it. I would never change it and I would still love Evan and my friends. Horse was staring at me then he winked. I wondered if he knew something was amiss, but I thought again and decided it was his way of telling me the sale of his business went smoothly.

"Is it all wrapped up my friend?"

"Yes, Den, over and done with I won't get the money for another month then I can settle down and maybe do something for myself again."

"Good, maybe you should marry Ra and make it all legal." I smiled.

At the mention of his name, Ra appeared in a bridal frock, that bought the house down as my boys laughed their heads off. Then he made the dress disappear and was standing there in white suspender belt and knickers that really didn't hide his ample lemons, he straddled Horse showing us all his tiny waist and small butt and my men quietened down they were spellbound, he was awesome and I felt a great rise coming from my groin area.

"Den, when you go into the city with Rita get yourself a set of those will you?" Evan whispered in my ear.

"I don't think they sell them for men bubs."

His eyebrows wiggle then his smile got larger.

"Pervert," I whispered back.

Horse was having a great time he had one of his big hands nursing Ra's backside as he kissed him deeply.

"Ehhem," Rita cleared her throat when she walked up.

"Do you think you two tarts could cool it around the children?"

Horse blushed and Ra disappeared before that ladle hit him once again. He's been at the end of it quite a few times and he doesn't want to face it again.

"Now I have everyone's undivided attention, tomorrow morning you are all invited to the farewell breakfast for Arras and Ayesha around seven. They are being picked up around nine so there will be plenty of time for your farewells." She then said.

"Can I get any of you anything?"

The orders overwhelmed her as she turned to saunter back to the kitchen, Bubble walked up with his order pad.

My son came out his aura was so bright I had to squint, it was snow white. He climbed on my lap and settled in.

"Tired baby?"

"Yes dah, he had lots to tells me and all's good dah."

"Good I'm glad to hear it, have ten minutes' rest then you need food." His head turned to my face and again his eyes blinded me, but he did kiss my cheek and I felt that spark again.

He was dead to the world and I held him in my arms because that's what daddies do and of course I didn't want to let him go.

He slept while we all ate our food, Evan was leering at me again and I wondered why he was super randy today, maybe Ra turned him on, now that's a scene I would love to play again.


"Yes, bubs?"

"You know what."

He went back to his food I tried so hard to get images out of my head then I remembered something. I will go look see when my baby wakes up.

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Next: Chapter 114

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