Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Chapter 111

We made some small talk then Evan decided to call it a day and he walked me back to the shack to maybe have a nap.

I wasn't thinking when I got to our pathway and walked straight into the big shady tree. My nose hurt and I got a bump on the head.

"Didn't you see the tree Den?"

"No, I wasn't watching bub."

"Well be careful you might scratch up that beautiful face of yours." He smiled and kissed my nose better, I blushed because I'm not beautiful, I'm just Den.

We got coffee and something toasted for breakfast, Ayden had popped off to school without saying goodbye to me. I felt so low as Evan placed his arm over my shoulders and as hard as I tried I couldn't shake off that feeling of dread I felt.

"Den, don't do this to yourself, he just forgot that's all, he's a little kid they are suppose to do that sort of thing sometimes."

"I know but it still hurts bub. I guess I have to get used to it, but I don't want to."

"I feel I'm losing him, every time I look at him he gets further and further away from me."

"He really doesn't Den he's just growing up. Do you think I haven't noticed it too? I was disappointed he went to sleep without me saying goodnight to him last night, I do feel the pain you have all the time I just hide it better than you. But I know we can't stop it that wouldn't be fair on him, he has to lead a normal life so he can grow into a wonderful adult."

"I know but it still hurts." I felt sorry for my Evan now.

He kissed me and we just watched the foreshore for a moment. I heard a voice calling us Evan waved I saw nothing. It was Lindsay across the road saying good morning, all I could make out were shapes. I blinked my eyes into focus because the tears had made them stick then I waved back at him. He had his fishing gear in hand I guess Rita will be cooking fish for him tonight.

Evan deemed me okay and I set up for the day when he left to do some more wave chasing. He had a word with Rita who popped her head out every now and then to see if I was okay.

I painted up a storm then got another canvas and drew myself onto it. I was only doodling really, Evan doesn't have a really awesome painting of me and I am so grateful for his wise outlook on everything.

When I started doing my eyes I grabbed the bright green pencil but every stroke I made came up black, my eyes were black.

I didn't know what it meant and took the drawing into the storage room. I had nothing else to do and didn't want to go to the beach again so I sat and watched a movie. I felt Rita pop her head in several times before I went off to sleep on the sofa.

I didn't dream like I should have I woke when the movie ended and just dozed off and on for ages after that. The painting was still on my mind and I tried to think more on it but decided I was being foolish and accepted that what will be will be.

A gentle kiss on my neck and a hand touching my chest said Evan was back then a small kiss from a beautiful baby opened my eyes. I quickly closed them because his colors were blinding they were radiating from Ayden's body. I squeezed them shut then everything was back to normal when I reopened them.

I kissed him back and pulled him on top of me for a big cuddle.

"You didn't say goodbye to us son."

"I looks for you but I thinks you upsets, so I went to school."

"Okay, you're forgiven." I kissed him again.

"It's going to be okays dah. I knows it is."

"I know son, but I don't like that you're worried about me that's all."

"I'm not worries dah, you be okays we just have sum things to get done that's all."

"Okay, so we won't worry then."

"No dah all's good with Ayden's and you dah, bes strong."

"I will son, I love you so much."

"I lubs you too dah, can I haves my burga now?"

"Of course you can, and some ice cream if you want."

He flew off the couch and raced into the shop calling to his nanny, but before he did he gave his pa the biggest hug.

"Are you better now Den?"

"Yes bubs all better, that was a shit movie where did you get it?"

"Your father dropped it off he said it was the best movie he's seen in a long time." He laughed. I drew him to me and he rolled on top. I wanted to look into his beautiful azure blue eyes and I felt a hard rod slightly rub against mine. We stayed there for a while as we dry humped, but I lost my boner and the moment was gone. A moment I would never get back, oh hang on he wants to do that to me, my god he's so fucking good at this gay sex stuff, I wouldn't have thought of doing it that way.

We were all sticky when we finished so a shower was in order. I kissed every part of Evans body in that shower remembering every dimple every muscle as he washed my hair. He had to get me to pull off his nipple it was getting swollen and very tender, I will get back to it tonight.

My boy was sitting at the table his mouth stuffed with burger again and his mates were having doughnuts. I watched him clean up his plate, lettuce and all, then he rubbed his tummy and looked at the chocolate treats the others were having.

"Dah would you likes Ayden's to get you one"

"Okay, that would be so nice son."

He ran up the porch and yelled.

"Two doughnuts nanny peese."

"Two? my, you are growing." She giggled.

I played with my son for a while then he and his mates were going to go to the games parlor, I thought about going with him but instead I put him on my back and piggybacked him over to drop him off. He giggled all the way and kept wanting me to go faster, I wondered if he would like a horse.

Spudley was cooking up a storm and joking with the boys in the kitchen, I sat at the table and watched him, he was happier than I had seen him in a long time and also looking so grown up now.

Tush snuck up behind him and dry humped his perfect butt, that was when another argument started with Ali. They went hammer and tongs for ten minutes throwing back insults in Arabic. I couldn't stop laughing and my black clouds disappeared almost instantly.

Aisha and Arras were at the table when I got back, little Souma received a few cuddles from me, then she wanted her father. She has settled down a lot since the birth but still feels safer with Arras holding her. They said they were leaving in a few days to go show her off to the rest of the family. I was disappointed and will miss them, but I guess family duties come first.

"How long will you be away this time?"

"We don't know Den, sometimes the celebrations go on for months. We don't want to go but my mother and father insist we make the trip." Aisha said.

"Well we will all be here when you get back, Ali will be safe and Spud is getting better every day."

"Yes we have noticed that Den, we thought about taking Joe and Birdy on this trip but we think they don't want to go back, and I must admit neither do we."

"You will be okay Aisha you can scream and cry with your sisters, how cool is that?" I smiled at her gorgeous face.

"As I said to the little prince it's expected of me, I suppose this useless husband of mine will be hiding on the royal beach while we are there."

"Oh, you have your own beach?" I didn't know that.

"Yes Den, but nothing like this beautiful one, we have pebbles on ours we got sick of trucking sand in just to have it wash away again," He answered.

"At least you will get a surf in, maybe the eastern king will send some folk with you to play with."

"I don't know if that's possible, but it would be awesome." He smiled.

I saw Lindsay come over he went straight into Rita's then he sat at his favorite table to wait for his fish to be cooked. Little Souma had gone back to sleep and I caught a tear in Aisha's eye as she looked at her hunky husband who was raining gentle kisses on the babies face.

"I will leave my jewel box with Cyn maybe she would like to wear some of it when I'm away, that's of course unless you want to Den I can leave it here instead."

"I have enough jewels to fill a cargo ship, my love, leave them with Cyn." She stared at me and didn't quite know if I was joking or not.

My boy arrived back hungry again, I suppose it's because he's growing. They all went to the kitchen to fossick for food, I could smell Chinese being cooked and Lindsay was eating his big platter of fish. He had grabbed Ayden and had given him a big hug as he ran by. I was disappointed he couldn't see the others he would love to be involved in their world. The other diners didn't see them either I noticed.

I had the chance to ask Cyn when Maggie will be back, she had come up to have a well-deserved coffee with Aisha, little Souma and David were placed in the playpen but they were still very sleepy. My baby slept a lot too back when he was such a good little baby. All those times I missed out on watching him, I should have known it wouldn't last and I was sad I couldn't go back to cherish those moments longer.

"She's all packed Den, maybe she will be here within the week she's so excited to come to live here. Her mum is a lovely lady she is so looking forward to living down here away from the city."

"Good, do you know if she needs anything for the shop or house?"

"She hasn't said Den, but I'm sure her mum would have enough furniture to fill it, she has a big house."

"Okay just let us know if there's anything we can do." It would be good to have her here, I liked Maggie she was good to Spud and me when we were relatively unknown artists. It's her brother I can't get my head around, giving birth to your brother's spirit seems a bit awkward. Maybe being one of the same family is the way it's done, like being reborn back into the family is the done thing. I will ask my father next time I see him.

My next question is where did the golden book go? The last time I saw it Spud was holding it and releasing the folk in Ayden's bedroom. I don't think it went back into my head I don't sense it at all, I will also put that on my list of things to ask father.

I had spent some time in the new rooms moving some furniture around, then I went to have a good look at the stays. They looked awesome and very upmarket. I did think that they were a bit too much for the surfing crowd then I lost that thought. Why can't our friends have something nice to kip down in while they are here. The Dwarves and Elves did a good job and I wanted to do something for them but I didn't know what. Of course, they would like another painting of their prince but that would defeat the purpose I would have to do seven of them so the other kingdoms don't miss out.

I had by some miracle finished thirteen paintings, all of them had Ayden's mermaids and merman in them, they were wonderful to look at and the colors were as bright as a sunny day. I thought about starting a new one but decided I would just sit and watch the holidaymakers, that lasted five minutes and when I woke up I was in Ayden's bean bag. Birdy was sitting quietly on my chair waiting for me to stir. I pulled him down with me and tickled him before he got his many hugs.

"Are you very tired poppa?"

"I was my son, I have been tired all day what about you did you have a good day?"

"Yes, poppa I been down to the beach played on the racing machine and talking to my folk friends."

"Good, I don't want you to be bored on the holidays."

"I won't be poppa we are playing footy tomorrow at the oval, the team are going to meet twice a week."

"That's good, you have to train I suppose."

"Yes, and Jay is taking me into the city to have a look at it one day too. I have never seen a big city I hope I don't get lost."

"You won't just hold Jay's hand."

He stared at me, and I didn't wait for the next question although I really didn't want to go either.

"Yes, I will come with you, if that's what you were going to ask."

He giggled as I tickled him again.

"Good, we can do lunch." He grinned.

"Your shout." I grinned back.

"Deal poppa." He replied.

We talked for the next half hour and then he had to go clean his room, he said Jay expects him to do it every day, then he's going to see Joe. I noticed he doesn't carry his plastic bag around with him anymore, he keeps it at Tony's, it holds the little carvings he's working on. They had nearly finished the table they were working on and he wanted me to look at it to see if I liked it. I told him I would come over later, he left then I needed coffee.

"Where's Ayden my lovely?" I asked Rita.

"Over at the games room, something about a competition he was involved in." I figured his mates would be involved in it somehow.

"Do you want to come into the city when we go? Jays taking Birdy and he's asked me to go, you can tag along if you like."

"That sounds just the ticket, I need to buy some clothes desperately, yes add me to the list."

"You got heaps of clothes." I know she has, her wardrobes are full.

"Undergarment shopping Den, there isn't a good one for miles around here and I hate the cheap stuff you get from the chain stores."

"Oh, of course, you do and it's a good excuse for us to go Christmas shopping too."

"Oh god what a headache, what do you want this year?"

"Nothing my lovely just your wonderful company."

"It would be fine with me if I didn't have to buy any but I do have to for the kids."

"Do you reckon we should put a stop on all presents then?"

"It's a thought Den, I thought I might get some cakes for the kids."

"Already done, I ordered them earlier on in the week from Millie."

"Damn, now I'm fresh out of ideas." She was thinking.

"Why don't we go shares and order double."

"Yep, I'll be in that."

I took my coffee down to the table, I could hear Evan moving around in the shop he was looking for something.

"What do you want bubs?"

"I was looking for my sales book, I need to update the sales for the week."

"I think fathers got it bub, you can ask him later."

"Do you want another coffee Den?"

"Yes please, then we got to go look at Joe and Birdy's new table." He walked off to Rita's then came back with a fresh pot of coffee and a big piece of chocolate cake, cut in two pieces of course.

"Is everything all right now Den?"

"Yes, it's just everything's changing so fast in my life, new rooms, better paintings, plenty of people around to do our work for us, stuff like that."

"It will settle down baby, the folk just want to give us a hand that's all."

It was magnificent, a table fit for a king it seated sixteen and the intricate carvings were absolutely perfect. All the woodland fairies were featured all Ayden's friends and Birdy's mates. I saw kings and cooks, thousands of folk adorned the top sides and legs. Tony was very agitated Cyn was tearing up.

I hugged Joe and Birdy and made sure they knew it was the best work of art I had ever seen. Jay smiled a lot, Hulk almost did an eastern dance, which was disappointing I would have loved to have seen his fine ass dancing around the table. I ran my finger over it and felt the tingling of magic, Ayden wanted up so he could see the top. Joe placed a sheet on it then lifted my boy up so he could get a better view of his folk.

He was talking to it in fairy and picking his friends out, all of a sudden there was a rush of tiny folk all wanting to see their images.

"This will sit in our great hall son, Birdy my friend will you take seventy million for it?" I think Birdy wasn't impressed with money, he looked at my father, then me.

"No, but we will take a hug from its new owner." He then walked over to me and hugged me.

"Happy Christmas poppa." He almost had tears in his eyes when he looked up at me. I didn't know what to say to him so I knelt down and gave him the only thing he understands, more so than wealth, big hugs and plenty of kisses. I couldn't refuse this magnificent present it was from my second son, but I loved my old table it was bought at a time I was my happiest. Evan had chosen it with me when secretly I was falling in love with my lawyer friend.

So many memories of my boys and us just sitting around it, it was a big part of my life. But I couldn't refuse the new table it had been made with love, and its heart beat a beautiful song. Tony was dumbstruck he only nodded his approval but Evan knew, he knew how much I loved my old one and my son.

Deep down inside I wished Birdy had never done this gift and I felt so ungrateful for not wanting to change. I excused myself and went out the back then I fell in a heap trying to hide my sadness, was I grieving for my beautiful table or was I grieving for times gone past. I remembered that day, Evan had taken a day off work so I could do some shopping, we had fed Ayden in Tony's tea room and I pushed Evan to go out with him, my heart sank at the thought. To think I could ever do that to my knight. We both chose the table, it had magic in it and now what do I do with it chop it up for firewood or sell it.

It was still in perfect condition, not a scratch on it at all how the hell am I ever going to tear myself away from it.

My friend sat with me and placed his arm over my shoulders then whispered.

"It's only a table Den, maybe you shouldn't get so attached to things."

"It's not just a table bub, it's our beginnings it's the first thing we bought together and then I had the audacity to push you into dating Tony. I can't forgive myself for that ever. No, it's not just a table its a memory a wonderful memory, the boys sat around it Horse even slept on it, I changed Ayden's nappy on it, no it's part of our lives and I won't give it up. I somehow have to tell Birdy its story so he won't be disappointed. I will never shun our table."

"Okay, then we will think about it okay?" He kissed me deeply and my mind was distracted for a moment, I wanted my table, my baby, and my Evan and I wanted to go home to his mum's house I was safe there, I was truly happy there, I am always scared here. Scared for my boy scared for my sanity and scared I will turn into something I don't like.

I dried my eyes and went back to see the table again, it was magnificent and would look so regal sitting on our new porch. Tony said he could make extra chairs for it to match mine and if I wanted he could get me a good price for my old one on Cyn's site.

Something was shifting in the bay, something I didn't like. The boys were all partnered and happy, my son was growing up and there was an abundance of helpers just waiting for something to do for us.

I thanked Birdy and Joe properly, it was decided my father would take my old table for his great hall, which surprised me he was almost jumping up and down to have it, and Horse would organize the new table to be installed on my now bigger and better porch.

I had to put a brave face on until I got home then I collapsed in a heap, saying I wasn't hungry and I was tired so I went to bed.

Almost immediately I was asleep I didn't wait for Evan I was so wrung out. I dreamed of days past and found myself with my baby in my arms sitting on the old sofa with Evan talking about the paperwork he was working on. I told him I was Ayden's father and showed him the test the doctor in London had done for me. We put little bubs to bed and he smiled at us, then we made love like no other. It was a good time; it was the best time.

"Den, come back home please." Evans' voice was near.

"I want to stay here for awhile bubs, can't I stay?"

"I think its best you don't travel back in time Den, please come home with me." I looked at the magnificence of my knight, he was dressed in gold and kneeling on the floor beside our bed.

"Just a few moments more my knight."

"As you wish my king." I slipped out of bed and put the rails down on Ayden's cot then knelt next to my sons face and kissed him. I took a deep breath of his babies smells then tucked him in for the last time. I then placed Evan on our old bed and gave him his first Den suck. Although it was my first time back then, I was more than trained in doing it perfectly now.

We traveled back to the bay and I woke up because the bed was shaking, my Evan was getting in with me and as he threw his arm over me I grasped his wrist and pulled him in tighter.

I had said goodbye to my baby and was now looking forward to watching him grow into an awesome adult. As I closed my eyes again I could still smell his baby smells, and I smiled and said a thank you to Carol for giving this gift to us.

I felt a little boy get in with us during the night, and listened until he went back to sleep. It's just a lump of wood I told myself. and if I missed it I could go see it anytime I wanted, it would be safe in my father's world.

I slept deeply and after clearing my eyes I noticed my man was still holding me, but my baby was gone. I turned over there was coffee on the bedside table and a smile on Evans' lips, I had to do this and I had to do it right. I slipped my hand down his torso and rested it on his manly parts then I slipped down the bed and gave him a deep thank you lick.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yes bubs, it helped to go back, I feel better about Ayden and the changes in our lives now, thank you for coming to get me."

"It was my pleasure Den, I wanted to see the house again and smell bubs, and make love to you in our old bed. I still don't know how you managed it but your father helped me to go back to get you."

"I guess I'm a time traveler now, something else to put on my resume." I chuckled.

"From what I remembered in that state you have always been a time traveler Den, you can always go and see bubs whenever you like, but I don't recommend it, you might get the urge to stay there forever, anyway more exciting times are ahead of us Den, its going to be awesome watching Ayden grow, and Den?"

"What bubs?"

"I think you're growing too, do you mind if I take a closer look?"

"Help yourself, and take your time." I almost begged him.

I did have to blink, but I wasn't surprised that my old table was gone and my new one was installed with some mismatched chairs on our porch. My son was almost lost in it as he tucked into his burger. I immediately kissed him and asked him if he slept well.

"Yes dah, ise sleeps very well when I with you and pa, it too noisy in my rooms they talk all nights." he giggled.

"Well I will put a stop to it, I need you to have a good nights sleep son."

"I does dah wif you and pa. They not want to dare disturb you."

"Okay you sleep with us every night then."

I heard Evan groan and my son yells. "yehhhhh!!"

I suppose a promise is a promise and I hoped Evan hasn't forgotten his promise to attend to me again later when I've recharged my batteries, which is happening very soon.

My boys were up to have a look at their new table this morning, and after ordering loads of food they all sat around it, we had Tim and Ra as extras, there was still heaps of room and as I looked everyone over I was pleased they all still fit in well. Board shorts and tank tops were the order of the day and my very colorful friends were eating up a storm. Tony had cut a thick piece of glass to protect the top and Rita found a large sheet to place on it so the plates wouldn't scratch the glass. I will drag out the coasters and placemats later.

Tim was looking exceptionally happy this morning as he and Nuts whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears.

"Have you told the rest of the family yet?" I needed to know.

"Yes Den, they all know and they are all happy except Richard my gay nephew."

"And why is he unhappy Tim?"

"He wants Nut's to himself." He laughed

"He's jealous." Nut said.

"Well, Nuts man up and go and give him ten inches he will shut up then." I blurted out.

"Den?" Evan was annoyed.

"Den, what the fuck, how did you know it was ten inches?" Poor Tim's face was priceless.

"Well you do it, then Evan can make him squeal for it." I couldn't stop laughing. Ra was staring at me.

"Or you Ra."

"Den! shut up." Horse leaned over the table and head knuckled me.

"Sorry Horse." I shut up.

It was like old times and Tiny was laughing his head off especially when Ra went and sat on Nut's lap and said.

"Ten inches eh?" He wiggled his small firm ass into Nut's groin.

Poor nuts blushed a very nice shade of red and that's when the fun started, Tim grabbed Ra pulled his shorts down and spanked him over his knee and we all watched, some of us had boners; I know Tim enjoyed it.


"Sorry Den." He's got one too.

There was no big rush to get to the beach today, my boys stayed and kept me company for a while. Ayden was having a day off school so he had crawled onto Horses knees and was laying back watching me. I had a thought so I walked around to his side and sat in Ra's chair, then whispered to my son.

"Do you know what happened to the golden book son?"

"Yes dah." His leg started moving back and forth, I can see this is going to be a difficult conversation.

"Well, where is it?" He stared at me and said.

"Safes Ins myes head dah." Then he went back to his leg swinging exercises.

I suppose that's a better place to put it, he has loads more control than his father. I went back to my seat, Ra had finished his shit stirring and Nut's finally gave Tim a great kiss. Tush and Bubble came down and placed more sandwiches on the table, they quickly disappeared and I ended up with two in my lap, one I took and one Evan got for me.

"Eat Den." I did eat because I was hungry again. When they disappeared I could tell the guys were getting antsy, so I said.

"Why don't you all go for a surf, I might just come down and watch today." They didn't need a second excuse, everyone including Ayden were gone within minutes. I grabbed a towel and started walking down to the holiday end of the beach.

I got loads of good mornings from the folk as they went about their business then I plonked myself under another shady tree I had found.

My son did three runs with his mate Blue then he ran up to me. I didn't have to do anything he straddled my hips with his legs and plopped his head onto my chest. He was having ten minutes' sleep. My hand stroked his back as I watched Evan do his runs. He was so much steadier on his board and I wondered if his dad was with him. I did see a flash of gold behind him as he sailed into shore.

Spudley arrived with Ali, I don't know where they have been, probably dancing again by the looks on their faces.

"Any new paintings Spud?"

"Yes Den, plenty, I can't seem to stop I'm on a bit of a roll at the moment. He grinned.

"Good, I will be up to look at them later." I gave him a sly grin.

Ali retrieved their skim boards and they ran off to play. I must get onto Arras and find out when they are leaving we should have a big dinner for them as a farewell present.

I did fall asleep for a while it was nice and warm being so close to my son but when I woke up he had moved back to the water, another opportunity missed.

He looked like he was talking to someone in the water, then I saw some bright green fins lap the waves. I think his mermaids are in the area.

Blue wasn't aware of them although he knows them better than Ayden. As I looked back at bubs I saw five fins jump out of the water and do a backflip they were waving to me I think.

I had enough sun so I walked back to the shack, I still didn't have the urge to paint but I will do that mermaid scene sometime in the future. Father was at the table looking it over and he thanked me for my old one, it looked magnificent in his hall. He also said the other kings wanted the same in theirs.

I guess there's no show without punch, I saw Tony fly up the stairs.

"What's so urgent Mr. King? good afternoon Den."

My father waved his arms in that big flourish and six more kings appeared at the table.

"We want tables like the one our magnificent king had."

"I see and how do you think I could help you there it was a one-off, that's the way I deal" Tony grinned.

"We want the same or something similar and chairs Mr. Woodsman we will pay you seven million each for them."

He never misses a beat that Tony, not when it comes to money.

"How soon do you want them?" He grinned.

"Now." They answered.

"I will get Jay onto them as soon as I get back."

"Thank you." They all disappeared and I was left laughing into my coffee cup.

"I will do three and Jay can do three he can keep the money it's about time he was rewarded for his hard work."

"That's very kind of you Tony, I guess Jay has been left out a bit."

"Well not anymore he's better than I'll ever be, and he does a wonderful job with Birdy he can't be left out anymore."

I told you Tony was the most generous person I knew; I didn't see him in a different light because I have always known that about him.

"Well is very good of you."

"He can buy himself a new car now."

"I think that will be a hard sell, he loves his car," I replied.

"Probably but at least he will have the funds to get one if he wants."

"You should sell him the penthouse on your other apartment block Tony, I'm sure he and Hulk would appreciate the extra room."

"Good idea I'm glad I thought about it last week Den." He laughed.

Next: Chapter 113

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