Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 25, 2017


Aydens Eyes 11

We were all tuckered out by the time we got in, Rita kissed us both and went to put her feet up. I changed and fed bubs and after twenty minutes of cartoons he was dead to the world. Evan was still looking through the photographs when I popped my head into his office.

"Time for bed bub."

"Okay Den, won't be long."

I stripped naked, showered then crawled into bed waiting for Evan to appear.

He didn't so I moved back to the office he was fast asleep in his chair. I shook his shoulder then deeply kissed him awake and I helped his hand find my cock, that will get him moving. He stood up and I eased him out of his clothes and into bed.

"Sorry Den so tired, I love you."

"It's all that fresh air we got today, go to sleep bub." He was out like a light within seconds; I wanted to tell him I loved him so I whispered,

"I love you," then snuggled up and I closed my eyes.

It was as if hell broke loose the next morning. Evan woke me with one of his super specials then Ayden needed milk and a change. A big bag of old suits and shirts were thrown in the garbage which had to be put out. Evan kept two outfits just to see his time at work out; he will start the titles and contracts today. I was assuming his trip to Sydney had been cancelled because he didn't pack. After a long kissing moment, he left for his stodgy job while I spent the day running from our place to Rita's as she was in a big flap about her old furniture.

"Evan and I will help put it on the nature strip and hopefully it will be cleared by the morning, you just had to pick your favorite stuff to keep. Of course take the family heirlooms, put everything you think you will need for your flat aside and chuck or store the rest. We will be using storage so the guys can pick up your stuff at the same time."

"Am I doing the right thing Den?"

"What does your heart say?"

"It's leaping out of its cavity Den, excited I suppose."

"Rita, you can always come back, as long as you hold onto this house it will always be here for you."

"Are you selling yours?"

"No, Ayden will need it for when he's going to college." I laughed because I had reconfigured Ayden's life, he does need a trade but he's going to have the best life on the beach we can give him also. After helping her choose what to keep and what to chuck I darted back as my phone rang, I checked Ayden was okay then I answered it.


"Den, do you mind if I put the property in three names, yours, mine and Ayden's?"

"You rang me." I was still shocked.

"Did you hear me?"

"You rang me."

Everything went silent.

"Yeah, I rang you."

"It's like your here."

"Yes it is."

"I miss you so much."

"Me too you Den." Then I heard a groan.

"Did you get a stiff bub?"


"So have I, and I'm rubbing on it as we speak." Another deep groan.

"Den don't, please don't."

"Rub your dick bubs."


"Go on, just this once."

In just a few minutes or so I got a few oohs and ahs out of him, then quiet.

I had cum on the carpet, he had cum on his jocks.

"That was fucking awesome," he whispered down the phone.

"It was, wasn't it? By the way why did you ring?"

"Ayden, can we put him on the title too?"

"Go for it, you didn't have to ring me for that you know."

"I know, I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Well you can hear it anytime, and feel my tongue when you get home while I check out your loaded underwear."

"Oh Den, don't say things like that."

"What? You don't want my tongue in your ass, slurping around making you wet so I can pull my foreskin down and shove my cock right up into you?"

"Aw shit, here it comes again." Poor Evan, no wonder he never rang me from work.

"Did you get caught?"


"At work when you were filling your cum stained underwear?"

"No thank god, Den you drive me fucking crazy." He had just got in bringing a box of documents with him.

"Den that was so fucking sexy."

"Good, I'll ring you tomorrow."

"No don't, please don't." He begged.

I grabbed the empty milk bottle from the kitchen bench and started sticking my slick tongue around the top as he watched me, mesmerized.

"Get the lube Den, by hell nor high water you are going to fuck me now, dinner or not." I was onto him as soon as his suit and jocks were off. Well his suit pants and jocks were off, I didn't give him time to take his coat, shirt or tie off. So fucking sexy. I never lasted long screwing Evan, he was so tight and warm that I wondered if it was enough for him, was I enough?

"Have you ever thought about another guy fucking you?"

"Yes Den, but that's never going to happen."

"How about we find a mate who will fuck you up against a tea tree, we could take turns filling you with our cum?"

"Fuck me again Den, just do it." I had him with the filling bit.

"Den have you made a list of things to take and leave?"

"Yes bubs, Rita's going nuts in there, she doesn't know what she wants in her flat. I thought about something yesterday too."


"Well instead of storage why don't we lock up the workshop and put stuff in there, it will be safe with the renters, they won't want it?"

"Sounds okay just not anything valuable okay."

"Sure, I'll leave Ayden in here then." I was being sarcastic and he gave me one of his looks.

Bubs was having the time of his life watching TV so I managed nearly a full dish of mashed veggies without him realizing it was going into his mouth.

I heard a knock, knock on the front door, it was Tony who had heard we were moving.

"How the hell did you know?"

"News travels fast Den, one of your gallery owners mentioned it in the shop yesterday."

"God I only rang them to give them my new address, you are on my list today."

"Well I'm here now, what's doing?"

"We bought a beach shack down at Golden Bay, Evan's chucked his suit and is going to surf and I'm hopefully going to paint and run a small gallery, I will need some of your smaller stuff. The rest of the shop is going to hold surf stuff and a small cafe."

"You're a couple of ferals Den, people don't just do that, they plan." He smiled.

I told him the story about Evan's parents and the painting; which he insisted on seeing. He took some photos of it then said,

"I have a mate whose starting his own surf wear business and he's looking for a logo, this is perfect." I immediately said it wasn't for sale. He insisted it would only be the image used, the original stays with us. I didn't think about it much but then thought it might add to Evan's income if it happens.

He looked through the photos and booked a room to come down and see our shack.

"You're always welcome Tony, I have a good feeling about this gallery, I hope I'm up for it." He laughed because he said I was the most disorganized, organized person he knows.

"And Evan's good to go with this?"

"More than good to go, he's absolutely glowing."

He played with Ayden but that didn't last long because the TV won again.

"How are you going to cope with all those surfers Den?"

"I only want one Tony and he's well and truly in my arms every night, we will leave the others for you mate." He chuckled, Tony would look good in board shorts as he had a great body.

The catch up lasted three hours then he had to get back to the shop. He had taken with him all the relevant details he needed to find us plus photos of Evan's painting.

Everything came together beautifully and as it turned out we hired two pods to take our stuff down to the beach, the only trip we had to make before takeover was to talk to the local builder who was called Horse. I was drawn to him, it's like I knew him in a past life and he and Evan hit it off because he also surfed on our beach. He would redo the bathrooms and kitchens and do an assortment of repairs. Rita was in step with us and we helped her put a lot of stuff on her nature strip, it was all gone within two days. With our houses nearly empty we called a moving firm to take the leftovers, like beds and Ayden's cot down to the new property. An estate agent will look after the two properties; it all fell into place like clockwork.

With a new cooker and benches, Rita was firing on all cylinders and she hadn't had a customer yet, but she had stocked the kitchen freezer with all the basics she would need. She was a changed woman and it will be hard to wipe that smile off her face anytime soon. She had bought an open/ closed flashing sign and it flashed on closed until she had her flat finished the way she liked it, and it did look nice.

My section of the bigger shop displayed twenty paintings and there were tables for Tony to use when he brings his stuff down. Evan had talked to Mr. Roberts about his shop and he gave him a list of suppliers that will deliver to the bay, so he went through what he would need to order. He was a godsend and came down the second week and helped Evan set it up. He then gave Rita some pointers on what to put on her menu and what she needed to have pre-prepared. He stayed with us in one of the spare rooms for three days and hit it off with Rita but I think she was oblivious to his advances; maybe it's been a while since she's been courted. But they became good friends quite quickly.

I saw a wild, blond haired kid talking to Evan, I think he was part of the group of local surfers that he had started to hang with. The kid was in superb shape, about eighteen or so, a surfer but shorter than us. Evan steered him over to the cafe and then talked to Rita. After about ten minutes a milkshake and the biggest hamburger I have ever seen appeared on his table and he demolished both of them.

Evan told me his name was Blue, that's all he knew and he surfed the coast relying on mates and handouts; Evan had offered him a free feed whenever he wanted it. I was so proud of him and Rita, this is what should be happening. I noticed when he had finished, Rita sat down with him, she was talking, he was listening. Occasionally he would run his hand over his big nipples then scratch under his arm. Fuck me Den, don't do this, I was as hard as a rock.

"He's gorgeous isn't he Den." I jumped twelve feet in the air and my face blushed.

"Evan, where did you come from?" I squeaked out.

"Den I was only standing over there doing the fishing rods, but he is awesome isn't he?"

"Umm yes, awesome bubs."

"He's surfing the coast and I had heard from the guys he sometimes sells his ass to make ends meet, want to have a go at it?"

"Evan, that's disgusting, I wasn't thinking anything like that." He grabbed my still hard dick.

"Well I suppose if you want to screw Rita that's okay." He smiled for days and I knew he was having a lend of me.

"It was just a thought bub, nothing that I don't think about doing with you all day."

"I know he kind of turns me on too Den, how would you like to fuck him while he fucks me?" he whispered in my ear then blew hot breath in it. I moaned this time as we rushed to the bedroom.

"Open up." I was firing; he's also getting good at this gay stuff.

He always has a knack of getting me going, it was just friendly banter. There's no way anything like that will happen, it's Evan I want, only Evan.

The shop looked great, Evan had ordered in boards, wax, fishing rods, shirts and shorts, towels, plenty of wet suits plus assorted other things. Rita had placed a small freezer on the porch with bait in it and had installed the free Wi-Fi which will go down a treat with the holidaymakers, she really has fallen into the beach mood. My small gallery looked pretty good, I don't expect to sell many but when we moved I shipped thirty paintings to Spencer to sell and the others are still slowly selling. I'm nearly cleaned out so I set my easel up on the far end of the porch, just as a temporary measure. I will find a more permanent spot later.

The place looked really good and we had a small opening party. Ayden was the highlight and Blue bounced him on his knee, he giggled as he tried to scrunch his face. Rita had been feeding Blue every other day and for the food he will sweep and wipe the tables down for her; maybe do the dishes too. She was so organized and the next morning her flashing sign went from closed to open. Although it wasn't holiday season yet there were still plenty of surfers hanging around and Rita was laughing so loud I had to go and see what was up. Three tables were taken and Rita was rushing around the kitchen making hamburgers and coffee.

"What's the matter?"

"I was just laughing at myself Den, I've never had so much fun in my life. I need five hamburgers and three fish and chips, I'm rushed off my feet, well I'm not really but it feels like it. I would hate to see what happens when I get busy."

"Get Alex to come home and help you."

"He likes Nepal, that email address Even found for me put me back in contact with him but I haven't told him about the cafe yet, only about the move down here."

"Just settle down, the guys can wait, everything doesn't have to be instant."

"Okay boss, heard you loud and clear." She again giggled.

It was a week later when a very good looking young man with a large backpack turned up, he looked tired so I met him on the steps and helped him get that monster off his back. He was well developed which must be due to all that trekking he's done, he looked up and thanked me.

"Alex I presume."

"Uh, how did you know?"

"We have been expecting you; come on up."

He reached the porch and started dumping his extra outer clothes.

"You were expecting me?"

"Yes, my name is Den, I'm a friend of your mums"

"Oh the neighbors, why has she moved down here, it's so out of character for her?"

"She needed to breathe a bit more, and this place has given her a new lease on life. If you don't want to stay we will pay your fare back to Nepal but I don't think you need to run away anymore." I smiled.

"No, I'm here to see mum and have no plans to go back. I missed her too much and whatever drove me to leave is in the past now."

"Well leave your stuff here, you will find her working in the café kitchen doing some cooking, then I will introduce you to Blue." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Who's Blue?"

"Someone that I think you will want to meet." I chuckled.

"What's with her working in the cafe?"

"Because she now owns it and is doing quite good at it too."

"She owns the cafe?"

"And does it well. Alex your mum has become a very special part of our family, when we bought this place we talked her into coming with us. She was wilting in that house all alone."

"Oh," was all he said.

He looked to the other end of the porch then walked slowly towards it and as Rita came out with an order and put it on the table, she turned around and nearly fainted.


"Oh Alex your home, get those empty cups for me will you?"

I don't think Rita wanted to make a scene in front of everybody so she hurried him up and they disappeared into her kitchen. I could hear only happiness.

Later I saw them sitting at a table with no customers around so I upended Ayden and marched down to where they sat.

"Here Alex, this is Ayden your new nephew, can you hold him for a minute?"

I dumped Ayden in Alex's lap and for that he got a two-handed face slap.


"He's your new nephew if you want him to be, he's kind of cute isn't he?"

"Rita can I see those accounts you were talking about?"

"In the kitchen Den, won't be a minute son."

I hugged Rita and told her I would leave Ayden for an hour or so and she should introduce Alex to Blue as soon as possible. I again wiggled my eyebrows; she got the message.

We had to give him a reason to hang around and I reckon Blue would be a great distraction for him.

He was still kissing and hugging Ayden when we got back, Ayden of course was trying to sing him a welcome back song, so I went to make him a bottle.

That night about twelve surfers came up to eat. Alex had been introduced to Blue earlier and they both worked together laughing their heads off, but my kid went missing from his cage on our front porch. I needed to give him another feed.

"Okay which one of you drongos kidnapped my kid?" I yelled

I heard a faint, "Dah Dah," and when I looked over, one hunk of a man was nursing him... Horse.

I went back inside and got the bowl of mashed veggies and handed them to him.

"You got him, you feed him." The grin on Horse's face was priceless. I would never have to worry about Ayden getting up to mischief because he had some awesome babysitters, even Alex insisted he help with him. I think they bonded; well I hope they did. Evan hadn't returned from the beach but I wasn't worried because he did this so often nowadays, rather I thought I would go and haul his ass in. I just had my old board shorts on and as I walked down the path I could see his silhouette, he was watching the waves, probably contemplating going out again with his suit hanging low below his waist, he was truly magnificent.

"It's too dark bubs." He jumped and turned around.

"Den." He smiled.

I put my arms around him and pulled his chilled body to me.

"Are you happy bubs?"

"Den, what you have done for me is just so fucking special, of course I'm happy, are you?"

"If I'm with you I'll always be happy no matter where we are." I kissed him deeply as he pushed me onto the sand and pulled my shorts down. He was giving me one of his specials; I was trying to get his wet suit off.

"Den I have nothing on underneath, leave it until we get back."

I came swiftly, just thinking about him being nude under that suit; I knew the guys didn't wear anything under their suits because on numerous occasions I had seen them changing in the car park, and it did fleetingly cross my mind to buy a decent camera.

We walked arm in arm up the trail, Evan's hair was growing and looked a bit knotty but I loved it, this was the real Evan, but I don't know about dreadlocks. When we got back bubs was sound asleep in the big guy's arms so I took him off to bed. He didn't seem like he wanted any milk and the big guy said he ate all his veggies. He was dead to the world by the time Rita turned her sign to closed. We five sat on the cafe side just having coffee and a few leftover sandwiches.

"Where do you sleep Blue?"

"In my car Den, I've been using the shower on the beach to wash, it's not as bad as it sounds though, I get by."

"Okay." I got up and went to get the key for one of the stays and brought it back.

"This key is for stay number two and it's got a double in it, sleep there tonight, it's clean and comfy. It has a hot shower too, and feel free to use the complimentary shampoo and conditioner."

"Den thank you, I was going to ask if I could use your shower but I didn't because you, Evan and Rita have been so good to me already."

"Well we all would have said yes Blue, we're your family now so there's no need to ask, just grab a key anytime and use the rooms when they are vacant."

I smiled. Alex I think was shooting in his pants.

"Well I'll be off then, I really need that shower." He smelt under both his big guns.

"You got any body lotion, I could help you with that?"

"Den!!" Poor Evan, I was only joking.

I laughed until the tears arrived then he shut me up with his mouth. Alex sat there and stared at us but Rita relaxed him telling him everything is as it should be on this beach; that he's not to worry about being himself around anybody. I thought I saw a tear in the moonlight.

We helped Rita clean up and kissed her goodnight, everything was good in our worlds and the underlying excitement never left us. We caved into bed and Evan was still giggling about my comment so I reached over and squirted the lotion all down his back and started rubbing it in, oops my dick has slipped in, that shut him up.

Blue was up early with Evan, they wanted to catch the morning waves so after a long deep kissing session he left with his board for the day. I showered and went to make Blue's bed but he had already made it and tidied up. I need to speak with Evan soon about my plan, I want to build two more cabins on the land, like dorm accommodation, too many guys sleep on the beach or in their cars so I would like to offer them a very cheap bed and shower accommodation, maybe like ten or fifteen dollars a night.

Not a lot of money will be made out of it but the guys will spend more at Rita's and the surf shop. I was sitting on the porch with Ayden having my morning toast and coffee when Alex came up.

"Good morning Den." He took Ayden off me.

"Good morning my new, cutest little nephew." Ayden smiled for days.

"I want to thank you for what you did for my mum Den, it's like she's found a new lease of life, I've never seen her this happy."

"Well that's okay, you know we would never have left her alone Alex, if she didn't come with us we wouldn't be here, we really love her for what she did for you."

"Well she tried so hard with that pair, I already knew what it was all about but what my brother did was just inexcusable, especially to mum."

"You know he rang you two days later?"

"No mum never said, what did he want, to have another go?"

"No he rang to apologize to you, your mum hung up on him."

"She's some kind of other mum isn't she?"

"She sure is baby, no one hurts her little ducks and gets away with it, I'm hoping he grows some balls and apologizes to you both, and I pray he kicks Margaret to a mental home."

"He's got the kids to worry about Den, you and I both understand that, maybe in the years to come he will mellow. What I can't understand is that Margaret knew long before she married him I was gay, why single out mum and not Riley too, why did she marry him if that was the case?"

"I suppose we will never know Alex; to understand a woman's mind you have to be a genius." I giggled thinking of Carol's attempt to get Evan.

"She's a very rare creature that Margaret Alex; not everyone thinks the same way she does."

"I know, the other day when you placed Ayden on my lap smashed the wall I had put up with kids. I never looked at one when I was away and there were so many on the streets looking for food and love I suppose. I feel really guilty I didn't help but my walls were tough."

"Not anymore, what are your thoughts on Blue by the way?"

"Oh my fucking god, what a fucking babe, it was instant love I think Den."

"Ummm," was all I moaned.

"He's not gay Den, he's fooled around for food and money, but he's not gay."

"Neither was I until I met Evan."


"True story, he helped me through the most terrible ordeal and I fell in love with him, now I'm repaying him, making sure he has the best life can offer."

I told him about Carol and Evan and he kept quiet until I had finished.

"That's awful Den, how the hell did you survive all that?"

"Evan, it was Evan who helped me, it was Evan who put me back together."

This is getting a little too deep, change of subject I think.

"So when you say that Blues straight, don't give up, just be there for him, you never can tell." I smiled.

With that he took bubs into Rita's to warm up some milk for him. My painting was never ignored and I turned out some of my best work in the following weeks. Ayden was now crawling on all fours and was into everything. The boys would sit at the tables and feed him cooled chips, as I said, I never have to worry about him.

We had only been there for six weeks when Evan hit me with a curved ball.

"Den can I go with the guys to surf Bells beach for a week?"

I hadn't thought of that, of course he would get bored with his own beach and search out bigger waves.

"Sure bub, wear a condom."

"Den, it's not like that and you know it, it's just that the guys asked me and I've never surfed Bells beach that's all; everything's kosher, you needn't worry about where my heart is."

"Okay you can go; just be on your best behavior. I will get Rita to do some promotional flyers and you can hand them out in your spare time."


"Okay maybe not but I will miss you."

"Me too you Den, I love you so much."

The fishermen would bring their catch up to Rita's for her to cook for them, she charged a minimal price for her efforts and her profits were up so Evan said, she was making more than the surf shop. The week Evan left for Bells I was sitting outside the shop painting when a burly, very tall looking angler came up and handed Rita a large fish, then he came and had a look in the shop.

"Sing out if there's anything you need."

"Okay mate, just looking around."

He took his time while I swiped color onto my canvas, out of the corner of my eye I noticed he was looking at my paintings then with a nod he started taking some off the wall.

What the hell was he doing?

I left him to it but decided he was trying to work out which ones he liked the best.

"I'm ready mate."


"Now what can I help you with?"

"These six paintings, if you give me a decent enough discount I will take them all."

I nearly fainted, was this guy for real?

He held his hand out and said,

"Lindsay Wolfe and your Den Curtis the artist, aren't you?"

"Yes sir I am, thank you."

"I have met you before young man, in London at the gallery, my wife and I bought the lake scene."

Of course, no wonder he was familiar and the name is the name of one of the richest families in Australia.

"My god it is you?"

"Yep, love my fishing and love your work, it's taken me months to track you down, my wife will be so pleased with this lot. You're a true artist Den and these are just awesome, like the fish I'm about to eat." I gave him a big discount and he handed me his credit card, all went through the machine and I was instantly well off.

"I'll pack these while you have your lunch Mr. Wolfe."

"Call me Lindsay, I think you and I are going to be good friends Den, have you got anymore work hidden away anywhere?"

"Lots," I nervously said.

"I'll look after lunch."

He whistled as he sat at one of the tables then I heard him laughing down the phone.

"A bargain Mavis, this guy doesn't know how good he is, yes six but I'm still shopping, okay will call you when I'm done. Yes, it's in Golden Bay, just tell them to look for the cafe, talk soon." By the time he had finished the call Rita had his rather large platter of food placed on the table and he ordered hot coffee to follow.

After he had eaten he spied Ayden flying around in his walker and started playing with him then he came back to me with bubs in his big arms.

"Now show me the rest."

I had displayed the others around the lounge room and he took two more then offered me a ransom for Ayden's eyes, I reflected on London when I thought Evan would take Ayden away from me and his eyes were all I would have left of him. I declined to sell saying it wasn't mine to sell.

"Pity Mavis loved that painting, reminded her of our grandkids but it had a sold sticker on it."

"Yes I had a lot of offers but in the end I couldn't sell my baby's eyes."

"You say it's not yours to sell?"

"No, long story short, my now partner offered an enormous amount for it and I declined twice and twice he upped the offer, I eventually gave it to him because he has the same blue eyes."

"Good work, you get the guy and the painting."

I smiled.

"And my son."

He gave me a strange look, I'm sure he wanted to ask more but he didn't, and I didn't offer.

I packed them all up and helped him to his Roller; for god's sake, a Rolls Royce for fishing gear, how good is that?

"Mavis is sending some friends down to look at your pictures so hang as many as you can, they are so jealous we secured Lakeside now they are going to be green with envy, thank you Den."

"Thank you Lindsay, I'm indebted to you."

I thought I would paint a smaller version of Ayden's Eyes as a thank you to him and Mavis; it's a good thing to do.

Tony arrived on the Friday as Alex was sweeping the porch looking like he just stepped out of the surf, I don't think anyone ever combs his or her hair on the beach so Alex looked awesome. They talked a bit then he called me.

"Ah Tony, I see you have met Alex."

"Yes Den, he's just organizing coffee, it's a long trip down here." He laughed.

"Well sit with me, have I got some news for you."


"Lindsay Wolfe."

His hand went to his mouth; he was nearly screaming.


"Eight paintings, just like that." I snapped my fingers.

"I saw him at the London gallery, didn't he buy one of your paintings?"

"Yes but my head wasn't in a good space so I must have missed the name at the time, did you bring some stuff?"

"Yes Den, but if it's too much just tell me."

"It's okay, we can store some in the garage if it looks top heavy, I hope it all goes well for you."

"We have to work out a percentage for you."

"What! No way am I charging my boyfriend's ex, what do you think I am? I couldn't charge you."

"Your so fucking funny Den, okay a nice Christmas present for Ayden then."


"Where is Evan?" I told him and I also said I was about to ring him and read him the laws on gay marriage but he should be home in a day or two.

I showed Tony around the small town then we had a few hours on the beach, he was looking at all the driftwood saying what a gold mine this place was.

We talked about him opening his own gallery and he talked to Alex when I was called into the shop or had things to do with Ayden's needs. They seemed to be getting along but I still think Blue is the right person for Alex, I will have to look elsewhere for Tony. He set up his goods and they looked terrific, I was so sure they would sell well. He also looked at a few properties that were for sale, especially the big house two doors down. He said he would turn it into a display gallery and could live in the upstairs rooms. It's early days yet but he did mention that his rent was going up in four months' time. We had a great catch up and I saw things about Tony that I hadn't noticed before, the main thing I noticed was that he was very lonely.

When he walked in the door, I sensed something was up because the kiss wasn't normal and he seemed to avoid looking into my eyes. Something's happened to my Evan and I do not like it one bit, he was nervous and started playing with Ayden on the floor but basically he was ignoring me.

I went to find Blue who was there thinking maybe he could shed some light on the subject.

"So Blue can you explain to me why Evan is so distant; has he been fooling around on me?" It was blunt but necessary.

"Den it's not what you are thinking, Evan didn't cheat on you." I breathed easy.

"Then tell me what the hell went on Blue before I make an absolute fool of myself."

"Okay, imagine a hairy chested guy that looked a little like you, three-day growth and all. Now imagine Evan when the said guy started courting him."

"Oh." My heart sank again.

"Imagine them sitting on the beach at midnight having a brew or two and your lookalike kisses Evan and starts playing in his shorts."

"No more, I get the picture." I was as jealous as hell.

"Den, now imagine the guy lying flat on his back on the sand with his legs spread." He smiled.

"Evan fucked him."

"No Den, he decked him."


"He landed a beauty on his upper lip then stormed off in a fury."

"He did?"

"Yes Den, he was so disgusted he surfed the rest of the week on his own, his problem now is how to tell you."

"Oh, I trust him, there's no way he would cheat on me, I know that."

"So why the sad face?"

"I trust him, it's the others I don't trust and with good reason too it seems."

"Den, Evan couldn't cheat on you, he wouldn't know how, you know he's devoted to you and you're the same. I really admire that in you both, it's unheard of nowadays, and amazing at the same time."

"Thank you Blue, I better go and see what I can do to pull him out of it."

"I just saw him go down to the beach."

"Where he should be." I gave him a man hug; I could believe Blue because he's always been up front with us.

I made sure Ayden was watched, Alex and Rita had him covered then I strolled down to the beach where Evan was sitting alone on the sand but in the shade. I put my hand out and said,

"Come with me big guy." I waded into the surf to waist height then took Evan in my arms and told him I had missed him and loved him deeply. He immediately went for my mouth and didn't stop for air for some time.

"I missed you Den so fucking much, I don't think I will do that again, it's too stressful."

"If I do something you won't punch me will ya?"


"Spread em."

"Den, we have to talk."

"No we don't, now spread them." I had his shorts halfway down and as I entered him he leant back and said,

"I missed you and I fucking missed that dick of yours, a little deeper Den."

"You got it big boy."

Next: Chapter 12

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