Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 12, 2023


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Chapter 106

He was so happy with the new painting he invited the other kings to view it, and that's what started another argument. And if it wasn't enough, when Evan and the boys started surfing down the far beach there was an outpouring of complaints. When I went out the porch to find my baby I was confronted by seven kings including the Ogre one. They took up the whole table and I noticed a blank canvas had been placed on my easel.

"Oh, no you don't you have enough. I need to paint to sell not to feed your egos." I walked past them and up to the kitchen.

"They have been sitting there since I got up Den, what do they want?"

"Paining's my lovely and this time they are not going to get them, they have enough. Good morning my children, is my little son in there somewhere?" I heard him giggle as I reached over and took him in my arms. He's not a very big boy and still as light as a feather but I do love my morning kisses.

"Good morning my beautiful boy did you sleep well?"

"Yes dah, ise sleeps gooder did you and pa?" He kissed my lips then wiped his.

"Yes we did and pa has already gone surfing, so it's just you and me."

"Good dah, I cans helps you know."

"Help with what baby?"

"Paintings I cans make this much from myes head and then they be happies." He held up seven fingers.

"You can do that then can you?"

I got that Ayden stare again.

"Okay one each of you and the kings on their respective beaches, can you have them delivered?" Silly question, he was thinking about it.

"Done dah all delibered." he scrunched his fists up to match his face and gave me a big sloppy kiss which I loved so much.

The burgers were placed on the table and my boy grabbed one then he walked me down to the table of kings.

This is something new, all he has to do is imagine the paintings and they appear, I wondered....... no, then I wouldn't have anything to do then, not going to happen.

"Why are you all still here?" I bellowed in my best kingly voice.

"We want you to paints." The eastern king said.

"Done and delivered and no more, I have to do my work ones so don't ask again."

"Then we will buy them off Cynthia." The smart Elf king my father said.

"No, you won't you have plenty already."

"What delivered?" They finally caught up.

"Your new paintings I had them delivered to each kingdom just now."

They disappeared in an instant, I could hear the party start. Ayden was giggling at me so I tickled him, but not too much I don't want to hurt my clever son. he did send me an image. The paintings were all the same poses only the kings and beaches were different.

Ayden was bored so he went to find his wetsuit and thought he may get in a quick surf before classes, so I was left alone again.

I replaced the blank canvas with the hamburger one I had started. This one is for sale and no amount of begging will change my mind. I worked on it for another hour until I deemed it saleable and finished. Rita bought down more coffee and a sandwich for me.

"That's my children on their first day in the kitchen Den." It wasn't a question.

"Yes my lovely, finally I have something for Cyn to sell."

"Not today your royal highness, that one hangs in my bedroom, you can't sell my beautiful children." She sauntered up to the porch humming, my mouth was still on the floor.

After I centered myself I put the painting aside to dry and then placed the blank canvas back on my easel. All sorts of ideas were flashing in my head and I had to pick one image that could be sold. I started drawing the Dwarves stash of jewels, in particular, I put my son on the beach and covered him with jewels. The big Burmese sapphire ring didn't fit him but looked great as it perched itself loud and proud on his tiny finger, ropes and ropes of pearls adorned his neck and I even managed to bury hundreds of stones in his Blue's tank top. The sapphire was as big as his eyes but a few shades darker. In the background I placed the folk having a surf they all wore jewelry and sparkled in the afternoon sun.

When I had finished the drawing I took the canvas to my spare room then locked the door. I will try and do it when there's nobody around. Another blank canvas was taken and I worked on little David Cyn and Ab's welcome new nephew painting. He was absolutely beautiful and laying inside Ayden's truck on the beach with his parents looking on. I placed my son surfing the waves in the background with Ali and Spud. That painting I left on the easel I wanted to start on it first and when there's no one around I will do the other one.

I thought I was being smart by hiding the other painting, it only took me a few days to come unstuck when the Ogre king called for a morning coffee.

I was working on the painting when he came by unannounced, I could almost see the dribble falling from his big puffy lips.

"No, you don't get it, it's going to be sold."

He put a smug look on his face and stared at me, I knew he was going to bid for it on Cyn's site.

"Please don't buy it, your highness, if you do then you will effectively put me out of business, and I want to share my work with the world." I gave him my best begging look. He sipped on his oversized mug as Rita placed four chocolate doughnuts in front of him. His mood changed and he started talking to her about his beach being very busy nowadays. His people were surfing with the knight and general again and he's hoping the baby prince will grace their shore at playtime today.

The Eastern king arrived with my father they stared at the Ogre king then sat down, heavily. Rita offered coffee and doughnuts but there was no need for her to go and get them, they appeared on the table along with a small posy of flowers for her, and a fresh coffee for me. The Ogre King wasn't to be put off because a bigger bunch of flowers suddenly appeared in her lap. Here we go again, more flowers appeared and by the time I called a halt, poor Rita was covered in the things; lucky she doesn't get hay fever. She was laughing through the blatant display of jealousy, but I had also thought she had no idea what was happening.

"Thank you, my kings, they are all lovely but no more, please. Oh, and you forgot the chocolates." My god, she does know she's being wooed.

Ten big boxes of chocolates arrived and were dumped on my table followed by an instant ten more, she giggled like a teenager on her first date. I looked at my Rita's face it was priceless then I started chuckling, I couldn't stand looking at their hopeful faces until a big bunch of flowers and an even larger box of chocolates appeared in front of me. I was still laughing when the gorgeous Eastern king winked at me. OMG, he's wooing me. It was too funny, I had to get out of there so I went in search of my beautiful Evan.

It's not a big walk to the second beach, which is a lot quieter, and the Ogres did surf with my boys on our beach it was just some sort of power play on the Ogre king's part that's all. But I did hear Nut's complain about how rough they were in the surf they would speed past him and try to wipe him out all the time.

"Must be your odor Nut's better put some underarm on next time." I had chuckled at his shocked face.

"Maybe I should throw you in front of them that will stop the shenanigans." He tried to snarl but it didn't work on me.

"Dah, dah overs here." My son was waving from his board, he wanted me to watch him surf for awhile so I moved to the shore and watched him do three runs, he was being shadowed by my Evan and Blue this time. When I looked up at them I saw that glint again and I knew Trident was beside Blue but invisible. I must ask him how he does that. Bub's toys had made it to the upper beach, and the twine for Andy, so I stretched out in the shade giving my man a good look at my ass and of course it didn't take him long to get to my side.

We started watching Ayden and Blue and could hear their laughter loud and clear I also heard Tridents guttural laugh, I think he's having a good time.

While we were laying there watching the Ogre population go about their working day Evan slipped his hand down my shorts, he got a big surprise and I didn't argue when he started dancing with me. While we were in the throes of making love I looked over and saw Horse and Ra doing the same, Ra was winking at me.

Back at the shack, the kings were gone and every table at Rita's cafe had flowers on them, the place looked like a florist shop. I settled in and began again to lace paint on Ayden's jewel painting. A little boy had crawled up to me and as he pulled himself up I reached out one arm and helped him onto my knees. He started talking to me in his baby voice then he squealed as I did Ayden's fine hair.

"It's okay Andy we approve." His eyes looked at me knowingly then let go of a loud giggle.

We really didn't mind if Ayden was gay, he is fairy and they don't have a code of conduct on who and what they love, and they do bond for life, whether it's a planned thing or not I don't know, but I do know that Andy and Ayden will be partners in the future. Then my mind wandered to the Eastern kings fine looking body, no lose that thought, your highness.

Andy twisted down again and wanted to just stand and look at me, then he wanted to go for another walk. maybe his nanna has some ice cream for him. I watched as he maneuvered from one table to the next then disappeared into the cafe shop. I turned back to looked at the painting and that's when I saw it.

How the hell he did it is beyond me but he had placed himself on the surfboard with Blue, it worked and I must thank him later.

It was all coming together and when Spud and Ali came up from the beach he stared at it for ages. I had the opportunity to ask him how his works were going. He was his usual self and told me he was painting up a storm.

"Come on show me." I took his hand he was a little reluctant but followed. When we got to his room he showed me some paintings he had been working on, I felt disappointed for him until Ali said.

"Show him what you have really been doing my light." Spud groaned because he was hiding something from me, again.

Ali went to the spare room and bought back two paintings that I couldn't get my head around. They were magnificent, and nothing like my style he had the three D going but they had all of eastern kings and folk in them, but animated like cartoonish. Instead of the beach he had a desert, the palm trees popped off the canvas and so did Ali in all his glory.

"Where's the rest?"

"In the spare room, unfortunately, there's a dozen of them I need to slow down."

"So that's why you're looking gaunt you have been painting through the night."

"Yes he has Den, but I have managed to slow him down a bit by offering sweet treats every now and then," Ali answered.

"What are we going to do with them Spud?"

"I suppose I will send them to Marcel I don't want to copy your work Den, but this just happened and I don't want to destroy them."

"I could strangle you sometimes Spud, they are nothing like my paintings they are all you."

"Did you tell him good and proper Den?" My friend came by and leaned on the doorway.

"I'm about to Rita, if he doesn't stop underestimating his abilities I'll just have to take him in hand and give him a good spanking." Ali's eyes lit up.

"Or Ali can do it." I smiled as Spuds eyes lit up.

"Okay let's see the rest then call Cyn, you are going to sell them aren't you?"

"I think so Den." Poor Spud.

"What do you mean; I think so?" I nearly yelled at him.

"Well, I would like to." I flipped my phone out and rang Cyn.

The four of us discussed the best way to sell them and Cyn won, her site pulls in the bigger bucks.

Spud had received seven million for his series paintings not long ago but I think these will go for that price each when they are offered.

"Now I want you to have some fun don't be painting all through the night you will get sick."

"Okay dad, I guess I will have to find something else to do." He looked at Ali and blushed.

By this time Ali had little David in his arms and was raining kisses on his face, David was sort of moaning because he wanted his mummy and I was pleased he did. I think it's enough that Ali knows David is living again, same but different.

Cyn took photos and said she will start them at two million, but before she did she would do the adverts for them in plenty of time for the auction to start. I am always amazed at Spuds paintings and they weren't anything like mine. Faces trees even tiny folk popped off his canvasses like an explosion. One of them had an eastern fairy as the main subject, no matter how you looked at her and which angle, she looked like she was flying off the canvas, a halogen type painting, bloody brilliant Spud.

Cyn was on the phone to Spencer in London, I think she was just gloating and then I heard her say.

"Oh him, he's too busy with Evans dick to paint." Then she roared laughing, I think Rita went to get her biggest ladle.

The holidaymakers were almost all here, some I knew from the past and some new ones called to get their hamburgers and supplies, and some stood and watched me paint. Yes, I was offered money but I didn't sell anything the only stuff I had in Evans shop were the shadow boxes. Cyn had told me they are fetching up to twenty grand on eBay, some people must be buying them to resell.

Blues wave chaser mate Brian was back and looking like a teenage stud muffin, he has grown so much. He sat with me and the boys talking surfing stuff, he was saying his parents wouldn't let him go to Bells to watch Blue's surf competition so he watched it on TV.

Ali hired him again to do the games parlor and Rita spoiled him with burgers and milkshakes. While all this was going on my second son arrived and he sat next to me.

"Are you all right son?"

"Yes, poppa. I was going to ask you something but it can wait."

"Okay, do you want anything?" I was hoping for a hug.

"No poppa just wait here for a moment." He was looking at Brian and I guess he would feel like a baby if he asks for a hug.

"Birdy, come with me I want to show you something," I said, I missed his hugs. He followed me to the bedroom and got lots of them and his smiles were most welcomed.

"Did you really want to ask me something or was it just a hug you wanted."

"Yes, poppa I wanted to ask you if you could talk to the Eastern king for me."
"And what do you want me to talk to him about?" He dropped his head and said.

"Can you ask him to send my momma and poppa to me tonight I want to show them my school report."

"We can do that my son, let's take a walk down to the beach and see if we can find him." I let Rita know where I was, then I walked him down to the day bed on the beach. But before I did that I looked at his report, straight A's that's my boy.

The eastern king had set up his kingdom next to Aisha's day bed, the colorful tents were scattered in that area and it looked more like a circus was in town. I sat with Birdie and saw my father running up the beach, he was out of puff when he got to us.

"Is there anything I can do for you son?"

"We need to see the eastern king if that's okay."

"Of course son, Baba are you there, your golden king is waiting."

The gorgeous looking eastern hunk appeared life-size, he was dressed in all his finery and did a sweeping bow to me and winked.

"Sorry your golden highness, I was busy with one of my lowly serving maids." He chuckled, I didn't want to know.

"Now don't get upset with my words the serving maid is my wife, we like to play silly games occasionally." He snorted like a camel, that put me off him immediately, it looks like that little affair is over.

After I cleared my throat and wondered why was I getting so high and mighty I talked to him about our small problem. He looked at birdy and smiled.

"They are in transit my precious jewel, just you hang on a minute." He minimized and disappeared.

Birdy nodded, and then looked up at me.

"Don't worry son he will fix your problem, I'm sure he will."

When he popped back he had a small green jewel in his hand.

"Here you are the house of Birdy jewel, I knew I had it somewhere, it links you to your family and anytime you want to talk to your momma and poppa just give it a gentle rub." He winked at me. I figured he was maybe bisexual.

"For real?" Birdy's face lit up.

"For real my little prince, they need help to come to see you and the gentle rubbing does that." He was baiting me.

He looked at it for ages and thanked his king but then Ayden disturbed his thoughts and popped in to say hi. He was on a break and saw us.

"Comes for surfs Birdy."

"No, thank you, prince, I have something special to do."

"Okays me helps." Ayden took the little stone and it started glowing, then he passed it back to our boy.

"Now's gots plenty of magic for you to see momma and poppa." He grinned.

I guess my son just recharged the stone. I wanted Birdy to be on his own while he did this so we thanked the king and my father walked us back to the house.

I was wondering if we could do that for Evan and his parents, it's not fair he can only feel them for fleeting moment's.

"I will find the Spicer gem son, its got to be somewhere in my trinket box." My father laughed. I wished with all my heart he will find it I would like to have a few thank you words with them myself.

He ordered some of Rita's coffee and I sat with Birdy, Ayden had abandoned me to go surfing with his pa. I asked him if he wanted to lay on Ayden's bed and talk to his poppy or would he like to go home and do it. He chose Ayden's room so I settled him in, the excitement on his face was priceless as I kissed his forehead and said.

"Have a good time son, and say hello from me." As I closed the door he started rubbing the stone, he was asleep instantly and judging by that smile on his face he was connecting.

"It has unlimited powers son, but if they start to fade the prince can fix that with a little magic, now this one works the same but I recommend your knight doesn't use it all the time, our folk in transit need their rest too son." He handed me a small ruby I will get it set into a pendant for my beautiful man. The moment I thought about it, it morphed into a gold setting with a chain.

"I will do birdy's too while he is sleeping." He smiled.

"Now for my Rita, I wonder what kind of flowers she would like today."

"None father, she's got the hint, just be nice and maybe take her to the drive-in one night in your spiffy new car."

"What car son?"

"The one you're going to conjure up father."

He laughed his head off and said.

"Oh that old coach she rode to prince charming's ball in, I remember that but I don't know where the mice stored the pumpkin." He giggled.

I was amazed that Rita was Cinderella at some stage.

"Only joking son, I read that book the other night. There are some things you humans have that still stimulate me."

"What's so funny you two?" Rita bought coffee down then sat and had one with us.

"Nothing my mother earth would you like to go to the drive-in with me sometime soon?" My fathers so forward.

Rita was nearly peeing herself I could feel the laughter from where I sat, then she answered.

"Of course my king I would love that; I never get asked anywhere nice nowadays."

"Good its a date then, I will pick you up at eight tomorrow night."

"Fine, I am looking forward to it already." She smiled.

I went into shock, not on my watch you don't my dear father.

"Honey I think the drive-ins closed down." I tried.

"No it hasn't Den, Spud and Ali went with Birdy and his family the other night."

"Oh." I will have to think of something else then.

When she left to go serve some more customers my father bent over and whispered.

"What's a Drive-in son?" I laughed my head off, dripping coffee onto the floor.

I went to check on Birdy he was just waking up and stretching.

I lay on the bed and talked to him, he had been to his old house and sat in the kitchen with his parents, they went through his report card and told him they were very proud of him. Then his momma made him some bread as she used to and they ate some food. His poppa wanted him to get ready for bed but he was too excited so he asked if he could sing his song to him.

A tear dropped from his eye and I pulled him in closer.

"See I told you they will always be near, don't be sad."

"I'm not sad poppa I'm happy because they are happy."

Ayden came screaming into the shack by the back door, he did a beeline to his bed and kissed us both.

"Did you have a good time son?"

"Yes, dah, was goods myes Blue took me right out into the big waves it was maysing."

He then kissed birdy's cheek.

"Burga birdy?"

"No thank you, I just ate." He grinned at me.


"Nannnny burga for baby peese."

He jumped off the bed and ran out to the cafe.

I followed as birdy went home all excited to tell Jay what had happened to him. He was delighted with his little pendant and chain and placed it around his neck for safe keeping.

My boy was at the table with Horse eating his burger he had some school mates with him and they were talking about surfing again, not school stuff. I wondered when I was going to get his first report card.

Horse was in a daze I think he and Ra had another small dance this afternoon because I saw them rushing inside the tiny house, which nowadays doesn't look so tiny anymore, maybe Ra's expanding it a little.

"But Cyn, I can't babysit tonight me and Joe are going to the drive-in." I heard Tony say as they came up the stairs.

"Whatever happened to, anything you want Cyn I'll be there." She whined that out.

"Yes it's still on offer but just not tonight, please Cyn its the new Aqua man movie." He looked flustered she winked at me.

"Maybe we will come with you then."

"No you're not, and anyway you're not doing anything tonight, you never do anything except take care of Abs sexual needs." That was it, another fight broke out and Cyn's potty mouth was on show to all of Rita's customers, she walked down with her ladle and tapped both of them.

"Not in front of the children you two."

"What bloody children?" Tony looked around Ayden put his arm up and giggled.

"Oh, he's heard worse coming from his father over there."

Butter wouldn't melt in my mouth at the moment, I smiled at Rita.

Then she tapped me.

"Just in case you're been swearing behind my back." She roared laughing.

It's another madhouse today, I need Evan and I need a rest and I wondered if I could go to the drive-in with Rita and daddy.

He kissed my neck and then rubbed our sons head, I was just about to scream at Tony and Cyn but they quietened down when Abs appeared through the shop. Ayden was also quiet and I knew the day had taken its toll on him, so as Evan went to find something to eat I pulled him onto my lap. His arms went around my neck and his head lay on my shoulder when I heard his light snoring I didn't put him in his bean bag I wanted to hold him a little bit longer.

I smelled his little boy smells and they took me to another place in time as I watched him play with some cartons on the floor, his nappy was coming off and he needed changing. A gorgeous man swooped him up then lay him on the kitchen bench, he protested with his giggling but Evan got the job done. I took him and put him back on the floor then I started playing with him. It was a wonderful time in that house a few years back, Evan had just bought all his surf gear and was giving me a show in his boardies and tanks. At that stage, we didn't have any idea how our lives would change. I remembered the first night he made love to me it was magical, and most welcomed. I had submitted to his love and wanted him to do everything to me, and I wanted to do the same to him.

I came back to reality and moved my boy over to his napping bed then I watched my Evan down his last bite of the sandwich he had grabbed. My eyes said it all as he looked at me, Horse and Ra were deep in conversation when I said.

"Watch Ayden for a minute will ya?"

"Of course Den, are you all right?" Horse was concerned.

"Yes, I need to finish something that I started a long time ago." I took Evans hand the other two giggled as I lead him to our bedroom.

I stared at him for some time.

"Den are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." Then I lifted his tank top and took all of his beauty in. My hands stroked over his fine chest and under his armpits. I nipped and sucked at his nipples then I slowly dropped his boardies. I then walked over to our wardrobe and took out the only business shirt he owned and a tie. After dressing him in them I made him lay down on the bed.

"What's this about Den?"

"Unfinished business bubs, remember the night you came back to Australia?"

"Yes Den always."

"Well you gave me an awesome head job, and I never returned it to you."

"But you did later on babe."

"Yes but I still owe you that one." I started licking down his body, it was more than ready to accept my mouth. I wanted him to feel how I had felt that night, and I wanted so much to have Evans baby.

His legs were everywhere on that bed as I returned his awesome lovemaking, I didn't think he would ever stop coming in my mouth as he almost screamed in ecstasy. I was happy in the moment; I was happy back then.

"I have a present for you."

"Yes Den, I think I just got it."

I lifted the red stone up and placed it around his neck.

"All you have to do is rub it gently and your parents will appear, you can talk to them whenever you want. But don't overdo it when Ayden or I am around we might want to talk to you too."

"What's going on?"

"The eastern king gave Birdie one so he could talk to his momma and poppa, so I asked father to make me one for you too. And if I'm around when you do it maybe I can thank them for having a beautiful awesome son."

"God Den, this is just unbelievable I can't fathom what I'm even going to talk to them about."

"Well you will work it out bubs, can you turn onto your tummy now I'm not quite finished yet."

We fell asleep for a time both exhausted. When I woke there was no Evan and I wasn't in my bed, well I was, but I wasn't in my room. I could hear the cries of a small baby coming from somewhere in the house, Evan must be feeding bubs. I put my shorts on and walked down to the kitchen, we were back in Evans mums house and I could see him on the sofa softly talking to my baby. He must have sensed me because his little legs were going at ninety miles an hour.

"Why are we here baby?"

"Den we live here." He yawned.

"No, we live on the beach in Golden Bay."

"Were you dreaming Den?"

I sat next to him and looked at my beautiful son, he was no more than six months old maybe less and his beautiful eyes shone as he stared back at me. This is not right why the hell are we still in Evans mums house, I started to get scared. Was it all a dream, my heart sunk because I wanted so desperately to go back with my folk, and my friends.

I woke up and Evan was staring at me he started whisper kissing my lips and I looked around the shacks bedroom. What the hell is happening?

I panicked and jumped out of bed.

"What's wrong Den?"

"Something's awfully wrong bub, I have to talk to father."

I put my shorts on and ran towards the folk's city.

"Father father, I need to talk to you."

He appeared in a flash, Evan had caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

"Den, what's wrong tell me."

"When I fell asleep I woke up in your mum's house and you were feeding Ayden he was still a baby, it was the night after you came back from London. The bay hadn't happened then, we were there."

"Calm down son."

"But dad is this all a dream or was that a dream, it was so real. I know I wanted to keep Ayden as a baby but I don't want to go back there I want to be with my friends here." Evan was concerned.

"Den will you take a deep breath please your panicking, we are here not back there." He rubbed my back I grabbed him so he wouldn't fade away.

"Give me the pendant my knight." Evan slipped it off his neck and passed it to my father who held it up to the light and hummed.

"Ah, there you are you shouldn't be in there, hang on son." He touched the gem and smiled.

"Too much memory my king, that will take you back in time to somewhere where you were the happiest."

"What?" I spat out.

"It was too much information I placed in the gem son. It's gone now you won't have any problems."

"This is interesting Den, that was the day you bent over the sofa and I did a nasty thing to you with my tongue," Evan remembers everything, and so did I, that was an awesome morning. I wanted to go back and relive it.

"Um father can you put it back I wouldn't mind going through that again."

"No son, its Evans, not yours and anyway it doesn't work properly if you're near to it, you may come back all distorted its dangerous. I have fixed it now only Evan can use it, sparingly my knight, do not forget that."

He walked me back to the shack as my excitement built up. When we got back, I went and locked the shop door that bordered the lounge room. I dropped my shorts and underwear then leaned over the sofa's armrest and said.

"Show me how it went again." He did, without any arguments.

Next: Chapter 108

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