Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 4, 2023


Chapter 105

Abs got to hold him and wasn't letting go, Cyn was in a bit of a panic, she felt okay but didn't want to move much because she really hadn't had a folk birth before, she started laughing.

"My lady you are fine to go, we have taken care of the other human thing and we think a nice strong cup of our dear Rita's coffee will work wonders." The now tiny nurse said.

"Thank you, thank you so much for all this I can never repay you."

"You already have my lady, you have given our David life again that's all the thanks we need, now your okay to go up to the shack but no playing any games as yet, give it a week maybe.

She winked at Cyn then Abs.

"My girls will instruct Rita on baby's requirements but for now he needs his sleep when he wakes he will be very hungry. Mary Bell and Tulip will be his nannies they will see that he gets plenty of nourishment."

Out of nowhere a cane basket appeared all decked out in clean baby blankets, Cyn placed David into it and Abs helped her up and she was fine to walk up to the porch. Abs gave the basket to Ali and Spud to carry, then winked at them.

Evan had his arm around me and kissed me in the bushes, it was a wonderful moment and I wished with all my heart David was our new baby.

"I could make it happen Den."

"No you couldn't, you can only make love to me." His eyebrows wiggled. Now's not the time Evan maybe in a half hour or so.

When we got to the porch Cyn called out.

"Rita a big mug of coffee please." We giggled because this is another surprise for Rita.

"Are you off your diet Cyn I don't think coffees good for you in your state. She called as she swanned down the porch, everyone was there and looking straight at her. The basket had been placed on the table and when Ali and Spud moved to the side to expose it. the coffee was almost dropped but with Horses help it made it onto the table.

"What happened, why is he here and not in the hospital?"

"I had a folk birth apparently, no pain no after effects but Abs can't come near me for a week or so." Cyn laughed.

Rita didn't pick the little mite up because he needed his sleep but she did kiss and touch him for a long time.

"Hey barnyard dog I hear you have a new son," Arras called out as he and Aisha came running up the stairs. I think Aisha was thinking about having a screaming fit until she spied Ayden staring at her. Her mouth instantly shut and she and Arras swooned over the baby.

"Oh fuck we better let Tony know." Cyn looked at Abs he laughed.

When Tony ran up the street he was crying with joy, then he slumped in the chair next to the baby he didn't say anything just sniffled as Cyn handed him tissues. His large hand stroked the baby endlessly then it was Ayden's turn. He talked fairy to him for ages we all heard it.

"Is he happy baby?"

"Yes Dah, he's bit whelmed at the moment he can't sleep too long because he cited to see mummy and daddy."

I heard a small fart, I guess that's his way of saying he's excited.

"We will take him home and get him settled my lady, have some time with your friends, chill, as our golden king says."

the ladies in waiting were organizing Cyn.

"No thank you, ladies, I will take him home and settle him in he may wake and be hungry."

Her and Abs took the little bundle home they were being followed by two dozen fairy folk. I guess Cyn will have all the help she needs with her son.

"He likes your paintings Dah, he's wants you to paints him." Ayden whispered to me.

"Oh, he does does he? well, we had better get onto it soon then."

"Needs burga now, nanny baby wants burga peese."

"Me too nanny Rita and some honey ice creams." I guess there's no show without Peter. When Ayden went off I grabbed Peter before he flew up to the cafe.

"How did you go with the sleepover idea?'

"Oh my highnessness he said no, but thank you, he's wants to be near his daddies." I smiled inside and felt really special.

That glint appeared again in my blind spot so I whispered out of the corner of my mouth.

"He's gone home you might catch up with him there." then I saw a flash of light. Uncle Trident is wanting a look-see of the new baby I think.

The drinks appeared and my boys were celebrating, I saw Tiny's car pull up outside Cyn's place so I think he's giving bubs the once over. Evan was onto his second beer and getting rather amorous with his hands, they kept slipping up my shorts, of course, I spread my legs wider so he could get a better grope.

I didn't drink I wanted to cuddle Birdy when he gets in then I wanted a long slow root from Evan. My afternoon was planned so I won't get any painting done again today. I heard that everything is okay at Cyn's, and Abs will be here shortly to have a celebratory drink with his boys. Bubble Apple and Tush joined in and when Birdy arrived home from school so did Joe Hulk and Jay who only had a coke. The boys had headed for Cyn's place I suppose that will be the norm for a while, Ali is still in shock and wants to be nearer to bubs.

When Abs arrived the beer flowed again and Evan started on his third, I wasn't going to let him get that drunk he will be no good to me so I took his roving hand to the bedroom for a ten-minute romp.

I felt much better after our little get together, then I had a wine with my mate Rita. She was worried about Cyn but I put her mind to rest saying the folk would be looking after the baby and Cyn. Abs did say she was having a lay down, I don't know what for she didn't do much of the work, only held him inside for nearly nine months.

My son was playing with Andy. Blue and Alex were having a drink; their hands were everywhere. I think their relationship was on a different level now thanks to Trident, and of course a much more animated Blue. The word around the place is the shouting coming from their house is quite explicit, and that's after the lights go out. I was pleased as punch Alex has finally been fully included into Blue's life before he was just window dressing but now he's front and center.

The party went on until I got too tired to do anything except put my son to bed. He was easy tonight he was almost asleep when I carried him to his room and while I was giving him his many kisses his eyes shut for the last time today.

Evan crawled in around one, he was a bit drunk and no amount of coaxing would get a rise out of him, he was also dead to the world as soon as his head met his pillow.

Horse didn't tap on the window this morning and Evan was still asleep when I went to have a shower. I then checked on my son he was playing with his toys.

I wiped him down then I dressed him he straightened his hair and then it was time for breakfast.

I sat in my usual seat and he walked down carefully with his milk and an egg on toast.

"Dah, cans I ask summeting?"

"Of course son what is it?"

"Do you thinks I should have a sleeps over with my friends or will you and pa miss me?"

"We will miss you, son, maybe I might get scared in the night and want you in bed with me, maybe. And I know pa would too you know how he likes to go surfing with you sometimes early." I smiled inside.

"Good." that's all he had to say on the subject, but I did see him smile.

"Just hang on a minute, I can't do everything at once behave yourselves." I heard Rita shout from her kitchen. I suppose the kids are up and hungry.

"Yes, Peter I have honey on toast for you just be patient."

"Good morning our highnessness did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Rosie I had a great sleep. did you?"

"Yes my imperial sovereign, did the little princes pa sleep too?"

"Yes, in fact, he's still asleep he had a late night."

"Oh. and how are you our little prince have you been potty this morning?" She giggled.

Ayden gave her a sour look. I think he thinks what comes out of his bum isn't for public discussion.

I leaned over and asked him anyway.

"Yes dah, used toilet they don't annoy me in the bathroom." I see I must thank them for hounding him. Maybe I will hide the potty sometime today, but I won't throw it in the ocean.

They started talking about school, but there was none today so they moved the discussion to when they were going surfing instead. My son was the leader of the pack, he told them he will go when his pa gets up and stay there all day until dinner time. I looked at him and said.

"You don't want to go see baby David today?"

"No dah he gets in my head and asks too many questions."

"Okay we can't have that then you might not have the right answers."

"Ise always right dad, you knows that already." He grinned into his toast.

"Does anyone want anymore?"

"Ice creams now nanny Rita peese."

"Okay coming up." She put the coffee pot down on the table in front of me then went back to her kitchen.

I got a nurse and play with little Andy when Alex arrived, he wanted to play with my nose I wanted him to behave himself, he laughed and dribbled down my t-shirt. Memories of yesteryear came flooding back again.

"Is everything okay now Alex?"

"Yes Den, more than okay we have finally connected. Blues fully accepted us as a couple, for a long time he seemed half-hearted about it all, but now he's fully on board." He grinned.

"Good I guess the waves were still calling him and he was a bit torn between you and them. I suppose Trident had a lot to do with it too."

"He said he talks to it in his sleep Den, do I believe him?"

"Yes Alex they have a lot of catching up to do, and when they are finished, he will talk to you too."

"How do you know that?"

"I know because the three of you are inseparable."

"And Andy?"

"He is included and will be a wave chaser like his dads, he will out surf and out swim everyone except Blue."

"And me," Ayden said rather flatly.

"And of course you baby, that goes without saying." I agreed.

"Hangover Den, I need to surf to clear my head but first, coffee."

Evan was up and ready to go, as soon as Ayden saw him he ran to his bedroom to get his wet suit on. I poured him a coffee and he downed it in one go.

"Yes, maybe a surf would do you the world of good bubs."

"Well, it was Horse and Ra that kept me up they were trying to talk me into dancing with them again." I didn't get jealous I knew we couldn't do it that way, we fed off our partner's DNA and it wouldn't be the same if we were unsuited.

"I know that Den, its Ra that tries it on and he knows it too, he's just a cock teaser that's all." He kissed my lips and whispered.

"I will go for a surf then you be ready to feed off me when I get back." He grinned.

My baby was jumping up and down because he wanted a piggyback ride this morning, and not to just the sand, into the water if you please, and up to his waist maybe shoulders, he's still thinking about it.

The kids flitted off when they left so I was alone at last. I got my Trident painting out, I have to finish this then I must do some for my fans. I don't do it for the money who knows how many millions I have in the bank and I don't really care. I just love to paint its an easy job for me and I can work my own hours. I felt something or someone watching me while I placed the intricate markings on Tridents staff then some on Blues body, a sort of excitement came over me and I knew, you know who was watching me because I saw that glint of light.

I worked for two hours straight, then I needed some coffee and a bit of a rest, I hadn't tranced, well I felt like I hadn't but I did have most of the basic drawing done, I had placed Ayden on Blues shoulders and Alex holding Andy stood proudly beside the iron rod. It almost looked like it was smiling proudly at its family.

A beautiful lady who looked like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine walked up the steps. She had the biggest smile on her face as she plopped her handbag down on my table then leaned over to hug me.

"Den it's been too long, I'm so happy to see you." Maggie, Cyn's reporter friend greeted me. It was so good to see her again too.

"Maggie last I heard you had moved to Paris, what brings you back here?"

"I heard there was a new addition in Cyn's life so while I was in town I thought a visit is long overdue. I am on my way to see bubs but wanted to see you first. Something's been nagging at me lately and I can't settle, is everything okay down here?"

"More than okay Maggie, coffee?"

"Yes please Den." I walked up to the cafe and as I walked past the tree I felt so much happiness, now my problem is this, do I tell Maggie about her brother Steven or leave it alone.

Rita bought the coffee plunger down and sat with us, she had some catching up to do too. I didn't know how to approach the subject. I don't want Maggie to know I saw her brother just in case she can't and that would be devastating for her, so I thought I might call in my father and ask him, but I will catch up with the conversation first.

She was telling us her magazine was looking at expanding throughout Europe and they have asked her to be the editor in chief, she's still undecided about doing it. She feels she needs to go back to her first love and that's writing. She also said she's been having some very weird dreams about the bay, she can hear a small boy calling to her all the time, she thinks he was Ayden.

I watched her for a while and wondered if it was her brother Steven calling out to her to come home, but maybe it was my boy he did say he was bringing everyone back to the bay. I did detect a slight aura coming from her body.

She started swatting the few butterflies that were hanging around then they disappeared and I heard my boy come through the back door. He headed for Maggie and she placed him on her lap after many kisses and welcome backs from Ayden.

"How's Roger?"

"He's good Den, I miss him too, another reason to come back home. Those long distant romances never last, and I do love him." Roger was her photographer friend I thought there was a connection in there at the time. Maggie had done a few write-ups on myself and Spud a year or more ago she and Cyn virtually catapulted our careers internationally.

Ayden had enough cuddles and he moved down from her lap. he was still staring at her, then he said as he pushed her leg.

"Come look wif me, come." He started dragging her arm.

"What's going on Den, Rita? what's he doing?"

"Something you have longed for a long time Maggie just go with him, this is going to be so awesome." My tears started to drip.

She stood up and Ayden led her to Spuds hanging tree, he made her sit with him on the small wooden bench Horse had placed there. Butterflies came from nowhere and covered the tree, then I saw a small fifteen-year-old boy appear. I heard a strangled sound then Maggie was holding her brother in her arms.

I looked over at Rita, tears were streaming down her cheeks her hand moved to mine and she squeezed it. I was also crying for sheer joy for her and her brother, he was in transit, my question was answered when Ayden moved back to sit on my lap. He whispered to Rita and me.

"He waits for Roger to comes so he is their little boy."

"Oh really bubs, they can do that?" He gave me the Ayden stare. Okay, I'm the stupid one, of course, they can.

Maggie sat with her brother for two hours, I sent Spud up to get Cyn who walked back with him with the baby in his carry basket followed by his nurses.

She watched Maggie for some time then looked at Spud and said.

"Coffee would be nice Spudley, is Ali around?"

"Coming up mommy Cyn, and no he's at the games parlor."

"Oh, I thought he might like to change David he's getting stinky."

She laughed.

As soon as she said that the nurses went into nanny mode and David was almost changed and cleaned in an instant.

"I can see this is going to be a problem Den they won't let me do anything except feed him."

"Nannies are like that Cyn just ask Rita here." I laughed as Rita also gave me one of her best stares. It was good and broke our solemn moment.

Ali ran up the stairs, Spud must have called him, he dropped to his knees and started to talk to the baby who was now opening his eyes and sort of smiling at him.

Maggie came back and I could see the pure joy in her face as she poured another coffee.

"Just give me five minutes Cyn I want to savor his presence a bit."

"Sure my friend then you can meet my son." Cyn chuckled, Maggie looked at her, then the baby she was in love with the little mite instantly.

"What do I do magic baby, he had to leave he said something about a celebration party on the beach, is this right?"

Ayden was thinking about it then he had the answer.

"Buy book shops and write best sellers maybe gets married to Rodder maybe have a berry special baby, you will see him all the times down here, but not in a dirty old city."

"Okay, he said he had been calling me home so it's a done deal. Where is this bookshop Den?"

"Well, it's Art Wests shop I don't think its for sale though."

"It is Den, I only heard this morning he has finalized the movie rights to his latest book and is moving to Hollywood to write the screenplay. His book shop is going to be sold."

"Why am I always the last to know?"

"And me Den, there goes one of my best brownie customers, although I suspect Tush's bum was maybe the main attraction for him." Rita laughed.

"Did he have anything to add to what we already know Maggie?"

"No Den, only that he misses mum and me and he wishes he never had to leave but he had to, something about being reborn to be able to come home and live with us."

"We will talk about that later my friend, but do what Ayden is asking, your life will be a whole lot better down here. I guarantee it." I grinned.

She actually had dinner with us and stayed the night at Cyn's, that was after she spent some time down at our crazy beach.

I think Cyn and her red-headed fairy friend worded her up on what was going on, and the next morning she was beating on Arts book shop door with an offer he couldn't refuse. By the time she had left the bay, she had rang Roger and her mum and insisted she come and live with them down here and help run the shop during the holiday season. I told her Roger would get some work off the hotel and the joinery if he wanted it, there was plenty of work for him to do.

She said he was an author too and has been looking at doing that full time.

It was another joyous night and Abs and Arras were getting drunk on some eastern concoction. Of course, Evan and the boys had to have a taste, so tonight I missed out again and I wasn't a happy camper at all.

We said our goodbyes to Maggie, she was so pumped up with the magic she didn't really want to leave but had to clear out her apartment in Paris and get back to us as soon as possible.

My next problem was Trident, he was getting rather bold and was stalking me to no end. I had to finish his painting but I couldn't find the time to do it, so the third morning I uncovered it and started painting. The excitement built and I didn't put my brushes down for hours, I had tranced again.

"Who is that one for Den?" Blue asked as he walked by to go surfing.

"A friend ordered it Blue, you don't want to know."

He gave me a wave, I think he accepted my answer and I watched his badass bounce down my driveway.

The flash of lightening distracted me as I placed my signature on it and I was about to have a good look from a distance when the bloody painting was stolen.

I could hear singing in my ears and felt the magic pouring into my body, no gold just magic I guess that's how Trident rolls. I also had sussed it was ocean magic. I had better grab a board and show my Evan just how good at surfing I have become.

I had the opportunity to talk to the Dwarf king he was in a heated discussion with the Ogre king on the beach that afternoon.

He told me that Trident was swooning over his new painting and nobody was allowed to touch it. He said he thought the great pronged one had put a death spell on it and they wouldn't attempt to even look at it again.

I sat by my tree as the two kings popped in and out of both worlds. I couldn't get the gist of the argument but it was something about digging up old ruins. Then the Ogre king hit my father on the head with his walking stick, it was all over rover when my father punched him in the eye, then Horses Elvin army appeared to break them up. I was asked to adjudicate and when I heard the full story I was furious, no scratch that, I was mortified.

Evan had to hold me back because I was going to have a go at the Ogre king, my father was right to give him that black eye.

"Have you no concept of family, of broken souls, of your fellow folk, what you have been doing is downright disgusting and I am ashamed I even know you at the moment."

I got madder and I knew I was changing into the forever king. I could feel the magic burst out of me and my black hair was long and like wildfire again but it had streaks of colors in it this time. The Ogres had been sniffing out the trapped fairy statues in the bay, that's what they are noted for, finding things. They had stored several hundreds of those poor broken folk in their kingdom, they said they wanted to look after them. My father said Ayden had the power to return them, but the Ogre king didn't believe him. That's when the fight had started.

"How dare you refuse life to your fellow folk, you will bring all that you have found here immediately." I roared.

"No, we are looking after them." Ogres are pretty dumb and they shouldn't take on a forever king; not ever.

I saw a flash of light and in an instant, I was holding Trident in my hands, it radiated fury as the kings bowed before it.

"Here within three minutes did you hear me, otherwise I will wipe out your kingdom and your people." I roared.

In a flash there was a mound of broken statues piled up on the beach the Ogre king couldn't look at me, I didn't know if it was me or Trident he was more scared of.

"We will have to find a suitable punishment for them, my king."

"What do you suggest father?"

"Take their paintings away sire."

"NOOO, the Ogre king begged he would do anything but not the paintings they are mostly ones of their adored little prince.

"Okay you will search this bay from top to bottom and bring me all the trapped folk you find, then you can go about your business."

The Ogre king popped back to his village to do just that, he couldn't wait to get out of our presence. My father laughed at me and said.

"They were trying to steal the gold that each statue holds but couldn't find a suitable spell." He laughed.

"Why don't the Dwarves just give them some?"

"What! their gold, never, it's unheard of."

"Just bloody get them to do it father, I don't want a repeat of this situation again, it's appalling that they would even think of that.

I could feel Trident laughing, and as I started to dim he disappeared with a great wholesome chuckle.

"Not so quick my king, we have some unfinished business I think." Evan had tuned into his knight self. We danced for ages, our wings were intertwined and so was our hair. I felt every orgasm in every fiber of my being as I made love to my beautiful knight.

By the time we arrived back, Ayden had done his thing and there was another party on the beach, with grateful folk reuniting with old friends and family. Of course, there was plenty of thank yous coming my way and a stack of gold that the Dwarves cleared up immediately.

Ayden was tired and wanted a rest, but he didn't want to leave the beach in case it ran away, so I lay with him beside our tree. I was a bit tired too so I had ten minutes while Evan lay behind me and took a hold of my stomach. My dream was all about incantations, I was being instructed how to make gold and it sounded pretty easy. I could hear Ayden's giggles in the background as I woke, he and Evan were in the surf laughing up a storm with Horse and Blue.

I wiped my eyes and stood up, then I waved to my son and boyfriend as I walked down the beach towards the Ogre camp. I don't know why they are said to be hideously scary, I think they are sort of nice in a cartoonish sort of way. I suppose just the name Ogre scares people. Their encampment was the last one and when I got there the king popped into view and I bowed to him.

"My king, welcome to my realm, it's been a long time since you have visited the Ogre people."

"Your welcome great king, I need to know why do you want the gold, from what I hear you have no need for it?"

"We don't my golden king, and we are ashamed we did what we did, it was unforgivable of us. We had forgotten our adored little prince could release them, we only wanted a little gold."

"Then why?"

He scratched the sand with his big oversized foot and blushed.

"We wanted it for our magic baby, we wanted to make him something nice so he won't forget us." That was a bit odd, why would Ayden forget these folk?

I feel another painting coming up, I'll never get any work done at this rate. I lifted my arm and spoke the words, a small stack of gold appeared on the sand, the king was gobsmacked.

"Is that enough or do you need more?"

"That is plenty my king thank you so much."

"Well if you want any more just ask, and stop being a stranger come up to the shack and have coffee with us sometime."

"We would love that my king, we are a bit far out to be even noticed." I guessed they felt they were being left out.

"Well not anymore, you are a part of my family and I need to see you because I want to learn about Ogre things. And as you know the holidaymakers are arriving in their droves and the boys usually move down to this end of the beach while they are here; so be prepared to host the little prince every day from now on."

"Really is that true my king?"

"Yes I will talk to his pa tonight and find out when they plan to move, then I will let you know." I smiled. Then I said my goodbyes and walked up to Cyn's place. I wanted to see the baby and maybe have a coffee with her if she's not resting. I went in through the back gate I could see her sitting with Abs at the big wooden table Tony had made for her. I pulled open the door and went inside. Abs got up to make a fresh pot of coffee and I sat opposite Cyn and little David, who by now was looking back his eyes were nearly wide open. He's so small and even managed a yawning smile for me.

"Has he been a dream to look after Cyn?"

"Yes Den, but I sort of miss the screaming and night feed I was prepared to do. The nannies do it all during the night all I have to do is express milk and store it in the fridge."

"So you're missing out being a new mum then, I will talk to them for you, they can be a bit overbearing sometimes."

"Its okay Den, I guess I'm just being a bit sensitive and I really don't mind a good nights sleep but I don't want David to miss his mummy's cuddles along the way I want to bond with him so much."

My mind drifted off to a time when Evan did the night feeds as well as hold down a regular job I was so grateful to him and I felt so guilty I couldn't look after my son properly. He never complained and each time he did it, I promised I would help the next time, but I was too exhausted to do anything.

"I know what you're talking about Cyn, with a new baby in the house it's a given that the mum and dad do all the caring its the way it should be. We only got Susan in because I was sick in the hospital for a time, otherwise, I would have done that job, with Evans help."

"Maybe I will speak to them, but I don't want them to feel left out or unappreciated." Abs sat and poured my drink.

"Just tell them the human side of you want to do that job for now if you get into any difficulties you will call them."

It was like a call had been made when Tulip and Mary Belle popped into the room.

"My lady my lord we have some distressing news for you both."

"What now?" I groaned.

"Oh hello our forever king, we trust you are well."

"Yes thank you, Tulip."

"Well as we said my lady, we have had a rush on births in the Arabian village and are needed to look after a very restless set of twins do you think you can cope with little David on your own for a while?"

"Yes I can Tulip and thank you for all your assistance, I really did appreciate it." Cyn smiled she knew they had been ears dropping in on our conversation.

They kissed little David and popped out to do whatever they do.

"They think I'm ungrateful Den, I feel awful now."

"No, I think they understand and call them back if you're not coping."

Just then I heard a faint fart, I think their job starts now and Cyn's giggling was warming as she passed over a clean nappy to Abs.

My job has been done today, now I have to do a painting for the Ogre king I will place his Ayden in it and his beach full of surfers, drawing the king was a pleasure he was ugly but so beautiful if you know what I mean. I asked Evan when they were going to move down the beach and he said probably tomorrow but had been told by my father there was no need. They were going to spread thorns on the beach near the corner end that will deter many of the surfers from coming over to our beach. I was again appalled and will speak to father about getting rid of the nasty spikes, some kids will do some damage and they will feel plenty of pain because of them.

I also made Evan promise he will speak to the boys about being more friendly to the Ogre nation.

He knew what I had been talking about, its all new and they hadn't got around to seeing the different folk and they will in time get to know them all again thoroughly, but he was dreading talking to the Trolls and Goblins, although they seem to keep to their own anyway.

"You have made my nose too big my king." I jumped because I thought I was alone. When I turned around there was the Ogre king staring at his drawing.

"Oh sorry, yes your right it is too big. I will fix it."

"See that you do."

"Coffee my friend?"

"Yes please, I hear nanny Rita has good coffee."

I didn't have to go to the kitchen to order it I could hear the laughing as Rita came down with a pot.

"My dear Ogre King how nice of you to come to visit us, we are always so happy to see you and your children." Rita was beaming I think she likes this guy.

"Nanny Rita thank you for taking the children to your bosom they talk about you non stop all the time."

"My pleasure; would you like to try some of my ice cream your highness." The king blushed and said a very soft.

"Yes please nanny Rita, can I have chocolate sauce?" He's putty in her hands.

Next: Chapter 107

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