Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Feb 25, 2019



I woke up with the sun shining on me through the open window, and beside me was a small four-year-old boy and a blonde haired human man, I knew they both would always be with me. They were still sleeping because it had been a big party last night. I ran it through my head one more time and thought maybe now I can put it to rest.

When the forever king took his army into the human world he hid the fairy folk in his Golden Book. He hid that book away in his memories; my memories. When the war was done and over with, he hid his army in the bay to keep them safe. As the fairy magic dwindled over the centuries the fairy folk and the book were completely forgotten. It wasn't until the king had a breakdown and received shock treatment that the folk started re-awakening.

I, somehow with Ayden's help, unknowingly had transferred all the folk into my paintings when I tranced, to be kept there until I figured out subconsciously how to release them into our human world.

Because I had human genes in my body it was impossible for me to travel back into the old world, so the solution was to release everyone here in our bay. They would all be protected by the magic of the bay forever. We the human side of fairy will die and we will be reincarnated and the more we do that the more fairy we will become. I don't know if we will ever go back to our original lands again, but if we do, it won't be for a very long time.

My son always held onto some magic, and with his help I slowly recovered my memory, he possessed the key to unlock the Golden Book. Horse had some power and Ayden had been transferring more to him whenever he settled into Horse's arms. He needed quite a lot to wake his sleeping army. My son's job was done and I hope to god he will just be a normal little boy from now on, but on the other side of things there is so much for us to do. The folk need protecting and that's where the many kings of fairy land come into it. They must set boundaries for the folk and see to their different needs, as there are many different cultures and species of fairy who enjoy the one global city.

The dark prince had been trapped in that painting in Portugal by the forever king after the big war, but when he was accidently released he wanted Ayden's knowledge on how to read the Golden Book. That's why he didn't want me, he wanted my son. Thankfully he was dealt with by the golden knight, who also possessed some strong magic which had been transferred freely to him by our son.

The gold? Well that was the hardest, but ended up being the easiest thing to figure out. The answer was easy, the dwarves, they wouldn't leave their gold so the folk brought it all with them. The tiny coins were the only way it could be transported safely. Each member of the population had to bring one coin with them and were threatened by the dwarves that if they lost it, the forever king would destroy them, which my friends wasn't true. But it did put the fear of condemnation into every fragile fairy heart. The trick now is to cohabitate with them, but I feel we are going to have many hours of fun and laughter on the way.

I was told that my paintings would always sell well, and there were no fairy folk sent into museums or private collections around the world, only a little magic. I had subconsciously but deliberately done a lot of family paintings that I had hidden my people in. When the fairies were released there was no damage to any of my works, they will live on as a reminder to the folk that their king and prince was still looking after them, despite the many mishaps on their long journey.

I looked over again and my man was smiling at me, he can read my mind so there was no need to say out loud what I had been thinking about. I smiled back at him then leant over and kissed his sweet lips. I heard giggling coming from the hallway then a small knocking sound.

"Come in," I said.

The door swung open and there were half a dozen human sized folk carrying a tray with a glass of milk, two cups and a pot of coffee.

"Good morning our magnificent golden king, we trust you slept well, good morning our dear knight and our sweet little baby prince. Nanny Rita said she will have breakfast ready as soon as you require it, and we are sorry to disturb you almighty ones." The giggling started again as they disappeared out the door, but before I could thank them.

"I hope this isn't going to happen every morning Den."

"Why not? If they want to do it I'm not complaining." I grinned at him.

"But what if we are otherwise engaged?"

"You have a dirty mind Evan Spicer, it's about time I cleaned it up for you. Would you enjoy a small dance in the bathroom before breakfast?" I can only live in hope.

He laughed as I took hold of his manhood just as Ayden woke up. He smiled at both of us and we kissed him good morning.

"Thank you for all your help baby, do you know if there's anything we missed?"

No daddies, onlys Ayden's not open his presents yet."

"Oh sorry, we forgot about your birthday presents."

"It's okay dah, Birdie and I do laters, I need burga now." I made him drink his milk and he kissed his pa and scooted out to the cafe, I guess his gifts will have to wait.

My man didn't go surfing this morning because we had slept in, and at the moment he is trying to wake me up by sliding down the bed and taking control of one of my bodily functions. He was excellent at it too, but eventually we begrudgingly had to get up and shower.

On my way to the cafe I noticed the rose bushes I had brought from Evan's mum's place had burst into thousands of blooms, and had grown to an awesome size. There was a beautiful dark haired young woman tending them, she looked up at me and smiled. Evan's mum, she was absolutely gorgeous. I looked back at Evan and he had noticed too. We had been told that his mum and dad were in transit, waiting to be reborn.

My heart sunk as I looked towards Spud's hanging tree. A boy sat with his skateboard and smiled at me, he mouthed, `I love you my king', and a thank you, then he disappeared. I wondered if Maggie's brother was fairy, I will have to ask my father.

I came back to reality as I strolled up to the cafe end and wondered what all that racket was coming from Rita's kitchen, but my question was answered as I walked through the shop door.

"Will you all please settle down and behave yourselves?" I heard Rita scream at someone, then there was dead silence.

"Now from the top once more, I have veggie burger, eggs, bacon, tomato, cheese and tomato sauce on these ones. If you want anything else, you will have to make it yourselves." She was standing in the kitchen talking to a half dozen little kids who all looked human, but I knew by their glow they were fairy.

I heard a musical singing sound and hundreds of tiny fairy teens, toddlers and even babies converging on the big platter of hamburgers that Rita had placed on the table. The six kids popped from being human size to tiny fairy size and the dozen hamburgers didn't last long as they cleaned the plate, but I got another idea for a painting.

"Any more?" They all whispered amongst themselves then I heard a collective,

"Ice creams now, peease nanny Rita."

"Okay, Alex get the ice cream out, do you want chocolate topping or strawberry?"

A collective answer again,

"Chocolate peease nanny."

I laughed and they noticed me, that got them all bowing and another round of,

"Good morning our forever king, you look very handsome today."

"Good morning my children, are you having fun?"

"Oh yes, so much fun, we love nanny's burgers nearly as much as her ice creams." One elected speaker flew into my face so I said,

"Good, eat up, there's work to be done after."

"What work is that our king?"

"The washing up." I laughed along with Tush, Rita and Alex.

There was a lot of squabbling going on when the ice cream appeared so I grabbed my coffee, gave Andy a little kiss and cuddle and walked him back to my son, Evan and Horse.

A few of the little ones were playing with Horse and he was laughing at their antics. I noticed a blank canvas had been placed on the easel and looked at my son who looked like he was just about over everything.

"They wants you to paints them."


"So you can sells silly," Horse quipped.

"Where's Ra today general? I have the need to paint him first my friend."

"Surfing Den, then putting the men through their paces, they have been very slack these past thousand years or so." He belly laughed. It was so good to see everyone was in high spirits.

"Oh." I giggled quietly.

The fairy sometimes would appear as human size but mostly they were tiny, or in the guise of being butterflies so they could move around unnoticed. Rita's cafe was now a problem because the kids loved her, but ask any customer that wasn't fairy and they couldn't see anything out of the ordinary going on. Even down the beach they went unnoticed, they were actually the perfect neighbours to have.

I remembered sweet Ra he was the handsomest young man in Horse's army, he and Horse had a huge relationship. Not long after the fighting was over he disappeared with the rest of the army, leaving Horse on his own to protect me and my human family. I will get the dwarves to conjure up some sort of award for him for being so patient and lending his man to me for all these years.

Evan and I had danced with them both a number of times and I blushed as I remembered Ra giving Horse his thick manhood.


"Sorry Evan."

"I should think so, please stop it."

"Where are those pesky kids my king?" I heard my father stomping through the shop, he looked the part in his board shorts and tank top.

"In with Rita, she's feeding them."

"Oh, well we will see about that then," he said and marched up to the cafe and bellowed,

"Why aren't you bloody children in your classes? Get out of here."

"What?" Rita yelled. The next thing I saw was so funny, Rita had her ladle and was tapping the king's tunic and marching him backwards up the porch.

"Don't you even dare try to upset my children with your brutish ways, I have a good mind to wash your loud mouth out with soap." She tapped him all the way out to the back door and the last words I heard were,

"They will be in school after they eat a hearty breakfast, and not a minute sooner." The door slammed but Rita was nearly wetting herself when she came back.

"I've never had so much fun boys; this is what I was born to do."

She laughed as she sailed all the way up to her kitchen.

"Surf Evan?"

"It's the only place we will get some peace and quiet Horse, let's go."

"Pa!" Ayden jumped up, I think he needs some space too.

"You too son, come on, times a wasting."

They headed off to get into their suits and I could hear the other guys screaming from the beach, I guess they are having a ball with our new guests. I was still tired after last night so I thought I would maybe go get another ten-minute nap. I told Rita to ask Tush to take the breakfasts down and went to climb back into bed. I was asleep and in no time dreaming again, more memories came flooding back.

I dreamt of Evan's mum and dad, Tim's grandmother and somewhere, somehow I knew they were fairy, but still in transit. They were waiting to be reborn, as well as Maggie's little brother. They will be able to be seen occasionally but that's as far as their magic extends. I was so happy for Evan as he had missed them so much, he did say once he sometimes felt his father surfing alongside him.

My sleep went undisturbed and when I woke I felt like I had conquered the world. I did have a dry mouth but coffee will fix that. I could hear the sounds of happy people down the beach and it was hard to discern whose voices I was hearing from old and new friends. Upon my return to the porch I was confronted by at least a dozen bright eyed fairy kids, sitting at my table staring at the blank canvas.

"We waits for you our almighty and handsome golden king."

"Oh, and why may I ask my beautiful children?" They giggled.

"To paints that's why, can you paints us with our beautiful little prince peease?"

"I can do that but just let me get a coffee first." There was obviously no time to waste as I saw the tray and coffee pot appear instantly on the table, a pencil was also placed in my hand. I had no idea what to draw but I will start with the largest fairy, then I will work my way down to the smallest.

"Cans we haves some beach peease?"

"Of course, sorry I forgot." I started doing the background first, just a simple drawing of our beach then I put the big fairy in it.

You would have thought I had given the small mite a million dollars as she cooed and aahed her way through my strokes.

"Thank you mys kings, I look very pretty today, thank you."

"All my pleasure ..." I didn't know any names.

"Gardenia your highness."

"Oh Gardenia, I'm sorry, pleased to meet you." I afforded myself a chuckle.

"Who's next?"

"Me, Peter, pease king cans I have some blue's t-shirt on?"

"Of course Peter, one Blue's t-shirt coming up."

This went on for two hours and I think I crammed everyone in. I told them I would paint it this afternoon. They sat there not hearing what I said but still staring at me, I think they have been taking lessons from my son. I got the message and started applying the paint, or should I say the paint applied itself. They were helping me get it finished in record time and again a masterpiece appeared out of nowhere.

The kiss on my neck and a little boy wanting a burger scattered the kids as they popped into fairy mode and followed Ayden up to the kitchen.

"Did you do this one this morning Den?"

"Yes, with a little help, there's Gardenia, Peter, Errol, Thomas, and that's Geraldine and Gossamer etcetera." I laughed because I had remembered all their names as I pointed them out to Evan.

He took my hands and rubbed them.

"It's okay bubs, they helped me throw the paint on."

"Like a paintball game Den?"

"Something like that bubs." I grinned.

They all came back with milkshakes and cakes then Gardenia said,

"What are you going to do with our painting our king?"

"Give it to you, that's if you would like it."

She jumped off her chair and hugged me, god she's strong.

"We will all share it, thank you our king."

"My pleasure children."

"How are you today our golden knight?"

"Very well Peter." Evan smiled at the little elf.

"Did you wipe out today?" He giggled.

"No, I actually had some very good runs."

"We already knows; your poppy is helping you." Loads of giggling came from across the table, and Ayden's was the loudest.

Evan was deep in thought and unusual for him I also saw his eyes glisten.

"It was awesome Den, I felt a little magic and I knew it was dad, he was with me." My finger stroked his cheek, he wasn't sad, he was happy his father and mum were almost fairy folk.

They had finished their drinks and wanted to show the others the painting, so it flew off into space when they disappeared. God I hope they all don't want a painting; I will never get anything done around here. I heard Ayden sigh and looked over to him.

"What's the matter son?" I moved him onto my lap as we were watching our afternoon go by.

"Nothings dah, just they won't leaves me alone."

"Well make some rules then, tell them you are only going to play with them for one hour a day."

"They loves us dah."

"I know, and once they settle in I'm sure they won't bother you so much. Don't forget it was you who brought them here and they are so grateful."

"I knows dah buts they asks too many questions."

"Do you want me to talk to the king?"

"No, justs have to find a way to keeps thems busy."

I nodded as his head flopped back into my chest. I stroked his hair and after a few minutes his legs relaxed, he was having a nap.

"More coffee Den?"

"Yes please Rita, can you grab me a doughnut while your there?"

"Coming up.

I moved my son onto his bean bag and noticed a few of the folk appear and nestle into him, they do love him and I guess Ayden does loves them back, but if he's being annoyed then we have to put a stop to it.

I had thought long and hard about their arrival and didn't want to place a lot of restrictions on them, mostly they were invisible and we went about our daily lives without them. It's just sometimes when the kids get bored they tend to congregate at Rita's, or around Ayden or Horse. If I'm painting they all sit on the porch watching me with big bug eyes, I had sometimes in the past thought they were helping me do my work, and today just confirms it.

Rita isn't bothered at all, she loves having them around and is forever giving them treats, but has learnt to keep her freezer closed because the last time it was left slightly open several dozen ice creams disappeared. Of course the king replaced them instantly, but it was funny when it happened. A sense of family came over the bay and I felt fantastic all the time, like a weight had been lifted from my mind, which it had.

My painting over the next week or two improved if that was ever possible, and Cyn wanted to get her hands on them as soon as I finished each one. I have started on Ra today, he was awesome and looked more like an Egyptian god everyday.

He had basically moved in with Horse and they were often found down the beach training the men, but it looked more like surfing to me. Abs and his men trained the eastern army, they were so happy to see them again and quite often war games had been mentioned between the two camps. I suspected Abs and his guys still flit around at night time, just to keep us all safe.

When I initially asked Ra to pose for me, his clothes instantly dropped to the floor and I was left with the perfect naked man in front of me. Horse giggled, Evan groaned and Rita nearly dropped her sandwich as she tripped on one of her chairs. I made him at least put a tank top on so he wouldn't attract the diners up to our end.

It was all normal to him and if he had his way everyone would be walking around naked.

All he had to do was sit at the table and pose while I drew him, but oh no, he did something else that triggered a new painting, he laid down on the table top with his head resting on Horse's ample chest. His eyes were staring into Horse's heart, his hand touching it, and I could feel their love.

Of course the folk weren't idle, Horse had their builders finishing off Blue's house and they almost ran the laundry and cleaned all the stays, which gave Alex and Blue more time to play with Andy. It all seemed to work but I was worried about Ayden's small doldrums, but then I had a brilliant idea, school, why not?

I had been talking to my father the king one morning, we were fine tuning some odds and ends and he was fond of Rita's coffee, he drank mugs full while we talked.

"Now that Alex and Poseidon's house is finished, the boys can move in whenever they like. I want to send my workers on to Susan and Patrick's hotel next, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to complete the restoration. Is there anything else we need to do son?"

"Not that I can think of, what have the dwarves been up to? I see them flying off every morning and they don't come back until night time?" I was a bit worried they were up to some mischief.

"They are doing what they have always done Den, they have found their buried treasure thanks to your map, and now they are digging for more gold."

"Where was it?"

"The entrance is under the hotel son, hidden in a dark corner in the basement, but don't tell anyone, they will get very angry."

"I won't, but I would love to see it one day."

As soon as I said that I was transported to a damp basement and being met by the dwarf king. He started waving his hands in an over flourishing kind of gesture that I knew he didn't have to do. A wall opened and I could see a very large cavern full of billions of jewels and gemstones.

"We hid all this stuff in several places around the globe, just in case the dark prince found it."

"My god, don't tell Mavis for god's sake, she will have a field day."

"She will get her wealth from her trinkets my king, but if you wish we can give her some jewels to sell, under the table if you know what I mean, wink wink."

"She would love that I'm sure, how far in does the tunnel go?"

"It's around seven of your miles at the moment, we don't want to expand it too much in case we have a cave in. My men are really just looking out for it now, it gives them something to do."

He bade me to go have a look, and boy that jewellery was awesome, I picked up rings with diamonds the size of golf balls, necklaces heavily studded with exotic stones and pearls by the millions.

"It's all genuine my king, one day I want you to bring nanny Rita here so she can pick out a few items for her trinket box, she's been so good to the children we want to reward her. I am thinking she might like to go through the Josephine casket or the Marie Antoinette collection."

"What?" I was confused again.

"We saved a lot of the best jewellery during the wars over the centuries and have been storing it. This is only a small part of it, there's more buried in other spots throughout the globe." He grinned.

"We have the scrolls from Alexandra, the ten commandments and the Egyptian burial gold we took before it was pillaged by the slaves, and we also have a lot of the Russian crown jewellery and gold for safe keeping. Not to mention Poseidon's trident over there. Will you be quiet trident," he shouted; I jumped and looked over at a gold cage next to the wall where a three-meter trident was banging on the bars trying to escape.

"We had to place it in that golden cage, it senses Poseidon is near and wants to be let free to surf the oceans with him." He pointed to the amazingly huge pulsating trident, it must have sensed me also because it was glowing. I wondered if Blue knew of its existence. I looked at father and opened my hands to ask the question.

"It's here for safe keeping until Poseidon fully returns, at the moment if he tries to wield it, the oceans might swallow us all up, such are Trident's warrior powers." He chuckled, then went over to the cage and placed his hand on the golden cage which immediately calmed Trident down and it just quietly pulsated.

"That painting over there Spud did in the twelfth century, you can see it was too advanced to be shown to the public so we pinched it." He grinned. It was a painting of a teddy bear in a dustbin, three D.

"Of course that stack you see over in that far corner is Leonardo's finest works, forget Mona, she wasn't a nice person anyway. When you have time you can come here and go through them, you may have one for your walls my king if you would like. I nearly fainted at that very moment.

"There are others my king, some you did, and more that Spud painted over the years.

"My god, there's an absolute fortune in here already, what the hell are you going to do with it all?"

"Just admire it, and guard it my king, it's not for sale for any money. But we would like nanny Rita to have some, don't tell the lady Aisha please, she has enough."

"Of course I won't otherwise she might make war with you to get her hands on it all." I laughed.

"Well my king, there is a lot of wealth here and there are a lot of items that can destroy mankind too, we must be vigilant at all times. Pandora's box, Aladdin's lamp, the arc of the covenant, even Nero's fiddle, we don't want any fires in the bay, all those items are dangerous and deadly to the human world."

I rocked on my heels, he broke my moment.

"Down that shaft is the real gold if you will follow me." I did as I looked around for Aladdin's lamp.

"He's a mischievous kind of genie my king, best to leave him alone otherwise he will twist your wishes to his own advantage." He smiled at me.

I noticed that every brick in the wall was a bar of gold, and it went for miles.

"Then why did you want to bring your gold here if you had this much stored?" He blushed and answered,

"We dwarves are a bit greedy my king, and we love the smell of gold." He winked.

"A bit? Bloody hell," I yelled as I entered an enormous cavern filled with gold bars, it must have been two miles wide.

"Oh hell, let's forget it, what are you going to do when they start renovating?"

"We will heavily guard it my king, they won't take more than a few weeks to get it completed, our gift to Susan and Patrick and it won't cost them a cent of your money." He waved his hands again and I was again at the entrance.

I had given up trying to fathom how they used their magic to repair and build things. It all sounded so easy but I knew I wouldn't attempt it, I might explode. I haven't really tried to use my magic because there was no need for me to do that. My father said all I had to do was think of the final result and it would get done. He took my hand once more and nodded and I imagined the porch at the shack.

I was suddenly back there, my little onlookers were gone and by the sounds of it, Rita had the children in her cafe again.

"I ordered the doughnuts yesterday so they will arrive today sometime, be patient."

"Yes nanny Rita."

"Sit with Ayden and help him do his sums."

I heard Ayden groan so I thought I had better go rescue him.

"Are you bored son?"

"Yes dah, mes knows all this stuff already."

"I have an idea for you to think about."

"What dah?"

"Why don't you go to the folk's school on the beach, you will learn a lot of different things there?"

"The prince is coming to our school, awesome, pass on the news." I heard the sound of a song in the air.

"He's so clever, he can teach us some things too. He can sit next to me," little Peter said.

"No, me."

"Me." And so it went on.

"Dah, they drives me crazy." I laughed at his face because he was stifling a giggle himself, he did love his little pals, he should, he's known them a lot longer than me.

"Well why don't you give it a try for a day, I think at playtime they go surfing." That was the golden word, his ears pricked up then.

"Okays, I trys it for a day."

"I'll find out what time you have to be there and what you have to wear, okay?"

"Thank you dah, yes okays mes go." He had made his mind up.

The squeals and clapping started immediately then Rita had a delivery of ten dozen chocolate doughnuts. I snaffled two, one for me and one for my boy before the kids called the others in to destroy them. I think they are having another party, the boxes drifted out the kitchen window towards the beach.

"Where have you been Den?" Rita inquired.

"To look at the dwarves' gold baby, their tunnels are loaded with jewels and gold."

"And where's that?"

"I can't tell you, but I can tell you they want you to go there and pick out some trinkets for your jewellery box."

"I have enough Den, and anyway there's really nowhere to wear them down here."

"Well we will see, maybe if you have somewhere to wear them they might hire it out to you." I giggled then added,

"Apparently my father and the workers are going to do Susan's renovation. It will only take them a few weeks and they aren't charging for it."

"Wow, Susan will be pleased, she and Patrick can virtually move in immediately."

"Yes, apparently so," I mused to myself and wondered if the folk have any plans of building more houses down here.

I didn't really know how to do magic because I was only part fairy. The king told me that all I have to do is think of something and he would make it happen, my friends are the same, we can't change anything or make stuff, but we can do some things like dance. I have danced with Evan several times, it's a different kind of love making and very satisfying I must say.

For some unexplained reason Ayden can do a lot more than me, I even caught him minimising himself to go play in the folk's village. He really has a knack of surprising me out of the blue.

"Now, you have school in the morning bub so I need you to have a good night's sleep, okay?"

"Okay dah, no plays tonight, just sleep." I kissed his head and placed my hand on his forehead and said, "Sleep well."

My Evan was waiting for me, he wanted sex tonight and when I arrived at our bedroom door he was spreadeagled waiting for my ministrations. I gladly obliged him for the next hour then we peacefully went to sleep. It was a funny night for us both, we woke up feeling we had been having sex all night, I must do something about that otherwise I will wear Evan out.

"Good morning our goldens king and good looking knight, we have your coffee, do you want us to clean up the little prince, we think he's still on his potty?" They giggled.

"He should be using the toilet kids, but sometimes he likes his little seat better."

"We can fix that our king." They giggled.


"Remove the potty and throw it in the ocean." Another giggle.

"No, no plastic in the ocean kids, I'll figure something out, leave it to us."

"Okay our handsome king and beautiful knight, is there anything else?"

"No thank you, tell nanny Rita we will be out in a minute or so."

"We will, and good morning again."

"I laughed because those kids weren't really comfortable around us, if the truth be known they have more magic than all of us combined."

They disappeared and I heard Ayden talking to them, then I heard him protest and call my name.

"I'll be back in a minute." I kissed Evan's puffy lips, he laughed.

"Have you decided what to wear to school today son?"

"Yes dah, Blue's shirt, red shorts and dress."

"Okay, I'll get them out for you."

"Dah, do I have to stay all day?"

"No son, pa will come get you when he goes for a surf, so only two hours or maybe three, you got nothing better to do." I smiled.

"Only surfs dah." He thinks I'm stupid.

"Well you will get plenty of that in while your down there."

I washed his face and hands then made him brush his teeth, he has only lost the one so far but I'm sure the rest will go soon, they are feeling a little loose, and I have noticed the tooth fairy hovering around him lately.

He was all dressed and fussed over by ten am, Rita was the worst and I could see tears in her eyes as her boy left with some friends for his first day at school.


"No me."

He sits with me."

The argument went on and on until I couldn't hear them anymore.

"Now what do we do Den?"

"Have a coffee and enjoy the quiet my love." I smiled as Alex brought the coffee down. I could see Arras and Aisha coming up the road with little Souma in her pram.

"Well that deletes that idea my lovely." I chuckled and she went to get Andy from the kitchen. He was tucked into the walker but Souma wasn't interested in anyone, just her dad and the bottle of milk that appeared in Alex's hands.

"I believe the dwarves are going to restore the hotel Den, have Susan and Patrick been told yet?"

"I don't think so, I only found out about it yesterday."

"Well your father told us last night when we were having dinner on the beach."

"Sounds good to me, they could do it quicker anyway."

"Well Harry and the boys are ready to take over, maybe we had better go over and help them pack."

"No need, I want to go with Sue one day and buy her some new furniture, the boys will need most of what's there anyway."

"Okay, that leaves me more time with this little cutie." I heard Souma squeal, yes she's a man's woman through and through. She already has her father wrapped around her little fingers.

I was really at a loss without my son today and I know Rita missed him a lot. At one stage I thought I heard his giggles coming from the beach so I thought I would take a burger down for him.

"Here Den take the basket, but don't let the kids near it otherwise the guys won't eat." I plodded down to the beach and sat at our tree, I watched Ayden and his mates surf into shore but wasn't worried about him anymore because he had loads of back up. He wasn't in the shallows anymore though; he was out with Blue taking on the big waves.

My man did the perfect run into shore then ran up to where I was sitting. He kissed me and grabbed a burger.

"That was a good run bub."

"Yes Den, dad was with me."

"You do feel him don't you?"

"Yes Den, more than ever and mum, I know she watches Ayden from the beach, I see images Den but nothing more than that."

"Good bub." I stroked his arm.

Blue and the boys came up to get their lunches and Ayden followed.

"Grab your burgers boys before the kids get them." I laughed.

The kids flitted off to the cafe I suppose to score some off Rita, I wasn't being mean, it's just that if my boys don't eat they won't stay healthy and fit.

Nuts was talking to Horse who was nodding his head, and then he looked at me and winked, me thinks Nuts and Tim are taking it to another level and maybe house hunting. When they had all finished, Evan stayed with me and my son moved onto my lap.

We listened to the sounds of the surf and watched the men wipe out, but not Blue, he was magnificent.

When we three fell asleep I had a dream, I dreamt of Evan's mum's house and us two lying on the lounge room floor with baby Ayden between us in his nappy. He was looking into our eyes with his azure blue ones as the memories of that day came flooding back to me. I kissed my man then my son, he squealed with delight.

I had no idea that day where our baby was going to take us but I knew that day was the beginning of something wonderful, something unplanned, something special.

Thank you Duncan for your editing and to my many followers for their very kind remarks. As you all know by now this story started as a simple love story, but it has morphed into a magical fairy story. The simple answer to that is, the fairy made me do it. haha

There will be a book four so don't hang your fairy dresses and surfboards up yet, you may need them to participate in all the fun to come.

Book 4

The glow got stronger and the deep thudding heartbeat got louder. There were now plenty of folk on the beach watching Blue's body radiate. Then he roared again,

"Trident, come to me, I command you." His arm shot up and a blue light shot into the sky like a laser; Poseidon was back, and so was Trident.

Next: Chapter 104

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