Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Feb 22, 2019


Chapter 102

"Do you know if Horse and Tony are having problems bub?"

I asked him after another mind bending round of man dancing.

"I think they have different ideas Den, they aren't fighting, they just aren't very compatible that's all, and they both agree they have different visions. Horse loves his tiny house, he thinks he needs to be living there as close to the beach as possible but Tony wants to live in his bigger apartment, he loves it there. Maybe they will split houses, but I don't know if they will split as a couple."

"I suppose us dancing with Horse has brought this on."

"Maybe Den, Horse hasn't spoken of it to me, but I do get the feeling he's thinking about it all the time. He also said off the cuff yesterday he wanted his troops near, and he needed to find somebody."

"Oh, so maybe the lights I see in the bushes are his men and he wants to be nearer to them."

"Maybe your right Den, anything is possible, he does go off into his own little world sometimes."

"Yes, I've just seen him walking among the bushes like he's searching for something."

"Shall we invite him into our bed?" I asked.

"Anything you want my king; he is welcome anytime." He chuckled, I slapped his arm then moved him over to sit on my lap.

"We will dance with him again but as folk, not as human's bub, when the story is all over and he understands the difference."

"Sure Den, it's a different feeling when we dance." I slipped him another one and his hair turned white as snow. I felt his magic which was making me feel so awesome and we both lit up the bedroom.

It was around nine when I suddenly cramped and I knew I had to paint urgently, but I only wanted to paint the book, and when it was finished it was layered in so much gold it sat out proudly on the canvas. The pages whipped by when I put the last touch to it. My brain was trying to take it all in and I still didn't understand what it was telling me. I had a storeroom in my head I couldn't open, and I wanted to scream in frustration. Evan was again beside me in bed; he had moved me there around three. I needed rest and the best rest I can get was in his wonderful arms.

"Sleep Den, you need sleep, the book can wait." I drifted off more confused than ever.

There was a glow coming from the painting, everyone noticed it the next morning. Ayden was again talking to it and even Horse sat so close his breath was touching it.

"I have no idea what's going on Rita but whatever it is, it's trying to burst out of its cover and tell me."

"Den, I feel it too, but I can't read it either, I feel awesome like something wonderful is about to happen. You said Horse held the key, do you know what the key is?"

"No my love, but he's working on it." I chuckled at Horse's long face and around lunchtime I put the painting away. Horse wasn't interested in surfing today, he sat with Andy most of the time and cuddled him, then when he'd had enough he went back to his tiny house.

I couldn't get anything much out of Ayden, he had clammed up but during the afternoon after he watched his cartoons he quietly said,

"Bes patients dah, memory is nearly backs," as he stroked my face while I kissed and cuddled up to him.

As it turned out, within days Tony did move out, and he set up his apartment beautifully. Everything was finished to perfection and he had to crane the now finished round table in, it sat magnificently in his back sunroom overlooking the surf beach.

Horse seemed happy again and I watched everyday as he sat for hours on his porch swing just looking into the bushes that lined the beach. Many nights I would see him almost naked walking around aimlessly in the brush with a smile on his face. I wondered again if he could see the shining folk. Ayden watched from afar, he wasn't worried about the change in Horse. He sometimes accompanied him on the little porch, or wandered around the bushes with him. He didn't say much more about what was happening except,

"Somes escapes and all ready here dah, waiting for us."

He said this when I asked him if he has found any fairy folk in the bush yet. In the meantime, I worked on the treasure chest and finished it off superbly. Horse insisted he have it in his place for awhile because I think he was going to try and unlock its secrets, and when he did take it home we didn't see him for three days.

I didn't have nightmares but rather I knew something wonderful was about to happen. Then one night I heard noises outside so I slipped on my shorts and looked out into the backyard where I saw Horse dancing, but he wasn't alone. He was covered in butterflies and was thirty feet in the air, his fairy wings were massive and he had that small delicate see through tank top on. I didn't see if he had a raging horn, but I knew instinctively he did. I walked out the back door and watched him writhe in the air and then slowly drop down to earth, he didn't notice me, he was sleepwalking.

If Horse has found his magic I'm happy for him, and I know he is the key to releasing the trapped folk into our world. A world that had muted them for eons, a safer world now we are here to guide them. I had read that somewhere but couldn't remember where.

"He's finds dah, he finds magics and lubs it," Ayden said the next morning.

He was in bed with Evan and I when we woke up I felt wonderful and my mind was clear as a bell. I remembered seeing a magnificent general dancing in the clouds, then I felt Evan carrying me back into the house to bed.

"What's happening Den?"

"I don't now bub but I do know something wonderful is about to happen."

"I feel it too Den." He pulled me closer.

Later that day, two months before Ayden's fourth birthday, I had the opportunity to have a talk to Tim about teaching Shan about restoration. He said he was looking forward to it and believed wholeheartedly that he would pick it up quickly. He would start him with cleaning the old varnish off some cheap works, so if they were damaged there's no harm done. I talked to Ayden and he said he already had it sorted out and Shan would be the best in that field forever, and I believed him.

It wasn't only Horse that was happy, Tony was laughing more and more, I could hear it coming from his place every now and then. He had taken to instructing Joe on our many Australian customs and teaching him the language which not surprisingly he picked up pretty quickly, they were hitting it off beautifully. It had dawned on me that they were well suited, they both knew a lot about carving out a fine piece of wood. Joe had started giving him unusual designs from his country and Tony was designing wonderful furniture to be made in his workshops in Indonesia. It will only be a matter of time before Joe moves in with him and Tony finds his mojo again.

I guess with Horse and Tony they didn't have the same directional motivations. Tony changed when he lived with Horse, his furniture design had suffered and sometimes had been at best just re-hashed furniture, his mind had been dulled and the only way he had to cope with it was too invest his money into other things outside his field. His craft had suffered, but now Joe is here he's re-ignited those vast caverns of knowledge, so Tony was living the dream again. If I was to go one further, Horse wasn't Tony's forever man, Joe was, and they spent many hours talking about their craft.

I spoke to Horse everyday, and everyday he seemed to be grabbing more of his life back, he returned the painting and told me he found nothing, but he'd had a heap of dreams about flying. I told him what I had been seeing most nights, I'm not a perve, I was just concerned for him that's all.

"I was meant to be alone Den, I know that now, somehow I know for sure I had always been alone. I am also waiting for something or someone to return. There are still things niggling at me I can't work out, but I'm so happy now I could cry."

"I know the feeling Horse, maybe one day your prince will come."

"I hear him calling all the time Den, but I don't know where he is, if you can understand that."

"I do my friend, maybe he hasn't come to the bay yet, maybe he's one of the folk like one of your soldiers."

"That's a thought Den, I do find myself feeling he is nearby and wanting my arms around him again."

"Have you talked to Tony about this?"

He dropped his head and said,


"How did he feel about it?"

"The result is he moved out, don't get me wrong Den, I miss and still love Tony but I think at the end of the day we were just meant to be good friends. He's still Andy's uncle, nothing has changed along those lines but the instant Joe arrived in the bay I knew he was for Tony, not for anyone else. Tony is his soul mate, not me."

"You're not upset that maybe they are setting up a home together?"

"Absolutely not, I am very pleased with the arrangement, they are well suited."

I gave him the biggest hug and wondered for the thousandth time what it would be like to screw him, did I just hear him groan?

He was on top again and once again the tapping on the window woke me. Horse was back to his surfing and Ayden was very pleased as he followed my fella out the back door. Things were returning to normal, well as normal as they can be. I noticed Rita had finished her colourful cushions and was attaching them to her chairs, they looked awesome and really brightened up the cafe.

I haven't looked at the treasure chest painting for a few weeks now, but every time I do I get a confused feeling so put it away. I started on another one in the meantime, a wonderful painting of a wonderful woman serving her customers, all of whom were children and fairy folk. I put a golden sequinned frock on her and as it swished around I placed tiny golden coins flying from it. Her face was priceless and Ayden was helping to pick up the golden pieces assisted by Andy. Spud had made an appearance and I dressed him in a long robe with a golden sash, it also had gold shooting from it. It was a sign and I knew it from the start, it had another message in it but of course I couldn't read it.

She sat with me and watched me finish drawing it then I put it aside ready for painting when I get the time.

"Every time Ayden plays with my dress it seems a little heavier. Maybe his folk are hiding that gold in it, I must have a closer look at it." She smiled.

"Well let's hope you get an opportunity to wear it again before it weighs a ton." I giggled.

The big day came not long after when Aisha jumped up and her waters had broken on the porch, everyone went to the hospital with her, and Arras had worked himself into a big ball of blubbering jelly. Souma was born at eight pm, just as the full moon came out to bathe her in it's light through the natal clinic's windows. Arras was by now a nervous wreck and Ali and Aisha were on the bed cuddling the little bubs. Her longish black hair was beautifully coiffed, well as much as a baby can of course. She was more interested in trying to put her fingers in her mouth than to be bothered with all the fuss, a sign of things to come I suppose.

The announcement was sent out to everybody and the long list of messages started almost immediately. Aisha was exhausted and so was Arras, we all had to deal with the many messages we received and we told everyone that mother and daughter were sleeping along with daddy. We closed their hospital door and slipped out into the night and when we got home Evan was a little frisky after we put Ayden to bed, so I obliged him by rubbing against his body for what seemed like a few hours.

There were flowers and presents appearing at the shop and at Ali's place from all over the world. Spud took photos and attached the cards to each one so they would know who to thank, it was a big operation. Arras had their bed moved to the hospital so they could get a comfortable night's sleep, but it only lasted three days because the doctors were trying to get them to go home.

They eventually turned up one morning looking exhausted, Souma needs a nanny and it was too bad that Susan was busy organising her hotel. Michelle had started in the art shop and Shan was doing great things with Tim behind it, and at his school.

Samson and Apple took over the role of looking after the tiny princess. A big celebration was planned and the bay came alive with a sort of festival. Arras had hired jugglers, musicians and kids rides to celebrate the birth. A big party on the streets, people came out from everywhere and my guess was they were all human fairy folk. I wondered if Ayden would like something like this for his fourth birthday, it was looming and Rita, Evan and I were trying to come up with something different to celebrate it. My first thought was to take him to the zoo for the day, but then Evan suggested we get a kid's travelling farm to entertain him.

When we asked him what he wanted to do he said he wanted a fairy party with lots of sparkles. In the end after some haggling with him we decided on that party but made it a fancy dress one, we would all go as a fairy but in human form. Little did I know it was all part of a larger plan.

The boys seemed to be excited about everything nowadays and Evan's shop was getting really busy as he, Nuts and Trip rushed around selling watches, thongs and such. Aisha was again wailing on the porch, and again I noted I must ask Ali if that was an eastern thing to do. Cyn was excited that Souma had arrived and fussed over her constantly, Cyn herself will be due in a month or so after Ayden's party, little David is cooking nicely in her tummy.

I got to hold the baby several times but all she did was stare at me then cry for her daddy. No concerns on my part, I think she could detect that I was almost gay and wanted nothing to do with me. She was a man's girl and her daddy was the best in the world. God help Arras when she's older, she won't settle for anyone less than someone who compares with her pop.

A big marquise like day bed had been erected on the beach so the family could all rest under the shade while the boys and Arras surfed the ocean. I still sat under my tree with Ayden or Andy much of the time and I enjoyed the solitude, but every now and then I would hear Aisha wail. It got to the stage when one day we were all having dinner on the porch that my Ayden put a stop to it. Aisha was still emotional and started again, lapping up the concerned diner's attention.

"Thinks you never have babies before, you bes silly and make Ayden's ears hurt." He glared at her, her mouth snapped shut and she glared back at him.

"What would you know about it little nephew?" I heard a collective groan, she's in for it now.

"I knows plenties aunty; I knows much mores than you do." He started grinning.

"What do you know, do you know what my daughter will be like?"


"Tell me." It was a command as she threw her head back.

"If yous shuts up wails I might."

"It's an Arabian thing, I am expected to do it," she tried to explain.

"Wells you ins myes straylia now, no needs for attention, no ones listen."

That shut her up completely, she spent the rest of the night trying to get Ayden to tell her about her daughter's life. He locked his lips up tight though to his credit he did get her to shut up.

Arras was laughing with Horse in the corner and I overheard him say,

"I want Ayden to teach me how to shut women up."

"Yes that harem of yours would get a bit noisy," Horse replied followed by chuckles coming from around the table.

Change the subject Den.

"Listen up everyone, it's Ayden's birthday next week and he wants a fancy dress fairy party so I suggest you all go and hire some costumes or whatever for the night. And by the way, only one present from each of you, otherwise he will be giving most of them away." I laughed.

We had a great night and thankfully Aisha didn't try her wailing again. Cyn was now getting uncomfortable and Abs was trying to help her but one word from Ayden saved her night, and her bubs settled down. Maybe he was excited because Ali was holding her hand most of the evening.

I was talking to Tony one morning and he was telling me that Joe was going to move in with him, he had plenty of room. I didn't drill him on anything personal and he didn't offer. He had a complete range of furniture stored in a folder that he was going to have made and was waiting for Cyn to turn up to go through it with her. She finally arrived and after a few barbs of small talk, she dumped her large bag on the table and ordered coffee. She was saying this is the only time she gets to have one, Abs has her on a healthy diet of natural juices.

They sat for the next two hours and I took the breakfasts down to the beach, I had no input but looked at the amazing range and gave him my tick of approval. While I sat on the beach I was hearing noises, just faint ones but I could hear some voices.

"It's the forever king."

"He's beautiful."

"He's ancient."

"He's gorgeous." I figured it was the folk in the bushes talking, and I also figured that I had super hearing, something I had longed to have since I was a boy.

I was laughing to myself when the boys came up, Ayden was so much part of their lives now, he was a real wave chaser and I loved him more and more every day.

Horse sat with Evan and I and at one stage I thought I heard someone calling his name, but I don't know where from.

"Someone's calling your name Horse, can you hear it?"

"Yes Den, but I can't see him, I have looked several times but there's never anyone there."

"I think it's one of the fairy folk, I have been sitting here listening to them but there's no one there either. Who ever it is they know you by name my friend, maybe a lost love?"

"I get the feeling I should know the voice but I can't place an image to it." He shifted in his seat and looked me in the eye.

"Something wonderful is about to happen, I want you to be prepared my king." I screwed up my face because I agreed with him totally and nodded yes.

When I got back to the porch Tony and Cyn were gone, they had gone to her place to go over some things so Rita told me.

I showered and dressed then took a blank canvas from my spare room. While I was in there I stared at the treasure chest painting then I blanked out.

Evan was shaking my shoulders as I woke from my trance and I noticed the golden book was on its last page. I had read it all but remembered nothing as I fell into his arms.

"Den drink this and eat that sandwich, I have been looking for you for ages, no one knew where you went."

"I sat in here for a moment bub, what time is it?"

"After seven Den, it's almost night time." I drank and ate then he helped me off the floor and we went out to the porch. Again questions I couldn't answer and I wanted an early night so I traipsed off to bed, leaving my boy with his pa to get him settled in for the night.

When Evan came to bed it was late and he looked worried so I went to the toilet and had a wash and a pee. When I came back he was down to his underwear so I helped him slip them off. Then I did something to him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and willed my knight's presence. He changed slowly and was magnificent. I was aware that I had changed too, the room was illuminated with the brightest light and we danced. He lifted off the floor and when he turned around his silky pouch enclosed me and I was in ecstasy. He moaned and I kissed all his exposed skin, his gossamer tank top was placed over his shoulders and I could almost see his wings trying to explode from his back. Somehow they had held off because I didn't think if they were in full bloom we would fit in the bedroom together. After I was spent I whispered in his ear that we were starting to change, and to get ready for an amazing revelation. He started turning back to human form and I loved him again in our bed.

"You are so beautiful my king," he whispered.

"So are you my knight, my forever love."

An undisturbed sleep followed.

Ayden's birthday dinner on the front porch took up our table and three of Rita's and it looked wonderful, his fourth birthday had arrived and Aisha, Tony and Joe with Birdy had talked me into having a big sit down dinner. We didn't have to do a thing really, there were enough chairs and Rita had placed a sheet of clear plastic over my table to protect its perfect polish.

Tony and the boys had arranged more fairy lights around the big area with three large bowls of roses with floating candles, in the middle of each section. It all looked so magical, it looked nothing like a small boy's birthday party, it was more like a prince's party with all the trimmings. The side tables were covered in white linen, china, silver cutlery and crystal glasses of the finest quality sat on top of one of them, candles burnt their fragrant smells and soft music played from somewhere hidden away in the cafe.

I looked around at all our friends who were for the most part dressed up to the nines in fairy dresses, Arabian golden headdress and waist sashes. Aisha had just about everything that sparkled on plus a modest harem costume, and Ali and Spud were a couple of Bedouin slaves wearing loin cloths that didn't hide any excitement they both felt, they were both holding large white feather fans. Tim had gotten himself and Nuts into ogre costumes and Tony and Joe were dressed as a couple of dwarves; kind of.

My boy was in raptures as he looked at all the shiny stuff that was his for the night, and of course he had his fairy dress on with Blue's tank top. A big pile of glittery wrapped presents had been stacked in a corner of the lounge room and it's going to take an army to unwrap them for him. So much for my warning about only buying one.

"Thank you all, this is absolutely wonderful." I kissed Tony's cheek as I passed Andy over to him.

"It's all our pleasure Den, what a great way to celebrate my beautiful nephew's birthday." He smiled then placed Andy in the playpen with Souma and little Emma. They are still just babies but Andy did the right thing and cuddled them, kissing their cheeks as he did and Ayden got in on the act. He and Andy played with the many soft toys and rattles that had been placed there for the littlies' entertainment.

I sat with my man who had a golden suit of armour on; well he had some of it and we had asked Rita to make us a fine gossamer tank top out of some flimsy material she had stored in her fabric box. We wore white hipster trunks underneath for modesty sake, and we looked the part for the fancy dress party.

Cyn wore her evening gown with a pair of white wings attached to the back, plus her earrings and tiara. Rita of course had her dress of gold on and she sparkled as she moved in the candle light, she also carried a glittering gold wand. Kate took my breath away as her new green sequinned frock highlighted her red hair that she had made a floral halo for, and I think the emeralds around her neck were on loan from Aisha. She was so gorgeous and Donk didn't take his eyes off her all night, he adored her. Susan didn't go with the hippy look tonight, she also had a sparkly short mini on with wings that dropped to the floor, and she looked bloody smashing.

Mike and his family were all sorts of fairy folk, he was dressed as an elf, Jack was a fairy, and they had got him into a huge fairy skirt, he also carried a wand. Mavis went all out and came as a grand looking Ali Baba, also with wings, probably worn to look like she was as normal as anyone else. I had to chuckle to myself when I saw her.

It was my boys who looked the best, Tiny, Nuts, Donk, Trip and Tim all had Disney type fairy costumes on but Horse was the one that drew my eyes the most, he was magically magnificent in a white army like tunic with a gold sash and lapels, his magnificent bare chest had a big gold medallion displayed on it.

Blue came as Poseidon he carried a large trident and had a tight pair of stretch blue shorts on, nothing else so I didn't dare look at him for too long. Alex looked like a traveller from Nepal and his tunic was all shiny and glittery, he held a gold book in his arms. Even Andy had a pixie hat on.

Evan was sitting beside me; he didn't say anything but he did take my hand in his. I looked sideways at him because if I had have looked him in the face I would have slammed him on his back on the table and screwed him into next year, he was that beautiful. His hair had turned almost white again and it shimmered in the candlelight, it was about that moment something unlocked in my head, I had remembered something important.

As I stared at Horse his eyes locked on mine, he seemed to be in a trance and he took Tony's and Blue's hands and I felt a shift in the air, it was sucked out of the porch to be replaced with a warm sense of family. Everyone at the table felt it and gasped.

Something was happening here and I immediately took Evan's hand again and then called Ayden, I knew this is what we had to do. I told everybody to hold hands, it took a while and Birdy was grinning from ear to ear at me, he looked awesome in his little green and brown woodland outfit, Hulk had made him a bow and arrow to go with it.

As soon as the link was closed and everyone had taken their partner's hands I heard a bang, the ground suddenly shifted again and I tranced. I could see the magic exploding from everyone's bodies. Horse was still staring at me and somehow unlocking my memories through the many linked hands.

My visions were relentless and I was taken to a very different magical world, completely different to the one we lived in. Funnily enough I felt comfortable talking to gnomes, elves and even some ogres, many, many different fairy folk races, including our eastern cousins. Kings and queens bowed to me while princes and kings offered me wealth beyond my imagination.

The dwarves told me all about their gold, they had been storing it at our house for their homecoming and they knew where there was a lot more buried in the bay. They told me I had drawn a map of the mines to remind them where to look. I had a vision of my map drawing and it had changed to show an, `x' that marks the spot.

As I lived the story I understood more and more until there was no more, and I suddenly woke up looking at surprised faces and tears. I understood the golden book, I had read it, but only now with all my friends around these tables I understood it completely. I had only been out to it for a few minutes but I felt I had lived quite a lot of amazing lives in that time.

I suddenly heard a rumbling noise and movement coming from under the shack, a little boy was laughing so loud it may have been heard in Longford. When I looked beside me there was no Ayden, he had disappeared. I stood up and started running towards the back of the house calling his name and was being followed by my friends. I rushed towards his bedroom where the giggling was coming from and he was sitting up on the bed talking to his butters, they were everywhere and gold was being dropped on the floor by the bucketful.

"Youse reads dah, youse forever kings, you reads it alls," Ayden screamed as he smiled at me, his arms outstretched. I picked him up and kissed him but had no idea what I was supposed to do next, I knew I had plenty of work in front of me because I had finally read the golden book and unlocked all its hidden secrets.

"Den, what happened?" A now radiating Rita touched my arm.

"I just finished reading the golden book my love, it's time to bring the fairy folk back into our world where they belong." Evan's golden armour started attaching itself to his perfect body, and Horse's general's garb was almost like liquid silk as it painted itself on his muscled body. Rita shimmered in her golden sequinned frock that radiated a loving warmth, and Spud shone in his loin cloth that was tied at the waist with a shimmering rope of gold, in his hand he held the golden book. The others clamoured to see through the door and window, wherever they could find a space and stood with their eyes transfixed, I could feel everyone's magic.

I knew I had transformed into the forever king because their mouths were wide open, and my long black hair was flowing wildly alongside Evan's and Ayden's. I heard a crunch coming from our bedroom and knew the safe had opened, then out of nowhere all that stored and scattered gold was flying around the room, it was coming from under Ayden's bed through the doorway and the open window, flowing endlessly out of paintings. We three stood there, Evan had taken Ayden and his other arm was around me, a painting came to mind that was sitting behind Evan's counter with his dad and mum in it. I had painted it long ago and thought at the time it's essence was us three, now I know it was.

"Nows dah, it time," I heard my son whisper.

I turned us three and we stared deeply into the Ayden's Eyes painting, the one that started it all. It was now alive as I felt its essence beat. I touched it with all my love then millions of fairy folk were released from those azure blue eyes. They flew around the room and as they found their gold coins they scattered them out the window down towards the beach. More gold appeared and I could hear paintings dropping off the walls.

Doors were banging open as the folk flew out of every painting I had ever done and kept safe down here with us, thousands of tiny folk flew into the room. My paintings were releasing the trapped fairy, where I had stored them safely from my mind. The more paintings I got images of, the more came to life. Gold was appearing from everywhere until eventually our armour was creating more and more. Spud had opened the golden book and thousands of butterflies flew out of the pages to be turned into fairy when they found their gold pieces.

I have no idea how many of the folk were released and Ayden couldn't stop giggling. Rita was turning around in circles and coins flew off her sparkling dress to be snatched up by the little baby folk. Spud's sash was making more and his face was covered in happy tears as he held the golden book that throbbed with excitement. It lasted for hours but in our reality it was maybe only minutes, then there was nothing. A great emptiness in my head and a feeling of wonderful things to come for all of us. I looked at my knight who was transfixed on me and our son.

"Let's not waste this my king." He smiled then took me in his arms and we walked out to the backyard. Ayden immediately started running down to the beach and I could see the bushes on the shore lighting up with millions of fairy folk, a veritable hidden city had been built in an instant.

He took me in his arms then we ascended into the sky dancing a certain kind of dance only fairy folk would understand. Our wings enveloped us and the gold flew from our bodies as we spun around. I turned my knight around and once again we were joined. His moans were not of this earth but were understood by all of the folk who'd had the experience of dancing with their loving partners. The light we emanated lit up the whole bay, but I was too busy making love to my knight to take it all in.

I was drained of my seed the instant my knight was, we hugged because we knew we had returned the folk entirely and there was a big party on the beach to attend. I also knew because we couldn't go back into the fairylands so we were bringing it here to us. Ayden had been working on it for ages now. I remembered my general was missing, but I knew there would be many more dances to come with him and my knight, then I heard an almighty roar.

As we ascended down to the beach we saw Horse, his armour had changed from being hard to a soft gossamer tunic, his body was on show for everybody to admire. He was standing on the shore looking at a gorgeous dark skinned soldier wearing nothing but a lungi cloth, and he had the most beautifully bluish blonde hair I have ever seen, his glistening tears flowing down his cheeks. I knew he was the one that Horse was looking for as they embraced and began their heavenly dance.

As we were gently touching each other we were aware of the fairy folk surrounding us and pulling us towards the beach where we could see thousands of folk dancing and flying around. When we touched the sand I saw a magnificent young boy, he was the central dancer and he shone all over, his wings white and erect and he was spinning around with his perfect teenage body, he was dancing with his friend the tooth fairy.

"It's our son, my knight."

"Yes our son my king, this is all his doing, we have so much to be thankful to him for."

He danced over to us and his arms took us both in his young, strong embrace. My father the fairy king came with him and my half brothers followed. We stared at each other then got lost in it for some time. I parted with the knowledge I held as I touched his forehead, unlocking memories long forgotten and his eyes brightened like headlights as he smiled at me.

"We have much work to do son." He smiled.

"That we have father."

"They can be an unruly lot at the best of times, are you sure you are ready for that?"

"Yes father, but my search will go on, no one will be left trapped in time, not anymore." I smiled at him.

My mother earth was surrounded by hundreds of children and she was caressing each one's cheek, then they would run off giggling to their parent's side, then come back for more. I saw Ayden's trapped red headed fairy having cocktails with Cyn and Kate, she was an old friend of Cyn's I think, and I saw a beautiful looking Andy as a teen staring at the magnificence of Ayden, who by now was looking back at him in awe. A burst of light escaped from them both and they danced but not in the sky, they were dancing together along the sand. Anything was possible on our beach tonight.

David was older and was being hugged by Spud and Ali, tears dripped down all three of their faces and in a split second they shot in the air and landed on the shore. With both his hands in theirs, their wings flowed behind them as they ran laughing into the wind, another painting I had done ages ago came to life.

Mike followed shortly after and I saw a flash of magic shoot from his head, another old painting. All my paintings were coming alive and I was so pleased Mike and his family could see the folk. I passed by Tim talking to his grandmother, they embraced tightly and their faces were full of blissful love.

The beach was alive and the party was happening, there was so much going on I couldn't take it all in. There were surfing fairy, jet ski riding fairy, and many commandoes and army folk playing in the surf in their flimsy underwear. Aisha and Arras had perched themselves on the day bed and the eastern fairy were setting up close by, many huge colourful tents and palm trees magically appeared nearby. The eastern fairy are awesome and I could hear Arabic being spoken by them. Hearing Horse's groans once more I figured he had just orgasmed with his mate, and when I looked up they were descending.

"That was awesome my king, just what I was looking for. Let me re-introduce you to Ra my forever mate." I kissed the gorgeous looking man on the cheek and said,

"Welcome back my friend, thank you for the lend of your general, we must all dance again sometime." I touched both their foreheads releasing memories, then they both ran off giggling towards Horse's tiny house.

I heard a small boy cry and as I turned to look there was a beautiful teenage boy called Birdie being hugged by two awesome looking human like people. They were his parents and as Hulk joined in, they danced an eastern happy dance. My heart was full of love for them and I couldn't be happier.

I eventually took my knight's hand and walked him over to my tree. We sat down and when I looked at the big roots I could see tiny houses, cooking pots and bridges and the tiny folk playing amongst the woods, a carousel was giving the children rides and Evan lay down on the sand to watch them, another painting.

Hundreds of folk came by and touched my robes and Evan held onto me to make sure I didn't fall into a trance. I looked up the beach at the millions of tiny lights flitting back and forth, the best of it all was that feeling of release and happiness coming from them and their giggles, and I had a deep satisfaction that I had saved the fairy folk from extinction.

"It's time my king, time for something you have longed for forever." I looked into his eyes and wondered what it could be.

"My gift to you, just for a fleeting moment my king, so please don't go all funny on me." He smiled as he now knelt on the sand, he shone and his gold glitter dripped into my lap.

I felt something move in my hands and I looked down at the small bundle he had placed there. I was looking at my baby, my beautiful baby boy that I never wanted to grow up. He was staring at me with those wonderful blue azure eyes, my gorgeous Ayden's eyes. My tears dripped gratefully onto his small blanket that was stained with millions of bright paint spots. The painting that had started it all was in my arms once again.

This ends book 3.

Thank you for reading my story and a big thank you to Duncan for his editing skills.

To all my readers I thank you for the wonderful emails I have been receiving and I wish nothing but the best for you all.

Next: Chapter 103

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