Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Feb 17, 2019


Chapter 101

The bedroom was filled again with sunlight this morning and I was on a high as I ran my hand up and down Evan's body, he moaned again, but I don't think it was his wanting moan. I think it was his short, leave me alone one. The tapping on the window got him moving so he washed up then jumped into his wet suit while I got me a good perve in.

"See you later Den." He kissed me deeply.

"I'll be right here if you ever need me." That's when I got his long wanting groan, but alas he left with Horse by the back door. As soon as it shut I had a small visitor, he was still half asleep as I lifted him in next to me, then we both drifted off again.

No baby when I woke up, just an empty bed so I threw back the covers and headed to the bathroom where I showered and dressed for the day. I was wanting to do some work and thought I might spend the day at the beach. I like a little colour on my body even though I have olive skin, the colour highlights my muscles. I don't really work out because I've always had a sculptured body so there was no need to go to all that hard work.

I kissed my son's head and said good morning. He had his wet suit on ready to go after he had eaten his breakfast, only one guess what that was. I got me a coffee while talking to Rita and Bubble then walked back to him.

"We have to tell your friends not to leave any more gold bubby."

"They has to dah, can't take with them and they has by laws pay for their trips backs."

"Whose law?"

"Yours dah." He smiled out of the corner of his mouth.

"Oh." I don't want to know, I figured I had made some sort of law eons ago they still adhere to.

"What's on today Den?" Rita was asking as she brought down a pot of coffee and sat with me.

"I don't really know my friend, maybe chill on the beach or go to Kate's and look at her new stuff."

"Sounds good, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's that baby?"

"I thought I might re-decorate the cafe, like buy new furniture just to make it look a bit classier. The old furniture was good but I feel I should be giving my customers more comfortable chairs."

"I wouldn't bother honey, it's what makes you so unique down here, that and your cooking. Why not make some bright cushions to place on those hard chairs?"

"That's a thought, thank you." She smiled.

"Anyway, finish your coffee, the breakfast basket is ready when you are."

I finished my drink and gathered up my sketchbook and pencils and headed back to the café, then carried the food basket down to the beach and got settled by the tree. The boys ran up and grabbed the treats while Ayden did his thing with Blue. I have no idea where he puts it but he was hungry again. Tim was there next to Nuts and they were blushing, me thinks they maybe danced last night.

Evan smoothed his hand over my arm and kissed my cheek. He started talking about coming up early to get a start on pricing the new stock and he had to get some cash out for Aisha.

While we were talking I saw Alex and Andy coming down the track, he dumped his bag next to mine then started stripping down to his bathers.

"You going for a swim Alex?"

"Yes Den, I don't seem to get the time to surf nowadays, not with bubs here to look after."

"Well you know I will have him anytime." I took a smiling Andy off him and placed him on my lap.

His little hands started to hit Ayden's back, he wants him to play.

"Does having the laundry make it easier for you boys now?"

"Yes Den, a lot easier. Once we get into a rhythm everything will be great."

"Sure it will, go have a surf, I'll be down here for awhile."

"Are you sure?"

"Go son."

His fine ass bounced down to the foreshore where he picked up a spare board and started paddling out to where Blue was already waiting.

I settled Andy in but he wasn't happy and Ayden had whisked himself off to get some more practice in. When I turned bubs around and looked into his face I got a huge smile and a slap from him, and memories came flooding back.

He was absolutely adorable, he watched Ayden surf and even clapped him. I sketched three pages and thought I had hit on my next big seller, a painting with buried gold in it. It was lunchtime before I decided to go back home for Andy's nourishing milk luncheon.

I walked him up to Rita's then went to have a rinse off and later I decided to stack the used beach towels in Ayden's stroller and go do some more washing.

It was quite nice in the back of Tony's warehouse, Alex had put in a coffee bar with chairs and magazines. There was no one about so I proceeded to load three machines. As they whirled around making a repeating wash sound I flipped through some of the mags. This and the doctor's waiting room is where I get all my Hollywood star gossip from. A total pack of lies but it occupies me. When I flipped through one of the lady's magazines there was a big write up of the baby surfing at Bells. I hadn't thought about looking for any papers with Ayden's win in them. I had thought that if there were any they would be in the surfing mags, and I'm sure he has them all.

As I read through the write up I kind of felt proud of myself for having such a wonderful little boy.

The story didn't say where he had come from only he appeared out of nowhere in the competition, and there was a prize for anyone one that knows him. I wondered what the prize was.

Giggling to myself I ripped the page out of the mag and folded it to place it in my back pocket, I thought I might start a scrap book.

The towels were hung on the back porch then I chased up some more coffee. Evan and Ayden were there when I got back and were going through his stock, Ayden was wearing a big surf watch which was much too big for him. I took the write up out of my pocket and handed it to my son.

"Was there much in the surf magazines bub?"

"Heaps Den, he had to have them all; and the ones with Blue in them. You missed the crowds of day trippers looking for him. I took him down the beach then over to Alex's so he could play with Andy. By the time we got back the news hounds had gone and the place had settled down again."

"Good, I thought he may be headlining in a surf movie by now."

He laughed as Ayden read his write up and kept looking at the time.

I spied a small baby half walking, half crawling down to us from the cafe. His laugh got louder as he got closer so I picked him up for a cuddle, but Horse came through the shop and took him off me. I started laughing again soon after though because Andy started his baby cries so he was handed back pronto.

"Sorry Den."

"Just as well Horse, don't take the baby if I have him, he doesn't like it."

He pulled Ayden across to his lap and smiled as he lifted up the paper to show him.

"Don'ts break myes page Hoth.'

"I wont; I just want to have a look see, that's all."

Ayden stared at him while he read the write up and when Horse finished he called him a champion and kissed his head, but as Ayden's arms went up to brush his kiss away, his watch caught Horse fair and square on the chin.

"Isn't there a smaller, waterproof watch in there somewhere bub?"

"Yes Den, but he wants that one."

"Why?" He stared at me for a second then said,

"Because it's blue." He laughed then tagged another pair of sunnies.

"His arm is so tiny it will slip off."

"I'll get Trip onto it, he can punch in another hole, maybe cut some of the bulky band off."

"Okay, are there many of them?"

"Heaps baby." I started looking through the watch boxes. I've never had a really good one, I only ever bought cheapies. As I trolled through them Evan passed a small box to me, inside was a superbly crafted but plain gold watch.

"That's the one you're looking for Den."

"Is it? Well it's beautiful bubs, how much?"

"Free to you, it's waterproof too so you can wear it in the surf."

"Good, so if I forget to take it off it will be okay."

"It sure will Den, it's an Omega sea master, three grands worth."

"My god, are all these watches worth that?"

"Mostly Den, the one Ayden snaffled is around five."

"Aren't they a bit expensive for the shop?"

"No Den, as you know we get some awesome sales out of that shop and I think the gents are going to like my prices. I am pricing them at half their value and if you look closely they are slightly scratched or have been worn so they are second-hand or factory seconds, but in perfect working order."

I looked mine over and all I could see was a tiny smudge on the back of it, I will look at Ayden's later on.

"Are you going to buy another display case for them bub?"

"Yes Den, I want to go into Warragul tomorrow to get one at the second hand furniture shop. I thought one with lighting in it, if not, Trip can wire one up for us."

"I guess I had better make a list of supplies then, while we are in there I may as well stock up."

"Okay baby, ask Spud to come too."

"Will do."

Later I went to find Spud who was in his bedroom painting another masterpiece, and Ali was laying on the bed watching him.

"We are going into Warragul tomorrow, do you want to come and stock up?"

"Sure Den, I need plenty of stuff, we were going at the end of the week but tomorrow's fine."

I looked at what he was painting and it was gorgeous, he was doing a portrait of Andy surrounded by teddy bears that popped off the canvas.

"It's beautiful Spud, is it for Alex and Blue?"

"Yes Den, after the last three I'm all out of ideas and this will make a great house warming present." He grinned.

"Maybe they were a hint on which path you should go down."

"No, I'm teddy bears and dust bins Den, you're the fairy painter."

"Not necessarily son, they were so different to what I paint, give it a try you might surprise yourself." I grinned as Ali's hand went around Spud's waist and he said,

"Yeah give it a go my little sheep herder, you might like it."

Spud looked at him and sighed,

"Okay Den, tomorrow it is, can you leave us alone now, my shepherd prince looks like he's up for some more fun." He giggled as he rolled on top of Ali. I wanted to stay and watch but thought I might not be too welcome.

I walked back to the porch where Ayden had moved over to Evan's lap and was having a conversation with him. I sat with Horse instead.

"They are having a father and son talk." He grinned.

"What's it about, something I can help them with?"

"No Den, just kid's stuff, he is booking in his surfing carnivals for the next year. He wants to compete again at Bells and was thinking he should go to Hawaii next time also." Horse chuckled.

"Well we have one winners cup and I know there will be plenty more on his shelves."

"What shelves?"

"The ones you're going to build for him; what's Tony up to?"

"He's buying the art supply shop in Warragul."


"He's got money to burn at the moment and wants to invest in the area so I suggested the shop, and he gets someone in to run it."

"Oh, then my prices will go up?"

"No Den, I stipulated that you and Spud get discounted prices, after all you are going to be his biggest clients."

"He should do well, he's clever so I know he won't stop at just selling supplies," I said.

"He's thinking about putting in a coffee club cafe, like coffee and cake stuff and getting Tim to do restoration classes in the back rooms."

"That sounds better, do you think Tim will have the time?"

"I don't know but Tony's going to talk to him."

"He did well with giving the laundry business to the boys."

"He did Den, he's not always what he seems on the outside, inside he's a softy and when he heard Millie was selling the art shop he thought it through thoroughly and decided to buy it, just to keep it close by for you and Spud." Horse smiled at me and I felt special. I will thank Tony later on, but I couldn't help but feel something's going on in their lives, something's not quite right.

Ayden had finished talking to his pa and for now he wanted something to eat, but something different today, a hot dog with plenty of sauce. He ran up to the cafe and argued with Tush for a moment until he got his way. I flicked through the sketchbook until my stomach got the better of me and I ordered one too.

Aisha and Arras came over and invited us for dinner on their rooftop but I told her we didn't have any good clothes to wear, so she told me all she was wearing was her jewels. I drifted off thinking about Evan's jewels then I felt a hand under the table playing with mine.

We had dressed in our better board shorts and tank tops, I made Evan wear his body hugging stretch shorts so I could have a good perve so he made me wear mine, without underwear. Ayden had his Poseidon t-shirt on and wouldn't be moved on his choice of a pair of red shorts and a blue fairy dress, to match his new watch.

The rooftop was covered in bud lights and a big round table had been set up, while another table held the assortment of dishes that looked and smelt absolutely delicious. Aisha had an evening dress on and her tummy stuck out proudly, while Rita wore her sparkly gold one. She shimmered all night and I had a few slow dances with her, that was until Evan got to me and whisked me around the dance floor. Ali and Spud kissed a lot as they rocked back and forth and Tim and Nuts were dying to dance together.

I tried so hard to get them to relax because they were amongst friends, but it was Horse that broke the ice for them. He walked over to Tim and asked him to dance and after a few twirls around the dance floor, I asked, then Evan, then Tony, then Abs, until it was Nuts' turn, so they had a few dances together. When I watched them their mouths were nearly touching and did I detect a big boner in Nuts' shorts, maybe he lost the underwear too?

"None of us care Den, they have been dancing around each other for a few weeks now, as long as Nuts is happy that's our main concern," Horse whispered to me.

"I think he's more worried about how the family will take it."

"He needn't, I know most of them and they are very understanding about these kind of matters, they all have bright green eyes Den."

"Good, does he know?"

"No Den, but I will talk to him later on. He doesn't realise I can see his caravan door from my little window upstairs, and Tim's been sneaking in there for the past three nights." He chuckled.

I was happy for both of them, but when Rita screamed everyone looked at her.

"Baby, not while nanny's wearing it." She laughed. Ayden had positioned himself under the table and was holding Rita's dress over his head. Then something amazing happened, a couple of hundred butterflies converged on it, then one by one they disappeared, popping and laughter was heard from the astonished guests.

One of them landed on my hand and when I lifted it up to my eyes I nearly choked with instant love. It was a small fairy boy, Ayden's butters were the fairy folk, this absolutely confirms it. We couldn't see them because they were too fast to capture but tonight I have one of them again in my palm.

The little man smiled at me and bowed, then pop, he was gone and I held a tiny gold coin where he had stood.

"Well you have all witnessed it tonight, Ayden's butterflies are fairy folk, he's been sending them home, look." I showed them the gold and Tim was again interested in it.

"There is buried gold down here Tim, this is the proof."

He took the small coin and looked it over, he will work it out and accept it sooner or later. My baby had finished his job and wanted to dance with his nanny, so she swished him around kissing his cheek as she went. I saw her dress shine and she glowed in the moonlight, I also saw a stack of gold under her seat.

Cyn and Abs were slow dancing and surprise, surprise, Tim and Nuts got up for another one. As I watched Tim his feet were so light he was almost dancing on air. The younger boys were watching us all and I suppose they were wondering when the head banging music would start.

"So his butters are the fairy folk then?"

"Yes Spud, I captured one and it was a small teenage fairy, he smiled at me before he disappeared."

"God Den, that's so cool, I wonder how many there are."

"Many thousands Spud, there must be."

"Not dah, millins of butters."

"Oh is that right son, I would never have guessed."

"Sum go into Ayden's paintings, some go with baby's help."

"You are doing a good job son; they will be happy now."

"All down beach, big, big party."

The night was magical but like all good things it came to an end, I was getting tired and I had to put my now sleeping boy to bed. I collected Ayden's gold and everyone was bushed and started moving towards their homes. I noticed Tim and Nuts go into the caravan from Ayden's window, then I kissed him good night and made him sleep, it's been a big night for him.

There were a few butterflies sitting on his eye painting and one by one they disappeared too. I heard giggling in my head and many more coins dropping to the floor.

In the morning I spent the first half hour on my man then went to clear all the gold in my son's room, there was a small bag full. I placed it in a container and popped it in the safe.

Potty time was different today, I was summoned to wipe bub's bum, he sometimes can't get it all done right and needs me to help with the wet ones. I then went to shower while he dressed himself, and re-arranged his clothes properly when we got to the porch.

Having a welcome coffee, I suddenly remembered we had to go into Warragul today, Evan needs to find a better display case for his high end stuff.

"Surf dah?"

"Not today son, we have to go into town." I smiled at his gorgeous face.

"Surf dah, with pa, he waits," he said.

"No, he will be up soon, he's driving us to town." He ran off and got his wet suit then struggled into it. I didn't say anything this time instead I went into the cafe to see Spud.

"What time did Evan say we were going into town?"

"Noon Den, in a few hours' time."


I have been caught out before with Ayden wanting to go surfing, he always knows when his pa is waiting for him but I wanted to make sure.

"Okay bub, let's go, pa's waiting."

"Okay dah, let's go, times a wasting."

I walked him down to the beach where sure enough Evan was waiting in the shallows for him. He screamed as he hit the water with his board then paddled out to catch the small swell.

I watched for awhile then I wanted to go back to the porch and at least attempt to start something. I talked to my man for a bit and he assured me he would bring Ayden up to the house in about an hour's time.

I stared at the blank canvas then started drawing the treasure chest, it had been washed up on our beach. The lid was open and some serious looking jewellery was spilling out onto the sand. I didn't think too much about this one because I knew it would be very saleable, it was a folly on my part. I had also put the now opened golden book inside it and funny enough I could read the page, not that I understood it. I was made aware that I had tranced by the shaking of my shoulders when Evan woke me and said,

"Come on Den, get ready, we have to go."

I had done so much of the drawing and somehow I could tell it was going to be a triumph. I covered it with the sheet and as I did, I heard more giggling, those pesky fairies were at it again.

Grabbing a bottle of water, I headed for the car park where Evan was strapping bubs into his little boy seat. I noticed the roof of his car had a makeover and a sunroof had been installed. I looked at Evan who shrugged and said,

"It was either that or I trashed the car."

"Why didn't you just buy a new one?"

"Because it will rust out in a few years, this one hasn't any rust in it at all, so we keep it."

"Oh, it must be the bay magic bub."

"Yes, must be, again," he groaned.

We motored down the freeway towards Warragul and in the back Spud was playing I spy with Ayden and I was enjoying his laughter. When we pulled into the second hand dealer's driveway we all piled out. I put bubs into his stroller, he's easier to control in that, then we went to search for a cabinet. Evan found three he liked, all glass and with lights in them so he started haggling with the owner over prices. In the end he got a good price and delivery thrown in, he took two of them, one for watches and one for jewellery.

Then to the arts shop we went to see Millie, she was beaming when we arrived and was telling us about the nice young man who had bought the shop. Her husband would be so pleased she hadn't shut it down.

We congratulated her and told her we knew the man who had purchased it. I asked her if Susan and Patrick had been in touch and her face lit up, she told us that they had all her photos and were really impressed with her work. She's going to start her cake making business up again and get ready to move her operations to Susan's new hotel, come shop when it opens.

Spud and I filled the car up with supplies and received a big discount from her. The ride home was quiet because Ayden had gone to sleep and Ali and Spud were doing some lip locking in the back seat, I thought I heard a groan, those buggers they were having sex. I looked across at Evan who was stifling a laugh, and when his eyes met mine the giggles flowed from both of us. Nothing was said to the very guilty looking boys as they unloaded the car, then they both went for a shower. I pulled Evan into the bedroom and we played for the next hour, occasionally laughing, but mostly I couldn't because I had a mouth full of my knight.

I stored my canvas and extra paint in the spare room then heard my man go out the back door followed by a small boy. I looked at the squiggly map drawing again and decided I would place it on the easel just to see if I had any more ideas to add to it. I still couldn't see what the others had seen, but I believed them. I did do a little more of my treasure chest and noticed a new page had opened in the book, but was disturbed by Tony coming up for a bite to eat.

"When do you take over Tony?"

"In about a month Den, I have to find someone to run it for me."

"What about Cyn's sister Michelle?"

"I thought about her but it's Shannon I'm a bit worried about, he would be bored sitting around all day."

"I'll have to think about that one, there's more to that boy than meets the eye Tony, he's a clever kind of soul."

"That he is Den, I did think about experimenting with him and Tim, he's already agreed to take some restoration classes in the back, and I wondered if Shannon could do that kind of work too. That would keep him occupied for eight hours when the shops open."

"What a great idea, maybe Ayden could help?" I offered.

"That would be much appreciated Den, I like Michelle, she's the obvious choice for the shop. The travel distance isn't that far for her and Shan does go to school twice a week, but he doesn't have to be there every day."

"Oh, what school is that Tony, I didn't know he was going?"

"He is and he isn't Den, the boys who live next door adore him and they got their mum to talk their headmaster into letting Shannon attend school a few days a week with them. Apparently the whole class love him now and he's actually learning some new things again. That's of course when he's not entertaining the whole class with his magic tricks." He laughed.

"He does tricks too?"

"Well yes, apparently, a few, he's like a court jester, very funny and entertaining. The teachers said he was actually calming the classes down and everyone are learning their lessons better. It's amazing Den, he's only been doing it for a few weeks and he's got everyone eating out of his hands."

I wondered why Cyn hadn't told me this snippet of news, and I did dream of Shan as he was in fairyland, he was the court jester.

"Now to my serious problem, ask me why I'm here with you."

"Why are you here Tony?" I giggled.

"I have been shut out of my own workshop for the afternoon by Birdie and Joe."

"So what secret business are they up to?"

"They are carving more of the round table, adding hundreds of fairy folk Den, it's going to be magnificent."

"My god, does Hulk know?"

"Yes, Joe promised they would take a break every now and then, I really don't want to sell it now, I would like to keep it."

"Well it's a wonderful piece Tony, maybe keep it for your new home." He smiled at me but he didn't answer. I also don't know where that came from but I somehow knew he had a move in mind. I always knew he wasn't that happy living in Horse's tiny house, but I understood that Horse loved it.

I think there's more to this than meets the eye but I will leave it for now. He started on his salad roll and I thought I might go up the road and see what the carvers are up to.

When I got there they were hard at it but laughing a lot, they were enjoying doing my folk and were trying to out do each other. The legs were brought more to life and the edging was perfect, they did so much in a short time, now Tony will have to polish it all over again.

"Papa, we are having so much fun." Birdy jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug as my arm went out to Joe, and he got one too.

"Is there anything you need, like drinks or food?"

"No poppa, we are going to go home soon, momma Aisha is cooking for us."

"Okay, don't forget to wash your hands." I laughed at his angelic face and my stomach filled with love for him.

I went back to the house and took another look at the drawing, it was trying to tell me something but I just didn't quite get it, and there was that new page still open. I picked up the pencil and started doing more but I stopped midway because I was doodling and I knew I had been reading instead of drawing. I am missing something and it's now starting to bother me.

Horse came up from the beach all freshly showered and when he sat he stared at the drawing, and the more he stared the more he glowed, his aura was so beautiful. Meanwhile Tony had scooted off to his shop saying he would see us later on.

"You are drawing the golden book Den; I can see words on that page."

"Yes Horse but there's something missing, I feel I should be able to read it but whenever I do, it doesn't make sense."

"You need to paint it Den, the key is to bring it to life through your paints and magic." He groaned as he grabbed his tummy.

"What's the matter my friend?"

"Butterflies Den, thousands of butterflies." His smile lit up the porch and something shifted, something wonderful as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Paint it Den, release them," he urged me.

"Release who Horse?"

"The fairy folk, they are trapped in all your paintings, I know they are."

I thought about it for some time then decided he was right, I have been transferring the fairy folk from their safe place to my paintings, they need to be released, they need to party again.

I began to lavish it with bright paint and sparkling magic and like Spud's painting it started leaping off the canvas. I could almost feel the magic in it as I added more fairy folk amongst the jewellery. My mind did wander and I saw gold, plenty of gold then I saw some words and I knew those words. I had to read them, it was urgent that I do, and I was very upset when Evan woke me from my trance. Horse was still sitting there watching me and I had only done half the colouring but most of the book.

At that waking moment I had no idea what I was reading and no recollection of what was read.

"Den, have a lie down for a minute, you look bloody exhausted." I didn't want to say I felt mad for being disturbed so I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him while rocking back and forth.

'Where's Ayden?"

"Up at the cafe having a sandwich." Horse grinned.

"Do you want to lie down for a minute or two bub?" I asked Evan.`

"No Den, I'm hungry and so must you be, let me order something."

"Can I have a pie please?" My urgency to paint left and I felt that awful emptiness again.

"Sure you can my love, we can dance later when Ayden has his nap." He patted my crotch and I was instantly fully awake.

We ate our meal and the boys came up and looked at the painting, each one of them sighed as if they had seen something that was long lost to them.

"Is everything okay Horse?" I had to ask him, not that I will get a straight answer.

"Yes Den, that's one beautiful painting."

"It's a message, and I think you just opened it for me," I replied.

Ayden came down with his small milkshake and sat staring at it from Horse's lap. His eyes sparkled as he got down and went up close to it. He started talking fairy at fifty miles and hour then he looked at me, his beautiful azure eyes beamed straight through me.

"You found book dah, now's reads it." I wasn't in the right head space to ask him how, I had been disturbed and was now losing that urge I usually get when I have to paint.

I looked over at the painting again and felt so much happiness.

I didn't know how to answer him because I had already started reading it and I must finish painting it because it's the golden book, the book of answers.

I sat and had the rest of my pie then we shared another one, I was so hungry and the more I ate the better I felt.

Horse sighed and cleared the table then he went out the back to sit on his little porch to do some work on the hotel plans. As I stood naked by our bedroom window I could see him, he looked agitated and kept looking towards the bushes, then he would get up and walk around them looking for something. I hope to god my Horse isn't losing his mind.

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Next: Chapter 102

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