Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 21, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 10

Evan came in not long after and I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms. Which took me all of two minutes. I was satisfied nothing had changed since this morning, that everything was right with us. He started to play with Ayden and they both giggled through a few tickles and raspberries.

"Did you quit today?"

"No Den, there's a lot to be done before I do that. I did talk to one of the guys in the next office who said I was insane to even be thinking of going it alone."

"Why's that bubs?"

"He said I would have grey hair in no time and no family life at all."

"Oh. We can't have that." I wonder why he said it, maybe he's jealous. What? Grey hair?

"Den we have to talk about this more, I'm not so sure we should go down this path. I need more time."

"You've got it. I will go along with anything you decide."

"Thank you."

"I'll cancel the desk I ordered today then." Groan.

We had our dinner and Evan helped me wash up. Then, the three of us sat down to watch some TV. Ayden's little world wasn't interested in the boring old news, so we ended up on the cartoon channel after a few dummy spits.

My hand caressed his face as I looked at every line, every hair and my hips were moving back and forth as Evan's dick rubbed against mine. As our movements became more intense I took his mouth against mine and we were as one, blowing wildly in the wind together with not a care in the world.

My dreams that night were full of Evan, and the painting had a profound effect on me to the point I found myself standing next to him on those rocks. His obscenely long hair was warming and caressing my body. I heard a baby's cry and slowly moved my head to the side. Evan swooped down and scooped Ayden into his big arms and his little head nestled into Evan's neck.

"Den, Den wake up."

Evan broke my dream.

"Den can you move over; you're pushing me out of bed?"

I moved my hand, then my body over to my side and I pulled Evan with me.

"What was going on last night Den? You were almost humping me in your sleep." He smiled.

"Just a dream, Bubs, a really dirty, filthy gay dream about you." I grinned back.

"Wish I could have been there." He took another bite of toast. He had just got out of the shower and had sat at the table with his towel still around his waist.

"I could show you."


"Get the lube."

I came within minutes of entering him, then helped him out with a bit of mouth on cock action.

"Don't go to work today bubs - let's go to the beach instead."

"I have to work Den." He had just done his belt up so I tried to undo it.

"Let's buy a beach hut. You can surf and I can paint -- no shirts, belts, ties, no boss, just us."

"Fuck me, Den, I don't have the cash to live that lifestyle. You're starting to sound like mum."

"Oh, did she want to live in a hut on the beach too?"

He made growling noises like he was a bit frustrated or something.

"What did your mum really say to you when she read you the riot act, Bubs?"

He flopped down on the sofa and sighed and he looked at me sideways. "She sat me down at the table and told me in no uncertain terms that I could not spend my schooldays on the beach. My dad was the same. He never kept a job long because he was always taking days off to surf. He wasn't anyone special to anyone except mum and me. She said if I went to school and learnt a skill, then I could go off with my mates but only if I had a trade."

"What did you mean that your dad wasn't anyone special?"

"He met mum on the beach. He didn't have a trade - he just picked up work whenever he could. My mum was an accountant and she's the one who bought this house and fed us. Den, she didn't mind, she loved my dad so much...and so did I," he trailed off.

"So what happened, why are you still working?"

"I graduated with honors and was offered a scholarship so never went back to the beach again. Mum was happy, but I knew she saw some of my dad in me and was waiting for the surf to call."

"And it didn't call you?"

"Yes, Den, it calls me all the time. I got too involved in the corporate life and I've achieved a lot in these past few years so mum was proud of me. I decided to conform, so to speak."

"Oh, and your dad?"

"He died when I was about thirteen, he hit some rough surf and broke up on the rocks. I always wanted to be like him - his hair was the longest blonde I have ever seen on a man, but my job stops me from ever growing mine."

I sat there in silence, my mood yesterday explained.

"Evan can I show you the painting I worked on yesterday? It's not finished but I think you should see it."

"Sure, Den."

We made sure Ayden was safe in his playpen, then went upstairs and I uncovered the half finished work. Evan was rendered speechless.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

He didn't answer me, just stared and swayed. Then after a while he said, "That's my father. How do you know what he looked like, and how did you know that was his favorite logo on the board?"

It was my turn to go quiet.

"His board broke up in the surf that day. It was trashed. I never thought I would ever see it again. Den, how did you know?"

I had plenty of smart assed answers but couldn't say any of them.

"He helped me paint this yesterday, I had an urgent need to do it. Evan, he was here with me. Please don't ask me how I did this because even I don't know, it just happened." I embraced him.

"He held Ayden who went to sleep on his shoulder and your mum stood beside them. I felt so calm."


"My dream last night was this scene and your father swooped Ayden up and held him in his arms. I thought it was me beside him but it was your mum and I felt perfect happiness. This is so bizarre Evan, I think it's a message from your dad and mum."

"I think it is too, Den. I think it is too." He started with the tears so I held a shaking Evan in my arms until his tears abated. This is something he never does - let his guard down.

"I have to go to work, Den."

"Bubs, not today. The magic isn't over yet. Please?" I pleaded with him.

"No, Den, I have to go and hand in my resignation."

"Oh baby, I'm so fucking proud of you. Please don't be long because I miss you already."

"I won't Den. You don't mind?"

"As long as you've got a trade I don't care." I had to make a joke.

"When I get back we will go board shopping." He smiled.

"Don't forget to get one for your son." I smirked.

He was home by lunchtime, the partners had given him the rest of the day off to think about his announcement. He lost his suit and tie then put some board shorts on with a singlet. He looked awesome so I mussed his hair up while I longingly kissed him. We bundled Ayden into his car ride and went shopping.

"Hey, Mr. Roberts! Long time no see." Evan smiled at the weather-beaten man in the surf shop.

"Well, fuck me! Evan Spicer! Is that you?"

"Yes it's me, my partner Den and our son Ayden." My chest puffed out with pride.

"Well pleased to meet you. And Evan, it's been too fucking long. How have you been - where have you been, mores the point?"

"You know me - just bumming around trying to live the dream." Evan's smile was huge.

"You're just like your father. I'm sorry, Evan. I heard your mum had passed. She was such a beautiful woman."

"That she was Mr. Roberts ,,, that she was."

"I still remember the first day your father brought her in here. She was so out of her comfort zone, like a scared kitten she was, but we managed to get her into a suit. She turned into a minx then. Um...sorry Evan, but she was pretty bloody awesome. Well, your father thought so." He blushed.

"She always spoke highly of you, too, Mr. Roberts. She also never forgot that day in here."

"Well, she was a beauty. Now what can I do for you all?"

"I need a new wet suit, a board, some shorts and tops and the baby wants a wet suit too." He laughed.

"Ha, ha, funny. What about you my boy?" He looked at me.

"Not just yet. It's Evan's day today, so maybe later." I smiled at what would have been a very handsome young man, but the sun had aged him.

"Okay one complete refit coming up. Have a look at those boards over there and I'll gather up some snazzy wetsuits for you to try on."

Evan moved us to the boards where he was looking for something. Maybe the magic was still with us but his eyes lit up as he found the one he wanted. It had his dad's logo on it. It actually was a brand logo and he later said his dad reckoned it was the best board he ever had. He looked it over like it was chocolate cake then put it aside. The wet suit was a painful ordeal I had to go through. Evan tried several on until he found just the right fit, and did it fit. I nearly jumped him on the spot. I was rendered speechless.

"What do you think young man?"

"It's a great fit. I will take this one."

"Not you Evan, your partner here. What do you think?"

I stuttered as I tried to say cool.

"Come on lad out with it. Is he hot or what?"

"Evan," I pleaded for help.

"Well?" Mr. Roberts was very assertive.

"I want to literally fuck him, right here right now on this shop floor," I let fly.

"Good, then. It's hot then."

"Fucking hot," I finally let out.

Evan laughed so much he forgot himself and kissed me.

"Just like his father, couldn't keep his hands off the pretty ones either." He chuckled.

Evan tried board shorts and shirts on for the next hour or so. I was so hot just watching him, I nearly busted a nut in my jeans. Ayden was getting bored and probably disappointed he couldn't buy a wet suit just yet, but I guess he has dreams. I fed him in the shop while Evan and Mr. Roberts talked about the good old times. They worked out that some of Evan's mates still surfed the coast and I could see the excitement on his face. I hope he doesn't want to go into the bushes with them.

We secured the board to the roof rack and put the many boxes and bags into the back and by this time bub was out for the count. Shopping is so exhausting. We weren't in the door for more than a few seconds and I was all over Evan. We barely had time to put Bubs in his cot. I licked, slurped, rimmed and sucked every part of his golden body and he was almost screaming to be released.

"Fuck me, Den, fuck me."

"You got it big guy."

I fucked Evan so deep and so hard he was almost crying into my shoulder. He met every stroke with a hard push and if I could have shoved my balls in, he would have swallowed all of me gratefully.

We had been at it for quite awhile before we both released our loads. Evan was panting heavily along with me as we lay side by side just touching.

"Wow," he got out.

"Wow to you too, bub."

We lay there for a while before he reached over to get the towel we always placed next to the bed.

"Let me." I took it off him.

"Den, you can't do that."

"Watch me." I wiped Evan thoroughly, so much so he was panting again. I didn't know about him but I was fired up. Well, maybe I noticed his hard on and thought I might give it another of my best shots. He didn't argue.

He was unpacking his shopping when I brought Ayden down and sat him on the floor and he decided the packing tissue was tasty this time, so I scrunched it all up and took it outside to the bin. By the time I got back, he had changed to the boxes - so much to play with and so little time. He particularly liked it when it was on his head; he giggled away playing by himself. I finally got Evan to sit down and eat something, as he was still a little over excited.

"You had better work on that resignation tonight, bubs, just to make it official like."

"I will if you can keep your hands off me for an hour." He smiled.

"You've got one hour then you're mine again." I smiled back while he softly groaned.

"We have to make plans for Rita too at some stage."

"And why is that Den?" He rolled his eyes.

"Well if you think I'm going to leave Ayden's gran here when we move. Think again, she comes with us."

"Fuck me Den, you just can't organize people like that. She has a life here."

"Not much of one Bubs, and I organized you thoroughly and not even a small protest this time."

He looked at me and dropped his shoulders.

"What's the plan?" I thought he would never ask.

"Well, firstly, we find a beach hut close to the surf coast, preferably one with a granny flat or separate dwelling for Rita. Then, we hit her with the plan. She can move in with us. It's not that she does anything exciting each day. We will hold Ayden over her head, like blackmail her a bit. She can rent her house out to get more income, we get a babysitter and maybe a scone every now and then. When Alex returns he will love it. All those mates of yours will keep him busy in the bushes for months on end." I laughed at poor Evan's face.

"Okay, now's the time you ask me what I want." He actually got serious so I sat back.

"What do you want?"

"I don't think it's that urgent we find a beach shack. I can travel down to the coast and surf. I will do it for a year, then I will have to work too, Den. You've got us just moving to the beach with no thought or reasoning. People have to work sometime; I need to pay my way too you know."

"For fucks sake, Evan! How much do you eat? How much power and phone do you use? Very fucking little, I bet? Didn't you get the message from your parents because I got it loud and clear? We are going to find that beach shack and we are going to move into it. If you want to work, open a fucking surf shop or some cheap eatery place. Fuck, hang on! I've just had a thought, something for Rita to do. Yes, she can open a cheap eats place for your mates. Aren't you even a little excited Evan?" He did make a lot of noises but I blocked his every turn and eventually he gave up.

"I'll just do the resignation then will I?"

"Good, you've got one hour." Fuck me, I think the conversation just turned full circle.

Ayden was happily playing away but he lost all interest in the boxes and made his way around to the TV. I switched to the cartoon channel then went and made some veggies for him. Evan didn't take that long then he was on the couch with bubs watching with him. He made the big mistake again of turning it over to the news, the howling was almost deafening.

"What kind of moisturizer do you use bubs?"

"I don't, Den."

"Oh we better get a big bottle next time we go to the supermarket."

There was silence but he just couldn't resist asking why.

"Because you will need to be moisturized every time you go in the surf. You don't want to end up looking like Mr. Roberts, do you? And who's the lucky guy to rub it on for you?" I grinned, completely satisfied with my answer.

Nothing happened for a minute or two then Evan fell sideways groaning.

"You, okay bubs?"

We had to go back to Mr. Roberts' surf shop on the weekend. Evan had forgotten wax or something. I thought he would be out chasing waves. I guess he's too excited to jump in the water just yet.

"Hi, Mr. Roberts. I need some wax," Evan cheerily said.

"Good morning young Evan, Den, bubby. Did you chuck your job in?"

"What?" Evan's face is so readable.

"Your lawyer job - did you chuck it in or did they fire you?"

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"Word gets round Evan. You should know that."

"I leave at the end of the month."

"Good. I thought you buying up big might have had something to do with you leaving your job."

"Evan has got his trade, he's a great lawyer, now he's doing what he really wants to do - buying a beach hut and surfing all day and it's about time." I overstepped the mark but Evan didn't leer at me.

"Good for you young fella. What are you going to do Den - sit around all day watching him get in and out of his wet suit?" I actually blushed.

"I'm an artist, I can paint anywhere. Our next problem is to buy a hut where there's plenty of sand and surf."

"Taken care of my lad. Take a look over at the notice board. I just put it up last week."

I gave him a blank stare then slowly walked over to the notice board. I couldn't believe our luck: there were computer printouts of what looked like a shop but it wasn't a shop but a breakfast, fast food, coffee, chill out kind of place. The shop was to one side, the rest of the verandah had hammocks, surf boards, fishing rods, the whole caboodle.

The more I looked the more I liked it. The cafe had a two bedroom flat attached and the other side had three bedrooms and two backpacker stays. The place wasn't a going concern, which meant we could do what we liked with it. It backed onto the surf beach, which was accessed by two trails. I was nearly jumping up and down and my heart was pumping. The location was Golden Bay and it was a popular spot, especially in summer and on long weekends. My stomach butterflies were going insane.

I checked the price and it seemed too cheap, but it did need work.


"Den, it's perfect." We took the phone number down.

"It's a bit rundown, nothing has been done to it in twenty years. It would be easy to get a trader's license and that little cafe to the side my wife ran for years and made a good income out of it. I did okay with the surf shop when I was in it." He laughed.

"So it's your property then?"

"Yep - was my dad's then mine, but I had to move to the city when the kids got older. My wife insisted on it. I always thought that one day I would go back but it didn't happen."

"So how bad is it?"

"Not that bad as far as shacks go: maybe a kitchen upgrade, new toilets, a splash of paint, but the bones are solid. It also includes the two acre block next door, so there are two tiles." He grinned.

"We will take it," I blurted out.

"Den, you just can't do that without seeing it." Poor Evan, he's got no spirit of adventure.

"We'll take it, how much deposit do you need? How long for changeover? When can we move in?"

"Den stop it, we have to go look at it first. You can't just buy something like that off a shop wall."

"How far is the beach?"

"About fifty meters."

"Is there an outside shower?"


"We will take it." Then I stared Evan down.

"Evan... that's all you need, a beach and a shower, a big verandah to entertain your mates, a small cafe for Rita. Extra rooms for extra cash, what's the problem?"

He blankly looked at me, then Mr. Roberts, then Ayden, as if he would find his answer there, but all he got was a giggle. He caved.

"We'll take it, how long before we can move in?" He smiled.

"I need ten per cent up front and the rest in four weeks. We can do the contracts ourselves. Evan and you can file the titles. I reckon you could move in anytime you want... there will be work to do though."

"Good, can we have a key, we can go look tomorrow, it's not that far away." I told him I would transfer money for the deposit into his account tonight.

"Now comes the hard part."

"What's that Den?"

"Convincing Rita she's a great cook and can run her own small business." I laughed.

"Do I know Rita?"

"No Mr. Roberts but if you want an introduction, we can gladly arrange it." I smiled.

This day is getting better and better, and me thinks Mr. Roberts is a lady's man.

Evan put the radio on when I started the car and he and Ayden sang along to some kiddy tune. I looked sideways and the smile on his face was priceless. Naturally Ayden wanted to have a sleep when he got in, and Evan wanted to talk about the hut. I persuaded him to throw his leg over me then I worked on slipping one to him.

"Hi Rita, what are you doing tomorrow, anything exciting?"

"No Den, just my laundry why?"

"Would you like to go for a run to Golden Bay with us - maybe grab some fish and chips for lunch? Evan wants to check something out."

"Sounds good to me but I'll bring coffee and sandwiches. What time do we leave?"

"Around eight thirty-nine okay with you?"

"Yes, Den, perfect."

With that out of the way I went in search of Evan, who was still on the bed almost naked with Ayden, who was still in sleepy land.

"We leave at nine in the morning and Rita's coming with us."

He smiled that dreamy smile. I know what he wants, so I placed Ayden in his cot and went to work on my man. We talked while he played with my balls. He was worried that everything would go pear shaped with the new house so I told him if it's unrepairable then we would trash it and build a new one.

"If anything, we get four acres on the beachfront to play with." He laughed.

After loading up the car and collecting Rita, who was very happy to sit with Ayden in the back, we went on a small road trip two hours down the freeway to Longford then down to our beach. We sang, told jokes and generally laughed and it was good to see Rita enjoying herself. I hoped my plan would work. We pulled into the sleepy little town where not much was happening. Evan pulled over and put his window down.

"Smell that, Den."

I did the same and smelt the salty sea air, it was different from home.

"Right, here we go," he said and pulled out of the curb.

We found the rather large wooden hut on the road that went down to the beach. I fell in love with it instantly. I deep down knew this place was for us. It felt like I was coming home. Even Evan went ballistic - that boy in him was emerging and everything felt just right.

We parked and organized our guest and bubs. Evan ran up the stairs and put the key in the lock. It was amazing, we walked straight into a big shop which was empty, except for a log counter, then through another door to a very bright lounge room with a kitchen at one end. Off that room was a hallway with three big empty rooms, a half okay bathroom and toilet and a huge verandah across the back. Off the porch were two good sized holiday stays with outdated bathrooms. There were trees blocking our view but we saw the two trails and the outdoor shower. We could do something with this. In fact, I was certain we could.

Back out the front we went to the right and there were a few dusty old tables and chairs still there. Evan unlocked the double glass doors and we entered a good-sized shop and next was a kitchen which would have to be upgraded. Then a small lounge room, hallway, two bedrooms and bathroom ending onto the back verandah.

Just a smaller version of the bigger side. I thought we could put in air con for Rita so she sleeps well and there was plenty of room for expansion - maybe an art gallery. There was also the large vacant lot next door.

"What do you think?" I was talking to Rita.

"This place is amazing, it needs work but it's very nice. Boys, are you thinking of buying it?"

"We already have." I grinned.

"Oh." I could see a slight frown on her face.

"Rita, let's sit out the front and have those sandwiches."

"Okay boys."

Evan and I got all our stuff out of the car while Rita settled Ayden in then we opened the basket she had brought. A king's feast awaited us.

"This is a nice little café, Evan. We will have to get someone in to run it. I can't cook."

"Yes, Den, it would suit a semi-retired lady but we will have to find someone that will be willing to look after Ayden - not just anyone mind you." Evan looked around again.

"A new kitchen, air conditioner, new tables and chairs and extended up a bit on the verandah will be nice, Den."

I was watching Rita's face, she seemed a little down, but she was listening to us.

"I suppose you wouldn't know anybody that is willing to do that, Rita? Pretty laid back lifestyle, no problems and that extra room would be ideal for a young man, that is if the lady had one, that is?"

She looked up at me and I detected a slight smile.

"You mean me don't you?"


"What would I do here?" she opened her hands.

"Well you're not doing much now, so why not? Plenty of kids running around to get ice creams, chips, dim sims, a hamburger or two, milkshakes. Everything your childhood had, plus you get Ayden and us. And when Alex returns, he can come and live here. Evan has some really awesome mates." I wriggled my eyebrows, Evan nudged me.

"Oh, you boys - I just can't move here. It's not the way things are done."

"We saw this yesterday in a shop and bought it sight unseen. This little cafe is ideal for you and we want you here with us, please."

"But my home?"

"Rent it out. Chuck what you don't use and put the rest in storage with our stuff, then move here with us."

"You make it sound so simple. My life is more complicated than that."

"No it's not. Your life is sitting around worrying what your boys are up to. Let them sit around and worry about you for a change. Evan will teach you how to surf." I laughed at her face.

"I don't know anything about running a cafe." She's resisting.

"Easy, peasy! You can make a hamburger, you can deep fry some chips and dimmies, sandwiches - by the way these are delicious. Milkshakes are a piece of cake - even I can make them. Keep it basic and simple and during summer your freezer will be full of ice creams. Maybe when you're comfortable, you could start doing bacon and egg breakfasts for the surf crowd."

"You do get me going, Den. Yes, it's all very simple food and I can do that, but going back to work?"

"You're not: the cafe opens for four months in summer and on holiday weekends. The rest is your time, and if there's no one in town, close it up. Rent your house out. You could even rent your spare bedroom out here to some backpacker for extra cash in hand. You don't have a thing to worry about."

"My god, if only I could drop everything and come here." She looked around again even going through the cafe and lodgings one more time. When she came back she was smiling from ear to ear.

"You get to play with Ayden," I beamed because I just played my trump card. "These sandwiches are delicious Evan, aren't they?"

"They sure are Den. They will sell very well."

"Where do I start?"

"We will remodel the kitchen and bathroom and you choose the wall colors for painting."

"Tables and chairs for the cafe?"

"We go beach hut and buy up a lot of mismatched ones at the Goodwill."

"When do you want to do this?"

"In four weeks." She nearly dropped her sanger.


"We take over in four weeks and if you're not ready by then, it's okay. It will give us time to renovate. Let's say you move in about eight weeks' time."

"And you won't mind having me here?"

"Of course not. We need you here with us, not in some dirty old city."


"Make us lunch from time to time, pay your outgoings and we are even."

We had her right from the start, me thinks. This is going to be a big move for us all, but a necessary one, especially for Evan. I knew this was going to be our dream house because my butterflies were going ballistic in my stomach again.

Next: Chapter 11

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