Awkward Afterward

By Gordie Eggleston

Published on Jul 5, 2024



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Awkward Afterward

by Gordie Eggleston

AKA zylewriter

It's not like me and Sammy are good friends.


not really even friends at all.

We never talk--just the two of us.

It's more like we're in each other's periphery.

I only know Sammy because his best friend used to be the boyfriend of my best friend.

Sammy was always with him,

and I was always with her.

And even though they're broke up now, they still hang out at lunchtime, which keeps Sammy and me in each other's orbit.

But now everything's...

awkward between Sammy and me.

Because of what happened yesterday.

What I did--after we both wound up in the Boys Room of our high school at the same time.

A couple minutes ago -- while I was coming here to my history class -- I passed Sammy in the hallway. He looked away, real quick--didn't give me a nod, like he sometimes does if he notices me.

Right now, I'm here in Western Democracy -- sitting at my desk -- but the only history I've been able to think about is yesterday.

My boring teacher is talking to the class about...

ehhh--I don't even care

Surreptitiously (I think that's the right word)

I open my super-secret spiral notepad of poetry.

I started it when I became a sophomore.

(I'm a junior now).

I'm rereading the poem I wrote last week...

but now it feels like an eon ago.


I still haven't looked up 'forlorn' to see if I spelled it correctly:

An Ode to Sammy

I wish I had the words to say

so you would hear

and come my way.

Forlorn I see you

-- from afar, but know --

here in my heart,

you have a home.

It wasn't `from afar' that I was seeing him yesterday!

Maybe I should just rip this page out.

Tear it up.


I've ruined everything.

Now Sammy will be more 'afar' than ever.

Now there's no word I can say that will change that.

Forlorn Forever is what I'll be.

Maybe that should be the title of my next poem.

I reread `An Ode to Sammy'.

Contemptuous, I mutter:

"Words to say"

What's there to say?

For me and Sammy to talk at all -- just him with me -- would itself be awkward...

never mind talking about...


I close my eyes...

...and see Sammy

I put my middle finger under my nose.


I let my finger slide down--into my mouth.


It all happened after lunch period.

I needed to go pee before my next class.

So, I went to the Boys Room nearest the cafeteria--which is the one currently being remodeled, the walls now stripped bare of the tiles that used to be on it.

As usual, after lunch, that restroom was crowded.

There was only one urinal no-one was at, so that's where I went.

Because of the remodeling, the privacy dividers between all the urinals have been taken down (I guess so they can replace the tiles on the wall behind them).

The kid standing there next to me was just finishing up.

And then...

whether by fate or by some weird coincidence, he stepped away just as Sammy came into the restroom.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sammy step up to the only available urinal--right next to me! He was wearing the black&purple shirt that looks so sexy on him.

I kept telling myself, silently:

'Don't look over.

Don't look over.'

The Boys Room was crowded, a bunch of the guys in there just standing around, but all of them being raucous.

(Is that the right word?)

Really loud.

Maybe a half dozen combined voices, bouncing off the stripped-bare walls.

But through all that noise, I heard the flow of Sammy's piss getting started, sounding normal at first, but then sounding like a fire hose over there--like he was power-washing that urinal!

I had to see for myself.

I was already finished up -- shaking the last drops from my dick -- so I snuck a peek at his.


I still have no adequate word to describe Sammy's penis.


A cause for pride--but that's not a word. It's the definition.

I looked up.

Sammy was looking over at me--obviously saw I'd just been gawking down there at him.

The Boys Room started getting quiet as the rowdy boys all left together.

Neither Sammy nor I were pissing anymore. After he shook off, we both just... stood there, as if we were still pissing, our dicks hanging out, both of us looking ahead--but sideways at each other.

After another boy left, only one guy besides Sammy and me was there in the restroom--at the urinal closest to the exit, his peeing making the only sound.

Sammy did nothing to prevent me from seeing his dick. He let it lay on the fingers of his hand furthest from me while his hand closest to me pushed up the front of his tight shirt--up to where his pubic hair started, below his belly button. And I knew he was looking at my dick, because when I looked up at him, his eyes shifted up to mine. After my eyes darted down for another peek, he got a smirk of amusement that was so cocky I forgot how to breathe for a moment.

That other guy, down by the exit, flushed his urinal and tucked in his dick.

The backs of Sammy and my hands brushed, and it was like an electric charge zapped me! I actually heard Sammy's breath catch, so he must have felt it, too.

The other guy left the Boys Room without washing his hands.

It was just Sammy and me in there now.

Under his breath, Sammy said something and turned -- his dick still out -- and went into the toilet stall behind us, leaving the door open for me.

I left my dick out, too, and went in right behind him.

As I shut the stall door, it made a high-pitch squeak that echoed off the walls.

Sammy stepped up on the ring of the toilet seat.

I fastened the latch on the door.

When I turned back, it looked like Sammy was struggling to get his balls out through the fly of his pants.

I almost started to laugh. Not just because of...

whatever it was he was trying to do...

but a nervousness I was suddenly feeling.

Plus, the absurdity of everything that was happening.

I guess Sammy could tell I was suppressing laughter because he then suddenly pulled himself back through the fly then pushed his pants and boxers down below his balls.

He wasn't hard -- standing up there -- but he obviously wanted to be as he started rubbing his big, meaty dick. His balls were almost directly at my eye-level--for sure the closest I'd ever been to another guy's private parts.

I just stared, holding my own dick.

Sammy looked at me.

"Go ahead," he said.

So, I opened my mouth wide and took him inside, hearing him gasp as I did.

I've tried sucking myself before--when I get real hard and it gets real long. But this was my first time ever having another guy in my mouth. And it was Sammy! I could hardly wait to find out what it would be like when he was fully hard. Semi-soft, like he was, I was able to get all of him in my mouth, his thick pubic hair tickling the tip of my nose. I could smell his musk, so strong and masculine. I couldn't get enough as I swirled my tongue, moving his dick around in my mouth, inhaling his pubic aroma. I could hardly wait to find out what it would be like when he shot his load into me. Would he taste as good as he smelled?

As Sammy grew larger inside my mouth, my head began bobbing on it, taking his big cock in and almost-out. But I couldn't smell him anymore.

"Ohhh," I heard him coo as he grew harder inside me. "Ohhmmm."

It was like he was hard and soft at the same time!

My hands roamed and rubbed his butt cheeks, feeling an abundance of curls back there--like he was a full-grown man. Not smooth, like how I am.

I wondered if his ass might smell as good as his crotch did, so I managed a quick swipe of his crack with my middle finger--so that I could sniff it later on.

With his growing cock in my mouth, I looked up.

Sammy was looking down at what I was doing to him, surprise in his eyes, but his face overall giving no sign that he wanted me to stop.

My hands slid up his sides--pushing up the tight fabric of the black&purple shirt until I could see his nipples.

He moaned...

ohhhmmm if his sides were more sensitive than his butt cheeks had been.

After my hands roved over the skin of his front and sides then back down to his butt, his moans all began sounding alike--his dick obviously liking it, getting so hard and huge inside my mouth there wasn't enough space for all of him!

My head couldn't bob on the whole thing--like it had been doing.

My lips were spread wide--felt tight.

I could hear -- reverberating off the walls -- the sounds that my mouth was making on him

gluumpf -- gluumpf -- gluumpf

and the quiet moans coming from him

ohmmmm -- ohmmmm -- ohmmmm

and I was hoping like hell that no-one else would come into the Boys Room--because I didn't wanna have to stop!

Then I had the thought:

Maybe Sammy wanted me to stop.

His cock was now fully erect, stuffed inside my mouth, preventing me from being able to look up -- to see his face -- so I grabbed hold of its base and started to pull off.

Immediately, Sammy's hands were on my hair, and he pulled my head back in on him--further than I'd gone before.

I started choking.

His hands went away quick--like maybe he was afraid his cock was strangling me from the inside.

I pulled all the way off of him--took in a deep gasp of air.

I looked up to see his face but couldn't make it out because my eyes were awash with tears--even though I wasn't technically crying.

I dove back down on him.

Again, his hands were on my head, but not forcing me into him.

gluumpf -- ohmmmm -- gluumpf -- ohmmmm --

gluumpf -- ohmMMM -- gluumpf...

He moaned loud, grabbed my hair and gave a violent thrust of his hips--again forcing my head to stay on him.

I started choking real bad, but this time he didn't let go or stop--made my mouth stay around his cock as his wet heat started filling me up.

ohMMMM! UhhhOHMMMM-UHHMMMM-uhhh-ohhh-mmm-mmm-hhh-hhh!"

It was the loudest Sammy had gotten -- his cum exploding into my mouth -- and I was not only afraid of passing out from a lack of oxygen but also that someone outside the Boys Room would hear and come in to find out what was going on--his groans echoing so loud off the cave-like walls.

I guess Sammy had the same concern because his moans quieted until they were just hard, gasping breaths.


Sammy also took his hands out of my hair -- away from my head -- so I'd stopped choking... but I never pulled off (like I had before). My mouth just went crazy on him--wanting all of his goo (and wanting him to know I wanted all of it).

There was only one point when I coughed and some of his cum spluttered out around his cock. Mostly, though, I kept it all inside as it came, blast after blast.

Only after I knew Sammy had emptied all of his creamy juice into me did I let my mouth pop off of him.

His cum tasted a lot like mine, but there was too much of it to swallow.

I wiped my eyes and looked up at Sammy's face.

My mouth hung open and I moved my tongue. His cum oozed out over my bottom lip. I felt it drool down my chin.

Sammy's eyes were wide, looking down at me with something like horror on his face.

I wiped the cum from my chin up to my mouth, then sniffed the middle finger I'd used to swipe his asscrack. (I could smell only the faintest hint of him).

The front of Sammy's bunched-up shirt had crept down from his chest.

Sammy quick-like yanked it down all the way--to his hips.

He pulled up his boxers. Then his pants.

He hopped down from the toilet.

As he landed, I got slammed against the wall of the stall.

Frantic-like, Sammy's arm went behind me as he grappled (I think that's the word) for the door latch.

When he got it open, Sammy ran out without looking at me or saying a word.

From inside, I could hear another guy--who must've just been coming into the restroom:

"Whoa--watch it!"

Then -- calling out behind him -- "What's yer fuckin' hurry!"

I doubt Sammy heard it, racing out of there like he was.

He was long-gone.

But I didn't dare move--frozen there, pressed against the stall, my heart stricken with panic.

Whoever that guy out there was, he must've seen where Sammy had run out from. If he came over and checked inside the open door, he'd see me standing there, guilty, Sammy's cum in my mouth being all the evidence he'd need to figure out what had happened--why Sammy had been running away like he was.

To escape a cocksucker.

He'd surely go and tell someone.

My life would be ruined.

Pressed -- like I was -- against the inside wall of the stall, I watched as the guy came into my view.

He went to the same urinal I'd been at.

I saw him -- his back to me -- obviously unzipping and fishing out his dick.

If he turned around, he would see me!

He started to pee, uttering words that bounced off the wall:

"Crazy fuck. Is just school."

Or something like that--was hard to tell for sure.

When his pissing stopped, I could tell he was tucking himself back into his pants.

--don't turn around--

Yanking up the zipper.

--don't turn around--

He left without flushing.

Never turned around.

Never saw me.

He was gone.

I was safe.

It was just me, now -- in the Boys Room -- and I could finally shut the squeaky stall door.

After latching it, I slumped to the floor next to the toilet--started gasping like I'd been trapped under water and finally managed to free myself and swim up to the surface for air.

I put my head in my hands.

Remembering Sammy's cum, I wiped my face.

What the hell did I do!

How could I be so stupid!


What was I thinking!

Why did I do that!

"Never again!"

(I'd thought I was only thinking it, but the walls bounced the words back at me like a reprimand).

So yeah.

That's what happened.


And now, here in Western Democracy, the chime-bell just sounded--snapping me out of my...

is reverie the word?

Out of all my thoughts.

Dread is now creeping into me.

It's lunchtime.

My first lunch period since yesterday--before the whole thing with Sammy happened.

Sammy's friend Greg and my bestie Monica always sit at the same table.

Sammy and I always sit with them, across from each other.

We can't not be there... at the same time.

He always sits next to Greg.

I always sit next to Monica.

I make my legs carry me to the cafeteria--panic rising like a dark cloud in my soul.

Did Sammy tell anyone what I did to him?

Did he tell them?

The cafeteria doors are open.

And I...

just stand...

at the threshold.

(I don't care if threshold is not the right word!--look at my hands.

They won't stop shaking!)

And there they are.

At that table, off from the main aisle--isolated from all the other tables.

Sammy's next to Greg.

Across from Monica.

I can't.

I'll... just...

skip lunch.

But--I have to know.

Do they know?

What I did?


Now the three of them are all looking over here at me.

They know, don't they!

Sammy, how could you!

"Over here!" Monica calls, motioning with her arm.

She has a seat saved beside her.

I make my legs work.

Walk to my inquisition.

And that's exactly what it will be:

An Inquisition.

They'll want answers.

As I sit down, I look across the table at Sammy.

His head is down--as if he's eating, but he's not.

Guilty for betraying me?

If he won't face me, I won't look at him.



Now Monica and Greg are jabbering away about stupid stuff.

Nothing about me.

Nothing about what I did to Sammy.

They don't know.

He didn't tell them!

Thank you, Sammy.

When I peek over at him, he looks lost in thought--sitting there, silent.

I think Greg just told us a joke.

Only Monica's laughing.

"What's with you?" Greg says to Sammy. "That was funny!"

"Yeah," Sammy says. "Haha"--an unconvincing laugh, if ya ask me.

My eyes are on Sammy's mouth--his sexy lips.

And all I'm thinking is:

`If Greg only knew--Sammy had my cock in his mouth yesterday!' (I've jacked a lot of times thinking of Sammy and Greg doing sexy stuff together).

And damned if the thought of all that doesn't make me start sprouting a boner--

right here at the table, here in the cafeteria!

I squirm on my chair--trying to make it less uncomfortable.

His eyes!

Sammy's not looking now, but I just saw him glance over at me -- across the table -- when I was fidgeting on my chair.

How can I be getting hard like this!

This morning before I left home, I jacked for the fourth time since yesterday... just so I wouldn't get a boner at school!


He did it again!

I adjusted myself, and Sammy glanced across the table!

This is sooo awkward!

"Be right back."

It's Monica.

"Stay here--guard my stuff," she tells me.

And now she's gone.

Bet Sammy's gonna bolt any second now.

I know it.

Where the hell is Monica going!

I need to get up--get outta here.


Now Greg is leaving.


Sammy is staying!


Sammy always leaves when Greg leaves.

It's just Sammy and me now, here at the table.

Everyone else is gone.

Can things get more awkward?

Pretend I have food to eat.

I look down... silently tell myself `Just... keep your eyes on the table'.

The silence between Sammy and me is becoming awkward.

Sammy clears his throat.

I look up.

He's looking directly at me.

He's gonna say something.

I brace myself.

His voice, guttural: "Sooo...."

"So," I say back.

"Yeah," he says, his voice low.

This is sooo friggin' awkward!

"I've been thinkin'--" he says.

Here it comes.

I give a nod. "Yeah, I-I... I know."

Be strong.

Tell him 'I'm Sorry'.

Tell him it won't happen again.

"--I'm wonderin'...."

And then he just... stops.

That's it.

He looks away, then down.

Like he'd rather not be saying anything to me.

Like usual.

I need to tell him I shouldn't have done what I did;

to tell him it was a mistake--it won't happen again.

I lower my head, too.

"I.... It--"

"Y-you wanna--" And he looks up. "--come with me," he says. "On my bus after school?"

I look up--with shock.

He... he's inviting me over to his house!

At the beginning of the school year, I looked up his address online--after Monica started hooking up with Greg and I noticed Sammy for the first time.

I know exactly where he lives!

I saw a picture of his house on Google Maps.

"Yeah." It comes out as a squeak.

He grins.

And now--huh--words are suddenly spilling out of Sammy faster than I can process.

"I always sit at the back seat," he's saying, waving his arm, being as animated as he gets with Greg--but now it's with me!

After I found out Sammy's address, I kept digging for more information about him.

I found out he's on our high school's wrestling team... along with Greg.

I wasn't happy to find out Greg is a better wrestler.

If you ask me... Greg's a loser and a prick!

"It'll be so cool!" Sammy's saying.

I'm so mesmerized at the sight of Sammy talking -- to me! -- that I'm not actually hearing a word he's saying.

I'm just... watching his sexy lips move.

His mouth.


To me!

He suddenly gets quiet.

Now he's just looking at me--with that same cocky smirk he gave me in the Boys Room yesterday. The one that left me breathless.

What was he just saying?

Something about the bus?

"So," he says, "you're okay with it?"

"Sure!" I say--having no idea what I've just given my okay to doing.

He stands up.

"Cool! Meet you after school--at the buses."

He gives me a smile--like the ones I always see him give Greg.

Like him and me are friends now!

I look away... then back.

His smile becomes a grin.

"See ya later!" he says with a sort of chuckle, then leaves the cafeteria for his next class.

Sammy said 'See ya later'...

To me!

And I sit here... dumbstruck.

I'm not sure if that's a word, but it's how I feel.

Like--like I'm in a fairy tale.

Like I've just... come alive.


cute, adorable Sammy...

likes me, too!

And I'm okay with anything he wants to do with me!



That's the right word.

===== $gseggleston2 =====

Hello naughty reader!

I hope you enjoyed "Awkward Afterward".

I've been writing stories since I was a kid, and the better they got, the badder they got... so I couldn't really turn them in for homework!

Thanks to Nifty, I have a place to release them on the world!

If you'd like to support the work of Nifty, here is the link:

It would be encouraging to me -- and informative -- to know you read "Awkward Afterward" and to hear your thoughts about it. (Even if you hate it, by letting me know why, I can find out what isn't working).

You can write me directly at my email:

Thank you so much!

Your naughty writer,


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