Away Basketball Game

Published on Aug 27, 1998



This story contains sex between three underage teens. It is a true story. If you do not like this type of reading material please leave.

It was the end of the period and Craig and Jimmy and I were just ready to head to the showers . I had been having sex with Craig now for over 3 years but my cock strained to have Jimmy wrap his large basketball gripping hands around my shaft and jack me off. We are all the same age 16. Craig is 5' 9" and Jimmy is 6' and I am 5'9" we are all about 150lbs with blonde hair and muscular for our age. Craig has a very bent thin cock about the size of a small pickle and 5" long and my 6" long 2" wide cock loves to be pumped by Craig. We have been having sex since age 13. Now as for Jimmy I have seen him in the shower soft but never hard. His cock looks very small soft. But this night would come to find out differently.

Well the game was over and since we were over 200 miles from home we had to stay the night in the gymnasium at the high school of our competitors . There was about 25 of us and we spread out all of the gym. There were about 5 of us in one corner, and luck would have it Jimmy was on sleeping on one side of me and Craig the other.

About an hour passed and the teen talk turned to heavy sleeping. My cock was throbbing for Jimmy and I knew I had to have him. After getting up the courage to try touching him I slowly reached my hand over to his back and started to rub his back ever so slowly. Jimmy was lying on top of his sleeping bag and it was very warm in the gym and the large heaters were making tons of noise so nobody could here anything. The lights were all out and the only thing you could see were the red exit signs at the other end of the gym.

As I rubbed Jimmys back he never moved. So I took advantage if this and slowly rubbed lower and lower until my fingers kept sliding under his underwear band. I did this for about 3 minutes and I fianlly slid my entire hand in his underwear touching his young tight ass. I stopped rubbing and started moving my hand over his hip and down to his package. I felt his pubic hair and then I found his very hard cock. It was the same size as mine but bent upward. Jimmy never moved an inch so I pulled him over onto his back and put his cock through the slit in his underwear and jacked him off. He came in about 30 seconds and it flew all over my hand and onto his stomach. I heard him moan ever so softly and that made the pre-cum in my cock start pouring out. I licked my hand and Jimmy got up and went off to the restroom. This left me alone except for Craig on my otherside. Craig was always up to get a blow or visa versa. I reached over and slid my hands in his pants, Craig was already hard as he knew we always had sex whenever we were to sleep on away games. I whispered in his ear that my hand was covered in Jimmy cum and that I was going to use it to lube his cock up. I could feel Craigs cock become really hard and it took him about 1 minute to shoot and just before he shott his turned over and shot his load all over my standing cock . Jimmy was still in the bathroom so he never even seen anything... Craig jacked me off and I shot in about 20 seconds and my cum hit him in the face he told me afterwards. My stomach was plastered in his and my cum. i didn't know what to do: Should I go to the bathroom and face Jimmy or wipe off right here and deal with in in the morning. I took Jimmys pants and wiped off with them and went off to sleep.

Jimmy, Craig and I never talked about what we did and Jimmy never knew that Craig and I ever had a thing going. Jimmy always thought that it was just him and I.

I will write more I have many sex stories between us.

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