

Published on Apr 1, 2001



If you are under the age of 18 and relationships between consenting of age males bother you then please go away! otherwise, I hope that you enjoy the first part of this story. feel free to e-mail me at and give me your feedback!.

Blinding sun! It was all that I could see when I opened my eyes and realized that it was morning. The night before was a blur. It usually tends to be when you have drank heavily the previous night.

I looked around in the attempt to get my bearings. I had made it home at least and seemingly alone. I supposed my virtue was intact well what little there was left anyhow. My name is Barringer. My friends call me Barri, so that's how I'll refer to myself for the purposes of ease. I'm not too bad in the looks department either. I'm 6'3 185# nice average all american kind of guy with cute blue eyes and blonde hair. I would go into dashing good looks and all, but I am fairly certain I'd get a bull shit card played on that one.

I'm a student at Mont Blanc University nestled in the Ohio hills. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a southerner through and through born and bred in Georgia and grew up in society, so I'm not a redneck just a cultured dixiecrat I guess you could say. So, I say things like y'all and yonder and refer to widows and windas. You will adjust I'm sure.

Well, I crawled out of bed and looked out my bedroom window. My apartment being across the street from campus, I could see all of the students bustling by and boy were there some hotties out today...OH YEA! I almost forgot. I'm gay....GASP! Oh yes, we grow the finest grade A homosexuals down south too. New York City doesn't have a monopoly on everything. Also, I don't feel the need to qualify that I'm gay so if someone guesses it then more power to them, but I doubt very seriously they will tell by looking.

I decided that being a Friday morning that I should get dressed considering I had a class to teach in oh....5 minutes! Shit! I hate being late... being a grad student sucks sometimes. I miss the days of getting trashed at night and skipping class.

I rushed across campus and into Derringer hall. Of course, I get shit for being Barringer in Derringer. My class is on the top floor I got to the door with no time to spare and entered in my usual manner.

"Morning all! The magic hour has arrived" There was a slight chuckle through out the class. I gave them an assignment that the professor had prescribed and sat back to let them contemplate it in their groups as I graded a stack of papers.

I felt the presence of someone at the desk and looked up from my task. The cutest boy I'd ever seen was standing next to me. He was 6'2 black hair piercing blue eyes and a body to die for.

"Hey, Barri, Are we supposed to write up our conclusions on Wildavsky's budgeting advice," This ungodly cute boy asked.

"Nah, just remember them or make notes for yourself you guys are supposed to discuss it in lecture on Wednesday" I replied.

"You looked like you were having a good time at the bar last night" he said.

"You saw me?" I asked wondering not only why I couldn't remember this guys name but why he had taken such a notice at the bar.

"Yeah man, I bought you a shot!" He said looking a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry man I don't' remember it at all. I was so trashed."

"It's ok. I'm Scott by the way."

"I know who you are" I said lying through my teeth.

He looked at me and grinned walking back to his seat. As he sat down, he glanced back at me. I was pretty sure my student had a crush on me...Maybe this graduate school thing wasn't' so bad after all.

Class ended and I went to my office to chill out and see what the day would bring me. I was sitting at my desk finishing up some papers. The phone rang at 12:00. I picked it up.

"Hello, Poli sci, Barri speaking."

"Barri, hey this is um..Scott from POS 2245."

"Hey man what can I do for ya?"

"Um., I was wondering if you had um like if you had eaten lunch yet?"

Oh my god! this hottie is asking me out! I don't' know what to say.

"No I havent' eaten yet why?"

"Do you like um want to me like meet me at the underwater?"

"Yeah I guess..that would be cool."

"That's great man! I'll see you in 15 min then"

"ok man see ya in bit scott"

Holy fuck! The cutie wants me to go to lunch with him. I know I should have some kind of aversion to dating a student but he's cute. Maybe he wants to talk about class having reviewed his grades he's not doing so hot, but I cant' help him the professor records the grades not me.

I finished up my task and went across town to the Underwater a kind of artsy restaurant in the basement of a building. It was nice though. So, I waited at the entrance to the stairwell as I was a little early. I saw Scott coming up the sidewalk in a pair of cargo pants and a cute red abercrombie sweater...This is definitely not what he had on this morning in class.

"Thanks for coming Barri"

"My pleasure man. I was wondering what I was gonna do for lunch and I'm famished."

We entered the restaurant and got a table at the back it was kind of secluded. We sat down in the booth. It was of the pleather variety, but I really liked the atmosphere.

"So, why did you eat lunch with your buddies Scott?"

"Um...I don't know just thought you and I could get something and talk"

"Ok I'm all yours so talk," I said.

"Like I don't' really know what to say"

"Whatever is on your mind is cool. Just say whatever it is you wanted to talk about."

Then, it happened in a flurry of a thousand words per second. Scot opened his mouth and said, "I think I'm gay and I have a crush on you...please don't' hit me"

He looked like a deer caught in headlights. I decided to take the supportive role he obviously was not out at all even to himself and this was plaguing him.

"I wouldn't hit you scott and I'm flattered that you have a crush on me."

"You are? I was sure you were gonna kick my ass."

"Nope I wouldn't damage something that cute."

We continued to talk and had lunch and he explained how he felt about everything, and we decided to take a walk along the river a few miles from campus. He was so nervous and I knew he had never been with a guy you could just tell. We walked along the bank of the river and then we sat down on a rock.

"Barri, will you go out with me?"

"Scottie, isn't that what we are doing now?"

I leaned forward and our lips met. We interchanged tounges it was a very hot kiss and then it happened when the kiss broke. Scott looked at me and exhaled with the weight of the world leaving his shoulders.

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