
By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 17, 2001



by Ann Douglas


Part Three

"That was simply the best play I've ever seen." Kathryn said as they exited the theater.

"It was good wasn't it," Yolanda smiled. "I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

"So what's next?" Kathryn asked.

"I guess that's up to you." Yolanda said. "After all, this is your night, isn't it?"

Glancing up at the now dark night sky, Kathryn considered for a moment that she really should be heading home. As it was, she wouldn't get there until well after midnight.

"Is there somewhere we can go and get a drink?" she asked instead.

"Well, there are a few nice places in the neighborhood," Yolanda said in response. "But they're all likely to be pretty packed on a Saturday night."

"Oh, I really wanted to have a drink and maybe talk some." Kathryn pouted.

Yolanda took a few long moments to think about it. Long enough for Kathryn to start framing another question. One that was cut off as Yolanda finally spoke.

"Well if you really want to talk," the olive skinned woman said with a little hesitation. "I supposed we could go back to my apartment, it's only about twelve blocks from here. I'm sure I have something were could have as a night cap too."

"That's a fabulous idea!" Kathryn gushed with enthusiasm. "Let's go!" she added as she took Yolanda by the arm.

"All right," Yolanda surrendered. "But its this way." she said, turning both of them northward.

"My, this is nice," Kathryn said as she looked up at the old brownstone her friend had led her to. "Which floor do you live on?" she asked.

"Actually, I live on all of them." Yolanda replied.

"All of them?" Kathryn repeated as she looked up at the three story building. "How can you afford that, the rent must be incredible."

"I sort of own the building." Yolanda said as she slid a key from her bag and put it into the lock of the first floor door. "Me and First City Bank that is."

Stepping inside, Yolanda turned on the light and led Kathryn inside. The large room that took up much of the first floor had been made into a combination office and workroom, filled with several computers and peripherals.

"What's all this?" Kathryn asked.

"This is Southstar Enterprises." Yolanda replied as she checked for any new email on one of the active terminals. "This is what I do when I'm not consulting."

"You run your own company too?" Kathryn asked.

"Sweetheart, I am my own company." Yolanda smiled. "President, Mailroom Clerk and Chief Bottle Washer. Which is why the job I'm doing for Moore and Ryan will be my last for a while. Southstar is finally beginning to take off and I'm going to devote myself to it full time for a while."

"Can you afford to do that?" Kathryn asked curiously. Wondering if she'd ever get the chance to do anything like that.

"I can't afford not to," Yolanda said as she guided Kathryn to the staircase leading to the second floor. "Not if I ever want to break out from the pack."

By the time they reached the second floor, Yolanda had changed the subject. Kathryn still had at least a dozen questions about what she had seen downstairs, but there would be time for that later.

"Is white wine okay with you?" Yolanda asked as she stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"That would be fine." Kathryn said as she looked around the simply furnished living room. She couldn't help but compare it to her little apartment over her parent's garage.

"I fixed us a little snack too." Yolanda said as she came out of the kitchen with a tray filled with three kinds of cheese and the wine.

"It looks delicious." Kathryn said as she picked up one of the wine glasses and took a sip. "This is also very good." she added.

"Would you like to hear some music?" Yolanda asked as she turned on the bookcase stereo.

As the soft sounds filled the air, Yolanda sat down next to Kathryn and took a taste of her own wine.

"Now there was something that you wanted to talk about?" Yolanda asked as she put her glass down on the small coffee table.

Kathryn took a long taste of her wine. Now that she was were she thought she wanted to be, she hesitated. Long silent moments passed as the redhead collected her thoughts. Moments that Yolanda just sat there, she was in no hurry.

"We don't have to talk." Yolanda said with a small smile. "We can just sit here and enjoy the wine and music."

So for the next ten minutes, that was exactly what they did.

"I think I love you." Kathryn suddenly blurted out.

"Really?" Yolanda said quietly as she took another small sip of wine. "And how long have you felt this way?"

"I'm not sure," came the reply. "A while I think, but I didn't realize it until today."

Yolanda took another sip of wine, giving Kathryn a moment to consider what she was saying.

"Have you ever had feelings for another woman before?" Yolanda asked.

Kathryn quickly told her about Sally and her brief introduction into female sex. The telling brought back that same warmth between her legs.

"That's lust, not love." Yolanda noted. "Not that there's anything wrong with that at times."

"And I have had feelings for some of my girlfriends too." Kathryn added.

"Ever tell any of them about it?" Yolanda asked as she moved just a little bit closer.

"No," Kathryn said. "I didn't think any of them would've understood.

"Not even Angela?" Yolanda asked as she took the wine glass from Kathryn hand and put it down on the table next to hers.

"Definitely not Angela!" Kathryn said quickly.

"Pity," Yolanda mused. "She's got dynamite tits." she laughingly added.

The comment caught Kathryn off guard. Then, picturing the number of times she'd seen Angela's big nippled breasts in the flesh, she had to agree with Yolanda's assessment.

"I guess she does." Kathryn smiled.

"But I'm glad she's not here," Yolanda said as she leaned toward Kathryn. "And that you are."

And then their lips met....


The kiss Yolanda planted on Kathryn's soft lips was like that she would give her sister. A light peck denoting tenderness and affection. Then she kissed her again - this time with passion. Kathryn felt the press of her tongue against her lips and opened to receive it. Sparks erupted as she felt Yolanda's tongue brush up against her own.

Yolanda reached up with her hand and cupped Kathryn's breast through the thin material of her sundress. It felt so nice to the younger girl, sending another surge of emotion through her. Now it was Kathryn's turn as she put her arms around Yolanda and kissed her with all of the desire she could gather.

Kathryn and Yolanda sat there on the small couch kissing like long lost lovers. Every time she felt Yolanda's tongue slip through her lips, Kathryn's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't been this excited since the first time she'd done it with Eric. Unlike Eric, Yolanda's lips were soft and sweet, the taste of cherry evident each time they pressed against hers.

Another thing vastly different was the scent of perfume that filled her as she pressed against Yolanda. So unlike the smell of a man, it was soft and gentle. It was also highly intoxicating.

"Why don't we get you a little more comfortable?" Yolanda asked as she kissed Kathryn one more time.

With that, Yolanda pulled the zipper of Kathryn's dress all the way down, exposing the lacy strap of a thin yellow bra. With no objection from Kathryn, she pulled the flowery print down across her shoulders and then began to pull it further down toward her waist.

For a moment, Kathryn felt very exposed, which was strange since she had no real phobia about being nude. Yolanda made her self conscious about her body in a way that no man ever had.

Yolanda began to kiss her way down Kathryn's neck, running her tongue across the recesses of her throat to the soft flesh of her collarbone. Her green eyes opened in appreciation as she reached the pale white mounds cradled by the sheer lace bra. The contrasts between her breasts and the deeply tanned skin around it was highly erotic.

"You're breasts are so beautiful." the black haired woman purred as she planted a soft kiss on the top of each of Kathryn's enclosed globes.

A gentle tug on the thin material exposed the bright pink nipple beneath it. The erect tip was only visible a brief moment before it vanished between Yolanda's lips. She wrapped her lips around the entire areola as she painted a path with her tongue across it. Then her lips closed as she sucked hard on just the now erect nipple.

A loud sign erupted from Kathryn as she felt the wetness engulf her stiff nipple, bringing back the memory of Sally's touch from so long ago. The memory quickly faded in the face of reality and the knowledge that Sally was a rank amateur next to Yolanda .

With only one nipple exposed, Yolanda took her time. Her tongue darting to and fro, tracing wide circles around the pink nipple. Then she would tickle it directly before taking it whole into her mouth again.

"Oh, this feels so good." Kathryn moaned as she laid back with her eyes closed and just enjoyed the feel of Yolanda's attentions.

"Let's see how you like this?" Yolanda said as she picked up the closest wine glass and poured just a little of it on the center of Kathryn's breast.

"Oh yes!" Kathryn gasped as Yolanda licked up all traces of the wine.

A few minutes later, Yolanda exposed the other pale white breast and repeated her performance. Sending Kathryn further into a blissful state.

Finally satisfied. Yolanda turned her attention away from her new playthings and kissed Kathryn again. This time the kiss was brief, just enough to signal a temporary end to their play.

"I want to try that on you." Kathryn said excitedly, wondering what it would be like to taste another woman's breasts.

"Oh you will soon enough, my new love." Yolanda said as she planted another kiss, this time on the cheek. "But I think we should be practical for a moment."

Kathryn looked at Yolanda for a moment. A puzzled look on her face.

"This has already gone far beyond what I think either of us had planned." Yolanda said. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you. But if you do plan to stay here, I think it might be a good idea if you called home and told them."

The call home only took a few minutes. Virginia Gray agreed with her daughter's decision to spend the night at her friend's house. It was far too late for her to be riding the subway and buses home.

A wicked smile formed on Kathryn's face as she spoke, imagining what her mother's reaction would be if she could see her right now. Standing in the center of the living room, her dress still down around her waist with her breasts hanging free. Her nipples still wet from the kiss of her new lover.

Virginia started to suggest to her daughter that she try to get home early in the morning and have brunch with Eric, but Kathryn quickly dismissed that idea.

"I'll probably have breakfast here, Mom." Kathryn said, bringing the conversation to a quick close. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Bye."

No sooner had Kathryn put down the phone when she felt Yolanda's arms close around her from behind. The older woman pulled tight against her and brought her hands up to cup Kathryn's breasts, rubbing her fingers against the stiff nipples.

"Mmmm." Kathryn said softly as she closed her eyes and cherished the warmth of the embrace.

Still holding her tight, Yolanda kissed Kathryn's neck, then her cheek, then finally ran her tongue along the inner edge of the redhead's ear.

Kathryn wanted this moment to last a lifetime, she felt so warm and secure. The only thing that made it's passing bearable was the knowledge that it would only get better.

Yolanda turned Kathryn around and kissed her softy a few more times. She took Kathryn's hands in her own and guided them up under the bottom of her blouse, pressing them against her own breasts. Kathryn squeezed them softy, feeling Yolanda's nipples through the thin material of her own bra.

With practiced skill, Yolanda undid the buttons of her blouse, letting it fall open, giving her friend a much better look at her endowments. Then, just as quickly, she undid the front clasp of her bra and let it fall free into Kathryn's hands.

Wasting no time, Kathryn let the material drop away, quickly placing her hands back on the now exposed flesh. It felt so warm to her touch.

"Can I kiss them?" she asked softly.

"Of course you can, darling." Yolanda said with a smile. "You can do anything that you want."

Yolanda lifted one of her breasts and offered it as a gift to Kathryn. She leaned down and kissed the center of the dark silver dollar she had admired in the theater. Unlike her own breasts, Yolanda's were all one hue, a combination of her nature color and a proclivity for nude sunbathing. Her large nipples and wide areola where a dark brown, several shade darkener than the surrounding skin. Kathryn tickled the stiff nipple with her tongue, before taking it into her mouth.

"Yesss," Yolanda moaned as she felt the wet embrace of Kathryn's mouth. "You do that well."

In reply, Kathryn let the hard nub slip from her lips and ran her tongue across the wide circle a few more times before taking it again fully into her mouth. Back in college she had regretted the fact that she had never had the chance to taste Sally's breasts. Tonight she was going to make up for that and much more.

After a few more minutes of play , Yolanda shifted her other mound to Kathryn's eager mouth to give her neophyte lover a chance to feast on that as well.

As she worked her way across this new morsel, Kathryn was intoxicated by the erotic combination of Yolanda's natural scent and the perfume she wore. In was strongest in the deep, dark valley between her breasts, a place the twenty-three year old was quickly becoming very familiar with.

When she was satisfied that Kathryn had enjoyed herself enough for the moment, Yolanda lifted both her breasts and rubbed them against Kathryn's own. They kissed as their nipples rubbed against each other, their tongues becoming one.

"I want you," Kathryn panted as she broke the kiss. "Right here, right now."

"I have a better idea my love," Yolanda said in reply as she ran her tongue across Kathryn's red lips. "We have all night, and I want this to be special for you."

As she spoke, she slipped her hand down and under the hem of Kathryn's dress. Sliding between the band of her panties, her fingers came to rest on the redhead's wet mound. Yolanda rubbed against the lightly haired bush, sliding her index finger up into Kathryn's tunnel of love.

Back and forth she moved it, just enough to give Kathryn a quick thrill. Then, just as quickly, she removed her hand completely from her panties and brought it up to her face. Even in the lamp light, Kathryn could see the shiny residue of her excitement on the tanned index finger.

"Hmmmm," Yolanda purred as she slid the outstretched finger between her lips and licked it clean. "I do so love a little appetizer before the main course." she laughed.

Kathryn smiled back, wondering what it would be like to taste Yolanda's nectar. A question that she knew would be answered in a very short time.

"I want to give you a few minutes to catch your breath," Yolanda abruptly said. "To give you one last chance to decide if this is what you really want."

Kathryn opened her mouth to say something but was stilled as Yolanda placed her index finger against her open lips. She could easily smell her own scent filling her nostrils. It was a heady aroma.

"Don't say anything," Yolanda continued. "I want you to wait here and finish your wine. Wait fifteen minutes, then if you're still sure, follow me upstairs. I'll be waiting for you."

With that, Yolanda broke the embrace and headed up the wrought iron circular staircase and disappeared onto the third floor.

The quiet swing of the pendulum on the wall clock counted off each of those fifteen minutes as Kathryn sat and finished her wine. The drink only added to the warmth that still filled her body. The soft caress of Yolanda's lips against her own still tingled, more so those against her breasts. In her heart, she felt more sixteen than twenty- three, more like a virgin than an experienced lover.

Deep within her, Kathryn could hear a small voice calling out to her. It was the voice of caution, urging her to take a large step backwards and carefully examine what she was about to do. That voice was balanced by that of her soul, filled with the fire of suddenly realized dreams. At that moment Kathryn recalled her dream of the night before. Only this time she could see the face of her lover. It was a face she had caressed so lovingly only ten minutes before.

The wall clock chimed the quarter hour, and Kathryn put her now empty wine glass down on the table. She looked up at the staircase leading to the third floor and decided to follow the voice of her soul and dreams.


"Omigod....." Kathryn gasped breathlessly as she felt another rising crest wash through her body.

Her body covered with sweat, she couldn't believe the estacy her quaking form had experienced over the last quarter hour. Never in her life had she imagined that another person could make her feel this good.

When she had first stepped into Yolanda's bedroom, and then to her bed, she had expected the experience to be similar to that brief moment with Sally. She couldn't have imagined how far beyond that it would quickly reach.

Despite her desire to try and return the brief pleasure that Yolanda have given her downstairs, the older girl directed her to just stretch out on the bed and relax. There would be time enough later for her to take a more active part.

The room was lit by the light of a dozen candles, spread out across the room. Shadowless light that reflected off the now nude form of the South American woman. As she stood there, Kathryn had a few moments to fully admire the artistry of her friend's body. She would quickly discover that unlike other more conventional works of art, this one could produce more than a passing reaction.

Following her friend's instruction, Kathryn had climbed onto the large platform bed, her dress left on the floor next to it. She'd took hold of the waistband of her plain yellow panties to remove them but was interrupted.

"No, I'll do that." Yolanda said as she reached down and stopped her.

Joining her friend on the bed, Yolanda straddled her and began to rub her neck. As her fingers worked, she leaned over and began to kiss her way down her back. She started at her neck and slowly transversed the warm flesh with both her fingers and lips, whispering quiet terms of endearment as she went.

As she moved, her hand drifted alongside Kathryn's breasts and traced a fine line down them with her nails. When she reached the top edge of Kathryn's bikini briefs, she took hold of the waistband with her teeth and pulled them down, exposing the plump pale cheeks of Kathryn's ass. The woman beneath her lifted herself a few inches off the surface of the bed to allow Yolanda to draw the briefs down and off her legs.

"You have a beautiful ass." Yolanda chuckled as she look down at Kathryn's left cheek. On impulse she kissed it.

A new series of kisses followed as Yolanda covered both cheeks. Her tongue left a shiny trail that began just at the crack between her valley and went down and across to the hairy red mound on the other end.

Stretching out her fingers against those mounds, she exposed Kathryn's sex and pressed her tongue deep within it.

"Ooooo" Kathryn moaned as she again lifted herself to give greater access.

With all the skill she'd gained over the years since she'd discovered other girls at the age of fifteen, Yolanda played her new lover's pussy like a musical instrument. Each motion of her slippery tongue sent little charges through her friend. She savored the taste that coated her tongue, a delight she'd dreamed of since the day she had walked into Moore and Rand and met the women now laid out before her.

As much as she wanted this to go on forever, she knew there were still many pleasures she wanted to share with her friend.

She spun Kathryn over and turned her own body around so that the red headed woman would have access to her own cunt. She easily slid the remains of her own underwear to the floor and once more climbed on top.

Still quivering from what she knew was just the first of the nights joys, Kathryn stared in fascination at the sight of her friend's naked cunt only a few inches from her mouth. It was beautiful, she though. The scent of Yolanda's sex was almost overpowering, and to her delight she learned with her first lick that the taste was all she hoped it would be. Yolanda lowered her pelvis, so that Kathryn could have easier access to her wet cunt. She gave Kathryn free reign, allowing her to set the pace of her actions.

Slowly at first, Kathryn licked her lover, exploring her womanhood, savoring her taste. Then she began to quicken the pace until she reached a rhythm that sent little ripples throughout Yolanda's body. As they slowly built in intensity, Yolanda knew they would eventually lead to orgasm.

Satisfied that Kathryn was comfortable and well on her way, Yolanda turned her attentions back to the now saturated mound before her own mouth. Parting Kathryn's lips, she quickly went back to work and expertly matched Kathryn's rhythm. Their bodies were in sync as they heaved and sweated in a building passion.

The rising waves of ecstasy filling her body told Yolanda that Kathryn was defiantly a diamond in the raw. What would she be like with some more practice. As she felt herself cresting, the twenty-seven year old pressed her cunt down against Kathryn's face, while simultaneously driving her own tongue as deep inside Kathryn as it would go. Their orgasm was almost simultaneous, and as powerful as any Yolanda had experienced.

They laid there wrapped in each others embrace for a few moments, simply enjoying the warmth of each other's body. Kathryn swore that she could feel the beat of Yolanda's heart as their bodies pressed together as the noise of both their labored breaths filled the room.


"Good morning, sweetheart." Yolanda said as she stepped into the bedroom carrying a breakfast tray filled with various foods. "I wasn't sure exactly what you like in the morning, seeing as you seem to live on tea and danish in the office, but I'm sure there's something here that you'll like."

Kathryn rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she adjusted to the sunlight filling the room. She couldn't believe it was morning already. The last thing she remembered was that she and Yolanda were making love for the third, or was it fourth time. She remembered the heat of their bodies as she held each other tight, their pussies on fire as they rubbed them against each other until they'd exploded in an exhausting orgasm. After that she must've collapsed from fatigue.

"It all looks marvelous." she said as she took a small morsel from the tray Yolanda had set down on the bed. "I've famished."

"I've no doubt that you are." Yolanda said as she sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed Kathryn on the cheek.

"I have to say last night was incredible." Kathryn said as she took a sip of tea.

"You're not going to get any argument there from me." Yolanda smiled as she took a taste of her coffee.

"I do love you." Kathryn said, repeating her statement of the previous night.

"I know you do." Yolanda replied as she set the coffee cup down. "And I feel the same way about you."

"Why do I have a feeling that there's a `but' somewhere in that statement." Kathryn said.

Yolanda smiled.

"But...." she began. "I want you to make sure you're going into this with your eyes wide open."

"I am." was Kathryn's simple reply.

"Not right now you're not." Yolanda corrected her. "Maybe a month from now you could say that, but not this morning. Right now you're riding the wave of some really great sex, and that's fine. As long as you can recognize that for what it is."

"I guess you're right." Kathryn said as she thought about it.

"So we just take it a step at a time," Yolanda said as she crawled into the bed next to Kathryn. "And if this all turns out to be is a little lust, well I'm sure we can deal with that too." she added as she kissed Kathryn on the lips.

"I think I need a shower." Kathryn abruptly said as she became aware of her bodies reaction to the previous night's exertions.

"Yes you do," Yolanda grinned. "I've already had one but I'd be happy to help wash your back."

"Just my back?" Kathryn smiled back.


-=-= Epilogue =-=-

Kathryn didn't make it home for lunch that Sunday afternoon, or dinner for that matter. She showed up for work Tuesday morning in a dress she borrowed from Yolanda.

By the end of the week, she had told Eric that it was over between them and he took it with what she concluded was a sense of relief. He never confirmed her suspicions about him and Tracy, but three months later the two of them were married. And it was only five months later that Tracy presented Papa Foster with his first grandchild.

Angela's rise to the top suffered a fatal setback when her boss suffered a heart attack one cold January afternoon. Thankfully it wasn't during one of their private consultations. His replacement, a no nonsense woman named Joan Miller quickly had the former assistant reassigned to a position more in tune with her office skills, or lack thereof.

It was no real surprise to most that the position of administrative assistant that opened with that reassignment was offered to Kathryn. She had proven time and again what an asset she'd quickly become to the company.

What did come as a surprise was both her decision to turn down the job and then resign from the company. She explained in resignation that she'd been offered a position with Southstar Enterprises. Few of her associates had ever heard of the company, but a quick computer check by the curious would find it described by the industry journals as a rapidly expanding computer support company.

What few friends she still had at Moore and Ryan wished her luck -- and happiness at least.

Kathryn assured them that she was sure she'd found both.


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