Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Apr 24, 2020


I love to hear your feedback and of your own experiences so please feel free to e-mail me. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome. You can also add me on Skype if you'd like to chat.

Another favourite story of mine is The Sweet Life of a Skater Boy. Unfortunately like a lot of good stories here it stopped suddenlyÉ just like Big Benji Ð sorry! However, I am thinking I will restart that one as I have got a lot of emails from people asking for it.

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 10

Don't you hate it when you wake up the middle of the night for no reason? Not quite wide awake, but just kinda restless. I wasn't horny, there wasn't any light or noise annoying me, I wasn't too hot or cold and I definitely wasn't stressed, not after pumping out two loads last night. But there I was lying in the middle of the comfiest bed I'd ever slept in with the nicest sheets you can buy, and I was awake for no friggin reason. I lay there for a few minutes with my eyes closed, trying to fall back asleep but failing. I got up and had a glass of water, took a leak, stood at the window and enjoyed the view over the city before climbing back into bed, but still not falling asleep. I thought back to a few nights ago in my old apartment where I'd spooned Billy and found myself wrapped around one of the pillows which I never ever did. I realised then that I missed the post-fuck cuddle, when you were still a little high from blowing and just wanted to be next to that person you'd fucked. I'm a physical kind of guy, if you couldn't already tell, and so I needed that physical connection right at that moment.

It took a little time to convince myself that's what was missing, and so I got up and walked over to Billy and Paul's room. A little light crept in in front of me and Billy turned over in bed to find me walking in. "Can't sleep either, Sir?" He asked. I groggily climbed into the bed behind him and pulled him back toward me, so my arms and legs enveloped him. He was nice and warm, like a little hot water bottle, and smelled faintly of soap and shampoo. Although soft, my cock found his arse, the cotton underwear separating the two. "Can I get you an-" he started asking but I just shushed him, and fell straight to sleep.

We woke up late the next morning around 10am not much moved from when I came into Billy's room during the night. He was still sound asleep, locked tightly against my body. My mind was still adjusting to being so affectionate towards a dude, but those barriers in my head were being steadily chipped away. After a minute or two, my hunger took over and I was ready for a big breakfast. I yawned loudly and stretched around Billy, waking him up, before squeezing him back against me. It was then that I felt my morning woodÉit knew it was close to Billy's hole, wedged against his crack with only my underwear containing it. "Morning little man" I said as I slowly and lazily grinded against him. Billy yawned too and I saw a smile creep onto his face when he realised how I hard I was against him.

"Morning Sir, and good morning to him too!" he giggled. "Need me to take care of him for you?"

"Mmm, not quite yet little man. I'm absolutely starving, was thinking we could have a big brekkie out on the balcony and then do a workout?"

"What kind of workout?" Billy asked suggestively, taking my finger in his mouth and sucking it in between his lips. Damn why did something so simple as sucking on my finger feel so good and turn me on so much?

"A proper one at the gym, little horny tease. What do you reckon?"

Out popped my finger. "Sounds good to me Sir, although do you mind if I stay back? I want to clean the apartment and get some food ready for lunch and dinner. Also, I messaged Ken last night, he said he was free today to catch up if that suited you? I told him I'd run it by you as I didn't know what we had planned for the day. We can also ask the real estate agent to come by to introduce them, I'm sure he'd make time to see you Sir." Back in went my finger, his tongue working it just like he did my cock the night before.

"Yeah that's fine by me little man. Just as long as we've got time so I can pump a couple of loads into your cheeky self. Man, I'm already horny now and only going to get hornier after I work out so I'm going to need plenty of time with you." I dry humped him playfully a couple of times, making him moan around my finger which in turn made me laugh. "You slept alright last night?" I asked. He nodded his head and sucked on my finger for a few more seconds.

"I actually couldn't sleep until you came in and spooned me, Sir. I hate sleeping on my own." Back in went the finger.

"Yeah I like to spoon after fucking, hope you don't mind I invade your room from time to time."

"Sir, this is your room now. You can come and go as you please, you're the boss, remember?" I smirked and placed two fingers back in his mouth, letting him continue to suck on them while I thrust just that little bit harder into him.

We spent another minute like that before I finally rolled off him and got out of bed. Billy prepared and cooked up another fancy feast that set me up well for the gym. By the time I left the apartment it was late morning, and I put in a really hard session for around an hour and a half, after which I was exhausted, drained and sweaty. I drove home and proceeded to strip off completely naked in the lounge room, laying down on the floorboards to cool down. Billy, in his jockstrap and cleaning some pots in the kitchen, quickly came over and down by my feet. He kissed them tenderly in greeting, his tongue swiping across them a few times. "Mmmmm that's nice dude. I could use that tongue of yours to clean me up all over" I said with my eyes closed.

"It'd be my pleasure Sir" Billy said in his usual formal way. He continued with my feet, slowly licking and massaging my soles and heels, his tongue tracing patterns around the underside of my toes and around the arches. He lightly nibbled here and there, kissed them on the tops and soles. He really enjoyed the nasty bits between my toes, his tongue and lips scooping and sucking any sweat and grime he could find there. He'd bob up and down on my toes, one, two or three at a time, his tongue continuing to lap up the sweat it came across. For 20 minutes he worshipped them in silent reverence, egged on by my sighs and moans of appreciation. I thought "at this rate he's going to take all day to lick me clean", so pulled my feet out from his hands. "Keep going dude, there's plenty more of me to clean". He got onto his hands and knees and licked at my ankles, calf muscles, shins, knees and thighs, my legs spread to give him as much access as possible to lick me clean.

"You worked your legs today, Sir?"

"Yeah little man I did a bit of upper and legs today. Is it extra sweaty?"

"Yes Sir, but I can see and feel how much firmer your muscles are from the workout."

Once at the top of my thighs, his tongue flicked inside the groove between my legs and crotch. It gets so damn sweaty in there, so I knew he was enjoying it, that sound of his tongue gliding over my pubes and sweaty skin over and over mixed with his deep breathing and quiet moans. His face then moved in toward my cock and balls, hearing him huff away at the smell. His tongue crept into the cracks and spaces around my junk, lightly ticking me as he drank up everything his mouth found.

Eventually he lay flat to the floor and nuzzled his nose in under my cock to get at my sack. I lifted my legs and locked his head in place between my thighs, letting him know to spend plenty of time licking my balls and taint clean. I really enjoyed the feeling of trapping him there, it was so easy and felt so damn good, increasing the pressure every so often. He gently sucked each nut in his mouth one at a time, letting his tongue ride over and savour the taste.

I'd already had blue balls from the morning and as promised, the gym had really fired me up. My breathing was getting heavier with each passing second Billy spent cleaning my balls and my cock was standing rigid to attention. I had edged myself as long as I could, finally releasing Billy and allowing him to attack my throbbing hard-on. His lips formed a tight seal around my head, slurping up the decent amount of precum that had built up before diving down my shaft, sensing how close I was. Neither of us wanted to prolong this any further than we already had, the hungry little cock sucker working fast to build me up to my climax. He kept my cock buried in his throat, working it with his tongue, lips and throat muscles. After only a couple of minutes, my toes started curling, my body shaking, my breath short and sharp, I gripped Billy's head and pulled my cock out of his throat, holding my head just inside his lips. "Take my cum dude but don't swallow it, not till I tell you." I then exploded inside him. "FuckingÉtake that load! Fuck yeah, ohhhhhh man! UghhhhhhÉ keep fucking sucking, fuck yeah, don't swallow it!" Volley after volley unloaded, filling his mouth, his cheeks expanding until it started dribbling out the sides. I was moaning loudly until finally my orgasm subsided, and I once again relaxed against the floor.

"Too much to handle little guy? Savour that taste for a second, just like that. Ok now you can swallow and clean the rest of it up."

For about a minute or so Billy continued to suck my cock and clean my balls of the excess cum, looking up at me as he did so. I laced my fingers behind my head and said "Still got the top half to go yet lad. Get to it." My cock, now half soft, fell from Billy's mouth, and he sat to my side to continue his cleaning. He licked along the underside of my stomach and just above my cock, tracing up and down the faint shadow of my V line. Man, that shit tingles after just cumming! He swiped over my belly button and tongue washed my hairy stomach, moving up to my chest. He sucked at my nipples, nibbling them as they firmed up. That was super relaxing and I was happy for him to indulge himself there for a little while. I even stroked his hair while he did it, just to let him know I was enjoying it.

He then looked hungrily at my exposed pit, subtly licking his lips in anticipation. "I know what you want lad. Take your time, just sniff it first, really get your face in there" I said before once again closing my eyes. Billy did exactly as instructed, lying almost astride my hip and burying his face straight into my sweaty hairy pit. He moaned after each intake of breath and rubbed his face all over as he did. His hands traced all over my body, squeezing my biceps and running his fingers through my chest hair. I brought my hand across and pushed his face deeper into my pit, drawing out even louder moans from the little pig. Finally, I let him start licking, which he did like a fat kid on cake. After a few minutes he moved onto my other side and cleaned that pit out expertly too. By now, over an hour after he'd started, I had recovered my energy from the gym and was ready to fuck.

I sat upright, picked Billy up and threw him over my shoulder, exposing his arse. I noticed he'd inserted his butt plug, ready for my rut. "Good lad, getting all prepared. I've filled you up one way, now to do the other end" I said while swatting his cheeks, my hand turning them pink. I tossed him onto the bed like a rag doll and quickly jumped on top of him, smothering him into the mattress beneath me. "Time to replace that plug now lad, take it out." I leaned back while keeping my hand over his head, and gripped the butt plug with my other hand. Slowly I wriggled it out, gently so as not to hurt him and to allow him to relax and push it out at the same time. Finally his hole gave way and the widest part of the plug popped out, his hole closing again as the rest came out. I quickly added some lube to my dick, pushed his head down and pushed my cock, now hard again, inside his loosened hole, bottoming out in one continuous motion. "Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about. It feels so good, filling up your hole lad." He cried out a bit but didn't resist me and I held myself inside him while he adjusted. I started with a pretty solid fucking of his hole, his arse jiggling as I bore into him with each thrust. "You like me fucking you, right lad? Love having this cock plough your hole?"

"YesÉSirÉ!" I kept one hand on the back of his neck, pressing the side of his face down into the mattress while I squeezed and spanked him arse with the other. The feel of my body hitting his juicy arse is so fucking hot. The more I fucked him, the more vocal I became, the more dominant I felt.

"I can feel your arse stretching around it, claiming it. It's so nice and warm around my cockÉ I can feel your muscles massaging my shaft every time I bottom out in you. God I'm gonna fuck you every day at this rate. You're gonna take my dick any time I say so, right little guy?"

"Yes SirÉ anytime you wantÉ I'll always doÉanything you want Sir!"

"That's fucking right." The blood was really pumping through me now and I was high on the sensations pulsing up through my dick. "I own you and this place now, you and Paul. This apartment is my domain, my Kingdom right?"

"Yes Sir!"

"And what are you?"

"I'm your servant Sir!"

"Fuck yeah you are. FUCK! It's so hot hearing you say that! I love this control. Turns me on so much!" I kept up a steady rhythm, pounding his arse over and over. The whole time I was slapping and squeezing his arse, and kept his head down into the mattress. "I'm gonna fill you up, ready bitch?"

"Yes Sir please, please fill me up!" Those last few thrusts and Billy's submission tipped me over the edge. With three last thrusts inside him I shot my second load for the day deep inside him. I was so revved up that I kept slowly pumping into his arse long after my orgasm had subsided, my dick still hard as a rock and the blood still coursing through me.

I slowed my pace, making long, deep motions, letting my sensitive head pop out of his battered hole before pushing back in and bottoming out, displacing my cum inside. Each time I did my head would drag a bit of my load out, only for me to push it back in, deeper. "So, this is my room too is it? I own everything inside it, yeah?"

"Yes Sir, everything is yours. You're the boss, Sir."

"Mmmmm I like that a lot. Maybe I'll start sleeping in here then, I like the idea of having you within arms' reach whenever I need to bury a load into you. Makes sense that I take the Master bedroom too, right? How's that sound?"

"I'd love it Sir. I slept so well last night with you beside me, and if it means getting fucked as well as just now more often then I can't say no. If you ever want Paul and/or I to sleep in the other room, you just tell us Sir."

"Good to know, but I like sleeping next to you little guy, feels good wrapping myself around you." I ended up pressing Billy flat onto the mattress underneath me while I continued to slowly drill down into his arse. "Mmmm just like this." I stayed there for another few minutes before finally pulling out and rolling off him onto my back. "When is Ken coming around?"

"He'll be here in about an hour Sir, then the estate agent will be here another hour after that. Should we get ready now?"

We got up and showered together, then I chilled on the couch with a beer while Billy prepared some snacks and dinner. I caught up with Ali, texting each other about our weeks and what we had planned ahead. So much had happened in the past few days that Ali was genuinely blown away, saying how lucky I was to find the best sub he'd ever heard of. I sent him a pic of Billy in the kitchen cooking in just his jock which got a good laugh out of Ali. I also told him about meeting Billy's first Alpha and how I didn't know what to expect, especially with what was going to happen with the estate agent. I told Ali I'd keep him posted as he was keen to hear about it too.

The buzzer rang for the apartment and Billy let Ken up through the lift. Without batting an eyelid, Billy jumped down from the kitchen, unlocked the door and waited on his knees. A large, rough looking guy walked through, immediately acknowledging Billy and patting him on the head, then Billy leaned down and placed two kisses on each of his dusty work boots. "Good to see you boy" Ken said happily in a gravelly voice, as Billy stood up and gave his former Alpha a bear hug. They held each other for a few seconds, Ken's hand finding Billy's bare arse and squeezing it firmly. It was clear that there was a lot of affection still between the two. As they walked over, I stood and sized up Ken Ð he's less than 6', probably around 5'10, but massive, probably weighing around 140kgs! His muscles are thick but aren't ripped, with a big chest, belly and back, solid hairy arms and hands, and tree trunk legs. His face is round, topped with messy brown and grey hair and a full similarly brown and grey beard. He's not a bad looking guy at all really, but you could tell he was pretty rough.

"Good to meet you mate, I'm Sam".

"Ken. So, you're the bloke that's finally pocketed little Billy and Paul ay? Thought I was getting an invite for old times initially, but I can see why Billy's chosen you. He likes us big guys, don't you boy?" Billy smiled and agreed with Ken. He'd placed himself between my legs, draping them over his shoulders and began lightly massaging my feet and calf muscles. The conversations flowed easily and a mutual respect developed quickly between Ken and I.

Ken has been a garbo (garbage man for the non-Aussies out there) since he left school at 14 and now works in the depot overseeing the teams of drivers. At the time he lived alone ("so to speak", he added) out on the fringe of the City where he'd grown up and lived his whole life. He's never left the state, never been in a serious relationship, generally wasn't interested in any of those things. Ken lives pretty simply and though he left school early and hasn't worried about an education since, he's really perceptive and sharp. He's a nice bloke with a great sense of humour, really confident and comfortable with himself. He was also a really big flirt, constantly teasing Billy, looking at him like a piece of meat. That night we got along really well but I definitely started feeling a bit protective over Billy. He was mine now, and I wasn't keen on sharing him.

"When am I gonna meet this guy that you want me to break in?"

"He should be here now Sir, he's actually 15 minutes late."

"Right, he's already pissed me off. This is going to be fun!" Ken said smacking the back of his hand into his palm. Billy decided to plate dinner for us instead of waiting, with only myself at the head of the table and Ken to my right given plates. Billy stood between us and a few steps back from the table.

"You're not eating little man?" I asked.

"He knows better than to eat while I'm eating, don't you boy? When he was my boy, he was either under my feet, licking my balls, cleaning or waiting for instruction while I ate, isn't that right?" Billy again confirmed Ken's story and stood quietly and patiently while Ken and I dug in for dinner and talked about how I'd come to be Billy's Alpha. I also learned that Ken is gay and had never been with a woman, only ever fucking around with guys, moving on to the next one after he got bored of them. He was interested to hear how I, the straight landscaping jock, had come around so quickly to fucking Billy and living with him.

"I don't know, I guess it's like what Billy told me early on: this whole Alpha thing is just natural to me, but it's been kept deep down for so long. I honestly had never thought about fucking a guy before, but that rush, dude, that power you get! It's like a drug, right?"

"Sure is, buddy, I've been fucking dudes since I was 14 and still get a kick out of it every single time. You've got yourself probably one of the best, nah actually he is THE best sub I've ever met. Still wonder if I made the right decision letting him go. I do miss the attention he used to give. Loves to lick clean your whole body, can take a dick in both ends as well as the best of them, can take a beating, loves to be tied up,, choked, drink your piss-"

"Woah woah woah, what the fuck? Dude, you drink PISS?!" Billy nodded his head, the blood rushing to his cheeks. Ken's hand swung and connected, hard, with Billy's arse. Again, I felt that pang of annoyance at Ken for hitting Billy but didn't say anything as I was keen to hear more about it.

"Use your words!" he barked.

"Sorry Sir. Yes Sir, I drink piss."

"That's wild dude, I've heard of people pissing on each other, but you actually drink piss?! That's fucking nasty dude!" Even though I was pretty disgusted it still made me laugh.

"You haven't asked to drink his piss yet, boy?" Ken asked tersely.

"No Sir, I-I was too embarrassed as I didn't think Sir would like it. I of course would though, I really want to, but only of course if Sir would like me to?" I kept staring at Billy in disbelief, trying to comprehend how anyone could drink piss without throwing up. It was one of the few times I'd heard his voice shake, that usual confidence all dried up.

"I don't know little man, that's pretty fucked up." Ken was keen to change my mind though.

"Honestly Sam, it is pretty messed up, I couldn't think of much worse than drinking some dude's piss, but it feels bloody when someone drinks yours straight from the source. You should try pissing in his arse after you've fucked him too. It'll take a bit to get your head around it and you'll want to do it somewhere you're happy to make a bit of a mess but if you think that post-fuck piss feels good, mate it's like 100 times better inside his arse!"

"Hmmm well I'll think about itÉ and dude you like being tied up, and choked as well?"

"You haven't seen his toybox then? Boy take our plates to the kitchen, go get your toybox and bring it to me". Ken commanded. Even though I liked Ken, I was starting to get a little pissed off with him bossing Billy around like that, and how Billy obeyed every command so quickly. Soon enough Billy had carried a decent-sized box back and handed it to Ken. Ken started rifling through the box, putting the dildo, plug and vibrator I'd already seen on the table. He then pulled out a paddle, ropes, a chain, a container of pegs, some candles, a scary looking wheel with pins on it, and a heap of other stuff made out of heavy-duty leather.

"There's a few new things in here since I last saw you. Where's your harness, boy?" Ken barked again. Billy ducked into the bedroom and returned a few minutes later wearing a, well, harness. I think I'd seen guys wearing them on TV for Mardi Gras but was pretty shocked to see Billy in one. "There you go, much better. This brings back memories, aye boy? You've not seen this either then, Sam?" Ken asked while admiring Billy, rubbing his hand up and down his back and lightly smacking his arse a couple of times.

"Nah, haven't ever seen anyone wearing anything like this. What's it for? Is it just a costume?"

"Well, it's fun to hold on to while you're fucking him, give you a bit more leverage. Bend over Billy, I'll-"

"No!" I stood up and grabbed Billy by the harness, pulling him away roughly from Ken. "I got it, like this yeah?", pushing Billy face down over the table and positioning myself behind him. I grabbed onto the harness, imagining myself thrusting into him. Ken recovered his shock to smirk at my reaction. "Yeah mate, I think you've got it." Just then the buzzer rang for the door. After a second of realisation, I let Billy up to answer it, smacking his arse as he walked away.

Ken and I moved to the couch in anticipation. "Didn't mean to offend you lad" Ken started. "I know he's yours now, and I'm not the type to come and try to steal another guy's subÉ I usually just let them come to me. But I can see Billy's pretty much tied to you now."

"Yeah look I think just cause we're still getting used to the arrangement I'm a bit protective over him. I kind of want to keep him to myself."

"Totally understand mate. I'll back off".

I wasn't totally convinced but didn't have time to respond as the estate agent walked through the front door. He looked Billy up and down before turning his attention to Ken and me on the couch.

"You're late." I said menacingly. After what had just happened between Billy and Ken I wasn't in the mood for this guy's bullshit and I wanted to assert myself, in my apartment. He sheepishly looked to the ground and explained that he'd been held up at work, which I didn't believe for a second. "You're late because you got scaredÉ Get over here and meet Ken." He shuffled over towards the both of us and stood with his hand out making furtive glances toward us both.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get on your hands and knees cunt, and don't even think of looking at me unless I tell you to!" Ken said. He startled the guy so much that he jumped before falling onto the ground as told. Ken looked him over while sitting on the couch, tapping him with his boot. "He's a bit old for me, and way too girly lookingÉ"

Billy had returned to his favourite position between my feet and spoke up. "Please Sir, he just needs some guidance. He says that he wants to learn to be a good sub and there's no one better than you at breaking in a newbie. Of course, it is your decision Sir, but I couldn't think of anyone else that could help." Ken exhaled grumpily and tapped the side of his potential project's head with his boot.

"How much experience have you got with Alphas, boy?"

"N-n-none really, but I really want to become a good sub. Sam has taught me how much I've been lying to myself and that where I need to be is serving an Alpha."

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into? Do you really understand what it means to be a good sub? Some boys just aren't cut out for it, think it's all just a game for them to get their rocks off."

"I'll admit, I'm a little scared. I-I don't really know what to expect but after meeting Sam-" Ken kicked him harder in his ribs, toppling him over.

"First, you're going to learn to address your superiors properly, boy! Don't use our names, you use our titles. You call me and Sam Sir or Master. I'm not even gonna bother learning your name. If I take you on you'll be `boy' or any other name I think of, got it?"

Whimpering, he got back into position. "Yes Sir, sorry Sir."

"How much is this really you wanting to be a sub, and how much is this you trying to get to Sam's dick? Be honest, boy". He hesitated for a few seconds, but probably realising that any delays would result in further punishment, he spoke up.

"I really want to serveÉSirÉ umm, HIM, Sir, but I know that I haven't earned it. He has Billy and I know that he doesn't need me, butÉI guess I still want to learn to become a good sub."

"Well that wasn't very fucking convincing was it? Look up at me boy. Important question here and don't fucking lie to me. Do you want to serve me? Do you want to serve me not cause you hope it'll lead to maybe serving someone younger and prettier, but because you know you're place beneath an Alpha?"

"ÉI don't know, Sir." There was a tense silence in the air as we waited for Ken's response.

"Put your hands up on my lap boy, just like that. Close your eyes", Ken moved his right hand towards his mouth, prying it open and placing two fingers deep within. Initially his boy recoiled and gagged, but Ken put his other hand on the back of his head to hold him in place. "Relax boy. Relax. That's it. Good boy." It was clear that he'd adjusted to the intrusion and actually started sucking on Ken's fingers. Ken's voice dropped right down in volume now as Billy and I watched the display unfold. "That-a-boy. I can tell you've sucked plenty of dick in your time, you know how to use your tongue, you've got good pressure too. Now look at me. Massage Daddy's fingers just like that." Turning to us, Ken said warily "maybe the boy's worth a go..."

I looked down at Billy who had been looking intently at Ken's performance. Whereas I was impressed with Ken's control over his new boy, Billy was clearly getting turned on. I could've shut the whole thing down there and then, told them to take their little tutoring lesson elsewhere, just so Billy wasn't fawning over Ken again, but I was learning a lot from Ken and was keen to exploit his knowledge of Billy's weaknesses and skills. I put my hand under Billy's chin and turned his head toward me, locking eyes with him, letting him know to focus on me. I similarly put my fingers in his mouth, as I'd done earlier that day, and Billy immediately began sucking on them. Ken watched us mimic his actions and we made eye contact, acknowledging each other, sharing that feeling of power over the boys in front of us. Ken then removed his fingers from his boy's mouth, pinched his cheeks to force his mouth open and spat inside! Totally fucking wild! Before his boy had a chance to comprehend what happened, Ken buried his fingers back inside. "Good lad. Better get used to that, it's gonna be part of your training".

I looked down at Billy who was blissfully unaware of what had just happened beside him. The idea of spitting in someone's mouth was pretty fucking gross in my head at that moment, but I knew this was one more way to dominate Billy and I was keen to try it out. So, I repeated Ken's actions, making sure that Billy's eyes were locked on mine as I spat straight into his open mouth, a little bit hitting his lips. Billy moaned in pleasure, licked his lips and when I returned my fingers to his mouth he started sucking with extra effort. Just like putting my feet in his face or having him eat my arse or any other degrading act he'd done before then, it seemed to really light a fire under him and was a real turn on for me. Just as quickly as it had started, Ken removed his fingers from his boy's mouth and clicked and pointed down toward his feet, where the boy returned, confused, but compliant.

"You like that boy?"

"Yes Sir!" he responded enthusiastically. Man this kid was so easy to manipulate!

"You wanna continue, wanna try being my sub?"

"Yes Sir, please."

He continued to look down at him, mulling over the situation. "I think that's enough for the moment. Still not sure about him just yet, definitely don't need another boy to look after at the moment, but he's showing some promise. You, boy, need to stop wearing all that shit in your hair and stop dressing like you're on a catwalk. I'm not going to bother with ya if you think you're some important shit, right?"

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir."

"Good, now give me your phoneÉ There you go, you've got my number now and I've got yours. Now, my number one rule: I don't chase boys. I haven't got time for those that don't know what they want and aren't willing to do as I say. I've already got one or two being trained right now and plenty more in line. I'm doing this as a favour to Billy cause he was such a good sub and I trust him to not refer me garbage. You only message me if you want to take this further, got it?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir. Can I, ummm, can we please-"

"Nope, you need to go home, beat your little dick off and have a think about this without your sub brain firing off. If you're going to come to me to learn how to be a good sub, I want you to do it willingly and with a clear head. Alright, off with ya now." He stumbled back up, probably still a bit confused as to what had just happened or what hadn't happened, and put his clothes back on in silence. He then quickly walked towards the door, but before he could turn the handle, Ken called out "Boy! You're forgetting something." When he didn't move, Ken pointed down toward his boots, his boy understanding and returning to kiss his Alpha's boots. "Good boy. Now go."

Not long after he'd finally left, Ken stood up and said he'd head off too, seeing as he had a long drive home. Just as Billy was about to kiss his boots as well, I grabbed the back of his harness and pulled him back. I stared down into his eyes and said "I didn't tell you to kiss his boots, did I, boy?" Billy looked up at me and turned red, apologising intensely. I smiled and nodded my head, allowing him to hug Ken goodbye. Ken laughed and hit me on the shoulder, "I think he's in good hands. Nice to meet you mate, will chat soon no doubt. Any advice you need on this one just let me know."

I went back and sat down on the couch, with Billy crawling behind me. Instead of sitting in between my feet again though, he sat back on his heels, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. I looked at him confused and a bit worried. "Dude, what's the matter?" He took a deep breath.

"Sir, I'm sorry I disrespected you, I didn't mean to, it's just force of habit, I always try to show respect to Alphas and I didn't mean-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand, realising just how torn he had been by trying to please both me and Ken.

"Little man, it's fine. I know you're just doing your thing, trying to show how well trained you are and whatnot. Just remember, you're mine now, and even if there's another Alpha or whatever around, I'm still in charge, and you do as I say, alright?"

Billy's breathing had slowed when he realised I wasn't upset, and he smiled. "Yes Sir, thank you, Sir." We sat up and watched a bit of TV, Billy once again on the floor between my legs, before heading to bed and getting one last BJ before I fell asleep. Just before I drifted off, I thought about the toybox and just how much fun it was going to be working my way through all of Billy's toys. Well, my toys now.

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