Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Apr 13, 2020


I love to hear your feedback and of your own experiences so please feel free to e-mail me. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome. You can also add me on Skype if you'd like to chat.

Some other favourite stories of mine that I'd like to mention include:

Straight Jayden and Mitch the Bitch This Old House (difficult to find but well worth it) Alpha Male How I Became My Roommate's Sex Toy (Reddit)

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Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 9

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling a little dusty, but gratefully not too hungover. I checked my phone and had a text from Tyler thanking me again for staying with him and listening to "bitch and moan" as he said. I quickly remembered everything that had happened last night and still couldn't believe that shit between Tyler and Josh! I wrote back and said it was no worries and hoped that he was feeling better this morning. He wrote back straight away, saying he had bit of a hangover but was in a better mood. Probably cause he'd gotten to blow Josh againÉ

I'd decided to basically gift my furniture away online to anyone that was willing to take it, as it was all pretty worthless and wasn't needed considering I was moving to this totally boss apartment! Within an hour or so I had all my clothes and personal items packed away, ready for people to come by and take this junk off my hands and for Billy to arrive to collect me.

Just as the last of my stuff had been picked up, and the place was finally empty, Billy arrived, and we started moving the boxes into the boot of the car. When I told Billy about last night's drama between Tyler and Josh, Billy was stunned. "That's pretty intense Sir, I hope Tyler is doing ok. I've been in his position before and it's so dangerous falling so deeply for your best friend. He's just going to keep getting his heart broken if he doesn't stop serving him or continues and can't put his feelings aside. I really feel for the guy, Sir." Once everything had been loaded in, I jumped into the driver's seat and took us off to the real estate agent's office to drop off the keys. It had only been a couple of days since I'd brought the prick down off his pedestal and I was weirdly a little excited to see him squirm again, to see what lasting impact I'd had on the little cunt. He was the only one in the office when we got in, and he immediately stood up behind his desk all flustered, and looked at the ground, not making eye contact with either me or Billy.

"Hello Sir, it's good to see you again. How are you?" I walked up towards him and dropped the keys on the desk with a loud clang.

"Really good actually. You remember Billy, right?"

"Yes Sir. Hello again." Billy nodded his head toward him, the estate agent still failing to lift his face and meet our eyes. "Is there anything else I can do for you Sir?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm all good," and I turned to walk out of the office.

"Wait, Sir, please!" he shouted walking towards me, eyes still directed at my feet. Here we go, I thought. "I'm really sorry again about everything, I should never have treated you like that, I feel terrible. You taught me a really valuable lesson that night andÉand I've realised just how wrong I've been, how I've been lying to myself about whoÉwho I really am, what I am. I don't want to act like that privileged and egotistical prick anymore, I want to serve you andÉbe at your feet again Sir. Please. Please give me a chance." I knew this shit would happen, but I wasn't mad or indifferent. It took a lot of guts to admit that and I admired his transition since a couple of nights ago.

Sighing, I explained: "Look mate, I appreciate you might have changed, and I reckon it's for the better. There are way too many self-entitled arseholes in the world and if you've become one less for all of us to suffer than that's good. But I've already got Billy and his partner to look after me, and I couldn't ask for anyone more selfless and capable as them. Long story short, I just don't need you in my life." I again went to leave and heard him fall to the ground with his head at my feet, lying completely still. I had to hand it to him, he really, really wanted me to use him again. A funny thought crossed my head, just to really play with him. "You really want to show me how much you've changed?"

"Yes Sir."

"You'll do as you're told?"

"Yes Sir."

"And you'll be a good little bitch and not whinge and moan about it, no matter what it is?"

"No Sir, I promise!". I leaned over and whispered into Billy's ear, who stifled a giggle and nodded his agreement.

"Kiss Billy's feet." I commanded. He lay frozen on the ground, clearly thrown off guard. "Do it now or I walk out of here and you never see me again, understand?" I barked. He immediately moved over towards Billy, and without looking at him, planted two quick kisses on each of his shoes. He then shuffled back in front of me, awaiting his next command and no doubt hoping that this time it related to me and not to Billy. However, I had other plans. "I didn't tell you to kiss his shoes, did I? I said kiss his feet. Do it now, and don't fucking hesitate like last time. Get to it." Although he didn't hesitate, he did move quite gingerly, till he was lying in front of Billy's feet. He began unlacing his shoes, slipping each of them off his feet with a little help from Billy, before attending to his socks. He then planted two kisses on each top, quicker even than those on his shoes.

Before he had a chance to return to me, I chided him. "You call those kisses? I don't think you put enough into that, what do you think Billy?" Billy once more stifled a giggle and shook his head. "See you haven't impressed either me or Billy. Why don't you crawl over in front of that chair, Billy you sit in front of him, and show me just how much you want to serve." To be honest, I wasn't much for humiliation sexually, but it was fun testing him out, and Billy was getting a real kick out of it too. Billy took his position i n the chair, in full view of anyone who happened to be walking past the large shopfront window, while my new compliant bitch crawled towards him. Billy cheekily crossed his feet at the ankles and waited for his feet to be worshipped, a real role reversal for him, probably something he'd never experienced before. Finally, with his head in front of Billy's feet, he brought his lips up to Billy's toes and kissed them, over and over. "I better see some tongue action there, really French kiss those feet" I said. His lips parted and ever so slightly his tongue connected with Billy's toes, his lips moving down the line of toes till each of them had been licked. Defeated, and anticipating my next command, he took Billy's big toe (if you could call it that) in his mouth, beginning to suck it. After only a few seconds, he moved down the next toe, repeating the action until each toe had been sucked.

Having entertained myself enough, I said "Alright then, I think you've proved yourself. What do you think Billy?"

"He could do with a bit more practice Sir, but then I don't think he's overly interested in licking the feet of a fellow sub."

"Well the important thing is that he follows orders and he does it without being a little bitch. Maybe a bit of practice would be good I guess. I'll let you know when I need you, come on Billy we gotta get home so you can lick my feet clean now", taunting the guy still prostrate on the floor. Billy put his socks and shoes back on and we walked out of there, doubling over in laughter when we reached the car.

"Sir that was so mean but so hilarious. I don't think I've ever had anyone lick my feet before!"

"Did you enjoy it though?" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

"If I'm honest, not really Sir. I mean it felt nice, but it also unnatural being the one receiving the foot worship. I much prefer giving it.

"You're in luck, cause we'll be home soon and you'll have a face full of feet." Billy beamed at the thought of being at my feet every day now that I was moving in, and I won't deny I was more than a little turned on by the prospect too.

"Sir, would you ever contemplate having him serve you?"

"Nah, as I said I've got you two guys already, what do I need a third for? Plus, he needs a lot of experience if he's ever going to be as good as you guys."

"Well thanks Sir, and you're right. That's why I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I set him up with another Alpha that know, someone that could take him in and teach him what it is to be a proper sub? He's not going to get the experience if no one is willing to lend him a hand."

"That's actually a pretty good idea lad, and pretty generous too. Who do you have in mind?"

"He's actually the first Alpha I served, Sir. Ken is his name, he's a bit older, I'd say in his early 50s, but he's perfect for a first timer: firm but fair. He's incredibly handsome and really loves breaking in new boys. I'll give him a call this weekend and see if he's available, it'd be good to catch up with him too."

"Sounds good lad. I forgot to ask, Paul will be home, right?"

"Sorry Sir, Paul is away for work again. He'll probably be back again on Monday morning but will then fly out again Monday night for the rest of the week. You're stuck with me instead."

"That's ok, I'm sure we can find plenty of things to keep us entertained. Speaking of which, when we get home, I'll take the boxes up to the apartment and unpack, while you go get yourself cleaned up. We've got a whole afternoon to play-".

"We've got a whole weekend Sir!" Billy replied eagerly. After I'd parked the car and before we headed over to the lift, I bent down and put Billy in a firm head lock from behind, squeezing him close against me.

"As soon as I walk in that door today, it's no longer your apartment, but mine. Everything in that apartment, including you and Paul, belong to me. You will do everything I say, you will not speak unless spoken to, your purpose will be to serve me. Nod your head if you understand." Billy nodded his head several times, his body shaking against mine. I bet even his little hole was quivering! I lessened my grip and smacked him on the arse, hard, bouncing him forward towards the lift. I turned away so as to ensure he didn't see the big grin across my face and started removing the boxes. I didn't really believe all that stuff about owning them, at least at the time, but I knew it would get Billy worked up and it was a bit of fun for me too.

After around 40 minutes of lugging boxes up through the lift and unpacking everything in my new room, I went and sat down on the couch, Billy kneeling in front with his face to the ground, wearing nothing but his jockstrap. He'd brought out a cold beer that was sitting on the table in front and the TV was turned on to the footy. Perfect. I ruffled his hair with a "good boy" and sat down on the couch, legs spread around him, his hands immediately hitting and undoing my laces and pulling off my chunky well-worn high-tops. He put his face into the opening of my shoe and breathed deeply, which was still a novelty to me at the time. Just as a bit of a joke, I put my foot on the back of his head and pushed his face further into the sweaty shoe, which he didn't resist. I left it there for a few seconds, then released him so he could take off my socks. Before he did though, he brought my foot up to his face and inhaled deeply, his nose under my toes.

"How does it smell today?" I asked teasingly, wiggling me toes over his face.

"They're definitely not as strong today Sir (sniff) but its unmistakably your scent (sniff). Your shoes are amazing though, I wish I could live inside them!" I laughed and dragged my foot up and down his face a couple of times, then did the same with the other foot. Finally, he pulled my socks off and took one last hit, but before he could put them down, I pushed them into his mouth with my toes. "Suck on those for a bit while you massage my feet" which Billy did without missing a beat. I settled into the couch and began watching the game, drinking my beer while enjoying Billy's little hands firmly knead away at the tension in my soles and toes. I really like it when he rubs his knuckles up and down my arch and rubs little circles around the balls of my feet. Occasionally I'd bring my feet up to his face again and let him take another hit of them, Billy responding with soft little kisses in appreciation.

Billy got up to get me another beer once I'd finished my first and returned to his former position. I again brought my foot up to his face and dragged my big toe over his lips, not yet giving him the go ahead to lick them. I'd been in this cheeky mood all day and was having way too much fun. I could hear little moans and whimpers coming out of him, he was that desperate for them, so I said the magic word, and he devoured my big toe, sucking and licking it like it was his last ever opportunity. For the next half an hour he hoovered each and every toe, licked between each gap (which tickles in just the right way), nibbled away at my soles and heel, sucked and licked the full length of each foot and continued to massage them as he went along. At times I had my feet up on the couch or on the table, allowing him to work my toes and soles, other times I had him on his back face up, running my foot along his outstretched tongue.

By half time I was horny as fuck and ready for a bit more action. I had Billy pull down my shorts and underwear and start by sniffing my balls. He fell into his trademark trance, no longer forming proper sentences or really even using words, just following my directions as they were given. I was becoming a little obsessed with not only the feel of his breath, tongue and prickly facial hair on my balls but the visual too. I loved gripping the back of his head, my big hands wrapping around his skull and burying him in between my thighs, moving him as I needed. As the first bead of precum started dripping down my shaft, I brought his head up and put my cock to his lips. His eyes met mine, pleading for permission to taste it, and I once again teased him with silence, smearing it across his lips. I finally nodded and his tongue, in one long slow movement, lapped up my juice, before his mouth opened wide and took my head in his mouth, swirling his tongue around and sending sparks up my spine. I held him there for a minute or so before guiding his head up and down my shaft, inching further and further down towards the base. Once I'd established the right rhythm, I left Billy to work his magic. There was no need for me to interfere here, he's an absolute cocksucking genius and I was happy to sit back and enjoy it. He took his time getting to the base, teasing me just like I'd teased him, making swallowing motions with his throat to massage my cock. I held him down for keeping me waiting till he was beating my thighs to let him up. When I released my grip, his head shot up and he inhaled deeply, without releasing my cock from his mouth. He then ploughed straight back down and massaged my cock with his throat, this time allowing him to get into a good rhythm. After only a few minutes I could feel myself getting close, and not wanting to blow so soon, I pulled him off my shaft.

"Not so fast little guy, we've got several more hours of play to go before I fill you up just yet. Go get your toys and I'll loosen you up. And get me another beer while you're up, too." Billy literally hopped to it, dashing into the bedroom and returning with the lube, dildo, vibrator and butt plug. While he'd been gone, I'd picked up one of my shoes and partly removed the laces, thinking how I could add to my entertainment. Billy kneeled beside me and looked curiously at the shoe, before realising what was about to happen. I pressed the opening over his nose and mouth and began tying the laces around the back of his head. Once it was fully secured, I surveyed my handiwork and smirked. "It's like a reverse gas mask little guy. You like it?" He nodded his head, that same delirious face appearing. I told him to stand up, and I grabbed his hips and effortlessly draped him over my lap, his perfect little butt staring up at me. I took a swig of the new bottle, a drip of condensation falling into his crack making him shiver. I then parted his cheeks and ran the bottle along his crack, getting another shiver out of him. I put the bottle down and ran my hands over his cheeks - I just can't get over the size difference, we're similar in age and yet my hands are massive compared to his body. I couldn't help myself and gave his cheeks a few whacks, squeezing them and manhandling them as I got more and more excited, little yelps escaping the shoe mask, the skin turning a shade of pink by the time I'd finished with him.

I then grabbed the lube, dropped a little dollop on his butt and traced around his hole with my finger, massaging it like I did two nights ago. I noticed he definitely wasn't as tight as then and my finger was able to slide in relatively easily, although the muscles still contracted around it. Over several minutes I massaged his prostate both from the inside and out getting him as worked up as possible. I then grabbed the vibrator and dildo, holding the vibrator under his balls and against his gooch while I started to fuck him with the dildo. The scene was so hot that my cock was throbbing and leaking precum heavily. I loved how anything I wanted to do to him, I could, he'd just accept without any questions. He was mine to fuck and tease and use as much as I wanted, and I was going to give him a fucking workout. Occasionally I'd bury the dildo into the base and have a swig from my beer, sometimes I'd replace the dildo with the vibrator, enjoying feeling him squirm while my stinky shoe stayed fixed to his face.

It got to the stage where I was ready to start nailing him, so I downed the last of my beer and threw him over my shoulder. I replaced the dildo with the butt plug and carried him into the bedroom, throwing him onto the bed with ease. Before he had time to comprehend what was going on, I flipped him onto his back and dragged him to the edge of the bed so his head was hanging over. I unlaced the shoe letting it drop to the floor and quickly stuffed my cock in his mouth and throat, beginning a steady face fucking. I immediately thought of Tyler telling me about Josh face fucking him and buried my cock down Billy's throat, holding it in position until his legs started kicking, trying to breath. I withdrew my cock to let him breath, then continued fucking his face a few times before stuffing it down his throat again. My cock was slick with his saliva after a few minutes, his face beet red and his breathing more and more erratic. He never tried to stop me though, just fuelling this sadistic side I was slowly discovering.

Again, without warning, I withdrew my cock and flipped him onto his stomach. I grabbed his hips and lifted them so his arse was in the air and his back arched nicely, presenting his hole to me. Straight away I lined my cock up to his hole and in one, slow but smooth motion, pushed all the way in till my hips connected with his cheeks. He cried out in shock just I moaned in ecstasy, his hole clenching and spasming around my cock, feeling incredible. I gradually fell forward, flattening him beneath me, as I tried in vain to go further and further inside him. I wrapped my hand around his throat and lifted his head so he was looking forward, my thumb and forefinger coming close to connecting that's how small his neck is. I flexed my cock, over and over, the feeling just as good as I remember if not better then two nights ago. I slowly ground my hips into him, moaning in his ear "your arse feels fucking amazing. It's massaging my cock all on its own, trying to pull me deeper inside you. It wants my load badly little man, it needs it. You want it too, don't you?"

"Yes Sir, ugh, fuck I can feel every inch of it. Please fuck me Sir, fuck me as hard and for as long as you want."

"You know I'm going to lad, whether you ask me to or notÉ you're mine, remember? I fucking own you now, I own you and your boyfriend, and I'm going to fuck and use you both any time I want. You're going to lick my sweaty feet straight from my work boots, you're going to lick clean my sweaty balls and take my cock down your throats, you're going to feed me every single meal and wait on me and in return I'm going to feed you my loads. I'm basically your fucking King now, yeah?"

"Ugh yes Sir!"

"Tell me what I am!"

"You're my King, Sir"

"What are you going to do for your King?"

"I'm going to ugh lick your sweaty feet straight from your work boots, I'm going to lick clean your sweaty balls and ugh take your cock down my throat ugh, I'm going to feed you Sir UGH and wait on you UGH I'm going to take all UGH your loads!" I'd stood up and really started ramming him by this point, my hips smacking hard into his cheeks, making them ripple and jump with every thrust. My ego had gotten out of control and I was really using him without any regard, just doing everything I could for my cock. I pulled his wrists behind his back and pinned him down, my muscles bulging as I completely overpowered and overwhelmed him. After several minutes sweat was dripping off me and I was once again coming close to blowing, but I still wasn't ready to let this end.

I hooked my arms under his pits and lifted him back and up against me, standing in a squat position with Billy impaled on my cock. I carried him over to their dresser, it being the perfect height to fuck him while standing. I lowered him down and then started long strokes in and out, letting my head pop out of his ring each time before pushing back through and all the way down. I used to love fucking my girlfriend like this, but she didn't compare to the sensations of Billy's arse. Billy continued to moan and grunt and squeal throughout, helpless against my relentless blows to his insides. I stood there for another couple of minutes maintaining this same rhythm, then spun him around and picked him up so we were face to face for the first time. He was so light that I was able to fuck him while standing, gravity bringing him down hard on my dick which felt incredible. I stopped to catch my breath and inserted two fingers into Billy's mouth, his instincts overcoming his delirium as he sucked them and took them into his throat. I amused myself with this for a minute or so, remembering the last time I had made Billy and Paul compete to suck my cock by blowing my fingers just like this. I withdrew them and continued to fuck him while standing, my muscles burning with exhaustion after several minutes. Billy moved his head towards mine and I turned away, thinking he was trying to kiss me. Instead Billy licked my neck, drinking up my sweat. "Fuck yeah dude, lick up that sweat, get drunk off it!"

Finally, after exhausting us both, I took him back to the bed to finish off. With Billy on his back looking up at me in a daze, I grabbed his ankles and started once again pumping into him. After a minute, I could feel that same sensation, the load building and building, craving release, my body tipping over the edge, the point of no return, my cock swelling, a roar coming from deep within me, my hand gripping Billy's throat, the cum breaking through, launching, exploding and flooding inside him, firing over and over. I gasped for air with each shot, Billy's face turning red as I hand continued to hold his throat closed. As my orgasm subsided I loosened my grip and he too gasped loudly, the blood rushing from his face, small tears falling from his eyes as we regained ourselves. I slowly pulled out of him, bringing spit and cum with it, and I collapsed on the bed beside Billy. I closed my eyes and waited for my breath to return, and then felt Billy's mouth on my sensitive cock, gently and thoroughly cleaning it. I couldn't believe after I'd fucked him into oblivion and he still had the energy to lick clean my junk but damn it felt goof. Eventually my cock softened and fell from Billy's mouth and he collapsed beside me too.

I turned and looked at Billy and he was shattered. I gave him a minute or two and then asked how he was. "Sir, I've never felt moreÉ complete. That was the most intense sex I've ever had, there were times whereÉ I don't know, I actually think I was having an out of body experience at one stage. It felt like it lasted minutes and hours and days all at the same time. It was perfect, endless. I'm the luckiest sub in the world." I love how over the top he can talk, and it made me laugh that night. I pulled him into me and wrapped my body around him, wanting him close. That was until I started smelling myself and realising how badly the both of us needed a shower.

I suggested we just order pizza for dinner to which Billy agreed, not having the energy to whip up something for us. We climbed into the shower where Billy cleaned me thoroughly and afterward retreated to the couch each with a beer in hand. Without prompting, Billy sat between my feet, his hands alternating between each foot and massaging them with care. When I asked how he still had the energy and desire to do it after how exhausted he was, he replied "Sir this is my happy place, this is where I draw energy and comfort. It's where I belong." I wasn't going to argue with him and enjoyed the attention my feet were getting for the second time that day.

After devouring my pizza and two thirds of Billy's, I pulled my feet away and decided to head to bed. Billy stood up and asked "Sir, would you like a blow job before you go to sleep?" Little dude was fucking insatiable. I smiled and nodded, walking into my room, where I shucked my underwear and lay on the bed, waiting for Billy to crawl between my legs. "I thought you might like to start on your front Sir, and I'll give you a quick massage first." Again, not going to say no to that. Billy firmly worked my shoulders and back for several minutes, his little hands surprisingly strong. He then massaged my arse cheeks which felt incredible having been squatting at the gym and while fucking Billy earlier. I then felt his breath against my hole and his tongue tickle it tentatively. I sighed in approval, and Billy began to rim me with as much skill as Paul had last time. He gently nibbled on my cheeks and around my hole, pushed his tongue through my ring and lapped at it over and over. It was and still is, such a weird sensation but fuck I love it. I'm never gonna have anything shoved up there but a tongue though!

After a while I turned around and guided Billy's head onto my cock, needing a quick release. After only a couple of minutes of a slow and methodical blow job just like the one two nights ago, I blew my load down Billy's throat. "Fuck that was good little dude. I'm gonna sleep so well tonight."

"Me too Sir" Billy said sleepily. We said our goodnights and almost as soon as I'd turned off the bedside lamp I was asleep, in my new apartment and with my very own sub in the room next door. Life was damn good.

Next: Chapter 9

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