Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Apr 10, 2020


I love to hear your feedback and of your own experiences so please feel free to e-mail me. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome. You can also add me on Skype if you'd like to chat.

Special thanks to a few people who have reached out and even provided some inspiration and direction to the story Ð Sirs Simon, Andy and Domen8r in particular. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback. Hope you keep enjoying :)

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 8

Billy continued licking and sucking my cock and balls long after they'd been cleaned, with Paul tonguing Billy's well-used hole. Eventually Billy asked me to insert his butt plug so he could keep what was left of my load that Paul hadn't sucked out of his arse. Little dude was raunchy as fuck, and I found it hilarious, so I took my place behind him once again while he waited patiently on all fours. I took a little bit of extra lube and applied it to both his arse, significantly more relaxed now than at the start of the night, and to the butt plug. I pressed it against his used hole, and it swallowed the toy easily, its girth not quite as hefty as my own cock, a long drawn out moan coming from deep within Billy. When the widest part past through his sphincter, his hole retracted to hold it in place. I couldn't believe that all this stuff was turning me on, but damn. I released my grip on his cheeks and Billy slowly lowered himself down onto the bed, sighing his appreciation, absolutely exhausted.

I turned and looked at Paul, who was staring up at me, a look of shock, awe and unease on his face. I stretched my arms up high, yawned and then laughed. "Enjoy yourself little guy? You got a bit of cum on your cheek." He swiped his cheek and licked off the residue, again making me laugh. Acknowledging my calm, satisfied demeanour, he relaxed and smiled, nodding his head and affirming how hot the experience had been. It was getting close to 9pm and none of us had eaten since lunch, so Paul offered to shower me before serving dinner. We left Billy on the bed to regain himself and headed to the main bathroom, which was now my bathroom. Still in his jockstrap, he set the water temperature just as I liked it and began to soap me up from head to toe. He massaged my muscles as he went along, used loofahs and these sandpaper-like pads on my feet and palms, taking off any hard bits of skin. I really needed to take a post-fuck piss, so told Paul to stand behind me while I guided the heavy, acrid stream over the drain, moaning as I it flowed out (how good is that feeling, right?). I opened my eyes just as I was finishing, feeling Paul's hands soaping my arse and noticed his eyes staring intently on my steady stream. I clenched my arse cheeks on his hand to get the last few drops out. "Ahhhh. Funny how it sometimes feels as good as cumming really" I said. He seemed fixated on my piss, and I made sure to investigate that further at some stage, my mind again turning to some pretty sordid thoughts. After we'd been showering for 10 minutes, he turned the tap off and dried me down before applying a light moisturiser to my whole body. I never did any of that stuff to myself, but it felt really good, like my skin was really fresh and clean.

We had been almost completely silent this whole time, and I figured it worth checking in to make sure he was handling the situation. Even though it had been fucking hot, and I liked taking control of both of them, I didn't want to put them offside: I was enjoying myself and didn't want this to end abruptly! I needed to know Paul in particular was along for the ride. As he was rubbing the lotion into my butt and quads, I said "Just want to check in with you dude that you're down with what happened tonight. I'm gonna be moving in tomorrow and I know Billy is super keen, too keen almost, and this stuff is only gonna happen more."

"It's going to be massive adjustment for us Sir, we've never had anything this intense with anyone else before. But this is exactly what Billy and I have always dreamed of, even before we met each other. I, umm, I genuinely do think you're pretty perfect Sir and, while I am a little scared, I know this is right." Paul started moving down my legs, massaging my thighs and calf muscles.

"This is all new to me too dude, I know I've still got a hell of a lot to learn. Just focus on my calves for a bit dude, they're a little tight. Yeah that's good. I get a real rush whenever I'm around you guys, I feel like, it's gonna sound stupid, but I really do feel like a King. I feel like the more I learn, the more comfortable I'll become with all this stuff. I want to do right by you guys though, I don't want you guys to resent me or think that this is some sort of mistake."

"Sir there are going to be times where Billy and I fuck up, in your eyes, and there are going to be times where we don't understand or don't appreciate why you do or say something. Our roles and relationships are naturally unbalanced: you're the one with the power, particularly with Billy, he's really caught under your spell Sir. Even still, we know you're a kind person and you'll take care of us just as much as we'll take care of you."

"You don't have a problem with how close Billy and I have gotten do you dude? I kind of got a bit carried away tonight pinning you down while I was fucking him."

"Not at all Sir, I can't believe I was selfish enough to start jerking off in the moment. You were right to discipline me, and you weren't too rough. It was actually pretty hot to be choked like that." I laughed and filed that little admission away for later too.

"Don't worry about Billy and I and what impact this'll have on our relationship. You're satisfying one part of his life, which is his need to submit. It is a big part of who he is, but it isn't everything. He and I are in love, I fill that part of his life and he fills that part of mine. I'm unfortunately hardly ever here and so it'll be good that Billy has someone here to occupy him while I'm away. I'm excited to be able to serve you when I come home from work in any way you need me.

"And, really, we can't expect you to be here forever anyway Sir: you're not tied to us and it would be wrong of Billy or I to think so. We have to remind ourselves that you're not gay, in that you probably don't want a romantic relationship with a guy. You'll probably meet some beautiful woman and decide that you don't need us anymore, at least not to the point of living here, and that is totally ok. Until that time though, as we've promised, we're going to do everything we can to make you happy and satisfied." I turned around and Paul stood up to massage the lotion into my body and arms.

"That's good little guy, really good to hear. I guess I'm naturally a little skeptical that life could be this easy, but there's no way I'm going to say to no to being fed and having the best fuck of my life whenever I want. Speaking of keeping me satisfied, let's go get some dinner, I'm starving!" I went and put on some clean clothes and came out to find the two boys plating dinner, both in fresh jockstraps. I already couldn't wait to get my dick back inside Billy's ass and I was coming around to the idea of fucking Paul too. His attention to my body in the bathroom just now and his reassurance of how into this he was, was really hot. We ate our dinner, chatting and laughing as always, the scene of me fully clothed while these two were almost nude, on display, seeming more and more right. We then retired to bed as we all had work in the morning.

Billy knocked on my door just as I had climbed under the sheets to ask if I needed anything before he went to bed. With one arm propping up my head and one hand scratching my nuts, I smirked and nodded down towards my groin. "Could probably do with emptying another load if you're up to it?" Billy responded in the affirmative enthusiastically and pulled the sheet back to get at my underwear. I lifted my hips and he pulled the waist band down to reveal my cock beginning to chub up. He crawled between my outstretch legs and began by licking my balls, just as I liked it. I pulled the sheet back up over his head, covering him and my abdomen from view, and I lay back to enjoy this slow, rhythmic blow job. I closed my eyes and started thinking about my ex, imagining her going down on my dick. It lasted a few seconds before I remembered just how inferior her skills were compared to Billy. I then pictured a short haired chick, cute face and tight body, bobbing up and down my shaft as she took it all the way down to my balls. Her lips were soft and wet, firmly sliding up and down, her tongue massaging the underside of my head every time it met it, her throat performing swallowing motions as it ingested my throbbing dick. Damn she was good! She'd occasionally look up and we'd make eye contact, and I could see just how much she was enjoying sucking my dick.

It was in such stark contrast to how I railed Billy's butt not a couple of hours earlier. I was so aggressive, so in control then. It was physical, it had drained all three of us of everything we had. It was primal and raw. This on the other hand was calm, peaceful, almost quiet if not for the occasional slurping sounds coming from under the sheet. The motions were slow and deliberate, every little flick of the tongue, every muscle contraction in the throat, designed to tease and excite my cock slowly but surely to completion. In my mind, this chick was passionate, in love, with my dick, and wanted nothing more than my big healthy load of cum. I didn't put any effort into this, except for sporadically squeezing my arse to pump my cock, and was happy for her to work her magic to get it out of me. Slowly I could feel the moment coming, my breath quickening and becoming shallower, my legs starting to shake, and still the same rhythms and motions continued. Finally, I grabbed hold of her head under the sheet and blasted my second load of the night out and down her throat, her muscles pulling every last drop out. Six or seven shots fired, with my cock continuing to twitch as I pulled the sheet back to reveal Billy's triumphant face peering back up at me. My head collapsed back on the pillow, my hands guiding Billy's head up and down my now sensitive cock. Eventually I pulled him off, looked down at him and smiled, seconds away from passing out there and then. "Awesome job again dude. Fucking awesome." I took a few deep breaths and pointed down towards my feet. "Lick my feet dude while I fall asleep". I felt only a couple of light careful flicks of his tongue before I completely zonked out.

I woke up the next morning around 6.30am feeling, well, incredible. Last week I had a creep who wanted to kick me out of my place with nowhere to go, and now I was waking up in my new bedroom, in a palatial inner city apartment, having just had the best fuck of my life followed up by an epic blowjob. I got up and walked into the living area, sitting at the head of the dining table while Billy and Paul were already up making breakfast in their jockstraps. "Good morning Sir" they said cheerily, clearly much more awake than I could ever hope to be in the morning. They quickly brought over a long black coffee and a plate of bacon, eggs, fruit and a juice. They both then crawled under the table and took a foot each in their hands, beginning their morning worship. I scrolled through my phone while eating my food, paying no attention to the boys below but enjoying their affections immensely. I took my time in finishing my food and coffee, sometimes just staring out toward the windows and admiring the view of the city, playing with the boys below by swiping my sole across their tongues, pushing their heads down against the floor. Eventually I moved my chair back and stood up, leaving my plates behind for the boys to clean up while I went back to my room to get changed for the day.

When we were both ready to leave, I instinctively took Billy's keys and drove us both into the office that morning, talking about my upcoming meeting with Mark Klein. I was driving out to the property to meet him and get a visual on the site, so I dropped Billy off and then headed on out. The property was just under two hours out from the office, which gave me plenty of time to collect my thoughts and spend some time to myself, listening to music, contemplating life, enjoying the view out the car window. It was a cracking day with the sun shining through a blue sky, the scenery moving from urban to suburban and then to the peri-urban farmland and forests surrounding the city. I eventually came to the property: green as green grass, a small vineyard, orchard and half-k driveway up to a stately colonial- era mansion, surrounded by a low-level white sleeper fence. The gates were open, and I drove up the driveway, admiring the mature fruit trees lining the way and filtering the sunlight. I parked the car to the side of the ornate fountain in front of the house and took a couple of deep breaths.

Greeting me at the door was a butler (seriously!), smartly dressed but nothing ceremonial. He politely welcomed me inside and directed me out to the rear garden while he fetched the client. George wasn't kidding about the property: it was enormous! Several acres of meticulous English-style landscaping, with near-mature trees, garden beds, tennis court, croquet, greenhouse, arbors, a gazebo. To the side of the house was a helipad! George was also right in that the place was looking really well maintained and a lot of the trees were just coming into maturity. Even though it wasn't my kinda garden it was still impressive and suited the house and its history. Knowing that this was George's vision really impressed me and made me a little nervous being the one to tear it up. While wondering what the hell this guy was thinking of doing to this amazing space, Mark Klein came through the back door and introduced himself. We sat down at the outdoor table and began discussing plans for the property.

"So, George tells me you're a real wunderkind" he said with sarcasm. "I wouldn't usually trust such an important project to someone I don't know and especially someone so young, but I trust George and so I'm willing to give you a break. Have you got a portfolio that you can show me?" I'd only had limited experience designing my own gardens, and they were generally on a residential scale, nothing anywhere near as elaborate or budget busting as what he would be expecting. He barely looked at any of the plans or images in my book before flicking it back toward me on the table. "Well that's uninspiring. I really don't think you're up to something like this, tell George to get himself out here next week, I'll fly him out if I have to. Maybe you can help labouring in the yard once we start going". He went to get up from his chair before I, calmly, responded.

"Mr Klein how long did it take for you to trust George, to give him not just the benefit of the doubt but the respect to accomplish this?"

"George was far more experienced by the time I commissioned him to undertake the current garden and I'd had many years to get to know him. You, are nothing in comparison."

"Well to be honest Mr Klein, you don't know a single thing about me, whereas George, who does and in who you place a great deal of trust, believes that I'm the perfect man for the job. It took me less than a minute to map out what this garden needs, to make it contemporary and relevant, to make a real statement. Now George isn't stupid enough to hand me his most important client and good friend without supervision, and he'll be working with me every step of the way." I then stood up to drive my final point home, imposing my 6'7 frame over his slight 6". "Now I've driven all the way out here to listen and to learn about your intentions, your vision, to understand why you want to spend millions on updating what is still an incredible achievement by my mentor and your friend. The least you can give me is 15 minutes of your time."

He stared me down for few seconds, looked at his watch then rolled his eyes and returned to his seat. We ended up speaking for close to an hour about what changes he wanted, the budget, who I would be subcontracting for the works (the lads of course), what approvals would be needed from the local Council, all the boring stuff you guys don't really want to hear about. What was pretty wild though was really why we stayed talking for so long. Mark's wife, Tilly, came and joined the conversation around half-way through the meeting. She is honestly one the most stunning women I've ever seen in my life Ð think Keira Knightly but not unnaturally thin, and probably around 25 years old, at least 40 years younger than Mark. She's tall, sexy, seductive, confident, alluring, enigmatic, even before she opens her mouth. She initially sat down next to Mark and opposite me, and I immediately noticed the sudden change in his demeanour: down came the arrogant and smarmy exterior, to be replaced by the doting and sycophantic older husband. He turned to her and smiled, losing his train of thought, his voice lifting, attention focused entirely on her. She on the other hand offered one-word indifferent responses to his questions, holding my gaze instead, her body directed towards mine as his faced hers. She interrupted him, introduced herself by extending her hand and asked:

"I'm really interested to hear what you've got planned for the house Sam. I spend so much time here all alone that I really want it to be my sanctuary, something a bit more natural, Australian, alive. Can you do that for me Sam?" Mark looked a little thrown, being overruled, and it was clear who wore the pants in this relationship. Mark had been such an arrogant pig that I relished the opportunity to undermine him further by indulging his beautiful wife and drawing attention away from him. She was poised, yet warm and engaging, genuine and thoughtful. She laughed at my jokes, she leaned in to show her enthusiasm for my ideas, the whole time ignoring her husband, Mark acting like a dog waiting for his command to speak.

Eventually we came to the end of the meeting, Tilly offering me her hand again to say goodbye, telling me she couldn't wait to see me at the house again. As soon as she walked back into the house, the arse-hole version of Mark returned, telling me that I was to relay the discussion to George for development and to make sure he came out the next time. He abruptly turned and walked back into the house without so much as a thank you or a goodbye, so I walked around the house and got back into the car for the long ride home. Man, I thought at the time, he's such a fucking little bitch. I ended up calling Tyler to ask what the boys were up to that night and if they'd be keen to hang out. I needed to blow off some steam. They hadn't planned anything but a couple of them were itching to get out to a club to chase some tail. I said I'd swing by the bowl and give them the download on the job and see where the night was heading Ð I had to move the next day so didn't want to be wrecked for that.

Throughout the drive back to the City I kept thinking of Tilly and how crazy sexy she was. It was good to be thinking of a chick that way again, all the action I'd been getting lately was with Billy and Paul, and I figured I needed at least the distraction of a woman in my head. She has the most amazing figure with the right set of curves in all the right places, and there she was with that old arrogant SOB. She was clearly in it for the money, cause there wasn't much love between them, but she seemed so intelligent, charismatic and thoughtful, which made me wonder if she was really so shallow as to be in it for money? Surely there had to be something else to this. Anyway, if I was going to be out at the property all the time and there was going to be sparks flying all day like there were earlier then I was going to be in trouble. I'd already fucked the boss's son; I didn't need to fuck my biggest client's wife.

I dropped the car back at the office for Billy, who'd be meeting me back at my place around lunch time tomorrow to help with the move. I then took an Uber over to the bowl, where the guys had just settled in after a hard day of work. Josh, Luke and Dylan were sitting on the couch with Tyler on the ground in front of them, playing Smash Bros. Just as I entered, the three on the couch were laughing as they'd once again ganged up on Tyler, forcing him to get them all beers. "Ay and get one for the big man while you're up, wench!" called out Luke. "Good to see you man, hope you're up for a big night cause we're going out for some tail." I laughed, remembering how much hornier I had been at their age which was only around seven years ago. We ended up ordering some take-out, throwing down some beers before moving on to shots. By the time we were ready to leave at 10pm the boys were pretty tanked.

"Get us an Uber, wench!" Luke yelled at Tyler, smacking him across the back of the head. Luke snarled back at him, before getting his phone out and ordering the Uber as demanded. It turns out they'd made a bet earlier in the day around the number of barrows of mulch they'd been delivered on the job, and Tyler had guessed the furthest off and so had become beer wench for a night, and by the looks of it he was not enjoying the torment. We eventually piled into a 7-seater Uber when it arrived, and went into the City. The guys were loud and obnoxious like drunk lads of that age will always be when together, the Uber driver being a good sport but leaving me in no doubt that Tyler's Uber rating was going to take a big hit.

We eventually got into the bar which was already heaving with people and bought another couple of rounds of drinks. Dylan being the only one in a relationship took it upon himself to play wing man to the rest of us for the night, the Dutch courage of several rounds breaking down any inhibitions in approaching women. Within a half hour he'd collected one for each of us, Luke being the sleaziest quickly getting his hand on her tit and his tongue down her throat. While Amanda or whatever her name was that Dylan had found me was pleasant, she wasn't very interesting and couldn't manage to knock Tilly out of my mind. Tyler seemed similarly disinterested with his girl, and we decided to head to the bar for more drinks. We did a shot together at the bar before returning to find Josh grinding against a pretty hot girl on the dance floor. I stood next to Dylan, who seemed pretty pleased he'd so easily set up at least two of his mates, and we both laughed as the drunk boys did their best to score for the night. I turned to talk to Tyler and saw him walking towards the exit in a hurry. Suddenly worried about him, I followed him out the door into the warm night air, Tyler moving at a bit of a clip away from the bar.

"Oi! Tyler wait up mate, you alright?" He quickly looked over his shoulder and continued walking, his pace picking up in an attempt to shake me. "Hold up mate, I just want to know you're alright, dude!" I called after him. I turned the corner after him and found him on the ground, back against the wall, head in his hands clearly crying. I was shocked, not expecting this and not exactly sure what to do. "Umm Tyler, mate, you alright?" He didn't respond at first, so I bent down and asked him again. Luckily it was relatively quiet away from the bar so there weren't any people hovering around. He was really distraught, and I couldn't think of anything but to just be there for him till he calmed down, which eventually he did.

"SorryÉI'm just being stupid. I'll be right justÉ head back to the bar, I'm gonna head home."

"Mate I'm not just going to leave you out here crying into your hands, tell me what the hell happened back there?" He started crying again and refused to tell me what had happened, until he'd once again calmed down and his breathing had returned to normal.

"I just didn't want to come out tonight is all. I'm fucking trashed and my heads all over the place. I don't need to come out and watch my mates get all sloppy with some sluts at a bar. IÉjust want to go home." I was really confused; Tyler had seemed just as eager to be heading out as the other boys earlier in the night and had been in a good state right up until Dylan had tried setting all of us up. I then had a flash back to the first night I'd spent at the bowl, when I'd seen Tyler sneaking out of Josh's room just as I was about to leave. Tyler had also reacted when he'd seen Josh on the dancefloor with that girl, and it all started making sense to me.

"Dude, can I ask, and don't get upset or nothing, butÉare you into Josh?" Tyler couldn't depress his reaction quickly enough, and in trying to reject my question started crying once more. "Dude it's ok, I'm not here to judge. Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head and continued to cry, but quickly recovered his composure. I could tell he was holding back years of feelings, lies and anxieties. I made him know again it was safe to talk, and he opened up like a dam wall bursting.

"I love him, Sam. I fucking love my best mate. I've been in love with him for years and I can't fucking move on. IÉI don't even know if I'm actually gay or straight or what, cause I've only ever been into himÉ I don't even know why, he's lazy, he's thick as bricks, he's selfishÉ but I love him. What the hell is wrong with me?!" I sat in silence, letting him just gush, but also not knowing what the hell to say or do. "I wish I was interested in girls, I wish I was in there grinding some chick like he is now but I just can't. I don't want anyone else, I just want him, and I can't stand seeing him with anyone else, it fucking kills me, you know? But, how did you guess anyway?"

"Well there were a couple of things I kind of pieced together. You weren't interested in the girl Dylan had found you, you didn't seem that interested in finding one yourself, the second you saw Josh grinding that girl you fled the barÉand I saw you creeping out of his room the first night I came to the bowl." That bombshell really hit Tyler hard, his face dropping in fear. "It didn't mean much to me at the time but seeing everything tonight I kinda just had a feeling." He looked panic so I made sure that his secret was safe with me. "How long has this been going on for dude?"

Tyler shook his head. "Dude you don't want to hear about this and I really don't want to tell you ok, it's just too weird. You already know too much, I can't ever let the others find out." I decided the only way for Tyler to trust me was to let him know a secret about me. The liquor sure did help loosen my tongue.

"Mate honestly I don't care that you're into Josh. I'mÉI'm pretty sure I'm bi or something anyway."


"Yeah. In factÉI just fucked a guy for the first time last night."

"REALLY? WHO!?" It was my time to shock Tyler now, bringing him out of his fear and anxiety.

"No one you know or need to know dude. But we're here talking about you right now. Tell me all about it."

Tyler paused and swallowed hard. "It's been going for ages. Since we were 15. It started off with all four of us watching porn together, doing a circle jerk a couple of times when we broke into our parent's booze at sleep overs. Eventually Josh and I started watching porn whenever we hung out, which was most nights of the week as we lived next door and his parents were hardly ever there. One night he, well, he dared me to jerk him off, saying he'd do the same for me. So, I did. He was just laying back with his eyes closed, the sound of moaning and fucking coming from the video on his computer, while I beat his meat. He didn't last very long that night and he blew all over my hand, which at the time I found pretty gross, but he found hilarious. Even funnier to him was when he refused to return the favour, telling me he "wasn't no fag". After he saw how pissed off I was he said he was only joking and that there were no hard feelings, especially considering how good my hand had felt. He still rejected returning the favour and said I could get myself off while he went to the bathroom to clean up. I ended up using his cum as lube on my own dick and blew the biggest load I'd blown to that point, my cum then mixing with his.

"The next night the same thing happened, and again the following night and for every night we hung out after that for weeks. Eventually he changed position, from lying down to sitting up, then lying on the bed while I was on the floor between his legs, to him standing up. When we were 17 he got his first girlfriend and I had to stop going over as often. For a long while I didn't jerk him off, his girlfriend meeting all his needs. The night they broke up though, after only being together for three months, he invited me over, almost immediately getting me back onto the floor to jack him off. I didn't hesitate as I'd realised during that time just how much I enjoyed doing it for him. I missed hanging out with him most nights during the week, I'd missed that intimacy between us. I realised then that I'd fallen for him, that I wanted to continue to be used by him like I had been before. That night was different though. I'd usually jerk him off and just catch his junk in my hand, but that night, just as he was getting close, he put his hand behind my head and brought my face just under the tip of his cock. I didn't resist, our eyes locking onto each other and silently acknowledging what was about to happen. He blew his load all over my face, my hand milking every last drop out while he held my head in place. Eventually he rubbed his knob against my lips, and I instinctively opened my mouth to allow my tongue to lick it clean. I wrapped my lips around it and gently sucked it clean, refusing to open my eyes and connect with him at that moment, my mind totally overwhelmed.

"After I'd gone and cleaned myself off in the bathroom, eating as much of his cum from my face as I could, we spent the rest of the night as mates, as we'd always done, as if nothing had happened. On and on this went, me basically jerking him off, him blowing his load all over my face. He eventually found his favourite position, which was to straddle my chest and have me jerk him off all over my face, the porn always on in the background. Sometimes it'd be quick, other times he'd make me edge him for an hour. He'd always get me to lick and suck his cock clean afterwards, sometimes allowing me to wash the cum off my face straight away, other times watching my scoop it up and eat it for his entertainment.

"Then one night when we were nearly 18, after about 10 minutes of jacking him off in his favourite position, he scooted up towards my face till his balls were on my lips. Without prompting, I started tentatively licking them while he rubbed his own cock for the first time in years. He loved it and was ready to cum quicker than normal. Just as he was about to cum though, he scooted back and pointed his dick at my mouth. I again instinctively opened and allowed him to plow his cock forward, blasting his load for the first time all over my tonsils. I'd grown to not only like the taste of his cum, but to really crave it, and so I savoured the first time I'd had it straight from the tap. He continued to pump his cock into my mouth even after I swallowed, and for the first time I started really sucking his dick, extracting a second load out not more than 10 minutes later.

"That first official blow job must have broken down the last of the barriers in his head for getting head from a guy, cause from then on it was blow jobs only, hand jobs were a thing of the past. Again, we tried multiple positions, sometimes him chilling back and letting me do the work, sometimes hanging my head over the side of the bed and fucking my face. Pretty early on he trained me up to deepthroat him, his favourite position being lodged as far down as he could get. By this time his cock had grown pretty big: thick and around 7 or so inches long. He never trimmed his bush, which wasn't out of control but was always covering enough to bury my nose when I'd swallowed his dick. He loved having me lick his balls and would often just squeeze my head in place with his thick thighs for ages, just having me lick away."

(I guess I should probably give you guys a visual of what Josh and Tyler look like. Josh is a stocky sort of bloke, who looks like a footy player named Wade Graham while Tyler is a bit more slight but still pretty fit from working outside all day, kind like the V8 Supercars driver Chaz Mostert).

"Around this time Josh started getting pretty verbal as well. Telling me how good my mouth and throat felt, how much he enjoyed unloading in me, how he'd been saving up a load for a day or two, how he wanted me to work for it and that kinda thing. He also started lightly choking me or slapping my face, just testing where my limits were. He really got into it one night and I actually blacked out Ð I'd been kicking and trying to free my arms from under him while he did it but to no avail. I think it kinda freaked him out though cause he was white as a ghost and apologising over and over when I eventually came to. But having worked out the limit, he made choking, slapping and even spitting in my open mouth regular features of my blow jobs.

"I should've known what I was to him after all of this, but I was so confused cause outside of blowing him we were still best friends. One night after we'd been out drinking, he'd passed out in bed half-way through me licking his balls. I should've just gotten up and gone home but I couldn't resist crawling in falling asleep cuddled up beside him. I'd wanted this for so long, to be intimate with him, to feel protected and not just used by him, to be able to just take in his warmth and his smell. He woke me up early the next morning, me wrapped around him resting my head on his chest, telling me to "get the fuck off" him. He waited till I got out of the bed before turning away from me and telling me he'd text me when he "needed me". I went home and cried that day just like I was tonight, feeling used, so stupid, humiliated. I ended up going over there again that night as soon as he texted me, ready to blow him again and make things back to normal, but he wanted to talk. He told me in no uncertain terms that we were friends and would never be more than that, that he wasn't gay but just liked getting head and that if I couldn't control my feelings then this would have to stop there and then. I bit back the tears again and nodded, apologising and saying it would never happen again. We played a few games before I once again blew him, returning to our normal pattern.

"At some stage along the way I started, just, doing things for him, without him even asking. I'd always been brought up to be super clean and tidy, whereas Josh is a bit of a slob. I think one day after I'd blown him and he was in having a long shower, I started tidying up his room. It just felt natural to do this for him and was also a good opportunity to get at his dirty clothes, how sick is that?"

"Don't worry dude, the guy I fucked last night is just as raunchy, but keep goingÉ"

"Well, I'd really come to love the smell of him, and we'd been working for a while by this stage, so I'd become used to jerking him and sucking him off after work and before he'd showered. I'd basically sniff anything of his: shirts, shorts, socks, shoes, underwear, whatever it was. He actually caught me once but instead of getting angry he found it hilarious. If he'd ever felt a little self-conscious about having me blow him when he was a little woofy before, then he certainly wasn't after that moment, and I definitely didn't mind. I'd wash his clothes, clean his room, do his chores around the house, would go out and get him beers. Whenever we were out, I'd always buy the drinks Ð he was just as poor as me so he didn't always make me pay with my own money, but I effectively became his servant. It just felt natural, for both of us, something that we didn't really speak about directly, but just became a given. Even to this day I still do everything for him, although it's a little difficult cause I split the chores with Josh and Luke in the living areas, just so things aren't obvious.

"The year that we moved in together was the hardest. We had to be discreet, so Luke or Dylan didn't suspect anything which was a lot harder than we anticipated. We thought living in the same house would mean ever easier access but in actual fact it just became more awkward Ð I'd have to sneak in late at night, time it for when Luke was out of the house or just go without. I also fell more and more for Josh, and as he hadn't been with any girls for ages, I thought that maybe he was coming around to the idea of us one day being together. However, not long after we moved in, he found a girlfriend, a fuckin slag that hung around all day every day. She basically moved in without paying rent or helping around the house. She just started adding her dirty clothes to Josh's which meant that I ended up washing them, making me hate her even more. I could hear her through the walls moaning as he pounded away at her, wishing it was me instead. One night, after he'd finished fucking her and she'd fallen asleep, he crept into my room checking if I was awake. Without turning on the lights, he assumed one of his favourite positions across my chest, just like old times. I could smell sweat and sex on him, and even though I was disgusted I was just happy to be back under him. I opened my mouth and he stuck his dick inside, and it tasted awful. I spat it out and moved my head away, Josh cackling away. `C'mon, just a bit of cunt juice on it, you're not gonna turn me down, are you?' I was so angry that I pushed him off me, Josh still laughing his head off. He quickly got up and left me alone again, heading back to be with his shitty girlfriend.

"Finally, after a year of torment, they broke up, over some stupid fight about nothing. She left, saying she never wanted to see him again, how much she hated being in our house, and actually stole some money from our combined house jar. Without missing a beat, Josh was back fucking my throat that night, asking me how much I missed it. I was in heaven, knowing I'd have him back all to myself. He actually divulged how much he missed just hanging out, how much better I was at blowing him than she was, how she hated how he smelled after work. He actually said something, in the middle of flexing his cock down my throat, how if I was a girl, he'd fuck me every day. It was the closest thing I'd had to him offering feelings for me, and no matter how insensitive it was, it still meant a lot to me.

"So that's it Sam, that's the way my fucking life has been the last few years. Just seeing him in there again with another bitch just reminds me of that year without him, and I don't want that to happen again. I don't think I could handle it. I've never been with anyone else, never even dreamed of it. I just want, him." Like clockwork, Josh appeared around the corner, drunk as fuck and stumbling around, looking down at us on the ground.

"There you are for fucks sake! Look at your fuckin phones would ya? I wanna go home Tyler, can you order us an Uber?"

"You're not gonna take her home? That chick you were basically fucking on the dance floor?" Tyler asked with a strange mix of antipathy and hope.

"Nah she wasn't gonna put out and I'm too drunk to get to know her. I just wanna go home, drop a load and then go to the sleep. C'mon, order us an Uber." Tyler looked at me, a little smile crossing his face quickly before he stood up and ordered their Uber.

Just as they were getting into the car, Tyler turned to me and whispered: "Thank you Sam, it means a lot." I then caught a cab home, for my last night in my one bedroom flat.

Next: Chapter 8

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