Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Mar 28, 2020


I love to hear your feedback and of your own experiences so please feel free to e-mail me. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome.

I also want to make a shout out to some of my favourite stories that I've read and re-read over the years. There are many more out there, but one way or another these stories have had a big impact on Awakening the Alpha Within, and I only wish I could write as well as some of these talented authors:

Reclaiming Austin Frat Boy's Bitch Boy Game Night Brian's Visit Boys, Buds and Bullies

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 7

I woke up around 2am, starfishing in the middle of the bed. It was a cool night, but I had managed to kick the blanket and top sheet off as I tended to do most nights (I'm basically a furnace and run pretty hot especially at night). Billy was cuddled up beside me, one arm and leg laying across my torso, his face nuzzling into my pit, shivering with his body fully exposed to the cool night air. I smiled, lifting and turning his body around in the opposite direction so I could spoon him from behind. He awoke momentarily, but after I curled myself around him, hugging him close into my body with my arms and legs, he fell back to sleep no longer shivering. It felt really nice to be cuddling up against someone again, as I hadn't slept beside anyone since breaking up with my ex.

I'd started to appreciate just how handsome the little guy is and noted that while there was this incredible difference between us in size, musculature and body hair in particular, and the fact that he was bloody cock hungry all the time, he was still very masculine in his own way. Not only physically fit, Billy is mentally strong, so comfortable and confident in his own skin, even if he were to risk ridicule and shock at some of the stuff he says and does if the wrong people were to find out. My eyes travelled over his body, barely visible in the soft moonlight filtering into the room. His head was no bigger than my hand, his feet were dwarfed by my own, his legs, while defined, were half the width and probably a quarter the weight of my own. His butt was sat just above my cock, his cheeks hugging my boner. I slowly, gently slid my hips forwards and backwards a few times just to tease us both, before once again cuddling him firmly, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

My alarm went off at its usual weekday time of 6.30am and I woke up to find Billy still curled up beside, well, underneath me, as he had been at 2am this morning. His stirred and he yawned, turning his head to look at me bleary eyed. "Good morning Sir, did you sleep well?" I nodded my head and yawned as well, stretching myself out before returning to tightly cuddle Billy against my warm body. My morning wood was nestled in Billy's crack and I slid it back and forth seductively. Billy giggled slightly, pushing his butt back up against my gentle thrusts. "I'd love to take care of that for you before we go to work, Sir, if you'll let me" Billy offered.

"Mmmm that sounds good, but I'd kill for a coffee first, what do you reckon?" I mumbled into his ear as I scratched my hairy stomach and returned to mindlessly grinding that deep trench. He agreed and struggled to crawl out from under me, my hand just connecting with his bare cheeks for a good measured spank. I stretched and yawned again, grabbing my phone and checking my emails, waiting for Billy to return with the coffee. I sat up with my back against the headboard, my cock settling down but was still pretty chubbed by the time he came back into the bedroom, looking for a bit of his patented attention. I sipped that perfect morning drug, then motioned for Billy to crawl in between my legs. "Come lick my balls for me dude, get em all nice and clean." Billy pounced playfully between my legs like a cat and lay flat on his stomach, positioning his face just at my sack. He took a large sniff and stifled a moan of pleasure, before extending his tongue out and slowly lapping away at my sweaty balls. I lifted my feet up and crossed them at the ankles, using his bubble butt as a footrest and squeezing his head between my thighs. "That's perfect dude. You stay right there, just like that." I picked up my phone and started messaging Ali, checking in with him and letting him know how last night went. Here's how our text exchange went:

<Hey man, so last night was a HUGE, sweet success. Managed to get him licking my feet by the end of it, even after he'd told me how much he hates sweat. Really broke him down like you said dude!"

<Haha wicked, proud of you bro! That little fag needed to be put in his place, hope he's learned his lesson>

<Funny thing is bro I think he really did, more than I was expecting. He apologised sincerely then said he wanted to basically be a second Billy! Told him it was a one-time only thing, that he was kidding himself to think he'd ever be as good a sub as Billy>

<Well hopefully that's the last you've heard of him. So, you're moving in with the sub couple then ya?>

<Yeah man hopefully start moving over this weekend. I'll probably just ditch most of my stuff, not gonna need to bring anything over to their apartment, would probably bring the value down if I did!>

<Haha don't sell yourself short man, they may have all the money in the world, but the one thing subs truly need is a master Alpha. You're gonna be the most valuable thing in that apartment to them, make sure you know that>

<Too right dude. Man, it's such a headrush all this stuff. I've actually just woken up and I've got Billy between my legs licking my balls as we speak. Honestly the best way to wake up!>

<That's perfect man, I got home tonight and was feeling beat from work, so I had my girl ride me while the boys licked my feet. Filled her up good, then I got a good feed of dinner before crawling into bed>

<That sounds perfect Ali, I'm keen as to have this kinda treatment every day from now on!>

<So when are you gonna start fucking them? Bet they're begging for it>

<I think tonight is the night man! I've been teasing myself and Billy by grinding his arse the past few days, I think I'm finally over that mental hurdle of fucking a dude. His arse is just too inviting>

With that, I asked Billy if I could send a pic of him licking my balls to Ali, to which he drunkenly agreed. I made sure to get his arse in the pic as well, the jock strap keeping his can nice and pert.

<Fuck dude, I don't know how you've held out that long, that's some nice juicy-ass buns! Haha his face too much, he's in heaven lappin away at your balls. Be careful not to wreck him first time around though, he looks like a little dude!>

<Yeah, I'll be careful man. Really though I have no friggin clue what I'm doing!>

<Don't worry man, I'll coach you through it. Two things though, don't cum this morning.Edge yourself all day, that way you'll be fired up tonight. Second thing, is his boyfriend gonna be there tonight? You gonna fuck him too?>

<Yeah Billy said Paul's gonna be home. I hadn't really thought about fucking him to be honestÉ>

<That's good man. You gotta make sure Paul is there tonight, right there watching you fuck his boyfriend, nothing better than having an audience and mind fucking someone to really get you going. Now here's what you doÉ>

I'd been lightly stroking my cock in between drinking my coffee and texting Ali, sporadically slapping it over Billy's doting face as he continued to worship my balls. I was really boned and needed to empty my load, but I agreed with Ali to save it for tonight. Once I'd finished texting, I got Billy to lick up the precum that had accumulated around my head and down the shaft, then released him from my leg lock so we could jump in the shower. He was a little confused about why I didn't cum, but once I told him I was saving it for later tonight at his place, his face lit up. We jumped in the shower and Billy quickly but thoroughly washed me down, my dick still throbbing and swinging around obscenely. I teased Billy by slapping it across his face while he washed me, then picked him up one-armed under his pits, holding him against the wall and rubbing my dick between his arse. I was teasing us both so hard, and I was just way too eager to get my dick inside the little guy. Eventually though we had to dry off and get ready for work, Billy heading home first for a change of clothes while I headed into the office.

The day in the office was pretty cruisy as I didn't have to head out to the big property till the following day and was able to focus on my existing projects, well as much as I could anyway. My cock basically never went soft, oscillating between a semi and raging, having to sit down and tuck it down my pant legs till it calmed down. It didn't help that Billy kept side-eyeing me seductively, bending over beside me with his arse in the air invitingly. Come 4.30pm I'd had enough and just wanted to bust a load, so I motioned for Billy to leave with me, taking his car back to his place and leaving mine in the garage. Just as we were leaving, I got an email from the real estate confirming that my bond had been released in full, with nothing further to add. Man, it felt good to know just how much control I had over that little prick.

"Would you like to drive, Sir?" Billy offered. He threw me the keys and I jumped into the front seat. Well, tried to. I first had to turn the car on, then move the seat pretty much all the way back and lower it, just so as I could fit in. "You look good in the driver's seat, Sir" Billy said when I finally climbed in.

"It's an awesome car, dude. Nice and big, perfect for me. I've always wanted a car like this too, it's a beast!" It made a nice change from the shit-box I owned: my head scraped the roof of my car if I didn't hunch over while I drove. In this car though, I was high up, comfy, the powerful engine feeling great in my hands and at my feet. I was in control, just the way I was beginning to like things.

"Sir, you mentioned last night that you've found a place to liveÉ" Billy inquired hesitantly.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. If the offer is still available, I want to move in with you guys. I was thinking about it, and it kind of seems inevitable really. No better opportunity than now to make it happen right?"

I think Billy actually bounced in his seat when I said that. "Yes of course, Sir, we'd love to have you move in. This is so exciting! We can start moving your stuff over this weekend if you'd like? Would you like to keep any of your furniture?"

I laughed. "No way dude, all that stuff is junk. I'm pretty certain you guys have got everything you need anyways. But seeing as I've got my bond back, I may as well move over this weekend, nothing holding me to that apartment now." I knew I'd made Billy's day with that news, but it was only going to get better once I got in through the front door.

"Well what's ours is yours, Sir. I hope you can make it as much your home as it is ours. Paul is going to be so happy when I tell him!"

After establishing how and when we'd get my stuff over to their place on the Saturday, we drove out of the City, sitting quietly listening to the radio, the tension palpable in the air, until Billy again spoke up. "So umm, Sir, what did you have in mind tonight? Watch a movie maybe?" Cheeky bugger.

I laughed and replied confidently "I'm gonna fuck you dude!" I turned to look for his reaction, his face turning a light red whilst smiling giddily. "I think it's time I test ride that arse you've been teasing my with these past few weeks, and if I'm gonna be moving in with you then I want to know what I've got to work with. You ready dude?" Billy could only muster an excited nod, brimming with nerves. To this day I love the effect I have on him whenever he knows he's about to get a good dicking. I pulled the car into the garage and we got into the lift up to the apartment. The lift ride seemed particularly slow this afternoon, the silence deafening as we got closer and closer to the big event. I could sense Billy's nervous energy and it was only making me hornier.

The lift doors opened, and I motioned for Billy to exit first, smacking his arse firmly. He opened the front door and we walked inside, Paul coming from out of the kitchen to greet us. "Hi Sir, hey babe. How was work today?" Billy walked up to Paul, pecked him on the lips, then without saying a word, practically skipped into the master bedroom and closed the door behind him. "He seems in a good mood! Can I get you a drink Sir?"

"Yeah a beer would be good. Actually, maybe something stronger. Make it a rum and coke dude, cheers". I figured I need a drink or two to calm my nerves. Even though I was hyped up and ready to fuck Billy's brains out, I was still a little nervous and needed a bit of Dutch courage. It was the first time I was gonna stick my dick in a guy's arse after all. I went and sat down on the couch, still in my work gear (button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, chinos and Timberlands), making myself comfortable while I waited for Paul to get back. He came and joined me on the couch, handing me my drink whilst he sipped his gin and tonic.

I clicked my fingers and pointed to the ground between my feet. Ali had stated very clearly that it was important to reinforce the hierarchy, and that these simple actions were essential to getting not only Paul and Billy, but also myself, into the right head space for the evening and for when I eventually moved in. Paul responded positively, setting his drink down on the table and kneeling in between my feet, looking up at me expectantly. "Good lad" I said, taking a sip of my drink before eyeing him down with a casual smirk. "I'm going to run you through everything about to happen tonight, but before we get to that, I'm taking up your offer to move in, this weekend. Billy can bring you up to speed on everything that's happened, but I figure it was inevitable that I'd be living here, and we may as well do it sooner rather than later. You see, I never in a million years thought I'd move to the city and find not one but two guys, willing to go to any lengths, to make my life so carefree. To be provided breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. To have a free gym membership. To live rent-free in this sweet apartment in the middle of the city. To have my dick sucked on command better than I've ever had. To have my feet rubbed and worshipped no matter how sweaty they may get. I've got you and Billy to thank for opening my eyes to the Alpha within me, that I've always been, and the power and status I've never appreciated. You've unleashed the beast dude and I hope you're ready for him.

"So, I think it's only right that we set some ground rules now that I'm going to be living here. First off, every morning and every night after work, I want you to kiss my feet. Go ahead, kiss my boots. Right now." Paul lowered his head and diligently applied two soft kisses to my boots before returning to his previous position. "Don't stop until I tell you to". He returned his head to my boots, kissing them slowly, all over, until I told him to stop. "Good lad. Now take off my boots and socks, and worship my feet." I noticed Paul's hands shaking slightly as he unlaced my boots and removed them from my feet. He took a deep whiff of each of them, the enormity of the situation beginning to consume him. He picked up my right foot and pressed his face against the sole, inhaling my scent as he rolled the thick black socks down my ankles and off my feet. He repeated the process on my left foot, then returned his face to my bare foot to commence his reverent worship. "That's it, dude, just like that. Clean out between my toes, that's the stuff. Yeah, put my toes in your mouth. Lick from my heel to my toes." I relaxed back into the couch, sipping my drink and getting swept up in Paul's adoration.

"Next rule: the only underwear you're allowed to wear is a jockstrap, and while you're in the house, that's all you're allowed to wear, except when there's other people around of course. I also want you to wear one when you shower me cause I don't need to see your dick Ð it's never gonna get much attention from me!" A few minutes later, while Paul was still nibbling away at my feet, Billy opened the door to the bedroom and looked over toward us. Without distracting Paul from his duties, I made eye contact with Billy and nodded, admiring my prey, and indicating we'd be in there in a minute. "Hope you're ready for a show tonight dude. You know what's going to happen?"

"No Sir" Paul responded in between sucking my toes.

"I'm gonna fuck your boyfriend dude. He's been in there prepping this whole time, and he's ready for it. I've been holding off for a while but it's time. I want you in there to watch, so get your arse in to that bedroom, take your clothes off and put on a jockstrap." Paul's initial shock (whilst continuing to suck my big toe) turned to lust (even more earnestly sucking my big toe) before I withdrew my foot and stood up, my bulge extremely prominent. I swatted Paul's arse as he walked into the bedroom, my big hand more than comfortably cupping his arse cheek and propelling him forward.

Billy had positioned himself on the bed just as I'd instructed before we got into the apartment. Wearing just his black and blue jockstrap, he was on all fours in the middle of the bed, head fixed forward toward the bedhead. Laid out beside him were two bottles of lube, a small dildo, a funny looking device I didn't quite know at the time, and a butt plug. I stopped to admire the view, a wave of emotions and thoughts racing through my mind: "This is the hottest fucking scene I've ever seen in my life", "I can't believe I'm about to fuck a guy", "I've got the greatest life that anyone could ask for", "Is this really happening?". After similarly momentarily stopping to survey the scene, Paul went to the dresser, removed his clothes and put on a matching jockstrap, and knelt at the foot of the bed, waiting for his next instruction.

"Paul get over here and undress me." With a "Yes Sir", Paul got up and moved toward me, quickly removing my shirt, my chinos and finally my underwear. He cheekily huffed my underwear before putting it aside, making me laugh a little. "Now Paul I want you laying on your back, underneath Billy, with your head near his feet." The guys manoeuvered themselves into position, forming a misaligned 69 position. I walked towards them, grabbed a pillow and popped it under Paul's head to elevate it slightly, then climbed up on my knees above him, and lowered myself down so my balls were over his nose and mouth, and my arse covering the top half of his head. "Lick" I said, and Paul's tongue darted out and began lapping away slowly at my sack. Fuck, I thought, this is hotter than I imagined it would be, and I've only just started! My cock was boning massively, and I knew I had to pace myself for everything I had in store. I then turned my attention to the focus on the evening.

I picked up the water-based lube and squirted a small amount onto my fingers. Ali had told me to go slow, that I couldn't fuck an arse like I could a cunt, and that the more comfortable I made this for Billy, the better it would be for me. I could notice he was a little tense and needed him to relax to make this less painful. "When was the last time you go fucked, Billy?"

"A while ago, Sir, maybe 6 months?" I parted his cheeks, revealing his perfect little pucker, with just a slight almost undetectable fuzz of hair on his cheeks but hardly any near his hole. It was so tight I didn't think there was any way I was getting my fat dick into it.

"And you haven't played with your hole at all? Haven't been using any of these toys on yourself?"

"No Sir. I've been saving myself for you."

I applied the lube to his hole and began gently massaging it in, moving my fingers around in circles, applying the slightest pressure to start loosening him up. "For me? But you've only known me for a couple of weeks, how could you know you'd end up here with me?" I asked curiously.

"Well, not specifically you, Sir, butÉmy Alpha. I've been waiting for my Alpha."

My index finger breached the outer ring, his muscles contracting around the first knuckle, attempting to pull it further inside. Billy breathed in at the intrusion but maintained his position and composure. "And I'm your Alpha, am I?" I started pushing against the muscles, massaging them into submission.

"I want you to be, Sir. Ever since I first met you, I've wanted nothing more than to make you happy, to bring you pleasure, for you to use me as you wish. For you to own me." My finger pushed deeper into his hole and found his prostate, pushing it repeatedly, Billy's sharp intake of air letting me know I'd found the right spot. "Ohh, SirÉ" he trailed off as my finger gently assaulted his G-spot. Paul continued to lap away at my balls, his tongue moving back towards my taint, sending electricity coursing through my body. "Your fingers are so big, Sir. SoÉfucking big" Billy said breathily.

"Dude it's nothing compared to my cock. We'll get you loose enough to take it. Just enjoy the ride." I slowly pulled back my finger and began introducing my middle finger, pushing through his sphincter to join his neighbour. For several more minutes I repeated the same process, breaking down his resistance and teasing his prostate more and more. I put my other hand on the small of his back and pressed down firmly, accentuating the arch and pushing out his arse. My hand span was nearly as wide as his waist: I could nearly grip him with one hand! To this day it's one of my favourite views in the world.

"What's this little black thing?" I inquired whilst continuing to stretch his hole. Billy turned his head and bit his lip.

"It's my vibrator, Sir. It's designed to massage my prostate and my balls." I turned it around in my hand and then realised how it worked.

"Let's see what this does then!" I slowly removed my hands, his muscles gripping my fingers as they exited, begging for them to remain. I lubed up the vibrator, and slowly pressed it into his hole, now seeking its invasion. The device reached as far in as it could go, the other end resting just behind his sack, encased in the jockstrap. I found the on button and put it on a mid-setting. Billy instantly jerked up and moaned, his arms nearly collapsing under him. "Fuck yeah dude, you like that then ay? Let's leave that torturing you for a little while."

I then shuffled forward slightly and planted my arse directly on Paul's mouth. "Rim me dude... Oh fuck yeah, damn that tongue feels good! Mmmmm get it in there, just like that dude. This is so fucking dirty but you're fucking loving it aren't you?" I rested my arse on his face for a minute or two, enjoying the attention while Billy struggled to contain himself. His body was shaking, and I could see his pucker tensing and relaxin over and over as the device worked its magic. I put my fingers against his taint and could feel the vibrations coming through his body, making me laugh. Eventually, after a few minutes of torture, I hit the off button, Billy sighing in relief and his body relaxing back to normal. I slowly extracted the vibrator and immediately inserted my two fingers, pushing them back down to massage his prostate. "I think you're ready for your dildo, mate. Hopefully this thing will stretch you out just enough, so my dick doesn't rip you apart." I removed my fingers again and lubed up the dildo, placing it at his entrance and applying ever more pressure to breach his defences. The dildo was only slightly wider than my large fingers, but it was still narrower in both width and length compared to my dick. His hole finally opened up, giving way for the head of the dildo to pop inside. Billy gasped, and I held it there tentatively, waiting for him to relax and adjust. Eventually I started slowly pushing it and pulling it, getting a little bit deeper each time, till it had nearly bottomed out.

"How's that feel Billy? Enjoying getting fucked?"

"Yes Sir, please keep going. I want you inside me though, please Sir!" he begged. Nothing hotter than hearing someone beg for your sex, that's for sure. I picked up the pace, long dicking him with the dildo, while Paul returned to licking my balls. I'd started dripping precum, it falling in little droplets all over Paul's neck and chest. With my free hand I picked some up and smeared it under Billy's nose. I then clamped my hand over his face, ensuring the only thing he was breathing was my scent. He moaned deeply and started slowly bucking his hips in time with the dildo. I could feel his tongue tickling my palm, and I knew then that he was ready. I removed the dildo, his arse hole once again begging to be filled again. God the way his hole was winking at me turned me on more and more, how that was even possible I couldn't comprehend.

I lifted my arse off of Paul's face, the first time for nearly 20 minutes he could enjoy clean air not filtered around my ball sack or crack. "Enjoy yourself, Paul?" He nodded dazily, a smile plastered to his saliva and sweat covered face. "Ready to watch me fuck your boyfriend?" He nodded more enthusiastically this time and started to move out of position. "No no, stay right there, you're in prime location to watch. Sit back and enjoy the show little guy. First off though, lube up my cock for me". I grabbed the silicon lube and squirted a dollop into his hands. He reached up and gripped my cock, lathering it generously. My cock had been begging for attention all day and was responding positively to being jerked. I once again took some precum off my cock and smeared it under Paul's nose, reinforcing my scent and its power, making Paul swoon. I then took hold of my cock and lined it up with Billy's hole.

"Get ready dude. I'm about to claim your arse for myself." Like I had with the toys before, I pushed slowly but firmly, feeling the weakened resistance of his hole. I gripped his hips, pulling him back towards me, waiting for that first sensation of penetration. Looking down from above, I watched as his firm round cheeks enveloped my cock, the hole seemingly too small, stretching to fit around my leaking, excited head. Finally, with gasps from all three of us, my head popped in, his hungry arse swallowing my raging cock. I held it in place, savouring the sensation that had just occurred and giving Billy the chance to adjust. "Fuck yeah! Breath little guy, hard part is over. Damn this feels so goodÉ it's so tight! It's like your hole is molded to my dick dude, it's like it's been looking for it all its life! Mmmmm, yeah keep arching your back dude, there you go, that's fucking sexy as hell. How's the view from below, Paul? Jealous, ya?" I chuckled.

Paul's voice was infused with awe: "It's incredible Sir, your cock is throbbing, I can see the blood coursing through your veins. It's invading Billy's hole, and his hole is eating it up!"

"Fuck yeah it is dude, his hole was made for my dick. God it feels so good and I haven't even started properly fucking him. Yeah, your hole is massaging my dick, wants to make it feel good. This is perfect man, just fucking perfect." I started to push forward again, the lube letting my dick slide forward without much resistance. I stroked Billy's back to remind him to relax as I filled him up, my hips moving closer and closer to his cheeks until finally I bottomed out. I closed my eyes in ecstasy, flexing my cock inside him, stretching it out just that little bit further. I reached under Billy's hole and started pressing up against his taint, this time hitting his prostate from the outside and sending shudders through his body. He moaned like a cat in heat, and started bucking his hips, a clear sign that he was ready to get railed.

I slowly brought my hips back, my head dragging against the inner lining of his hole, till just the tip was left. Then I slowly thrust my hips forward till I bottomed out again. I repeated this slow offence, building up to a steady rhythm, our breathing getting heavier, the sweat beading all over my body. I focused on his juicy ass, watching my cock get devoured only to reappear, this perfect arse devouring my dick. I spanked him once, my big hand gripping the firm meat, then slapped it again. Over and over I spanked his arse, leaving a faint red handprint while my thighs were slapping against them simultaneously. For what felt like hours but was probably only 10 minutes I pounded his hole, my cock feeding his arse with precum, as all three of us fell into a trance. I then hooked up arms underneath Billy's chest, and hoisted him up and back toward me, carrying him while continuing to bury my cock inside. I dismounted the bed and began bouncing him on my dick, the new angle bringing a new sensation. Our bodies were slick with sweat, and I was breathing heavily on the back of his neck while Billy's moans became more and more uncontrolled. Paul turned around and watched, mouth agape, as I jackhammered his boyfriend's hole over and over.

Once my arms fell tired, I returned to the bed, this time flattening him underneath me and grinding him down into the mattress. I wrapped my arm around under his neck, immobolising him entirely, my arm cutting off air and stifling his moans. I alternated the tempo of my assault in this position, from quick shallow thrusts, to long and hard. I was grunting like an animal now, my mind focused solely on breeding my victim's hole. At some stage I turned my head towards Paul and saw him jerking off to the scene before him. I reached out while still thrusting and grabbed him around the neck, pulling him toward me and pinning him against the bed beside his prone partner. "Don't ever touch your dick while I'm fucking, you understand?" I growled while staring into his startled face. He nodded quickly, however I continued to pin him down, using his throat as an anchor as I continued fucking.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bliss, my body started to build to a climax. I pushed myself up onto the bed and Billy back into a doggie position. "Paul, get your face under the balls, I want you to see my cock unload in Billy's arse." Paul scurried into position, just in time to see my balls rise up and my cock thicken as the cum traveled up and exploded in a firey shot into Billy's abused hole. I growled as volley after volley after volley of cum flew out of me as I continued thrusting, the intensity of my orgasm unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I'm not sure if I blacked out but I wouldn't be surprised if I had it was that overwhelming. Eventually my breathing slowed, the cool air from the fan hit the sweat on my skin and my dick stopped the after tremors, slowly subsiding while still lodged firmly inside Billy's arse. I motioned for Paul to move out of the way and slowly collapsed on top of Billy, once against smothering him into the bed. I very slowly pumped my hips, enjoying the feel of my cock in the pool of cum it had just deposited.

After several minutes, I propped myself up and my cock, now satisfied, slipped out of its captor's grip. I then crawled up the bed and lay down, my back and head against the headboard. Billy similarly lifted himself up, staring at me in exhaustion but gratitude and deference. I just nodded down toward my cum-coated cock and balls, and Billy crawled dutifully between my legs, suckling on my cock to clean it up. "Paul make sure you lick Billy's hole and get yourself some of that load." Paul also dutifully moved into position, between Billy's legs, extended his magic tongue and began lapping away at his boyfriend's sore hole.

I sighed and surveyed the scene before me, partly in disbelief but also feeling like I'd finally found my place in the world, rightly, at the top. I grabbed my phone and took a photo of Billy and Paul in clean-up mode and sent it to Ali, with the caption <Best fuck of my life. Never letting these lads go, their officially my fuck toys. It's good to be the king>

"Well dude, I've officially planted my seed inside you. It's like planting a flag, you're my property now" I said while lying back, my hands together behind my head, enjoying the worship I'd now come to own.

Next: Chapter 7

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