Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Mar 19, 2020


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Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 6

I got to work on Monday morning and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I'd received an email from the little cunt of an estate agent, officially giving two weeks-notice to vacate the property for "breach of lease conditions", without specifying what the fuck conditions were breached. Didn't realise sex was a condition of the contract! I was warned that failure to comply would result in the loss of my bond and the police called to evict me and my possessions. I could just see the shit-eating grin on his face as he typed the email out. What a fucking brilliant start to the week that was!

"Sam!", George called me into his office just as I had set my phone down on my desk. I followed him in and he closed the door behind us. "Just checking in mate, is everything alright? You seem a bit tense this morning." I reassured him that I was fine, making sure to smile and relax as I sat down opposite him. The last thing I wanted was for this drama to interfere with my workplace. "Alright, well in any case, just remember we're all here for each other bud. If you need some time out just let us know, we're pretty flexible, especially cause you've been working pretty hard. I won't hound you though, I'll leave it at that. Anyway, I've got another job that I want you to take on for us. It's a big job for a friend of mine, a really important client I've had for many years. I'm hoping I can trust you to take care of him as it's the kind of role I'm hoping you can start to take on as I wind down on the day to day stuff.

"Mark is a, well, highly valued client and he expects to be treated as such. I'm not sure if you've heard of Mark Klein, he's a successful financier and art collector, very very successful to say the least. He's got a property about two hours out of the city with a large garden of which he's very proud. His team of gardeners do a good job of maintaining it, but every couple of years he likes for us to come and redesign it, a complete redesign. This time he even wants to take out the existing pool and put in a new one, new decking, cabana, Australian natives, everything. It's a massive job, probably the biggest he's ever asked of us and it'll be a boon for the business. You'll see when you get out there that there's no probably no need for us to be out there changing everything again so soon, but we're talking a huge commission for us. I imagine the four lads you've been working with would also love the opportunity to work on such a big project and hopefully get some good kudos with a big client.

"As I said, though, Mark is not the easiest person to get on with. After the first time I worked on his place, way back when I was just starting out like you, I swore I'd never sign up to it again. A few years went by and I had forgotten just how difficult he was, but when my old boss roped me in again, I couldn't turn down the pay cheque. It was nearly as bad the second time round, but toward the end I noticed that he'd started being a bit more respectful of my suggestions and decisions. When it was finally finished he was genuinely surprised with how well it turned out. He paid me and the team a big bonus, took us all out for an expensive dinner and we soon after became friends, still to this day.

"I've done it once more about six or seven years ago and that time he let me have free rein, a huge budget and really trusted me to deliver it. It didn't stop him occasionally turning up and harassing my staff at the time which got a lot of them offside, but again, we got the job done, he was happy with the result and the guys earned big.

"Now it's your turn. I want you to go out and introduce yourself, understand exactly what he wants and make this your priority until its complete. We'll finish off your other work in the interim and make sure to hold off on any new commissions until this is complete. You and the boys will need to focus on this and not be distracted by anything else. So, what do you say?"

I'd quickly forgotten about my dramas from this morning and last night, and was chomping at the bit to get started. I was anxious but knew I could do it. George was putting a lot of faith in me to take on his best client, and a real hard arse by the sounds of it. "I'm ready George, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I won't let you down. The boys won't let you down either." We stood up, shook hands and I turned to head out of the office.

"Sam", George said before I turned the door handle. "I can't stress how important this job will be. You do well on this one, show me that I can trust not only your ability on paper and in the yard, but also your ability to deal with my most important client and friend, and I'll know that you'll be ready to take on a bigger role in this company. Maybe even partner. Now, you've got plenty to do so head on back to your desk". I practically bounced back to my desk, picking up the phone and texting the boys to let them know I had the job of their dreams and that we should meet up this weekend to talk it over. Billy walked in from the lobby with coffees in hand, smiling as he noticed my uncharacteristic enthusiasm for a Monday morning.

"Got a bit of a spring in your step, Sir, feeling better after last night?" I filled Billy in on the text but then quickly recounted my meeting with George. "Oh, Sir that's awesome, you deserve it! I knew you'd be running this place soon enough. You're going to be my boss in more ways than one, I hope" he said flirtingly, making me laugh and also sending blood down to my cock. Damn, all this talk about one day becoming partner, taking on this extra responsibility and seeing Billy looking up at me, as always, was getting me going. We chatted a little bit more before getting stuck into work. At lunch time, George and I demolished another of Billy's lunches before tucking into some of George's wife's cake she had baked for the office. I remember thinking to myself that I needed to keep hitting up the gym otherwise I was going to balloon, eating all this delicious food Billy and his mum were providing. Billy and I ended up going to the gym after work, building up a good sweat, my muscles really starting to pop. Billy was heading over to his parent's place to catch up for dinner, but I told him to come back up to the office with me before he left. As we got into the lift, Billy asked "What's up Sir?"

I looked down at him, a cheeky smile on my face, and said "Dude I've been throwing a semi basically all day and that workout hasn't helped the situation. I'm all worked up and I need to blow a load. I need some of your golden BJ treatment before you run off to dinner. You reckon we'll be ok to do it in the office?" I asked while grabbing readjusting my junk. Well, it wasn't so much as an ask as telling him what was about to go down.

"Sir, this is so hot, I would love to get you off in the office!" As the doors open, he turned to me with a mischievous smile on his face. "I know exactly where we should do it too, Sir." We passed through the lift lobby and Billy directed me towards his Dad's office, holding the door open for me. I grinned and lightly tapped his face twice as I entered.

"You're a cheeky little fuck aren't you? Guessing there aren't any cameras in here then?" I joked.

"Not one Sir. Just imagine this is your office already, yours to do whatever you'd like inside. You're the boss." Damn I liked the sound of that. I walked over to George's chair and sat down, slowly turning it this way and that, as Billy followed and kneeled beside me. I spread my legs invitingly, reveling in this escalating power dynamic.

"Alright dude, time to prove your worth to the new boss." I put my hands behind my head as Billy's fingers lifted the waist of my shorts and sweat drenched underwear, fishing out my boner. He planted his face between the base of my cock and my balls, inhaling deeply, his hand firmly gripping and slowly pumping my shaft. I sighed, enjoying the view and knowing the amazing head I was about to enjoy. Sure enough, as Billy's eyes locked onto the cum-shiny head, his mouth dived onto and down my shaft, the head punching the back of his throat. "Fuck yeah, little man, that's the stuff. Worship that cock" I said breathily, closing my eyes and tilting my head back to enjoy the servicing I was receiving. I was pretty quiet after that, just enjoying the situation and thinking to myself: "This is my future. I'm going to nail this job, become partner, make a shit tonne of money, become a top landscape architect, make a name for myself and get my dick sucked whenever I want, all in the comfort of my office or wherever the hell I want." Honestly, to this day Billy gives the best head hands down. The way his tongue slides down, massaging the underside of my cock, before snaking out and tickling my balls when he gets to the end, slurping away. Fucking chills dude. Occasionally I'd pull his hair to free my cock from his mouth and smack his tongue and cheeks a little bit, spit and pre-cum collecting on his face. Then I'd push him back down on my cock and let him return to that perfect motion, up and down. After about 10 or so minutes I could feel my balls tensing up, the load stirring in me as Billy worked hard to draw it out of me. He's got a serious appetite for cum, for sure! I took my right hand to his head and held my cock against the back of his throat as I emptied my load into what was quickly becoming my personal portable cum extractor. I moaned as my cock spasmed, throwing a healthy load into this hungry cocksucker. As the last few contractions eased and Billy slowed the sucking and tongueing of my cock, I once again looked down at him, both of us happy as pigs in mud. He looked up at me, kissed my cock a few times, licking the head, then began returning it to my shorts for me. I grabbed his hand however, having another idea.

"Stand up Billy" I commanded. Billy got to his feet, as did I. I stepped to the side of him, and spun him around to face the desk. I returned my right hand to the back his head and pushed him down, the side of his face pinned to the desk. "Hands behind your back" I said firmly, to which he also complied. I took my free hand and moved it to his waist, my fingers grabbing hold of his shorts and pulling them down to reveal his smooth, round hairless cheeks. With his feet barely touching the ground, immobilised against the desk, I took my still hard cock and started rubbing it up and down his crack. With one hand on his head and one hand holding both wrists bound to his back, I could feel Billy's heart pounding through his arse, my dick separating the two mounds apart, glancing his hole over and over. I was smearing his spit up and down his arse, my cock coming back to life at the sensation. I couldn't believe I was doing this: pinning a guy down onto his Dad's work desk, his small but perfectly round arse squeezing my dick as I teased his hole. I'd never been able to do anything like this with a chick, but then no one had ever given themselves up so freely to me, unlocked this kinky and dominant side to me, hiding for so long. After several minutes, I leaned over and rested my body on top of his. "More and more I'm getting the urge to fuck your juicy arse dude. I bet you and your hole are hungry for it. I can feel you shuddering beneath me. Can't believe I'm doing this in your Dad's office, on his desk. You want it so fucking bad dude, and you're gonna get it soon. Never thought I'd ever do anything like this but when you serve yourself up on a platter little guy I've just gotta have a bite. Fuck yeah I'm the boss. One day I'm going to bend you over this table and break you in."

"Yes Sir" he whimpered over and over again. I finally placed my cock head at his hole one more time and gently pressed my hips in, the pressure building, feeling his hole giving in. Damn he wanted it bad, and so did I really. I didn't know at that point, but it was going to be the best feeling my cock would ever enjoy, only beaten by Billy's throat. Just then I pulled back, releasing him and returning my cock to my pants. "You liked that didn't you?" I teased. He lay there, breathing heavily, stunned, not only by what had happened but how quickly it had finished. I wanted him to know what was coming, that I was gonna fuck him soon, but that it was going to happen on my terms. He had relinquished this power to me and I was grabbing hold of it firmly.

Finally, we took a minute to regain ourselves, got our clothes back on and walked out of George's office. I opened the door and just coming out of the lift was the cleaner. She smiled at us and continued on her way into George'e office, not knowing that had she been only a couple of minutes early she'd have got the shock of her life. Billy and I waited till we were safely in the lift before bursting into laughter, at how reckless and serious that could've been. We agreed though just how worth it it was, Billy look up at me with all the affection and adoration in the world. We parted ways in the basement and headed on home, both feeling very satisfied.

As I pulled into my car space at home, however, I remembered the email from this morning and the little storm cloud above my head returned. I still had to figure out exactly what I was going to do about my living situation: do I fight or flee? After having some of Billy's dinner he'd brought over last night, I jumped onto Reddit and started catching up on some of the dumbshit I follow. Then it hit me Ð lets see what shit the Reddit community can come up with to figure this shit out! My first draft basically said something along the lines of this:

<I'm being kicked out of my apartment for refusing the real estate agent's advances

So I've [M, 29] just moved to a new city, new job, been living in this apartment for about a month, got a sweet deal from the landlord thanks to the "super friendly" real estate agent who I figured was a little keen. He has since sent through flowers, wine, texts asking to hang out, finally rocking up yesterday wanting to take me out to lunch. After I politely refused the offer, he said if I didn't let him suck my dick, I'd be kicked out. I got an email from him this morning now saying I have two weeks to move out and might not get my bond back. I'm not interested in him at all (I'm straight) so don't want to take him up on the offer (he's a fucking creep too so I'm not willing to experiment). Worried that if I fight it and make a complaint nothing will come of it, but if I just move out (if I can find a place) he'll keep on pulling this shit on other people. What should I do?>

I read over what I'd written, and started reflecting on how much more had happened in the past month: small town guy, moving to the city, getting a dream job, all of a sudden getting BJs from the boss's son in the office, getting fed and looked after by him and his boyfriend cause the're obsessed with me and consider me their `Alpha', getting blackmailed and kicked out for not letting another dude blow me. I figured why the fuck not, share it all and see if anyone cares, and so I did. I wrote pages of backstory, from the breakup through to moving, to the awesome job, to having a gay couple start treating me like a porn-star king, to the drama with the apartment. By the time I posted it I was buggered, so I hit the shower and then collapsed into bed.

I woke up the next morning to a tsunami of responses and messages. The messages ranged from support to disbelief, jealousy and concern: some people were calling it out as fake, heaps of people calling me gay or at least bi (which is probably true I realise now), some people telling me they want to take Billy and Paul's place, others were saying they want to be in my position and some offered helpful advice around getting around this real estate agent. One private message, from a guy called "AlphaBullDog", caught my attention, not only cause of the name but as he started his message with "Welcome to Alphahood my man!" before going on to critically analyse my situation and provide sage advice, "from one Alpha to another". What really drew me in was his dismissal of the more passive suggestions in dealing with the estate agent, and taking a more, let's say, assertive approach Ð "You can't let this little beta bitch get away with treating Alpha's like this. It's our responsibility to put these cunts back in their place". He finished by providing his contact details and asking me to add him on Whatsapp. I checked out his profile and this dude seemed legit. He was huge: only an inch or two shorter than me, but weighed 120 kgs of solid muscle (he kept his face hidden). He had a huge number of posts, from growing up in a poor household, being a middle-eastern guy in London, fitness and food blogging, clothing and fashion (a mix of streetwear, swimmers and suits) and lots of travel posting. He offered people advice and was pretty good humoured too. The guy seemed pretty set for life, with a former modelling career before moving into advertising and then apparently running his own agency, all at the age of 35. Interestingly, one post spoke unashamedly spoke about his polyamorous relationship: he had a wife and two boyfriends, all living under the one roof. He proudly called himself a "respectful Alpha" that took care of his "family" but enjoyed his place "atop the pecking order".

I sent him a text in the morning, introducing myself and how his responses really resonated with me. It wasn't till later in the afternoon that he responded, due to the time difference and all. I waited till I got home before writing back, getting into a solid, naturally flowing conversation getting to know one another. I learned that AlphaBullDog's name was Ali, and that everything else he'd posted on Reddit was true. He said he reached out as he remembered being in a similar situation to me, learning about the power and benefits of the Alphahood. However, his experiences really started back when he was 16, when a friend of his from school revealed himself to be not only gay but infatuated with Ali and basically threw himself into being Ali's "little bitch". This friend ended up providing the first of many sexual moments for Ali: hand job, head and finally fucking him. He also cleaned Ali's room at home, did his washing, paid for things, gave him massages, ate his arse out. Ali then realised his power extended to other people in a multitude of ways, from social life to study, work, and sport, and could be used not only for his own benefit but for that of others too. He said he also learned the destructive nature of his power in his mid-twenties (but declined to go into any details), before finally finding his now wife and then later on "collecting" his two boyfriends.

"It sounds like you've got yourself the perfect little sub couple to test all this stuff out dude, just hope you realise how lucky you are!" Ali said. "But what are you gonna do about this beta-arse real estate fool?"

"I don't know man. I know I can't stay here, that's for sure. Billy offered me to move in with them, but I don't know about that. I feel like I need my own place to retreat to, I don't know if I'm ready, or if I'll ever be ready, to take that leap."

"Well the way you got to start thinking about it, is that if and when you move in with this sub couple, it no longer is their apartment: its your apartment too. Just remember, you're the Alpha and they're the submissives. They're there to make your life as comfortable, pleasurable and successful as possible. They thrive on it. You're their King man, just remember to be a kind, merciful ruler and you'll all be fine. So I reckon you don't play this fucker's game, I reckon you give him a little education on what it means to mess with an Alpha. Take control."

So together we hatched a plan to get back at him before the end of the two weeks, and as I said at the end of the last chapter, Billy was going to need to play a role. Lunch on Wednesday I took Billy out to the park and divulged the plan to him, asking for his help. As I recounted my conversations with Ali and had explained the plan to him in detail, he looked at me cautiously and, after I had finished, asked "are you sure about this Sir? Of course, I am here for you to do anything you need, but I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"I think it's pretty risky too, but I can't just roll over and let him get away with treating me or anyone else like this. Plus, I didn't just want to dob him in, not knowing if there'd actually be any retribution. I think we can plan it and be safe enough that he'll get a good fucking lesson and get what he deserves."

"Ok Sir, well I'll absolutely be there. To be honest, while I'm nervous, this is going to be really hot! I'm not going to lie, I kinda love this wicked side to you, Sir."

"Yeah me too, little man, I guess it all comes back to my Dad's number one life lesson: don't be a dick!"

Come the following night, I'd asked the real estate guy around on the pretense of an apology and dinner. He'd smuttily written back "there's only one thing I want on the menu and that's your dick." I cringed at the message, but felt even more committed to carrying out the payback I had planned. I had been to the gym and so was my sweaty gym clothes waiting for him to arrive. There was a knock at the door around 7.30pm and I found him standing there beaming, hair all coiffeured, a garish outfit and that overpowering perfume. "Ooh, all sweaty and worked out from the gym, so sexy!" He said as he walked in past me. He once again ran his eyes over the apartment, unimpressed, before turning back to me with sex eyes. "I'm sorry things went to such a bad place but I'm glad you came to your senses Sam. This is business, after all. You give me what I want and you can stay here as long as you like. Call it a quid pro blow!" He laughed at his own joke, no doubt one he'd been sitting on for a while, and I joined in half-heartedly.

"You gave me no choice I guess, but if all it takes is getting head, then I'm willing to, umm, give it a try." He smiled and started sidling up towards me, fucking misplaced cockiness for sure.

"You won't regret it, I promise, and I'm so keen to get a taste of that big dick you got hiding in those shorts. But, while the whole sweaty gym look is sexy, I'm not a fan of uncleanliness, so you'll have to go shower first, ok? You go get cleaned up and I'll wait here. You can take me out to dinner then I'll come home and get my dessert." He turned away from me toward the couch and I sprung on him. He landed with his face planted on the couch, my body pinning him down. I grabbed both his wrists and pulled them behind him, his cries stifled against the couch, the squirming match for my strength. I pulled out some binding rope from my pocket I had prepared earlier and looped it around his weak wrists, tying them together tightly. With one knee on his back, I reached down and pulled off my shoes. I took off my sweat soaked ankle socks and shoved them into his mouth, muting his bitchy little whining. He sounded like he gagged which made me laugh. I then picked him up, carried him over to a dining chair and plonked his arse down. Straddling him to hold him still, I brought yet more rope out and secured his body to the backrest. I then stood up, lowered the backrest onto the ground, grabbed hold of each of his ankles and secured them to the chair legs, before bringing him back upright. I stood back and admired my handiwork, his body fully jostling yet restrained, his moans and groans muted. I crossed my arms, stared down into his terrified eyes and laughed a little bit. But I wasn't here to hurt the guy and I needed him to calm down to let this lesson really sink in.

"Alright dude, stop your struggling. I'm not gonna beat you up and I'm not gonna rape you. To be honest, the last thing I want to do is put my dick near you dude and I don't want any more problems than you've already caused me. I just wanted to teach you a little lesson is all. Understand?" While his breathing was still fast, he had quietened down and was listening to my every word. "Good. Now the thing is little man, you can't go around blackmailing people into doing what you want. You can't use the carrot of cheap rent and the stick of eviction, to sexually manipulate people. I. Don't owe you. Anything. You're a creepy, manipulative, deranged and arrogant little shit. You need to realise that your actions have consequences, and that you're going to fall very hard when you mess with the wrong people.

"Here's the deal. I'm going to do the right and proper thing and report you to the authorities. All those sleazy-arse texts and emails are going straight to the real estate board and, if you don't cooperate, the Police. At the very least you'll lose your practicing license, at the worst, prosecuted under criminal law. What you're going to do to avoid the cops, is release the bond in my name tomorrow. If I don't get confirmation of that by 5pm, it's straight to the cops." His face had fallen when I told him all this and I knew I had him. He might have been a manipulative and confident prick but he certainly wasn't a smart one.

"As to actually getting your hands on my dick, there's no way I'd ever go for something like you. I've recently had my eyes open to what I deserve, what people are really willing to do for me, how much more worth I am, than you'll ever be. You're a fake, you're vapid, arrogant, greasy and a fucking pervert. I know who I am: I'm smart, generous, hardworking, loyal, and yeah, I'm a fucking catch with a great dick and I've come to appreciate that people will fall over themselves to do whatever they can for me, cause I deserve it. I'm an Alpha, and you're fucking nothing.

"I never even knew this until I moved up to the City, but it's taken one guy in particular to make me realise just what I'm worth. Billy, come in here dude." Billy came in, wearing nothing but a black jock, his butt filling it out nicely. He immediately kneeled in front of me and stared intently up at my face, while I held my eyes with the estate agent. "You want to suck an Alpha dude's dick? You want the honour and the pleasure of sucking on my cock? This is what you've got to do to get it. You've got to fucking earn it dude." At that, I put my hand on the back of Billy's head and brought him to my crotch, hearing him inhale deeply straight away. He let out a soft moan before continuing to take in my sweaty scent, his hands running up and down my thick hairy legs. I looked down at my hand, huge in comparison to his small head, pressing his face into my cock, and immediately felt the blood start to rush. "This is the kind of action that Alpha's deserve. He's not bitching about my sweat or demanding this or that. He waits for my instructions, does as he's told and shows just how much he wants to please me. If you ever want to get as close to my dick or any other real Alpha out there, this is what you've got to do. Alright Billy" I said as I took my shirt off and threw it on the ground "show him what you've got."

I knew that just one huff of my junk had gotten Billy into the zone, and he didn't disappoint. He looked up pleadingly, and I nodded my head, indicating that he could remove my shorts. He always knew to ask, to beg, before he could proceed and I fucking love it. Once I'd stepped out of them, Billy started licking the front of my underwear, sucking on my bulge, burying his nose in under my balls, kissing the inside of my thighs, his breathing heavy. His hands continued to massage my legs, while I continued to press his head with my hand. I alternated between looking down at Billy, enjoying the love he was giving my dick, and looking over at the trussed-up dickhead, his eyes bulging as he watched the scene unfolding. I noticed his mouth moving, absentmindedly sucking on my sweaty socks and I laughed, knowing it was having the same effect as it did on Billy and Paul. I pulled Billy's head away and made eye contact, nodding again. He licked his lips and began pulling my underwear down, his eyes locked on my cock, it stretched to its limit. He was hungry, and so was my captive, entranced. I slapped my cock against Billy's face a few times, beads of precum sticking to his cheeks. I then collected a couple of drops from the tip, reached over and smeared it under the creep's nostrils, just to tease him even more. He breathed in, eyes closed, and he shuddered, probably close to jizzing in his pants. I smirked, then returned to slapping my cock against Billy's face.

"How bad do you want my cock, dude?"

"More than anything in this world, Sir. I'll do anything for you."

"Show this piece of shit how to treat an Alpha. Lick my balls clean, then throat my cock and make me cum." Billy didn't need telling twice. His tongue attacked my balls with long, wet lashes, soaking up my gym sweat and massaging my hypersensitive sack. At one stage, we locked eyes, such an intense moment reaffirming just how far our relationship had come in such a short time, our places in the universe becoming more and more defined. After several minutes, his tongue travelled up the underside of my cock, circled my head, then his lips formed a tight seal and engulfed the shaft all the way to the hilt, his throat performing that familiar massage. "Fuck yeah this is what I'm talking about. Swallow that cock, dude". For the next several minutes Billy worshipped my cock like his life depended on it. The sweat started building again as I started drilling his throat, both hands squeezing his head as my load built up. "This is how you take an Alpha's dick. This is the fucking devotion and effort you gotta put in every time to earn my load." Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer. I pulled out, held his head back and let the first shot hit his face, before burying my cock back in him and depositing it into his mouth, his tongue seeking every drop it could. I think I actually roared I was so fired up, the cum firing so fast out of my cock. Finally, after I finished emptying my balls, my body relaxed, I withdrew my dick, Billy's tongue continuing to slowly and lightly lick my groin clean.

I turned my attention to the stunned man in the seat, his eyes unblinking with tear stains down his cheeks. I reached out and took my socks from his mouth, no words immediately coming as he was freed. Finally, he looked up and said "I, I'm sorry Sir, please forgive me. I've learned my lesson." He was nothing but sincere and cowed, the realisation of his true position having taken over. I motioned for Billy to untie his hands and feet, and he sat motionless. I realised he was waiting for my direction, so I went and sat down on the couch.

"On your knees." He complied, his eyes locked with mine. "Lick my feet." Without flinching, he crawled to the end of the couch, my feet propped up on the arm, and stared at my soles unsure of what to do, my toes slowly wiggling in anticipation. His face slowly moved in toward my sole, and he hesitated, taking a shallow sniff, before once again shuddering in ecstasy.

"Billy, better crawl over there and show him how its done. Educate the little bitch". Billy crawled over and began instructing him on the proper way to worship a man's feet.

"Sir likes long licks from the heel to the underside of his toes, like this." He licked my left foot three times, just as he stated, his tongue tracing along the arch, over the ball of my foot and across the underside of my ties, lightly prying into the gaps. My new foot worshippper followed exactly. "He also likes to be lightly nibbled all over his sole, especially the meaty part under his toes." Damn I did like it, the both of them giving me little chills! "After that, you should take his big toe into your mouth and suck it like you would a cock, massaging it with your tongue and lips." Up and down they bobbed, just like Billy had done to my dick a few minutes ago. "Then repeat the process for every toe along the line, making sure to lick each gap in between." I loved the light tickling sensation when their tongues swept up all the fuzz and whatnot in between my toes. I sighed in contented, closing my eyes to enjoy the attention. After a few minutes, I clicked my fingers, pointed to Billy and then to my pit. He crawled down the length of the couch, buried his face in my pit and began cleaning that too.

I lay with my hands behind my head for the next 30 minutes, enjoying the attention my sore, sweaty body was receiving, before deciding the night had come to an end. I sat up and slowly pushed this reformed servant's head down on the ground underneath my sole. "Have you learned your lesson?" I asked.

"Yes Sir. Thank you." He said deferentially. "I'm sorry for threatening to evict you. You can stay as long as you need Sir. Please let me be at your feet tonight Sir, IÉnever thought I would ever do anything like that but I want to do it for you."

"Good of you to come around like that, but I don't need this place anymore. I've got a new place to go to. So, before you go, remember what I told you, and don't ever think of getting in touch with me again. This is the closest you'll ever get to serving me, you'll never replace Billy here. Got it?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you." He stood up and without any resistance walked to the door, opened it and left. I lay back down, the smile across my face, with Billy staring in awe up at me.

"That went pretty well, aye, little man?" I asked. Billy smiled and nodded, still in his hypnotised state. "How I jump in the shower then we can head to bed. You can stay here tonight right?"

"Yes Sir, I'd love to." I got into the shower and washed off the sweat, cum and saliva collected over the past few hours. Once I was fully clean, I dried myself off and crawled into the middle of the bed. Billy came into the room after cleaning up the place, my eyes travelling over the near naked body, his underwear only covering his package. While Billy is short and slight, he is definitely a man, toned and firm, with just the lightest dusting of fair hair. He turned to get under the sheets, giving me a quick view again of his perky butt. Once under, he faced me but kept a little distance, so I threw my arm over him and pulled him into my side, his head resting on my chest. A smile spread across his face and he nuzzled into my chest hair, giving my nipple a couple of cheeky licks and nibbles, eliciting a moan from within me. My hand travelled down his back and found his butt.

"I like these dude, easy access to your arse" I growled.

"Yes Sir, I thought you might prefer it if I wear a jock. It, umm, allows easy access to my arse but keeps my cock and balls covered."

"Mmmm so you thought you'd wear this in the hopes you might get lucky tonight, huh?" I said as my fingers teased his cracked and worked their way towards his hole.

His mouth again found my nipple and parted, allowing his tongue to dart out and tickle it, equally teasingly. "Yes Sir. Think of it kind of like the good sub's uniform: a lot of Alpha's don't want to have our dicks get in the way, they just want access to our holes. The jock is the perfect clothing for that."

I laughed as I continued to play with his hole. "Dude, you're such a fucking perv." I then flipped him around so I was spooning him, my cock once more nestled along his crack. "But I guess then so am I."

Next: Chapter 6

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