Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Mar 2, 2020


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Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 5

My dick started to soften in Billy's mouth whilst the tingling in my balls started rising with each lick by Paul, making me wriggle against the ongoing attentions of their worship. "Alright guys, you gotta stop, I'm too sensitive now!" I complained half-heartedly. Paul's face pulled away from my nuts after one last long lick, while Billy lips retracted firmly off my cock, it now lying satisfied below my stomach. Billy turned to look at me while still on his knees beside the couch, his eyes dazed yet serene. Paul walked past Billy, running his hand gently through his partner's hair, collecting my glass and returning to the kitchen to refill it with ice-cold water. I closed my eyes, feeling peaceful and content, and put my hand on Billy, scratching his head and pulling him down onto my stomach. "I didn't know blowjobs could feel that good little man. I can't even understand how you got my cock so far down your throat, I must have been punching your stomach! But thanks to both of you. I've never felt this good before!" Paul returned and set my glass down on the table.

"If you'd like Sir, I'd love to give you a massage?" Paul offered, with a tone of hope in his voice.

"For real? Dude I don't know if I could feel any more relaxed than I am right now, but hey, if you're offering I won't say no. Where do you want me?" Paul directed me to the spare bedroom where I'd slept last week and had me lay in the middle of the bed on my stomach. Paul must have walked in and prepared whilst he was getting my water, as the doona and top sheet had been pulled off the bed and a fresh towel laid down for me. It was lucky he had as I was sweaty and sticky from the session that'd just finished. I got into position, closing my eyes and waiting for those little hands to work their magic, and boy, magic doesn't even begin to describe it. At first, I felt a little strange as Paul straddled my back, but once he started rubbing my shoulders, every thought and inhibition (what was left of them anyway) melted away. He used these amazing scented oils that perfectly heated up as they were spread over my back and neck, feeling like they were seeping deep into my muscles. Having never paid for a massage to this day I can't really comment on the style or what exactly he was doing, but his hands were everywhere. He alternated the pressure, the speed, the motions, the positions, transitioning from my neck down the length of my back in long strokes before then focusing on certain sections. He massaged my arse cheeks, which felt so much better than I thought it would, before moving down my legs, digging out knots and releasing tension I didn't know I had stored up. His fingers, thumbs, palms, wrists and forearms rolled and pulled and pushed my muscles. He traveled down to my calves, repeating the same experiences, before once again spending time on my feet.

He performed firm little circles on my heels, worked through my Achilles, then turned his attention to my soles. He ran his knuckles up and down, then squeezed my soles and tops between his fingers as continued the up and down action. Finally, he pulled gently on my toes, worked his fingers between the gaps, repeated the circular motion on the balls of my feet, before returning to my soles for a few more minutes of alternating long and short strokes.

"How was that, Sir?" Paul asked, standing up from the bed and next to my feet, his fingers lightly tracing circles on my soles. I could only moan my response, well and truly relaxed beyond anything I'd ever felt. I felt like I couldn't move, didn't want to move, with my breathing slow and deep, my body warm and tingly. "You can stay as long as you like Sir, but when you're ready, jump in the shower to wash off the oil, and also our saliva" he added cheekily. He left me alone in the bedroom for a few minutes and I stayed still until my senses returned and I regained the normal feelings throughout my body. I could feel the oil slick all down my body and legs and was keen to wash off in the shower, after all I hadn't even showered after the gym that morning, not counting the head to toe licking the two guys had undertaken earlier. Still completely nude, I walked out into the living room again, the two boys in the kitchen preparing food.

"How are you feeling, Sir?" Billy inquired.

"Brilliant, actually, I'm super tired and relaxed though, Paul's a wonder with his hands. I'm just going to jump in the shower now, then you guys are putting something together for dinner yeah?"

"Yep, take your time in the shower, dinner won't be ready for a little while. Would you like us to help wash off the oil on your back Sir?" Billy asked, expectantly.

"Umm nah I should be right, thanks though" I said almost reflexively. As I stepped into the bathroom and started running the shower, I thought over their offer and my immediate rejection: they'd just blown me and licked my sweaty body, what the hell did I have to hide? I poked my head out of the bathroom and said "On second thought, yeah I could use your help, especially to get my back." They both dutifully followed me into the bathroom, undressing completely and joining me under the water. It was the first time I'd seen both of them completely naked, and as I'd previously described regarding Billy, the differences between us were stark. Their dicks were soft and small compared to mine but probably average for guys of their size, I thought at the time. Almost immediately I felt their hands and soft loofas washing soap into my chest and back. While I'd just had a thorough massage not five minutes before, I wasn't going to object to another one. They lathered me up, the expensive body wash taking the sweat and oil away. After washing my pits and arms, Billy knelt down in front to wash my crotch while Paul started soaping up my crack. It was such a weird sensation having someone scrub your butt, but while it felt quite nice I was once again distracted by Billy's hands on my cock and balls. I stood there with my eyes closed, the water cascading down my body, feeling my cock once again start to beef up, knowing that Billy was purposely spending way more time than was needed to clean my junk. However, both he and Paul eventually moved to my legs, then asked me to lift my foot up and rest it on his leg while he scrubbed the sole and toes with a pumice. I thankfully am not very ticklish so was able to withstand the onslaught to my feet. Finally, I was thoroughly clean, however I now had to tend to my reflated cock.

I turned off the water, grabbed Billy's head between my hands and pulled him up to face my cock, his mouth already watering awaiting my instructions. "I know how much you like my cock all sweaty post workout, but you've got me all horned up again. I think you're going to have to take care of it for me, aren't you?" I asked firmly but still playfully.

"Yes Sir!" was the immediate response as expected. I smirked, bringing his face in under my cock and pushing his lips up against my balls.

"Lick" I commanded, and at once I felt his tongue dance across my sack in smooth consistent motions. I moaned my appreciation, continuing to hold the back of his head with one hand while stroking the hair on my stomach and chest with the other. I turned around to Paul who was still kneeling behind me and asked "you gonna put that tongue to use again too, little guy?" expecting him to lick my legs or something. Instead, his hands came up to my arse cheeks, gently pulling them apart and burying his face in between. Quick as a flash his tongue was on my hole, swiping over it and sending currents of electricity through my body. "Woah, holy fuck!" I said, quivering at this strange but incredible intrusion. I'd heard of rimming before but had never really thought much about it, seeing as I never really wanted to put my face up against someone's arse. But damn it felt good! I regained my composure, holding Billy's head in place while relaxing to allow Paul to work his tongue. These new sensations brought a raw and assertive side out from deep within me, and I started getting verbal with them as they continued worshipping my body.

"Mmmmm this is the best fucking shower I've ever had, I need two little helpers to clean me up then get me off every time! Yeah, keep tonguing my balls Billy that feels so good. Building up a nice healthy load for you, your beggin for it little manÉ fucking damn, Paul, keep that tongue on my arse! Massage my cheeks with your hands, yeah that's it. Yeah keep your face in there while I get another awesome BJ from your BF." I started backing up towards the wall, pinning Paul between it and my arse. I then grabbed Billy's head between my meaty hands and guided him to my cock, looking down and locking eyes with him as I slowly buried my dick in his throat to the hilt. My head rolled back as his tongue, lips and throat massaged my cock, my arse contracting around Paul's tongue. "Ah fuck" I moaned out breathlessly. I then started slowly pulling Billy off my dick, keeping my head inside and enjoying his tongue dancing around it, before slowly pulling him back all the way in, his lips forming a tight seal around my throbbing cock.

Up and down, maintaining the same slow tempo, I kept my myself on edge for several minutes. It was honestly one of the hottest sights ever, controlling this little guy as he worshipped my cock while his boyfriend lathered my hole. It was the best damn feeling in the world and I didn't want it to end, but I could feel myself getting close, so extracted my cock from Billy's hungry mouth and set him back on my balls. "Damn man, you're hoovering the cum out of me. You've got to have one of the most talented mouths on the planet. You ready for another load?" I asked as I slowly stroked my dick.

"Yes Sir, please! If you'd like, you can cum on our faces, you can cum wherever you'd like!" he suggested. I liked the thought of seeing that and nodded with a wicked smile.

"Fuck yeah man, let's do it. Paul, get your tongue off my arse, your turn to have a taste of my load". I eased up on Paul's head and felt warm air hit my hole. Paul crawled around in front of me, the two guys kneeling excitedly in front of me. "Alright you two, make me cum!" Paul's mouth went for the head of my cock, while Billy returned to licking my balls. Paul's tongue massaged the underside of my head while his hand jacked my shaft, quickly building my orgasm up into a frenzy. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" I warned, their two faces pressed against each other, their mouths open as Paul continued to beat my cock. My whole body tensed and a powerful shot flew out and hit Paul's cheek. My cum started pouring out, eight dollops of cum dripping down onto them equally, covering their mouths, cheeks, noses. Paul slowly and firmly eked out the last of the cum from my shaft, before he and Billy started delicately lapping away at my balls and cock. My breathing started to slow down as I enjoyed this last little action. They alternated between sucking my dick, licking my balls, kissing my thighs, all the while licking each other's faces, scrapping the cum off and licking their fingers clean. I leant back against the wall, looking down at my two little cocksuckers and laughed a little, the scene before me something I'd never thought I'd experience.

"Looks like you two are gonna need another shower, to clean up after your cum shower." They both looked at each other, laughed, then began to stand up. I flipped on the tap for them, restarting the cascading hot water and made to step out and grab my towel.

"Wait please Sir!" Billy called out. I turned around, my dick flopping against my thigh. He knelt down again, down to his hands and planted two butterfly kisses on my feet. "Thank you for that amazing experience, Sir" he said sitting back on his ankles while looking up at me, a bright happy face staring up at me.

"You guys are something else. Don't be too long now, I'm super hungry after busting two loads!" I said playfully, drying myself off and walking back towards the bedroom. I threw on my spare clothes I'd brought and lay back on the bed, basking in that post orgasm glow you get. I still couldn't believe this was all happening: a couple of weeks ago, the thought of doing anything sexual with a guy wouldn't have even crossed my mind. I'd been straight my whole life, had always loved chicks, always thought that I'd end up with a wife and kids. I guessed those things could still happen, but what woman could seriously give head as good as those two? What woman was gonna get down on her hands and knees and worship my feet like that? I'm sure they're out there, but man how the hell would you ever bring this shit up with a woman? "Get down and lick my feet" is not gonna fly with at least 99% of the female population, right? I'd have to be with a porn star or something, or some freaky ass chick with a whole heap of other crazy. II thought 'd probably have to settle having a wife and then a dude on the side, purely to do that kinda raunchy shit with. This alpha stuff that Billy and Paul were talking about was really coming out in me, I just wanted to be treated like a king right there and then, men and women worshipping my body and doing anything I told them to. My mind was filling up with all these crazy possibilities. How many people out there were actually like Billy and Paul? I guess it didn't matter at that moment because I had them fawning over me, and it was fucking sweet!

My rambling thoughts were brought to an end when Billy poked his head into the room, letting me know that dinner would be ready in a few minutes, but that they had some snacks out for me. I got up and followed him out, my eyes once again falling on to his little round butt as he walked back into the kitchen. I knew at some stage things would progress to that, but I wasn't quite ready. I sat at the table and shoveled the dip and crackers into my mouth, realising how long it had been since I'd eaten that morning. I drank the glass of wine they'd put out for me and chatted as they busied themselves finishing up the meal. Eventually they returned to the table, with a Turkish themed spread on offer. I to this day don't even know what the food was but it was so delicious. Some sort of spiced lamb dish, heaps of veggies, dips and sauces, more wine. I once again ate more than the two of them combined, till I thought I couldn't eat another bite. Then they brought out dessert, banoffee pie, which is one of my favourites. I somehow located a spare stomach and ate two or three helpings, before finally declaring I was full. I retired to the couch, knowing not to offer to help cleanup as they always insisted on doing everything themselves. I flicked on Netflix and started surfing through the options, settling on the new season of "The End of the Fucking World".

Eventually they both joined me at the couch. I'd sprawled out with one foot on the couch and one foot on the ground. The little foot freaks decided to take one each, with Billy sitting on the couch and resting my left foot on his lap, while Paul positioned himself on the ground and rested the right one in his lap. They tickled and massaged my feet as we watched the show, this scene becoming almost the go to position for all of us as the months have gone on. After watching a couple of episodes, we all agreed how tired we all were and decided to go to bed. I retreated to the spare room, wishing each other a good night and reminding Billy that we were headed to the gym again in the morning. I once more climbed into bed and had an awesome night's sleep.

We all enjoyed a hearty cooked breakfast in the morning before Billy and I went into the gym. We did another good workout, with a little bit more flirting and teasing than even the session the day before, then packed up and headed off. Billy asked what I was getting up to for the rest of the day, and I said "better get some cleaning done I guess, then just chilling out. What about you guys?" Billy said he was going home to cook dinner for his dad and I for the week, however I invited him around to come check out my place before he went home. There were no pretensions, just simply inviting him over, and it wasn't too far out of his way. We both drove over separately and he joined me inside not long after I'd arrived. I lived in a shoebox compared to his palatial apartment, and my furniture was all typical bachelor style considering I'd had to buy new stuff after I moved up to the city. Still Billy said it was cute and was good for a first base to settle in.

"What cleaning did you need to do, Sir?" he asked. I just said I was going to run the vacuum through the house and just do a little general clean up. "Have you got some good cleaning stuff with you? I could bring my stuff back and get stuck into it for you if you like?" he offered, even this level of generosity catching me off guard. "I can nip home now, get some food started, be back and zip through it in a couple of hours for you." I genuinely tried to resist, saying it wasn't necessary. He looked me in the eyes and explained again "Sir, please, I want to do this for you. Anything I can do to make your life easier and more comfortable is going to make me happy, not put me out. It'll give me as much pleasure as everything that happened yesterday did." I raised my eyebrows at that last comment, and he blushed, admitting "well, not quite as much, but still Sir, please let me do this for you?" I threw up my hands, laughed and agreed to letting him clean my apartment for me in addition to cooking me dinner for the week ahead. He beamed, picked up his keys and quickly left to get his cleaning products from home, being superior to my cheap stuff.

Not long after I'd sat down and started catching up on some sports news, there was a knock at the door. Thinking Billy had left something behind, I opened the door, only to find the creepy real estate agent smiling greasily at me. "Hi Sir, hope I haven't caught you at a bad time, how are you?" I was stunned silent for a second or two, torn between responding and slamming the door on him.

"Ah hey dude, umm yeah not too bad, just back from the gym. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, I was just in the area and thought I'd drop by and see how things were going with the place. Don't worry, it's not an official inspection or anything, just a social visit more than anything. May I come in?" I stupidly stood aside, my good manners clouding my better judgement. He was wearing a black suit with patent leather shoes (with a big buckle on top), his hair perfectly gelled back and fixed in place, a pair of expensive sunglasses sitting above. He had on a bright skinny tie over an equally loud shirt that kinda screamed money but not taste. I could also smell the overpowering cologne which stung my nose. After the short time we'd known each other, I really, really didn't like the guy and having him in my apartment made me really uneasy.

"It's great that you're getting settled in, good to hear you've found a gym, not that you look like you need it, stud" he chuckled afterward, looking me up and down. He then turned and looked at my furniture, his saccharin facade partly and momentarily melting away as he noticed how cheap and basic everything was. "Have you made many friends in the past couple of weeks? Maybe some other hot gym junky mates?" he asked inquisitively.

"Uhh well ya a good mate from work and then a couple of the landscapers as wellÉ"

He jumped in "oooh landscapers, hot! Love a man who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty!" He was really dialing up the creep vibes even more than I thought possible. Does this shit actually work on guys? Especially straight guys, who would want him anywhere near their dick, seriously? "Anyway, I thought if you're not too busy I could take you out for something to eat? Big man like you must have a big appetite I bet, all on me, what do you say?"

"That's really nice of you and all but I was just going to have some leftovers and chill, I've been pretty social all weekend" (getting my dick sucked by a dude who knows how to actually please a guy without being a fucking freak) "so maybe another time, yeah?"

"Oh, don't be like that, you can always use more friends, right? And you should never turn down a free meal, particularly from someone like me. It'll be somewhere super nice, probably better than anywhere you've eaten before. Jump in the shower and I'll wait here, my treat and no catch!"

The level of discomfort was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. This little piece of manipulative shit was way over the boundary and I wasn't gonna have it. "Look dude, as I've said before, I'm not interested, ok? I just want to have a normal landlord-tenant relationship yeah? I pay the bills, you organise any repairs that need doing, that's all."

"Don't be silly, Sam, there's no reason why we can't be more than landlord and tenant. We could be good friends if you'd justÉ step outside your comfort zone. I know you're probably not used to the confidence of a man of the city like myself but there's a reason I'm successful and well connected: I'm good at my job and I get want I want. I got you this place at a great deal because I thought you deserved it. Guys like me are willing to do things for guys like you but you've got to show a little appreciation, and that means taking up my offers when they are offered. So then, lunch, yes?"

I took a deep breath and shifted my weight up and forward, my usual calm, patient self, giving way to anger and frustration. "No, I'm staying here in my apartment, and you're gonna leave. You're really creeping me out, trying to fuckin manipulate me into doing things I don't want to do, and I don't have to put up with this shit."

The few remaining ounces of warmth he seemed to be holding onto fell away, his face turning severe. "I've warned you already not to cross me. You wouldn't have such a sweet deal like this without my help and you won't find anything nearly as good, particularly if word gets around that you're a shit tenant. Now I'll be frank: I don't just put myself out there for any guy, only the really hot ones, even those with ugly furniture and, I'm guessing, not much going on upstairs. I've got a hot fucking mouth and give the best head you could ever dream of! Once straight guys know how fucking great I am they beg for me day and night. Not only that, I could take you to places you'd never even knew could exist! I've got money and I know a lot of people in high places, all at my fingertips. So just think about what you've done you piece of trash. You'll be out of here on your arse before you know what hit you."

With that, he brushed past me towards the door, threw it open, walked out and slammed it behind him. I exhaled, my shoulders slumped forward and I fell back down onto the couch, shaking my head and wondering how the hell I ended up with such a lunatic sex predator for a real estate agent? There was no way I was ever going to give in to him, but it meant I was going to have to move again, and I'd only just arrived a couple of weeks earlier. Even then he said he'd make my life hell trying to find somewhere else to live. I didn't know how much to believe that but I wanted to avoid any drama possible. After a half hour of contemplation, Billy returned from his place, arms full of cleaning products and his trademark smile across his face. He placed them on the table, then went back outside, returning with his Dyson cordless vacuum cleaner, before making one last trip again when he returned with trays and containers of food.

"Ok, can I fix you anything to eat or drink before I get started, Sir?" he asked.

"Ah no thanks, dude, I'm fine. Thanks again for doing this." I wanted to sound genuinely appreciative but my mood had fallen so far since Billy had left that I just wasn't as enthusiastic. Nevertheless, Billy started by putting on a load of washing then cleaning the kitchen. Over the next two hours, he zipped around the place with dusters, cloths, sprays, the vacuum, mops, buckets, cleaning, tidying, straightening up, scrubbing and wiping every surface. It was the most thorough clean the place would've ever seen, definitely since I had moved in at least. After hanging my clothes on the clothes horse and putting a tray of something he'd prepared earlier in the over, he stood just beside the couch and announced that he was done.

"All done, hope I wasn't in your way too much sorry, Sir. I think I might head home as I'm pretty tired but is there anything else I can do before I go?" I told him that the place looked and smelled amazing, how much I appreciated it and that he was free to go. After the drama of the afternoon I just wanted to be alone. But before he turned the door knob, I suddenly called him back. I needed to get what had happened off my chest, and there was no one else I felt comfortable telling. He sat down beside me and looked concerned, picking up on my mood.

"Actually Billy, there's something I need to tell you. While you were gone, the real estate agent turned up. He basically told me that he's going to kick me out of the place if I don't let him, well, suck my dick. How fucked up is that?" For some reason I couldn't look at Billy, and kept my eyes on the floor.

"Oh my god." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "What did you say to him, Sir?"

"That he can't blackmail me like that, that he's a fucking creep and to get the fuck out of my apartment." My heavy breathing returned, thoughts racing through my head as to how to fix this mess. "I can't stay here Billy, I don't want to ever see that fucker again."

"We can report him to whoever accredits his real estate license, put in an official complaint and see if you can get him disciplined. He might even lose his license! You've got those text messages from him too, so you've got evidence. In my opinion Sir, this dipshit real estate agent hasn't got a leg to stand on."

Billy was right, I had options to clear myself and get this creep out of my hair. I started to calm down, my breathing slowing and my thoughts becoming clearer.

"Alternatively, Sir, you can always move in with us and take the second roomÉ if you'd like." I looked at Billy surprised, the looked around at the apartment and, while it was my own space, it definitely wasn't anything special. Billy and Paul's place is amazing, and I knew that I was going to be spending a lot of time there for the food and blow jobs, but I don't think I was ready at the time to move in with them. I'd only known them for a couple of weeks and it seemed a bit crazy to just move in with them. I didn't want things to move to fast.

"That's really sweet of you man, but I like having my own space, and if I can sort this shit out then I'll be happy again living here. Thanks for listening Billy, I won't keep you any longer, head on home little man." Billy got up and said goodnight, leaving me feeling a little more confident and comfortable, in my freshly cleaned apartment. I had a way forward out of this situation and was going to get back to life without this fucker hanging over my head. As the night went on and I headed for bed, my mind started hatching a plan to not just get this guy in trouble with the real estate board, but to also really fuck with him. And I was going to need Billy's help.

Next: Chapter 5

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