Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Feb 14, 2020


I love to hear your feedback so please feel free to e-mail me. This is my second story after Big Benji (taking an extended hiatus as I'm really enjoying writing this story) and from the perspective of the alpha. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome.

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 4

What a rush that night was! I'd never done anything in public before, but there I was getting Billy to lick my sweaty pits clean in the basement car park after our gym sesh. His little tongue did a great job and felt amazing, but it was the rush of seeing him first buried in my left pit and immobilised in place, then willingly tending to my right pit as I relaxed in the front seat of the car that really got me horned up. I'd had a few girls bat eye lids at me, or, before I met Stella, proposition me drunkenly at a bar, but to have someone devotionally lick up your sweat? I was getting used to this. I cut him off after only about five minutes, told him I'd head home and see him in the office the next day. My dick didn't die down the entire way home until I stepped into the apartment, had a glass of water and washed myself off in the shower. Even though I was horny as fuck I decided not to jack off that night and just enjoy the tingling sensation a full set of nads gives you, although it didn't help waking up the next morning tenting the sheets massively.

The rest of the working week was raining so our guys couldn't get out and complete their jobs, pushing back a couple of jobs but giving me plenty of time to get through some admin and finish up some plans I had. I also started joining in on some of George's meetings and sat down with him for an hour or so one day to go through some business strategies for the year ahead. As Billy had said, George and I were quite similar notwithstanding our differences in age and circumstances and we got on like a house on fire. As the week before, Billy prepared our lunches which we'd sometimes eat together or with our colleagues by the kitchen. We stuck to our commitment of hitting up the gym every day that week, getting to know a few other regular lads and girls there as well. Billy and I were becoming really good friends, the conversations and jokes flowing naturally, the little acts he did for me almost going unnoticed now that they seemed so natural and effortless: filling up my water bottle, having my protein shake ready, even opening doors for me when we were entering and leaving the place. We didn't repeat Monday night's performance and Billy didn't even so much as hint at suggesting anything, which I now know to be his innate ability to pick up on signals and moods. It's not that I had been turned off or wasn't interested in anything happening again, I was just slowing things down and keeping a little bit of the tension in the air. I'd also managed to stave off blowing my load, for what purpose I didn't know for sure at the time but somewhere in the back of my mind I was planning something and enjoying teasing myself.

Like last week, the lads hit me up for drinks again on Friday which I was happy to tag along to after being cooped up in the office all week. I asked Billy if he wanted to come along but he declined, saying he wanted to go home and make dinner for Paul as he'd flown in from overseas that morning. I similarly asked a few of the other people in the office just to be polite but they all declined, heading home to their families. Instead of heading to the pub, I went straight over to "the bowl", leaving my car at work and picking up a slab of beer for the boys on my way (note: this is single handedly the easiest way to please a group of guys). Due to the rain the guys hadn't worked all week and had basically been sitting on the couch all day playing Playstation, eating pizza and, in Luke's case, smoking weed.

"Duuuude, finally! How've you been?" Luke was absolutely baked, his eyes barely half open as he sat eating pizza watching Tyler and Josh play Smash Bros. "Oh perfect timing with the beers I am thirsty as, you can chuck em in the fridge and come chill with us." I passed the beers around and then sat down on the couch next to Tyler and Josh while Luke was on the floor in front.

"Where's Dylan at?" I asked, just noticing he was missing.

"What? Oh yeah he should be here soon, he took his girlfriend to the movies today so he could come hang with us tonight. Gotta keep his missus happy right?" Josh responded after losing to Tyler. The pizza was passed around and I treated myself to a couple of slices. After eating high quality home cooked meals all week, the pizza tasted like garbage. We played a four-person game, then watched some NBA highlights when Dylan arrived, talked shit and got pretty hammered. I'd promised Billy I'd go to the gym with him in the morning so I slowed down the booze around 10. An hour later Luke got a text from a fuck buddy and quickly showered to head over.

"Fuck yeah, comin through for me Rachel! It's been like 5 days since she he me up, I'm gonna paint her insides."

Everyone collectively groaned and laughed, "gross dude", "where protection you slut, don't need any more fuck ups in this world!" and "get the fuck out of here already you dog". Not long after, Tyler and Josh decided to head to bed while Dylan and I stayed up for a little bit longer. Dylan started talking about his fiancŽ, they'd been engaged for two years but hadn't set a date for the wedding. Dylan opened up that night and revealed his frustrations with their relationship.

"I just feel like I'm the one putting in all the hard work in our relationship, you know? I work hard, I treat her really well, we go on holidays to where she wants to go, I tell her I love her every day, dude I even do most of the housework. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life but just keeps on working at the damn cafŽ she complains about all the time. She makes up all these excuses for not wanting to set a date for the wedding: I don't know if my parents will be free then', or no it'll be too hot/cold then' or `I don't want to talk about that right now.' It's like she's got cold feet, but every time I ask her if everything's ok she says it is. We have plenty of sex, but it's always me instigating it, and it's become a little routine. I don't know what to do man." He was so glum and frustrated, taking a swig of his beer after getting it all off his chest. I totally sympathised with him, knowing what it was like being in a relationship that was just feeling stale.

"Dude that sucks, it just sounds like she needs to make some decisions to improve her life, actually get on in changing jobs and most importantly talking to you about what's going on in her head. No one wants to feel the way you're feeling dude and you're right to feel a little hard done by." We chatted a little more, telling him about my experiences with Stella, how I hadn't had any action in ages (I conveniently left out my recent fun times with Billy), then I decided to head home while Dylan was staying the night on the couch. I ordered an Uber and waited while Dylan went to the toilet. Just before I left the bowl for my Uber, I noticed Josh creep quickly across the hall from Tyler's room, closing the door behind him. They'd gone to bed a while ago so it was weird that Tyler had been in there in the first place, but I didn't think any more of it and went home.

The next morning, I got up, made myself a smoothie and caught a bus into the city to meet Billy at the gym. I found him waiting by the entrance at 8am, my pre-workout ready in his hand, a fresh towel and his trademark warm smile. We caught up about our Friday nights and then got into our workout. The floor was pretty empty being early on a Saturday morning in the City, so we weren't too bothered by anyone. We started by stretching and doing some lighter weights to get warmed up before moving over to the squat racks. We set up our own to manage the height difference, and as we intended to make the most of the quiet morning in the gym. Slowly over a half hour we built up our weights and lowered our reps, pushing our limits, pushing each other. Billy racked up 80kgs, 50% more than his body weight and what was to be a PB for him (I was hitting around 180kgs). I stood behind him to spot him and encourage him to get this new PB, geeing him up.

"You've got this Billy, as soon as you've got the bar off the rack, set up and drop down. Focus on keeping your chest up, back straight, push your arse out and keep your knees over your toes. Concentrate, with your eyes forward. You've got this man, I'll be right here with you."

Billy nodded "Yes, Sir", then set up under the bar. Two deep breaths, the bar was off the rack and he was set. He pushed his butt out slightly and descended, exhaling till his legs were at just below 90 degrees. A little bounce at the bottom and he started back up. I was squatting right behind him, encouraging him to squeeze his ass, push his hips forward and stand up straight. He paused on the ascent and I caught my hands up under the bar to keep him steady. The motivation and confidence came flooding back into him and he started ascending again, my body up against his, cock nestling into his crack for that split moment till he was standing up right and re-racking the bar.

I slapped Billy on the back, super proud of the little guy. "Fuck yeah dude you did it! New PB, that's awesome!" He turned around, his face flushed but excited, hands raised for high fives. He reached down to grab his water bottle, his eyes glancing my package which, with that fleeting touch against his butt, sent a little blood pumping it up a little but noticeably. He smirked at me but didn't say anything as he swigged from the bottle. I smirked back, casually readjusted myself, then turned to my bar and pumped out a set of five reps before re-racking, clearing our weights and then moving on to the next exercise. We focused on legs all morning for just shy of two hours. I made a point of standing behind Billy when he was performing his reverse dead lifts, our eyes locking on each other in the mirror, the illusion not lost on either of us. Eventually we'd tired ourselves out and left to head back to Billy's for the day. I once again drove my car, parked it in their basement and headed upstairs where Billy was putting together some summer fruits, yoghurt and muesli for breakfast accompanied by the obligatory coffee. We sat out on the balcony and chatted about life, work, friends, movies, TV shows, travel and anything else that sprang to mind.

After a couple of hours, I suddenly realised that Paul was missing. "He flew back yesterday, right? Is he here today?"

Billy responded "He's gone to visit his parents but he'll be back later."

"Cool cool. So, what do you want to do today? The weather's still a bit rubbish, no point in heading out anywhere. Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. Billy was up for it, got a few snacks set up and then organised a Tarantino film, From Dusk till Dawn before heading in for a shower. I thought about jumping into the shower too to wash the gym sweat off and change into some spare clothes I'd brought around, but I knew if I was to fully enjoy what I had planned, I needed to stay sweaty. Billy joined me in the living room not long after.

"Haven't seen this in years, it's a bit of a laugh towards the end ay?" I asked.

"Yeah just like his other movies he takes the piss a little bit, but he's so creepy in it."

"Hey be careful what you say about him, you guys share a foot fetish" I jibed, poking him with my foot under the table.

"Fair call Sir, fair call, but he's into women's feet which is just fucking gross. Ricky Martin has a foot fetish, he's more who I'd prefer to be associated with. Anyway, let's get settled." I plonked down on the coach with an ice water and some popcorn and Billy to my side. About half way through the film my mind started drifting, remembering the moments in the gym this morning, the pit licking on Monday, the foot worshiping on Saturday and Billy and Paul opening up about their adoration of me on Sunday. Billy got up to refill our glasses, and I took the opportunity to lie down on the coach. When he returned, I purposefully kept my eyes on the TV and lift my feet into the air, encouraging him to retake his seat and rest my feet on his lap without a word being spoken. Instantly Billy's skilled hands took hold of my feet and began massaging them. I put one arm behind my head revealing my pit from my tank top, not so subtly teasing him. We watched to the end of the movie, my feet like putty in his hands and Billy slid out from under me and knelt on the floor, continuing the massage but pushing his face up against my soles, inhaling the smell.

I playfully gripped his nose between my big and second toes, gently wiggling my foot back and forth. I smirked and asked "what is it about the smell that you like, dude? I mean they're not too gross from the gym for you obviously."

After taking a particularly big whiff, Billy responded "I love your scent Sir. Everyone smells differently: some guys smell good when they're sweaty, others smell awful. I honestly am kind of obsessed with your smell Sir, I could sit by your feet all day."

"And my pits apparently too!" Billy and I laughed. He continued massaging my feet bringing his nose up under my toes and once again inhaling.

"Absolutely Sir. I'm really driven by smells, even from things like socks, shirts, underwear. It does something to my brain, flicks a switch which immediately puts me into a kind of service mode. It also seems to break down any defenses that I have which can make concentrating really hard when someone like you is around and I can smell you. Even today at the gym, I could only keep exercising because you pushed me to keep going, were keeping me on track. Had you brushed up against my butt one more time Sir I would've been on the floor in a heartbeat. Yeah Sir don't think I didn't know what you were up to at the gym today."

I laughed heartily, "guilty little dude. It's pretty fun knowing I can mess with you this much and know that I'm gonna still get a great massage and food afterwards. But you're being pretty restrained now, I'm kinda surprised you haven't been licking them this whole time," I teased invitingly.

"Oh Sir I've been sitting here patiently waiting for you to tell me I could!"

"Wait, so you're down there dying to put your tongue on my toes but you're waiting for, like, an order?"

"Yes Sir, I do what I'm told to do, or at least I wait for your signal before I undertake any action. Last weekend you dragged your toe across my lips and practically parted them, and only after you invited me to lick your feet did I. You're the one in control Sir I'm here to do as you please."

My lip turned up at the sides and I slowly nodded my head, again learning more and more about Billy's self-imposed subjugation in servicing me. I could feel that now familiar rush of blood, the super ego inside growing and taking control. Once again seeing that little face underneath my sole, his eyes almost pleading for the reward he was after. I brought my right foot back a little, drawing his body along with it, then pushed the back of his head into my right sole with my left foot, resting my feet back on the couch with his head captive. "It's awesome you're addicted to my sweat and smell dude, and I want you to get to know it better. I think you can spend another minute or two there enjoying my foot stink before we try something else." I alternated between gently and firmly rubbing my soles over his face, saying "how about I transfer some of that stank onto your face so you'll smell it long after you've stopped sniffing them?"

Billy really did fall into a kind of trance, his eyes transfixed on me and seemingly unaware of his surroundings. He kept his face close to my soles until I snapped my fingers to get his attention. I pulled my tank top over my head, returning to my reclined position with my left arm over my head and my right hand casually adjusting my growing bulge. I held his eyes, dragging out the silence before my next instruction. "I think my pits need a bit of attention, if that's alright with you?" I said with a 100% expectation of compliance. Billy moved along my body, his fingers, lips and nose lightly dragging along my legs, stomach and chest sending a slight tingle up my spine, before his head came down to nuzzle into my pit. "Yeah dude, fuck yeah that's the shit." I reached over and put my left hand on the back of his head, my thick long fingers easily gripping him and gently tracing his face up and down my pit. "Tell me how that smells little man."

In a slightly drunk, slurred voice, Billy responded "Sir it's as delicious as I remember from Monday. You've got that smell of sweet and earthy, of warmth, that invades my head whenever I get close to you. I can taste it on my tongue without even licking you Sir it's that powerful. I'd love if you'd please let my tongue massage your body for you, Sir?"

I sniggered as he continued to bury his face in my right pit. "Don't worry dude, I know you do, and there's plenty of time for that. But I'm not done teasing you just yet." I quickly sat up, hook my hands hands under Billy's pits and lifted him up, straddling him across my lap. I lay back down, my stone hard dick straining against my shorts as it pointed back towards my belly and nestled underneath his crack. Billy's shock and surprise at being so effortlessly lifted off the ground and my cock parting his cheeks was quickly replaced by his focus on the task at hand, diving down to sniff and nuzzle my left pit. His legs slowly slid out from under him and travelled down the length of mine to lie prone on top of me, his hands tracing up and down my ribs and arms. I closed my eyes and savoured the sensation of his little frame on mine, his face and fingers lightly tickling my pit and torso. Eventually I'd exhausted that sensation, and had dismantled the mental obstacles I'd created that were preventing me from doing what I was about try next. I once again returned my hands to Billy's underarms and lifted him up, placing his feet on the floor beside the couch. I stood up in front of him and instructed:

"Remove my shorts, leave my underwear on, then strip to your underwear." Billy's eyes lit up and he subconsciously, innocently and ever so slightly licked his lips. He pulled my shorts down, his eyes focused on my cock head poking out the top of my underwear which I quickly hid from view, adjusting my junk as it ached for release. I stood out of my shorts and watched Billy quickly strip off his shirt and shorts, revealing a black and blue pair of CKs. It was the first time I had seen him with so few clothes on and, though I'd never ever thought of a guy like this, he was undeniably hot. He had a flat stomach with cum gutters cutting into his waist, a tight and defined chest and slim but toned arms. His legs were similarly toned, with light definition in his thighs and calves. He had a light dusting of hair on his arms and legs, and the light caught a little bit of fuzz on his chest. He looked up at me, hopefully and anxious. The difference in height was amplified by the differences in body type: I was broad shouldered, a thick but softened chest, short dark hair lightly covering my firm but not quite flat stomach, my forearms strong, biceps rounded from my days landscaping, my legs thick and long. We spent a few seconds eyeing each other before I cheekily raised my arms and flexed my biceps, laughing at myself as I stood imposingly in front of Billy.

"Like what you see little man?" Billy nodded, fixated on me, waiting for his next instruction. I pointed to the couch and told him to lie on his back, which he did again without question. Before I took the next step, metaphorically, in exploring this new side to myself, I hovered my foot over his face, lowering it and once again rubbing it all over him. He whimpered, the effect overwhelming his senses. He didn't know what was about to hit him, as I swung my leg over his body, kneeling on the couch to straddle his body, my junk hanging over his face. I looked down on him, his expression of awe and desire melting the last vestiges of inhibition from me. I truly understood my power over the little guy, and I was hooked. "Now remember dude, no tongue. Not yet, anyway". I lowered myself down till my junk covered his nose and mouth, his eyes and the top of his head the only part of him visible between my heavy thighs. His eyes rolled back and his eyelids closed as he took in his first, exaggerated breath, the warm air from exhaling filtering through my gym-sweaty underwear and tickling my balls. He gently turned his head this way and that, no doubt trying to extract every bit of the smell from my balls. It felt amazing, and I realised that I'd never come close to doing any shit like this before, there's no way any chick I'd been with would be, well, degraded like this. But considering how much Billy was enjoying himself, how horned up I was getting and how I'd come to now expect this kind of service from him, it wasn't degrading at all. This was exactly where both of us were supposed to be, and damn was it hot. I'd occasionally lean over for a drink of water that had been placed on the coffee table beside the couch, rehydrating as the sweat continued to slowly build up all over my body.

We'd totally lost track of time, just how long Billy had been trapped beneath me. I had started slowly grinding my hips down, firmly raking my junk up and down his face in long strokes. My breathing was getting heavier and heavier, the sweat building on my balls and all over my torso as the heat between us increased. I put my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair, then started lifting his head up to further massage my junk as I ground it into him. I could feel my dick leaking precum as well, a wet patch spreading across my underwear. It had gotten to the stage where I'd teased the both of us enough, and needed to take this one small step further. I looked down at him, smirking and said "don't move, and hold my eye contact. Don't look anywhere but my eyes, understood?".

"Yes Sir, I understand." I stood up, holding eye contact, as my fingers pulled my underwear slowly down, the band pulled taut as it slid over my ass and then caught momentarily on my cock, before I manoeuvred it down. Billy patiently held my eyes, his breathing shallow and fast as he fought against his desire to stare at my throbbing, dripping dick sticking straight out in front. My underwear hit the floor and I picked it up, twirling it once around my finger. I once again straddled Billy, sitting on his chest and maintaining eye contact, my balls resting on him and my cock pointing straight at his chin.

"Open" I commanded, and Billy's mouth opened. I positioned the precum stain on my undies into his mouth and onto his tongue, then told him to close. His eyes closed again and I felt his body shudder underneath me, coupled with a stifled moan. "Go ahead, you can savour it. While you do that, you can continue to sniff my balls, I want to feel the bare skin rubbing against your face." I slid my bare butt up his body till my balls were resting under his nostrils and my cock was lying up across his face between his eyes. I once again began grinding my hips, occasionally lifting and dropping or lightly smacking my cock on his face. Billy was in such a state of euphoria he was almost unresponsive, just sucking away at my underwear and breathing in my ball sweat. I took a bead of precum from my slit and rubbed it underneath his nose. A tear fell from each eye and I knew these were tears of joy, joy at being beneath me and serving me. The adrenaline was just coursing through me now.

Suddenly the front door opened, and Paul walked into the apartment, his satchel over his shoulder and a small wheeled suitcase in the other. Our eyes met before he had a chance to speak, and I held his gaze, smiling cheekily as I continued to slowly mash my sweaty balls over his boyfriend's face. Paul's jaw dropped, but he stayed silent as I held a finger to my mouth. I beckoned him over with a nod of my head, and he quietly deposited his suitcase and satchel near the door. He came over with timid steps, seeing Billy prostrate beneath me, his eyes glazed over and fixated on my cock. "He's under my control now, totally mesmerised by my dick. Hot, right?"

Paul's eyes were as wide as saucers as he took in the sight before him. Within his eyes, a fire was burning, of lust and excitement. "This is the hottest thing I've ever seen Sir!" His eyes roamed my face, body, cock, Billy's face and back up to me.

"Here, have a whiff of this" I said, as I raised my left arm and nodded toward my once again sweaty pit. Without even a thought, Paul brought his face in, closing his eyes and sniffed deeply, exhaling with the same moan and whimper as his incapacitated partner beneath me. He took several shallower breaths and I could tell he was similarly falling prey to me. "Take all your clothes off except your underwear" I directed, with instant compliance. Paul's eyes once again met mine expectantly, waiting for his next order. "I think it's time I finally clean up from the gym today, what do you reckon boys?" Paul's face became a little crestfallen, whilst Billy was too dazed to have recognised what I'd said. Reading Paul's expression, I laughed and said "You boys up for licking me clean then?"

Paul and Billy both lit up at the suggestion, Billy in particular no doubt desperate to finally let his tongue soak up my flavour. I stood up to my full height and directed Billy to stand next to Paul, both drinking in the sight of my large frame dominating their vision. I don't know where all this was coming from in me, but it was feeling so natural and so empowering. I pointed to the floor and both kneeled, my cock occupying the space between their faces, until I sat down on the couch, feet pushing the coffee table away so as to fully stretch out. "Each of you gets on half of my body to clean, starting with my feet. I want a thorough and relaxing massage from your tongues that gets every part of me it can reach, except my cock and balls. Those can wait till the end. Alright, get going, take your time and enjoy." I followed this with snapping my fingers and pointing down to my feet.

The best way to describe the image was like two skinny piglets in a trough. On their hands and knees, butts in the air, their tongues lathered my feet, they sucked on my toes, individually and in groups, they cleaned the sweat between each toe, then lay on their backs to access my soles and heels, nibbling away, long strokes of their tongues, then sucking and kissing them. On this went for around 10 minutes, before they each travelled their way up my ankles, calves, licking the underside of my knees, kissing and licking my thighs and hamstrings, before coming to my crotch. They got as close as they could without touching my cock and balls, their tongues flicking the crease on the inner edge of my thighs, inhaling deeply as they went. Further up my torso they came, licking my stomach and chest, sucking and nibbling on my nipples for several minutes before moving to my pits. I rested my head back with my fingers interlocked behind while the two of them dove in enthusiastically. I was really getting in to having my pits cleaned, it is just the right amount of tickling and massaging. Their fingers meanwhile were tracing up and down my body, the light touch sending shivers up and down my spine and keeping the blood pumping to my cock. Their tongues lavished my pits in long strokes, unable to control their adulation.

"You're incredible Sir, we've never served anyone like you." "Your body is so addictive, Sir." "Please Sir anything you want us to do we will, we're all yours!" I lapped up the attention, just as much as they were lapping up me. Finally, after I grabbed their heads and moved them on, they finished by licking my neck and ear lobes. I clicked my fingers and directed them back down onto the floor. Leaning forward with my arms on my knees, I looked from one to the other.

"That was awesome guys, exactly the kind of skills and service I've come to expect from you both. Now the problem is that, while its pretty big, I've only got one cock, and only space for one to clean my balls. I've been teasing myself all week, and particularly after all the worshipping on that's been going on this afternoon, I don't know how long I'll be able to keep from shooting. So, while you've both had your chance to suck on my toes, I want you to each take a hand to demonstrate your skills further. The one who impresses me the most gets to suck my cock, the other gets to lick my balls. Show my what you can do".

I held my palms out upwards, and watched as Paul and Billy each took a hand, and proceeded to worship them dutifully. Billy started with long strokes of my palm and wrist, knowing how much I loved it on my feet and pits, while Paul took my thumb into his mouth and began massaging it with his tongue. Both took my second and middle fingers in their mouths at the same time, looking up at me before sliding them into their throats and massaging them. Fuck me dude I'll never forget the feeling and the sight, seeing my fingers disappear inside them and their throats and tongues working them over. God damn its hot! In and out my fingers went, preempting what I'm sure was to follow soon notwithstanding the different sizes between my fingers and cock.

Eventually, I pulled my hands back to make my decision, but before I did Paul asked "Permission to speak Sir?" which I granted with a nod of my head, avoiding the formality of the request. "Billy is the better cocksucker, Sir, and I know he will not only perform the best but would also appreciate being the first man to taste your load. I would also love to be the first to sample your sack, if that's what you would like Sir?" To be honest, they were both incredible sucking my fingers and I was keen to try them both out, but after putting Billy through hell this afternoon teasing him, he definitely deserved to take the cake. I nodded my agreement, and lay back down to provide them their rewards. Taking deep breaths and looking into each other's eyes, Billy positioned himself above my stomach facing away from me and towards my cock, while Paul moved between my legs, his breath dancing on my balls.

I felt Billy's tiny hand grip my cock, his fingers not quite reaching around, retracting my skin to reveal my slick head and eliciting a deep growl from within me. Simultaneously, Billy's mouth took in my cockhead, his tongue swirling around it and forming a tight seal, whilst Paul licked up from beneath, up and over my balls. "Awwwwww fuuuuuuck yeah!" I shouted, as the two guys went to town. Billy dove down my shaft, right to the hilt, pushing through into his throat, his tongue, lips and throat muscles pulsating around my swollen and twitching dick. Paul licked my balls and the crevices between my sack and my thighs, as well as pushing up on the area beneath my balls. I looked down at Billy's round bare little arse, an almost invisible dusting of hair on his cheeks, to which I ran my hand over. Billy's head slowly but firmly travelled up my shaft, then plunged back down, the feeling of my head pushing through to his throat again unlike anything I'd ever felt. My head was thrown back in ecstasy, my muscles tensing up, the sweat building, my moans louder and louder.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" I warned them, but they just kept going. Finally, one last swallow on my shaft and one last lick of my balls and I exploded down Billy's throat. Cum flooded out of me in several jerking spurts, Billy's lips holding firm on the base of my cock while his throat massaged every last drop out and Paul licking my taint firmly, making sure not a drop was left inside me. It was the most intense orgasm I had had to that moment in a long way, my whole body was covered in pins and needles, my muscles were bulging, toes were curling and I was drenched in sweat, breathing heavily and continuing to moan as the feelings subsided. After another two minutes, Paul's tongue continuing to lightly lap my balls and Billy's tongue massaging my cock, I relaxed and sighed.

"Dude....that was fucking awesome."

Next: Chapter 4

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