Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Feb 7, 2020


I love to hear your feedback so please feel free to e-mail me. This is my second story after Big Benji (which is ongoing) and from the perspective of the alpha. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome.

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Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 3

I sat bolt upright, and wrenched my foot from Billy's hands and mouth. Shit, shit shit shit! I turned around and standing right behind me was Paul. I tried talking but no words came out of my mouth, I just sat there going back and forth between Billy's and Paul's faces. I then noticed that Paul was holding a beer out toward me.

"I'm sorry I interrupted and startled you, I saw your beer was empty and that you might have liked a new one. Here, take this." Continuing my silence, I slowly took the beer from his outstretched arm. I once again felt Billy's tongue trace along the top of my toes with my foot flat on the ground. I turned around to see him on his hands and knees, his face down over my foot and his butt straight up in the air. I moved it away from him.

"Dude, stop! Look umm Paul I'm really sorry, I don't know what to say..."

"Please, it's my fault. I'll let you two get back to it. Good night Sir, night babe." Paul then walked out of the living room and toward their bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Jesus dude, you didn't tell me he was gonna be back tonight. I'm, so embarrassed, are you gonna be in shit now? Man, this is so awkward." Billy knelt back on his feet and looked up at me with a sweet reassuring smile on his face.

"Sir please don't worry about it, I text him earlier to let him know that you were coming around, though I guess he might be a little surprised that you would let me at your feet again. As I said before, Paul knows all about me and my submissive nature, and he fully supports me. He'll be so happy to see me serving you this way, as he knows how happy it makes me. He'll also be happy to see you accepting my service Sir."

"It's just so weird, I had no idea anyone would be in a relationship like you guys have. It's crazy enough that you're down there licking my feet, and I'm here letting you do it, but for him to just walk up, hand me a beer and go to bed? It's fucking weird dude."

"I'm not going to deny that it is strange, Sir, there aren't going to be many people in Sydney tonight having the same experience as we are. But the last thing Paul and I want is for you to feel uncomfortable. This is what both he and I want, I hope I can convince you of that. If you like, I've only massaged one of your feet, and I'd like to do the other one if you'll let me?" I looked down at him, the beer in my hand, my dick almost fully deflated but perking up just a little at the mention of continuing the foot worship. "Plus, you've got a whole new beer to drink too, Sir" Billy said while smiling cheekily. I laughed.

"Are you absolutely sure dude? I feel like I should probably go home", though I really didn't want to, having been really enjoying the treatment Billy was providing.

"Honestly Sir, it's totally fine.If anything he's probably a little jealous he's not down here too. Please relax, enjoy your beer and I'll keep going."

"Well alright man, I can't go home with only one relaxed foot. You've convinced me." Billy's face beamed as he reached for my left foot and began kneading into my sole, returning me to my state of bliss almost instantly. God he does an amazing job! If anyone out there finds themselves a mate or a partner or whatever who willingly offers and provides a foot massage even half as decent as Billy, don't ever let them go! Pretty soon the sock came off my foot and the massage continued, Billy once again huffing on my foot sweat, occasionally rubbing his face up and down my arch. After stalling for just the right amount of time, Billy popped my big toe into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and firmly sucking as he bobbed up and down. His tongue moved down to the ball of my foot and he lightly nibbled as his mouth moved up and around. He lavished long licks along the underside of my toes, his tongue parting each toe and cleaning out the sweat between. I let out a low, drawn out moan with my head tilted back and my eyes closed, savouring the sensation.

"Damn dude, that feels good between my toes, keep it up. Hell yeahÉ" I took a couple of big gulps of my beer, draining it empty, whilst looking at Billy go to town on my foot. I'll never forget just how intense his focus was, how meticulous his actions were, making my feet feel more relaxed then they ever had. After sucking on each toe and cleaning in between, he alternated between nibbling again on my heel, long licks up and down my arch and licking the tops of my foot. He picked up my right foot and started worshipping them both, totally lost in the worship. I had my head back and eyes closed again, a soft smile stuck to my face. I lightly scratched my balls, they were so sensitive, and I noticed that I was totally boning. I left my hand resting over my cock and lightly ran my fingers over my junk. I was so horny but didn't want to take it any further than it was at that moment. I felt Billy pull his face away from my feet and return to focusing on the massage for a minute or so.

"Sir, if you'd like to stay the night you can take one of the spare rooms, it'll save you driving home, especially after having a few beers. I can cook you breakfast in the morning before you go home, if that sounds good to you?" I looked down at Billy, a little dazed from feeling so relaxed, and nodded.

"Sounds good little man, I'm pretty knackered and relaxed now. But before I head to bed, lie down with head against the couch". A little wicked smile spread across my face as Billy complied without hesitation. Once he got in position, I briefly hovered my right foot over his face before lowering it and covering him completely. I immediately felt his warm breath on my sole and his tongue dart out to start licking it once again. I dragged my foot across his outstretched tongue a few times, then replaced it with my left foot. The few minutes this took I looked down at him, so vulnerable yet so obliging. I couldn't help but smile. Eventually I placed both feet next to his face and stood up, towering over him. I readjusted myself, not so subtly.

"I can keep going for as long as you like Sir." He said looking up at me hopefully.

"I think I'm good thanks. That was awesome, my feet have never been pampered like that. I'm glad I took you up on the offer little man".

"Me too Sir" Billy said enthusiastically back. I bent down and offered him a hand up, my hand once again engulfing his. He then led me to a large room on the opposite side of the apartment to their room with a perfectly made king bed. The view from this room was equally as impressive as that from the living room. "There's a small en suite attached to this room, but you might want to use the main bathroom as it's a little bigger. Towels and toiletries are all there for you Sir, just grab a new tooth brush from the drawer. Can I get you anything before you go to sleep?"

"Nah I'm all good thanks bud, I'm gonna sleep soundly tonight for sure. Catch ya in the morning, if I sleep in just come and wake me up."

"We've not got many plans for tomorrow Sir so take your time. Goodnight Sir. I'm glad you enjoyed tonight." He closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in the large guest room, dimly lit by the bedside lamp. I hadn't planned on staying over and I didn't have any spare clothes to wear either, and even though my feet were now super clean, I still needed a shower. I decided to have a shower before getting in to bed, so made my way over to the main bathroom. Sure enough, there was a large open shower with a large rain showerhead and a couple of massage jets too. Fresh towels were folded up on the basin. I shucked my clothes, turned on the taps and stepped in, feeling the perfect water pressure and temperature soak my hair and body. I soaped up and massaged the sweat off. I was still a little chubbed up but, after tugging it a little bit and spending plenty of time massaging and soaping my balls, I decided to hold back from release. I didn't spend too long in the shower and after drying myself, headed back to the room.

I decided to sleep nude under the sheets and worry about what I'd wear tomorrow when I woke up. I climbed onto what I was sure was an expensive mattress, pulled over the plush sheets, and drifted off to sleep. I had an amazing, deep sleep that ended when I woke up around 6am with the sun creeping up between the buildings and through the window, offering a pretty great start to the day. I smiled thinking of the events of the previous night and decided to doze, my fingers lazily tickling my morning wood. As sleep once again took over, I relived the sensations of Billy's tongue dancing across my soles, his mouth swallowing my toes, his teeth lightly nibbling at my heels. It wasn't just the physical effects of his worship that were turning me on, but seeing and hearing him wanting to pleasure me, my boss' son, his tiny frame beneath my big feet. The dream was so vivid it was like I was seeing and feeling the same experiences from the night before.

Then I woke up, and realised that Billy was once again licking my left foot which was sticking out from the sheets. I kept my eyes closed and smiled, enjoying the little perv indulge himself. I also realised that my hand was softly but deliberately gripping and stroking my achingly hard cock, with a little puddle of precum pooling on my stomach. After a minute, I teased Billy by pulling my left foot under the cover and replacing it with my right foot, my right hand continuing its slow rhythmic play on my cock while my left arm lay over the top of my head to reveal my pit. Billy took the hint and continued his delicate actions on my right foot. After another minute I yawned purposefully and looked down at Billy, winking and grinning at him.

"Just can't help yourself can you, little perv?"

Billy smiled, kissed my sole and stood up. "You're enjoying it just as much as me, Sir" he responded playfully. "Would you like me to move a little higher and help you with that?" he inquired, pointing to the undeniable outline of my cock under the sheets.

"Ahh, nah, I'll pass cheers dude" I said as I reluctantly pulled my right hand away from my cock. "Don't know if I'm quite ready for your mouth on that part of me."

"No worries Sir. If you're hungry, I've got some food out for you. Hope you like a cooked breakfast, there's bacon, sausages, mushrooms, avocado, halloumi, and I've got some stuff for a smoothie too."

Man this was such a sweet deal, I thought. "Got a coffee too, have you?"

"Of course, Sir, neither Paul or I can survive without coffee as well. Come out when you're ready and we'll get you sorted." He turned and started walking toward the door.

"Oh dude, sorry, I know this is a bit of a long shot considering the height differences, but you don't happen to have any spare clothes I can borrow, do you? I've only got my gym stuff."

"I think I've got some PJs that might fit you, a left over from a relative that stayed over a while ago, but you'll have to free-ball it, Sir. I'll be back in a moment." He left with the door closed behind him, me more relaxed than ever still under the sheet, except for my stiff third leg begging for a decent pull. Billy entered a minute later, leaving the PJs on the end of the bed and returning to the kitchen, once again closing the door behind him. I knew I couldn't go out there with my dick as hard as it was, so I decided to quickly rub one out (there was a box of tissues conveniently next to the bed). I flipped the sheet off, grabbed a handful of tissues in one hand and starting beating my meat with the other.

I kept trying to picture a hot chick down at my feet or sucking my dick, but could only think of Billy, his eyes boring into mine as he lavished my soles. My dick swelled up to its full thick 7.5 inches and I could feel the vein running along the underside throbbing. I love pulling the skin over the head and pulling it back, my rod getting all slick with pre-jizz. I was so horned up that I barely lasted a minute, my balls tightening and pulling up, my toes clenched and my muscles taut, the obscenely large load puncturing the collection of tissues and spewing over my stomach. I cleaned myself up as best I could. As my breathing subsided and my dick finally deflated, I got up and put on the PJs Billy had brought me.

I balled up the tissues and carried them into the en suite where I dropped a steady stream of glorious post-cum piss into the bowl (ahhhhhh!) and flushed away the tissues. By the time I had washed up a little bit, my stomach was gurgling and ready for breakfast. The smell from the kitchen was, as I was coming to expect, so enticing, and there was plenty of food, coffee and a smoothie laid out on the table on the balcony. I smiled and said "morning" to Paul who returned the greeting warmly.

"Sleep well, Sir?" he asked with a genuine smile.

"Oh man, absolutely, that bed is so comfy, kinda surprised I actually woke up. Umm, you guys sleep alright?"

"Sure did, thanks Sir. Please, head on out and start eating before it gets cold, we'll be there in a second." I did as instructed without objection, sitting down and taking a big gulp of coffee. If I could show you a photo, I would, the spread was so professional, like something Nigella would whip up, and the view only added to the surreal experience. I tucked into the food on the plate and damn it was just as delicious as it looked and smelled. The boys came out shortly after, as usual markedly less on their plates than mine. I'd been seated at the head of the table while Billy and Paul sat on either side of me. We chatted about our week ahead, Billy and I agreeing to head to the gym every day and workout with one another. Paul was going to be flying out Sunday night but would be back on Friday morning and around for the weekend. I got to know more about Paul, his work, where he was from, how he and Billy met (Grindr, which I later came to find out was pretty much a similar story for a lot of people, if not a different app). I then asked some questions about their relationship, curious as to how they got to be the way they are. Paul and Billy were only happy to share, saying they were comfortable to discuss their relationship with me.

"Well we'd been chatting more as friends for a little while on Grindr before we met up, not really broaching anything sexual cause we thought that we weren't each other's types without saying as much. We really clicked and decided to meet up for a drink. While love didn't hit us like a lightning bolt it does for some people, we both quickly realised how special we both were, how we shared a similar worldview, what we considered was important. We kept hanging out, pretty soon meeting each other's families and friends, till one day I think I asked you, Billy, if you wanted to properly date."

"Yep, and even though I felt really strongly about Paul, stop us if this is getting too mushy for you Ð"

"No dude, keep going, I'm interestedÐ"

"Well even though we were so close I just wasn't sure if it would work. We hadn't fooled around at all, neither of us had exactly stopped pursuing other people whilst we'd known each other, and, as you've probably guessed, I'm more physically and psychologically attracted to bigger guys. Paul is only a little taller than me, if at all, and not much heavier. I also had a feeling that he felt similarly from the anecdotes we'd told each other and laughed about. So, we had a very grown up conversation about it, what we'd both expect from the relationship, whether we could satisfy each other wholeheartedly.

"I divulged about my submissive nature, my attraction to bigger guys, and funnily enough Paul confided in me that he was exactly the same."

"Not long before Billy and I met, I'd been in a long-term relationship with a guy that, on paper, was perfect for me: tall, strong, dominant, masculine. He loved being the active one in the relationship, was really physical and lapped up the adoration I gave him. But it was a really difficult relationship: we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of matters, he became incredibly possessive and jealous of my success professionally. While the sex was still really hot, it was unsustainable, particularly when he wanted me to quit my job. It was hard, but eventually we broke up. When I started falling for Billy, it was because of the things that I realised really mattered to me: his personality and his soul.

"We then decided that we could have the best of both worlds: we could be together and enjoy and love each other's company, but also indulge in our attraction to guys, well, like you. While I'm submissive, Billy is on a whole other level. At first it was strange seeing him really fawn and worship over other guys, but I realised that he was doing it firstly out of a sense of duty, a purpose, ahead of his own sense of gratification, although as you've found out he gets a real kick out of it too which helps."

I jumped in with a question that I wasn't sure why I was so curious to have answered: "So you guys play around with other guys a lot then right?"

"No not at all, Sir" said Billy. "We're past those slutty days when we'll just sit on any dick that presents itself. We're still intimate with each other: while I'm exclusively a bottom, Paul still likes getting head and is happy to satisfy my needs by topping occasionally. When it comes to other people though, we're both only interested in serving true alphas, and ones that aren't complete ass holes. That's why I was so eager to serve you, you're a very rare breed Sir!"

I was genuinely interested in their crazy relationship and fetishes, I'd never heard of anything like it! I'd never even been friends with anyone I'd known to be out and here I was listening to a gay couple throwing themselves at me, sitting in their awesome apartment eating a third amazing meal they'd prepared for me. I'd surprised myself with how into it I was. "Ok, so let's make sure I totally understand what's going on here: you guys are both attracted to me, that's pretty obvious. You like cooking for me, paying for things, generally making sure I'm living as comfortably as possible. Billy you've got a whole foot fetish thing, and if I was to turn around right now and ask for head you'd be on your knees in a second, but even if I never want anything sexual from you guys you'd still be happy doing all the cooking and whatever?"

Without skipping a beat, both Paul and Billy beamed back enthusiastically: "Absolutely, Sir." Billy continued "As we said before, we only want to serve those that deserve it, no dickheads and no slobs. Even though I've only known you a short time, and Paul has only just met you, we know you'll appreciate what we're doing for you, you won't abuse our trust and our generosity, and that you'll hopefully provide us the respect and kindness that we believe we deserve. We're not into the whole "faggot and master" stuff that you might see online. We think you'll do great things and we want to help you get there."

"Well this is all still pretty crazy in my mind, but I like you guys, and I think I'd be mad to turn down your generosity. Plus, I really, really liked getting my feet licked dude, that was honestly one of the hottest things I've seen. I'd be down for that again, especially if it follows food and the footy."

Billy looked happy, saying "I'm really glad to hear that Sir, both Paul and I are here to help".

I then thought of something that they might be able to help me with. "Actually, you guys might be able to help with a bit of a problem I've got. I'm pretty sure the real estate agent is a sub or whatever as well but I think he's trying to blackmail me or something." I then showed them the text messages and recalled the notes that he had left for me. After both Paul and Billy had read the texts, they returned my phone.

Paul responded "Well this guy might be a desperate bottom but he's no real submissive. You're right in thinking he's actually a bit of a creep and no one should treat anyone else like that. Hopefully he's gotten the hint and will leave you alone from here. If he doesn't, then you'll either have to lodge a complaint with his boss, go to the police, or move out. Sorry you're going through this bullshit, Sir."

I shrugged and said "It's nothing I can't handle. Anyway guys, I'm gonna shoot, need to get home and do some chores, get ready for the week. I'll see you tomorrow Billy and I'll catch up with you sometime later Paul. I'll bring the PJs back at some stage too. Sorry, you guys want any help clearing up?"

They both smiled and waved me away, sending me out the door with some more food for lunch and dinner. I went home, cleaned the apartment as I'd intended and had a chilled night on the couch. The next day I got into the office early, finding Billy at his desk working away, a fresh coffee on my desk beside my gym clothes I'd forgotten at their place, freshly cleaned.

"Thanks for doing that Billy. Bet you had a good whiff of these before you washed them didn't you, you perv?" I whispered to him cheekily, making him smile and blush faintly. After another busy but productive day with some client meetings and finishing off some sketches, George pulled me into his office before I headed off to the gym with Billy. We shared a bit of small talk about some of my projects, how I was getting on, when George sat me down at his desk.

"Don't be nervous that I've pulled you aside, by the way, I'm really happy with how you've settled in the past two weeks. You're doing better than I could've ever expected and I just wanted to let you know that. I also wanted to ask if you'd be interested in learning a bit more of the business side of things and tag along with me to some of my meetings?"

I was surprised but so happy to hear that George wanted to give me this extra responsibility and insight into the business, it was a real shot in the arm. "Absolutely George, thank you so much for offering."

"I'm not exaggerating when I say you've impressed me Sam. You're a talented architect, you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, you get along well with clients, colleagues and contractors, and you've got your head screwed on. I really see a bright future for you here, and I want to help you build up the skills you'll need to one day move into a management role, if that's where you'd like to end up of course."

I left George's office a few minutes later, Billy waiting by my desk with my protein shaker and gym bag ready to go. "How'd you go with Dad? You're going to take him up on his offer to work a bit closer I hope?"

"Yeah, I am, wow I'm just kinda taken aback you know? Things are going so well at the moment, I'm so lucky I got the job here. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to learning from George, I think this is going to be really great experience." We went downstairs and had a solid workout, spotting each other and chatting in between sets. I started to notice in greater detail Billy's appearance and physique: light brown hair, recently cut short and styled but not over manicured, light blue eyes that turned into little half-moons when he smiled, smooth lightly tanned skin with seemingly no freckles or moles. While his frame was small and lightweight, he was reasonably strong and had definition in his arms, legs and a flat stomach (I noticed when he lifted up his shirt to wipe his face). I couldn't help but check out his little butt, sitting nicely and proudly in his gym shorts. His hands and feet seemed so small, his shoe size I later found out was a 5! He couldn't have been a greater contrast to my hairy, large frame.

As we finished up, Billy invited me back to their apartment for dinner but I declined, opting for a quite night at home instead. In the basement car park and before we parted though, I had a cheeky idea. "Just a second Billy, I want to show you something", I gestured him toward me, a curious look on his face. "Come closer dude" I beckoned, bending down to meet him, sheltering behind my car so no one could see us. "Wanna have a whiff of me before you head off?" I asked with a grin on my face, knowing the answer already.

"Yes please, Sir!" Billy smiled broadly, his eyes moving to my pit as I lifted up my arm and motioned him toward it. His face hit my lightly dark-haired pit, his eyes closing and inhaling deeply. A light moan escaped his mouth before breathing in deeply again, repeating several times.

"How bout you go on and clean that pit little man?" I didn't need to ask twice, feeling his tongue push against and firmly lather my pit, soaking up the fresh sweat and once again eliciting a soft moan from my captive. Like the foot worship, his tongue felt strange but satisfying, lightly tickling and massaging this sensitive part of my body. I brought my arm down around him, gently locking his head in place. For a minute I enjoyed the sensation of his face nuzzling into my pit, his tongue being introduced to another part of my body. Eventually I released him which yielded another moan, his face chasing after my pit eagerly. I opened the back door to my car and directed him inside, closing the door behind him. I then sat in the front seat and reclined my chair, lifting my arms above my head and providing Billy access to my other, still sweaty pit. Billy dived in without hesitation, licking it clean whilst letting his hands grip my bicep and trace over my chest. In between licks, Billy gushed with compliments.

"Sir, you're the sexiest man I've ever had the pleasure serving. You taste amazing, and I love your strong and imposing body. Thank you for letting me worship you."

I was in heaven. "Feels so fucking good little man. This is definitely the best way to get cleaned up, a nice tongue bath. Mmmm yeah those long strokes are it, just like that. Dude I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, I'm definitely getting used to this treatment, it's the perfect post-gym clean up. Fuck yeahÉ"

Next: Chapter 3

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