Awakening the Alpha Within


Published on Jan 19, 2020


I love to hear your feedback so please feel free to e-mail me. This is my second story after Big Benji (which is ongoing) and from the perspective of the alpha. All feedback, positive and negative is welcome.

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Tags: Straight to gay, Dom/sub, Feet, Relationships, Sex, Coming out, BDSM, Cuckold

Awakening the Alpha Within

Chapter 1

Hey everyone, I'm Sam and I've decided to share the past year of my life with everyone. It's been a crazy period of discovery not only about myself but my friends and others around me, and I can honestly say I've never been happier. It's not been without its challenges, and no doubt there were moments along the way that, had I or anyone else involved made a different decision, could have turned out totally differently. I'll avoid any spoilers because I know from reading a few stories on here and talking to those in the know that everyone likes a little suspense on these matters.

You'll need a little background as to who I am before I get into it. I live in Sydney Australia, am 29 years old and am a qualified landscape architect, volunteer fire fighter and formerly in the army reserves. I grew up in a reasonably sized coastal town a few hours from Sydney in a pretty chilled and loving home and community. I've got a younger sister and my parents are still together in the family home I've known my whole life. I did well at school, not top of the class but pretty close to it, and was an avid rugby player. A lot of people said I could've considered playing professionally if I hadn't done some serious ligament damage to myself just at the end of high school. The doctors advised me not to step back out onto the footy pitch after that, as I'd been lucky to recover from the first injury. But that's life as they say.

Part of the reason I was such a good footy player was due to my size and strength. I'm now 6'7, and have been since around 18. I'd had my first serious growth spurt around 13, which is pretty early for most boys. By the time I was 16 I was 6'4, weighed 120kgs (264lbs for those who need to know) and was already pretty hairy. Looking back on old photos I can't deny that a lot of that was fat, but it also sat well on my large frame and I still managed to be pretty quick on my feet. Everything about me is big: my hands, feet, head, legs, arms, chest, butt and well, of course I've got a pretty great cock and a heavy sack too. At that age, I was a near unstoppable force on the pitch, sometimes dragging one or two kids strapped to my back or hanging on to my ankles trying to bring me down. From a pretty young age I started playing up two, sometimes three age divisions and even then, I was still one of the biggest in the game. I don't think I ever lost a season of footy.

What's funny is that, compared to my parents and my sister, I'm a total anomaly. I've got dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin and as I said earlier am pretty hairy, with a good beard (that I keep pretty trimmed), even covering across my chest and stomach and plenty of hair on my legs and forearms. My family, on the other hand, are not only fair coloured but also relatively short compared to your average person. My dad would be no more than 5'6 and my mum and sister around 5'2. Apparently I resembled my mum's brother in both stature and colouring, but I'd never met him before he passed away in his early 20s. She said he was a really confident, charismatic person, just like me, that could command a room not just physically but just through "our aura", she called it. I actually tend to agree with her, and the past year has really reaffirmed that ability in my mind. I was always popular at school and in rugby, not just because I was a good player or because I was big and (as I later came to acknowledge and accept) a good-looking guy. I've always had a pretty positive outlook, have never gone out of my way to be mean to people, know that you should always be tolerant and accepting of others, and to be humble. My Dad summed it up pretty well: don't be a dick! It's been a pretty good motto to live by.

When I graduated high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do and was pretty miserable about my potential football career being halted so suddenly. After I recovered, I picked up a job as a labourer for a landscaping company in town. For the first year or so I was tasked with, and happy to do, mostly heavy lifting and moving: moving pallets of bricks or wheelbarrows of soil or helping dislodge stumps. You name it, if it needed a bit of muscle, I was their guy. All this heavy duty lifting, as well as a little healthier eating, helped me replace some of the fat with muscle, so by the time I was 20 I was one heck of a unit. I also realised how much I liked being outdoors and loved participating in and helping transform peoples' gardens. I had a really supportive boss at the time who started involving me in the design process and learned about tech drawing, using 3D modelling, and everything to do with landscaping: drainage, plant selection, soil profiles. I also started assisting with the business administration side of things: better organising records, invoices, inventory and the like. I realised that this is what I wanted to do with my life, so enrolled in uni part-time while I continued working for the company. I finished about 18 months ago and moved to Sydney when I finished.

I would've stayed with the company and in town if it weren't for the usual problem: women. I'd never had any problems attracting ladies, having lost my virginity when I was 15 (she was around 20, but to be fair I told her I was in my 20s too). I met a real beauty when I started uni and fell almost instantly in love with her. Stella was, well still is, stunning, as well as smart, ambitious, funny and for the most part caring and supportive. It took some time for her to finally agree to date (I didn't realise till later how much fun the chase was, considering I'd not had to fight for anything I wanted too much before then), and for the next six years we were an outwardly perfect couple. For the first few years, the sex was great, we lived happily together, we helped each other with studies and work, shared our dreams and all that stuff. But as Stella's job (lawyer) became more and more stressful, she became more and more resentful if I'd spend any time away from the house, even if she wasn't there. Slowly but steadily, Stella cut me off from friends and even my family, trying to limit the time I spent out of the house. When she did come home, she was too tired for sex or even really any interaction. Stupidly, I let this go on for over a year, arguing and resenting each other, until finally I decided to leave. She cried and promised to change, even to the extent that she'd quit her job, but it was over. The relationship had crushed me and I needed to get out.

I reluctantly quit my job, my boss so awesome in understanding my situation and offering any assistance they could, to help me move and start my life over. My family and friends also knew and supported my decision to seek a new beginning, reflecting on how distant I had been those last couple of years. I could count on them to always be there for me, and to this day they still are. I decided to move to Sydney as I knew I could easily find work there with my years of experience and my new qualifications. I was surprisingly right, even underestimated just how easily I could find a job and settle in. The first three jobs for which I applied I received not just interviews, but also pretty much offered the job on the spot. I asked for some time from each of them to weigh up my options, and in the interim found a cheap one-bedroom apartment not far from the City, the first place I had looked for. I'll never forget the agent's eyes as I walked through the front door, handing me a flyer for the place.

"Oh wow", he started. "Welcome, Sir, I hope you're well. Please have a look around and let me know if you've got any questions".

I thought at the time that he was oddly enthusiastic, particularly as he didn't seem to be showing anyone else a similar welcome. Within a couple of minutes, I returned to him and told him I'd be interested, but (cheekily), thought the price was a little high. He nodded and asked me to wait inside while he saw what he could do. He passed a couple walking in without passing them any flyers and jumped on his mobile, calling I presumed the owner. Not long after, he walked back in and said that the owner would be on his way to discuss the price, giving me a wink and a quick look up and down. He then asked the other few people inside to leave, advising that the apartment was taken, then proceeded to ask me about my life, where I was from, what I did, if I was single. I kept the conversation polite and returned his questions before excusing myself to quickly look outside while waiting for the owner to arrive. As I exited the entrance to the apartment building, I bumped into a febrile old man, who seemed to blink through cataracts trying to work out what he'd walked into.

"Oh shit, sorry mate" I said as I reached out a hand to apologise. "Didn't see you down there, are you alright?" The man looked up and muttered something unintelligible, just as the estate agent was coming out as well.

"Charles, you're here, well this is your new tenant, hopefully. Are you already acquainted?" I felt a little embarrassed at that moment, and gingerly laughed as I stuck out my hand to shake his (engulfing his hand actually).

"Yeah we just bumped into each other actually, didn't we Charles?" I said trying to break the ice.

"Well Charles I can guarantee you that, Sam was it? Yes Sam would be an excellent tenant. He's a little concerned about the price though and I think he may be right, no one else seemed to express an interest. What do you say, should be drop it by $50 a week?" I couldn't believe what the estate agent was doing, I hadn't even asked for the discount and he was putting it so willingly to the owner! I just looked back down at the short man in the suit, who really didn't seem to be all there, as he continued to mumble his responses. "It's not like you need the money anyway Charles, you basically just need him in here to mind the place right? Charles has got a large property portfolio, don't you Charles? How about you help Sam out, he's new to the City, just starting out, how about $75 off per week and he'll move in this week, sound good to everyone?"

Charles shifted his weight between both feet, looked up to me then quickly back down to his feet, before uttering what seemed to be an agreement. I stood there, stunned, before the estate agent turned to me, advised that I could come by the office that afternoon to sign the papers and collect the keys, which I did, and then moved in that week.

I then decided on a role with a family firm, that offered not only the most pay but also seemed to have the best opportunity to enhance my skills and hopefully get some interesting jobs. The owner of the business, George, was in his late 60s and had been a landscape architect for over 40 years. He said he "could see a lot of the same drive, curiosity and passion" in me that he had and he was excited for me to bring some new energy into the office. I started the week after I moved into the apartment (a bottle of expensive champagne and flowers were left on the doorstep with a note wishing me all the best from the real estate agent which made me shake my head and laugh), and straight away was given several projects that had been in the pipeline anticipating my arrival. They were relatively small projects, mostly accompanying the installation of pools or just tidying up places, nothing too extravagant. I'd kindly been given one of the few electric standing desks in the office due to my height, which was next to one of the windows overlooking the street below (we were about 10 floors up in a commercial tower in the City).

I was sitting/standing next to George's son, Billy, who worked as the office manager. Anyone walking to our side of the office would've thought we were part of the traveling freak show: he is no more than 5' tall with a petite frame. He is only a year or two younger than I am but, while still having a little facial hair, looked distinctly younger than me. When George (average height and build, for comparison), introduced me to Billy on my first day, I saw a similar look of awe and reservation. It didn't help that, when sitting down, he was totally enveloped by my shadow. I put out my hand and said "nice to meet you, looking forward to getting to know you better." Billy responded, formally but warmly, standing and looking up into my eyes pleasantly:

"Nice to meet you Sir, really looking forward to get to know you too". George laughed and patted his son on the back, remarking "now Billy, you don't have to be so formal! His mother always drilled into him to be formal and polite when meeting new people, ain't that right Billy?"

"Yes Sir" Billy responded.

"Well Billy can help set you up and show you around. We're completely electronic now", George said proudly, "so all your projects will be on your computer. Billy is a whizz with all this stuff and can show you all the programs we have for our records, for drafting plans, and hopefully you'll have an email and whatnot set up. I've got an open-door policy Sam so feel free to come in and ask away as you need. The others in the office will also be happy to help, too."

I thanked George, silently counting my blessings I'd found such a friendly boss. Billy dutifully took me around the office and introduced me to the rest of the crew. I was the only landscape architect (apart from George, who'd mostly wound down most of his duties), one architect and two surveyors. Everyone seemed to be collaborating on projects and were really friendly however I noticed that most were either middle aged and married or older. I guess it was nice to work in a friendly environment but, as Billy later confirmed, it wasn't the most exciting in terms of socializing, even that they never seemed to go for after work drinks.

We returned to my desk and Billy had me all set up. He was a pro with all the programs, so efficient and a great teacher. After running through everything, he inquired "Is there anything else I can help you with Sir?"

I laughed and responded "Well, you don't need to call me Sir. You can call me Sam. I'm not your superior or anything".

"Sorry Sir, it's just a force of habit. I'll try to remember. Oh and before I forget, what would you like for lunch? There are some great sandwich places around, or salad, or, really anything you like seeing as we're in the City?"

How sweet that the office provided lunch, I thought. Score! "Umm honestly, whatever you reckon Billy, I'm pretty easy going. I guess if the sandwiches are pretty big I'll have one of them, I'm pretty hungry."

"Of course, Sir, well I'll pop down around 12 and pick one up for you. I'll leave you to your work and again if you need anything, I'm here to help"

The morning went by pretty quickly and I had gotten stuck into the first project pretty quickly. I was so excited to get into it that I didn't notice George coming around to check on me, or when Billy was standing beside me with the sandwich just after midday.

"Sorry Sir, sorry to interrupt, I've got your sandwich for you. Where would you like to eat? There's a communal kitchen we share with a few others or there's the park across the road."

I nominated the park and invited Billy to come sit with me. I needed to make a new friend and, even though he continued calling me Sir no matter how many times I told him not to, he seemed nice and relatively normal. As we sat down in the shade of a tree, my legs stretched out and his tucked under himself, I asked "So what did everyone else get for lunch then? It's pretty nice of your Dad to shout everyone like that".

Billy looked puzzled towards me and said "He doesn't, well not normally anyway, and everyone usually gets their own lunch. I bought yours for you Sir because I thought you might not know where to go and might have been a bit busy getting up and running." I was taken aback, I couldn't believe he was being so generous and helpful! I tried to give him some money, but he laughed it off and told me not to worry about it. Even when I promised him I'd return the favour the next day, he insisted not to. We kept chatting, telling him about my life leading up to moving to Sydney, what I hoped to get from starting afresh after the problems with my ex. Billy was a really good listener and offered some really sweet responses to some of the difficulties I'd been through. I also learned the Billy was in a long-term relationship with a guy named Paul, in his mid-30s and pretty similar looking to Billy actually. He showed me a picture and they were similar height and build. Billy said he really enjoyed his job and had no desire to take over the company from his Dad. George had set him up really well with his own apartment in the City and a good steady income from a trust fund he'd been able to access since he was 25. Paul also earned really well as an executive with an airline, travelling quite frequently. His parents were totally fine with him being gay, which was great to hear and not at all surprising knowing George. After an hour and half of chatting, we realised we'd well and truly overstayed lunch and headed back into the office. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting through the first of the projects, and arranged to go out on site Thursday and Friday to help the landscapers we were contracting to get the job done. That night I went home, cooked some dinner, chilled in front of the TV, had a wank and went to sleep.

The next few days were pretty uneventful, except that Billy managed to sneak out and buy me lunch every day. I even tried to go out on Wednesday early to find something, but he caught me leaving the office and called me back, telling me that he'd baked me a lasagne (my absolute favourite which I had told him the day before) so no need to go out for lunch. I guess I should've picked up some signs back then, and may have found it a little creepy if it was anyone else, but Billy was so friendly, sweet and easy to get along with. I didn't take it back then as anything more than someone just looking out for the new guy. He even arranged for a couple of free passes at his gym next door to work out on the Tuesday which was great. We both went down together after work, did a solid hour together and finished it with a shake (Billy provided) before he dropped me home in his Range Rover (pretty funny seeing such a tiny guy driving it).

I was out of the office on the Thursday at the client's house and decided to chip in and help the landscapers get dirty with arranging the planters. The job itself wasn't too complicated, just ripping out the old garden and replanting with some new lawn, but it was hot and sweaty work. I really like being outside and it was great fun meeting the contractors who I was really impressed with, and promised to consider again for future jobs. Not only were they hard workers, but they were also fun lads. We managed to get it done by 5pm that day, and I was about to head home when I got a text from Billy inviting me over to watch my rugby team on the TV. He knew I hadn't organised cable yet and offered his place up for me. I quickly said yes and told him I'd be over after I head home and had a shower.

"If you've got a spare shirt and shorts don't worry about heading home, you won't have time before the game starts. Just chuck them on and head on over" Billy responded. I warned him that I was pretty sweaty after being outside working all day, but he assured me it didn't bother him, that he was used to it having grown up with his Dad coming home exactly the same for so many years. He texted me his address, told me to park in the visitors' parking in the basement and head straight on up the lift to the top.

When I got out of the elevator and met him at the door, he welcomed me inside and told me to leave my work shoes at the door. I kicked off my boots, releasing my damp white socks from their confines, breathing a dramatic sigh of relief which got a laugh out of Billy. We walked into the living room and I was stunned. The apartment had awesome views over the city and what I'm sure were views of the harbor too. The living room had a large L-shaped lounge with a huge TV and was really expensively but tastefully furnished. We did a tour, showing me the large second room and even larger master bedroom (so neat and well styled as you'd expect from the gays), a modern kitchen and large balcony. They also had stairs up to the roof which had a private pool and spa. "Jesus dude this is the best apartment I've ever seen! Wouldn't mind shacking up here" I jested. Billy laughed and said I was welcome anytime.

I then noticed the incredible smell coming from the oven and realised I hadn't eaten since lunch, therefore starving! Billy told me to sit at the table while he served out a succulent pork roast (another favourite!) with an assortment of veggies and a thick gravy. I was in heaven! "Damn, Paul is so lucky to have you around. So organised, clean and an incredible cook too! I had to be the cook in my last relationship and I hate cooking."

"Well I hope you enjoy it Sir, there's plenty there so help yourself." I then noticed just how little Billy had served himself, it couldn't have been any more than half of what he'd put on my plate. I guess it only made sense with just how little he was, so, taking no more notice, I scoffed down my serving, and then helped myself to some more.

"Dude that was so delicious! I'd ask for the recipe but I'd never be able to recreate it. Let me help you clean up, it's the least I can do" I offered. But Billy wasn't having any of it, telling me to take a seat on the sofa as the game was surely about to start. Even though I insisted, jokingly trying to muscle my way past him into the kitchen while he feebly pushed me back, I eventually relented and took up my place on the sofa. Not a couple of minutes later, Billy came out with a hot cherry pie and ice cream, before heading back into the kitchen to clean. "You know, a man could get used to this", I called out. "Be careful or I might just take up residence if you keep treating me like a king".

Billy laughed from the kitchen and responded "Gotta keep the big guys happy, Sir!" I scoffed the delicious pie and ice cream, before kicking my feet up onto the couch as the game got going. About 15 minutes later, Billy walked in and sat on the couch beside my feet, sitting upright and head towards the TV. I realised that I shouldn't have my sweaty socks on the couch, but Billy insisted that it was ok. He promised he couldn't smell anything and that I was to make myself comfortable. I laced my fingers behind me head, crossed my feet at the ankles and became engrossed in what was an awesome game. At half time we started chatting about the game and about our respective days. Billy asked "You must be exhausted after being out in the sun all day, right?"

"Yes and no. I mean, I am tired and my feet are sore from being in my boots all day, but I love it. I love that I can still get out and get my hands dirty doing the landscaping you know? It's what I'm passionate about." I then noticed Billy's eyes look towards my feet, his hands moving towards my right foot as he began to massage it. The first second I wanted to pull it away and ask what he thought he was doing, but, damn, it felt good.

"You don't mind, do you? I always give Paul a foot massage after a long day and know how much it relaxes him. I can stop if you think it's weird Sir." My head instinctively fell back, and I told him I was really enjoying it, as long as the smell and definite moistness of my feet wasn't putting him off. "No not at all, again I put up with Paul's feet, I can handle yours Sir. Even though they are probably twice as big as his." It was actually blissful, his little hands kneading me in just the right places, a perfect balance between firm and soft touches that made my feet melt. We chatted a little more about our days as he plied on with the massage until the game started again. My attention returned to the TV, zoning out yet still enjoying the attention my soles and toes were receiving.

He alternated between rubbing my toes, the balls of my feet, using his fingers, knuckles and palms on my arches, circling my heels and lightly tending to my ankles. Occasionally his hands would travel up my hairy calves relieving them of their stress and tension. I honestly couldn't believe this little guy I had only met this week, who was my boss's son, who I worked directly next to, was down their massaging my, to be honest, pretty sweaty feet, of his own volition. But hey I wasn't going to complain. I didn't notice that at some point Billy had moved from the couch to the floor as he continued his massage, no longer watching the game but giving all his attention to my feet. After about 20 minutes I zoned back in and decided to check in with him and let him know he could stop if he wanted to. His face was incredibly close to my feet, his nose almost brushing against my soles and toes, and he was fixated on them. "Yo Billy, be careful or you'll pass out if you get too close." No response. "Yoohoo, Billy man", I tapped his face twice with my foot "you ok down there, dude?"

Billy looked quickly up at me, recomposed and smiled, "Yep all good down here Sir. Still enjoying it?"

"Yeah man it feels amazing, just want to make sure the smell isn't getting to you that's all." I laughed, wiggling my toes cheekily towards him. I remembered just how small he was, so far away at the end of my big feet. I thought how my feet were huge compared to his face, and that his little hands could barely wrap around them.

"Honestly Sir I don't mind the smell at all, see?" he then put his face momentarily against my sole and sniffed meekly "and the sweat is helping my hands slide over your feet. It might actually help if I take your socks off, again if you don't mind Sir?"

I chuckled at the brash way he took a hit off my feet and said "Sure man, sounds good to me". He pulled my socks off, quite tenderly, then turned and before putting them on the ground I could swear he took another quick sniff, but my feet were blocking a clear view. He then returned to my feet and, as he said, the massage felt even better. He was now able to get in between my toes and the feel of his soft skin against mine was so relaxing. I once again put my head back, and felt myself starting to drift off, the combination of the hard day's work, awesome food and massage putting me to sleep.

That was until, I felt the unmistakable warm, wet pad of his tongue meet my heel, slowly travel up my arch, across the ball of my foot, up onto my big toe, before his lips closed around it. I opened my eyes, stunned and shocked. I unlocked my fingers and stared down at him, confirming by sight as well as feeling that Billy had my big toe in his mouth. We locked eyes, and I could tell immediately that he knew he'd crossed a line. I pulled my toe out of his mouth and my foot out of his hand. After a couple of seconds, Billy began apologizing profusely, repeating over and over that he didn't know what had overcome him, that he didn't mean to freak me out, that he was so embarrassed. "Please Sir, I'm so sorry, please don't be angry, I'll never do it again, I've never done that before."

I sat with my feet on the floor while the blood rushed to my face, and I finally stood up, for whatever reason reassuring Billy that it was fine and that we should just never speak about it again. I quickly walked to the door, picked up my boots and walked out of the apartment barefoot.

Chapter 2

My head was a little scrambled by the time I got back to my car in the basement. I was simultaneously bemused, embarrassed, a little creeped out and also a little grossed out. What the hell was Billy thinking sucking on my toe and licking my foot? The act alone is bizarre but to do it when my feet were already so sweaty from working all day? I realised pretty quickly that he must have a foot fetish, but what makes him think he can just take advantage of me like that? It was my own naivety to begin with, letting him massage my feet.

It was late by the time I got home, and I tried to clear my head of the evening which kept replaying and generating more and more questions. Is he attracted to me? Is that why he's been cooking for me, paying for my meals and bending over backwards for me? It's not like he does this for anyone else in the office. But then there's his partner, how would he feel if he found out that Billy was doing all this while he was away at work? And how am I supposed to go into work on Monday and face not only him but his Dad?

Sleep did not provide me any escape from the evening. I kept seeing Billy, his tiny frame behind my large feet, dutifully rubbing, licking, sucking, over and over and over again. I couldn't look away, my mind was entranced by the images of him, slavishly cleaning my feet. His expression, motions and fixation were akin to worship. What was I going to do?

I woke up early the next morning, feeling a little less troubled by the events of the previous night. I knew I had the rest of the weekend to calm down before going back to work on Monday and confronting Billy about what had happened. I noticed that he hadn't tried texting and I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him anyway. I made myself some breakfast and decided to drive into work to use the gym, hopefully get in a good workout and further take my mind off things. My free passes had run out, but I was keen to keep up at the gym as it was convenient and had a good setup. I arrived and went to the front desk to set up a membership, but was advised that I was already paid up for the year. It could only have been one person, and I can't believe he would've spent literally well over a grand for my membership.

I decided it was useless not to take advantage of the situation, and did a solid two-hour workout. By the time I was finished, I had worked out all the tension and discomfort caused and headed on home. I was no longer upset with Billy and decided that we just needed to establish some boundaries if we were going to continue to be friends and colleagues. No reason why we can't put it behind us. Sitting on my doorstep was a gift basket, and at first I groaned that this was Billy's way of trying to apologise. However, it was from the real estate agent again, this time containing some cheeses, dips, fruit and other expensive snacks. What was with these Sydney gays, throwing themselves at me?

As I stepped inside and packed the goodies into the fridge, I realised that I hadn't pumped out a load in a couple of days. I had remotely connected my tv and laptop so was able to watch shows on the big screen. I started searching for some porn and settled on a new video of some pretty generic stuff. The chick was giving the dude a pretty mediocre blowjob to begin with, so I skipped past that. It then went to the guy eating her out which, call me selfish, but I never liked doing. I mean I always did cause I'm a gentleman and the ladies love it which makes it easier to get what you want later, but I wasn't in the mood to watch it. I skipped forward again to where they were fucking and it was all pretty vanilla, not really doing anything for me.

I skipped through another couple of videos, same shit over and over. While I needed to nut, I wasn't quite in the mood for the porn I was watching to get me off so I decided to just fall down the rabbit hole that is pornhub, see what weird shit was out there. I came across some dom/sub shit where the girl was tied up and being treated like shit which generally isn't my thing, but I funnily enough came across a PoV scene of a guy with a chick licking his feet. I thought why not have a bit of a laugh and watch it for a bit. It was a really amateur video, which I tend to prefer to the studio stuff, and I had to admit it was kinda hot. It differed to the other BDSM videos in that he wasn't being a dick and kicking her around or anything or yelling at her. She was just really tenderly showing her love and attraction to him by playing with his feet, which he seemed to be really enjoying (I mean the dude was super boned). There was a definite power play here, the dude was definitely in charge. She was only at his feet for about 2 or so minutes before he picked her up, put her on the bed and fucked her good. I realised that I was boning pretty hard by the end of it, and watched it again, blowing a serious load watching this chick show so much devotion to this dude.

As soon as I'd blown my load, I felt that instant pang of regret, and swore to myself that it had nothing to do with last night. It was just a genuinely hot scene, and not something I'd ever had with a chick. It had always been the same routine with my ex: a pretty lackluster bj from her, then I'd return the favour and get her pretty wet, before some genuinely good but routine sex. Well, at least before that last year or so. But that's what relationships are with chicks, the kinky ones are rare and probably come with a whole heap of other crazy that I didn't want to deal with.

I definitely wasn't gonna hit up Billy to lick my feet again, that was just too creepy. Nope.

I spent the rest of the weekend hitting up the gym a second time, meal prepping, and messaging a couple of the landscape lads checking that they were available for another job towards the end of the coming week. They confirmed and then invited me out for drinks on the Friday which I happily said yes to joining. I was glad I was making some new friends outside of the office and was looking forward to unwinding with them and seeing what mischief the cheeky bastards would be getting up to. Sunday night rolled around and I planned what I was going to say to Billy the next morning. I was going to be polite, but firm, and ask that all the Sirs and the meals and the gifts and everything stopped, that we could put it behind us and have a nice normal friendship.

I went to the gym before work and had a really good session, helping calm me down before confronting Billy. I had a nice little script planned out in my head to get over all this awkwardness and was looking forward to getting back onto some nice, normal terrain with him. I showered, changed and headed up to the office, saying a quick `morning' to George as I passed his office. Billy was nowhere to be seen, however on my desk was a tub of protein powder, pre-workout and a fresh cup of coffee. I briefly stopped walking as I saw them and thought "shit, this is going to be more difficult than I had planned". I put my bag down, savoured the (amazing!) coffee and got to work on some more projects George had sent through to me.

Even though I didn't see Billy all morning, and was about to head out to buy lunch, George came over and passed me a container of food. "Billy told me to give this to you, said he owed you lunch. I think he's given us both Thai soup, which trust me is phenomenal. Enjoy!" I stayed sitting at my desk for a minute, looking at the fresh bowl of homemade soup, the empty keepcup, the protein and pre-workout and resigned myself to the fact that something had to be said, this couldn't keep going on.

After downing the amazing soup (with homemade bread), I spent the afternoon out on site talking to new clients. I came back into the office around 6 thinking I might catch Billy, but no luck. I headed on home looking forward to a quiet night in front of the TV and maybe rubbing one out. However, tucked under the front door mat was a note which was going to add to my, I guess, man problems? The overzealous real estate agent had left me a brief note asking if I had enjoyed the moving in gifts and signed with his phone number and an offer to do anything (underlined) I needed. Why the hell were these desperate dudes throwing themselves at me like this? All my 29 years and I'd never had any dudes hit on me, not so aggressively anyway, and in the two weeks or so I've got two guys almost harassing me. I walked inside and rubbed one out, to the same straight foot worship vids again.

I got the sense that Billy was avoiding me as I didn't see him once that week. He wasn't in the office when I was there but was still getting all his work done and was continuing to bring me coffees, homemade lunches and even started providing dinners too. No one else in the office seemed to notice, or at least they decided not to say anything, except for George who took it as nothing more than the usual actions of his generous son. But to be honest, I was really glad for my food and coffee to be taken care of, cause my week was incredibly busy. I now had a full list of clients and some serious contracts. George was really impressed with my ideas and my drafting skills, and also found it refreshing how I elected to get my hands dirty as often as possible. He was becoming a really good mentor and providing a lot of really helpful advice. I was also collaborating with my colleagues and getting to know all of them.

By the time Friday afternoon came around, I was ready for a drink or two with the lads. I'd decided to put my boots on and help put in a big effort to get this contract for a primary school finished which would help us meet our deadline. I toiled for three hours, helping move wheelbarrows full of dirt, rocks, ballast and plants. I dug a trench and helped with the centerpiece, being a mature palm. The lads put in a great effort, getting it all done within a week (the bonus for finishing on time was good incentive). We finished just after 4pm and, exhausted, drove back towards the city and hit up one of the local pubs popular with tradies. With our first cold one quickly thrown down, the lads and I perked up and started getting into a good groove of ribbing each other and hearing all about each other's conquests. I quickly changed roles from the boss to one of the boys and was getting in on all the fun.

The boys had been working together for nearly four years, having all gone to the same school and, after finishing, taking up laboring whilst they figured out what they wanted to do with their lives. They realised they could make pretty good money in landscaping and enjoyed working with each other outside, so had formed a business together picking up contract work where they could. They soon got a reputation for good quality work and have been loaded with work for years. They often went on holidays with each other, and three of the four actually lived together in what I learned was a real dude-bro apartment called "the bowl". Dylan lived with his fiancŽ on the edge of the city and had been together for a couple of years, while Luke, Tyler and Josh lived in the bachelor pad.

Several rounds of jugs later, the boys suggested we head back to "the bowl" to drink, play video games and smoke a little. Sure enough, the place was an absolute dive with some mismatched second-hand furniture, a couple of pizza boxes lying around, a huge tv with a few different consoles underneath and even a couple of zoo magazine calendars dotted around the place (turns out they were all a couple of years old, kept just for their favourite ladies). We were all seriously buzzed by this stage but kept on drinking, shooting the shit and swapping stories. The guys were shocked when I told them just how long a dry spell I had, and made it their mission to find me a girl that night by taking my phone and downloading Tinder. Within an hour I had several matches, the guys having found some pretty slutty desperate chicks looking for dick that night. None of them took my fancy but I played along for fun till it got to about 10.30pm. I stumbled up from the couch, feeling pretty hungry having only snacked a little since finishing the job and being heavy laden with beer. I said goodnight to the boys, to jeers and calls to kick on, to no avail as I called a cab home.

While sitting in the back of the taxi, I received a text from an unknown number. As soon as I started reading it, I knew who it was:

<You know you should treat real estate agents better than you have been, considering how I got you such a good deal and have basically thrown myself at you. I got you that place, I can just as easily kick you out! And once I put a black mark against your name, you won't be able rent anywhere else in this city. So just think about it. I want an answer by the end of the weekend and I won't take no for an answer.>

This was too fucking much, what was with these psycho gay dudes!? Can't they take a hint and just leave me alone, go find someone who's interested? I couldn't process everything at the time, so by the time I fumbled my way into my apartment and stripped off into bed, I was ready to pass out. And I did.

I woke up the next morning, instantly regretting drinking so much and not having any water before bed. I threw down a couple of beroccas and guzzled some water before driving down to maccas for a greasy hangover cure. When I got home I read a text I'd received on the way from the estate agent, apologizing profusely, blaming a drunken night and recent break up and to please ignore it. He finished by asking if we could catch up on Sunday afternoon at my place. I hadn't responded to the message from the night before and I wasn't in the right headspace to respond properly there and then. He, however, followed up with another text just with several `???', so I responded:

<Its ok dude, let's just forget it happened. Please also respect that I'm straight and not interested. Cheers>

I ended up having another couple of hours nap, after which I felt nearly 100% normal. I watched a little tv, playing around with my dick a bit which had also woken up after my nap. I decided to head to the gym and do a light workout, help sweat the last of the alcohol out of my system. I also needed to drop some files back into the office so decided to use the gym in the building. As I entered the gym, I (of course) saw Billy mid-way through a set of squats at the rack. I sighed and placed my stuff in a locker before deciding to confront him there and then.

I approached him just as he was racking up the bar and grabbing his towel off the floor. He turned and saw me, smiling instantly. "Hi Sir" he said confidently while panting, "I haven't seen you in ages, how's your week been?"

I looked down into his pleasant face, went to open my mouth to begin my rehearsed request to drop the Sir crap, but only smiled back faintly. "Yeah, we seem to have missed each other every day this week. Where have you been? Oh, and thanks heaps for the food and coffee, and the dinnersÉand the protein".

"Don't mention it Sir, it was no trouble. I was making lunch for Dad anyway and had some leftover so thought I'd give it to you. Paul has been away again this week and there's just way too much leftover for me to get through. Did you enjoy it?"

"Dude you're an amazing cook, I wish I could cook as well as you, or could even be bothered to at least try. I'd ask for the recipes but I know I'd never be able to make any of it as well as you do."

He smiled and started back towards the rack. "I'm about half way through my program, did you want to wait around and I'll make you dinner tonight? You can watch the game at mine again?" He noticed me shift a little awkwardly on my feet and hesitate, before he said "I'm sorry again about last time, I promise it won't happen again. It'll just be two guys watching the footy, Sir".

He just couldn't drop the `Sir' thing, but even after everything over the past week or so, it felt comfortable again, like we were back to being friends. I told him I'd head over when I was finished my work out, which ended up being at a similar time seeing as I wasn't going for long work out anyway, and we each drove over to Billy's place. He let me in the door after I had parked and I scanned the apartment again, recalling its spaciousness, modern yet comfortable and stylish furniture and the unmistakable smell of a roast dinner.

"I've been slow roasting the lamb since earlier this afternoon, and the veggies should be just about ready too. I'm so glad you said yes to coming over, I just have this habit of cooking for ten when there's rarely more than two of us. I'll serve it up but eat as much as you need and take some home with you too ok?"

I sat on the couch, with a beer in my hand delivered by Billy watching some highlights from the day game while he served up our plates for dinner. As happened last week, I was served twice as much as Billy, but damn the food was good, and I was starving. I woofed mine down before he'd gotten half way through his smaller serving, and he encouraged me to grab more, which I did. We chatted and laughed, covering events from the week and what Billy had planned for the rest of the weekend. After Billy cleared the plates, we migrated to the couch awaiting the game to start a little while later. There was a lull in the conversation, and I summoned up the courage to confront Billy's, well, actions over the past week.

"Billy, I really appreciate everything you've done for me since I arrived. It's made settling in so much easier, and you've been far more generous than I could ever expect of anyone. I know we're friends, but why are you doing so much for me? You don't do the same for anyone else in the office, you don't even refer to anyone but your Dad and I as Sir. And then the whole foot thing last week, I mean, you're clearly into feet dude which, hey, no kink shaming here", I said even as I knew I was developing a similar fetish, if on the receiving rather than giving end, "but, I gotta say, I'm not gay and I don't want to give any false expectations that doing all this stuff is gonna lead anywhere. Hope that didn't come out harshly dude, I just want to know where we stand is all."

Billy turned his head away and down, and exhaled as he collected his thoughts. "I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable at all, it's actually really sweet how you care about not putting me out or taking advantage of my generosity. And trust me, you're not taking advantage at all, and I want to be clear Sir that I am not trying to take advantage of you, except for when I did get caught up last week and couldn't help myself when IÉ wellÉ you know. I really am sorry for crossing that boundary. The truth is that, I'm a naturally submissive person, and people like me are drawn to confident, powerful and commanding people. I've developed a sense for those like you, Sir, that deserve and relish in the service of others, and you really do deserve it.

"I definitely take after my mum when it comes to this side of my personality. Like me, she is a short, slight person. She's incredibly beautiful and capable, and in her own way confident, but she's most comfortable and happy when providing for others. She and my Dad are a perfect pair: he's extroverted, ambitious, at times single minded but also caring. He likes to lead, which means that he likes people around him who like to be led. That doesn't mean he doesn't take other people's feelings or opinions into account, but he is decisive and effectual. Together, Mum and Dad bring out the best in each other, helping each other fulfil their purposes in life, maximizing their achievements. Dad wouldn't be where he is today without Mum.

"I think both Mum and Dad saw that I was going to take after Mum physically and emotionally, and supported my growth as a boy and into a man accordingly. Mum taught me how to be a good support for those who needed it: how to cook, clean, sew, organise, but also how to do so without fanfare, to appreciate the reward not in praise but in the quality of the work done. She'd say `remember Billy: great people don't happen on their own, they need the support that you and I can give selflessly to make their dreams a reality'. I saw how successful Mum and Dad's relationship was and knew that they were right, because it felt right too.

"That's why I have been doing all those things for you Sir. I could sense right away, and so could my Dad, that you're a great asset to the firm. You're a born leader, you're smart and personable and strong, you've got great skills and ideas that could really help build up the company. I predict that Dad will encourage you to succeed him someday in the future, once he's provided you with the right mentoring and support. I want to be there to help you achieve that, if that's what you are hoping for as well. My cooking, organising, care for detail are the skills I can contribute to help you succeed.

"It was wrong of me to take it beyond those responsibilities last week. I know my place and it is to listen to and try to preempt what you need. Believe it or not, from experience guys really like having their feet played with and can help you relax. I thought it might have been something you'd be willing to try. But I let my own desires cloud my judgement, and I won't let that happen again."

I made sure to maintain my focus on Billy the entire length of his explanation, to show him that I was listening and, at least, trying to understand. After a few seconds contemplation, I responded "Wow. It's a lot to take in to be honest. Having lunch and dinners prepared has made my life a tonne easier, and as I said there's no way I would've been able to get up and running with clients and contracts so quickly without you. I just can't believe you're able to afford to do it, both time and money. Plus, what does Paul think about all this? Does he know that you're, you know, kinda slaving away for some guy at work? Did you tell him what happened last week?"

"Of course, Paul and I tell each other everything. He also knows all this about me, and knows that whenever someone like you comes into my life, and believe me it isn't all that common, that I'm going to dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to helping you where I can. He doesn't get jealous, if anything it's one of the aspects that he loves about me. Paul is also away a lot with work, so he accepts that my time is not always going to be just dedicated to me and him."

"Jeez, well it's great that you guys are so open and understanding of one another. So is Paul like me or your Dad, then I guess?"

"No, not really. He's very successful and ambitious, but he's not what you'd call an alpha like you or my Dad".

"Wait, an alpha? What do you mean?" I asked genuinely.

"Well an alpha is a leader, the dominant in a pack. Ultimately the success of the pack comes down to the success of the alpha Ð the stronger and more determined the alpha, the equally stronger and successful a pack will be."

"So you're saying I'm an alpha then?" I asked, amused.

"Absolutely Sir. Not only are you smart, personable and strong, but you're also handsome and big, dominant. No one would want to challenge you in a fight. You're also very confident, not in a cocky way but just comfortable asserting yourself, kindly and respectfully. You, whether intentionally or not, attract attention and give off a sense of authority. I know when I'm near you I want to hear what you have to say and do whatever I can to help."

"Huh. Well I'm really flattered, and you don't need me to do anything for you in return? You don't want anything, cause as I said dude, I'm not gay and don't wantÉ"

"No no Sir, definitely not. Look, to be honest, hypothetically speaking if I was in service to an alpha similarly as I have put myself in service to you, and this alpha wanted something sexual, then I would of course do what I was told. A truly subservient, submissive person would do that".

"Ok well, just to be clear I don't want to do anything sexual." I stated firmly.

"100% crystal clear Sir."

Again, after a brief pause, I started speaking, before I could think of what I was saying: "You know the funny thing is that after that nightÉ actually don't worry".

"It's ok Sir, you can say."

I sighed, unsure of whether or not this was a good idea to reveal this insight, but something deep inside spurred me on. "Well, this is a little personal and embarrassing I guess. After that night, I ended up watching some videos where chicks were, well, licking and sucking guys feet. Like you were doing to me. It was actually really hot. But, yeah, it was chicks licking dude's feet, so, I'm not asking for anything."

Billy smiled , cheekily. "It'd probably be best for me not to say anything Sir."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Let's put the volume up, the game has started."

We turned our attention to the game and sat awkwardly in silence for several minutes. As soon as I had finished my beer, I had a fresh cold one replace it thanks to Billy's observations and diligence. Even with the game on loudly and the large screen filling my field of vision, my mind drifted to that night last week where Billy so expertly massaged my feet, then put my big toe in his warm, wet mouth. Then I was thinking of those videos and how hot it looked getting serviced like that. But those videos were of women doing it, not a dude. StillÉ Damn it, I couldn't stop thinking about how good a massage would feel right now.

Ten minutes later and it was half time. Unlike last time, I had kept my shoes on, my sweaty socks from the gym encasing my feet. Billy had just sat down after getting me another beer, which I probably shouldn't have drunk if I was to be driving home. And with each new beer, my mind opened itself up to curiosities and devious thoughts. I turned to Billy and stared at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to notice me. Eventually he did and stated:

"Is there anything I can get you Sir?" I took a few more seconds before responding.

"Ok so how about this, and only if you want to, not forcing you to do anything you don't want to. I really would appreciate a foot massage, but just a massage, nothing more ya? What do you say?"

This time I definitely registered a little flicker of excitement in Billy's face, but only slightly. "Of course, Sir, I'd love to." He quickly slid off the couch and positioned himself in front of my feet. Unlike last time, I had kept my shoes on, my sweaty socks from the gym encasing my feet. I went to toe my shoes off for him, but Billy stopped me: "That's ok, I can take them off for you." He diligently unlaced the shoes, pulled back the tongue and slipped my feet out of the shoes. He then peeled off my white ankle socks (white with the grey toe for those who care) before commencing with the massage.

"Dude you're so good at this shit seriously." His hands turned my feet and really the rest of me into putty. I could feel the stress and exhaustion of the week dissipate with each passing minute of the massage. Once again he was kneading away, getting in between my toes and cleaning out the fuzz they'd collected. When I finally felt fully relaxed, I decided to ask a few more questions. "So what do you like about guy's feet?"

"There's actually a few things really, Sir. I know that, first and foremost, giving a good foot massage will make a man feel 100 times better. If I can do something like that for a guy, then I'm happy. But for me, I like large, meaty feet but where I can still see the tendons on top. A nicely curved arch, long and meaty toes. Soft soles, a little bit of fur doesn't go astray either. Then there's the symbolism: there's nothing much more physically subservient, that isn't necessarily sexual, than worshipping a man's feet."

I laughed and repeated "Worshipped? What do you mean by that, like sucking the toes?"

Billy laughed as well while continuing to knead my feet. I'm not gonna lie, even though it was Billy down at my feet and not some hot babe, I was definitely getting a little horned up. "That's one part of it. There's a heap of techniques you can use, beginning with massaging like I'm doing now. Softly tickling works, cleaning feet with a warm cloth, giving pedicures, using oils. Then there's kissing feet, licking feet, sucking toes. I'd class acting as a footrest a form of worship too."

"Woah dude, you're totally blowing my mind with all this stuff", and totally turning me on too. "Sooooo, how do you like me feet then? Can't believe you've been working over them this long even when they're sweaty".

"Sir, your feet are absolutely perfect, ticking every box I just described. Plus they smell incredible."

"Oh ya? Never had anyone say my feet smell incredible before. Are you sure about it?" I asked playfully, lifting my right foot up to his nose. Billy held my foot firmly, running his nose slowly from the underside of my toes down my arch as he breathed in deeply.

"Oh yes Sir, they smell amazing", Billy said a little wistfully, repeating the action. I wiggled my toes, eliciting a soft moan from Billy in between sniffs. I then began lightly and slowly rubbing my foot over his face, well and truly covering it, my foot being so much larger than his head. He continued with the massage while huffing on my feet, totally engrossed in it. Finally, I dragged my big toes down across his lips, ever so slightly pulling them apart. I locked eyes with Billy, holding my toes just beyond his eager mouth, and nodded my consent.

Billy took my big toe in his mouth and began working his tongue and lips, massaging it with the additional sensation caused by his warm saliva. God damn it felt good! His little head slowly bobbed up and down, while his hands continued to massage my soles. He slowly made his way from toe to toe, cleaning the spaces in between by licking them out then engulfing the adjacent toe in his mouth. He bathed the underside of my toes with his tongue, gently nibbled on the ball, before methodically licking and nibbling my arch and heel. The foot worship seemed to go on forever, I lost all sense of time and space, just reveling in the sensations. I alternated between resting my head back and observing his actions intently. I continued to slowly wiggle my toes, drag my feet over his face, watching and learning Billy indulge in his craft.

"Jesus dude, you're a freak! That feels awesome little man. Keep it up." I couldn't believe this was happening, he was genuinely, as he'd said, worshipping my foot. I sat forward a little and applied some pressure onto his face, pushing him down till he was lying on his back and my foot was planted on his face. It felt good to exert a little control over the situation, and honestly, it was so hot pinning him down under my foot. I'd pinch his nose between my toes, then let him suck on each of my toes, pry his tongue in between each toe, nibble lightly from top to bottom, perform long, firm strokes from heel to toe. I really was recreating those videos I'd been watching, but had my boss' son instead of a chick licking away. I eventually leaned back again, the huge dinner and couple of beers mixing with the relaxing sensations of the foot worship lulling me into a calm stupor.

"So, you must be Sam" came a voice from behind me.

Next: Chapter 2

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