
By Joe Collins

Published on Feb 9, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 9 After the session at the courtroom, Louie, Bud and Mike were mentally drained and physically exhausted. Mike suggested going to the motel and taking a short nap. Everyone agreed. A trip to the swimming pool and sauna was next. They came out very relaxed. The exercise had stimulated their appetites and so it was quickly decided that it was time for dinner. The boys said that they didn't want to go to a restaurant in Stayton. Louie remembered a Mexican place in Salem, He'd washed dishes there when he was living out of his car. The meals he ate there were 'really good'. Bud said that he would like to drive into Salem and could handle Mexican. Mike was easy and agreed immediately and didn't give them any argument.

While driving into Salem, Louie, Bud and Mike decided to take a mini-vacation and go to the coast for two days before going home. But after a little time passed, conversation in the car slowed and then stopped. Mike first looked across at Louie in the passenger seat, then up to the rear-view mirror, at Bud.

Silence. Far away looks outside the windows. Here the two younger guys in the car seemed on a far out planet. "Earth to Louie and Bud, are you there?" asked Mike.

"Of course we're here. Where else would we be?" asked Bud after a pause.

"Oh, I just thought from the expressions on your faces and your actions that you were looking down on us mere mortals. Want to clue me in?"

Both Louie and Bud let out long sighs. Louie asked Bud, "You wanna go first?"

"Not really, but I will." Bud answered. "Mike, I was wondering whether all of a sudden, something was going to happen and all of this-you and Louie and the end of my torture- would disappear and I'd be back in hell."

All Mike could do was shake his head a little and try to get that thought out of his head....What if. He had a very hard time coming to grip with the thought. Mike just sat behind the wheel, feeling like he'd just taken a punch in the guts. After a short pause, He turned and asked, "Ok, Louie, what about you?"

Louie took a few minutes to gather his thoughts, then spoke, "Mike, you don't give yourself half the credit for being the kind and loving man that you are." Louie gulped, holding back tears, half of sorrow, half of joy. "When I was on the street and living out of my car, I couldn't think ahead further that where is my next meal coming from and then all I could think about was me. With you, it is so completely different." Now it was Mike's turn to suppress tears. "Guys, you have no idea how what you are saying makes me feel. I think I have leaned something just now from both of you. Let's make a pact now. Regardless of how hard it is to say something, let's tell the other what we are feeling and go from there. I'll start. Have I told you lately, that I love you? I don't know what my life would be without the two of you in it. All I can tell is that we'll all just have to get to know one another better and learn from each other."

Silence filled the car, and after about a half an hour's driving with all three lost in their thoughts, Mike said "Well, here's `El Pobrecito's parking lot. I am glad that we decided to spend the night in Salem and that we check out of the motel in Stayton. After dinner, let's go over to the coast. It is just an hours drive and not on the week-end, so we shouldn't have any trouble finding a motel."

"Sounds absolutely fabulous to me!" exclaimed Bud who was already showing signs of recovery.

After a very enjoyable and relaxing dinner, the trio headed for the coast. "I think that I will make a few phone calls and check in with the real world and see what is going on since Louie and I have been away from the ranch. Louie, I am going to find a wide spot pull over and turn the driving over to you. Bud, fasten you seat belt very tight. He is a maniac when he gets behind the wheel. Just kidding. You can relax and enjoy the rest of the trip." He called the caretaker, Carl, at the ranch and had a nice little chat with him. Things were rolling along very smoothly and no problems other than the daily operations unexpected breakdowns or holes in the fences. "Mike, We did have two very unusual visitors this morning. Two men stopped by and wanted to know how to contact the owner. I told then that you would be unavailable for at least a week. They wanted to look the ranch over with the idea of buying. I got their number and told them you would call them back."

"That is very unusual, I wonder how they found the place and I haven`t even talked about selling the place except in a very tight circle of frineds. Give me their number and I will give them a call in the morning. Carl, we are on the way to the coast and we will spend two day there and return to Stayton and complete some unfinished business and then be home by Saturday at the latest. We'll see you then. Later,"

Mike`s next call was to Deputy Sheriff Stan, "Hey, Stan. How's my favorite overpaid government worker. Look, I know better than that. Just called to catch up on all the latest. The case was ended with plea bargains-guilty with so sentence recommendation but no death penalty, either. It looks like Willis and Stetser will probably get life in prison without possibility of parole. Yea, It was a surprise to everyone in the courtroom. I think they were just trying to beat the needle. We are headed for the Pacific Ocean for two days of relaxation." Stan, I will have to call you back we are entering a dead zone and you are just static. I can make out about every other word. Bye"

Louie pulled into a motel with ocean front view and they were able to check in without reservations. Once they had settled into their room, Mike stated his calling again. "Hi! Stan, We are in our motel room now with very good connections. So you have already heard that the trial was not held and the defendants pleaded guilty. I forget that you have connections all over the legal world. I talked with Carl on the way over and he told me there were a couple of strangers nosing around the ranch. This is really surprises me. How did they find my place, do you know? Just a minute, Stan, I want to put you on speaker. I have two people who are just about ready to bust a gut trying to figure out what is going on. Yes, I said two."

"You are on speaker now, said Mike"

"Hi, Louie! Is that filthy, dirty old man leaving you ass alone? Are you sharing him with some one else now? He said two people, implying another person has joined you party."

"Yea, too much so, I just wish that he would become that filthy, dirty old man. I could sure use some tender loving care now. Yes, he was referring to another boy, Bud, that I hope will soon become my legal brother. Hey, guess who I am now... Louie Long. "

"Sound good, talk with you later. Hey, Mike, I have heard all about your little escapades and can't wait to meet you new addition, Hi, Bud."

"Hi, Stan," said Bud.

"Now, back to the visitors to your place," The deputy said briskly. The desk clerk at the Shady Rest Motel is a relative of mine. She booked two guest from a very large development company in Portland,. When they checked in, they asked if she knew you and for directions to your place. Bless Cousin Darlene's heart she referred them to me . I gave them directions on how to find your place and told them that a caretaker was there for the week. They wanted to drive out and take a quick peak at you place."

"Well, that's one little mystery solved," said Mike. "I was wondering how they found my place."

"It gets better," Stan continued. "When they came back, Darlene's boyfriend Frank served them their dinner at Lenny's Diner. Maybe those big city boys think we're all a bunch of hicks, I don't know, but they should be more guarded about what they say. From what Frank could pick up, they fell in love with it. You are sitting on a gold mine, buddy. Don't get soft hearted and give the ranch away. Get enough out of it to buy the ranch of your dreams.

"Yeah, right, Stan. You know I'm going to be working that place until I turn my toes heavenward." Mike said , scoffing.

Stan said, "You heard it first from me. Mike, and I couldn't think of a person who deserves it more."

While Mike blushed and Louie and Bud nodded in agreement, Stan continued, "I understand that you met an old girl friend. Did you get lucky and get any, old buddy. OOOoopppppsss. I keep forgetting that you have sworn off women. Too bad, is she still as good looking and she was in high school?"

"Stan, I will bring you up to date when we see you on Saturday. Why don't you and Cindy plan on coming over for barbeque and we will catch up on all the gossip."

"Sounds like a plan. See you then at 6:00 the usually time. Bye"

"Yes, you know I am a creature of habit. Bye." and he shut off his cell.

Mike said, "That was quite a lot to think about. Now that we've eaten, caught up on the doings at home and settled in a little, guys, I think I am going to work on the paperwork that I got from Ms. Conway, the social worker. On the way home I would like to stop in Stayton , see if we can find a lawyer. If I do some basic work on these forms maybe we can turn all this paperwork over to the proper authorities just a little sooner. Then we'll see if we can put a little rush on this whole process. While I am doing this, why don't you two go to the pool and swim a few laps and work off some of the extra calories that you had for dinner."

"Mike, do you need any help, because I could let Bud go by himself and stay and help." offered Louie.

"Thanks, but I can do this by myself."

Bud let out a frustrated snort, "Dad, don't be so dense. He was saying that he would like to jump into bed with you and do the nasty. You know it has been almost 24 hours since the last time you did it. Both of you will get blue balls if you don't get some relief soon," laughed Bud.

Mike looked around playfully for something to swat Bud with. "You just watch who your`re calling thick as a brick. Seriously young man, if you want this adoption to go through, I have to get this paperwork finished even though I may be in pain with no relief in sight. So get out of here both of you. Now!" The boys were already in their swimsuits and headed out the door, laughing.

The guys were gone for almost two hours and had to return because the pool was closing. Mike had just finished and showed Louie and Bud what he had done. They read the application over and approved it. "Hey, guys let's hit the sack, I am just about beat."

"Dad, do you want me to jump in bed and pretend that I am asleep. Then you won't have to wait until midnight to shag Louie's ass," giggled Bud.

"Bud, I swear you have a one track dirty mind. No, we won't be doing anything tonight anyway," Mike said grinning from ear to ear.

Morning came and Mike woke before the other two. He waited until 8:30. "Hey, Bud and Louie, get your sorry asses out bed and lets go get something to eat. I am just about starved. You can hit the showers, one at a time. I have already been in there. So Move it. Daylight is a burning!"

After breakfast, Mike said to the boys. "Why don't you guys head on down to the beach and I will catch up with you later. I have several phone calls to make and then I will come down. Be sure to put a lot of sunscreen on all over and I do mean all over, even the top of your ears. You can get burned very easily with the sun reflecting off the water and it won`t take very long either."

"Don't be too long, we don't want to have all the fun." said Louie with Bud nodding his head in agreement. They were out the door and on the run to the beach.

He called the men in Portland and they talked for a good half hour and made an appointment to meet at the ranch on Saturday around 10:00. They were very sincere about purchasing the ranch. They gave Mike a lot of things to think about.

When he'd finished the business call, he called Ms. Beth Conway, the CSD case worker from Stayton and told her that he would like to leave the adoption application at her office. . He asked is she could recommend a lawyer that could handle both Louie's and Bud's cases.

"Mike, I have a very good friend, Bruce Martin, who does a lot of work with CSD. He knows the laws and he know the court. He is always crazy busy. I hope that you can get him."

"Thanks for the recommendation, Ms. Conway. If I can't hire Mr. Martin, I'll be back to ask you for a second name," Mike said.

Conway cleared her throat, tentatively, then spoke to Mike in a much lower voice. "I have run into a little snag with my supervisor. I will be very blunt, she is opposed to letting gays, lesbians, and singles, especially men adopt children from our agency. Bruce is one of the best and we have figured out how to work around the old stuffy shirt. Why don't I give him a call and tell him all that the judge said and we can go from there."

"Ms. Conway, I don't want to get you into trouble and get you in bad with your boss. Would it be better, if I went through Deschutes County." Mike was starting to feel determined and angry.

"Not exactly a good plan. Since the boys are from here and we already have then in our system, It would probably be best to go through our office. If my supervisor gives me to much crap then I will sic Bruce and Judge Hannum on her. She will most likely fire me but I don't care I am going to quit anyway in two months and get married."

"Congratulations! Are you sure this by-passing you supervisor is what you want to do. I am sure there must be an alternate way."

"Mike, let me call Bruce and see if I can get an appointment for either Thursday or Friday and give you a call back. I have something else I want to discuss with you but it can wait until I see you. I call back in a few minutes. Bye."

"Bye," Mike said as he hung up the phone. He asked himself, "I wonder what she wants to discuss with me?"

Bud and Louie burst into the room. Both boys were shaking and actually had turned purple and blue. "I forgot to warn you that the Pacific Ocean is ice cold, especially at this time of year. In fact, it doesn`t get any warmer as far as I am concerned. I see that you found that out the hard way. Run in and jump in the shower, start out with lukewarm water and then increase the temperature until you are nice and warm. I know, I know just leave your swimsuits on and warm them up also."

Mike could hear the boys laughing and playing in the shower. He was very surprised when the both came out wearing only a towel wrapped around their waist.

"What happened to the swimsuits?"

"Dad, we hung them in the shower to get the drip out of them and besides we have seen each others `willies'. Louie has a nice one doesn't he?" Poor Louie turned beet red.

"If you think it is nice now, just wait until it is rock hard. Then it is a beauty."

"Hey, You two. Knock it off. I will get even with both of you.!"

Mike's cell rang and he answered. "Hello, Ms. Conway. Mr. Martin doesn't have any opening on either Thursday or Friday. You got us an appointment with Attorney Martin? Tomorrow? That is great. We will be there at 1:00 pm tomorrow. Just give me the address and I will put it into my GPS and it will take me right there. I owe you a big dinner at the restaurant of your choice. No! we won't go to McDonald's. Ok, see you tomorrow. Thanks." chuckle Mike.

Mike turned to Louie and Bud, "That was Ms. Conway from the CSD office in Stayton on the phone. We are cutting our little vacation short because we have an appointment to meet with her and a lawyer tomorrow. Things are starting to move. Good News! We hope to have all of this behind in about three or four weeks time."

"Mike that is absolutely fabulous. Man you have been busy while we were down their freezing our butts off," Louie exclaimed. Bud just shook his head and grinned from ear to ear.

"Guys, why don't we go down and spend a couple of hours on the beach and then head back toward Stayton and either get a motel in Salem or one in Stayton. OK?"

"Sure. As far as I am concerned we could leave now. I don't care to go back into that cold water." Said Bud.

"There is a lot more to do on the beach than just swimming in the ocean. You haven't lived until you have been buried in the sand. I think we need to burry Louie up to his neck in sand. We have to be sure and fill his swim suit with sand. If You haven't had sand inside your wet swimsuit and all over including your dick and balls, you don`t know what you are missing. You want to scratch so bad that it is almost ready to drive you insane, but you just don't dare. The sand actually feels like sandpaper. OUCH!"

"What is this? Pick-on-Louie day! I think we should change this to pick-on-Bud but better yet, Since all of this was Mike's idea, I think his pants is the one to get filled with sand," laughed Louie.

After a run and games on the beach, the three of us piled in the car and headed for Salem. We got a motel room, went to dinner and decide to take in a movie. Now we were ready to turn in. When morning arrive, we decided to go to a pancake house for breakfast and then head for Stayton which was only 18 miles away, so we didn't want to leave to early.

Mike, Louie, and Bud We arrived at the Law offices of Bruce Martin and Associates a little early. Mike told the receptionist that we had an appointment with Mr. Martin. She took their names, motioned them to sit down in the waiting area and asked if they wanted anything to drink. She excused herself, returned shortly and escorted them into Mr Martin's office.

When Mike, Louie and Bud walked into Attorney Martin's office, Ms. Beth Conway from CSD was already there, waiting inside the office. After Mike introduced Louie and Bud, Martin started the business meeting. "Mike, Ms. Conway has already told us why your are here and gave a very good description of what Judge Hannum told you. I would pleased to accept the three of you as my clients."

" We would be honored to have you represent us," said Mike. "I can leave you a retainer fee with either you or with the young lady in the front office."

"Thanks, Mr. Long, just leave it with her on your way out." The lawyer continued, "I understand that you've completed the applications forms for Beth Conway. May I have copies made for my files? Asked Mr. Martin

"Yes, by all means," Mike said.

"Thank you, I will get my legal assistant to do that for us. I bet you thought you were through filling out forms, but my dear man, you are just getting started. I have several here for you to complete. You can take them with you or you can do it now.

"I would like to complete everything I can today. I would like to do everything I can to speed up this process."

"You will notice that Ms. Conway and I have completed most of them for you. All we need from you is your personal information and a signature. So this should not take very long. Unfortunately that doesn`t end things." With that, Martin began a twenty minute explanation of the adoption and termination of parental rights process. There could be many twists and turns, but it was apparent Martin had negotiated all of them successfully before and gave Mike confidence that he would do the same for him.

Soon all the forms were completed, signed and notarized. "Mr. Long, now for the big thing, I want to put before you. I will turn this part of the meeting over to Beth, Ms. Conway."

"Mike, I bet you and the boys thought that you were all finished with the bad things that have been going on in this community. I thought so also. But that's not how it worked out. After the trial, I had a young man come to my office and wanted to know how to find you. Of course, I couldn't tell him. I finally got his name from him and recognized his name as one our charges but he was under another case workers jurisdiction . He said he wanted me and told me the reason why. He had seen me at the trial of Willis and Stetser and had seen me talking with you."

"Now, here come the big part of this. The boy has just turned 13 and has no living relatives in the area that we can find. He was placed in a foster home but ran away and has been living on the streets in Salem. He wants to come and live with you. Hold on, I would like for you to meet him and hear his story before you respond. He is in the next room. I must ask, are you willing to listen to his story?"

"Beth, of course I will listen. Please bring him in."

After a few minutes, Beth Conway came back into Attorney Martins Office In front of her walked a very good looking young boy with a fresh haircut and new clothes. He was a little on the lean side but not skinny and tall for his age. It was very evident that CSD had cleaned him up' and made him look presentable. "JJ, This is Mr. Mike Long, the man you wanted to see. I would like to have you tell him everything that you told me.

"My name is Jerry Jordon. I go by J.J. I am 13 and I am a run-a-way. I was in a foster home in Salem but I am from Stayton originally. My foster dad thought I was his personal property and that he could just take my ass whenever, he wanted. I have been living on the streets for 7 months now." There was a long pause.

Beth Conway broke the silence in the room, "Go on J.J. Just take your time. I know this very hard for you to do, and we appreciate your effort." J.J. took a couple of deep breaths, cleared his throat and continued "Both Willis and Stitser were using me sexually and they were selling my ass to who ever would pay. I was going to tell the judge but when they will probably get life without parole, I didn't say anything."

"How long had they been sexually assaulting you and turning you out on the street?" asked Mike

"For three years. Louie was still at home but they would pick me up from school and take me to their house. My parents took off and abandoned me. I lived with an old lady, Lucy Smith. I called her Grandma. She died last year and I was placed in a foster home. Please Mister Long, can I stay with you. I heard what the judge said and I won`t be any trouble."

"Why don't you go with your story. Then we can discuss you living with me." replied Mike

. JJ really opened up and gave them lots of information. There was another man, whom JJ didn't know that was involved with Willis and Stitser. "I had been `sold' to him three times. I really didn't mind to much. He was always polite and gentle. I didn't know where he lived because they always used Willis' house. The man always had a different young boy with him . I would go with the man to another bedroom but I could hear the young boys screaming. I knew that they were getting raped by Willis and Stitser. I can pick him out of line up and would like to see him punished for the bad things that he had done." JJ told them.

"One day, Children services came and took me. They placed me in a foster home in Salem. My foster dad, Jack, raped me the first day I was there and every day there after. Sometimes more that once a day He told me that if I told any one, he would take a knife and slit my throat. I believed that he would so I just suffered in silence. My foster mom worked during the days. Several times, Jack would have 3or 4 of his friends over and they would have a full day of uninterrupted sex and I would become their sick entertainment. I would become so sore that I would cry myself to sleep."

"Things never did get any better and finally I ran away. I met a group of 6 boys and started living with them. I was the youngest in the group. We all became panhandlers and worked the streets. What little money we collected went toward our survival. Occasionally a john would come by and take one of us to a motel. We didn't make much but a least we could eat for a couple of days. I got more than my share of the johns. I didn't care, I was contributing my share to the group and we all benefited.. This went on for 7 months and here I am now," JJ said with tears streaming down his face.

Bud and Louie moved to the boy and took him in their arms and just held him. The three of them had tears along with the rest of the people in the room. Bud and Louie knew what JJ needed now was just a lot of good old fashion love. They knew that they were going to give him their share.

Conway spoke up after getting her emotions under control. "JJ, I would like for you to know that Jack has been arrested and is waiting to stand trial. You weren't the only one that he abused. We have found 3 other boys and I am sure that there may be more," "The other man you referred to was identified by Willis and now he has been arrested also. I think we have everyone connected with worthless ring of wrongdoers. Willis has told us that there isn't anyone else connected to this operation. We have no reason to think that he is lying. What has he to gain by lying? JJ, would you mind going to the waiting room and waiting for us to call you back in here with us. Thank you, dear."

"Ms. Conway, Bud and I would like to go with JJ. Right now he needs someone just to hold him. We would like to have that privilege," said Louie.

"Thanks boys, I really appreciate that," replied Ms. Conway

The boys left the room and took seats in the waiting room. The receptionist came in with a tray of pastry and soft drinks for the boys. They immediately dug in. Teenage boys are known to be bottomless pits.

Beth Conway was the next to speak. "Mike, as you heard this is a very sad case. JJ has told me and I am sure that he meant it, that he would run away again and would never be found if he was placed in another foster home. To be honest, CSD has no other place for him now. The only option open to us is a juvenile detention facility and this is the last place that I would want him to go. He has some very bad emotional scars that are going to take a long time to heal. He is going to require a lot of professional help and tons, tons, and more tons of TLC. He is getting some now. Just look out the window in the door and see for yourself. Louie and Bud have stopped all his tears for the time being and JJ is actually smiling."

After a long look from Beth Conway, Attorney Martin took over. "Mike, I am going to pick this story up I have worked with Beth a long time with sometimes in spite of the system that we both are parts of. I know that you have gone through a lot with Louie, a young man you didn`t even know until a last Christmas. Now you have Bud. I am sure that his adoption will go through. However, we had run into some major problems, mainly in the person of Ms. Evers, Head of the CSD here in Stayton. She is very opposed to putting children in the foster care of Single, gay and lesbian parents and she can involve herself in any adoptions she wants to. She is starting to make a lot of noise and is getting a small group of followers. It looks like she sees her job not as an opportunity to help those placed in her care but to get a start in politics. She very ambitious and has her eyes on the governor and state legislature . Time is of the essence. Ms. Conway and I, trying to expedite your application for the adoption of Bud and guardianship and trustee of Louie."

After pausing for a moment, Martin went on "Now, what to do with JJ. He has made it very clear that he will not be placed in a foster home, unless it is with you and the boys. Mike, I know that this is a major decision you will be asked to make. We have already run a preliminary investigation on you and found (1) that you are gay and have been out since high school graduation, (2) you are an outstanding member of your community and church and (3) you have a big heart and would move heaven and earth to help those in need. We have been extremely satisfied with the results of our investigation so far but now it has to be done officially."

"Mike, we would like to add JJ to your application for adoption of Bud." explained Attorney Martin. "We think we can piggy back both applications and carry them thorough at the same time.

Mike was a little swamped by all this, "I would like to give you my decision right now but I before I do I would like to talk with JJ, Louie and Bud. There is a park bench down by the river that I have used before. It is like my security blanket. May I take the boys and return say in two hours. I will give you my decisions then."

Both Martin and Conway smiled "That sound good to us.. While you are gone. We'll use that time to complete some more paper work for Louie and Bud`s cases. Thanks for hearing us out, Mike!"

Mike walked into the waiting room and was mobbed by three boys all talking at the same time. "Hey, boys. Give me a break. My brain is going into overload. Let's go to the park bench and have a serious discussion. Ok?" With that said the little group walked out of the building, got into the car and left. Mike wanted to discuss all the pros and cons with the three boys. However, it turned out all pros and no cons. The four of them all agreed that Mike should add JJ's name to the adoption application. JJ was assured that he would never be sexually molested or endangered in any other way. Louie and Mike did make it clear to him that they were more than just friends. In fact, they were in love and someday would probably form a domestic partnership in the future. They wanted to give their relationship plenty of time and make absolutely sure before the took the final step. The family was to be run like a big family owned business. Each person would have an equal say in all matters and there would be free and open discussions, but also clear and solid rules.

"JJ, you will be your own person. No one and I mean no one, including me, will ever force you to do anything against you will. However, the four of us will set some ground rules and everyone will be expect to abide by them. Which will mean that you will become my personal slave that means doing all the cooking, housecleaning and keeping all my shoes polished and shined," Mike said trying to keep a straight face but couldn't and started laughing. "You will however will have chores to do along with the rest of us. We live on a ranch so there is plenty for all us to do and we will work side by side."

"JJ, I think that you, Bud and I need to go shopping. We can find a cock ring that is about two sizes to small and a very large butt plug, one that will hurt every time he moves. Maybe that will calm him down a bit and make him always tell the truth." said Louie as he and Bud were just about to die with laughter. "JJ, we like to laugh and joke and we hope that you will join us. However there are times, like now when we have to be serious. So I ask you, are you ready to take the three of us on?"

"Guys, I think you are very best family that a guy wish for. I have been around the block a few time and can hold my own with anyone to a point. Yes, I am ready to take you all on one at a time. My question to you, are you ready for me?"

"YES!!!" shouted, Bud, Louie, and Mike in unison.

"Let's return and complete our deal with those waiting for us in Mr. Martin's office." Louie suggested.

The four guys walked into the building and were met by the receptionist, who took them immediately into Mr. Martin's office. "I can tell by the glow on you faces and the hallo around Mike's head what the answer is. We have already filled out all the paperwork for JJ's adoption application. We used the application for Bud to obtain all the information. All that is needed is a signature and Mike, we could use a few more character witnesses. We want to make this as air tight as possible. When we run the investigation for Bud, we will also be doing it for JJ. Bruce Martin said. "Ms Conway and myself are going to do the interviews with the people you listed on you application. That means that the two us will come to Central Oregon very, very soon and get started."

"Why don't you plan on staying at the ranch when you come over. We have lots of room." Mike suggested.

"Mike, thank you very much, but we would like to share a motel room. I know that Beth told she was engaged to be married . I am the lucky guy. We have decided not to wait and have moved the wedding date forward. There is a three day waiting period and tomorrow we're are going to the courthouse and get our license. We will get married and then come over."

"Hey, congratulations! It appears that everyone is getting some big changes in their lives," said Mike, beaming with pride.

Beth Conway spoke next, "I think we are just about finished. All is left for me to do is sign the temporary form making JJ your foster child. This will be good until he has been proven for permanent adoption. This should be completed within the next month unless Ms. Evers decides to challenge the adoption. If she does, Mr. Martin will step in and file a discrimination suit against her and ask for a court date.

"Mike, I noticed that there are no women in your household. I would suggest getting a mid-aged woman for cook/housekeeper at least until the final decree. Preferably one who is a widow. I would not get a divorcee or one who is a lesbian. I know this is one point that Ms. Evers will hit very hard. Also, make sure that you are in church every Sunday and be sure to fill out a tithing envelope, a guest book or a prayer request or something that will prove that you were in church. Besides sitting in a church pew never hurt anyone, unless they get a splinter in their butt," laughed Mr. Martin.

"JJ, do you have any questions?"

"Does all of this mean that I can go home with Mike and his boys and become part of the family?"

"It certainly does! Little buddy" JJ started jumping up and down and yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Mike, I would say that he is very Happy! I want you to have a safe trip home and I will be in touch. Boys may I have a goodbye hug from all of you? Said Beth Conway with tears in her eyes.

As they headed out the door, Attorney Martin placed his hand on Mike's shoulder which indicated that he wanted Mike to say behind for a few moments of additional conversation. "Mike, I never guarantee results. I can't. But what you did taking in JJ is as good a thing as I have seen in a nasty practice in a long time. Mike, I play tennis with juvenile court chief judge Shaffer regularly. He was way off his game last week and I asked him why. He told me then about JJ and explained that it was getting him down. He won't let your taking JJ off his hands and out of his worries obviously influence his handling of you case with Louie and Bud, but he won't forget it when the time comes, either. If he comes even close to forgetting, you can bet I'll be there to remind him." Martin held out his hand to Mike. After a firm handshake and a hug from Mike, Mike left the lawyer's office a little in awe of his newly unfolding responsibilities but convinced he was in good hands as he stepped up to them.TBC

(Thanks edinpa You're doing a terrific job correcting my errors and ghost writing. Thank again.)joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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