
By Joe Collins

Published on Jan 20, 2011


This story contains the idea of man/man sex. However, there is not a lot of graphic descriptions but the idea is still there. If you are under the legal age or this is prohibited in your area, Please leave now. This story and characters are fictional, only the place names are real. If you care to e-mail me my address is

Chapter 5

Louie and Mike decorated the house for Christmas when they got home from their business with Louie's stepfather and the police in Louie's home town. That experience had been a big emotional drain on both of them. With Mike living virtually alone on the ranch and Louie mostly on the street, celebrated Christmas for some time. Together the promised each other to make this Christmas one of the best. They agree to exchange no gifts and no Christmas card unless it was home-made. Somehow, this just seemed likelier to be better than something from the store.

Louie was a complete basket case once back at mike's ranch. and Mike could see Louie would need a lot of help would be needed to get Louie himself back together. "Louie, you must realize that none of this is your fault. You stepfather did everything to himself. All you did was put a stop to all of his wrong doing. You should be proud for doing that. Just think, you probably saved a whole bunch of kids from the sex-crazed maniac. You've touched people that you don't know and who don't know you. In my book you're a hero. Then there are the grown guys you dad and his drinking buddy messed with. Who know what scare they have, what fears haunt them, whether they worried he come around the corner and open Pandora's box. Just think there is a whole bunch of kids that can start healing."

"Mike, I really appreciate all that you are doing for me but this whole experience and my life that lead up to is something that is eating away at me on the inside. I don't think I should feel this way, but I'm mad and I'm ashamed and I can't seem to think straight. Sometimes I have trouble keeping my thoughts together and other times, I can hardly help feeling overwhelmed with stuff from my past. I am afraid that I am going to need professional help to get over it. Do you know of any mental heath services that would take a homeless person?"

"Louie, the first thing that you have to do is stop thinking you are a homeless person. You have a place to eat and sleep and to call it home. You have a job and an income. So you can't say that you are worthless or homeless!" Mike sighed, then he went on.

" Misguided maybe and too inclined to beat up on yourself, you betcha. But yes, to answer your question, I know of several professional that will talk with you. We'll find one you are comfortable talking to. One of the best psychologist is a very good friend of mine. Her office in Bend. If you want, I will call her a call and set up an appointment."

"I think that would be just fine. I am all torn apart on the inside and I am afraid of what will happen it I don't get help soon. I know you won't worry about the money but I will keep tract of it and when I get my inheritance. I will pay you back." Louie said with a small smile.

"Oh, I don't know. We'll see about that when that time comes. I am just about ready for bed. It's been quite a day, hasn't it? Would you like to have a snack before we turn in. I have some microwave popcorn and I can make some hot chocolate."

"That sound like a good plan to me. I'll join you in the kitchen. I thinks it helps for me to stay busy." Said Louie.

"Sure thing, You make the hot chocolate and I will watch the popcorn and try to keep it from burning." Mike said.

After they worked in companionable silence in the ranch house kitchen for a little while, there was a loud knock on the front door.

"I wonder who could be knocking on our door at this time of night. Louie can you get it? The popcorn is almost done and I don't want to leave it because it might burn."

"Sure." Louie said. When he got to the front door, there as the Deputy Sheriff. Letting him in and taking his sheepskin parka, Louie said, "Hi, Stan. Mike is in the kitchen trying to burn some popcorn. Come on in."

"Louie, I heard about your and Mike's little adventures in Stayton. I just wanted to stop by and see how you guys were surviving. Hi, Mike. That popcorn sure smells good. Make enough for me. I can only stay a short time, only long enough to eat a bowl of popcorn."

"I don't remember anyone offering you any." Laughed Mike.

"No one did. I invited myself."

"Glad you did. Have a seat and we can cram our mouths full and then try to talk at the same time." Mike said still laughing.

As Mike and the Deputy traded wisecracks. Louie stood there with a surprised look on his face. "Louie, close you mouth. Stan and I are thicker than brothers and go back almost as far."

"You two sure stirred up a hornet's nest in Stayton. I have been on the phone talking to the Sergeant and the whole town is buzzing. The story keeps getting bigger and bigger. You know how small towns are. The latest is that your step dad's lawyer is saying the sample was given before he was consulted and will ask to have the DNA sample thrown out. That's gonna fly just as well as a ruptured duck. Give me a break! The Sarge has it all on tape, Mr. Harvey agreed to a DNA test; It `s been sent to the lab. I guess the lawyer has to do something to earn his money, but it won't do any good because Mr. Harvey voluntarily agree to give a sample and was under no force to do so.

Stan ate popcorn and washed it down with Louie's good hot chocolate. "Louie, Plan on staying away for a week to ten days. Get yourself a lawyer or use your Mother's to tell you hoe to handle your Mom's estate. Then you can go and retrieve the things you want from the house. I will keep you posted."

"Thanks Stan. I am looking forward to having this whole mess behind me. I may be able to start living again." Said Louie.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of and You did what you had to do. Your help will remove another bad person from the streets. Don't hang you head. Hold it up high and be proud." the Deputy said, squeezing Louie's shoulder. "End of sermon. I really must be going. I have had one long day. See you two later." Stan said as he walked out the door.

"Tell your lovely wife thanks for helping us out feeding and watering the stock while were away. I am sure Santa will put an extra gift under the tree for her. Don't try to tell us that you stopped by and did the chores before you went to work. Stan. You had better be careful or you just might get a lump of coal. Bye, Stan. Have a good one." Laughed Mike again. "Oh, by the way, Stan. Santa is going to deliver you a hot tub . It is your job to have a place for it."

"Mike, why do you things like this to me?"

"Just kidding. Stan. I called Lowes and they have a large prefab building that is well insulated big plate glass windows. They are delivering it tomorrow at 10:00. Louie and I will meet them there and spend the rest of the day erecting it and installing the hot tub. So leave the keys to the backhoe hanging on the front porch. We will have to dig a trench to run a water supply out to the shed. I know where to find the keys to the house."

Louie and I were up by 5:30, had breakfast, took care of the livestock and by 8:00 we were headed to Stan and Cindy's place. After a couple hours of steady work, We had the trench ready to install the plumbing. The crew arrived on time and immediately started to work. Good old GPSs led them right in to Stan and Cindy's place

The floor was laid first and the hot tub was put in place. The building was built around the tub so no large door was needed. It was bolted together so that if need be, it could be dismantled very easily. Soon all the plumbing, wiring, and the propane heater had been installed, connected, and tested. All we had to do was flip the switches and the tub would be ready to use. So we did.

Louie and I decided to stay and make sure everything was working correctly before we left. After two hours, all the equipment was functioning normally and no major problems turned up. We left a note and instruction books on the table. Cindy was sure to be in for one big surprise.

Mike's phone started ringing at 6:00. Mike looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Cindy so he put it on speaker phone so Louie could here. "Hello, Mike here."

"Mike, you get your butt over here. I want to give it a good kicking. I told you no hot tub but you never listen and you always do your own thing." Cindy couldn't keep it all together and started laughing. "Actually, Mike, I really just wanted to say thanks and If you were here, I would give you a big hug and lots of kisses but I won't let Stan kiss you."

"Cindy, thanks is all I needed but I will take my hugs and kisses the next time I see you. You more than earned the hot tub. Those cows would have been very hungry by the time that we returned."

"How are things going with you and Louie? He is a real cute one. I think you had better hurry and latch on to that one. He is a keeper."

"Cindy, I have the phone on speaker and he is listening." Mike said grinning from ear to ear, first at Louie and then at the phone, as if Cindy could see the pleasure her words gave him.

"I don't care. Hi, Louie. If that old fart gets to aggressive just holler and I will be right over to help you beat the tar out of him. He is just an over-sexed horny old man, just tell him to go see Mrs. Palm and her 5 daughters and get all the relief he needs." Cindy was almost in hysterics by now. Hey, guys, I gotta go now Stan is already in the tub. Thanks again. You need to come over real soon and try it out. Bye-Bye."

"Mrs. Palm and her 5 daughters, I swear Mike you can do better than that. I hear they are the sloppiest pieces around town. A good looking stud like should be able to have your pick male or female."

"Okay, Mister, I challenge your words. I want to see you use your mouth not to spit out words either."

"Mike, I will turn you every which way but loose. You will be crying for mercy!"

"Louie, you are just all talk and no action."

"All talk and no action.! I'll show you!" Louie moved around the table, took Mike into his arms and started kissing him using his tongue as a sword. Louie started rubbing Mike through his jeans. By now Mike was as hard as steel.

"Louie, you had better not be teasing, because if you are, I am going to be one mad camper..

"Mike, I am very serious. I have wanted to do this since the very first day you found me. That first night in the hot tub was almost too much. I held back because I wanted to test the water first. I got a few little signals but I wanted to make certain. Let`s move to the hot tub. I am just about ready to explode." Louie started to remove his shirt but Mike stopped him.

"Louie, let me do that and you can work on mine."

Both guys were in such a rush that they were all thumbs. It is a wonder that the clothes were removed in one piece. They should have been reduced to shreds.

"Louie, I am a complete top. I have never bottomed."

"You are not a complete top anymore. If you want my ass, then I get to pop your cherry first. After that you have me all night if you want."

Louie dropped to his knees and started licking up and down Mike's shaft. Soon Louie had the entire length in his mouth. Mike just about came unglued. Not only did Louie have the whole thing down his throat but he was up and down giving Mike a good work over.

"Louie, you had better back off. I am ready to unload. Oh, crap! Too late. Boy did I have a hair trigger tonight. Louie, I think I would like to try be a bottoming. If I have a lot pain, will you stop? You know that tool of yours is not the smallest thing and I am still a virgin."

"You got it Mike. There will be a lot of pain right at first when the head pops through your ring. After that I will go slow and give you chance to become accustomed to me. Don't worry, I will do a lot a prep work and I will have you begging for more. Are you ready?"

"I thought that you were going to talk all night. I know that you already have a least two fingers in me already."

"This warm water makes an excellent lube. Now I will quite playing and get serious. I can't wait. I bet you have one tight ass."

"Oh, my! I think you just found my love nut. I got shivers all up and down my body. Even my little toe was tingling."

"Just wait until it gets hit by the real thing! You will see more than just stars!" TBC (Thanks again, Edinpa. As much work as you are doing as editor, you should be a co-author. You deserve a share of the credit. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Joe )joecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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