AutoStory: Alcatrash

Published on Jul 10, 1993



Newsgroups: Message-ID: Organization: Sideways Bulletin Board, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Lines: 134

This is an automatic post; five gay stories are posted each day. Sometimes a non-gay story may slip through. I did not write any of these stories. Authors names are listed if known. Repostings are possible if too many people miss a story.

File: gay031 (part 1 of 1); gay031.txt Title: Alcatrash

........................ 8< cut here 8< ........................... alcatras.txt

Uploaded to EYE CONTACT BBS, San Francisco, (415) 255-5972


Tommy grasped the bars of the cell and gingerly pulled himself up. His body ached all over, and he could feel the crust on his back, where the flesh had been cut and broken, crack and start to bleed again.

His mind was slowly clearing and details of the night before were becoming vivid. He had been trying to mind his business, but Bud had kept badgering him and picking on him until he had completely lost his temper. Taking careful aim, he drew back his fist and let fly with an uppercut to bud's nose. Blood spurted and bud fell to the ground writhing in agony. Tommy hurriedly beat a retreat and had spent the rest of the day near his cell and out of the way of the other men.

Bud was the unofficial leader of his tier in the cellblock and an- swered to Sam, the self appointed leader of the block. Tommy knew that there would be repercussions, and that they would come swiftly, with- out warning.

Walking back from the mess-hall after supper, Tommy suddenly felt hands grasp his elbows and wrists. Before he could wrench free Woods- man and Kinky, two of the biggest cons in the joint, were beside him leading him away from the line of men heading back to their cells, and guiding him to the machine shop.

The shop was dark when they arrived but soon a couple of trouble lights were turned on casting an eerie glow through the equipment and adequately lighting the area around an old anvil. Kinky and Woodsman quickly threw Tommy over the anvil and secured his ankles to it with wire that had already been cut for this purpose. He was forced to lie across the anvil and his wrists were bound to the bottom using more of the wire. Oily rags were stuffed into his mouth and kept there with strips of tape. As Tommy glanced up, he could see the legs of more of the cons coming into the shop.

Tommy felt hands ripping the shirt from his back, and the icy cold blades of a large pair of tin snips cutting the back of his pants. The material was torn from his body leaving him naked except for his shoes.

Writhing violently, Tommy only felt his bonds grow tighter. Jerk- ing his arms he could feel the wire starting to cut into the flesh of his wrists. Tommy's body suddenly jerked violently, an agonized scream filtering through the gag in his mouth, as he felt his balls jerked back between his legs and the jaws of a small vice slowly crush them. The vice was tightened so it would not fall off and it was dropped, stretching his ball sack to the maximum. Tommy's body jerked in spasms as wave after wave of pain enveloped him, accompanied by the cruel laughter of the cons around him.

Bud grabbed several small, bare wires and twisting them in one of his huge hands he brought them up over his head and with a evil laugh violently slashed them into Tommy's back. Again and again the wires plummeted down, cutting and ripping Tommy's flesh causing the floor to become wet with his dripping blood.

Tommy's body thrashed against his restraints as each lash was ap- plied. His mind becoming befuddled and his cries escaping the gag that was in his mouth. He could feel the blood running from his back and legs. Slowly everything went black as Tommy's body relaxed into the welcome nothingness of unconsciousness.

Sam, seeing that Tommy had passed out, grabbed Bud's wrist in his powerful paw and said, "I think that the boy has had enough, now I am going to get me a piece of his ass--outta my way!" Ripping open his pants, he pulled out his huge cock. The cock was swollen and purple with a long foreskin dripping over its mushroom head. Wiping his hand across Tommy's back, Sam lubricated the cock with blood and grasping Tommy's hips in his paws, gave a violent thrust which buried the mas- sive cock deep in Tommy's creamy ass. His hips moving like pistons, Sam fucked the ass with a vengeance felt in all of the men there. As his climax neared, Sam's hips were a blur and his grunts were becoming moans of passion. He screamed his climax and the cum gushed from his cock, filling the hole that he was fucking.

As Sam's cock slid from the ass accompanied by huge gobs of his bloodied cum, the other men fell on Tommy like animals. They tore the gag from his face and cocks were shoved down his throat while others were shoved up his ass. Huge loads of jism were unloaded into his silent body, and streams of yellow piss washed over him time and again.

The floor was awash with piss, blood and cum when the warning bell for lock-up was sounded. As silently as they had come, the men made their way out of the shop leaving Tommy's body there, still tied to the anvil.

It was later that night when the screw and Damian (one of the mem- bers of the board of prison supervisors) were making their rounds af- ter a hot session with the warden, that they noticed a light in the shop and went in to check. Finding the still unconscious body tied there, the screw looked at Damian and said, "I'll go and get some med- ication for that back while you get him untied."

Damian looked at the still body of Tommy and felt anger building in his body. Tommy was his favourite slave who he had planted in the joint as his snitch. Tommy knew better than to have gotten himself into a situation such as this. Looking around for a moment, Damian knew what he would do. Picking up a "D" ring, Damian turned on the welder and attached a handle to the ring. Placing the ring into the flame of an acetylene torch, he heated it to cherry red. Letting the ring cool until it became dark Damian applied it quickly to the right cheek of Tommy's ass and then watched as a "D" appeared, burned into the tender skin. "That'll remind him who's property he is," Damian thought as he cut the wires binding Tommy to the anvil.

Grabbing a hose, Damian washed Tommy down, as the boy slowly stirred and came back to a semi-conscious state. Screw came back into the shop as Damian was douching Tommy with the hose. Together they worked the ointment into the cuts on Tommy's body. Screw looked at the brand on Tommy's ass and then at Damian, smiling he said nothing, but just nodded as he handed Damian more of the ointment to work into it.

Together, Damian and Screw helped the still befuddled Tommy to his cell and covered his still naked body with a light sheet. Leaving the boy there screw and Damian headed back to the warden's office to dis- cuss what their next plan of action would be, and to take up where they had left off with the warden, who at this time was tied over his desk with a catheter dripping from his cock!

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