Authoritarian - Paying Rent the Hard Way

By Jay Ridgewell

Published on Apr 1, 2017



First Time Submission so I hope you enjoy. Please Donate to Nifty!!

Paying the Rent the Hard Way

We had just returned from working out at the club when our landlord stopped us on the way to the apartment we rented on the second floor of his house.

"Where's my rent boys?", he yelled as we entered the house.

"Sorry, Mr. Hamilton, but we haven't been paid by the mill in two weeks", my roommate Dan said to our landlord.

"That's not my problem, I just want my rent or you guys are going to be out on your asses!"

"Can you give us a little more time, Mr. Hamilton? They have to pay us soon."

"No way, boys. You either get me my rent tonight or I'll throw you out personally tomorrow!!"

"Please, there must be something we can do", I said.

Mr. Hamilton throught for a moment and then replied. "Okay, here's your last chance. You boys show up in the living room tomorrow and I'll let you work off this month's rent."

"Thank you, thank you", we both echoed.

"Don't thank me yet. You will have to do whatever, and I mean whatever, I tell you to do. If you don't, you can either leave and move out or stay and be punished. You will also be punished for talking back or for any foul language so if you agree, you better be ready to follow my instructions to the letter and keep your language in check."

"What will we have to do?", Dan asked. "You're not going to want to fuck us, are you?"

"I haven't decided yet, but no, I won't fuck you. You should be prepared to go without clothes for the day and plan to have a little fun with each others bodies."

"What? We can't do that...we're not gay!", I complained.

"I didn't say you were, but you either follow my instructions or you move out. The choice is yours. Be here at 8 AM tomorrow morning or move out. It doesn't matter to me which you choose."

"Okay, wow, we're going to have to talk about this", Dan said.

"I understand and I know the choice won't be easy, but a months rent is a lot of money too."

Me and Dan headed up to our apartment.

"Do you want a beer?", Dan asked.

"I think I'm going to need more than one!", I said.

"Here you go", Dan said, handing me a Corona. "What are we going to do?"

"Do you think we could stay with someone from the mill?", I asked.

"Who? No one has been paid so I don't think anyone is in a position to take us in."

"Crap. We're so screwed. Do you want another beer?", I asked.

"Yea, thanks dude", Dan replied.

This continued until we finished all the beer in the fridge and decided to order a pizza. While we waited for the pizza to arrive, I walked down to the corner store and picked up another half rack of beer.

"I can't believe I'm considering this", I thought to myself. I'd seen Dan naked a couple of times before, but actually fooling around with him? What are we going to do?

When I got back to our place, the pizza guy was at the door. Dan paid him and we headed up to our place with the pizza and beer.

"What do you think we should do?", I asked Dan as we woofed down our slices with our cold beer.

"I don't think we have a choice and imagine what we could do with the money we would have spent on rent. It's only one day and by next month we should have been paid twice by the mill."

"What do you think we'll have to do?", I asked.

"Let's not talk about it. I think it will just make it worse worrying about that. Let's just show up and do what we have to do and then never talk about it again."

"Okay, another beer?", I asked.

"Oh yea!"

We put away a few more before stumbling to bed. Before falling asJayp, I couldn't help thinking of myself on my knees in front of Dan sucking his cock. I was a little troubled that my own cock was rock hard under the covers. Luckily, I fell fast asleep and was too drunk to remember any of my dreams the next morning.

Dan was in the shower when I woke up the next morning so I went into the kitchen and put coffee on. He came out of the shower with just a towel around his waist and I couldn't help but admire his toned body. Dan's 6'1" and about 170 pounds. He's part Irish, part American Indian and has beautiful copper skin. I've never seen his cock hard, but it's around four inches flacid so I'm guessing around 8 inches hard. I guess I'm going to find out.

Dan caught me in my dream state and said "earth to Jay" which broke my trance.

"Sorry, I'm just freaking out a bit. Are we really going to go through with this?"

"Like I said, we don't have a choice. Why don't you take a shower? I don't want to be late."

"Okay, I put some coffee on.", I said and headed to the bathroom.

I was rock hard as I showered my body, but I didn't want to be late so I finished my shower and went into the kitchen for some coffee. If Dan noticed my hard-on, he didn't say anything. I went back to my room and got dressed and then rejoined Dan in the kitchen. We drank in silence until it was time to head down.

"We better get going", I said when I noticed it was 8:00. We headed downstairs and saw Mr. Hamilton sitting on the sofa.

"Good morning, boys. You're late!!", yelled Mr. Hamilton.

"What, it's only 8:02. Give me a break.", I replied.

"Let's get something clear, boys. First, you will address me as "Master" for the rest of the day. Second, you will be punished for disobeying me. You will both be punished for being late. Jay, you will also be punished for talking back."

"This is going to be a long day", Dan said.

"Yes, it is", said Mr. Hamilton. "Now lets get started. First, I'd like Jay to undress Dan. After removing each item, I'd like you to neatly fold each item and put them in a pile on the sofa."

"Are you ready for this?", I asked Dan.

"As ready as I'm ever going to be. Go ahead".

I started with his t-shirt. I untucked it from his jeans and slowly pulled it over his head. My hand lightly grazed his skin sending electricity through me. "Oh boy", I thought to myself. I looked into Dan's eyes when I got the shirt over his head and he gave me a half smile. I neatly folded his shirt and placed it on the sofa.

"Do you want to sit down and I'll get your shoes and socks next?", I asked.

He sat down and I went down to my knees and couldn't help looking at Dan's crotch. He has a nice dick so I could see a bulge, but it didn't look like he was hard. The same could not be said for me as my cock was painfully hard in my jeans.

I took off his left shoe and sock and again brushed his skin as I removed the sock. I did the right ones and neatly folded the socks togeether and placed them with his shirt.

I looked back up it his eyes as I reached for his belt. I brushed against his crotch slightly as I undid his belt. "Sorry", I said.

"It's fine. You're almost done.", he replied.

I undid the top button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper. "Do you want to lift up?", I asked.

He didn't say anything, but lifted as I grabbed the waistband of his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. I again stole a look at his crotch and then looked into his eyes as I pulled his jeans the rest of the way off. He was now just wearing his sexy calvins. I folded his jeans and added them to the pile on the sofa.

I reached for the waistband of his calvins and Dan lifted his butt again as I removed the last item of clothing leaving Dan sitting naked on Mr. Hamilton's couch.

"Before folding them I want you to take a good sniff of his underwear and tell me how you like it," Mr. Hamilton said.

I brought them to my nose and breathed in.

"No, I want the crotch on your face so you can get a real good long whiff," he instructed.

I looked at the underwear and in a semi trance brought the crotch to my nose and took a deep inhalation of his scent. I couldn't believe I was doing this and noticed a small smirk on Dan's face as he watched me. I looked down at his crotch as I continued to breathe in and wondered what his actual crotch would smell like. I pulled the underwear away from my face and looked at Mr. Hamilton.

"Well, how did you like it?", he asked.

"It was kind of gross knowing his dick and ass had been there, but it didn't smell too bad." I admited.

"Okay, well done boys. Alright Dan, I trust I don't need to give you detailed instructions. Let's get Jay naked now.", Mr. Hamilton instructed.

Dan stood up and started with my shirt. It was strange getting undressed by my naked friend. I sat on the couch as he dropped to his knees in front of me.

"Don't forget to fold his clothes," Mr. Hamilton ordered.

Dan got back up and folded my shirt and placed it next to his pile of clothes. He then returned to his knees and started working on my shoes and socks quickly removing them both and folding the socks.

He undid my belt and undid my jeans. It was obvious that I was hard, but he didn't say anything. He reached for the waistband and I lifted my ass as he pulled down over my erection. He pulled them the rest of the way down and folded them placing them with my other items. I looked down and noticed a big wet spot on my underwear. Crap, I thought.

"You're bigger than I thought you'd be," Dan joked as he pulled my underwear over my swollen cock and then down my legs and off.

He stood up and started folding my underwear before Mr. Hamilton interrupted him. "Take a good whiff, Dan, and pay special attention to that nice wet spot. I think he liked taking your clothes off."

I blushed a deep shade of red, but looked at Dan as he brought my soiled underwear to his nose and took in a deep breathe. His face was priceless as he looked like he was going to gag, but he finished his breath and pulled the underwear away and folded them.

"How did you like the smell Dan?" Mr. Hamilton asked.

"It was gross," Dan replied.

"Well, you will learn to love it as the day goes by." Dan had a worried look as he thought about what may be in store.

"Okay, well done boys, but before we continue let's get your first punishment out of the way. It looks like Jay could use a little pain so let's start with him. Assume the position over the back of the couch," he said as he removed his wide leather belt from his pants.

I bent over the couch as Mr. Hamilton handed the belt to Dan. "Give him ten hard ones and I want to see his ass nice and red. If I don't think you're giving him hard enough whips, you'll have to start over. Jay, I want you to count out each swat and thank Dan after each one. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"Are you ready?" Dan asked.

"No, but go ahead," I said.

The first whip came down in a crash to my ass! I yelled "oh fuck that hurts".

"That language is unacceptable and you will now receive five additional whips. You will also start back at one since you didn't count out or thank Dan. Okay, Dan, give Jay fifteen hard ones. I really want to see that ass red now!" Mr. Hamilton exclaimed.

The belt crashed down on me again. I yelped, but did say "One. Thank you Dan."

Dan continued the assault on my ass and I was crying by the time I got to ten. The last five had me sobbing uncontrollably as I got up and thanked Dan for number fifteen. I looked at my ass in the mirror and couldn't believe how red it was.

"Okay, hopefully you have learned your lesson because punishments will get more severe if you continue to disobey me." I rubbed my ass and vowed to avoid another punishment at all costs. I looked down at my dick which was now shrunken down to it's three inch flacid state.

"Dan, give Jay the belt and assume the position. Jay, give Dan ten good hard whips and the same rules apply for both of you. Dan, count them out and thank Jay for each one."

I grabbed the belt from Dan and positioned myself behind his flawless cheeks. I lifted the belt into the air and brought it crashing down on his ass. Dan yelped a little, but said "One, thank you Jay."

I got into a rythm and quickly made it through the next nine. Dan didn't miss a count or thank you and was actually mostly quiet through the pain. He stood up and admired my handy work in the mirror. "Wow, I haven't had one of those in a while! That hurt," he said as he massaged his cheeks.

"Good, I'm glad we got that unpleasantness out of the way. We can now return to much funner endevours. I want you two to stand facing each other," Mr Hamilton said.

We followed his instructions and faced each other. "Closer," he ordered and we moved within a foot of each other.

"Good, now I want you to grab the other boy's cock in your hand and stoke him. If you can get your friend to cum before you do, you will earn a reward."

I looked at Dan as I reached out and grabbed his soft cock. It felt strange in my hands. Soft, but kind of heavy too. Dan grabbed my cock and started to slowly stoke it as he looked into my eyes.

I let our a soft moan as my cock grew in his hands. I remembered the contest and looked down and started stoking his cock. It responded to my touch and was soon at its full eight inch length. I moaned again as Dan's hand worked my cock.

Dan had a smirk on his face as he stroked my cock knowing that I was hornier to begin with. I couldn't control the moans escaping from my lips as he worked his hand up and down my length and touched my balls and taint. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer and tried to just concentrate on stroking his big dick, but that wasn't helping either as I thought how big and full it felt in my hand.

I looked Dan in the eyes and he licked his lips with his tongue in a seductive way. That was all I could take as my orgasm shot from my balls with blast after blast painting Dan's naked body with my seed. He pulled away as the last couple of volleys shot out of my dick. I let go of his dick as he was pulling away and felt weak from the intense orgasm. Holy shit, I said as I caught my breath.

"You need to learn not to swear Jay", Mr Hamilton said. "I'll give your ass a break, but you will get on your knees and clean up the cum that landed on Dan with your tongue. Eat every drop off his hand, stomach, legs and feet."

I knew arguing would only make it worse so I replied "Yes sir" and dropped to my knees. Dan presented his hand to me and I stuck out my tongue and licked my cum off his hand. He stuck one of his fingers into my mouth and I sucked it in and licked it clean. I then went to his stomach and lapped at the large ropes of cum that landed there. It really didn't taste that bad and although I just came, I was still incredibly horned up. After cleaning his abs, I moved to a couple of spots on his thighs. Dan didn't have much hair on his body so it was pretty easy to clean up my mess. Lastly, I dropped my head to his feet and licked up the last couple of drops that had landed there.

"Very good boys, very good! Okay, since you are on your knees, you might as well give Dan his reward for winning the contest! Dan, go ahead and sit on the sofa and let Jay suck that big cock of yours."

Dan quickly dropped to the sofa and spread his legs wide to give me access. He again had a big smile on his face as I crawled over and positioned myself between his legs. His cock had softened a bit, but was still a good 6 1/2 or 7 inches. I held his dick in my hands and stared at it for a moment before taking him into my warm mouth. He gave out a satisfied moan as I wrapped my mouth around is soft cock.

"Yea, take that dick, Jay. You've been wanting this for awhile, haven't you? Whoa, watch the teeth and use that tongue."

I tried to concentrate on keeping my teeth protected by my lips and started running my tongue around his hard but soft cock as I bobbed up and down his long shaft. His moaning made me feel good and strangely proud that I was doing a good job.

"Oh man, dude. I've never had a chick suck my dick like that. That feels amazing! Suck my big cock dude. You love it don't you?"

I couldn't help but moan a "YES" back to him as I continued to take more and more of his dick into my mouth. I would gag a little when his dick would hit the back of my throat, but as I got used to the feeling I was able to take more without causing me to gag.

"Yea, take it all, dude", Dan begged. "I've never had a bitch that could take my whole cock down her throat. Take it all dude. You're going to make me nut! Yea, you love sucking my cock don't you?"

I moaned another "YES" and that was all it took to get Dan shooting his load into my hungry mouth. The first shot caught me by surprise, but I swallowed blast after blast of his hot juice. It didn't taste bad either. In fact, it made me even hornier knowing that I was taking Dan's nut nectar down my throat! He finally shot the last blast and I greedily milked his cock for any last drops before releasing his cock from my mouth.

"Dude, that was fucking amazing! I swear I have never had anyone blow me like that!! I wish I knew you were such a good cocksucker earlier. I would have given ole Rosy a few nights off!"

"That was great boys, but there was a little too much swearing from both of you so there will be a punishment in your future. It looks like Dan had his fun so I think it's time for him to return the favor. Go ahead and switch positions boys and lets see how well Dan does at sucking cock."

Dan had obviously not seen this coming as he reluctantly got up and switched positions with me. My cock was hard as a rock and pointing right at his face as he positioned himself between my legs. I felt a little bad for him, but also couldn't wait to see my cock moving in and out of his soft lips.

"Get going Dan or I'll have to add another punishment to your list that you'll hate a lot more than sucking your buddy's dick."

Dan was resigned and grabbed my cock and took my hard cock into his mouth. He did a surprisingly good job of managing his teeth as he bopped on my steel rod. He also started using his tongue and lapped at the underside of my cock.

"Yea, Dan. Suck that cock. Yea, you can be my number one cocksucker from now on. You like that, don't you.", I teased him. He didn't respond, but continued to blow my cock probably wanting to just get it over. I was getting close, but also didn't want it to end. I really wanted to snap a couple of pictures as I couldn't believe my straight roommate was sucking my cock.

"Dan, I want you to suck Jay's balls. Lick all around them and get them nice and clean.", Mr Hamilton commanded.

Dan pulled off my dick and started lathering my balls with his tongue. I shave my balls so it could have been worse, but Dan seemed to be getting into it. He licked between my nut sack and my thighs and took one ball into my mouth at a time. This felt just incredible and allowed me to put off my impending eruption for a little bit.

I lifted my ass off the couch a little and said to Dan "yea, bud. Suck those balls. Get me nice and clean down there dude." He took the hint and licked a little lower under my balls between my balls and asshole. I rested my legs on his shoulders as he continued to work his way down to my hole. "Oh shit, dude. That feels fucking amazing." When he reached my hole and brushed his tongue across it, I thought I was going to shoot. I tightened my legs around his head and shot my head back in ectasy.

"Okay, Dan. There will be plenty of time for that later. You better get back on his dick now. I want you to get a good taste of his seed!" Mr Hamilton ordered.

Dan move away from my ass and my legs dropped back to my sides. He then took my dick back into his mouth almost deep throating my entire member down his throat. "Ahhh", I hissed as he began teasing my cock with his tongue. I was in pure heaven as I watched him go to work on my swollen member. I wanted it to last forever, but knew I was really close so I just concentrated on his face making love to my cock. I wanted to remember this moment for the rest of my life so I thought about every movement, every feeling going through my body.

Much too soon, I knew I was heading over the edge. "Yea, suck my dick, dude. I'm about to load that pretty mouth of yours with my Jay seed. I hope you're ready because I think it's going to be a freaking huge load!" A second later I was moaning and shooting my load into Dan's mouth. Dan didn't gag like I expected him too, but drank it all down and didn't spill a drop.

"Yes, yes, boys! That was very good. Oh, I'm so happy to see you working your true talents like this and helping each other out at the same time! It even looks like Dan enjoyed that one!", Mr Hamilton said pointing to Dan's hard cock. I have to admit I was surprised, but it also did seem like Dan got into the blowjob after a while.

After that wonderful performance, I'm almost sorry we have to follow it with a punishment, but rules are rules. Mr. Hamilton left the room and returned with a wooden paddle. Hopefully this round will help you guys remember to obey and be good boys. Let's start with Dan this time, he said as he handed me the paddle. Go ahead and give him ten good wacks with the paddle. Dan, like before, count out each one and thank Jay.

Dan bent over the back of the couch and I delivered the first strike of the paddle to his sweet ass. He yelped, but smartly followed that with a one and thank you Jay. This punishment did finally break Dan down as he was sobbing by the time he reached eight and flat out crying at ten. He got up and rubbed his sore ass and his red eyes made me want to cry too. Also, knowing how well he'd taken the first round made me wonder whether I'd be able to take it.

I leaned over the couch and Dan immediately brought the paddle down on my ass with a loud crack. I yelled, but held my tongue and responded with a one, thank you Dan. The pain was too much by the time I got to five so I sobbed and bawled through the remaining swats, but luckily didn't miss a count or thank you. When I got up and examined my back end, I couldn't believe how red and hot my ass was to the touch.

Okay, okay, Mr Hamilton exclaimed. That is one red ass there Jay. I think it's a very good time to break it in a little bit more. Go ahead and get down on all fours on the floor. He left the room and came back with condoms and lube. He handed them both to Dan and told him to loosen me up and then plow my ass.

He squeezed out some lube into his hand and then rubbed it into my crack. Even though I was still in pain and practically sobbing from the punishment, I still let out a slight moan as his finger touched my hole. He then pushed a finger into my ass and explored my insides with his digit. I let out a louder moan as he brushed his long finger along my prostrate. He removed his finger and added more lube as he inserted a second finger into me. He stretched his fingers apart to widen my hole for the invader that was soon to come.

Okay, that's enough, said Mr Hamilton. I don't want him to be so loose that he won't remember this invasion!!

Dan grabbed one of the condoms. He came to the front of me and presented his cock to my mouth and said "get me nice and hard dude." I took his soft cock into my mouth and used my tongue to quickly get his cock to full size. He pulled out of my mouth and added the condom.

He used his legs to spread my legs apart and open up my ass to him. I felt his cock at my entrance and he said it would be best if I could just relax and even push out a little. I wondered how he would know this, but followed his instructions and soon felt his cock enter me. He's pretty thick so it felt like he was shoving a coke bottle into me. I cryed out saying it hurt too much and begged him to remove his cock.

Mr Hamilton spoke up and ordered Dan to bury his cock into my hot red ass. As Dan pushed into me, I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. As his balls brushed against my ass cheeks, he just held himself in place as I got used to the invasion. The pain finally subsided and I finally started to breathe again. Dan took that as his cue to resume and pulled his cock out a few inches and then pushed it back into me.

He started a slow rythym and soon the pain was replaced with raw joy. His thrusts got longer and my moans got louder and he began pummeling my ass with his big thick cock. Oh my god, fuck my ass Dan!! I yelled as I couldn't believe this actually felt like the most intense feeling I'd ever experienced. Yea, fuck me! Fuck me!!

Dan obliged and started hammering his cock in and out of my greedy hole. He also began talking dirty and said how he loved my tight ass and he should have been nailing it for years now. He said he was going to breed my virgin ass with his man seed and make me his bitch. I responded with an exclamation of "yes, yes, breed my ass! It feels so fucking good. fuck me! Fuck me!!" Dan said he was getting close and with a couple of hard slams into me I felt his cock expand and start pumping his warm fluid into me. When his orgasm subsided, he leaned forward and collasped onto my body.

Wow, that was wonderful boys. Mr Hamilton exclaimed. I will also allow the use of the word fuck when you are fucking each other so there will be no punishments for that. Thank you sir, we both replied.

Okay, it's now time for Jay to fuck Dan's ass and then we'll take a break to let you guys recover a bit. Dan pulled out of me and pulled off the condom which he presented to me and said "eat this!" I took the condom from Dan and obediately squeezed its contents into my mouth. I was so horny that I would have eaten a gallon of cum if it was presented to me. Dan assumed a position on all fours without further instruction. Mr Hamilton instructed me to give Dan a rim job to loosen him up a bit. I set down the lube I had grabbed and spread his smooth cheeks apart to give me better access. I stuck out my tongue and gave his entrace a light lick. Dan moaned and said he'd never found anyone willing to rim his ass before.

I traced my tongue around his hole which made Dan moan more and push his ass back into my face. I straightened my tongue and started trying to fuck him with my tongue. This got Dan going more as he started to rock his ass on my tongue. I did this for a few minutes before Mr Hamilton said that it was time to give Dan the real thing. He told Dan to roll over onto his back so that he could see my face as I fucked his tight hole.

I threw a condom on and added some lube to Dan's hole. Mr Hamilton didn't want me to loosen him up too much so told me to get to work and fuck his ass. I positioned cock at his opening and slowly started to push in. He didn't cry out, but let out an audible moan and I sunk more and more of my cock into him. I was soon balls deep as I looked into his eyes. Mr Hamilton told me to kiss him so I leaned forward and locked lips into one of the most passionate kisses of my life. He responded to my tongue and our tongues danced as my cock was buried in his ass.

As we continued to kiss, I pulled out slightly and pushed back into him. I started a gentle pace that matched our erotic kisses. We both moaned into each other mouths until he could take it any longer and pulled away from the kiss and as he begged me to fuck him harder. I was happy to comply and increased the length of my strokes and the force I used as I ployed into his tight ass. He was almost incomrehendible as he begged me to fuck him harder.

I was starting to get close, but again didn't want it to end. I looked deeply into his eyes as I ployed his tight ass. I could see a mixture of lust and apprehension in his eyes as both loved the feel of my cock ploying his ass, but also was concerned that he loved it so much. With another hard thrust I couldn't hold back any longer and released my load into his tight ass. I gave another couple of slow thrusts as I went down and kissed my best friend. "That was amazing, thank you Dan", I said as I slowly pulled my cock out of his ass. I removed the condom and fed its contents to Dan.

"Wow, boys. You are just amazing me more and more." Mr Hamilton said. "Let's take a break and grab a bite to eat."

We followed him into the kitchen. "There's lunch meat and cheese for sandwiches and fixings for a salad. I'll have ham and swiss. Fix whatever you'd like for yourself."

Dan said he's fix the sandwiches if I wanted to put the salad together. We got to work and quickly had lunch ready. I set the table and let Mr Hamilton know that lunch was ready. We were both starved and quickly wolfed down our lunch. "Would you like something else to drink master?" "Yea, why don't you grab a beer for each of us and we'll take it out back."

I grabbed the beers and followed Mr Hamilton and Dan to the patio. His backyard is fairly private, but a neighbor could certainly see us naked if they wanted to. The beer was nice and cold and tasted amazing after the morning we'd had. Mine was quickly gone, but I waited patiently for instructions from master. I absentmindedly checked out Dan's body while we sat and chatted. "You can have one more beer if you want boys, but I want to stay sober so that you'll remember everything." I got up and asked them if they'd like another. Dan wanted another, but master declined. I took our empties inside and returned with fresh beers. While Dan and I enjoyed our second beer, master went back inside and said he'd be back in a few.

This gave Dan and I our first opportunity to talk without master hearing. "This is just crazy," I said. "I can't believe we sucked each others cocks and fucked too!" "Yea," Dan replied. "Never in a million years would I have thougt we'd do that. Makes me wonder what he has in store for us for the rest of the day."

Master returned with a blanket which he laid out in the middle of the backyard. I was hard again as I wondered what he had in store. Master instructed me to take the empty bottles inside and come back outside. When I returned, Dan was already laying on the blanket so I joined him and awaited our instructions. "Okay, now that you both are comfortable sucking cock I want to guys to do a 69 with each other."

We repositioned ourselves and took each others cocks into our mouths. I was already hard, but Dan quickly hardened in my mouth and hit the back of my throat. My gag reflex was improving and I took his full eight inches as he made my cock feel amazing. I moaned as I sucked Dan's cock and he began moaning too aS he realized the vibration from the moaning felt great on his dick. I continued making love to Dan's dick as I enjoyed the feel of his big cock in my mouth. I pulled off his cock and worked his balls and taint. Dan did the same. "That feels so good dude," Dan said. "Yea, I wish we'd been doing this earlier instead of wasting our time with Rosy." We went back on each others cocks and it was evident that were both getting close. When Dan started shooting in my mouth, it sent me over the edge and I blasted my load down Dan's throat. We drained the last of our seed from each others dick and then pulled off each other and started french kissing each other.

"Wow, I am getting my money's worth boys. That was fantastic!"

"Thank you master", we both echoed.

"Okay, time to take a break from the sex so that you guys can recover. I'd like you guys to go through the yard and pull any weeds you find. I'm just going to relax so come see me when you're done." I grabbed the wheel barrel and Dan and I started working through the yard pulling any weeds we found. It was a sunny day so we soon both had a nice sheen of sweat that made us look really sexy! It took us about an hour and a half to finish the backyard. We reported to master for our next task.

Since I was hard, master had us lay back down on the blanket. "Okay, I want to take advantage of that sweat. I want you to lick up any sweat you find on each other. Pay special attention to the pits, ass and crotch areas." I quickly dove into Dan's pits and he mirrored my efforts and we worked from the left to right pit. Neither of us had used deordorant today so we were able to focus on our body fluids only. Dan has an intoxicating scent so I licked up every drop I could find and sucked on his light pit hair like it was caviar. We then flipped into a 69 and started licking each others balls and taint. We couldn't both reach our assholes so I gave Dan a rim job first and then he went to town on my ass.

When we were done, we looked to master for instructions. Both of our cocks were rock hard so master knew we were ready for more sex! "okay Dan, why don't you go ahead and bury that cock of yours into Jay? Since you did doggy style last time, why don't you get his legs on your shoulders and pummel his ass while you look him in the eyes and jack his cock?"

Dan smiled and responded, "yes master" and positioned us as directed. Master tossed Dan a condem which he quickly wrapped his cock with. Dan looked to master for lube, but master said that the lube from our last fuck would suffice. Dan lifted my legs onto his shoulders exposing my chute to him. He positioned his cock at my opening and thrust his large tube into me. The pain was intense, but luckily didn't last for long and was quickly replaced my an intense joy as I felt every inch and every ridge of his big cock. Since we had already cummed multiple times today, he was able to plow my ass for twenty minutes before he planted another load in my ass. The feel of his cock expanding sent me over the edge and I shot my load over my stomach. He slowly pulled out of me and presented his full condom to me as he began lapping up the cum on my stomach. I was now addicted to the taste of his cum and savored every drop and stuck my tongue into the condom to get the last reminants of his sweet nectar. Dan sucked in my softening cock to get the last few drops from me.

"Very nice boys," Mr Hamilton said. "I'm debating whether to have you do some more physical chores to recover, but I think you have another round in yoh. I've let Dan be the dom in most of our play for obvious reasons, but I think he'll need to be fucked a few more times to make this day a true success. Dan I want you to suck Jay's cock until he is hard enough to fuck that sweet ass of yours."

Dan engulfed my cock and it didn't take long for lil Jay to ready itself for another round. He pulled off my hard cock and assumed a doggy style position. I quickly wrapped my cock with a condom and thrust into Dan with little regard for his pain. Dan yelped but took it like the man he is. I fucked him hard as I enjoyed the dominat postion I was in with my best friend. He was soon moaning which just added to the high of fucking my straight friend. "You like my big cock up your ass, don't you dude?", I said. "Tell me what you want me to do to you with my big cock." "Yea dude, your cock feels so fucking good I can't believe it. Just keep fucking me hard like this and spank my ass dude." I brought my hand down on his ass five or six times as I continue my assault on his hole. "Yea, take that cock," I said as I pummeled his ass with my cock and slapped his ass as hard as I could with my hand.

"When you're getting close, I want you to pull out and have Dan finish you off with his mouth. I don't want him to miss a drop of your seed." Mr Hamilton instructed. I was really close so I pulled out and removed the condom and moved around to Dan's mouth. He greedily swallowed my cock and was quickly rewarded with another load of my cum.

"Well done, boys" Mr Hamilton shouted. "Time for a little free labor for me though. The fence needs a fresh coat of stain so I want you guys to pick an end and each of you do every other board. If either of you gets hard, come back to the blanket and insert your dick into the hole of your choosing. I don't know how long the fence will take so I may have you break for sex or supper depending on the timing. The stain and brushes are in the garage."

We grabbed the stain and brushes from the garage and started working on the fence closest to the garage. Doing every other board meant me and Dan were constantly brushing (haha) against each other. Since I'd already dropped four or five loads today it did take me awhile, but we were probably a quarter of the way done when my other brain took over and wanted to play. "Jeez dude you should have done porn," Dan said as he noticed my hard on as he brushed his board.

"Move over to dry boards and grab the top of the fence and spread those sweet legs for me. I'm going to grab a condom so I'll be right back." I was back in a flash with a wrapped weiner. I grabbed Dan's hips and thrust my cock into him balls deep. He groaned from the invasion, but was quickly moaning in pleasure as I rammed my cock in and out of his ass. "Yea, fuck my ass dude. That feels so good," Dan yelled. "Plow my ass dude." I got into a good rythem of long stokes that just slammed into Dan as hard as possible. Dan was going crazy with lust and reached down for his hard cock. "Keep your hands on the fence bitch, you're here for my pleasure right now," I ordered Dan and he instantly complied. I continued hammering my cock into him until I expelled another load of juice into him. I pulled my cock out of him and handed him the condom which we greedily emptied the contents into his mouth.

"That was awesome, dude, but you're my bitch! Get your you fucking hands on the fence and get ready for the fucking of your life." Dan threw away the used condom and got a fresh one. He also went up to Mr Hamilton and asked if he could borrow his belt. Mr Hamilton undid and handed his belt to Dan who returned to the fence. "It's time for you to get ready for your future life bitch. You will show me the respect I deserve or you will be punished. Count these out to twenty and if you miss a number or forget to thank me, we'll start from one." I started to protest, but Dan responded "we can make it thirty if you want." I resigned to my fate and started my punishment with a "ONE, thank you Dan." I took my punishment a little better this time and actually got a hardon as the pain moved from my ass to my cock.

Dan then rammed his cock deep into my ass. My ass was still sore from the previous assualt but I also was learning to love the feel of Dan's cock in me. My red checks felt like they were on fire as Dan fucked me with long slow thrusts. "Yea, that feels so good, dude. Fuck me forever." Forever ended up being close to thirty minutes, but he did finally cum with a final couple of hard thrusts into me. He held himself in me for a couple of minutes until he removed his softening cock from my ass. He gave me the condom and I drank down his cock juice.

We worked on the fence some more purposely brushing against each other as we worked side by side. I was spending as much time admiring Dan's body as I was staining the fence. The result was another boner for me. I grabbed Dan's hand and led him to the blanket. I laid down and spread my legs and asked Dan to suck my cock. He got between my legs and engulfed my cock in one wet swallow. He used his tongue to tease the underside of my cock. Dan was really getting good at sucking cock and I asked him to suck my balls. He lathered the left and then the right nut and worked his tongue around the space between my balls and thighs. He then lifted my ass and dove onto my sore hole. It felt amazing and I told him he better get back on my cock because I was about to errupt. He sucked me down and I was filling Dan's mouth with my seed in seconds. He didn't spill a drop as he milked my cock for every last drop.

Mr Hamilton applauded and came to the blanket. "I think Dan's ass is looking a little too white." He handed me the belt and told me to give Dan twenty good lashes. I accepted the belt and began giving Dan his spanking. He counted out each one and thanked me for each one. I massaged his cheeks when I was done and then layed down on the blanket next to him. I placed my right hand on his ass and slowly caressed his beautiful globes as we layed there.

"Okay, why don't we grab a bite to eat? There are steaks in the fridge. Why don't one of you man the grill and the other fix a salad? We'll have a guest for dinner so cook enough for four. It's pretty nice out so go ahead and fix the patio table for dinner. Dan and I looked at each other about the unexpected guest, but knew better than to complain. He decided to handle the grilling so I went to work on the salad. While the grill was warming up, Dan set the table and got us all another round of Coronas.

I was inside with Mr Hamilton when the door rang. "Go ahead and answer it. It's okay." I went to the door and was greeted by our next door neighbor Josh. "Hey Jay, how's it going," he said and he entered the house. "Having a strange day, but surprised too at how much I'm loving it. How much do you know?" "Well I heard and partially saw you guys fucking along our fence line. Mr Hamilton saw me and called and filled me in on the rent situation and invited me to dinner." "Would you like a beer?" I asked Josh. "Yea, that would be great." I grabbed the beer and returned to the living room. "Why don't we go outside and say hi to Dan while we wait for the boys to finish dinner."

Josh and Mr Hamilton went outside and Dan came by to say hello to Josh. They shook hands and Josh took his time admiring Dan's naked body. "How are the steaks coming Dan?" Mr Hamilton asked. "Probably another ten minutes" Dan responded. "Okay, plenty of time to suck Josh's cock if you want." Dan looked down at the bulge in Josh's shorts and said "sure, you want a BJ?"

Mr Hamilton agreed to man the grill as Dan led Josh to the blanket. Dan slowly undressed Josh finishing with removing the underwear covering Josh's huge nine inch cock. Dan wrapped his lips around Josh's cock and Josh was instantly moaning from the pleasure. "Wow, how'd you learn to suck like that? It is freaking amazing." I finished the salad and came outside to see what was going on. I licked Josh's balls while Dan continued bobbing on Josh's tool. It didn't take long for Josh to blast a huge load into Dan's mouth. Dan captured the load, but waited to share the load with me in a passionate french kiss. We exchanged Josh's load with our tongues it was really good almost as good as Dan's. I went down on Josh's cock and milked out the last few drops of his seed.

"Excellent boys! Okay let's eat. Dan and Jay need to remain naked, but you can put your clothes back on if you want Josh or you can leave them off and Dan and Jay can take care of any other needs you may have after dinner." Josh elected to remain nude and we made our way to the table. I went inside and grabbed fresh beers for everyone. I sat between Dan and Josh and spread my legs so that I was touching them both.

Dinner was great and we all devoured our food in no time. We sat around the table and shared some of the stories of the day with Josh. If he didn't see it for himself, he wouldn't have believed that Dan and me had fucked each other. I told him that I was shocked how good it actually felt and that he should try it sometime. He said "maybe, but think I'd rather fuck you guys." I looked down at his hard nine inch cock and said "who do you want first?" He said he wanted to fuck me first so we went over the blanket and I got down on my hands and knees.

Josh threw on a condom and lined his monster cock with my hole. He slowly pushed into me and stretched my already loose hole. He hit places in me that Dan couldn't and I felt a little quilty how much I was enjoying it. He grabbed my hips and got into a smooth rythm of fucking my pussy. I was moaning in delight as he hit me in all the right places. "Yea, fuck my ass Josh. It feels crazy good!" He plowed me for around 15 minutes before he slammed into me one last time and unloaded his seed into the condom. After he pulled out, I unwrapped the condom from his dick and drank the contents. I felt a little quilty not sharing it with Dan, but I was so high from the fuck that I wanted it for myself.

Both Dan and I were hard again and got into another 69 position. I could now take all eight of Dan's inches without gagging and I held Dan's cock in my throat and played with my throat muscles to please my friend. He liked what I was doing and said "holy crap, dude. What are you doing with your throat? That is crazy." I didn't respond, but kept working on Dan's cock. Dan was also making me feel incredible. I wasn't quite long enough to allow for more than the head of my dick in Dan's throat, but he was still sending electricity through my body as he grabbed my ass the pushed as much of my cock down his throat as possible.

I was the first to cum and fill Dan's mouth with my cum. While I finished with Dan's cock, Josh put on another condom and Dan got on his hands and knees as Josh pushed his nine inch cock into Dan's ass. Dan's ass accepted the huge tool and Josh started a slow fuck of Dan. Dan was loving what Josh was doing to him and I was rewarded by a load of Dan juice down my throat. I sucked it all down like a hungry animal. Josh was pounding Dan's ass and the two of them were both moaning like crazy. Josh gave Dan's ass a few hard slaps and then erupted into Dan's hole. They were both covered in sweat and I took turns lapping up the sweat from Josh's and Dan's pits, balls and asses.

We were all pretty spent so we joined Mr Hamilton at the firepit. He had opened a bottle of wine so I fetched additional glasses and poured us each a glass and topped off Mr Hamilton's glass. We just chatted and enjoyed the company and felt surprisingly comfortable with our nudity in front of our landlord. I had never been happier in my life and I can't believe it was because we couldn't pay the rent. I looked at Dan and we smiled at each other and I knew our relationship would never be the same.

Mr Hamilton raised his glass in a toast and said "I want to thank you boys. That was a million times better than I could have imagined." If you want to stay here rent free, I'll make you another offer. You don't have to perform for me or follow my instructions, but there will be two requirements. First, you will need to be nude when you're at the house except when we have company that it would not appropriate for. Second, you will need to remove all body hair below your neck. I want to see all of your smooth young skin when you're at the house. As an added benefit, you are welcome to use all the house ammenities and have anything in the fridge. I'll also add an inground pool to the backyard so that you can enjoy a swim or float in the buff.

Dan and I looked at each other and both responded "Deal!"

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