Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Mar 28, 2020


Austin & Andrew, Chapter Seven

This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. Four weeks later when he moved to Ames, Iowa we spent a memorable weekend together. The following chapter takes place when Andrew came to spend the weekend with me at my house in South Beloit, IL.

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story!Also, please consider donating to! Without their support, aspiring writers like me would not be able to tell our stories! Thank you!

As the week began following the weekend I spent in Ames with Andrew, work kept my mind occupied. Since the summer work program had started, my responsibilities included working directly with 10 fourteen and fifteen year old kids doing landscape maintenance work around the grounds of the factory where I was employed. It was a great program, since after the kids turned 16, they were allowed to work in the factory during the summer while they were in their senior year of high school, and throughout their college years as well. Many of the kids went on to get accounting, engineering, computer science, and manufacturing degrees, and still work there to this day. How many people today can say that?

Wednesday evening Andrew and I talked over the phone for nearly two hours. Plans were set for him to get to my house around six p.m. Friday evening. We would then go out and grab something to eat, and then see what the rest of the weekend would hold in store. Although I was very excited to have him come and spend the weekend with me, I was also a little nervous in thinking what to do should my parents or friends decide to drop in on me unannounced, leaving me to figure out how to introduce my new friend from Minnesota to them. But since my feelings for Andrew were growing almost exponentially, I new I'd figure out a way.

Friday morning finally arrived, and just like the previous weekend, I could hardly wait for the day to pass by. Work went well, the kids of course asked me what my plans were for the weekend, and I just explained to them that I had plans with a friend who was coming in from out of town, and we were going to hang out and catch up on things in our lives.

Before I knew it, the workday was almost over. As usual, I had to watch over the boys' locker room where the boys would have to undress from their company uniform, shower, get dressed in their casual dress clothes, and wait to be picked up. I would stand at the back entry way to the locker room and had to make sure each kid took his shower. Since there was a hallway from the back entry way to the front by the office area, the boys had to walk across this hallway and go into the showers. Most of the boys were used to being in locker rooms and walked across without a towel. More times than not the boys would ask my opinion about something and would come up to me bare-assed naked, not caring if I saw them. Good thing was they trusted me I suppose, and if I had ever made a move to touch any of them inappropriately, I would have had to face the consequences of losing my job and getting charged with a felony that would still haunt me to this day. The eye candy was nice, but certainly not worth losing my job and having a record. Finally, I was on the way home. I showered, fed the dog and cat, and waited. Andrew guessed that by the detailed map I left him with in Ames, he would arrive at my house around 6 pm. Sure enough, shortly after 6 I looked out to see his silver Buick pull in the driveway. I practically ran out the side door of the house, up the sidewalk and stood on the edge of the driveway as he got out of his car. I couldn't stop smiling. I felt like a little kid that was waiting to go to the carnival with his best friend.

"Hey! You made it! Did you have a good trip? Have any trouble finding the place?" I excitedly asked Andrew as he got out of his car. Wearing an ISU shirt and jeans shorts, I wanted to run to him and fall into his arms, but mindful of my nosy neighbors, I opted to stay on the sidewalk. "Yeah, it was good. You gave me some great directions!" he replied with a huge smile. "You have a nice place here; I love the oak trees! Wow! I bet they are beautiful in the fall!"

"They are, but they scare the crap out of me during a storm. I am almost petrified of thunderstorms because I'm afraid these trees will come crashing down on my house if we get a strong wind." He looked around the area and then gave his scientific opinion about why the trees would not fall down on the house.

"They're oaks. They're strong. You're fairly protected here, so you'll be fine!"

I felt kind of like an idiot, but he did make sense. I proceeded to give him the nickel tour of the house, introduced him to my poodle named Cookie, and my black striped tiger cat named Charlie. They were happy to meet him, but soon just went about their way.

"You've got a nice little house here, Austin. I like it. That is so cool that you did the remodeling. You really like to do remodeling, huh?"

"I do. Never thought I'd like to, but I guess those years working with my dad when I was a kid really paid off. It is just neat to take something run down and make it nice."

"Plus, you can add equity to your house, making it worth more when you go to sell it."

"You're right. But I have no intention of selling, since my house payment's only $150.00 a month!" He agreed that my house payment was very low and a good place to live. We finally decided to head out for dinner. We opted on a small restaurant in Beloit, Wisconsin. Since I lived just a mile south of the Illinois -- Wisconsin border, I was closer to Beloit, a town of about 35,000 people compared to Rockford which had just over 200,000. There were more restaurants, but Beloit was closer. Not to mention the Liberty Inn was a quaint, yet excellent quiet place to get a great dinner.

We opted to dine at a small restaurant in Beloit, Wisconsin. Since I lived just a mile south of the Illinois -- Wisconsin border, I was closer to Beloit, a town of about 35,000 people compared to Rockford which had just over 200,000. There were more restaurants, but Beloit was closer. Not to mention the Liberty Inn was a quaint, yet excellent quiet place to get a great dinner. Usually a reservation was necessary, but on this beautiful June evening, which just so happened to be one of the longest days of summer, we opted to eat on the west facing patio. With the birds singing, the blue sky above us, quiet jazz music playing over the speakers that were hidden behind some small bushes on the sides of the patio, the ambiance was perfect for Andrew and me to eat our first meal together at a nice upscale restaurant. After ordering we talked about our week at work and school. Andrew told me more about his job at the university, I explained more about the company where I worked. The entire time we talked and ate I couldn't stop thinking about later that evening when we could pick up where we left off in Ames. I wanted his cock badly, and I think he felt the same about me.

The meal was excellent. Along with a fresh garden salad, I had blackened catfish with grilled asparagus and potatoes au gratin; Andrew had the baked seasoned chicken breast, broccoli and also potatoes au gratin. With our bellies now full, we left and headed to downtown Rockford, to take a walk along the river. The Sinnissippi Recreation Path was a popular spot to walk, so it was perfect to just enjoy the nice evening walking and talking on the paved bike path located on the east shores of the Rock River. Half-way through the walk we sat on a bench that faced the river, which flowed from north to south. We watched the boats going by and chatted about anything and everything until the sun had set. Along the walk back to the truck, one of the kids from work named Chris, was walking with two of his very cute friends.

"Hi Austin! How are you doing?"

"Hey Chris, doing fine, how're you? Nice night out, huh?" "Yup, sure is! Well hey, have a great night!" I wished him the same and as they passed, and we got back to the truck, Andrew asked me about Chris.

"So, is he one of the kids you see naked every night after work when he goes to shower?"

"Um, as a matter of fact, yeah, he is. And in case you're wondering, he's got a six pack and a nice... fat dick, scant amount of pubes, and a hairless sack, not that I've noticed or anything" I replied in a quiet voice, making sure no one was close by.

"Damn, you're lucky! Young guys like him are so cute! He looks like a soccer boy!" I agreed, with his indoor soccer shoes, shorts and Puma's team soccer shirt on, Chris was very, very cute.

"So, you're attracted to young guys too, I take it." I inquired as we started heading back to my house in the truck. "I know I am." "Yes, I am too." Andrew sighed as he replied. I proceeded to describe three or four of the workers from the summer crew that were incredibly cute. I told him a story about one of the kids I took camping with me and my two neighbor kids three summers ago.

"Brian reminds me of Chris, body type and even his attitude. Nice kid, but a little wild. Anyway, I had mentioned to Brian and some of the other kids one Friday that I was going camping the following weekend with two neighbor kids that lived next to my parent's house. I'd known Jim and Scott since they were babies, and even had watched them from time to time. So it was only natural to invite them to go camping with me one weekend. They were like younger brothers to me, and I never thought about anything with them, other than having fun camping. I was somewhat surprised when Brian asked if he could go camping with us. Since he was the same age as Jim and Scott, I didn't have a problem if he went. He got permission, and the four of us went up to one of the state parks in southern Wisconsin for the weekend. On the way up, Jim and Scott rode in the back of the truck, Brian rode in the front of the truck with me. The conversation about some of the guys on the summer work crew came up. Brian began.

"So how do you like having to supervise us while we take our showers at the end of the day, Austin?"

"Oh, it's okay," I lied. "I need the overtime, and it's easy money, as long as you guys don't get too rowdy and McDonald (the manager of the department) comes back and get pissed for you guys yelling too loud." The next statement from Brian almost got me to say something I would certainly regret later, but I didn't say my true feelings. It was almost like he was setting me up.

"Yeah, I know. Hey, doesn't Greg, the black kid have a big dick?" I wanted to agree and tell him that his was just as big, but instead I acted like I didn't know what he was talking about. "I haven't really noticed. I mean it's not like I check you guys out or anything like that." I carefully replied.

"Oh come on Austin, you check us out, don't you?" I didn't respond; he asked me again. Just as I was trying to think of a response, Jim tapped on the back window of the truck and asked me to open it. Thankfully, Brian did not press me anymore for an answer to his question. "Wow, so did anything else happen on the camping trip, I mean you were there with these three cute guys, wasn't it tempting to, you know, do something with them?" Andrew inquired.

"As much as Brian's conversation about the black kid's dick size and all was very...strange yet intriguing, I knew if I kept the conversation going or led on to him that I did watch them as they walked naked in front of me, if I even touched the kid it would have been the end of my job, because the kid would have told someone, and worse off the two neighbor kids would have told their parents too. I could not risk it; I enjoyed hanging around with them as they were like little brothers to me."

"Makes good sense. Just making sure you aren't some child molester." Andrew replied with a laugh, playfully punching me in my right arm.

"I can't deny that I'm attracted to younger guys, but only those over the age of 18." I admitted. "How about you, what kind of guys are you attracted to?"

"Yah, younger guys here too. Mostly jock type."

"That's cool." We walked back to the truck and made the twenty minute drive from Rockford to my home in South Beloit. It was getting dark now and the evening had shaped up to be a nice June evening. We decided to sit out on my deck, sipping some red wine while listening to a radio station out of Madison that played smooth jazz music at night. My deck, which was hidden from the road by the landscaping I'd installed along the sidewalk, was situated between my detached two car garage and the house. Because of the huge white oak tree that was next to the deck, we could not see the stars. Nonetheless, our conversation continued until close to midnight. We had so much to talk about, especially about my life. I divulged more information to him about my family and my life in Illinois. Of course, the subject of sexual experiences came up around 11:30, and we decided to take our little party and conversation into the living room of the house.

"Alright Austin, so I have a question about you and Joey. You had told me that you guys only jerked off together. Are you sure you didn't do anything else with him, I mean if he was the only guy you had done anything with before you met me, you really knew what you were doing when you, um, sucked me off the first time last weekend."

I took a long sip of my glass of wine, which now had me very relaxed and getting hornier by the minute and began to tell Andrew about what really happened with Joey. "Okay, so yeah, I didn't exactly tell you the whole truth. Um, so after that first time we jerked off in Joey's bedroom, we got together a few other times where we took turns sucking each other. I usually started by sucking him first, then he would suck me for a few minutes. The first time I felt his dick in my mouth, it was amazing. What was even more amazing was feeling his mouth sucking my dick. It caused my pre-cum to flow so much that he thought I was cumming into his mouth. At fourteen, I had yet to have an orgasm, so I wasn't sure if I was or not. Most of those times where we'd suck each other, we'd go to this fort I'd built inside of one of the farm buildings my dad rented. I had built this six foot by eight foot elevated fort, with a trap door, two walls that had some cushions we'd found from an old sofa someone had thrown away. I would get Joey close to an orgasm, he'd stop me from sucking him, then he'd jack off on his smooth stomach, while I'd just watch."

"And you still hadn't had an orgasm, right?" Andrew interrupted.

"Right. So, one Saturday night I asked my dad if Joey and I could sleep out in my dad's mini motor home camper that was parked in our second driveway. Dad had bought it from my uncle with the intention of us going camping sometime, but my mom didn't like to camp, and my dad never took the time for us all to go in it. Anyway, Joey and I hung out it in that night, just doing typical things like playing Monopoly, cards and watching tv from the portable color tv set I had brought out from my room to the camper. Around midnight we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Of course, nobody was out, but it was our ritual whenever we camped out in my tent (and now the mini-home) to walk around the neighborhood. With nothing exciting to see, we walked back to the camper. When we got settled in, drinking a couple of Pepsi's, Joey asked me if I wanted to `do something' which was our code word for messing around sexually with each other."

"Ah, cool, so tell me what happened next." Andrew inquired.

"We decided to sleep on the bunk above the cab, since it was a queen-sized mattress. We took our t-shirts and shorts off, leaving just our tighty-whitey briefs, and both of us had hard-on's. Once on the bed, Joey pulled his briefs off first, and I followed. We were now both naked. Joey had more pubic hair that me, his legs hairy, and a scant thin trail of hair that led from his belly button to his bush. I estimated his dick to be about five or six inches long, very close to the same length as my 5.5 inch dick, but his was thicker. As he laid across the bed, I made the first move. I started by licking his sack which was a little hairy, then worked my way up the head of his pulsating cock. I licked the underside, causing him to moan in pleasure. Finally, I engulfed his cock in my mouth, just like the girls in the porn magazine we'd found alongside the road a few months back. Moving up and down with my mouth, Joey was laying back enjoying this ride. He must have been getting close, because he stopped me and then did the same to me. My smaller sack had some hairs, but not nearly as much as Joey had. He took each ball in his mouth, bathing each one with his tongue. It felt so damn good, I just laid back and let him go down on me. He sucked me for what felt like ten minutes or so, and although my precum was leaking, I still felt nothing like what I thought an orgasm would be. He stopped, and I immediately went back down on him. We were sucking each other for about another five minutes when I sensed he was getting close. I didn't stop, and with my left hand that was massaging his full sack, I could feel like something was beginning to flow up from deep within, as the perineum area between his hole and sack started almost buzzing. His cock was harder than ever in my mouth, and seconds later I felt his hot cum shoot deep into my mouth. I pulled off of him as quick as I could, but the pungent taste of his load was now in mouth. All the time he was cumming, he didn't stop sucking me. I laid back, my part done, and just enjoyed the good feelings that were coming from my dick. And then something happened. I felt the pressure build, like I had to pee. My cock got harder than it ever had before, and then I felt like it was going to explode and explode it did. Joey had no idea I was about to cum for the first time, and neither did I. But before I knew it, the jets of my virgin sperm rapidly fired jet after jet of cum into his unsuspecting mouth. He pulled off my dick, but it was too late, his mouth was full of my cum, which he promptly deposited back onto my groin and smooth stomach. The feeling was like no other, and I look back now and wonder if that first time had been with a girl, either fucking her or getting a blow job, would have made me straight, or if I was just born to like sucking guys. All I know is that my first time was utterly amazing."

"Wow, I'm like incredibly hard now!" Andrew whispered. "So that's how you knew how to give good head, huh?"

"Yeah, but I also had two girlfriends who were also fellatio artists, good if not better than Joey." I laughed.

"That's crazy, Austin." was all Andrew could say. "So, how many other times did you and Joey suck each other after that first time in the camper?"

"To the best I can remember that summer before I turned fifteen, we had gotten together like once every other week. We never did anything in the camper again but did go back to sucking each other in the fort. Joey never did suck me until I shot in his mouth again, even though I did it to him that way. I brought up the idea of him trying to stick his dick in my ass, but he never did try it. It was all about giving and receiving head." "When did you guys stop fooling around?"

"The following summer. That fall of our junior year in high school, Joey got his license, and got a job working weekends and after school at a grocery store in South Beloit. We never got together again, although one Saturday night we went to a movie, and the entire time in his car I thought about bringing it up, offering to give him a blow job, but the topic never came up. The last I heard Joey is married, has two daughters and is living in Michigan."

"So, you think he went straight then? It would seem like it."

"Yeah, I did see him once when he came back to visit. I was out driving the tractor working a field and he stopped to see me. All he told me was that he had a girlfriend, told me that sex with a woman was wonderful, and that I should try it."

"Really? Wow, what did you say?"

"Told him that yeah, I had not been dating yet, but was hanging out with this girl named Sherry, who was a friend of my friend's sister. About a year after seeing Joey for the last time, Sherry took my cherry, and I took hers. She was very skilled at giving blow jobs, and I spent the better part of a year getting only head from her. Whoever got married to her surely would have a great sex life, no doubt. She loved to give head and swallowed every last drop of cum too."

By now both Andrew and I were getting pretty horny. This talk about Joey and Sherry had me in a serious condition of blue balls and since it was close to one am in the morning, I asked Andrew if he wanted to go to bed. He stood up, walked to me, we embraced while kissing madly and passionately. I never thought I would like to kiss another man, but the taboo part of it along with him being a good kisser caused all of my inhibitions to fly away. We left a trail of clothes on our way from the living room, through the kitchen and by the time we reached my bedroom, only our briefs remained. My black CK bikini briefs had a huge wet spot where my cock had leaked. Andrew's hard cock was tenting out the front of his white briefs. We reached the bed and continued kissing, our lips and tongues locked in a wet embrace that I never wanted to let go.

Finally, we collapsed as one on my queen sized waterbed on our sides, only the fabric of our briefs separated us from being one together. Feeling his hard cock against mine through our briefs pushed me to a new sexual fever, and within seconds we broke our wet embrace and engulfed each other's member deep into our mouths. The passion between us reached a fever pitch, and we stayed there as we alternated between sucking each other and then moving back to kissing, while our wet cocks pressed against each other. My precum mixed with the remnants of our saliva and once again I was on top of Andrew, grinding my crotch into his; our dicks sliding against our bellies, like speeding freight trains anxious to each the finish line to deliver their hot loads. This time though, I didn't want to waste my week-long load on our bellies. I pulled away from our wet locked lips and headed straight for his slippery cock and engulfed its entire six inch length as deep down my throat as I could until I felt hairy sack against my nose and his thick bush against my chin. Following my move, Andrew did the same and after a few seconds of deep throat sucking, I felt his cock swell to its fullest, and I prepared to receive his load. As soon as the spasms started, he thrust his cock into my throat, and I took the hot volleys of cum straight down into my stomach. His body began to shake as I greedily sucked the last drops that seemed to last for minutes, out of him and into my throat. He then increased intensity sucking me, taking me as deep into his throat as I'd taken him. I was close, but not there yet. Then I felt his right index finger probing closer to my hole. The feeling of him massaging my hole was so intense that I started moaning and begged him to go further. He rubbed his finger over my soaked ball sack and then his wet finger slowly began to rub my rosebud, and he inserted his finger in up to the first knuckle, wiggling it as it when in. That sent me over the edge. Wave after wave of cum spewed from my cock; his eager mouth took each drop as the floodgates of cum erupted deep down his throat. My toes curled; my body shook. As much as the first time with Joey was phenomenal, this orgasm with Andrew was ten times greater. Once the waves of spasms subsided, we collapsed onto our backs. Our sweaty bodies exhausted from the fiery passion that raged within us, spent from the pent up sexual energy that was exerted in the hour long lovemaking. The last thing I remembered was pulling the cool sheet and blanket up over our naked bodies and falling asleep in his arms.

Saturday morning found us in the same condition as the previous Saturday. The lovemaking rivaled the night before, but this time we did cum at the same time, Andrew laying on top of me, our slippery cocks rubbing each other's bellies. I loved feeling his throbbing cock shooting his load right next to my cock. We finally got out of bed around 10 am, showered and went out to a local diner for breakfast. The rest of the day we spent hiking in the best state park in Northern Illinois. Rock Cut State park was only a fifteen minute drive from my house, so we spent the remainder of the afternoon hiking on the trails that circled the perimeter of the lake. There were also a few trails that explored the forested area near the edge of the park; those trails were less populated so they gave us moments where we could embrace, kiss each other passionately enough to cause our dicks to get hard. At one point I wanted to get down on my knees and blow him right in the middle of the trail, but thought otherwise when I thought that bikers or the park police could come by anytime, and I really didn't want a park ranger to catch me blowing Andrew in the state park. We left the park around 5 pm, stopped at a local meat market and picked up some steaks to grill out once we returned to my house. The rest of the evening as the sun drifted below horizon we spent on the deck, eating dinner and engaged in continuous conversation about anything and everything. Once again, the topic of sex came up.

"I have a question for you." Andrew began. "You told me over the phone or one of the times we talked that you had some gay porn movies. Do you still have them?"

"Um, well, uh, yeah..." I replied. "Do you want to watch them?"

"Sure. I did check out some cheesy gay porn when I went to the adult bookstore in La Crosse, Wisconsin one time, but it was like one of those booths that I had to keep sticking quarters in. And it never failed that I ran out of quarters before the guys came." When he said that I started laughing out loud, because the same thing had happened to me at an adult bookstore just off the interstate north of Beloit.

"Yeah, we can go in and watch them. I have three. The first one is kind of funny, but the star, Michael Cummings is really cute. The other two are okay; one is like a compilation, another is called `Pleasure Beach' and it is hot!"

"Michael Cummings? Pleasure Beach? Wow those sound like some typical cheesy gay porn titles. What made you buy those?"

"You'll see. I liked how Cummings got fucked in a three-way, and Pleasure Beach is pretty hot too. The main star Danny gets fucked bareback by this super hung top guy. I hardly ever make it past that scene without shooting all over myself." We both laughed. I was somewhat embarrassed to show the videos to Andrew, as my private jerk off sessions watching those videos was like letting someone in on my secret of what I `used' the videos for -- getting off on my own. But we did watch both videos and wound up in bed with another command performance of Friday night's lovemaking. After we both shot our loads down each other's throats, we laid next to each other, basking in the afterglow of the sensuous passionate sex we'd just had. "So, you'd like to be like Michael Cummings and Danny in those videos, huh." Andrew began. "You know, be the bottom boy?"

"Yeah, I mean being topped by a guy with a big dick like that would be like a dream come true. And it doesn't have to be a well-hung guy." I added, knowing the neither Andrew nor I were exceptionally well hung. "The whole idea of being fucked looks like it would be amazing."

"I agree. I think that'd be cool too. I bet it does hurt though, don't you think so?"

"Yeah, if it's not done right, probably. But what I think is hot is when the bottom stays hard the entire time he's being fucked. He HAS to like how it feels, right?"

"I'd think so. That being said, do you think you're more of a bottom, or a top, or..." Andrew finally asked me.

What I didn't tell Andrew was that I wasn't necessarily an anal virgin. While it was true that I'd never been fucked by another guy, or even Joey back when I was fourteen, but I had used a rather large dildo that I'd bought from a mail order porn store some five years ago. That's when I realized that I liked the feeling of having something stuffed up my ass, and had badly wanted to experiment with anal sex, but was afraid due to the HIV scare that was running rampant in the early `90's.

I carefully worded my response to Andrew's question. "I'm not sure I can answer that. I mean I love having sex with women and bringing a woman to an orgasm is very fulfilling. But there is that part of me that would love to be dominated by a guy, giving into his wants and needs, you know, being the bottom. I can't explain it, but it's there. Is that strange? So, what about you? Top or bottom?"

"That makes sense." He replied. "As for me, I am not sure. I'd like to try it too. So, I guess if we were both bottoms or both tops, would we be sexually compatible?"

"Dude, look, together we've made some awesome sex these past two weekends, wouldn't you agree?" He nodded his head yes, so I continued. "Therefore, does it matter? I mean I don't know how it'd be, top or bottom, or what'd be my true self. If it didn't HAVE to be one or the other, so be it. If we love each other, what else would matter?" Neither of us spoke for an awkward minute or two. Finally, Andrew responded.

"Are you saying that... you, um, love me?" Now I thought and hesitated before I responded, but finally let the words slip out of my mouth.

"Um, well, uh, yeah -- yes. I think I am falling in love with you. So, if you were a top and I was the bottom, I'd be fine with that, and vice versa. Maybe we're versatile. I think they call it flip fucking, and that sounds hot too. Either way, we're so compatible and have so much in common that despite the awesome sex, I love going places and hanging out with you. We both love the outdoors, traveling, tennis, biking, etc. I really don't have a best friend to do all of that stuff with. My best friend from school is married and has a kid now, so I don't even see him. Almost every waking hour, you're all I can think about." Telling Andrew that I loved him and talking about being a bottom had me hard again. No more words were spoken -- I slipped under the cover and found his semi-hard cock and began deep throating him again. I was so fucking horny again after proclaiming my love for Andrew that I was rock hard and leaking while sucking him. It took a few minutes to get him fully hard again, and I decided that now was the time. He was laying on his back and I pulled my mouth off his hard cock and reached up to the small cabinet drawer on the headboard. I reached inside, pulled out a four ounce bottle of KY lube and a condom.

"What are you going to do?" he asked in a sexy voice.

"I want you to fuck me." I replied. I moved back to his cock, which was still hard. "We don't need a condom though, do we? I mean I was a virgin until last week, and you're clean, right, so we should be okay."

"I'd rather be safe than sorry, if you know what I mean."

"Okay, we can try."

I tore open the Trojan lubricated rubber package, and began to unroll it on his dick, which strangely began to soften a little. By the time I unrolled it the full six inches of his dick, he was beginning to lose his erection. I began to stroke him, told him to relax and slowly he began to regain some of the rigidness. I was so fucking horny again that the precum was literally dripping out of my iron-like erection. He was now mostly hard again, and I moved to straddle him, gazing into his green eyes while I took some of the liquid lube and put some on my hand which I then rubbed on my extremely tight hole. I put another few drops on his cock, and then guided the head of his cock to my hole. Feeling the hot head touch my hole pushed my horniness to another level. My heart raced in anticipation of what was to come. I held his cock tight against my hole, trying to relax enough to push it in. Like Michael Cummings in the video, my cock was rock hard, pointing upward as I tried to push Andrew's cock past my sphincter. I kept trying, but nothing. I could feel him getting soft again. "Take the rubber off, maybe that'll help" Andrew offered. I did, and even went back to sucking him. The faint taste of the rubber felt foreign in my mouth, yet since I desperately needed him to fuck me, I didn't care. He was now hard again after a few minutes of sucking; my cock never softened a bit and was still pointing upward. Once again, I straddled him, and feeling the bareness of his dickhead against my lubricated hole made me want it even more. I needed to feel him deep inside my bowels, like the bottom boys of the videos. I needed to be fucked. Once again, I felt him go soft.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong. I - - maybe, well I am not sure I can just right now. Maybe in the morning we can try again?" he stammered in his response. "Look at you though, man you're rock hard! Maybe you should fuck me instead."

"No, that's okay, I replied. I'll be fine. We can get some sleep now." With that, I laid alongside him, kissed him quickly on his cheek, and we both drifted off to sleep, my dripping cock left waiting for release as I fell asleep.

Several hours later just before dawn, I woke up out of a deep sleep to find Andrew stroking my cock. As soon as I realized what was going on, and began to move, Andrew took my now throbbing dick into his mouth and started sucking me. For a guy had no prior experiences sucking dick, he learned fast. Minutes later, I was depositing my load into his mouth as he took my entire load and swallowed every last drop. Finished, he laid next to me, his head on my chest. I put my right arm around him, stroking his fine brown hair with my hand. I whispered into his ear "Thank you, I love you." He smiled, laid his head back on my chest and we both fell back asleep. We both woke up around 9 am. I could hardly move as I was exhausted from the night of lovemaking with him. I was about as relaxed and comfortable lying next to him as I'd ever been, and at that moment knew that what we had was the making of something special. Still, as content and dreamy that I felt at that moment, I knew deep in my heart that the odds of us being together were monumental. It didn't seem to matter; I was in love with this guy after knowing him for one month and essentially spending only three times together. The challenge of course, was to figure out a way to make it all work. I just wasn't sure how.After eating breakfast, we decided to go for a walk around the lake in downtown South Beloit. The clear blue sky and warm morning promised a beautiful day. The joy of the weekend spent with Andrew left me feeling as warm and sunny as the morning, but the sorrow that was creeping in knowing that he would soon be leaving was like a cloudy, cool day with raindrops dancing across the otherwise tranquil, calm waters of the azure blue lake. I tried to put those emotions aside, but we both felt the inevitable dreariness descending down upon us.

"So, it's back to Ames for you, huh?" I began, my words breaking the silence between us.

"Yes. I have to be to work at the lab tomorrow morning at 8. It should be a busy week, I hope."

"Yeah, it's good to have work, and love what you do I suppose. When do you think we can get together again?"

"Um, I am not sure. Hey, how about we meet over by Dubuque? Have you ever been over that way before?"

"Once or twice. When would you want to meet? I have to work next Saturday, and I think I have to work all day."

"Oh, that sucks. Well, let's talk during the week again. We could hook up on Sunday maybe?"

"That could work." At this point, if I knew I could make it to Ames and back by Sunday evening leaving after working Saturday, I'd probably consider doing it. Suddenly things that used to be important to me, like spending time with my family and friends were no longer a priority. Spending my time away from work with Andrew was becoming my priority.

Our walk around the lake was finished, and we headed back to my house. Andrew gathered his things, we kissed in the living room for what felt like an hour, but in reality, minutes. We said our good-byes, and as tears formed in my eyes, we walked out to his car. Clouds had crept in from the west; the sun was now hiding behind the thickening clouds. What started to be a promising, sunny day now smelled like rain in the distance. I waved as he backed out of my driveway and drove off. I went back in the house, laid down on the waterbed. The scent of our lovemaking still lingered in the room; the sheets smelled like his cologne. I pulled the sheets over my body and fell asleep with tears raining from my eyes.

Next: Chapter 8

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