Austin and Andrew

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Dec 21, 2020


This is a true story, taking place in the early 1990's. After originally meeting over the phone, Andrew and I decided to meet in person over Memorial Day weekend in 1990. After spending almost every weekend together in June and July, August found the end of summer looming that could potentially spell the end of our summer fun..

Please feel free to contact me, Austin T. Charles at I appreciate all feedback on my story! Also, please consider donating to! Without their support, aspiring writers like me would not be able to tell our stories! ; Thank you!

Austin and Andrew, Chapter 11

I was deep in my sleep on the couch in my living room. After a hectic day at work continuing to decorate the inside of the factory for Christmas, the twenty minute drive from work to home almost put me to sleep at the wheel. In fact, I dozed off momentarily, awoken only by the sound of the oncoming semi-truck air horn as I came close to drifting into the left side of the road. For the remaining ten minutes of the drive, I rolled the window down and cranked up the heat and the radio to one of the local radio stations that was playing a Zepplin tune.

It was because of work that I'd begun to hate Christmas and snow. Since the company always relied on the grounds department to decorate the outside of the building as well as the inside, along with providing snow removal services not only for the parking areas, but we also had to do several of the director's driveways as well. The thing I hated about snowplowing was the fact that we were expected to get up at 2:30 in the morning and get to work no later than 3:30 to begin the snow removal process. Worse yet, we were not allowed to go home after working eight hours. Nope. Instead, we had to work all day, and if we were scheduled for ten hours a day, we'd have to stay until we would actually put in the four hours in the early morning plowing snow PLUS the ten hours that we were expected to work. Granted, the money was pretty good especially at Christmas time, but so was sleep. While some of my coworkers loved the overtime early in the morning while they were in their warm trucks plowing the parking lot, I was in a cold tractor cleaning out the shipping dock area. To this day I still hate snow for those reasons.

The weather forecasters were predicting a substantial snow event for later in the week. So it made great sense to me to rest up and get as much sleep as I could, because as the day got closer to the predicted snowstorm, I would not be able to sleep due to anticipating a phone call from the security guard, who would call and tell me that my supervisor requested that I come in to work to plow snow.

As I had just celebrated my twenty-ninth birthday three weeks prior in early November, I had begun to feel like my life was at somewhat of a crossroads again. Granted, I loved working at my current job during the summer -- being outside working with the kids doing landscaping, mowing, and working in the greenhouse, but not having a college education left me feeling trapped. After seeing the possibilities available to college grads like Andrew, I questioned my decision to not go to school right after graduating from high school. Sure, it was easier to find a job back in those days right out of school, but long term college grads could get a BETTER job right after graduating and in ten years or so on average they would be making a lot more money than people like me would make without a degree. At some point in my life, I'd have to find the time to go back to school. But right now, with so many different things going on like working a lot overtime, getting up early to plow snow, and now the prospect of selling my house to move in with my lover should he get a job here, made the idea of going back to school seemingly impossible.

In retrospect, the greatest thing that was stopping me from making changes in my life like going to school was fear of the unknown. Call it lacking confidence too, I suppose. In the days since Andrew and I were last together, there had been ample time to think about that notion and how I'd seemed to have my life on the right track. I had a decent job making okay money, had a nice little house that was mine, had a nice truck, and was all set my future. But was that really the path my life was supposed to be heading down? Yes, I had always wanted to move away from the only town I'd lived in for nearly thirty years and start new in a part of the country I'd always wanted to live, like the Dallas, Texas area or Seattle, Washington, but that damn fear always left me just dreaming about such a move. Without a doubt part of the problem was due to the closeness to my parents and my grandparents. My grandma loved me so much that I knew it would break her heart to see me move so far away. My family was definitely good at laying on a guilt trip about me wanting to move away. It is a shame how families can do that.

So as I stood at the metaphorical crossroads in my life, the thought I'd pondered the most over the past few weeks was what if Andrew would not be able to find a job here in Rockford? What if he'd found a job anywhere else in the country, would I be willing to move to be with him? The answers to those questions usually came up the same: Willing to move? Yes. When it all came down to making that decision to give up my job and family to move to a place like The Cities in Minnesota? Probably not. No matter how hard I'd tried up to that point I could not break the confines of the net my family had cast over me. Essentially the environment in which I was fostered made me hold on to the fear that nothing outside of our little world in the Rockford area could be as good as what we have here. Man was that ever a bunch of crap. What happened to the idea that if you love something set it free?

The problem with moving away from my job of five years, my house, my family to basically be with someone I hadn't known all that long -- six months at the longest -- was that it was a huge risk. Sure, I had fallen in love with him, and I was pretty sure that the time we spent together was indeed the real thing. We were in love with each other, without a doubt. With this declaration of love for each other would eventually come a time where we would have to tell our families. Since I'd concocted a fairly believable story about how Andrew and I met, (He used to work at the place I work when he was a summer worker, then his family moved to Minnesota, now he wants to come back here to work) I feared that sooner or later they would suspect that my story wouldn't hold water, nor was I being honest with them. For all I know, they could have suspected who I was all along, even though I'd had a few girlfriends that my mother knew I was sexually active with. (How did she know this? Oh, yeah, the nights this little tart spent at my house was probably a giveaway clue.)

Bottom line is that sooner or later Andrew and I would have to come out.

He wasn't willing to do that, and neither was I. Remember, the world was a different place in the early 90's amidst HIV and AIDS. Therefore, the stigma that went along with coming out was not favorable at all. In fact, many families would flat outright abandon their sons, brothers, daughters and sisters because they came out as being gay. Even though Andrew and I were focused on a monogamous relationship, neither of us wanted to carry that stigma, or be cast out from our families, not just yet anyway. It became a quandary, no doubt.

Back to the dream I was having while asleep on the couch after work. I was dreaming about hiking in a beautiful woods, surrounded by huge, majestic spruce trees that provided a dense covering of green needles and branches. Although I'd never been to Washington State, this dream must have taken place in the forests of the Olympic Peninsula in Northwestern Washington. I had been hiking for quite some time, so when the trail reached a fork, I had to make a choice between going to the left or going to the right. The trail map that was folded neatly and was placed in my back pants pocket had the route highlighted, and I recalled the park ranger telling me to go to the right when I reached the fork in the trail. I distinctly remembered him telling me that going on that trail, especially when I reached the bridge, would help me make the decision and find the answers I was looking for. So as I walked another thousand feet or so, I could hear water falling in the woods ahead. The sound of water rushing over rocks was mesmerizing, and as I hiked on, the sound got closer until I reached the bridge. The small wooden bridge that was constructed of weathered, rain beaten spruce logs, some sixteen inches in diameter that stretched across a crystal clear stream that was surrounded by ferns with fronds that must have been eight feet long. The moist, green lichen provided an elegant carpet that covered the ground, fallen Sitka spruce trees, and boulders the size of a Volkswagen Beetle that were part of the waterfall. The pristine white water that was cascading some twenty feet or so from a small break in the forest intensified as it rushed into the rocks below, but then settled down as it broke into a fast moving clear stream, making its way to the ocean some ten miles or so away. It truly was paradise. I must have been standing at the bridge for what seemed like an hour or so deep in my thoughts, which had found the direction I'd so desired, were interrupted by a handsome young man who must have been in his late teens or early twenties. He was wearing a gray hoodie, a pair of faded Levi's, and light brown hiking boots. He flashed a perfect smile as he approached me and introduced himself as Jay. He apparently was lost and asked if I knew the direction that he needed to go. I told him sure, that I was going back to the parking lot shortly, but I had come out here looking for answers. He smiled and told me that he was here seeking the same answers.

I had a quizzical look on my face as I replied with "Oh really?" He replied that he was sure of it, and then told me that it's okay that I shouldn't worry about who I am or who I have become.

"Those who love you will accept you for who you are. And for those who cannot, then you have to ask yourself if they ever have truly loved you?" I nodded and the reality of his words caused a tear to form in my eye, and the asked me if I needed a hug, to which I accepted. His muscular, lean body felt so good in my arms, and as he embraced me tighter, he kissed me softly on my neck, which caused me to sigh with delight and also immediately caused my cock to grow. As our lips met, I felt him slide his hands under my t-shirt as he caressed my skin. I did the same, boldly moving my hands under his hoodie, which was against his skin. I could feel his skin, his ribs, abs and as my hands found his muscular pecs, I could see that his erection had grown, evident by the huge bulge in his Levi's. He then whispered to me "I know you want it. Take it, you know what to do." I did not hesitate, and as I reached to unbuckle his black leather belt and unbuttoned the top button of his jeans, I felt my own throbbing erection begin to leak precum into my underwear. I was now down on my knees, pulling his Levi's down to his knees. He was wearing tight, black briefs, his massive erection was seemingly almost touching his left hip bone. It looked to be very thick as well.

"Suck me!" he commanded me, and I reached for the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down revealing the biggest dick I'd ever seen which was surrounded by a nest of jet black pubic hair that also covered his full sack. Immediately I took him in my mouth. Surprisingly, I was able to fit the entire head and shaft inside my mouth all the way down until my nose was buried in his thick dark bush and his full, hairy sack was pressing against my chin. It was then I had my answer and knew what I wanted -- why I had come to this place seeking answers - in a place that felt like paradise to me.

*** I'm not sure how many times the phone rang before I picked it up. The answering machine was off, so the phone could have rung six or seven times before the ringing jarred me from my dream, sending me thousands of miles back to the present time and present place that evening. Still half asleep, I reached for the phone and nearly dropped it on the floor as I fumbled to bring it to my ear. My erection was still painfully stiff and dripping in my briefs as I managed to say hello.

"Well hello Austin, how are you? Were you sleeping? The phone must have rung ten times! Are you okay?"

"Andrew! I am so sorry. It's been hectic at work this week. We've been working a ton of hours and I must have fallen asleep on the couch. How are you?"

"I'm good. It's really cold here in Owatonna, not far from my parent's house in south central Minnesota. I just wanted to call and tell you some news."

"What's going on?" I replied with no real expectation of what his news might possibly be, as my mind still was not fully awake yet.

"Well, are you ready?"

"Okay, go ahead, I'm ready, you silly goose."

"I got a phone call from your work and I have an interview set up for next Wednesday morning! Can you believe it?" Andrew was totally excited, just like a young kid who'd just been promised a new bike for Christmas by Santa Claus himself. "Yes, it's true! We may finally be able to be together! This could be our dream come true! What do you think?"

I was in shock. Even though I knew that based on Andrew's education and intelligence he would probably have no problem getting a job at my work, there still was a shadow of doubt that was known as "my luck" which translated to him not finding a job anywhere close to my house or even to Rockford. But this sounded like it was going to be the real thing -- a dream, our dream -- finally possibly coming true. Wow, I was in shock, indeed. We talked for an hour or so on the phone, and of course we planned for him to stay with me Tuesday and Wednesday. He would then have to return to Minnesota on Thursday morning. We would then have to play the waiting game until he got an offer.

Tuesday evening finally came, and like always we almost immediately left a trail of clothes from the living room to my bedroom, and as usual both of us came at the same time while sucking each other. We swallowed each other's massive load of cum before falling asleep in each other's arms. Thankfully, it did not snow that night, so I was able to get a full night of sleep.

Andrew's interview was at ten am. I could not stop thinking about him and kept wondering how the interview went. Finally, as I arrived back at my house after work that afternoon, he was waiting inside to fill me in on the details. The job would be starting as an entry-level computer programmer. He sounded interested in the position and seemed relatively interested in the company. While I was confident that he'd get the job, he wasn't so sure, and kept reminding me to control my emotions to wait until he heard something, which he was told could be up to a month or so, especially being near Christmas and all.

We spent most of Wednesday night in bed making love. Instead of the quick wham-bam-thank- you-man style of sex, we laid in bed hugging, kissing, licking each other, locked in a lover's embrace for the better part of three hours, while the flickering candlelight illuminated the bedroom, and the sound of smooth jazz provided the soundtrack. Our lovemaking culminated in him depositing his load deep inside me, which in turn caused me to have an explosive orgasm, shooting a huge volume of cum down his throat, which he eagerly swallowed completely. We fell asleep in each other's arms and slept soundly until my alarm went off at 5:45 in the morning. Despite knowing that I was still needed at work, I opted to call in sick again, and we spent the early hours of the morning in each other's arms again, the end result of Andrew being the recipient of both of our loads mixed together on his stomach and abs as our saliva and precum slickened cocks exploded at the same time while we exchanged passionate kisses.

Several hours later we both showered, Andrew gathered his clothes and we both drove to one of the diners near the interstate to eat breakfast prior to Andrew heading back home to Minnesota. We talked about a hopeful return to a new job for Andrew and a new life for us together as lovers. The hope was that perhaps he would hear something in the few weeks before Christmas, but in reality, it could take close to a month into the new year before he received a job offer. All we could do was hope and pray that would be the outcome. Andrew was obviously excited about the potential offer and said that he'd call me as soon as he got a call. We both agreed that if God wanted us to be together, He would provide the job for Andrew.

We said our good-byes after breakfast, and just like that I watched Andrew and his silver Buick drive away, just as he had almost every weekend of the summer. I tried not to cry, but as we embraced for what could possibly be the last time in the parking lot on that cold December morning in 1990, there was nothing more that I wanted for Christmas or anything else than to have every day like this one, waking up in Andrew's arms, us sharing our lives together.

Next: Chapter 12

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