
By Lambodara

Published on Sep 12, 2022


Austin Chapter 2

**Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. While the characters are based on real people, the situations are entirely fictional. Locations in the story have been used by the author to create the setting and also were not part of any reality. Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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Chapter Two

          If I had to describe the relationship the two of us developed, I would just say "It's complicated." I knew I was gay but I was in the closet so deep I could just make out the light around the edge of the door, and I'm not sure what Austin was. Every time I thought I had him figured out he would come at me with a different facet of his personality. Here's the thing, in the rural south, nobody is gay. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...bullshit! To give you more context, people in the country see gay people as a part of the city, their kids couldn't possibly be that way. So, all your life you hear about the queers and faggots on TV, and if you're particularly unlucky you get taken to a church where there are regular sermons on sodomites burning in hell eternally. That's why I didn't make any sudden moves on Austin, or even really show any intentional gay tendencies. I felt like I needed to feel him out and see where his head was on things. From our conversations, I gleaned that his family was not very religious, but both his brothers and him were encouraged to be in sports and other `manly' pursuits like hunting and fishing. In high school he had wanted to be in the band, but his father insisted that only queers did that and he should try out for football. Just conjecture on my part, but I think that's why he was so conflicted on his sexuality. He is able to pass in the straight world, as am I (barely) but internally he feels strongly attracted to other men.

          So, being the student of human behavior that I am, over the next few days Austin became a subject of mine. Although he flirted a little and made jokes and references to sex, he never tried to initiate anything with me. When I flirted back with him, he would get nervous and stop. Friday, our fourth day on campus, I was up early; I had tossed and turned all night. Close quarters made it very hard for me to keep my regular schedule, so the last time I had cum was Sunday night. As much as I tried to pull Austin out of his shell, he was either afraid or not interested. I really got the vibe that he was interested though, so I began to wonder if he was really still a virgin, despite his stories about activities in the hunting blind. Before this weekend was over, I intended to find out one way or the other.

          The room was almost dark, I could make out shapes but that's about it. The clock said it was 5:01. When I climbed down from my bunk, I heard Austin stir but I didn't let on. I sat at my desk and fired up my MacBook and put in my earbuds. When it booted, I quickly went to my browser and typed in a search for `gay porn' and brought up Pornhub. I scrolled until I found a video with a husky college guy with a hairy stomach (hey, like I said, it's just my type). I clicked on the video but kept the sound muted. I heard him when he sat up to see what I was watching. The guy in the video was jacking off with a finger in his ass and stopped ever so often to sniff his pits. Although I had intended this to be an experiment to see what Austin would do, I found myself with a pair of very stretched out boxer briefs after a couple of minutes. I was so engrossed I didn't notice at first when Austin quietly rolled his desk chair next to mine to get a better view. The guy in the porn spit in his hand and, after taking a whiff of his pit, started to flog his meat like crazy. In the flickering light from the screen, I looked over at Austin and saw the end of his dick sticking up through his waistband.

          Still pretending to not notice Austin was there, I leaned back a little and jacked my cloth-covered dick a couple of times, forming a little wet spot on the cloth. In the video, the guy was getting close and arching his back, beating his cock with one hand and rubbing his hairy stomach and thighs with the other. I felt a very tenuous touch on my left wrist, like he was afraid of how I would react. I turned and looked at him as if I just realized he was there. The head of his dick was still standing up from his underwear. When he knew he had my attention, he pulled the waistband down to let it catch under his balls at the same time he pulled my left hand over and put it on his stiff cock. Turns out he is a grower, it's an inch or more longer than mine so around 6 ½ to 7 inches and its shaped kind of like a cone, getting thicker as you go toward the base. I fondled it a little, but the position was kind of uncomfortable. I paused the porn and set the laptop down, pulled out the earbuds and got up and pulled him back toward his bed. We ended up situated with his back against the wall and me between his legs.

          I wasn't really sure how far he wanted this to go, so for now I was just jacking him. I had my head laying on his hairy thigh as I slowly rubbed his meat in the light from the laptop screen. A few minutes later the computer went into sleep mode and the only light in the room was the gray light of dawn making its way through the closed blinds. Austin had one hand on my head and starting to apply a little more pressure pushing it toward his meat. I had no problem with that idea. I think I kind of shocked him when I leaned over and took the head of his cock in my mouth, I could see him throw his head back. I kept sucking on just the head until he took my head, in both hands this time, and pulled me farther down on his cock.

          Seeing that he was definitely okay with this, all bets were off. I pushed myself up on my elbows and started taking more and more of his cock, after about three cycles I had my nose buried in his bush getting a head full of Austin's smells. I turned partially on my side and freed my dick so I could get off, which was, after all, the reason I started this experiment. The slapping sound of my hand seemed to excite him and he lifted his hips trying to box my tonsils. I pulled off of him and sucked one of his balls into my mouth and let it pop out, then the other one. I moved below them and lightly chewed on his raphe (look it up). He was going wild now. He grabbed my head and pulled it back up onto his pulsing cock. When I dove down and buried my nose in his pubes, he lost it. His nuts drew up tight to the base of his cock and he started spewing into my throat, shooting cum straight into my stomach. My hand was a blur, as I started feeling my cum rising, I sat up on the edge of the bed and shot my load onto the floor to keep from messing up his sheets. Lines of cum ran across the carpet from just below my deflating cock all the way to the center of the room. When it was over, he pulled his underwear back on and covered up with the sheet. Nothing was said between us. I fished a pair of dirty boxer briefs out of my laundry bag and wiped the cum up from the carpet, threw them back in and said to the quiet room "that was intense." As Phil Collins would say – no reply at all.

          In one way I felt like my experiment had succeeded, in another way it failed. I mean, I got my nut off and trust me, I enjoy sucking cock as much as the next closet case, but I still didn't feel any closer to him. I wanted there to be a connection, and I was beginning to doubt the likelihood of that happening. I climbed back into my bunk and finally fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up again the clock said 8:00. I looked over and Austin was gone.

It was Saturday and not much was going on so I just threw on some clothes and headed out to find some breakfast. I walked around campus for a while reading the posters about fraternity and sorority rushes. I found one about a campus gay support group and ripped off one of the tabs with the phone number. I got tired of walking and I headed back to our dorm room. Austin was back and it like somebody had pushed an invisible reset button. The infectious smile was back, the talk, the bullshit; all like nothing ever happened. It was so Twilight Zone bizarre.

Little did I know, this was to be the new pattern. We fell into quite regular sex sessions, followed by his disappearance, return and reset. When I say sex sessions, they usually included me sucking his dick or the two of us jacking off together, on a very rare occasion jacking each other. He never sucked me. I tried to get us into a sixty-nine position and he would lay under my hips with his head turned away from my dangling meat. He tried a few times to stick fingers in my ass; once he even crawled up behind me and pushed the tip of his dick against my tight hole. As tempting as it was, the hard-headed streak in me made me refuse to let him fuck me when there would clearly be no reciprocation.

Lambodara 9/11/20

Next: Chapter 3

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