
By Lambodara

Published on Sep 12, 2022


Austin Chapter 1

**Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. While the characters are based on real people, the situations are entirely fictional. Locations in the story have been used by the author to create the setting and also were not part of reality. Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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Chapter One

The first time I met Austin was the day I moved into my freshman dorm room at the University of Alabama. I'm the type who is very OCD and I got there early so I could make sure I could find everything and get settled in. My parents had just left after helping me get all my stuff set up and I casually sat on one of the beds to go over my class schedule one more time. I was deep in thought when the door opened and he walked in. Austin wasn't a huge guy, he was probably 5'10" and a little chunky, maybe around 190 lbs. He had brown eyes, medium brown hair and a bushy beard with stubble running down his neck, disappearing into his shirt. Austin's winning feature was his contagious smile; you couldn't help but smile back.

"Have you picked a bed yet?" he asked

"Not really, I just got done bringing all my stuff in a few minutes ago."

"Austin Cooper" he said, extending his hand.

"Marty Gatlin" I said, shaking his hand.

"Hey, Marty. I hate to ask for favors when I just met you, but my dad brought me and his knees are shit, so do you think maybe you could help me get my stuff up here? I don't think the old man can make three stories of steps."

"Sure, man. Let's do it." I said.

We went down to his dad's pickup to get his stuff, which really wasn't that much. Two trips later, we were done. We got back to our room the final time and put everything down and Austin turned around to give me a big bro hug, and that's when I caught the smell. Most people would have probably made some comment to him like "ewww, you stink" or something like that, but that smell to me was the biggest aphrodisiac known to man. I've known I was gay at least since I was 11 years old, probably longer, though I didn't have a name for it then. The natural smell of a man is one of my biggest turn-ons.

"Thanks for helping me, dude" he said, patting my back and simultaneously fanning his elixir toward me.

"No problem, man, that's what roomies are for I guess" I said lamely. I involuntarily found myself sniffing the air around him and I think he caught me. He looked embarrassed and said "oh, God, sorry about the funk, I wasn't thinking..."

"It's okay" I said, "hot day, moving, all that, I understand."

"Well, that and I can't wear deodorant. Everything I've ever tried breaks me out, I can't stand the stuff. So, just a warning, you might smell me from time to time" he explained.

"I don't usually wear any myself, just health conscious, I don't like extra chemical in me or on me" I said.

"Me neither, but mostly because I'm allergic to so much stuff like that" he said.

"I'm vegetarian, too" I said, "meat is a toxin."

"Ok, now there's where we'll have to agree to disagree" he said, "I'm not giving up my meat."

I laughed at how he phrased that.

"So, you're a virgin?" I said, joking around.

"Not exactly" he said, cryptically. I decided to pursue that train of thought later.

We talked for a long time. I found out he was from Camden, a small town out in the sticks. I'm from Mobile. He lived with his dad; his parents were divorced. He grew up hunting and fishing and doing all those outdoor type things; I was a city boy. Although I had family that lived in the country, I had never done much of the outdoor thing, certainly not hunting and killing animals. Eventually, the subject turned to relationships.

"Have you got a girlfriend?" he asked.

"No, you?"

"No" he said "how about a boyfriend?" he joked.

"Not right now" I said. He seemed nonplussed by the comment.

"I had a friend back home...we used to go hunting together...good times at the hunting camp" he said, trailing off.

Well, this was a welcome turn of events for me.

"What do you say we grab a shower and find some dinner?" I said.

"Sounds like a plan" he replied. We rummaged around and found our towels and some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom at the end of the hall. We were in room 348, the last room before the bathroom was 350 so it was a short walk. The showers were divided but open, I took the one at the very end next to the wall and he got the one next to me.

This is the part in the internet porn stories where they start talking about the guys having huge cocks that hung down to their knees and all that bullshit. I mean, I'm sure some of those exist, but the vast majority of us aren't built like that. I had about 5 ½ inches on a good day and thanks to the blessing of some pagan gods, I was spared my foreskin. My big feature was my balls, what I lacked in dick, I made up for in balls. Anyway, I was lathering up when Austin's head popped around the partition "I forgot to bring my damn soap and shampoo, can I bum from you?" he asked.

"Sure" I said, handing him the soap, "let me get my hair going and you can have the shampoo." I couldn't help but notice he was checking me out on the sly, all guys do it. When he popped back around, he stepped out enough I caught sight of his stuff. He looked comparable to me, it's always hard to tell from a flaccid one, some are big growers. He was cut, about 3-4 soft inches hanging down over a set of balls more proportionate than mine; his pubes were a couple shades darker than the hair on his head. Most notable for me was his hairy stomach. I was a sucker for hairy stomachs and treasure trails; just one more thing to go with my love of masculine odors. In the internet porn, this is where two guys who only met a couple of hours ago get into a lustful frenzy and fuck each other crazy in the shower. In real life, however, we dried off and got dressed. We both had boxer briefs; he put on cargo shorts and a Realtree® camo tee shirt, I had chino shorts and an old Linkin Park tee shirt. We went back to the room, got our shoes on and headed out for the cafeteria.

After dinner, we went back up to the room and decided that the way the previous occupants had arranged it was pretty good. The beds were arranged so that we were on each side of the window, my bed was raised like a bunk bed with my desk underneath, his desk was under the window. I brought a dorm-sized fridge and he had bought a hot plate so we were set for midnight snacks and drinks. We talked some more about what classes we were taking and music we liked, etc. until late in the night. Then, exhausted, we finally decided to turn in. I couldn't help but take another covert look at that hairy stomach as he undressed, and I think I saw him checking out my pouch of oversized nuts. Still, unlike all the internet porn I'd read, nothing happened but sleep that night.

Lambodara 9/10/20

Next: Chapter 2

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