Aussies in NY

By The Haydster

Published on Feb 5, 2006



Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

Aussies in NY by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Chapter 1 - Meeting

G'day. My name's Bill. Bill Smith. Yes, I know it sounds like an everyday name, but I'm your everyday 17 y/o guy, black hair, brown eyes, you know. Except for one thing, I'm gay. Yes, that's right, I prefer guys. Well anyway, enough about me.

Anyway, I was on holiday in New York with my family. We were at the Empire State building, up at the observation deck. I was walking around, seeing the skyline. It's a pretty good view from up there. There were also a few hot guys around, but one stood out. He was about the same height & age as me with short, sandy coloured hair and looked absolutely gorgeous to me. Oh, one problem, there was a girl hanging out with him, she is one lucky girl.

So I walked into the souvenir shop up there and browsed for a while. I wasn't watching where I was going when I walked around a turnstile and bumped into some one else who was coming around in the opposite direction, making him drop all the postcards he was carrying.

It was him! I wanted to meet him, but not like this! "Sorry" I said, bending down to pick them up. "That's ok." He replied, bending down too. "Are you Australian?" I said, surprised. "Yes, are you?"

"Yeah, I guess our accents make it pretty obvious."

"Sorry about colliding with you like that."

"It's no problem. What's your name anyway? I'm Joel. Joel Anders"

"I'm Bill. Bill Smith."

Eventually we collected all the postcards, and we walked around the shop for a while. Eventually both our families found us. We introduced our parents, and they seemed to hit it off. We swapped emails, and said we'd keep in touch. Eventually I arrived back at the Raddison where we were staying in Manhattan (it's on 49th and Lexington). I was feeling a bit down, because I would probably never see him again. Hey, at least I wouldn't fall for him then. As we were walking up the corridor to our room, I heard my name called.

"Bill!" I turned around to see him

"Joel, what are you doing here?"

"Are you staying here too?"

"Yeah, up there" I said, pointing to our room door.

'"Cool! I'm just across the corridor from you."

I started feeling light-headed. No! I can't fall for him! He has a girlfriend! Come on Bill, control your heart!

"Hey Bill, what are you doing for the rest of your trip here?" He continued on.

"Well, we're going to Central Park, Ground Zero, Lady Liberty and Times Square, in no particular order."

"We're going to those places too! Maybe we can go together."

"That'd be great." I said, trying not to sound as enthusiastic as I felt about that.

"Why don't your parent's come over to our room, and they can discuss it."

"Ok, I'll get them." I replied, going into our room.

"Mum, Dad!"

"Yes?" Mum replied

"You know Joel, who we met on the Empire State Building?"


"Well, his room's just opposite ours and they plan to see the same things that we do, so Joel and I thought it might be good to go around together."

"Ok, if his parents would like to come over here, we can talk about it. It would be nice to be with some other Australians.!

"Actually, Joel wondered if you'd like to come over to their room to discuss it."

My parents went over there, and we agreed to go to Ground Zero and Times Square tomorrow, then go to the Statue Of Liberty, and finally go to Central Park. While they did that we hung out in my room and chatted. When I asked him about his girlfriend he said:

"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend."

"Who was that girl I saw you with at the Empire State then?"

He fell back on to the bed laughing "Bill, that was my sister!"

Once he had calmed down he continued "That was my twin sister. I guess you could be expected to guess that though, because we do everything together. We're really close."

Hooray! He didn't have a girlfriend" I'll get to spend a fair amount of time with him, if nothing else.

The next day we went to Ground Zero and walked around that area of Manhattan .I hung out with him and his sister, although she wasn't with us all the time. Help! I'm falling in love with him! He can't be gay! It was amazing how his face changed when he saw Ground Zero. I think it affected everyone. We went back to the hotel for lunch, as we were going to Times Square that evening. We hung out in my room that arvo. The good thing about being an only child is that you get some privacy. We talked and played cards mostly. He was soo hot! I was starting to fall for him. I had to be really careful though, as no one knew that I was gay.

Chapter 2 - Love will out

After the sun had set, we went to Times Square. The lights were incredible. We just stood around on the footpath (sidewalk), watching the moving lights. I fell in love with him that evening. The lights were magical. He looked like an angel to me, and acted like one too. His sister left us alone as well. I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't just do that, not without being sure. When I slept that night I dreamt of him.

The next day we caught the subway, and then the ferry to the Statue Of Liberty. The queue was incredible for the ferry tickets, so Joel, Susan (his sister) & I went for a walk around the park which the ferry goes from. There were lots of street vendors there. I kept on sneaking glances at Joel, he was such a hottie. I hope he is gay, because I love him soo much. Eventually we got on the ferry and rode to Liberty Island. The statue was smaller then I expected, but she was still massive.

I loved Joel so much, I was about to go crazy. Eventually I did, because while we were in a relatively secluded area I grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. I couldn't believe what I just did, He also stood there in shock for a minute, then as his face started to cloud and just as he hissed "What the hell do you think that you are doing?", a giggle erupted from nearby. With the shock of knowing that someone watched, on top of his anger, I fainted.

I woke up in a grove of trees, Everything looked foggy.

"Where am I?"

"The far side of Liberty Island. Don't worry. Just lie down, Susan is keeping the parents busy."

My vision cleared, and I saw Joel there. I started to get up in panic, but he held me down. I started to panic, thinking that he'd hit me...

"Joel, I'm sorry, I can't help loving you." My vision clouded again as I started to cry. There was a rushing noise in my ears. He was saying something, but I couldn't work out what it was. I shut my eyes. Then I felt something touch my lips. I opened my eyes to see him kissing me. I stiffened with shock. He broke the kiss. "Bill, now will you calm down and listen."

I sat there, confused.

"Bill, I love you too, but I was just angry that you kissed me in such a public place."

"Bus Susan, she saw, that was her giggle. She's probably told everyone by now!"

"Calm down, she already knows about me, and she's been telling me to put a move on you pretty much since we met."

With that he kissed me, just as Susan turned up.

"Is Bill ok? The parents want.." then she stopped short. we broke the kiss and sat there like a pair of deer in headlights. "Well! You two seem to be ok, do you think you can stop making out long enough to rejoin the parents for lunch? Calm down Bill", she added in response to my shocked expression, "I've been telling him to hurry up and make you his boyfriend. I'm glad you kissed him, or he might never have made the first move.

Chapter 3 - Boyfriends

While we had lunch with our parents, I was still in a bit of a daze. I had just had my first kiss and hooked up with the boy of my dreams. As if that wasn't enough, his twin sister also knew about me. Joel had a massive grin on his face. Everyone wondered what was up with us because Susan was giving us both "come on guys" looks.

I don't remember much about Ellis Island (where we went to after Liberty Island), except us finding a secluded place and making out for about 10 min straight. At least this time Susan didn't walk in, although she whispered to me to take good care of my boyfriend.. I want to take the best care of him that I can.

That afternoon we went to Central Park. It was massive. Joel & I went for a walk by ourselves, agreeing to meet everyone else back at the corner of 5th and 59th in an hours time.

"Joel, I'm still a bit confused about everything."

"Bill, I'm in a bit of a daze myself"

"Sorry about fainting that time at Liberty Island."

"I didn't know I was that good at kissing", he said with a grin, "Seriously, don't worry about that. I probably would have done the same thing under the circumstances. I also would have given Susan an earful if she hadn't looked so worried about you."

"She was really worried?"

"Hell yes! She was afraid that you'd gone into serious shock, until we checked you out, and you were breathing normally and everything. We decided to move you to a slightly more secluded place until you woke up. It would be slightly embarrassing explaining that to your parents."

"Yeah, that would be embarrassing."

"Bill, there is something I need to warn you about", he said in a deadly serious voice

"What is it?" I replied worried.

"My sister likes you a lot, so if you date her, just treat her right, because I'm very protective of her."

He was able to say that with a totally straight face. While trying not to laugh, I replied:

"If that's the case I've got to be careful, if she's protective of you as well."

We both cracked up.

"I'm so happy that we met. I love you Joel."

"I love you too Bill, even when you kiss me in public" We both smiled. remembering that event.

"Are we in public now?"

He dragged me into a small copse of trees.

"Not now" He replied, then kissed me.

I pushed him away, put on my best angry face and growled "What the hell do you think you're doing?", then I started grinning. The looks on both our faces registered shock as a giggle came from nearby. "Susan!" we both shouted simultaneously, as Susan emerged from a nearby tree. "Hey guys, what's up?" she said, as calmly as possible, while watching us go bright red "Come on guys, you two walk off into a grove of trees, while grinning from ear to ear. Things don't come much more suss then that! I wonder what our parents think!"

"Just kidding" she said, after both of us went white.

"Susan, if you want to have a brother much longer, you'd better not do that again, or at least, learn CPR if you do."

"Susan, I think your shock therapy is a bit extreme, too."

"Well, you two need to be more careful, I could have been anyone" She said seriously.

"She's got a point there babe", I said to Joel.

"Anyway, it's time for us to go back. By the way, I've arranged for you two to stay in the same room tonight, if you like." As we both smiled widely, she added, "I thought you would, just be safe", making us both blush furiously.

Chapter 4 - Going home

We spent our first night together, trying to forget that we were going away the next day. At least we were in the same country. We were woken up at 6 in the morning by Susan, who had wisely decided to wake us before my parents found us sleeping in each others arms.

Joel & his family had to leave first, and we said farewell as calmly as we could because our parents were there. We swapped emails and promised to write (we both knew that we'd email at least every day). Once he left, I felt like crying, but tried to console myself, knowing that at least we were going to the same country.

Later on in the day, we flew to Los Angeles, where all flights to Australia depart from. An earlier flight had left today, no doubt with my boyfriend on it. Eventually we boarded our flight, and settled down for the 10 hour run to Australia.

After sleeping for a while (which didn't work so well). I went for a walk around the plane, wishing that Joel was here with me. Then I did a double take. There he was!

"Hang on Bill!", I thought, "It couldn't possibly be him." But there he was, with Susan and his parents, they were all fast asleep. As I walked by, I saw his passport in his seat pocket. I know that I shouldn't, but I just had to know if he lived nearby. I looked on the front page and a gigantic smile spread over my face. He lived two streets away.

"So can I assume we live near you?" another voice said quietly

"Susan!" I whispered

"Well, am I right?"

"Yes, but don't tell him when he wakes up. I thought you were asleep."

"I was hoping that you would."

"I can't work out whether you're a guardian angel or an annoyance."

"Why don't you give me the benefit of the doubt?"

"I will, provided that you keep quiet about everything."

I went back to my seat with a smile on my face. My parents noticed the difference, but didn't ask we what it was (I wasn't likely to tell them). This time I slept well.

Eventually we arrived home, and went home without seeing Joel. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he found out how close we lived to each other. I unpacked within 2 hours, and just as I was about to go, my computer beeped with an IM from Joelfromaus

Joelfromaus: hi

BillSmith05: hi babe

Joelfromaus: i already miss you. Susan's being really annoying, telling me not to worry, and that I'll see you soon. What does she know that I don't?

BillSmith05: im really sorry, but i have to go, can i talk in about 5 min

Joelfromaus: ok, hurry back please

BillSmith05: cya

With that I hopped on my pushbike (I'm too impatient to walk most places), and rode to his place. Unfortunately, where I live two blocks is a fair distance (about a km or .6 miles), I think that I covered it in record time. Their house was an two story Queenslander (big verandahs and stuff). As I pulled up in front of their place, I saw a face at one of the few downstairs windows (Queenslander houses have most of the rooms on the top floor). It was Joel, who was looking intently at his computer screen, evidently waiting for an IM from someone. His window was mostly hidden by bushes, except for one tiny bit of it.

I decided to give him a surprise, so I put my bike on its stand and snuck up until I was underneath his window, and I heard him say to himself, "Hurry up babe, please. It's been 5 minutes, where are you?" I stood up,reached in the window, and tapped him on the opposite shoulder, making him spin round in the opposite direction. I clapped my hand over his eyes, and said in my best imitation of Susan's voice "Guess who?"

"Susan, I thought you promised not to shock me with tricks like this again."

"Wrong person" I said spinning his chair around to face the window

"I'll give you a clue" I added, and kissed him. then removed my hand from his eyes.

Chapter 5 - Surprises

He jumped in shock when I kissed him. and was really surprised when he saw who it was. "Bill" he breathed.

"i said I'd just be 5 minutes."

"How did Susan know that you lived this close?"

"She caught me sneaking a look at your passport while you were asleep on the plane. Sorry about that."

"Come on in, there's a door around the back."

I went around the house, and Joel let me in through the laundry.

"My room's the only one downstairs, it gives me some privacy."

"Privacy for things like this?" I kissed him.

"Well, that's the first time I've needed it for that reason."

"We will need to change that, don't you think so?"

"Yes, but first let's go upstairs and get a soft drink, what do you say?"

"Ok, lead on"

We went upstairs to find Joel's parents in the kitchen. "Hello Mr & Mrs Anders" I said.

"Mum & Dad, it turns out that Bill lives only two blocks away."

"You're more inseparable then Siamese twins. Are you two sure you're not joined at the hips or something?"

"Pretty sure Dad"

We got a drink and walked back down to his room, to find Susan sitting on his bed.

"Hello Bill, I was wondering how many hours could pass with you two away from each other."

"Susan, how is it that you always know all about what we do?"

"Joel, I am your twin, I know how you think. In case you can't remember, I noticed that Bill was interested before you did."

"Joel, you didn't tell me that!" I put in.

"I can tell you why" Susan replied, "He was embarrassed that he didn't notice you being interested. What he didn't know is that he was too in love with you to be able to see the signs from you."

"We're very lucky that you are ok with all this."

"You are. I don't think that Mum & Dad would be too accepting, because they want me to help you get a girlfriend."


"That's right bro. So, I helped you get someone, although not exactly who they may have had in mind.", she said with a smile.

"So, Susan, Bill, what do you want to do. if you're not too tired. I slept well on the plane."

"Me too guys, but I reckon you two would want to go to bed anyway"

With that we both blushed bright red.

"Anyway, what do you want to do?"

"How about going to the mall, a bus goes in about 15" I said

"Sounds good to me babe, how about you Susan?"

"Good, I'll let Mum & Dad know."

"Actually, I'll need to let my parents know too."

I rode off home, after arranging to meet them at the bus stop in about 15 minutes.

Chapter 6 - Fun & plans

I burst in the front door at home, to get my mobile (which I had forgotten), and also to tell them where I was going. Mum was a bit annoyed that I hadn't told them where I was going, but I was still allowed to go with them to the mall, as long as I took my phone.

Eventually I reached the bus stop. Susan & Joel were waiting there alone. I gave Joel a quick kiss when I arrived, while Susan smiled. I think that she was pleased that she had helped us get together. We chatted while we waited for the bus. Joel & I were starting at the same uni in 2 months. We were both doing IT. Susan was starting electrical engineering. Eventually the bus arrived. Half an hour later we got to the mall.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Susan asked us. "Well, there's shops of course, and there's the movies, what do you want to do Joel?"

"I'm not sure Bill, how about seeing The Interpreter? That's supposed to be quite good."

"Sounds good to me."

"Me too," Susan added.

We saw The Interpreter at the Birch, Carroll and Coyle theatre in the city. It was very emotional. I know that I kissed Joel a few times throughout it. After the movie, Susan dragged us to the side, and told us that we couldn't expect to keep our love hidden for long, if we keep going the way that we are. We had a bite to eat, and went for a walk around the shops, before we had to go home. I kissed him goodbye at the bus stop. We agreed to meet up tomorrow at my place. I would have to get my parents ok, but they don't normally have any problems with it.

"Mum, Dad, can Joel and his sister come over tomorrow?"

"Sure, but we'll be out, so be responsible, ok?"

"Yes Dad, I promise"

"Then they can stay the day, and overnight if you like."

"Thanks Dad."

I called Joel, and gave him the good news. Susan elected to stay at home, which was good of her, because we wanted to be alone, but I had to invite her anyway. Joel and Susan arrived on my doorstep just before my parents left. They were going to an art exhibition for the day. It was leaving a nearby town in a few days, and they wanted to see it. We weren't complaining, especially as they may have been staying somewhere else that night anyway. I had a feeling that they suspected us two.

Susan, Joel & I spoke about how everything was going to work with our relationship. The biggest problem was how our friends were going to react or even worse, our parents.

"Joel, I guess we have to tell them sometimes, but I'm scared as to how they'll react."

"I am too babe, but at least we have each other."

"My best mate, Stan, has a party tomorrow. Actually, it's more like a get together. He told me that I could bring a girlfriend if I 'hooked up' as he put it. Susan, would you pretend to be my girlfriend for a while, and then Joel can come as your chaperone that your parents insisted on.."

"Fine with me Bill"

"Ok babe, so you're going to tell Stan?"

"Yes, and he can tell me who he thinks is 'safe' and who will overreact."

"Sounds like a plan Bill."

"What do you think Susan?"

"Sounds good."

We watched Pirates of the Caribbean and had a few snacks while watching it. We enjoyed the movie, as it was fairly light-hearted. I was surprised that Susan didn't have a boyfriend, as I would have gone for her if I was straight. I suspect she was going to get a lot of attention when it was found out that she wasn't my girlfriend.

We had a good time throughout the day, mostly watching movies and chatting. Joel & I kissed a lot, of course. We were so lucky to be together. Eventually the evening came, and Susan left for home. We walked with her home. Joel had to get his stuff, and I was going nowhere without him unless I had to. Joel & I got his nighttime stuff (I felt like suggesting that he didn't need pyjamas). Anyway, we soon walked back, and made out in my room for about an hour. Eventually we decided to take a shower.

Just as we were going towards the shower the phone rang. it was Mum & Dad, telling us that they wouldn't be home before 10am tomorrow. There was some casserole in the fridge that we could heat up. While I was on the phone, Joel got the shower running, and to the right temperature. I think we spent more time kissing in the shower then showering, but we managed to clean ourselves before the hot water ran out.

We had a good evening after that, just being together.. I wished that it would never end. At about 11 we climbed into my bed (lucky its a big one), and spent another few hours chatting and making out. We probably fell asleep in each others arms at about 2am.

I slowly woke up the next morning to Joel's arms wrapped tightly around me. I lay there for a while, enjoying the feeling, until I heard a car drive into the driveway. I had just got a mattress and sleeping bag on the floor by the time my parents walked in.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad"

"Hello Bill, how are you?"

"Pretty good, Joel's still asleep."

"Sounds like you two were up pretty late then." Dad replied.

"Sort of", I mumbled guiltily.

"Ok, when did you get to bed?"

"2" I mumbled.

"Oh, ok, you can stop looking guilty. It's ok. You're on holiday, and you are in bed before sunrise."

I went back into my room and, after closing the door, gave Joel a kiss and said quietly "It's time to get up babe."

"What? When is it?" He mumbled sleepily.

"About 10:30. Mum & Dad have got back, but I was able to make it look like I slept on the floor."

"Lucky you woke up before I did" He said, grinning.

"If I'd slept in too we would have had a bit of explaining to do."

"I'd rather not have to explain that, but I'd rather explain to your parents then mine."

"We'd better get up if we're going to Stan's this arvo."

Eventually Joel got up, and we both hod showers (not together, unfortunatly), and a late breakfast.

Chapter 7 - Who to tell?

We relaxed until about 4, then we decided we'd better start to get ready for Stan's party. Susan had called before and got the OK for herself and Joel. I got into a collared shirt and some good shorts, then we walked to Joel's place. Susan was getting ready already. Once Joel had put on some good clothes, the three of us walked to my place, then Mum drove us to Stan's. I think she also believed that I had hooked up with Susan. Joel's parents did.

When we reached Stan's house, he let us in. It turns out his parents were away for a few days, and they had told him he could have a party, as long as there was no evidence of it by the time they got home. I introduced Joel & Susan. I could tell that he wished Susan wasn't "already taken". Anyway, we wandered about. Some of Joel's friends were there too (he had been to another school, but Stan seemed to know everyone). Eventually I asked Stan if the three of us could talk to him.

"Sure", he replied.

"In private", I said.

"Ah, I see." He gave a pointed look at Susan. We went up to his bedroom and shut the door.

"Stan, brace yourself for this."

"Unless you two are getting married or anything like that, I'm not worried.."

"Mate, do you promise not to tell anyone? This is pretty big, and I need you not to overreact."

"What's going on between you two? Ok, I promise, you know I'm always your friend."

"Stan, It's not between us two" Susan put in.

"It's between us two." I said, putting my arm around Joel.

"Oh." Stan replied, in a bit of a stunned voice. "That explains a few things. I wondered why you have never shown up with a girlfriend. Where does Susan fit in?"

"I'm Joel's twin sister, so I'm acting as their cover", she said with a giggle.

"Joel, Bill, there is only one thing this changes, and that is I can trust you with my girlfriend."

The four of us laughed over that. "Seriously guys, this changes nothing for our friendship, but I wouldn't advise telling everyone, we don't want this info to get loose. Who else knows?"

"No one, not even our parents"

"How do you think they would take it?"

"Mine would probably not take it too badly, I think they might guess it" I told Stan.

"My parents would throw me out, their always badgering me to get a girlfriend." Joel said.

"Ok. I'm not quite sure what to do, but I'll give it some thought guys. Bill, can I have a quick word with just you?"

"Err, ok"

"We'll go back to the party" Susan said, dragging Joel out the door.

The door shut.

"Well, I'm glad that you trusted me enough."

"You were the best person to tell first."

"Bill, you have made an excellent choice in boyfriends. Not that I have any idea, being straight."

"I know that. I am very lucky to have him."

"The question that I wanted to ask is: Is Susan seeing anyone?"

"No, and good luck to you."

We went back out to the party.

When I told Joel what Stan had asked he burst out laughing. "Now I wonder whether he was more stunned by the fact that Susan wasn't seeing anyone."

"I'm not quite sure either."

Throughout the night it was obvious how taken Stan was with Susan, and she liked him too. joel & I socialised together, and kissed once while we were in a quiet corner. It wasn't advisable, for obvious reasons, but we didn't care. Eventually, around midnight we went home. I missed not being able to kiss him goodbye, but at least I spent time with him. I really thought my Mum suspected me then.

Chapter 8 - Telling secrets

The next day Stan rang, and suggested that we consider telling my parents, but we do tell Lauren, an old friend of his and Joels, so she can "cover" as his girlfriend, and I pretend to be dating Susan, so that rumours won't get out about us spending so much time together. I think he also liked that idea so that no one else will try for Susan while he is.

I called Joel & told him the plan, he asked Susan about it, and they both agreed. We decided to tell her as soon as possible. Joel gave her a call and asked if we could meet her, as we needed her help. She asked us over to her home, which was a short bus ride away. Lauren also added that her parents were out.

That afternoon we met up at the bus stop and took the bus to Lauren's. Joel was scared, even though he knew her, I squeezed his hand, and he looked a little less scared. Eventually we arrived at her stop, and found her there waiting for us. Joel introduced me and we walked back to her house. She got us drinks and we were all settled in her room before we started talking.

"So, Joel, what's so important that you need my help, as well as Bill and Susan's?"

"Lauren, first you need to promise not to tell anyone?"

"Ok, I promise. Now tell me."

"I'm gay."

"Ah, ok. May I presume that Bill is your boyfriend?"

"Exactly. The problem is the rest of the world."

"Ok, and I can help how?"

"Well, I was just wondering if we could spend a bit more time together, so people don't get ideas. They think that Bill & Susan are going together."

"You want me to be your cover girlfriend?"

"Sort of. I know it's a big ask, but"

"Joel, I'll happily do that. I don't want you or Bill to be hurt. Also, you two make a cute couple" She said, making us both blush.

"Thanks Lauren. You've saved us from rumours."

That made Lauren & Susan both laugh. We smiled sheepishly. "So, do you guys want to start with this plan by seeing a movie tonight? I've been wanting to see Kingdom Of Heaven.", Susan put in.

"Sounds good to me. You guys?"

"Ok with me sis."

"Me too Susan."

We had a good time seeing that movie, and relaxed a lot with it. I'm not entirely sure how action movies relax people, but it works. We were walking out when hands landed on our shoulders. "Hey Joel, Bill. I need to talk to you." We turned around to see josh, the incredibly tall class clown looking down at us.

"Sure" I said, trying te keep my voice level.

"Ok, where can we talk privately."

"Maybe in the car park"

"Ok, then let's go out there"

We told Lauren & Susan that we'd be back in a few minutes, then followed Josh out to the carpark.

"Are you guys crazy?!" he shouted. Joel cowered at this, and I wanted to punch him for doing that.

"Look, if you're going to shout, we're going to go."

"Sorry" he said in a quieter tone.

"Well, what did you have to say?"

"You two may be together, but if you advertise it, you will have trouble."

"What the hell makes you think that we're gay?"

"It could have something to do with the fact that you were holding hands while you were walking out of the cinemas"

We both blanched and looked at each other when he said this.

"Hadn't you noticed?" he put in, incredulously.

"No. Will you tell anyone?"

"I already have. I've told you. You shouldn't string your girlfriends along like that though."

"They already know, and are a bit of a cover for us."

"Ok. Guys, keep your hands to yourselves though" He said with a laugh, before walking off.

Susan & Lauren gave us inquisitive looks whet we got back to them. We explained what had happenned, and Susan started giggling, but Lauren looked worried. "Guys, you need to be more careful, what if one of the major gossips saw you. They would take it as conclusive evidence."

"We know, and we need to be more careful."

Chapter 9 - Mum & Dad

We went home after that (I gave Joel a quick kiss goodbye while no one was looking). My parents asked me if I had anything to tell them, as I had been acting unusually for a while now. I decided that they had to know soon, because they will find out, and it would be better to tell them. At least they wouldn't totally freak out.

I called Joel that evening.


"Hi Joel"

"Bill! How are you going?"

"Missing you, but apart from that, ok. You?"


"Joel, my parents suspect something."

"Uh oh, what can we do about that."

"Their not stupid, and I think that all we can do is tell them."

"Are you crazy?!"

"I hope not. Whenevere they've mentioned gays, it's never been in a bad way, and they also have said that they will support me no matter what."

"Still, I don't think that we should tell them.'

"They're going to find out sooner or later."

"Ok, but i want to be there."

"Tomorrow arvo, around 2"

"Ok, I'll come over then. I hope you're right about this. Bye"


I hung up the phone and hoped that I was right about this too. I slept poorly that night, and I don't think that Joel slept well either. At least it was a weekend coming up.

At breakfast, I was barely eating, and my parents picked up on this.

"Bill, are you all right? You're not eating."

"Sort of."

"Ok, what's wrong."

"Nothing Mum, I'm just nervous."

"Is there something you have to tell us?"

"Yes, but there is someone else wants to be present when I tell you."

"Who is it, and when will they be here?"

"Joel, and he will be here at two."

The rest of the morning went uneventfully, apart from me being more nervous than a mouse at a cat show. Eventually 2 o'clock turned up, as did Joel. I met him just outside, as my parents got settled in the living room.

"They know that we have something to tell them, and they haven't seemed worried or angry, althought they must suspect it."

"I'm so scared babe."

"So am I, but we can't do anything about it now."

We walked inside to the living room and sat down on the couch.

It was obviously that we were both scared, so my Dad said "Guys, don't worry, unless you are planning to take over the entire world by force, you have nothing to be worried about."

We relaxed a bit. "Well, Mum & Dad, this involves both Joel & myself."

"Shouldn't his parents be here too, so you can tell us both at the same time?" Joel looked scared out of his wits at this statement.

"No, they wouldn't take this well."

"Ok, spit it out"

"Well, Joel & I are boyfriends."

"Oh, is that all?" my dad said. We looked at each other in shock.

"Come on, we're not stupid. We worked that out. You two have been inseperable since Susan kept us away from you for a while on Liberty Island."

"Actually, he passed out when Susan turned up during our first kiss." Joel put in.


My parents tried not to laugh. "Well, when your lover's quarrel is over, can one of you tell me why you think Joel's parents would not take this news well?", my mum said.

"My parents are always down on gays, also they want me te get a girlfriend and that sort of thing."

"I see. Well, if they get angry when they eventually find out, let me have a word with them. Actually they'll probably want to have a word with me, because I'm your boyfriends mum."

"Guys, thanks for telling us, even though we already knew. joel, you are welcome here any time, consider yourself one of the family."


"Thanks Mum & Dad"

Chapter 10 - Uni

University was due to start in about 2 weeks, so we decided to make the most of the time we had before it started. Lauren, Susan, Joel (of course) & I went to see some of the new movies. Sometimes Joel & I threw caution to the winds and saw them by ourselves. Well, we saw about the same amount of each other as we did of the movie. Once we kissed for nearly half the movie (our lips were a bit sore after that). We wanted to see how long we could go for.

All things must come to an end though, so eventually it came to be our first day at uni. We had enrolled in the same subjects, as all first years need to do the same subjects. We had no objections to doing the same classes. We were together for everything except one tutorial session. I left the sign on a bit late, but I got one at the same time a few rooms up from Joel.

On our first day we caught the bus in to the uni and headed for our first lecture. We got lost on the way, but ran into Stan, who knew his way around, so we got there just in time. The lecture was just an introduction to the topic (basic Java programming). After the lecture we went for a walk around campus to get our bearings so we wouldn't get lost anywhere. We also met quite a few friends from school. Unfortunately, we also ran into a few enemies, namely Aidan the biggest homophobe and annoying git in the state. He accused us of being gay, and yelled it out for all to hear, so we told him to get stuffed. I think it was the first time anyone had told him to do that. While he stood there we walked away. By that time Susan had finished her lecture, and we took the bus home.

We walked to Joel's place once we got off the bus. We all sat down in Joel's room and chatted about our first day. We all agreed that it was a bit boring, but way better than school. When we told Susan about our encounter with Aidan, she replied:

"That reminds me of an idea that I had recently. I've been meaning to tell you but I forgot."

"What is it sis?"

"I think that you two should take up self-defence classes"


"For the simple reason that Aidan will be annoyed to say the least about today, and if he can get a group of friends together and catch you doing something together, he will attack you. So you need to be prepared."

"Ok, how do we go about getting them?"

"I've already looked into that, and there are Tae-Kwon-Do classes after your Wednesday evening lectures."

"You haven't just remembered this Susan, have you? You've been planning this." I accused her.

"Ok Bill, you caught me, but I still think that you should do it."

"Sounds sensible to me. What do you think babe?"

"I agree Bill" joel replied

We agreed to sign up for them. Joel told his parents that it was to be prepared, and we told my parents the truth. They told us both to be careful, and wished us luck with our lessons, both Judo and uni.

Wednesday rolled along rather quickly, without us seeing Aidan again. We turned up at the TKD class and had our first lesson. We needed to get a uniform, so we arranged that. The instructor thought that we showed talent, and told us that we may be able to skip a belt level or two. Our parents were pleased to hear this, and Susan told us it would help to make us safer.

In the next month, very little happenned. We did quite well in TKD, starting up two levels, and passing our first grading. We also passed the in-class tests, probably because we studied together. Susan often jokingly asked us how we were able to pry our bodies apart long enough to study.

Six weeks into term, the mid-semester exams came along. All four of our subjects had a mid-semester. Our exams were in separate rooms, which was probably a good thing, as we would both be distracted by watching the other strain at the exams.. We studied well though, and breezed through. Joel got one high distinction, which he was proud of.

On our way to our Wednesday TKD lesson we ran into Aidan while in uniform.

"Hey, why are you two dressed like girls."

"If it's any of your business Aidan, we're learning self defence" I shot back.

"Girls like you couldn't fight if your lives depended on it."

"Yes we could."

"I'll prove that you can't!" he yelled, running at me. That turned to be a mistake, as my forte was a front kick, which I promptly delivered. He fell backwards onto the grass, cursing both of us, and teling us that he'd kill us for that. We had a spring in our step as we went to TKD that time.

Susan was worried when she heard about it. She told us that he was surely going to try something soon, after that. We dismissed it, saying that he wouldn't get any support, because he'd have to admit that we downed him with one kick.

Chapter 11 - Attacked!

We decided to be a bit more careful, after Susan warned us. Her instincts seem to be always right. My parents also told us to be extra careful. We told them we intended to start by spending that night together, as there is safety in numbers. They cracked up when we said that.

The next week of uni passed tensely, as Aidan seemed to be somewhere near us at all times. Never saying anything, he just glared at us from a distance. We knew that something had to happen soon, so we worked extra hard at our TKD classes, and passed another grading.

The next afternoon, we went for a walk by the uni lakes as we always did, while waiting for Susan's lecture to finish. There was a secluded area of campus that we always walked through. We found it to be a great kissing spot, and we often kissed there during our walks. We did the same that day, which turned out to be a major mistake. As soon as our lips touched, Aidan's voice erupted from some bushes "I told you they were fags" and we were attacked by 6 people, all wearing balaclavas.

We were fighting for our lives. Unfortunately, we were outnumbered 3 to one. None of them had any martial arts experience, so we had an advantage. We used our kicks to try and keep them at a distance. Two of them were knocked down, and ran away. That still left four for us to deal with. We were yelling for help of course, but we weren't sure whether we'd be heard. One of my attackers got under my kicks, and I threw him over my shoulder (I was taught that by Stan). At that time, one of Joels attackers got under his guard and kicked him hard in the torso. He fell to the ground, unconcious. That made me see really red. I don't remember what happenned thon. The next thing I remember is calling the police and an ambulance on my mobile. They loaded Joel into the ambulance, and took him to hospital. Both sets of parents and Susan arrived and we all went to the hospital. Three of the attackers were arrested by the police.

Once we arrived at the hospital, bad news was waiting for us. The kick that Joel had recieved had ruptured his appendix, his stomach and a few major blood vessels. He had already gone into theatre. They were not very hopeful, as stomach acid had leaked into his chest cavity.

We all waited with bated breath while he was being operated on. Two painful hours later the doctor came out.

"We have done everything that we can now. He is in intensive care and we don't know whether he will wake up. We removed his appendix and have sewn up his stomach and the blood vessels. The good news is that if he wakes up, he should recover fully. He will not regain conciousness for at least 2 weeks, and his condition is in such a way that I can allow no visitors anyway."

Susan & I went home in tears.

I didn't know what to do. Joel had to survive, he had to. Neither Susan nor i went anywhere that week, except to each others places. We stuck together like glue, as we both were worried about Joel. In a week we were allowed to visit him, one at a time. Susan went in, and then his parents, one by one. I was last, because I wanted to spend the most time with him.

When I went in, I was shocked by how he was. He looked much worse than I thought he would. I sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Joel, please wake up soon. You need to recover. You will get better, then we'll be all right. Susan & I pray for you every day. Please get better, I can't live without you." I sat with him for a few minutes, then had to leave. The doctor told us that his condition was worsening, and it did not look good at all.

We came back the next day, and Joel's condition had worsened even more. The doctor told us that it looks like we may have to say goodbye to him. My parents, his parents and Susan went in, and said goodbye to Joel. I went in last, and sat next to him. "Joel, don't die. I know you are still there. Fight babe, fight. You can survive. God, please dont let him die, let him get better." I held his hand in mine when I said this. I gave his hand a final squeeze and said to him "Please come back to me.". A buzzing alarm sound came from one of the machines. In 2 seconds a nurse was in the room. Both sets of parents and Susan ran in too. The nurse hit a button on one of the machines and it's screen flared to life. A series of graphs and figures appeared on it's screen. She stared in disbelief for a moment, then grabbed the bedside phone, punched a series of numbers, and announced on the hospitals PA. Doctor Smithson, please report to bed 24 in ICU immediately. Doctor Smithson, bed 24, Intensive Care Unit."

She turned to us. "I don't know whats going on, all our instruments have gone blank, but his life support apparatus is still operating. I'll need all but one of you to leave while the doctor arrives."

"I'm staying" I said immediately. The nurse promptly shooed everyone else out of the room. I took hold of his hand again. "Fight Joel, fight. Come back to us." Immediately movement appeared on the screen graphs. The nurse looked at the screen incredulously.

Chapter 12 - Recovery

The doctor rushed in. "What's going on?", he said crisply. "We lost all data, then this happenned." The doctor looked at the screen. "This data is impossible. It says he's breathing independantly. Get a technician here immediately." As he said this, Joel head fell so that his face pointed to me. Then, incredibly, he opened his eyes. "Bill, I love you", he managed to croak out. The nurse looked like she was going to faint.

"Joel, I love you too" I replied, sqeezing his hand tighter. He squeezesd back. "He's concious and stable. I've never seen anything like it ever" the doctor breathed. "I need to tell everyone Joel, I'll be back." "Be quick." I walked out of the room with a tremendous smile on my face.

Everyone was outside, looking totally devastated. His mum & Susan were sobbing. "He's alive" i said. All their heads turned. "Joel's concious"


"He is awake, and he spoke to me."

Susan rushed into his room. The nurse appeared in the doorway. "One at a time, for goodness sake."

Five minutes later, he was being wheeled to a normal ward. Both our mothers, and Susan were crying, but this time with happiness. I was actually crying too. Once he was in the new room, the doctor called us all out.

"I have never seen anything like it in all my life. It looks as though he has defied everything medicine knows about what has happenned. I did not expect him to reach this stage for a month, if he survived. We have checked the instruments. He appears to only be bruised. It looks like Bill here was the best medicine for Joel." I blushed at that. "If all goes well, we can discharge him tomorrow."

Everyone was ecstatic at that news. We all stayed with Joel for a while. Eventually everyone went home, except me. Mum & Dad agreed that I could stay if the doctor said it was ok. He gave his approval. Joel & I just sat, holding hands for a while. He slept most of the time, and I eventually closed my eyes during the night, and fell asleep in the chair next to the bed.

When I woke up in the morning, Joel was still fast asleep. He woke up about half an hour later.

"Good morning babe."

"I was wondering when you would wake up, Joel. I hope you can go home today."

"Can you do one thing for me please?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Kiss me."

"Do you ever need to ask?" I replied, then pressed my lips to his. We were still kissing when the nurse walked in.

We broke apart, both of us turning bright red.

"Well, I can see why you are the best medicine for him" she said with a smile.

"Please don't tell my parents" Joel blurted out, scared.

"Don't worry, guys. I won't tell anyone. It's not my place to."

We both relaxed.

"Anyway, I came in to tell you that we have called your parents, and that they are on their way in to sign the discharge forms. Your sister is coming with them. The doctor also said that you are not to do anything strenous for a fortnight. So you two had better go no further then kissing." We both blushed again as the nurse walked out.

joel's parents soon arrived and he was able to go home. They took me home too, so i spent some time with Joel, explaining what had happenned between the time that he had been knocked out until he woke up. "Everyone thought that you were going to die for a while. The doctor had actually told us to say goodbye, and I was the only person that refused to say goodbye. I told you to fight, and then you started recovering. Also all the guys that attacked us were caught, and are being charged as adults with attempted murder." When I finished speaking, he kissed me. When I had to go home, I went home with a smile on my face.

Chapter 13 - Justice

The six guys that had attacked us were being trialed together, as soon as Joel was pronounced well enough to testify. They were being held without bail. They could not be given bail due to an injuction that the Crown Prosecutor had sent.

As soon as we arrived back at uni, Joel & I were both given emergency transmitters by uni security. Within two weeks we had caught up with our uni, and Joel had been pronounced fit by the doctor. That night he came over and we did some strenous stuff. Trial occurred within a few days. We believed that the defence was going to try and prove that we started the fight, and that their attack on Joel was justified due to the fact that two of the guys were knocked out by our kicks. We were a bit worried that they may get off, but the prosecutor told us not to worry. We decided that he had a card up his sleeve.

We arrived at the trial as witnesses for the prosecution We were able to sit in a special gallery to watch the trial, as we were directly affected by the results. The prosecutor opened with a relatively short speech, stating that we were unlawfully assaulted with intent to kill. He didn't mention our love, as Joel's parents still didn't know. We had to act in self defence, and that we were lucky to survive, and that Joel nearly died. I held joel close when he mentioned the last bit.

The defence stated that we started the fight, and that they were acting in self-defence. All of them pleaded not guilty to attacking us. To demolish the first argument, the prosecution called another uni student, John Stanton, who had seen the first time Aiden attacked us.

"Mr. Stanton, did Mr. Johns (Aiden) attack Mr. Anders and Mr. Smith without them making any threatening gestures towards them?"

"That is correct"

"Is it also true that he threatened to kill them, after they acted in self defence?"


"I turn this witness to the defence for cross-examination"

"Mr. Stanton, had you heard what was said before Mr. Johns allegedly attacked Mr. Anders and Mr. Smith?"

"I only heard what Mr. Johns said, as his voice was raised."

"Is it possible that Messrs Anders and Smith provoked Mr. Johns?"



"His words were deliberatly insulting, and it appeared that he was trying to provoke them."

"Did Mr. Johns actually strike a blow?"


"So he may not have been meaning to attack them?"

"He was meaning to attack them, as he was running towards them and had drawn back a fist when he was kicked by Mr. Smith."

With that, the defence dismissed John.

The prosecution continued, calling Susan to back up John's statements, and then calling Dr. Smithson to prove that Joel was nearly murdered by them.

To parry these accounts, the defence called some of the guys who attacked us, and called a few people as witnesses to the character of the guys who attacked us. He also pointed out that there was no report of the first attack. Of course, Aiden stated that we had started everything, and the other guys backed him up. It looked like the jury was going to rule that they acted in self defence.

The proecution made one final speech "I wish to present to the jury this film, which clearly shows Mr. Johns attacked Messrs Smith and Anders." With this he played a film from the uni's security cameras, with sound, that clearly showed that he had attacked us. "I also wish to show this film, showing the accused persons concealing themselves in shrubbery near where the attack occurred." That film clip showed Aiden directing them to positions, and then it showed them hiding. The prosecution also produced affidavits to verify the film's authenticity.

After that, the defence had no chance. The jury was out for only half an hour, until it returned a verdict of guily, with a recommendation of maximum sentence, with at least 20 years before parole.

Chapter 14 - Joel's parents

That evening Joel stayed the night at my place, and we talked about what had happenned, and also resolved to work even harder at TKD lessons. Joel was a bit worried that something like this might happen again. I assured him that I wouldn't let anything like it happen again.

Within a few weeks, exams were upon us. We studied as best we could, and scraped through. Our parents were happy though, after what we'd been through. Susan did quite well, I don't know how she did it. The only good thing about exams is the holidays that come after them. We had 4 weeks end of semester break, which we decided to make the most of.

We wanted to date openly soon, but before coming out, Joel's parents had to know.

"Joel, if we want to be openly in love, we have to tell your parents."

"I know, but I wish there was another way."

"Mum & Dad think that they should take it fairly well. I'll be there with you, and so will Susan."

"I guess we can't keep it from them forever. They have to know eventually."

We decided to tell them the next day. We spoke to Susan about it, and she agreed to get them into the family room to talk about it.

"Mum, Dad, I have something very important to tell you."

"Well, what is it?" his dad said.

"I'm in love with Bill?"


"I'm gay."

"WHAT! NO SON OF MINE IS GOING TO BE A DISGUSTING FAG!" his dad roared, getting out of his chair and heading towards Joel. I stood between them. "If you lay a finger on Joel, you will not know what hit you." I said calmly.

"YOU'RE JUST AS BAD, YOU TURNED HIM THIS WAY!" he roared, then he swung at me. I ducked, then punched him. sending him back into the couch.


Joel & I ran, before his dad got back up. Susan came with us, and we didn't stop till we got to my house. When we did, Joel fainted.

Susan & I carried him to my bed and put him down on it. Then we called in Mum & Dad. Mum started to try and revive Joel, while we explained what had happenned to Dad. After we had explained. the phone rang. It was joel's dad, "warning" my parents about our relationship. My dad calmly said that he supported us, no matter what. His dad started yelling through the phone that if he wanted us and Susan (because she had supported us), he can keep us. My dad replied telling him that is exactly what he will do.

"What did you mean by that Dad?" I asked him, after he had hung up.

"Of course it's up to Joel, and to you, Susan, what happens now. However, you remember that I welcomed Joel as part of the family. When I said that, I meant it. Susan, you and Joel are welcome to live here now, as you can't live at home anymore. You are both 18, so your parents have no legal authority over you anymore."

"THANKYOU!" Susan shrieked.

Joel slowly started to stir. "Did I dream that my parents just rejected me and Susan?" he mumbled.

"Don't worry babe, you can live with us. It's all arranged." I replied gently.

"You mean it actually happenned?" he said in shock.

"It did. Please don't get over-excited or you'll faint again."

The next day Mum & Dad went to get Joel's & Susan's things. They also served his parents a restraining order, and papers that Joel & Susan had signed, temporarily transferring to my Mum & Dad the same powers that they had (for 2 months). They didn't tell us how it went, but I don't think that it went all that well.

Joel & Susan were still shocked about how their parents had reacted to the news. They weren't expecting a good reaction, but they weren't expecting that either. A few days later they got a letter from their parents.

"Dear joel & Susan,

We are sorry that we reacted the way we did. We had no right to do that, and Bill was quite right to do what he did. We hope that you will be happy now living with Bill and his family. We are still trying to accept the fact that Joel is gay. In two months, we hope you will come back to live with us. For the time being, best wishes.

Mum & Dad"

We all hoped that it would work out. Joel said that he would rather live with me, now that he had the opportunity too, and Susan agreed.

Chapter 15 - Working it all out

Uni started in 3 weeks, and we all seemed to be recovering from what had happenned. Joel still was upset sometimes. The good thing was that we were living together though. His parents had explained why they reacted the way that they did. Where they had grown up, some gay people had formed gangs that attacked others, so they had a pre-concieved idea. They were seeing a psychologist to try and help them with this.

We saw them at the end of two months. Joel & Susan said that they would rather continue to live with us. Joel wanted to live with me, and Susan felt that she needed to be near him (it must be a twin thing). His parents had thought that would be their choice. They asked us if it would be ok if they moved into the house next door to us, which was for sale. Their house was nearly too big for the four of them, and now that there was only going to be the two of them in it, they wanted to move to a smaller place, and be closer to their kids.

Joel & Susan gave their OK to the plan. Their parents decided to go ahead with it then. The next week the deal was closed, and they moved within 2 weeks. We helped with the move. Joel's parents seemed ok with Joel's sexuality now. I personally wouldn't have been able to forgive them unless Joel had totally forgiven them. The first thing they did when they saw him (after the restraining order expired), was to apologise to him and Susan for how they reacted. They also welcomed me into the family.

When they moved in, we organised a house-warming thing and both our parents unveiled a plot they had hatched. They had decided to adjoin our houses, as they were only about 2 metres apart, and we would be moving between them all the time. Joel gave me a smug smile when the announcement was made. I got him alone later.

"Ok, babe, what was that for?"

"What?" he said with a playful smile around his lips.

"You know what, that look you gave me when they told everyone about joining our houses?"


"You knew about it didn't you?"

"What if I don't tell you?"

"I'll be forced to use drastic measures."

"Such as?"

"This" I replied, and kissed him.

"Ok, I surrender." We both laughed at that.

"I was asked for my OK, because they wanted to check that I would feel safe, after my parent's reaction."

"And you replied?"

"With the gospel truth. I have totally forgiven my parents for everything."

"I don't know how you are able to do that. You're a better man than I am."

"I know, I don't faint just after my first kiss" He replied, making me blush.

Now that we were out to Joel's family, we decided we had seen the worst reaction possible, and decided to come out. Stan warned us that this could lead to a major decrease in our number of friends. We eventually decided to do it, at a party that contained pretty much all our friends. Everyone was outside when Joel, shouted out "Hey everyone, Bil and I want to say something!" He got everyones attention then (I so wish I could do that). "Guys, we have to say something, and we are aware that this may cost us your friendship, but we hope that it won't. We're just hoping that the truth will make us free. We" he broke off, and I took over. "You may have noticed that Joel & I have been inseperable for a while, since we literally bumped into each other on top of the Empire State Bulidng. That is because we are in love." Everyone went totally quiet. "We're sorry if this costs us your friendship, but it's not something we can help."

With this everyone started talking amongst theirselves. Stan walked up to us and said "I'm still their friend, as they are stil the same guys". Susan stood on the other side of us. "i've known Joel since before he was born, and he has been gay since the day he was born. If you were his friend before this announcement, there is absolutely no reason not to be his friend now." WIth this, more people walked up and stood beside us. Some of them voiced there support. Eventually, nearly everyone was agreeing to remain our friends.

Then two guys, Josh & David walked over to us, and stood next to us. "We are also with them, because we're boyfriends too." Everyone stood flabbergasted by this announcement. "Ok, everyone, let's party!" Stan said, and successfully distracted everyone, with the exception of Joel & myself."

Chapter 16 - We're not alone

We led Josh & David to a secluded corner of the backyard. "Do you have any idea how much of a surprise that was?" Joel said, trying not to grin, and failing hopelessly. "Well, we had some sort of an idea that it would be a big surprise. We weren't actually planning to tell anyone yet, but we decided to follow your example."

"Thanks for setting an example for us to follow" David put in. "Can you give us a bit of advice though?"

"Sure" Joel said.

"How do we tell my parents?"

"You're parents don't know about this, but you have just come out to everyone?" I said incredulously.

"Yeah, so I need to tell them now."

"Well, we think the best way is just to tell them. My parents took it well, Joel's didn't take it so well, but that was because of some stuff in their childhood, and they're over it now."

"How 'not well'?" David asked, with a scared look.

"Don't worry babe, you know I won't let anything happen to you." Joel told him.

"That's just what I told Joel's dad, when he blew his top. He also started moving towards Joel in a very threatening manner, so I clocked him one."

"Guys, can you be with us when we tell my parents. We'll need to do it tonight."

"All right"

We called our parents to let them know that we might be home a bit later then planned. They told us to just be home by the time they got up in the morning. We went to David's place by car. Josh got his P plates recently. When we arrived, Joel called out a hello to his parents. He introduced us, then said that Josh & him has something to tell them. They also said that they had something to ask to them about. The four of us went into the living room, and his parents said that they would be along in a few minutes.

"Babe, I'm so scared" David said to josh.

"Don't be, it'll be all right." Josh replied, then kissed him, just as his parents walked in.

"Well, I guess that explains the weird phone call congratulating David and his boyfriend." His mum said. They broke apart, and David looked like he was going to faint. "David, if this is what you wanted to tell us, we've suspected it for a long time."

"We suggested that you tell them, rather than show them" Joel put in, while grinning like the Cheshire Cat (luckily not disappearing like him, though).

"Just one thing, where do Joel & Bill fit into this?" his dad asked.

"We are boyfriends too. We told everyone at Stan's party tonight, as did they." I told him.

"I see. Well, Josh, welcome to the family."

"You're not angry?' David said.

"No, I'm actually happy that you have finally found someone that you love."

We all talked about it for a while, and then Josh drove Joel & me home.

We went home, and got into bed. "Well, that was interesting Joel"

"Yeah, you're right there babe. At least it turned out well."

"While you're with me, anything turns out well."

"You know what I mean"

"I love you, Joel'

"I love you too, Bill"

With that, we kissed, and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The end

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