Aussies Dream

By Clinton D

Published on Jul 26, 2010


This story is fiction. Any similarities with people living or dead is purely coincidence; meaning that this is not an autobiographical story. Please navigate away from this page if it is against the law in your country to view this material. Moreover do not read if you are under the age of majority in your country, state or province. Please do not copy without permission.

Hey everyone! So here is chapter 7. I do apologise for it taking so long to get this next chapter finished, but there is such thing as life that gets in the way. It is here now so please enjoy. A big thank-you must go to my editor once again, for fixing up all the errors I miss. Thank-you! Again please feel free to send comments and feedback to

---------------------------------------------------- Aussies Dream - Chapter 7 ----------------------------------------------------

I awoke suddenly, short of breath, panting, drenched in sweat with dampness in my boxers. Realisation taking over that it was all just a dream. Remembering I had in fact left the club early due to not being able to be around Isaac or Adam anymore.

My brain suddenly went into overdrive. I had just had a dream about... about Adam. What was that? Why did I have that dream? Was it Adam I truly wanted? Was that dream telling me something? I was craving and wanting to be with Adam. Glancing at the clock to see it was 3am I collapsed back down into bed. Too exhausted to get out and clean myself off. I drifted back off to a less than peaceful sleep.

A constant drone awoke me from my less than peaceful night's sleep. After awaking from that dream, that dream about Adam, I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning. I couldn't keep my mind off of it. What did it mean? Was I in fact falling hard for Adam. I mean, I had never had a dream like that one before. The way he was looking at me last night during that last song. I had gone to bed after coming home early and was thinking about the way he was watching me while performing. Was that why I had the dream? I just couldn't get the thought of him out of my head.

I finally put an end to the constant drone by answering my phone. Right at this point Adam appeared at my bedroom doorway and leaned against the door frame, and just stayed there looking in at me. Of course he had no shirt on. This put me off so much that I forgot to actually say something into the phone when I answered it. I just sat there, phone up to my ear, looking back at Adam who was just standing there, looking at me. He mouthed something to me, which I couldn't make out.

At this point there was a "Hello?" from the person on the other end. I then realised that Adam had said 'Say something' as I had failed to actually say anything to who was on the other end of the line.

I blushed at my stupidity and embarrassing situation. "Uh... Sorry, Hi. Just got a little distracted" I finally got out. A small grin crept onto Adam's face.

There was a small chuckle on the other end, which made me realise who had called me. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten how to speak". It was Dean.

"Haha. No. What's up?"

"Well I was just wondering if you were home and if I could come over."

"Yeah, Sure." What a lifesaver I thought. I wouldn't have to be alone with Adam at this time. Even though I was beginning to think that is what I truly wanted, I just couldn't bring myself to fully admit it.

"In that case. Come let me in."

"Huh. What? You're already here?"

There was a knock at the door. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll see you in a second." Dean said and ended the call.

"I'll get it." Adam said and turned to go let Dean in.

A few seconds later Dean walked into my room closely followed by Adam, who resumed his position at the door. Again I found myself just looking back at him. What is wrong with me today? I'm just blatantly staring at him.

"Geez. Look at you, lazy, still in bed."

I looked over at the clock. 'Shit' I thought to myself. It's after midday already.

Adam must have read my mind. "Yeah, I thought you were never going to wake up." He said with a smile once again creeping its way onto his face. The irresistible smile which had such an effect on me. "Well now that you are awake, I'm about to put a movie on, you two want to join me?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be out in a couple of minutes." At which Adam smiled, turned and walked out of the room.

I turned to look at Dean who was now sitting next to me on the bed with a smile spread across his face. "Well I can see why you were distracted."

"Shut up" I said blushing and hitting Dean in the arm.

"So do you want to hear what my conclusion is about Adam and Isaac?" Dean questioned, suddenly getting my full attention. I had temporarily forgotten about Isaac. Why did he have to bring him up right now. Thinking and dealing with one person is enough.

I just nodded. Nervous at what Dean was about to say.

"Okay. I'm just going to be honest, and these are just my opinions, so it's your choice whether you take them onboard or not. I watched both of them last night and even talked to them both after you left. I'll start with Isaac. I think you should be careful with him. He isn't exactly what he claims to be or what you seem to think he is. I won't tell you, I will let you figure it out for yourself, but just be careful with him." I wasn't sure what to make of that, but it gave me something to think about. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing I had half forgotten about him. "Now moving onto Adam." My ears pricked as they heard his name. "There is definitely an attraction there. It is clear in the way he looks at you, both at the club and just now. You just need to see it. I think his not talking to you has been because he is so nervous he has fucked things up with you, and that you aren't interested, so he doesn't want to look like a fool. Unless I am wrong, which I don't think I am, you need to figure out what you want and figure out who, if any, can give you what you seek. And if it is Adam, you need to decide if you want to go for something more and risk having it fall apart and you could lose your friendship."

I sat there for a few seconds before saying anything. "Umm, is that supposed to make things easier? Because honestly, that complicates things even more."

"Well you asked for my opinion, and I never said it would help the situation".

"Yeah thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Look, try and not think about it too much right now, okay?"

"Mmmm" Like that was going to be possible.

"Come on, let's go join Adam and watch the movie" Dean said as he made his way towards the door. "Oh, and you may want to change into something... cleaner..." he said glancing down towards my crotch.

"Shit" I said realising that must have been what Adam was grinning about. Oh god I hope not. Dean started laughing as he went into the lounge.

I decided I needed to have a quick shower to clean up properly, so I picked out some clothes and made my way to the bathroom. As I came out of my room, Dean looked over at me and smirked. I flicked him the bird, which only made him laugh and made Adam turn around and start to smirk. 'Oh crap' I thought, he knew. I rushed into the bathroom to avoid further embarrassment.

As I came out of the bathroom, I realised some more company had arrived. One of them was Kel, who was in deep conversation with Dean. As I continued to scan the new arrivals my eyes rested upon a new face. A girl, who was later introduced to me as Jenna. Approaching the only seat left, which of course was next to Adam on the 3 seater, I realised Jenna was sitting on someone's lap. Rounding the couch I finally saw who it was. It was Isaac. Of all people, why was he here. I know why he was here, because he was still friends with everyone. I just did not need to see him right then.

My stomach clenched up as I sat down next to Adam. I didn't know how long I could bare to be in the same room as the two of them, or more specifically, how long I could stand to be so close to Adam. I mean the guy was driving me insane. When I thought about it, I liked almost everything about him. His eyes, his hair, he was funny, caring, practically everything you could possibly want. Well everything I wanted. Someone I could talk to, someone I could trust, someone I could lean on when I needed support, someone who wouldn't walk away if things got difficult. I was starting to realise Adam was in fact, exactly who I wanted.

He could be the one to make all my dreams come true. And the hardest thing to get my head around was the possibility that he was gay and wanted to be with me. I just had to decide if I wanted to seek out something more, and risk losing my friendship with him if it all falls apart. And god he smelled good. It was intoxicating. While sitting there next to him, I could smell his scent and it only made me want to get closer, be consumed in his arms.

Seeing Isaac with Jenna helped me realise it was Adam I wanted to be with. Maybe it was because it seemed like I couldn't have him, or because he obviously wasn't gay or into me. I must have just wanted something so bad I was magnifying everything as a possibility. But none the less, it made one of my decisions easier.

Before I knew it the movie was over. I had barely watched it. My mind was completely fixed on Adam. I returned to reality after hearing my name being mentioned, along with the words singing. 'Uh oh' I thought to myself. They were going to get me to sing. We had temporarily acquired Kelly's piano while her parents were laying new carpet or something.

"Will you sing us a song Ben?" asked Jenna

"Ah... no I don't think so"

"Oh come on Ben" whined Kel.


"Just one song" entered Dean into the attempt to get me to sing.

"I said no!"

"Please... for me" came a whisper in my ear. Adam's whispered voice sent strange sensations throughout my body, and I could feel the heat radiating off him. I just wanted to lean into it.

"Fine" I gave in. How could I say no to him?

"Really?!" ringed Kel and Jenna's voices at the same time.

"Yes. What song?" I asked while glancing at a smiling Adam. I wondered whether he knew what kind of effect he had on me.

"Your choice" said Kel.

We made our way over to the piano. I sat down on the bench next to Kel. Only one song came to mind when I was trying to think of what to sing. And it was no surprise that it matched what I was feeling at the time.

"You decided?" asked Kel, sitting next to me waiting.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear the only song that was coming to mind.

She smiled and said she loved that song and began playing. She was quite the natural, just being able to play without any sheet music.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the sound of the piano, and focusing on my cue.

"Picture perfect memories, Scattered all around the floor. Reaching for the phone `cause, I can't fight it anymore. And I wonder if I ever cross your mind. For me it happens all the time."

I opened my eyes and looked directly at Adam to find him staring right into my eyes. A small smile appeared on his face, and I couldn't stop one from appearing briefly on mine.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now. Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now. And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now."

I had found myself unable to pull myself away from looking into his eyes. His deep blue eyes had me transfixed, and they weren't swaying from mine.

"Another shot of whisky, can't stop looking at the door. Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before. And I wonder if I ever cross your mind. For me it happens all the time."

I wasn't sure where the confidence had come from. I was openly staring into his eyes, singing to him. And I didn't care. I wanted Adam. I needed him.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk, and I need you now. Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now. And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now."

Our eyes were still locked together and I don't think anyone except Dean had noticed how I was transfixed. Well, not that I was really looking around.

"Yes I'd rather hurt then feel nothing at all. It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you know. And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now. And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now. I just need you now Oh baby I need you now."

As the song finished up, I began to come back to reality. My cheeks began to burn with embarrassment over what had transpired. I had to look down, in an attempt to hide it. While everyone began commenting on how they loved my singing, I stole a quick glance at Adam, and it looked like he may have been blushing too.

The rest of the afternoon was spent chilling, listening to music, playing Wii, throwing down a few drinks, and munching on some nibbles Kel and Jenna had whipped up. I really like Jenna, she was fun and bubbly and we got along really well. I found that afternoon I was fine being around Isaac to. He didn't really bother me, and we even chatted a little bit, like how we did originally. I am not entirely sure why I was all of a sudden fine with it, but it may have something to do with Adam. I still couldn't get over what I had done earlier, nor that Adam had done the same. Throughout the afternoon I had convinced myself that I wanted to have something more with Adam; with conditions of course.

As it got closer to dinner everyone began to leave. They all conveniently had other plans, which soon resulted in only Adam, Dean and myself being left in the lounge.

"Well I better be off as well" Dean announced when Adam had left to use the bathroom.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be left alone with Adam. I mean, I did, but I didn't. Dean must have read my thoughts.

"You'll be fine, just relax. He likes you, and I'm pretty sure you've made up your mind." Dean said as he opened the door to leave. Before leaving he turned and gave me a hug. "If you need to talk, just call okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. Have a good night." I said as I was released from the hug.

"You too." Dean said as he turned and walked out.

I made my way back to the lounge and laid down on the couch. I was alone, with Adam. Sure we are home alone a lot, but after the preceding afternoon, it was different. Nerves were aplenty. I just didn't know what I would say or do now that it was just the two of us. Or what he would do.

"Where's Dean?" Adam asked as he returned from the bathroom. He then sat down on the three-seater seat with me, lifting and placing my feet on his lap. I didn't even think twice about it, I was just feeling so comfortable around him. Most of the nerves had just disappeared the moment he came into the room.

"He had to leave as well, so it's just us two."

"So I have you to myself?"

"Yep, lucky you." At this Adam smiled. That smile had my stomach all aflutter.

"What do you say we order in some pizza and watch another movie?"

"Sounds perfect." Did I just say perfect? Not sure if I meant to say that out loud. It was what I was thinking, a night alone, watching a movie, sounded perfect.

Again Adam smiled. "Cool, I'll order the pizza and you can pick out the movie"

A couple hours later as the movie was ending I found myself laying down using Adam as a pillow. I was just melting into him, while he had one arm half draped over me. Nothing had been said about what was going on, it had just happened and it just felt right. I was at complete ease.

As the credits began, I rolled over to look up at Adam, not wanting to sit up and remove myself from him. Again he was smiling while looking down at me. I was looking into his eyes trying to read what was going on in his mind. What I saw was happiness and contentment. That happiness and content caused apparently by me. Looking back at his smile I couldn't help but smile back. I couldn't deny it anymore. It was definite that it was Adam I wanted to be with, and I wanted to be with him now.

Adam finally broke the silence. "Well I'm going to go for a shower."

"Ok" I said continuing to just lie there.

"Umm, could you get off me so I can go shower?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I said getting up and feeling embarrassed.

While Adam was in the shower I decided to head into my bedroom and lay down as I was feeling tired still from the night before. While lying there my thoughts were focused on Adam, of course. I couldn't really believe what was going on today. Both of us seemed to have gotten over whatever was going on between us, and both of seemed to naturally be comfortable being extremely close to the other. Nothing had yet been said about what was going on and there had been no admission of feelings. I think both of us were just caught up with enjoying the moments.

Ten minutes had passed and Adam appeared in my doorway after he finished his shower. I couldn't help but just stare. The way he leaned in the doorway was just so... sexy.

"Can I come in?" Adam asked.

"You don't have to ask Adam." I said moving over to one side of the bed from where I was sprawled in the middle of the bed so he could get on the bed as well.

"Well it is your Dad's place, and I am technically a guest living here. Speaking of which, how is your family?"

I tensed up at the mention of my Dad and my family. I had managed to avoid any conversation about my family since Adam had last tried to find out about them. With any thought of my family I instantly retract into sadness. I missed them so much and wasn't really coping at all without them. The only way I was coping was to not talk about it and avoid the fact they were actually gone. Adam and I just lay there on our sides facing each other in silence. Me trying not to breakdown in front of him, but I was finding it increasingly difficult with all my thoughts swarming to that of my family.

"What's wrong Ben? Is everything fine with your family?" Adam asked with a very caring and concerned tone.

I looked at Adam on the verge of tears. "The...they're gone..." I managed to get out before breaking down. The tears flowed thick and fast and I began to shake. I couldn't stop the emotion from pouring out. Since the day my world collapsed I had managed to keep my emotions in check while in the presence of others, but not today, not with Adam.

Within seconds Adam's arms had enveloped me and pulled me in tight against him. Tears continued to flow, soaking Adam's shirt. After a while I slowly began to calm down as Adam continued to hold me tight, one arm soothingly rubbing my back while he whispered calming words into my ear. Eventually my tears ceased and Adam pulled my face up to look at him.

Adam could see I wanted to speak so he remained silent while I composed myself enough to try and tell him what had happened with my family. After a few minutes I had calmed myself enough to begin. I told him of how both my parents and my younger brother had been killed while on their way to my 21st birthday party, that I had moved here to get away and try and start living my life again, but I constantly felt alone and lost.

Once I had finished I realised I wasn't crying. Whether that was because I didn't have any tears left to cry, I don't know, but I wasn't crying. I neither felt happy nor sad. I didn't really feel anything at that moment.

Adam laid there momentarily in shock at what I had just told him. "I'm so sorry Ben" Adam said while pulling me into another hug. "But you are not alone. There are people around you that love you, and as long as you will have me around I am here for you. You'll never be alone."

"Thanks Adam. That means a lot." I said softly while being held in Adam's hug. The hugs I was beginning to love so much.

"Is it okay if I stay, or do you want me to leave?" Adam cautiously asked.

"I would like it if you would stay with me" I said rolling over, so that Adam could snuggle up behind me, if he wished.

There was silence and no movement for a few minutes. I then felt the bed move and then an arm drape itself over me, resting itself on my stomach, pulling me in close. I placed my hand over that of Adam's as I then allowed myself to rest back into the warm of Adam. Adam moved his hand so that our fingers became intertwined. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as he breathed in and out. For once, in a long time, I felt content before going to sleep. As I lay there listening to Adam breathe, sleep slowly began to take over me.

Just before I was able to fully drift off to sleep, my phone vibrating on the bed in front of me disturbed me. Grabbing the phone with my free hand, I tilted the screen towards me to read that I had one new text message from an unknown number. But for some reason I recognised the number, but hadn't seen it in ages. I chose to ignore it for now and just enjoy the moment I was currently having, the moment of being held in the arms of Adam.

As I finally allowed sleep to overcome me, my last thoughts were of how lucky I was, and how much of a dream come true it was. I could only hope that I would soon find out exactly what this meant for Adam and I. Did it mean that we would look at trying to have a relationship, or was this simply him being a comforting friend. Only time would tell.

Thanks for reading the seventh chapter of my first story. So if you have any comments, feedback or criticisms please email me. Again if you want to be on a notification list for when future chapters come out, since new chapters will be a bit staggered, please email me and let me know and I'll gladly put you on the list.

Next: Chapter 8

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