Aussies Dream

By Clinton D

Published on Feb 13, 2010


This story is fiction. Any similarities with peoples living or dead are purely coincidence. Meaning that it is not an autobiographical story. Please navigate away from this page if it is against the law in your country to view this material. Moreover do not read if you are under the age of majority in your country, state or province. Please do not copy without permission.

Hey Everyone! So this is my first story ever. I have had some spare time so I thought what the heck. I have read a fair few stories here on Nifty so I thought I would give it a go. Since it is my first story please be kind. I don't know if it's any good, so let me know what you think. I just kind of sat down and started writing and this is what came out. This chapter doesn't have any sex content and the next couple if I decide to continue probably won't either. I am not just writing jerk off material. I want to try and write a decent story. I know this chapter is a little down but I am trying to provide a good introduction, it will get better, I promise. I am not entirely sure where the story is heading at this stage. So thanks for reading my first story. If you have any comments, general or constructive criticism I would love to hear from you. So please email me at If I decide to continue with the story based on your comments, I may be looking for a editor so let me know if you are interested. Okay I will stop talking now. On with the story.

---------------------------------------------------- Aussies Dream - Chapter 1 ----------------------------------------------------

So I guess I should start with introducing myself. My name is Ben, Benjamin Taylor and yes I am gay. I have recently turned 21 and you would think it would be one of the biggest and most memorable celebrations of a person's life. Well it certainly would be memorable, but for all the wrong reasons.

So it was August 22nd and my family had organised a giant family bash for my birthday. Our whole family gets along and usually has a blast being together. We usually spend every Christmas all together having a great time hanging out around the pool and cooking up a storm on the BBQ. There would always be way too much food. So I was really excited to see all my relatives and just have a good time. My party was being hosted by one of my cousins, which was in a town halfway between where I was currently living and my home town where my parents still lived. So on my birthday, the 22nd, I had made the couple hour trip to my cousins house and was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my parents and younger brother so my party could start.

My parents were supposed to arrive mid afternoon to help setup so the party could start that evening. Much of the afternoon had passed and it was starting to get dark. Since it was winter here in Australia it was still getting dark fairly early. I was starting to become a little worried as I hadn't heard from them at all and it was unusual for them to run late. Especially for their eldest son's 21st birthday. I had put off the urge to call them, as I assured myself they were just running late, my mum was probably doing some last minute cooking before they left, and well I always think the worst.

Night had fully arrived and most of the guests had arrived but there was still no sign of my parents. I had started to get this nauseous feeling and decided I needed to call them and see where they were. Just as I was about to dial my Dad's mobile my phone began to ring. Displayed on the screen was my Dad's mobile number, and relief swept over my body, finally. I quickly answered the phone and pretty much yelled in the phone "Where are you!". I had pretty much got the attention of all my party guests with my sudden outburst.

The relief that I was feeling didn't last very long. Instead of hearing the voice of my dad on the other end of the line, I heard a strangers voice. The voice began explaining that he was from the police and asked whether I was the son of Mr and Mrs Taylor. For the next couple of minutes I think I felt every possible emotion there is. Here I was standing at my 21st birthday party, drink in hand, surrounded by family and friends, music blaring in the background, listening to a stranger tell me that my parents and younger brother had been involved in a fatal car accident where there were no survivors. After the police officer finished talking I hung up the phone and just stood there staring blankly at everyone. I didn't know what just hit me. I didn't know what to do. What to feel. Eventually one of my cousin's asked what was wrong and all I managed to say was "Their dead".

At this point I just lost it. I was overcome with so many emotions, I just broke down. After about an hour I was able to compose myself long enough to explain to them what I was told by the police, before I broke down again.

So the worst day of my life is now a little over 4 months ago. It is now January 8th which would usually be spent celebrating my Mum's birthday. Instead I am in an unfamiliar city, sitting in some random bar drowning my sorrows. On New Years I decided I had to move on with my life. I had spent the last 4 months moping around like a miserable wreck, and dealing with everything that they thrust upon you when someone dies. Something a 21 year old shouldn't have to do for their parents let alone their 15 year old brother, at such a age.

So in the 8 days since I made the decision to move on, I have packed up my things, bottled up my emotions, put on a brave face and found myself in a new and unfamiliar city. I moved into an apartment which my Dad had recently purchased, so I guess that means that it was now my apartment. It was a new 2 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, on the top level of a 20 floor apartment complex. It was nice and modern, and was a welcomed change.

After moving in and unpacking most of my stuff, the usual clothes, laptop, text books and DVD's I decided to head down to the CQ University head office to make sure my campus transfer had been completed and find out where the University bookshop is so I could pick up my new textbooks later in the week. I only have 4 courses left until I can graduate from my B. Of Information Technology. I would probably be finished by now if I didn't have the events of the last 4 months.

So after leaving the Uni office I found myself at the random bar. Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not an alcoholic, I actually rarely drink. Usually only on special occasions or at celebrations. I was just all alone in a strange city and well I thought, that's what lonely people do in the mid afternoon, right?

Here I was 21, parents gone, all alone, sitting at a bar staring at the TV that was hanging from the ceiling playing a re-run of last year's NRL grand final. While sitting I began thinking about whether I should have told my parents that I was gay. Now that they are no longer around I feel guilty that I never had the guts to tell them. See I have known since I was 14 that I was gay. I just haven't had the courage to come out to anyone. I have no self confidence and I guess I just worry too much about what everyone is going to think. So as you could probably guess, I haven't had a boyfriend. I haven't had a relationship, no experience of any kind. Not even a first kiss. How sad is that. 21 and I have never kissed anyone.

While pondering my sad pathetic life I hadn't realised there was a guy and a girl standing either side of me, looking at me. They both looked to be about my age. The guy stood about my height which was 5 foot 10, and was slim but toned, also like me. He had short jet black hair and soft hazel eyes. I swear it was kind of like staring in a mirror except for the black hair, whereas I have brown hair. He had a plain pair of black jeans and a red button up shirt on. Overall he, well ok he was hot. The girl was a little shorter than us and had the most amazing brown eyes, to go with her silky smooth brown hair. Ok so I didn't really take as much notice of the girl, but if I was straight I would of had a go, haha.

I was broken out of my trance by one of them talking to me. Once back to reality I realised it was the guy.

"Hi I'm Adam", he repeated and he held out his hand.

"Ben" I answered and shook his hand.

"And this is Kelly" he said while referring to the girl on my other side.

"We were wondering if you would like to join us for a drink, you seem lonely over here" Kelly asked.

"Ah, " Okay so at this point I should say that I am not very good around new people. I get so nervous cause I don't want to stuff up and make a bad impression. I guess I care too much what other people think.

"I promise we don't bite, well Kel might" at this comment Adam copped a hit over the head from Kelly and I let out a bit of a chuckle.

"I take that as a yes?" Adam asked.

"Okay" I answered and they both grinned. What do I have to lose? If I screw it up with these two, the likelihood of seeing them again would be slim in the city, right? And who knows I might gain some friends.

Adam - "Why don't you and Kel go and take a seat and I will get us a drink. Rum do?".

"Ah, yeah" I answered while I was being dragged over to a seat by Kelly.

So we sat down at a booth. I slid in on the seat first and Kelly sat next to me. This was followed by a bit of an awkward silence until Adam arrived with the drinks. After a large gulp, Kelly broke the silence. "So Ben, how old are you?"

"Twenty-One, you?" I answered while looking at both of them.

"Twenty" Kelly answered. "Same" echoed Adam.

Adam - "So you live here?"

Ben - "I guess I do now. Only moved here today".

Adam - "Oh cool. Why did you move?"

Ben - "Just getting away from some stuff. Don't really want to talk about it though."

Kelly - "Okay. Did you move here by yourself?"

Ben - "Yep."

Kelly - "Do you have a place to stay?"

Ben - "Yeah I have an apartment"

Adam - "Awesome. So you got a job or you going to university?"

Ben - "No job as of yet and yeah I have just transferred campus's with CQ. I've only got 4 courses left."

Adam - "What you studying?"

Ben - "IT"

Adam - "Really! Me to. I guess I may see you in one of my courses."

Ben - "What! you at CQ to?"

Kelly - "Yeah both Adam and I are. I am studying Business/Accounting though. You can have your IT." She laughed. "Well at least you are not going to know no one on campus."

Ben - "Yeah that's true".

Kelly - "So Ben. You single or taken?"

Oh crap here it comes. I hate it when people ask me about my relationship status. I always try to avoid that conversation topic. It's always the same answer, No. Oh how come. Umm, let's see maybe because I am gay and I am too shy to ask a guy out. After my little mental conversation I answered "Single".

Kelly - "Really? Someone as cute as you is still single and on the market." She said this while touching my hand.

I let out a nervous laugh and answered "Yeah". At this point I was starting to become a bit uncomfortable. Was she flirting with me? Okay don't get me wrong, I'm not ugly, but I wouldn't consider myself cute or hot for that matter. Just average. Back where I used to live I never had anyone flirt with me or ever interested, so this was all new. I mean over the last 4 months I didn't get out much at all and I did work out quite a lot to take my mind off things. So I guess I have lost some weight and toned up a bit, but I still don't think I am anything special.

"Kel control yourself will you" Adam said while chuckling to himself.

"Sorry, I'll back off for now" she said while winking at me. I just gave her a nervous smile, oh boy. "Please excuse me. I am going to use the bathroom before our ride gets here" Kelly said while getting up to head to the bathroom. Adam and I just finished off our drinks.

Just before Kelly got back Adam leaned over and asked, "So you interested in Kel?".

"Huh.." and I choked on the bit of ice I was sucking on. The question caught me a bit off guard.

"Are you interested?" he asked again.

"She's not really my type". That's the best I could come up with. Hopefully he doesn't probe to much more. I don't want to risk telling him the truth about me being gay and losing the possibility of a friendship, which I could use right now.

He thought this over for a minute and opened his mouth to say something, but Kelly had arrived back at the table and interrupted him by saying their ride had arrived. "Adam our ride is here".

Adam - "Ok. Did you want to come with us Ben? We are going out to the movies with a couple other friends."

Ben - "No thanks. It's been a big day, so I think I am going to have an early night".

Kelly - "Awwh, you sure you don't want to come".

Ben - "Yeah. I'm stuffed."

Adam - "Okay, well why don't we trade numbers and we'll give you a call sometime."

Ben - "Ok". So we switched phone numbers.

Adam - "Okay. So we got to go. We will catch up and talk more". As he said this, he had a look in his eyes like he knew. Oh crap, what am I going to do if he knows about me. He'll probably hate me after he finds out for sure. Now my heart was beating fast and I was beginning to sweat. I needed to get home and away from them before they figure it out.

I said ok and avoided eye contact.

Kelly/Adam - "See ya Ben".

Ben - "Yeah catch".

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first story. If you have any comments, feedback or criticism please email me. I'll look forward to your emails. I won't be starting the next chapter until I get some feedback cause I don't want to continue writing if no one is reading it. So if you want to get to know me or interested in being an editor, also email me. Till then.

Next: Chapter 2

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