Aussie Mark

By John the Artist

Published on Feb 3, 2021


This story is fictional. Some of the events in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, and others are completely fictional. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at Please Contribute to and keep this wonderful resource going!

Aussie Mark 2

As I said in the first chapter of this story, I met my Australian sex god, Mark at a gay resort where he was working and moonlighting as an escort to the guests. I had asked him about how he got into escorting, he told me, and this is the continuation of his tale.

Eric was back on the cattle station the following summer too, and we enjoyed it even more than the previous year. In the fall, I returned to university, and Eric was headed off for the year to do research in the US.

At uni, we could request the kind of roommate we wanted, so this year I put down that I was gay and would like a gay roommate. I got one: a good-looking guy from Adelaide: athletic, studious, and quite a partier. It wasn't long before we were enjoying the pleasures of each other's bodies. He was more of a bottom, so I was fucking him three or four times a week, and he topped me every couple of weeks or so. We met other guys through the gay grapevine at the university, and pretty soon we both had boyfriends, but all of us still played around with other guys from time to time.

My third year, I had another gay roommate, and it was he who introduced me to escorting. I don't even remember how the subject came up, but in the course of one of our conversations, he let me know that he had been working for a local escort agency for the past month. No wonder he always had spending money!

I was shocked. I asked "Isn't it dangerous?"

"Nah," he said, "the agency screens the clients really carefully."

"But aren't a lot of them bald, fat old men?" I asked.

"Well," he said, "there are certainly all types, but nearly all the guys I've had appointments with have been really nice, and some of those bald, fat guys really know how to pleasure another man. A lot of them are married and not getting /satisfaction at home any more. And more of them are younger than you would think. The money is easy, and it's fun having sex with so many new guys. You don't have to work at meeting guys like going to a bar, you just get called up, and you get paid. You can work as much or little as you want. What could be better?"

So a week later, he scheduled an interview for me with the owners of the escort service, a couple of very nice gay guys in their forties. They had me strip, wanted a look at my erection which they measured and complimented me on, asked me what I liked or was willing to do, and helped to write a profile for me and take some pictures for their ads in the local gay paper. And they didn't even make me sleep with them!

They posted the profile on their new website right then. We sat around talking, me telling them about where I grew up, what I was studying and stuff like that. About fifteen minutes after putting up my profile on line, they got a call from a client asking about me.

"Do you want to go out on your first appointment, mate?" they asked.

"Who is it?" I said.

"It's a thirty-three year-old married man in town on business. He was concerned about discretion, and I was able to reassure him on that score. He wants you to come to his hotel for an hour, but if he enjoys it, he may ask you to stay the night. He'd like you there in an hour."

"What the hell, no time like the present," I said. "Can I take a shower here first, and do you have an extra tooth-brush I can borrow?"

An hour later found me knocking on the door of a room in a posh business hotel. It was answered by a nice looking man, who looked more like in his twenties than thirties. He was a little bit nervous, but I was able to put him at ease quickly.

We had a little awkward moment when neither of us knew quite what to do, this being my first appointment with a client, this being his first time with an escort. I decided to just play it straight:

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Well," he said shyly, "I've never been with a man before. The thing that always turned me on when I thought about being with a man is what would it be like to be fucked? I always wondered when I was fucking my wife what it would be like to have a man inside you. I've played around with my fingers and a dildo, and I get excited when I do that. I always wondered if a man would give a better blow job. My wife does it, but it isn't great. It always seemed to me that if I were blowing another guy, I would know what to do, because I know what I want for myself."

I said, "I can fuck you, if you like, and I can be very gentle about it. But I just want you to know that I'm pretty big, over eight inches, so you'll have to let me know if it's hurting."

When I mentioned my size, I saw his face light up involuntarily. Clearly he had fantasies about having sex with a big-cocked man.

"And I can not only give you great oral pleasure," I continued "but I can teach you how to give it to another man, and even how to coach your wife to get what you want," because I thought I really could do all those things. "You can practice on me," I said, smiling and winking at him.

For the next hour we made love. He was new, but he was a quick learner. Most of all, he was a nice person, wanting to learn and wanting to give.

When I fucked him, I prepared him slowly, sucking his cock, and then rimming him until he was squirming with pleasure under me. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to take my big cock, but I got him so that he was begging for me to come into him, and I slowly entered him as he moaned with pleasure, his fantasy fulfilled.

After that, I had sex with a lot of men: clients from the escort service, most of whom were really nice, if needy, guys I met at the university, and some of the other escorts, who were really hot guys. In spite of having a lot of sex as a job, we all enjoyed sex for its own sake.

I had been working for the service a few nights a week for about a month. I found school easy, especially those courses I was really interested in, and I liked to schedule my classes early in the day, and then go to the library to study and write my papers in the afternoons, so I usually had the evenings free, unless there was a big exam looming.

I did like to go to the gym a few times a week, and also to socialize with friends and have sex with some of them for fun, rather than pay. That usually left three or four nights a week that I could work for the service if I wanted, and their business usually picked up after eight. I had let them know that I didn't usually want to do overnights on weekdays, because of my school schedule, but I had made a couple of exceptions for regular clients I liked.

Another thing about the service, is that a lot of the clients tipped very generously. Though what the service took as a commission was reasonable, some of the clients probably thought that us escorts didn't get much. Anyway, sometimes the tip was equal to the fee. My bank account was growing nicely, and I was able to treat friends more often when we went out for dinner, drinks or to a club. I also spent some of my earnings on some hot underwear and form-fitting tee shirts, because they really turned the clients on.

One Saturday, I got a call from the service about going on a hotel call with one of the other escorts, a guy named Derek, who I had not met, but whose profile I had seen on the web. The call was for 10 pm, for two hours, though they warned me that the client was a regular, and sometimes he asked a guy to stay for the night. Since that was potentially a lot of money, I called my date for the night and begged off until Sunday night, which seemed to be OK with him. The service said that the client was very, very particular about discretion, and that I would know why when I got there. I was to meet Derek in the lobby of the hotel a little before ten. Derek would have the room number.

I knew Derek's face from his picture on the agency's ads. He had a handsome, very boyish face, with wide, full lips, a thin, straight nose, chiseled features, and tousled sandy hair. His profile said that he was "6', 155, defined, smooth, affectionate, top or bottom, outgoing, 7 uc". That appealed to me, and must have appealed to the client, whoever it was.

I put on jeans that showed off my nice thighs and package, without being too obvious about it, a nice, tight black T-shirt that showed my torso and well-developed arms to advantage, and covered up with a light wind-breaker, so that I wouldn't look too much like trade when I showed up at the hotel lobby.

I spotted Derek right away when I came in, slouched in one of the lobby easy chairs, wearing baggy black pants, and, showing under his open jacket, a tight, white tank top. I introduced myself, and we shook hands. Derek was definitely a hot guy, and I knew that this session would be fun, regardless of who the client was.

We got in the elevator, and Derek looked me over. "You're a hot guy," he said smiling.

"You too," I responded. "What do you know about this client?" I asked. "Have you ever been with him before?"

"No," he said, "all I know is that he wants a lot of discretion. I'll tell you, my interest went up when I heard that."

"Yeah," I said, "we're supposed to be discreet with everybody, so why are they making a big deal on this one?"

"Guess we'll find out," he said, and then the doors opened on the top floor of the hotel, and we walked down the hall to the door, clearly one of the better suites in the hotel.

Derek knocked softly on the door, and a few seconds later it opened. Our question was answered, because standing there was a well-known football player.

His face was on the sports pages very regularly, but in recent months it had graced the tabloids because of his widely followed divorce from a beautiful pop star. The underground rumors were that there were sex problems with the marriage, and that he might even be gay. I guess we had at least a partial answer to that question, though he could be bi. The afternoon before our encounter, his team had just had a major victory over their main rival, and so his team's supporters were all celebrating in the bars and sports clubs. Clearly, he was celebrating in a way that he wanted to.

We'll call him Ian--not his real name, of course--and he held out his right hand to shake.

"Welcome to the party, boys," he said, and as his eyes assessed the "goods" he smiled and said, "and I think this party is going to be a lot of fun."

He turned and led us out of the small reception hall into a nicely appointed living room with a two couches facing each other, two easy chairs, and a large-screen TV. Through open double doors, we could see the bedroom with a very large, luxurious bed, its spread neatly folded down to the bottom to reveal a huge expanse of crisp white sheet.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room was one of his team-mates, whom we of course recognized as well. Even if you don't follow football, you had to know them both because their faces were everywhere due to product endorsements, the tabloids and TV. Ian introduced us to his friend--who I'll call Paolo--who smiled, again appraising our bodies as he shook our hands.

They were both wearing the white terry robes supplied by the hotel, and I surmised, nothing underneath. Paulo patted the sofa next to him and indicated that he wanted Derek to sit down with him. Ian took my hand and led me to the other sofa, and we sat next to each other.

"You guys understand that what goes on here tonight stays here," Ian said.

"Yeah," we both said simultaneously.

"Good," said Ian. "I booked you for two hours, but if we are having a good time, we hope you can stay longer, maybe even overnight. Is that cool with you?"

"Yeah, the service let us know," said Derek, "and we're cool with that."

"Great," said Ian. "You guys want anything to drink?"

"I'm fine," I said.

Derek said, "Yeah, some water, and if ya got a beer after, mate, I'd like that."

Paolo got up and went to the minibar for a bottle of water and gave it to Derek.

"We're both horny as hell," he said. "We've had a hard week of practice, games, and travel, and now we're both ready to play. Think you can satisfy us?" he asked.

Derek said, "Uh-huh, mate, that's what Mark and I are really good at. You call the shots, and as long as it doesn't involve pain and piss, we're yours."

Ian looked at me and said "Mark, they said you got a really big cock. I haven't had my arse stuffed with a really big guy for a long time."

I looked down in his lap and could see his cock stiffening under his robe pushing it up. On the other sofa, the same thing was happening to Paolo. Derek and I both kicked off our shoes, and turned to our partners and leaned in to kiss them, as I said to Ian, "I can take care of that for you."

As I kissed Ian, I pulled his robe open to reveal his hard cock, standing straight up. He was average length and thickness, maybe about six inches or so and, like me, his was cut, but he had a nice, large set of balls, the size of plums.

As a twenty-seven year-old professional athlete, his body was in superb shape, strong and wiry as most football players are, with nice thick thighs, built for the constant running the game entails. He was probably a little on the light side for a footballer, probably around 180 lbs on a firm six-foot frame, and his chest and legs had a light crop of blond hair to match his head. His pubes were nice and dark though. As we kissed I pulled his robe fully open and then eased it off his shoulders, to reveal a nice strong set of shoulders and arms. Football training clearly included a lot of upper-body work, by the looks of it.

Now that he was naked, he started on me, as I reached out to gently caress his cock, accompanied by his low moans of "Yeah, mate, that feels fantastic." He pulled my shirt off over my head and sat back a minute to look at my smooth body.

"You are a hot boy," he said, "and I've been looking forward to a hot boy for a long week now. Stand up for me, mate."

So I stood up, facing him, and he put his hand on my now-hard cock, pressing against my jeans for release. He leaned forward and ran his hands over my smooth torso, kissed my navel, and started undoing my belt. He was moving perhaps faster than I would have, but he was the boss here, so I just went with the flow.

I looked over at Derek and Paolo, and saw them still kissing, Derek slowly stroking Paolo's seven-inch uncut cock, a thick one by the look of it. Paolo had dusky olive skin, was perfectly smooth on his chest, and had a nice crop of smooth black hair on his meaty legs. I guessed that he probably weighed in at around 210, at an inch or so taller than Ian, and there wasn't a drop of fat on his body that I could tell.

Ian had my belt undone, and my zipper down and pushed my pants down around my thighs, leaning forward to work my cock through the tight white fabric of my briefs. He was clearly in heaven, smelling my clean, soapy scent, and running his mouth and hands over my big, thick cock. He worked my pants to the floor and I paused to kick them off, and then pulled my briefs over my erection and plunged his mouth down on it, holding my cock firmly between his lips and sucking as he went down about five inches before his gag reflex made him come up for air again. He pulled my briefs off and then went back to work.

He sucked me furiously for about fifteen minutes, while I looked over at the other couple and saw Derek deep-throating Paolo sitting next to him on the sofa. Occasionally, I pulled Ian off my cock, and kissed him, not wanting to cum so soon. He wanted me to save it for his arse, and I was willing to do that. While he sucked me, he jerked his own cock furiously, pausing frequently to keep from cumming.

I then pulled him up into a kiss, pushing my cock against our bellies. His muscular body felt so good next to mine, and he was in heaven realizing his fantasy of a young, hot, smooth boy making love to him. I turned him around and came up to him, letting my cock rub up and down between his buns. He bent over and braced himself on the back of the sofa as I did that, pushing back at me, wiggling his hips provocatively, moaning louder, and then begging "Shit, man, I am soooo ready to be fucked. Put it in me mate."

But I ignored him for now. Instead, I knelt behind him and pulled his cheeks apart and started working his arse with my mouth: biting his cheeks lightly, kissing around his hole, licking, pulling his cheeks to make his hole open, licking and tongue-fucking him. By this time he was moaning loudly and begging "Don't let me wait man, fuck me now." What could I do but oblige?

While I had been standing behind him, and kneeling to rim him, Derek and Paolo had been busy. Derek had rolled a condom down on Paolo's cock, and it was clear that he was getting ready to ride him. He was straddling Paolo who was still sitting on the other sofa, and their lips were pressed together as he slowly lowered himself toward Paolo's waiting erection.

I took a condom from the bowl on the table and put it on, then picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed a liberal amount over Ian's ass. He moaned in anticipation as he felt it run down between his buns to his waiting hole. I lubed myself up, and then seeing a bottle of poppers on the table, opened it and offered it to Ian. He took a deep breath from each nostril, and handed it to me where I did the same.

I took aim, and just plunged in. Ian's reaction was a noise that was simultaneously a yelp of pain and a satisfied moan of pleasure as the poppers kicked in and he felt my cock filling his arse.

I looked at the other couple and Derek was slowly and passionately riding Paolo's cock as they kissed, and then sniffed poppers, and then, with a satisfied moan, went back to their slow passionate rhythm again.

On the other hand, Ian wanted it fast and furious. I pounded him hard, strong and fast, and he pushed back at me, setting the speed sometimes, while I set it other times. As a footballer, he had lots of stamina, so he kept up the intensity as we moved toward climax. He bucked and pushed like I was riding a bucking horse.

I took a look at Paolo and Derek and they had sped up, Paolo with his hands under Derek's arse, as his powerful arms lifted him and pushed him down on his fat cock.

Finally Ian slammed his arse back against me, and let go with one of his free hands to make a cup in front of his own cock, which, untouched by him or me, started shooting a prodigious load of cum into his hand, sparing making a mess on the sofa. The spasms of his cumming sent me over the top and I started shooting into the condom as I slammed one last time all the way to the hilt.

After a little while, I withdrew, and Ian stood up and turned around, putting his hand to his mouth and slurping down his own cum, before putting his arms around me and pulling me into a deep kiss.

Just then, we heard Paolo gasp, "I'm cumming," and about fifteen seconds later, as he started to slow his ride on Paolo's cock, Derek gasping "Me too," as he shot his load on Paolo's smooth chest and abs. They held their position for a couple of minutes, locked in an embrace.

When we were all done, Ian said, "Follow me boys," and we all headed into a large, luxurious shower stall with four shower heads around the sides. We horsed around with each other as we showered, and I had a chance to feel Paolo's hard body, and his thick, now soft cock. We laughed and kissed and just enjoyed the bodies of the other guys for about fifteen minutes under the hot water, and then after drying off, headed back to the living room to hang out and chat. This time, we all opted for a beer from the mini-bar, before Paolo suggested we all go into the bedroom to play some more.

When the agreed two hours was over, we had all sucked each other, and the other three of us fucked Ian again, tag-teaming him several times before he and Paolo came again.

The footballers asked if we could stay the night, and the party went on into the wee hours. I made love with Paolo, and Derek with Ian. The two of them watched as Derek and I put on a fucking show for them, and before we all fell asleep around 3:30 am, Derek and I fucked them side-by-side as they lay on their backs, both moaning loudly, their arses stuffed with young boy-meat.

We all woke up around ten the next morning, and had one more session before Ian ordered a room-service breakfast for all of us. When room service showed up, he asked us to retire to the bedroom, so they would not know what had been happening in his suite.

A little before noon, we said goodbye, and Ian and Paolo gave us both the fee for the escort service and a tip that almost equaled it.

Ian said, "I wanna do that again, mate. We're back here for a game in a month. Can we see you then?"

I said "I'm cool. You, Derek?"

"Yeah, man," he said, "just call the service and tell `em you want a repeat. I'm looking forward to it."

We said goodbye, and as we walked out on the street, Derek said, "That was hot. And, believe it or not, so am I. Wanna come back to my place and play?"

I had not had enough of Derek's beautiful body during the night, and so I said, "Sure thing, dude," and we spent the afternoon sucking and fucking each other in his bed, while his gay roommate was clearly getting a good long fucking in the next room. But that's another story.

When Mark was done telling me his stories, I asked him about how he came to be at the resort I was staying at. It was a place where the guests were not only into sex with one another, but where the staff, all hired because they were young, personable, and had great bodies, often made themselves available to the guests discreetly as escorts in their off hours, either for an hour or two or overnight. I had him join me for a night of fantastic sex.

He said, in answer to my question, "It was one of the other escorts at home who had worked for this resort for his summer break and suggested I give it a try, so I did. I love the place. This is my second year here, and I really like meeting men from all over, both the other guys on the staff and the guests. It's been a great way to earn money while I'm in school, and meeting many of the guests here has broadened my horizons because I have heard about all kinds of professions and places to live that I didn't even know existed before."

I thanked Mark for his story and wished him the best for his future in the world. And then we were back in bed making love once again, with the sound of the sea and the life of the tropics outside my cabana accompanying us.

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