Aussie Mark

By John the Artist

Published on Feb 2, 2021


This story is fictional. Some of the events in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, and others are completely fictional. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at Please Contribute to and keep this wonderful resource going!


Some years agoÑwell, actually it was in the 90s!--I spent a couple of weeks at a gay beach resort outside the US early one December. While I was there, I hooked up with some of the staff of young men that worked there. Many were from Australia or New Zealand, where our winter is their summer break from college.

This is the story of Mark, a remarkable 21-year-old sex god I spent some memorable hours with there. He had a smoking hot body: lean, defined, tan, super smile, killer blue eyes, an easy-going, genuine way about him with no pretense or game-playing. I was very grateful that he was willing to spend some of his off-work hours with me and tell me about how he had discovered his sexuality, and how it had developed. This is what he told me when I asked about his life growing up in Australia.

My parents emigrated from the US in the 60s when Australia was trying to attract settlers to some of its sparsely-populated regions, or was trying to find people with particular skills, like professors, for their work force. My parents were young--barely out of their teens--intellectual, optimistic, against the war and willing to work hard to make a new life. They settled on land in the outback, a big plot of very dry land, but blessed with some springs. They set up a cattle station there.

Our home was miles from the nearest small town, and we lived a very isolated existence. By the time I came along, my parents were well into their 30s and had spent much of their young lives getting the place up and running. It was hard work but they operated in the black, unlike a lot of their neighbors. There was too much work for one couple, and so, since I was a little boy, we always had hired hands. They ate meals with us, but lived in a bunkhouse a couple of hundred feet from our house. These guys were very nice, a rough and ready bunch, but they didn't have the education and taste for finer things like music, books and art that my parents did. They mainly looked forward to their days off when they could go into town and drink, perhaps find a local girl to mess around with or visit the brothels in towns farther away.

The local town was too far for me to go to school, and the school there was not very good anyway, so my parents home-schooled me. I liked learning and progressed fast. I never really had to spend that much time at it, and enjoyed most of my time making my own fun, exploring the cattle station, observing the animals, insects and other life of the out back.

Now, a troubling part of my life when I hit puberty was that I knew it was normal to grow up and get married and probably have kids, but when I looked at pictures of girls in magazines, they just didn't interest me. I had never met many kids my own age, because of our isolation, but I found that I was attracted to guys when we did travel or go to town. I started lifting weights, partly to improve my physique, but mostly because I could order body-building magazines without my parents getting suspicious.

When I passed puberty, I found the pleasure of looking at the bodies of the young men in the magazines and jerking off, imagining being with them. It was an incredibly guilty pleasure. I knew that guys turned me on, but I had no idea what guys actually did together. I guess my imagination wasn't very good that way.

Every summer, my dad would get one or two college students to work for the summer, guys who were willing to work hard, and wanted the fresh air and exercise that the hard work would bring them.

The summer I had just turned 1eighteen they hired a young man named Eric, who had just graduated from university and was going to start graduate study in the fall. He was twenty-two, very handsome, with curly black hair, and intense blue eyes. When he wasn't working, he would often sit out in front of the bunkhouse with just a pair of shorts on, and he was easy on the eyes. He was tanned, and had a well-muscled hard body from the work. He had a nice crop of black hair on his chest. It was not curly like that of some of the other hired hands, but looked silky and smooth.

It was hard for me to keep my eyes off him, and I sought every opportunity to be around him. My parents encouraged me to work with him, because the other hands were older and he was an age to be almost like an older brother.

The end of Eric's first week on the station, we were already good friends, though I hoped he didn't know the kind of feelings I was having for him, spending my nights thinking about him has I jerked off before falling asleep. He asked me if there was any place to go swimming, other than in the water troughs for the cattle. I told him that I there was a beautiful spring-fed pond in the bottom of a small canyon about five miles away, and sometimes I went swimming there.

He said "Want to go out there today, mate? We can take my dirt bike. Won't take a minute to get there."

Of course I said yes, right away, and it was OK with my Dad and Mom when I checked, but then I started having second thoughts. I didn't know how I would hide an erection from Eric when we were swimming. And I knew I would have one, because I had one nearly every time I saw him.

But it was too late to back out. "Hey, Eric," I said, "I don't have any swim suit."

"That's OK," he said, "neither do I. It's not like it's a public pool, right? What do two guys swimming together need one for anyway?"

"Guess you're right," I said. But now I was really worried.

Anyway, a few minutes later I was on the back of his dirt bike, holding on around his waist as we rode out to the canyon. The feel of his hard stomach under my hands was too much, and I already was sporting a raging hard-on.

When we got to the pond, it was clear, beautiful and quiet. Eric parked the bike, pulled off his shirt, and started to undo his pants, when he turned to me and said "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"Gotta piss first, mate," I said.

I didn't want him to see my erection, and was hoping that it would go down when I was in the cool water. I went behind a tree and watched as he stripped. I had never seen another naked man before, except my dad, and seeing him was a real revelation: his trail of black hair down to his luxuriant black pubes, and a nice-sized uncut cock between his legs. My dad, like many Americans, was cut, and my parents had me circumcised when I was born.

Eric turned with his back to me, showing me a beautiful tight arse, and legs with soft straight black hair on them. His shoulders were broad, his back well-muscled, and his waist narrow, creating a beautiful manly `V' profile. When he turned his back to get to the water, I saw my chance and quickly came out from behind the tree, stripped and followed him in as he swam away from me across the pond. Before he turned to see me, I was in the water, my erection hidden from view.

"Hey, this is the life mate," Eric yelled enthusiastically.

I responded "I knew you'd like it, Eric."

He grinned and started swimming rapidly toward me. It was clear that he was a trained swimmer, and I couldn't get away. He grabbed me from behind and started wrestling. I felt desperate, afraid that he would discover my erection and reject me. But I couldn't get away.

Then it happened: he grabbed me in a bear hug to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and my erection pressed against his chest. Suddenly he stopped, but kept holding on to me.

"What's this?" he said, smiling.

"I, IÉ." I stammered. I could feel my face flushing, and overcome with embarrassment, my tongue was tied.

"Hey, Mark, it's OK," he said, slowly letting me slip down his body, where I could feel that he was as excited as I was. "Hey, mate, it's the same for me. Can you feel it?"

"Uh-huh," I said, still tongue-tied.

"Look, mate, it's OK to feel for another guy. That's the way we're made. We were born that way. Nothing can change it, and there's no shame in it, OK?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I said not totally convinced that this was right.

I thought about it: my parents had always practiced tolerance, unlike a lot of their neighbors. They taught me about sex in the usual basic ways, but we never discussed homosexuality, and, now that I thought about it, I had never heard them say anything negative about gay people. So I started relaxing a little.

Eric said, "You know, mate, I have been watching you since I got to the station. And I've seen you watching me. I know what's up, and I'm happy for it. I was a bit worried myself about a summer without someone who understood me, but you're going to make it a lot better."

I couldn't help but smile and feel good. What he was saying seemed so genuine and honest.

And then he kissed me.


I had never thought about kissing another man, but I don't know why I should have felt so surprised that men could kiss each other.

As we kissed, he put his arms around me in the water, and I could feel our hard cocks pressing up against each other. His hands caressed my shoulders and back, and moved down to cup my ass, and to rub my legs lightly. He started thrusting his hips rhythmically against mine, and I responded. I had never been touched sexually by anybody before, and felt like I would pop right there.

"Mark, men can do all kinds of things to make each other feel really good," Eric said. "Do you want me to show you?"

"Uh huh," I replied a bit uncertainly.

He took my hand and led me over to a flat rock at the edge of the pond, where he could stand up to his stomach in water. He asked me to sit on the rock, with my feet in the water. "You're really hot, mate," he said. "I've never been with a cut man before."

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You're circumcised. Most of the guys I know aren't. And you're really big too. Most guys would die for a cock like yours. It's so long and thick! I want to make you feel feelings you have never felt before."

With that, he leaned forward and kissed my cock, then started licking it all over. An initial feeling of revulsionÑthis is where I pissed!--was instantly replaced by waves of pleasure as his lips circled my cock and slowly took about two thirds of it into his throat. He started moving his head up and down, first slowly, and then quicker. I felt the familiar pre-orgasmic feelings building, and about two minutes after he had begun, I went over the edge, spurting my hot cum into his hungry mouth.

"Oh geez, Eric, I'm sorry. It happened so fast, and I didn't mean to shoot in your mouth!" I said.

Eric smiled and pulled my face down to his and said, "That's OK, Mark. I understand. And I like the taste of another man! I'd have kept going even if you warned me! But we're just beginning. Next time you'll be in more control."

Then he hopped up on the rock beside me and started kissing me more. As he did, he guided my hand to his hard cock. His wasn't as big as mine, maybe seven inches and a little thinner, but I learned later that he was still very well endowed. I just had nothing to compare it with other than myself.

As we kissed, I ran my hands over his tight body, enjoying the feeling of his soft body hair. I took his cock in my hand and slowly started to stroke it. As I did, his kisses became more urgent and passionate, and about five minutes later he moaned loudly and started shooting his cum straight up where it hit him in the chin and got caught in his chest hair. I couldn't help myself, and took my hand and spread it all over his fantastic torso.

A few minutes later we were back in the water, swimming, lolling about, and coming together for more kisses and caresses. A little while later, I was raging hard again, and he took me up on the bank, had me lie on a towel and again sucked my cock, bringing into play a whole new set of feelings from what I had felt last time. This time I lasted for almost twenty minutes before coming all over my chest and belly. He leaned down and licked up my cum and then lay with me kissing some more.

After a while, he asked me to lie on my stomach, and he lay on top of me with his cock nestled between my buns. He had brought some sun-tan oil, and he spread it in my crack, and started thrusting his cock back and forth as I clenched my buns together, trying to hold onto it. His thrusts became more passionate, and a little later I felt his hot load shoot onto my back.

We cleaned off in the pond, swam a little more, and then headed back home on his dirt bike, our newfound passion for each other the secret we would have for the summer.

During the summer, we went swimming a couple of times a week and there were other times that we could get away into the countryside for an hour or two. My parents were delighted that I had a new friend, and Eric was a hard worker. I don't think that they suspected what was really happening.

By the end of the summer, Eric had taught me the fine art of sucking cock, and he had gotten me to fuck him, but I was still not ready to be fucked myself. He didn't mind. He said "You know, it took me a while to get used to the idea of having another man's cock in my hole. You have plenty of time. No need to rush."

I was planning on going to university in Sydney after the summer. But I was feeling ambivalent about it. I had never been anywhere where there were lots of people, much less people my own age, and I didn't have any idea how to act with my own peers. I thought that I would miss our home in the out-back terribly, and didn't want to be away. I seriously considered just staying on the station and working there.

"You really should do this," Eric said. "When you get to university, you'll be glad that you will be learning to interact with other people your age, and there will be a lot more opportunities for you. And anyway, I'll be close by, and we can hang out on weekends or whatever."

That is what convinced me, so at the end of the summer, my parents saw me and Eric off to Sydney from the bus station in a town about fifty miles away from home.

It was hard to be away from the land I loved, but Eric helped. He would stop by and pick me up from my dormitory on the weekends for a day, or even two. We hung out, went to movies, plays and sports events, the zoo, the museums and rock concerts, and we had wild, hot sex as much as we could.

About half-way through my year in Sydney, he gently introduced me to being fucked, taking it slow, easing into me slowly. There was almost no pain after the first time his cock entered me, and soon I was enjoying the pleasures of bottoming.

Eric had a lot of gay friends, and several times during the year we ended up at sex parties with six or more guys all enjoying each other's bodies. That year was a milestone for me, both for my learning, getting to enjoy the company of many other people, and becoming an expert at sex with other guys.

When I came home for the summer, I came out to my parents. They were surprised, but cool with it, and supportive. "We just want you to be happy and true to yourself," they said.

Next: Chapter 2

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