
By Ice Cold

Published on Jun 7, 2001


Hello readers. Hi, thanks for continuing to read this story. Well, maybe you were thinking that: "Great, the second part of his story is a cliffhanger". Sorry, but I just needed to do it. I won't give the reason but I just needed to do it. Anyway, I want to thank nihil for the great story (blue lotus). Read it. It's great. It may be a little confusing at first but if you get the hang of it, It's really great. Okay back to the story.

Sorry this took so long to get out. My father grounded me from the computer. Just because you stayed up late doesn't mean you get grounded, right?


"How the hell did you do that?", Lance asked.

"I...I...ummmm...its...that", I stuttered.

"Are you some kind of genetic freak or something?", he asked, backing away from me.

"No...I'm not! I'm a sentient being. Ummmm...listen Lance. I need you to keep this a secret between the two of us.", I asked

"Why should I?! How am I supposed to know that you're not going to eat me or something?!", he bursted.

"Because I'm like you I'm a human too but with some few differences.", I answered.

"No you're not! You're a monster. A freak of nature.", he shouted at me.

His words hurt. Believe me, I've been through hell in the lab. But those words hurt much more than any torture that the scientists put me through. Much, much more. I went to Earth in hopes of finding a home that will see past my difference and see the person that is inside. But no. I will be treated as the same freakish being that is different from others. The being that will never fit in. The person whose always " the odd one out".

I felt the tears start as Lance's words hit my heart. I looked up at him, with several drops of tears that were trailing down my lips.

"What the...", he started as he saw me crying, seemingly surprised.

"Lance, your words hurt. In Abraxes, I've been through so much physical pain and when I go here on Earth, I experience emotional pain. I never asked to be different. I just wanted a family that will treat me as the person inside of me not the freakish being outside." I shouted at him, still sobbing.

"Look, I'm sor..."

"NO!" I cut him off. "I may be different outside but at least I have a heart that never judges people. Right now, I have the power to take your life. But I won't because I am a person who has a heart that is good and since yours is full of prejudices then you're no better than those people in your streets"

"Aurora, I'm..."

"Save it.", I cut him off again. "I may be different outside but inside I'm a person who can accept any kind of people. And that's what counts."

Peer into your mind and see yourself reflected in your soul. My soul. What exactly is my soul? No time for that. Just fly away. Get the power.

I opened my eyes and saw Lance walking towards me. Goodbye Lance. I took his clothes and flew out of his window.

I must have been flying for hours. I thought Lance was a kind person and yet he maliciously slandered me and quickly thought I was a person who was different without looking at what I really am. I sighed.

"Why did I have to be different?", I said to no one.

What answered me was the howling wind. I closed my eyes and quickened my speed. Soon, I was flying so fast that my hair was flying backwards. I slowed down and stopped to look below. I was very high, just above the clouds. And the air was very thin in here. I needed to go down. I started to drop from the clouds. And I was met with a large steel bird, flying towards me. I quickly veered to the right. On the bird's body, pieces of skin were being pulled up to reveal transparent glass panes. And humans were looking out the transparent panes. Their eyes were very wide because of disbelief. I smiled and waved at them. I flew away from them and tried to calm my feelings. My thoughts returned to Lance. I needed to see him again. I have to keep all of what happened a secret. And I need my old clothes too.

I flew back to where Lance's house was. I sneaked in through his window, hoping nobody saw or heard me sneak in. I looked around his room to find my clothes. I looked around everywhere. But I didn't see my clothes. Defeated, I sat on his bed. Something caught my eye. On his nightstand, a picture was framed. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of him with his mother and father when he was very young. The next picture was when he looked a little older but this time he was only with his father. He must have lost his mother on a very young age. Like me. At least, he was able to know his mother. Mine died at childbirth. I looked at more of his pictures. Pictures of his father and him. A solo picture of his father. A solo of his father and a solo of himself. As I was looking at his picture, the door suddenly opened and in came Lance, in all of his glory and perfection. I looked at him and he looked at me. We both didn't move. He was not moving because of shock. I was not moving because of apprehension and fear. For the longest time, we didn't move until my brain finally jolted and said to fly away. I closed my eyes and called for the power. He saw what I was doing and started after me. I jumped away and was about to fly out the window when he jumped and was able to grab me in his arms and hold me to him. I struggled and kicked, trying to free myself.

"Lance, let me go!", I said screaming.

"Not until you hear what I have to say.", he said in my ear.

"Let me go!", I screamed again.

"Listen Aurora, I'm sorry.", he said

I stopped struggling. He was sorry. I thought he was going to judge me again. I turned around in his arms. I felt the tears starting again.

"Are you really sorry?", I asked, trying to make sure that I heard correctly. My eyes were watering up.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you felt that way.", he said.

I whimpered and fell into his arms. I sobbed in his shoulder. He caressed my back. I held on tighter.

"Thank you, Lance for accepting me. I really need a friend right now.", I said still trembling.

We continued like that. Me holding onto him. Him, caressing my back. I held on longer than necessary even after I calmed down. Besides, I liked him holding me. It was a new experience for me. No one has held me like that. Not even my father.

When I finally calmed down, I backed away to arms length. He was still holding me. I looked at his intense green eyes. I peered into his mind and I was shocked when I discovered that it held a new emotion. Love. Yes, there was little but sufficient enough to be noticeable to my probing.

He was looking at me and I was looking at him. Both of us knew what the other wanted but we were both afraid to do it. I peered into his mind and felt lust. I blushed. I, too, wanted him so bad. I bought my head closer and he did the same and we stopped. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and pulled my head closer. We kissed. And I felt electric tingles running from my lips to my brain. Tingling. I couldn't have enough of him. I began to kiss him harder. He moaned. He also kissed me harder. I moaned. I ran my fingers through his hair. I peered into his mind and found the lust intensified. I let my hands travel from his hair to his chest where I felt the muscles. I put my hands under his shirt and felt the softness and smoothness of his skin and the hardness of muscles under it. I moaned as he did the same for me although he might have felt the skin but no muscles cause I was kinda skinny. I got tired of his magnificent chest and traveled down to his abs where I felt the hardness of muscles. I envied him for a second because he had muscles but I had power more than he could ever imagine. He gently pushed me to the ground then he lay on top of me. His weight was so comforting and he began to grind our hips together. I groaned as pleasure waves assaulted my innocent mind. I was silenced as he kissed me. He rolled and I was on top of him. He pulled my head closer and kissed me hard. I felt his hands creeping from my thigh up to my crotch where it began to unbutton the pants. As soon as it was unbuttoned, his hand went under my boxers and began squeezing my cock. I moaned into his mouth as he continued his ministrations. I did the same for him. And his cock was huge compared to mine. It could have been six or seven inches long and as thick as my three fingers. I began to copy his actions. Slowly caressing him. I felt pressure on my balls as if they were being crushed but in a good kind of way. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I suddenly felt release from the pressure as white fluid came rushing out of my penis and after me, came Lance too.

We both lay there, panting and gasping for air. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me. I scooted over to him and kissed him on the lips.

"How about a shower?", he whispered seductively.

"Why not?", I asked.


Man, I am so in love with Aurora. He has this some sort of aura around him which makes anyone looking at him, lust for him. Even dad, yes my own dad, looked at Aurora with lust for a split second when I introduced him. And with him being so damn beautiful and sexy made him the more irresistable. Our shower was uneventful because he was tired.

"Lance, thank you.", he said while we were in the shower.

"For what?", I asked

"For being there for me and know", he answered bashfully and a childish giggle came from my chest. He was shorter than me so he was lying his head on my chest. I applied shampoo on his hair and tried scrubbing the dye off because I wanted to know what his hair color really was. It didn't come off. I soaped both of us and we rinsed off.



"What is the color of your hair?"

"White. Why?"

"It isn't dyed!?"

He laughed at me.

"No, silly. It's the real color of my hair."

"Would you mind telling me how different you are to us in other ways?"

Aurora looked at me and smiled.

"I'll tell you someday but for now, I want you to do something."


"Would you cut off my hair?"


"Because I want to look like a boy"

"You're beautiful just the way you are but if you really want to, then I will?"

"Do it now."

I reached inside the bathrrom cabinet and tok out a pair of scissors. I sat him near the mirror and began to cut off his hair until they were ear length.

"So how do you like it?", I asked him.

He looked at the mirror. Honestly, he looked even more beautiful to me and it was taking all of my self-control to stop myself from grabbing him and fuck him.

He turned at me.

"I like it.", And smiled that "look at me, I'm irresistable, come and fuck me" smile.

"I like it too.", I said.

I noticed that the blue tips were gone.

"So the tips of your hair were dyed blue?"

"No, silly, just watch."

I watched and as if on cue the tips were changing color and turning to blue.

"How did you do that?"

"I can't control it. It just happens."

"When are you going to tell me all about your powers?", I asked.

"Not right now. I'm sleepy. Will you please hold me?", he asked like a little child.

"Yes and you never have to ask.", I said as I carried him to the bed.

"I like it this way", Aurora said sleepily.

I yawned and thought, "Aurora is too long and some will find it weird. We have to make it a little less weird."



"We should change your name."

"To what?"

"To Aura"

"I kind of..."

He never finished his sentence because he fell asleep. His head on my arm and his arms and legs were wrapped around my body. I hugged him too and fell asleep.

I woke up as the sun was streaming on my face. I began to move but was stopped as I felt someone holding me. I looked up and saw Lance's beautiful face. I smiled and held unto him tighter. I discovered that I liked being held. Probably, because I never was held by anyone. Not even my dad. It was a new experience for me but I happened to like it. I felt Lance start to move. He stirred and opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled.

"That is the most beautiful sight I have ever woken up to.", he said.

"How sweet. You're not so bad yourself. I also like to wake up this way."

I looked at him and smiled. He leaned down for a kiss. I kissed him back. He moaned. I reached down and found his penis under the covers. I gave it a quick sqeeze before I stood up to take a shower.

"Where are you going?", he asked disappointedly.

"To take a shower.", I smiled coyly at him.

He stood up as he joined me in the shower.

We finished our shower and he gave me clothes to wear. We both went down for, what humans call, breakfast. I sat down on one of the chair at the table. He looked at me and gave me some good-smelling items. He started to eat those items. Oh! Just like the purple, round objects. I picked the objects and put it in my mouth. Mmmmmm. The taste. It was indescribable. The sensations that were reeling my brain were fantastic. It was pleasure by taste. I quickly gobbled up some more.

"Ummm...Aura, if you would stop stuffing your face, maybe you could stop and use the spoon and fork."

I stopped and looked blankly at him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You're not from here."

He showed me how to use the spoon and fork. It was fairly simple to use. The fork was used to spear things and the spoon was used to scoop things. Soon, I felt a pressure on my stomach that told me to stop eating. And as much as I didn't want to, I did. Lance looked at me.

"You're full now. Come on, brush your teeth and let's go to school."


"Oh, you won't understand. Just brush your teeth."

I did as what I was told. Just like yesterday night. He taught me how to brush my teeth. It was so new to me. In Abraxes, we didn't brush our teeth because we lived on air. Earth was a very new experience for me. Lance also brushed his teeth. Afterwards, he led me out the front door.

"Are you ready?", he said as he took my hand.

"Where are we going?", I asked Lance.

"To school."

"What is school?"

"You'll find out soon."

We boarded a large, yellow vehicle. As we made our way to the back of the bus, heads were turning towards me. Even the males were looking at me and I felt overwhelming waves of lust. I was scared. They were all having lustful thoughts. I could sense it. Some were even considering to get me by force. I gripped Lance's hand.

"Lance, I'm scared."

"What? Why?"

"Some of them are having lustful thoughts about me." And I held his hand tighter, if that was possible.

"Don't worry. They won't do anything because it is illegal here in Earth."

"Will you protect me if anything happens?"

"Yes, I promise."

I immediately felt better, knowing that Lance will protect me.

The bus suddenly stopped and people were getting off the bus. I looked around and Lance motioned me to stand up and follow the people and get off the bus too.

As we entered the big building, I followed Lance through the hallway. And, again I felt waves of lust as everyone looked sinfully at me. I looked back and saw all of the people stopping what they were doing and looked at me. Even the males were looking at me and some were even licking their lips. I cringed and looked forward. This place was very scary.

Billy knew that he wasn't gay but when he saw Aurora, he knew that he would do anything to bed the boy. There was something about the boy, like an aura or something that made everyone look at him plus the fact that he was very beautiful and was very innocent-looking, made him more irresistable.

Billy sat down with his friends: Jason and Aaron. He was deep in thought about Aura when Jason interrupted him.

"Hello, Billy...hello, are you there?", he asked Billy while waving his hands in front of him.

"Huh...what?", Billy responded.

"Man, what happened to you?"

"I was thinking about that new boy, the one Bylake was with."

"Who? Aura?"

"Is that his name?"

"Yeah and what about him."

Just then Aurora and Lance passed by. Billy looked at Aurora's ass as he passed by.

"I don't know but I would sure like to fuck those buns of his."

"Man, I was thinking the same thing.", Jason quipped in.

"To tell you the truth, I mean, I'm not gay but there's something about that boy.", Aaron said.

"Yeah, I know."

I looked around to see where the lust was coming from and saw three people. They were all looking at me.

"Lance, who are those three?"

He looked to where I was pointing.

"Those three are trouble. Stay away from them. They were once suspected of rape, last year but the police couldn't prove it.", he said.

"What is rape?"

"Rape is forcing someone against their will to do sexual favors."

"Is it awful?"

"Yes, very much. Now come on, we have to get to class."

We sat at a room full of chairs and desks. It was very boring and the teacher's concept of physics was completely wrong. You can see the atom if you use a microscope with the power level the same as the Narna stone. I yawned and was very sleepy. The teacher upfront was not doing anything to make my sleepiness go away. I yawned once and closed my eyes.

Someone prodding and poking me woke me up. I looked around to see Lance, smiling at me.

"Class is over. Why don't you open those beautiful eyes of yours and come with me to gym class."


I stood up and followed Lance to the big area in his school. He proceeded to the bathroom and began to strip. I looked blankly at him. He changed to a new outfit of clothes.

"If I were you, I would change to gym clothes. The coach won't take kindly to people who are not in gym clothes.", Lance answered.

"I don't know what to do."

He came over me and undressed me and put different clothes on. Lust. Someone was giving out lust waves. I looked around. It wasn't Lance. Someone was giving out waves of lust. I looked around some more. I spotted someone looking at me. I turned to his direction and he scurried away.

"Someone was looking at me.", I whispered to Lance.

"I understand them. You are very irresistable." And he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I smiled as I felt all warm inside my chest.

The coach, as Lance called him, was a man that was very hard to please. He put us through some very hard exercises. I was able to perform everything superbly. Some were sitting on the ground, panting and obviously exhausted. I didn't understand. I didn't even feel tired. Humans obviously have less stamina. It's that or was it because I'm an Arkalain. I still ran some more and kicked some balls.

"You there, the boy with the blue shirt and white shorts. Stop", a shout rang out.

I looked at my attire and found out that I was the one being referred to. I stopped and turned around. I found the coach towering over me. I looked at his eye.


"I noticed that you kick those balls real hard and I think you would do good on the soccer team. What do you say?"

I had no idea what to say. I have no idea what soccer is. But if it involves kicking balls then I'm in. Kicking balls are fun.

"Okay, whatever you say.", I said and kicked another ball which flew up and landed at the other side of the gym.

"Yep, you'll fit in just fine."

"Lance, what's soccer?"

" is when you kick a ball across the field and try to score by kicking it through a goal.", he explained.

I bent down to untie my shoelaces. After I untied both of them someone grabbed my butt. I looked up to see one of the people from lunch that lusted for me. Billy, as Lance called him, was the one who touched my behind.

"What did you do that for?"

"Couldn't resist. You are one damn beautiful boy. Better watch your back and I suggest you always bring Bylake with you coz' you don't know when I'll spring out of the bushes and rape you.", he said menacingly and walked off laughing coldly.

I shrugged it off. He can't do anything because I'm stronger than him. Much, much stronger.I looked for Lance who was in the shower. He just stepped out and was looking beautiful as always.

I took my shower too and joined Lance for study hall.

After study hall was dismissal and as the bell rang, we stood up and walked towards the exit when a girl about our age stepped in front of us.

"Hi Lance. Hi Aura."

I smiled at her.

"Hi Gilly. So what's up?"

"Well, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow at my place. Wanna come? You can come too, Aura."

"Sure, we'd come right Aura."

I nodded not exactly knowing what a "party" is.

"Great. See you tomorrow night." And she walked off.

"Lance what is a party?"

"It's when someone decides to celebrate a special occasion. In her case, she wants to celebrate her birthday."

"I see. Is it fun?"

"Yes, especially Gilly, she knows how to throw one hell of a party."

We were dressing up for Gilly's party. Last night we made passionate love. And I was able to taste his dick and semen for the first time. It tasted sweet. Just like him.

"Do I look nice?", I asked Lance.

"Aurora, even if you wore street rags, I'll still say you're beautiful."

I blushed at the compliment.

"So do I look nice?", I asked again.

"Yes. Can we go now?", he asked.

"Okay, I just wanted to look nice."

Hey people that's all. Next chapter chronicles Gilly's party and the effects of Aurora's irresistable nature. Find out in part 4. Comments and criticisms are welcome at

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