
By Ice Cold

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Disclaimer: If you're underage, don'tread this. If it's not allowed in your country don't read this.

I have another

Afternoon came and it found Aurora sleeping soundly on the bear's back while holding the cub in his arms. Aurora being small, didn't have a problem fitting at the huge motherbear's back. The bear was trotting lazily through the forest. Aurora stirred and woke up with a yawn. The cub also stirred and woke up with Aurora. The bear suddenly stopped and knelt down and off jumped Aurora with the cub. The bear trotted of to the river for a drink of water. Aurora began playing with the cub. The cub chased him and he also chased the cub. They rolled and rolled on the green grass and the cub kept licking Aurora.

This is great! No worries and no stupid scientists! And I was having fun with Cubby. That's the name of the cub that I found. We were rolling and frolicking in the sun. All the time, he kept on licking my face. I was very ticklish and it always set me laughing whenever he licked my face. I grabbed him in my arms and kept him there. He began trying to struggle and trying to get out of my grip. I kept him there until he began to lick my fingers and I let him go because I was laughing so hard. Cheat! I pushed him to the side and stood up. I ran and he was right on my heels. Just as Cubby was about to catch up, I heard Mombear grunt. I turned around and saw her standing there. I walked to her and immediately understood that fun time was over. We were going to move again. I climbed to her back and held Cubby to me. And Mombear moved again. Her rocking body was very soothing and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Mombear was still moving. I didn't know that she could walk that long, non-stop. I stretched and Cubby was still asleep. I looked around and saw that we were still in the forest. Mombear suddenly stopped and I saw why. There was a cave about five foot high in front of us. I guess this was our home. I went down from Mombear and I nudged Cubby awake. He woke up and I carried him down. Mombear went inside first. Then we followed. Cubby crept up to Mombear and slept. I slept beside using her belly as pillow and I joined Cubby in his sleep.

I woke up because of the sunlight streaming on my face. I yawned and found out that Mombear was gone and Cubby was not with me too. I stretched and found a pile of strange looking round objects by my side. They were purple in color. I wondered what they were and at the time Mombear lumbered back. She looked at me and sniffed the round objects and ate one. I arched my eyebrows. Am I supposed to eat those round objects. Come to think of it, I was a little hungry Earth air isn't exactly like Abraxes. I can't live on a diet of Earth air without aid of food. With nothing to lose, I popped one of them in my mouth and bit. Strangely, I found it to be quite delicious. I ate another one and another one and another one. Delicious. Finally, I was full. I stood up and dusted myself. I had to move on. I needed to find shelter in this civilization. I had to find humans.

With tears in my eyes, I kissed and hugged Cubby. He understood what I was about to do and he licked my face. I held him tighter. He licked my face again and I giggled. I set him down and he walked over to Mombear. I walked to Mombear and hugged her neck. She howled her disappointment.

"I promise I'll return someday.", I said to her ear.

She howled again. I turned to them with tears in my eyes and I turned to the mouth of the cave. I stopped, looked at the forest and walked off.

I seemed to be walking for hours. I was getting tired of walking. Power up. I flew. I flew above the canopy. I looked at the distance and saw a building. A very high one, if it was possible for me to see it in this distance. I flew towards it. After a few more minutes, I suddenly realized that if I was to fit in in this civilization then I have to be normal. I landed and began to walk. After I walked for a while, I surprised myself that I even got this far without tiring. I resumed walking and was soon tiring. So much for stamina. I looked at my clothes. They were still Abraxian. I had a red shirt, blue slacks and white cape with white boots. I took off the cape and cut the pants to shorts and I cut the boots so they were ankle length. I looked at myself. Not bad, a little strange for this civilization but I might fit in. I continued to walk. Soon I was tired again. The sun was disappearing and I had to find a place to rest. I found a tree stump and rested my back and proceeded to fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see a head staring at me. At first I was scared. It had a thick body about two feet in diameter. It was maybe twenty to thirty feet in length. Its head was looking at me through cold eyes and its tongue occasionally flicked in and out. I looked straight in its eyes and like the bear, it understood me.

"May I take a ride?", I asked

It slithered down the tree and coiled its body in front of me. I was right. It was twenty six feet long. I didn't know what to do. I reached out my hand and touched its skin. It turned its head at me and flicked its tongue out. I took my chances and sat on a part of his body. It immediately moved upwards. If it moved upwards then I'll fall down. Then as it if it read my mind, it looped its body on me and carried me to the treetop. It was fast. I was riding a snake that looped from one tree to another and I was following.

"Yee hah!", I shouted in exhilaration.

It stopped and turned its head to me. I looked at it and it began again. Faster. It was looping so fast that all I could see was a blur.

First, it loops its body from one tree branch and pulls me up. Then it loops its body to another branch. It passes me from the branch to the other one. The ride was so exciting until I felt nauseous. The snake felt my uneasiness and put me down on the ground where I rested for a while. It looked at me for a second and took off. I saw it in its eyes that it needed to eat. I was getting hungry too. I searched for the round objects that I once ate with the bear. But there was none. I looked around and still, I didn't find any. The rumbling in my abdomen was reminding me of my hunger. I saw some yellow moon-shaped objects that were being eaten by brown and hairy animals. I saw my snake silently creeping from behind the animal and it suddenly pounced. It wrapped its long body around the animal and it strangled it. I heard bones crunching and the screams of pain from the animal. I put my fingers in my ears and closed my eyes. The sight and sound was horrible. When it was finished, the snake beckoned to me and I grabbed some moon-shaped objects and mimicked the animal. I peeled back a covering of the object and bit the paler substance inside. Sweet. But the round purple object was better. Still, I ate the yellow stuff and enjoyed it. I was soon full again. The snake hissed at me to ride him again. I saw the lump which symbolized that the animal was in that part. The idea of sitting on that part was very creepy so I sat on the upper part of the snake. The snake moved again. It was winding from branch to branch again. Then the snake suddenly stopped. I looked at its eyes. It didn't want to go any further. And I saw why. We were near civilization. I looked out of the forest and thanked the snake. The snake slithered back to the forest. I dusted myself and walked into the human world.

There were a lot of people walking all over. Like I told you, we and humans are much a like. Although, some looked at me like I walked down several streets until the sunset. The streets were cold and very scary. I had to go to somewhere safe and warm. I noticed a house. Not big but very comfortable looking. I decided to sleep here. I didn't know how to enter. I went to the back. How am I going to go inside? Mind over matter? Nah. This is mind through matter. Power up and I charged my body. I walked to the door and went right through it. I opened my eyes and saw a room. There were chairs and sofas. Tables, just like back in our house. I looked around again and noticed a flight of stairs. I went up and saw doors. I picked the door one to the right. I stood in front of the door, expecting it to open. After a minute, it didn't. Stupid Aurora. This is Earth not Abraxes. I looked for any sign on how to open the door. I saw a round metal knob. I pressed it, It didn't open. I turned it still it didn't open. Maybe it was locked. Mind through matter. I stood in a room with blue walls and a carpet. I looked around and saw a boy. Probably fifteen years old by Earth standards. I looked at him. He had yellow no, blond hair. He had blond hair. I studied him further. A nose that stood high and proud. Lips that although not as red as mine, were well proportioned to his face and eye lashes that must have touched his cheeks. No other word for it. He was beautiful. My heart must have been pounding like crazy. Still, I looked at him. I finally got tired of watching him. I was getting tired. I didn't why I did it but I kissed him quickly on his lips. He moaned silently and licked his lips. I was surprised at his reaction. I crossed the room and found a comfortable spot on the corner. I lay down and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up bright and early. The boy was still sleeping. I stood up and was about to go to the door.

"Who the hell are you!?"

I turned to see the boy, upright on his bed and clutching at the blankets.

"Hello, I'm Aurora"

"What are you doing here? Are you a criminal or something?"

"No, I am a ...", I paused to think. What was I? I can't say that I'm an alien.

"Runaway.", I finally said.

"Runaway? From what?", he continued to question.

"My home". And I sighed.

"How did you get in here?", he asked.

"Ummm...the door was open.", I offered not convincing.

"Oh...okay. I have to call my dad and report you to the police. DAD!"

A few moments later, another human joined us.

"Yes son, what did you...Oh! Who are you?!"

"I'm Aurora"

"Pretty unusual name."

"He's a runaway", son replied.

"I'm going to call the police.", his dad said and went down.

When we were alone, he asked me.

"Aurora. Unusual name. What's your last name?"

Last name. What was my last name?

"Naru", I said without thinking.

"Aurora Naru. Sounds cool. Why did you run away?"

"Because I was mistreated at my home.", I said sadly.

"Oh...I'm sorry"

"Don't be. I was glad that I ran away."

I nodded and looked out the window. He joined me.

"Anyway, my name is Lance. Lance Bylake."

Lance Bylake. It has a nice ring to it.

"Nice to meet you, Lance."

"Lance, what's Aurora's last name?", his dad shouted from below.

"Naru", he shouted back.


I didn't know why but I immediately knew that Aurora could be trusted. There's something in her eyes. It was very deep. And once you look at it, you know that she could be trusted. And damn was she beautiful. She smelled beautiful. I'm not even sure if its flower but it smelled nice. If she was a boy, I'm sure I would have liked her. Too bad she's a girl. Oh yeah, did I mention. I'm gay. And single. Heh heh. What can I say? I'm Lance. I have, according to my classmates, intense green eyes. Blond hair and full lips. We and Aurora talked for a little while. Until dad called from downstairs.

"Lance, the police have no report of an Aurora Naru missing. I guess your parents still haven't noticed that you're missing. "

"Don't worry Mr. Bylake. They won't look for me.", I said casually.

"Why?", he asked.

"I was mistreated at home and maybe they're even glad that I ran away."

"Oh I'm sorry. Maybe someday someone will adopt you and give you a proper home. But for now you're welcome to stay."

"And by the way, call me Roger. None of that Mr. Bylake stuff."

"Now you two go upstairs and take a shower and be ready for breakfast."

"Ok sir." Both Aurora and I said it at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled.

I liked Lance's dad, Roger. He was very kind and warm-hearted unlike my dad. So cold. I smiled when I said that my dad wouldn't be looking for me. I looked at Lance.

"Ummm...I have no clothes with me.

"I'm sure we can find some for you." I peered into his mind. He was admiring me for my beauty. I blushed. Just like when I felt Roger's. They both admired me for my beauty. But there was something in his mind too. Trust, only a little but it was growing.

I went to what I presumed to be his bathroom. I started to strip my shirt.

"Whoa! Whoa! Shouldn't you be doing that in the bathroom?"

I looked at him.

"Why not, we're both boys and it's not like you have something that I don't have"

I saw disbelief in his eyes.

"You're telling me you're a boy."

"Yes. Why? Did I look like a girl?"

"Yes. And I was going to get my mother's old clothes."

I laughed at his amazement.

"Now you know that I'm a boy and I'm going to borrow some of your clothes."


I completely stripped my shirt and my pants. I kicked off my boots leaving only my boxers on. I closed the door and started my shower.

I let the water cascading down my neck to my chest then to my legs. I wonder what was going to happen to me? Maybe, I would get a life here in this Earth. I looked down at my body. Slim body and slim legs. I'm a little short. Coming only at three natars. In Earth terms, five feet. I looked at me graceful hands. I soaped up. I thought about Lance. Green eyes and blond hair. Simply beautiful. I was relieved when I learned that he couldn't peer into my mind. I could peer into his and I felt admiration and trust. Strangely enough, I felt my libido rising. I looked down and saw my penis, fully erect. Damn. I didn't want to do anything so I waited for it to go down. I soaped myself up and rinsed. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. And stepped out into the room. Only I didn't go out the door. I went through the door. I saw Lance was sitting on his bed looking in disbelief. Stupid Aurora. Stupid. You were careless. Now Lance knows your secret.

"How the hell did you do that?"

Don't you just hate cliffhangers? LOL. I'm sorry but it seemed a good place to stop. Those who can give me a great motto, well not exactly a motto. But something like this.

My spirit is strong No one can ever make it falter They can give me bruises and scars But they can never touch my spirit When all hope seems to die My spirit will give me the strength And the will to carry on My spirit is strong and No matter what they do They can never take it away from me

Something like that. You know, inspirational poemottos. The one who can give me the best will be the first one to read the last part of Aurora because I'll personally mail it to him before I post it in Nifty.

I'll also welcome new ideas and comments and criticisms. Send them to

Next: Chapter 3

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