
By Ice Cold

Published on May 28, 2001


Hello people. Thanks for giving this story the time to stop by. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story. Thanks to who gave me the inspiration for this story. Hey nihil if you're ever reading this, blue lotus is the best sci fi story I have ever read.

Hey Steven if you're reading this, I wanna thank you for the enthusiastic reply. It was the push that made me post this story.


I tiptoed down the hallway, afraid of waking anyone. I went into the kitchen. As I approached the door, I heard voices.

"Sir, our tests has revealed that Aurora indeed contains a large amount of power but because of his sudden outburst a week ago, he has tried to subdue it and force it to lie dormant, unconciously though. His mind has been having a terrible time to adjust to a sudden discovery of power and has told his body to subdue the power. Only, an emotional push, rather a large one, will let him be able to use his power again. This is a great loss. He is one of the few remaining Arkalains."

"My son is an Arkalain! Astounding! But as you say he cannot use it. I have no use for a son that cannot use his powers."

Cold. My father was so cold about it. He just said that I was trash. Hello I am Aurora. And my father just said that he didn't need me. It was true, everything that the scientist said was true. I had powers. My dad was Arna, or king in your terms, of the planet Abraxes. I was the Neyo or prince, the queen, my mother died a long time ago. We once lived on Earth but were banished because the humans feared our race because we were diferent and superior. Yes, we were different but only in little terms. We had the same physical features, we only differed in our foreheads. We had a long unicorn horn sticking out of our foreheads. But after many years we have evoloved out of it. And our hair had different colors than the humans. The humans had brown, red, blond and black. We had white, silver, blue and green. All of us had a single hair color but only I had two different colors. My hair was all out white but the ends had a color of blue. I am the only one with these difference. No matter what I do even if I cut it, the end will soon glow a color of blue. In the Abraxes planet I am considered to be beautiful. In the Earth, I will be considered breath-taking. Now I am considering escape into the planet Earth because I cannot take anymore of this.

And oddly enough, it all started on a safari with my dad and the Ilad was going to bite my head off. I shielded my face and felt a burning sensation in my fingers and found the Ilad totally destroyed. I looked at my hands that were glowing blue. After that hell came. My dad had his scientists test me. I didn't want to do it but they forced me. I was entered into the lab.

"Stop it doctor, it hurts! I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore. AAAAAH!"

I cried as the doctor electrified me again.

"Stop it! I can't do AAAAAAAAAAH!"

I started crying again. It was so painful. They kept on electrifying me, saying it would only stop if I will produce the power that I did.

"AAAAAAHHH!", I shouted again.

I was quickly losing consciousness. Where was my dad? Why is he allowing this to happen? Then I felt nothing.

I woke up on a bed with two men standing by the door. I looked at their uniforms. Elite soldiers. Trained to kill without a conscience. I sat up. They were looking at me with piercing stares. I glared at the two of them and they shrank back. They knew who I was. I wanted to escape. I walked towards the door but the two would not let me pass. I looked at them with contempt.

"The Arna's orders are not to let you out of the room."

I glared at them and tried to force my way.

"I want to get out", I continued to struggle

"I am sorry for this, our Neyo." And he bashed me on the head. I slumped.

I woke up strapped to a chair. I looked around to see nothing, just cold blank Crat walls.

"Transparent" And the walls became clear and I saw outside, scientists busily checking things.

"Opaque" The walls blacked out. Great. I'm strapped to a chair. I need to get away. I tugged at the straps and tried to free myself. I smiled to myself. I remembered the knife that I kept inside my back. The great part of being an Arkalain is that you get to have a whip-like tail attached to your back which you can hide inside yourself. And I learned how to hide it while it was holding an object. I whipped out my tail and it held a small but sharp knife. I began to cut the straps. When I was finally free, I massaged my wrists to quicken the circulation. I went to the door and was about to open it when Nilom, the head scientist opened the door.

"Going somewhere, young Neyo.", he sneered.

"I want out of here."

"I'm afraid not. Not until you can use that marvelous power of yours again."

I lashed out and punched him squarely on the face. He fell back and the other scientists grabbed hold of me. I struggled from their hold. But they didn't let go. Nilom was up again. He punched me on the stomach. I doubled over gasping for air. He took this time and grabbed my arm and injected something. Damn. Tranquilizers. I blacked out.

What is it with waking up in a different place? This time I woke up in a grassy field. There was a man sitting across me. He was meditating. I looked at him. He opened his eyes and I jumped back in surprise. His eyes were warm, almost sympathetic.

"Who are you?", I asked

"Neyo, I am your trainer. It seems the scientists have given up in trying to force your powers out and they want to try my style."

I must have jumped up and down from happiness. No more tortures and being strapped to a table. Then it hit me but what if his technique was more horrible than the last one.

"How am I going to be sure that your technique won't hurt me? And who are you?"

"Oh my Neyo, I am not going to hurt you. My technique involves the art of meditation and to quietly let your powers resurface. And I am Chiros."


"Never mind. We start now. Sit and close your eyes and look inside yourself."

I did as what he said and immediately I felt a sort of current flowing through me. I opened my eyes and the current was gone. The man was smiling at me.

"Did you feel it?"

I nodded.

"That proves that you posses power that equals that of an Arkalain."

I stood there, unbelievingly. I had the power equal of an Arkalain. The mighty Arkalains who had never lost a battle against anyone.

"Now let's resume. Sit down and look into yourself again. This time go a little deeper. Peer into your mind and see the awesome power contained."

I did and as I travelled inside myself. I saw a barrier blocking my passage to my mind. I tried to push it. It didn't budge.

"My Neyo, you have now seen what the source of your problem is. You might attempt to destroy it but it will do you no good. You have to slowly wear it down until it completely disappears. Now look into yourself. Peer into you mind. Destroy the barrier."

I hit and the barrier but it remained hard although it cracked a little and blue mist began to seep out. I felt the power it contained, warming me up.

"Now slowly open your eyes."

I did and I saw my hands glowing a faint blue.

"That my Neyo is a fraction of the power that you contain. Now hurry, before it disappears. Use it. Convert into the any kind of energy that you want."

I thought hard. What should I do with it? I smiled and looked into the ground. I touched the ground and the blue disappeared and in its disappearance, small blue Lycidias and different kinds of flowers grew. I was very fond of flowers. Very unlikely for a male but there is something with their beauty. Small yet they have been able to withstand the harsh hand of nature. Beautiful in their own simple way.

"I see. You are a very gentle creature, my Neyo. Continue with your innocence and grace for their are a few left of your kind in this world. Yet I can see it in your soul that you can turn to the dark side when situation calls for it."

"I will never turn to the dark side! Chiros, never!"

"I do not mean that you will become evil. I mean that when the situation call for it, you can unleash your powers in a very destructive way."

I simply sat and smell the Lycidias. The smell so rich and fragrant.

"Do you think that I will become evil?", I asked Chiros.

"I do not know my prince but there is enough goodness in you to purge yourself of any evil. And your warm heart may even stop evil before it enters you. Just be warned my Neyo, that evil will never give up on trying to turn you to the darkside. There will be many temptations and snares. Once you bite into one, you may never escape."

I nodded. I wanted to sleep. Just before I nodded off, I heard Chiros say something.

"Once you have been able to peer completely into your mind my Neyo, you can now see yourself reflected into your soul and you can unleash the full force of an Arkalain."

"Soul...power...Arkalain" I said sleepily.

I woke up in the same patch of flowers. Chiros was sleeping beside me. I smiled and thanked whoever for giving me a trainer that it isn't as bad as the scientists. Maybe I should surprise him. Yes, that's it. I closed my eyes and peered into my mind. I saw the barrier and I hit it again. More blue started to seep out. I looked into my hands. The color was darker this time. I touched the ground around Chiros. All the time, I was giggling. I nudged Chiros awake and he saw the flowers. He smiled.

"Well done, my Neyo."

"Did you hear what I said before you fell asleep?"


"Good. Remember that. The time will come when you will need to do it."

For many days, Chiros kept on training me. He teached me how to use my powers in different ways. He taught me how to fly. How to create shields. How to heal myself and others. He even taught me how to defend myself with short bursts of energy. And some big-blasting spells. I learned that he was an Arkalain who offered his help when he learned about me. He was also lying about my progress in his reports just to give me the fun time that I wanted. He was a very nice man. I wish that he was my father. Then precisely a week after it all began, I was able to finally break the barrier into my mind.

"Very good my Neyo. Now start seeing yourself reflected into your soul."

I did and I saw myself inside myself. I reached out my hands to touch the mirror image and I felt the incredible flowing power. Wow! As in! WOW! There was a large current of power. I opened my eyes and I saw Chiros smiling at me.

"My Neyo, that is the true power of an Arkalain. Your power even surpasses mine. I doubt I would last more than a few minutes in a fight with you."

"So the reports were false. You will be charged with high treason, Chiros."

I looked around and saw Nilom starting towards Chiros who was being held by two men.

"Let him go!" I shouted.

"My Neyo, this is a treacherous traitor who is the enemy of the state. You of all people must understand that."

"I don't care! He is the only one who has treated me like a creature with feelings. You and your slimy people treated me like I was just a mindless doll."

"Neyo, please understand that...", Nilom reasoned again.

He was cut short by an energy bolt flung in his way.

"I'm warning you. Let him go or the next one won't miss!"

Chiros suddenly spoke up.

"Neyo, please do not make any trouble. I will be fine. Do not worry about me."

He turned to the other men.

"I will go now without any trouble." And he walked out of that door. Out of my life forever.

Before Nilom completely walked out the door, I threatened him.

"Nilom, I only want him jailed. Nothing else. If even a hair is touched, you will suffer the full wrath of an Arkalain and I'm sure you won't live to see the end of it."

He walked out.

As Chiros walked out he thought: When Neyo Aurora masters his powers, he will show us a power that this universe has never seen which will surpass even the power of Nea."

I sat down at the little garden that I created for myself. Even the Lycidias failed to cheer me up. What are they going to do with Chiros? I wasn't so optimistic about the outcomes of his trial.

The door opened again. In stepped an Elite.

"What do you want?!", I snapped angrily at the intrusion.

"Your presence is requested at the royal chamber.", he politely asked. If he didn't know that I had such powers, he wouldn't be so polite.

"I don't want to go anywhere."

"His highness, the Arna, will be highly upset."

"Then get him as highly as upset he is because I'm not going", I said mimicking his voice.


I finally realized that he wouldn't let uo until I agreed.


"Yes, your Neya."

And all of a sudden, it was as if all my troubles suddenly came to me. I realized that my father didn't love me. He only loved me for my powers and the only one who ever loved me was my mother, who was dead and Chiros, was also being tried and now was going to jail.

I felt the tears start. I tried to bite them back. But they still flowed. They flowed down my tears and dropped to the ground. The ground where it dropped suddenly bloomed Kandrikas, a very rare flower which has a powerful scent that can spread through a field with only one flower. I looked in amazement as the beautiful Kandrika bloomed. I realized it looked like me.

Its petals were all white but the ends were blue just like my hair and the stalk was slender just like my body. And at the bottom, where the petals and the stalk joined was a red part of the flower that were the same color as my lips. But appearances can be deceiving because the Kandrika flowers have thousands of tiny little needles on their whole body that only a brush against it can ensure death within a few seconds. Few have ever touched a Kandrika and lived to tell the tale of it. Some say that it has the softest petals and most luxurious growth of little furs.

My tears stopped. The sight of the beautiful Kandrika can stop any sorrow. Do I look like this flower? So beautiful and delicate yet deadly and fatal? Maybe if I ended my life now, no one would miss me? Certainly not my father nor the kingdom. Only Chiros would miss me and he was in jail. Soon I would be with my mother and everything would be alright.

I reached out a trembling finger to touch the petals. I snapped my hand back. What the hell are you doing Aurora? A small voice in my head said. I'm going to end all of the suffering and pain., I said. This is not the way, it replied back. It's the only way. I have to end it all now. And before it could reply I reached outa finger and touched the petals. They were right. It was so soft and wrapped in the downiest of fur. Then I felt all warm inside which told that the poison was already spreading throughout my body.

I smiled and waited for death. But death did not come. I simply sat there. Nothing. I waited for more but still nothing. I was blinking in disbelief. What the hell is this?

"You must know that you are immune to the poison of the Kandrika because you were born of it."

I looked around but saw no one.

"Who are you?"

"You already forgot your trainer?"

"Chiros? But how?"

"This is called telepathy and I have attuned to your spirit. I can talk to you anytime."

"Chiros, how do you know about my immunity to the Kandrika flower and why am I immune to it and what are you saying that I was born to it?"

He suddenly remained quiet.

"Chiros? Chiros? Are you there?"

I heard a long sigh.

"Yes I'm here."

"Would you mind telling me what you know?"

Deep breath. Long sigh.


He took a deep breath and began.

"You are so much like your mother. You may look like the Kandrika flower but you have your mother's beauty, innocence and grace. You also have her spirit; free and warm. No one has ever been able to keep her down. Not even your father. She disobeyed his commands and dragged me to the forest to look at flowers. One day, when she was pregnant with you, while she looked at one flower, she saw a butterfly trapped beneath a thick bush of thorns. Even if her hands were bleeding and gashed, she still persisted in freeing the butterfly. She finally succeeded and the butterfly flew free. But before the butterfly flew away, it turned into Nea, the most powerful of Arkalains. She thanked your mother for her freedom and in turn healed her bleeding hands. But as she touched your mother's hands, she had a premonition and she revealed that death was very near your mother. It would hit her in the next month. Your mother started to cry saying that she wanted to give birth to you before she died and so the great Nea granted her wish. She could not take away the death but she kept it farther away and would only hit her when she gave birth to you. As another reward, Nea gave your mother a Kandrika flower saying that the moment she went into labor she must touch it and her child will be as beautiful and as deadly as the Kandrika flower. Your mother had nothing to lose and did as she was told and that was how you came to be. As beautiful as the Kandrika flower yet as deadly as well."

I sat back, trying to absorb this huge amount of information that was just relayed unto me.

"I must go, Neyo. They are calling for me."

And I was left alone again. The door opened and a team of seven Elites came inside. Nilom was behind them.

"What do you want?!", I asked angrily.

"You are to come with us back to the lab."

"And why should I go with you?"

"Because you are ordered to."

In that instant, I made my decision. I was going to planet Earth. First, I have to find out who will miss me here.

"Did my father authorize this order?"

"Yes, Neyo he did."

My heart sank. So it was true. Nobody loved me except Chiros. My father raised me as an obligation. Never out of love. Goodbye, Abraxes.

I stood up. Peer into your mind and see yourself reflected in your soul. I opened my eyes and blasted the Elite with a short energy bolt. He didn't dodge. He fell down.

"Seize him!" Nilom shouted as he retreated outside.

I flung another spell at the Elite and he dropped dead like a sack of potatoes. Two down, five to go. They drew their shockburst rifles and aimed at me. No way was I fast enough to dodge a shockburst shot. I raised a shield and it flickered the shots like they were just like light shows. I fired a long burst energy shot and it connected with two of them. Two down, three to go. They were reloading. I ran to the one on the left and kicked his gun and took his arms, punched him a multiple times on both head and chest then I threw him over my shoulder.

"AAAAHHHH!!!", I shouted as the shot hit me on the thigh. I stumbled and fell.

I looked at my assailant. I looked him straight in the eye.

"You are going to regret that you ever did that." I said coldly.

I groped for something and found the Kandrika flower. I plucked it and murmured a silent apology for the flower. He sneered at me but it turned to an expression of fear as I threw the flower at him. He suddenly realized what I threw at him and his eyes turned to terror as the petals grazed his cheek. He dropped down on he ground. In a minute, his nerves would shut down and one by one all of his organs would follow.

I searched for the other Elite. Then I felt a gun pointed at my head.

"Move and your head will be separated from your body."

I kept perfectly still as I planned my move. When he backed off, I conjured the shield and turned to him. He kept on shooting me until he ran out of ammo. I rushed towards him and kicked the gun and bought my knee to his balls. He fell down.

"I'm sorry", I whispered in his ear.

I ran to the poisoned Elite and ran my hand through his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this but you gave me no choice."

I concentrated and tried to heal his body from the poison coursing through his systems. When I finally sensed that it was enough, I removed my hands away. I looked at the door as if expecting more Elites to come in but none came in. I looked at the other Elites that I shot down. I ran over each one and began healing them. Only enough to wake them up a little. As I ran back to the last one, I began healing him when I suddenly had a gut feeling. I turned around and saw all six standing between me and the door. The one I revived stood up and joined the others. Damn.

"Ummm...look, I have no intention of fighting you again. But if I have to just to get past you then I will and by the looks of it, you guys are not up to it. So please let me pass? Pleeeeeeease."

Amazingly, they parted to let me pass. Eventhough I was sure that I was going to fight again. I went out of the door.

I reached the shuttle bay and hopped to a Gravity Cruiser. I turned the machine on and it stirred to life. I was greatly pleased when the launch off signal was turned on. I cleared the runway by sending warning flares. I pushed the throttle forward and off I went into the black space.

Just as I was about to make it through sensor sweep range, a red light flashed signaling I was being swept. The radio suddenly cackled to life.

"Unidentified Gravity Cruiser. Respond or we will be forced to shoot you down."

I didn't pick up the receiver. I let it lie there as I continued to fly farther away from the planet. The radar beeped loudly showing three Assault Cruisers following me. Gravity Cruisers are fast but Assault Cruisers can catch up to me in no time and since Gravity Cruisers have minimal shields, I had no chance of winning against the Assault Cruisers. Still, I flew on. After five minutes, I heard the flashes of Gemini lasers. I was now in firing range. They were still firing. I dodged my ship to the right. Then a loud bang signaled that I was hit.


Damn. Unless I surrendered, they would shoot me down. C'mon Aurora think. You're an Arkalain and an Arkalain never loses. Damn, what would I do. Your powers! Yes, use your powers! The same process again. Powered up. Now shield! The shield appeared and it momentarily deflected more enemy fire. But all of it distracted me from what my main concern was. The engine.


I heard the engine shut off. I minimized my shield and took in as much air as I could and ejected out of the ship. The Assault Cruisers didn't notice me as I flew away. Away from all the troubles and pain.

I flew for weeks. I didn't know. Maybe months, I lost track of time in space. All I knew was that I kept on flying. Once in a while, I would stop and draw powers from myself and turn it into air. I didn't need to eat. We, Abraxians eat only when we fancy it. Otherwise, we live on the air around us. I flew on but I knew where I was going. I felt it as if someone was calling me. I flew towards that tiny voice. Soon I saw a planet, all blue with wisps of white and dashes of green. So that was Earth, it was beautiful. I flew on.

I didn't know where I landed. Some sort of forest. Just like Abraxes but less. I looked around and started walking. I saw a brown ball of fur. It had black eyes and was very cute. I walked towards it and started petting it. It seemed to like the attention I was giving it. I heard a roar and looked around. I saw a larger version of the brown animal charging at me. A bear of course! I learned this in one of our educational facilities. I simply stood there, smiling at the bear and when it reached me, it suddenly stopped.

The bear didn't know what to do. It stopped if front of Aurora. Something about this being that startled it. Aurora picked up the cub and bought it to its mother. The bear glanced at its cub and back at Aurora. It seemed to have trusted Aurora. Aurora reached up and patted the bear's head. The bear growled its approval. Aurora whispered something.

"You're a good bear."

And the bear understood what it was saying.

Aurora whispered something again to the bear and it knelt down. Aurora climbed up the bear's back and rode the rest of the way.

Well that's it. Aurora finally reached Earth and is happy. Be reminded that Aurora has white hair with the tips colored blue. It's in shoulder length although later in the story, it won't be. He has blue eyes and very, very white skin. He's supposed to look like the Kandrika flower. And his lips are the reddest you could ever see. Anyway, please tell me what you think. Comments and even criticisms (I don't care if it's constructive or not as long as you say something about it) will be highly appreciated at my email address, I also have another sci-fi story posted "ever-ice". It's my first sci-fi. Thanks for reading this.

P.S. Don't worry he's not going to have sex with the bear. LOL

Next: Chapter 2

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