Aunt Maggie

By Full Name

Published on Oct 30, 2023


Thanks to everyone for your kind comments on the first three parts of "Aunt Maggie". Some of you wanted to see more of Daisy, and she has a major role in this part.

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Aunt Maggie Part 4 By Pink Pumps

Two years later ...

Chapter 1

I guess I need to tell you that in looks, nothing much has changed for Maggie and me over the past two years. (Yes, "me" is grammatically correct in this case, not "I". It's a common mistake and damn near everyone makes it.)

But just for the record:

– Maggie is still the statuesque blond blue-eyed beauty she always was, with the most perfect 38D breasts on earth. (The lower case for "earth" is also proper grammar, like the "pope".)

– I don't think I ever told you what color my eyes are. Green. Remember I'm a natural blond, but my very talented hairdresser turned me into a ginger, ostensibly because red hair goes better with green eyes. Believe it or not, I continue to pass as a teenager; maybe even a 16 year old. The perfect "niece" for "Aunt Maggie", even though she's legally my wife. And I hers.

– But Sweet Daisy ... oh my gosh ... has SHE changed!

When we adopted her, she was 10 years old, barely four-feet tall, and 60 or 70 pounds. She's growing like the proverbial weed now. She's 5'2" – a full foot taller than she was only two years ago – and about 85 pounds.

Daisy's legs are soooo long! Especially when she's in high-heels and miniskirts or short sundresses ... which is almost always, except at school. (I'll tell you about that in a moment.) She normally wears four-inchers in when we're out and about, but Maggie and I – (Proper English calls for "I" in this case. Good grammar is an obsessive compulsion of mine, and I promise this is the last time I'll play that card) – are coaching her in five-inch heels, and she's progressing nicely.

Her bootie was sweet and plump at age 10, and her hips have some natural flare now.

Even with that little-finger-sized peepee between her legs, she's every bit the beautiful little girl.

Since she's 12 years old and that tall, I guess I should stop calling her "my little girl", but Daisy will always be my little girl. My baby.

She started with hormones the day she turned 12 and there's nothing much to see of her boobies yet – just a bit of swelling. But Daisy says it itches around her pale pink dime-size aureola – proof that her skin around them is starting to stretch. She'll have titty bumps in no time, and she'll need a training bra.

I didn't tell you about Daisy's hair and eye color earlier, either. She has wavy shoulder-length auburn hair, slightly lighter than mine. And she has crystal blue eyes like Maggie's. Her height, hair color, eye color and little thingy make her the perfect combination of Maggie and me.

I know it's a cliché, but Daisy completes our family. As happy as Maggie and I were, Daisy made it even more perfect. I didn't believe anything could, but she has.

Daisy's just absolutely scrumptious. I guess I don't need to tell you that. She compares very favorably to the "Delightfully Different Little Girls" that the three of us love to see in pictures and watch on DVDs. (See: And she's just as hot as the girls on the "Special Lolitas" website.

[[A quick author's note from Pink Pumps: If you've read my young friends and teen stories, you know about "Special Lolitas".]]

Daisy's experience as a "Pleasure Sissy" makes her insatiable in bed. (see:

Speaking of Pleasure Sissies, Marnie and David are living together at college now and will be married in the spring. They're so right for each other, why not make it permanent?

Maggie still fucks me with the giant 10-inch strap-on dildo that prepared me for Thomas' massive cock, and Daisy can handle seven inches. That's the only penetration because Daisy and I are committed "bottoms".

Three-ways are the rule rather than the exception in our home

As for Daisy's education, our budding flower is enrolled at a coeducational private school and wears the traditional schoolgirl uniform – collard white blouse, school-crested blue blazer; pleated gray-, green-, and blue-plaid skirt; white knee socks, and black three-inch Mary Jane's. The girls wear opaque white tights during the winter session, but Daisy hates them just as much as Maggie and I hate pantyhose.

Our angel wears cotton panties in various colors to school, but I swear Daisy would go pantyless if we'd let her. Still, I think she understands the ramifications of her secret being exposed at school, and we've told her she can't allow a boy's hands under her skirt until we've found one that accepts how special she is.

There are men out there who have more than accepted her, but they're just that – MEN who love special girls and can't reveal that they've been with an underage girl.

When Maggie and I are at school functions, we can't help but notice the many high school boys flirting with our 6th grade Daisy, and she teases right back. When she gets a stiffy from all that, her skirts show the slightest hint of a bulge, despite her panties. For sure, Maggie and I would be the only ones to notice. The next thing we'll have to teach her is how to cover up with her purse or laptop satchel.

We've told Daisy she can start dating officially when she's 16, but she has to attend chaperoned school parties until then.

We won't allow her in a car with any of-age boy driver until we've checked him out completely. She understands that, too.

Chapter 2

Remember the tiny red Spandex short-shorts, white cropped-top and red six-inch stiletto pumps I wore for David? Well, Daisy has a very short red Spandex miniskirt similar in design. In other words, you can see the bottom of her pantyless bootie-cheeks when she wears it. And we've hemmed the cropped top to just below her little nipples. She wears strappy red five-inch "fuck-me, fuck-me" stiletto sandals with the outfit.

Obviously Daisy hasn't been out in those clothes, but when she wears them at home, Maggie and I get horney as hell for her. As if we really needed visual stimulation to get horney, right?

We haven't played games in awhile, but I can't help but think Maggie's working on it. I believe she'll come up with something fun that'll involve both Daisy and me. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just feel it.

I've told you how successful in business Maggie has been and that I'm her full partner and sole heir, so I won't go into details again. If something were to happen to both of us – god forbid – everything is left to Daisy, with Thomas serving as executor of the estate. He's readily offered his home and to raise Daisy if tragedy really did strike. He knows our little beauty is sexy as hell and was once a Pleasure Sissy, but put that out of your mind. Thomas would be a great Daddy if the unfortunate happened.

Financial independence allows one of us to have the time to drive Daisy to and from school every day while the other is at the office. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Most of Daisy's school functions are on Friday nights, so Saturday nights are completely ours. Usually we eat out at a restaurant of Daisy's choosing. Would it come as a shock that she normally picks a pizzeria or an Italian eatery specializing in spaghetti and meat balls? It shouldn't.

We normally follow that up with a movie – again at Daisy's pleasure. Despite the fact that we spoil her – and we LOVE doing it – she's remarkably well adjusted. We can thank Mistress Kathy for part of that.

I suppose I knew something was up when Maggie decided that we'd skip a Saturday night out for early baths. Normally the three of us bathe together, but Maggie left Daisy and me alone in the giant bathtub.

After we'd washed and conditioned our hair, Maggie met us as we got out and patted us both dry. Then she gave us enemas and lube jobs. Which is not out of the ordinary, since that's the nightly routine before being on the receiving ends of Maggie's strap-ons. Still, I had to wonder with the early bath and all ...

We exited the bathroom and laid out on the bed were Daisy's Spandex miniskirt, cropped-top, and a pair of white opaque thigh-highs with red bows at the top (which would most definitely show as short as the skirt is) and the pair of stiletto sandals that go with the outfit.

For me, a black faux-leather micro-miniskirt, elasticized tiger-stripe tube-top, black seamed fishnet stockings, black garterbelt, and strappy black seven-inch stripper heels with two-inch clear-plastic platforms. "Cheap looking" comes to mind, but I guess that's the look Maggie was shooting for.

No bra for me ... no panties or thongs for either of us ...

"Put everything on, my lovelies," Maggie giggled. "Time for fun and games."

Daisy squealed, "Reeeaaaalllly, Mama???!!!"

"Really, sweetie," Maggie giggled.

(Just so you'll know: To Daisy, Maggie is "Mama" and I'm "Mommy". Is that too fucking cute for words, or what?)

The makeup Maggie chose for us both of was, to say the very least, ultra-dark and slutty ... fit for a whorehouse bedroom.

Maggie hooked huge gold hoops in Daisy's pierced ears, and silver and turquoise shoulder-brushing earrings in mine. Neither set was the real deal. We both wore big and gaudy fake pearl necklaces, and knock-off Rolex watches. As fine as the jewelry is Maggie gives us, she would NEVER send us out in this cheap trash unless this was a game.

I guess I need to mention the knock-off Hilde Palladino handbags, as well.

Maggie slipped my engagement ring and wedding band off just like she had when I went out with Thomas.

Then she ushered us to her Jag, and as always opened the passenger-side door for us. Daisy scrambled into the back, flashing her bare peepee. I sat in the front, and my skirt rode up above my stocking tops when I crossed my legs.

Daisy is as pleasantly submissive to Maggie as I am. I want you to know that. Well, most of time she is, but Daisy can be as stubborn as any 12 year old girl would be.

She'll definitely get her chance to play the dominant role. It won't be long before she's leading her boyfriends around by the nose. Whoever the lucky schoolboy is who gets in her sweet fuck hole will be as whipped as anyone you've ever known. Take my word for it.

But where THE HELL were we going dressed like this?

Maggie drove us to a rather seedy part of town, then pulled over at a dark street corner.

You know how the games are played: "Hookers," she said.

Well, I sort of had that figured out.

"Maggie, is this safe?" I asked.

"Of course, darling!" she replied. "Would I put my wife and daughter out on an unsafe street corner?"

Then she giggled, "You're `Johns' will be here in 30 seconds; just as soon as I round the corner. Now, out my sweeties!"

I've trusted Maggie explicitly since the night she turned me into Christy. I wouldn't stop now. So we got out.

A car would be pulling up soon to take Daisy and me to safety, right? Then the occupants – our make-believe Johns – would fuck us after we'd suck their cocks. I hoped they'd take us to a nice house or luxury hotel. Maybe to dinner – we hadn't eaten yet. Yeah, they would do that for us.

We watched as the Jag's taillights disappeared around the corner. The seconds ticked off for what seemed like an eternity, then a car pulled up ...

... a car with flashing red and blue lights. We heard the "yip yip" of the siren.

A spotlight was turned on, blinding me – all I could make out was the outline of the police car. Still, I searched helplessly for Maggie's Jag. Nowhere to be seen ...

I pulled Daisy close to me.

Oh, fuck! I really don't think that this is what Maggie had planned for us.

Chapter 3

The police car pulled to the curb and two MASSIVE cops got out holding five-cell flashlights. At least their guns were holstered.

"Well, well," said the biggest – easily 6'6", 250 pounds and ripped. "What have we here, Gus?"

Gus – at least 6'4", 230 pounds and just as muscle-bound – replied: "What we have here are two underage whores on the stroll, Leon."

So we have Gus and Leon – two giant policemen – hovering over us. The two could have been brothers they looked so much alike – close cropped blond hair, square jaws, athletic. Maybe in any other situation, I'd even say they were handsome. But this was most definitely not "any other situation"!

I was terrified, but Daisy seemed calm. Did she fully understand what was happening? We were about to be arrested and taken to jail!

"Look," I said NOT-so-calmly, "we're aren't whores. This is a game and in five minutes, a car will pull up to prove it."

"Bullshit," said Leon. "What we'll have is a car pulling up with your sleazy Johns in it."

"Seriously. It's a game!" I screamed.

Gus butted in: "Your Johns will find an empty street corner, ladies. Get in the car!"

I looked in my knock-off purse for my ID and cellphone. NOTHING was inside. Where were they???!!!

Leon said: "We're not interested in your Johns. We're interested in you!"

"But wait," I replied. "At least call my wife. She'll explain everything."

The two burst out laughing.

"Right," said Gus. "Your WIFE???!!! Bullshit. Maybe your pimp. Get you sweet asses in the car. NOW!"

"Please don't arrest us and take us to jail, officers," Daisy said. "Please!"

Leon laughed again, saying: "Who said anything about arresting you and throwing you in jail? Now GET IN THE CAR!"

Then it was Gus's turn: "We know what to do with two sluts with asses as fine as yours."

I begged them not to hurt us, wherever they were taking us.

Then my pleas turned to rage: "I'll fucking kill you if you hurt my daughter!" I screamed. "And I'll set your balls on fire before I cut them off"!

"Ah, threatening a police officer," Leon laughed. "We should throw you two in jail just for that. Do you know what the whores already in jail would do to pretty young things like you?"

I did.

"You said this" – Gus smiled, pointing at Daisy – "is your daughter? That's bullshit, too. You'd have to be about 10 years old when you had her."

I tried to explain that she was adopted and I was really 23, but they were having none of it. So Daisy and I reluctantly got in the backseat of the cruiser, the door slammed and there was no way to get out. There were NO doorhandles.

Chapter 4

"Look ladies," Gus said as we pulled away. "Here's the deal: You do what we want, when we say do it, and not a single hair on your pretty little heads will be harmed."

Leon added: "And that starts with you keeping your fucking mouths shut! But before you shut the fuck up what are your names?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I'm Christy, and this really is my daughter Daisy, you dickheads!"

"Keep it up," warned Gus. "Say one more word, and you'll be looking at the insides of a jail cell; one with the biggest baddest bitches in this town in it."

I reached over, grabbed Daisy's hand and squeezed. But she looked calm. How was she so calm? How?

We drove for 15 or 20 minutes then pulled into the parking lot of a reasonably nice hotel. The two monsters got out and opened the doors for us.

"Same rules," said Gus. "One word and you're in jail."

They led us into the lobby and both behemoths nodded to the night manager, who just smiled. I suspected they'd done this before. We were ushered up two flights of stairs to a room – our heels clicking and clacking – then one cop inserted a key in the lock. I was too scared to begin to tell you which one it was.

They firmly guided us through the door.

The room was surprisingly clean and brightly lit. There were fluffy comforters on the beds; thick drapes on the widows; the carpet still showed the evidence of a recent vacuuming. The room's temperature was very comfortable. Where the hell were we?

As Christopher, I'd been in my share of cheap hotel rooms and they all reeked of air freshener covering up god knows what. But there was a very pleasant scent in the room. And then I recognized what it was – fresh-cut yellow roses in a vase. And there must have been two dozen off them! Again, WHERE THE HELL WERE WE?

"Sit on the left sides of beds, ladies," Leon demanded. "Heels on the floor, legs spread."

I took the bed nearest the door. Would this give me a chance to make a break for it? Then I answered my own question: No! I would not take that chance and leave Sweet Daisy alone! I wouldn't, even if I could get away from these two bullies. My back was to Daisy ... not a chance in hell I would leave her here.

Leon – again, the biggest one – unzipped his pants, moved between my spread thighs and freed a cock that did justice to his size and weight. At least nine inches. I heard Gus's zipper being pulled down, and I knew Daisy was eye to eye with another big dick.

"Suck," Leon ordered. "And make it good!"

What choice did I have? I made it good. Maybe that would be enough to for them to let us go after they came.

I slowly kissed the purple cockhead, then worked my tongue around it. Kissing ... tonguing ... kissing. I took my hands and pointed the cock upward so I could use my tongue to tease the inverted "V" on the underside of the head. Then I licked up and down the shaft before taking as much of Leon's huge cock in my mouth as I could. It hit the back of my throat. I started to suck slowly.

I could hear slurping sounds behind me and I knew Daisy was doing the same thing to Gus's cock.

"Hey, Gus! Is the little bitch as good as mine?" Leon laughed.

I took my mouth off Leon's cock and screamed, "Call her a bitch one more time, and I'll bite your fucking dick off, you asshole!"

"Whoa! Calm down," he said. "No need for that, honey. Besides, it sounds like she's enjoying it."

It did. It really did. And so was I. Damn it! I WAS!

Chapter 5

"Leon!" Gus moaned. "I'm close to getting my rocks off. Want to swap? This little bi ... uh, young lady is a pro."

Leon replied: "So's this one. They're both sluts. They're both whores. They're both skanks, even though the look damn good. Yeah, let's swap."

Then he pulled out of my mouth and said sarcastically, "Sorry to call yous girls whores."

Yeah, he said "yous" instead of "you". What a couple of rednecks. But we were pretty much at their mercy.

So they swapped, and as they were both again getting close to coming, Gus said mockingly: "Okay, laaadiiieees! Off with the clothes!"

This is what scared me the most – these two clownish monsters would discover we were special and go back on their promise not to hurt us. I turned to look at Daisy, shaking with fear. But again, she was AMAZINGLY calm. She actually smiled at me and mouthed, "It's okay, Mommy."

We stood and began stripping off our slutty clothes while the two assholes quickly shucked out of their uniforms.

After I was down to my garterbelt, stockings and heels, I moved around the bed to Daisy. Oh, god no! The tug of my garterbelt straps felt soooo good as I moved to her.

Daisy was only wearing her bow-topped thigh-highs and stilettos now. She looked so small, and I'm sure I did, too. As we stood, I wrapped her in my arms.

The beasts looked straight at our thingys. Our stiffies! Why did we have stiffies? Were we simply accepting this? Or worse – wanting it?

"Wow, Gus! Would you look at that! Special girls!" Leon laughed.

"You know what they remind me of?" asked Gus. "The `Special Lolitas' we like to look at, but they're even hotter. I hear special girls have fuck holes tighter and better than pussies!"

"We DO, you asswipe!" I screamed. "We fucking do!"

WHY did I say that? WHY???!!! All I was doing was inviting them to see for themselves. That's not at all what I meant, but the damage was done! "Oh, shit!" my mind screamed. Did I want them to see for themselves? Did I?

"Okay, hot stuff," Leon said to me. "Prove it! And if your fuck holes aren't better than pussy, off to jail you go. Which one do you want, Gus?"

"Well, they're both fine. I don't think I could go wrong with either. Let's flip. Heads I get the teen, tails I get the little girl."

And those two turds actually flipped! Leon with his nine inches got me. But I couldn't help it – I looked at Gus's cock. Seven inches. Thank god! Leon might have split Daisy in two!

I licked my lips at the thought of sucking that thing then having it buried in me. I couldn't help it! I fucking licked my lips!

Knowing what our fates were, Daisy and I laid on our backs and spread our legs. As scared as I was, my peeny remained rock hard. I looked over at my little flower and she was hard as well. Again the thought hit: Did we actually want this? DID WE???!!!

Chapter 6

In mere moments, I felt the head of Leon's log press against my anal ring. My little pink star winked, then opened. As always, when his cockhead cleared my sphincter, I cried out in pain.

Daisy took the head of Gus's dick in her, and she bit her bottom lip, fighting back against her pain. I'd seen Daisy take seven inches at the Daddy/Daughter party, almost with ease. But her natural reaction was just like mine – until the cockhead clears the tightness of the outer ring, it hurts.

Gus and Leon began to slowly fuck us. Oh, no! It felt soooo GOOD! I couldn't help it – I began to fuck back. Why was this feeling so great? I was being raped ... or was I? Deep down inside, did I want this?

"Leon!" moaned Gus. "I can feel this little thing's fuck-chute tightening and loosening when I slam against her then pull my cock out. She's enjoying this!"

"So's mine," Leon croaked. "And she was right – it's better than pussy!"

As Daisy and I synched with their thrusts, both of us fucked back harder. You could easily hear four people breathing hard ... sweating ... moaning.

I lost control. "Fuck me, Leon! Fuck me!" I screamed. "Slam your big cock in me!"

I squealed loudly as an orgasm gripped me. I wrapped by legs around Leon, pulling him in deep. Lost in my pleasure, I still managed to look over at Daisy, and she'd lifted her calves onto Gus's shoulders. Her little red stilettos were pointing straight up.

Another orgasm rocked me, and I screamed until the spasms stopped. Then Leon exploded in me, and his cum squirted out of my fuck hole.

The two giants rolled off of us, and we laid there trying to catch our collective breaths. Leon moved onto his side and wrapped his arms around my waist. And damn it all to hell, I rolled over on my side to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer. His lips pressed against mine and I opened my lips, inviting his tongue in. Why??? Why??? Why???

My back was to Gus and Daisy, but I could hear their sloppy wet kisses.

Okay, I admit it: I enjoyed having my pooper filed with Leon's cock and cum. I did!

Then I heard the words: "Let's switch." And holy fucking shit, I was the one who said it!

Chapter 7

This time, Daisy and I turned over and dropped our chests to the soft comforters, raised our asses, then reached around and pulled our butt-cracks apart. Gus and Leo entered us, and we both moaned in pleasure. Because she'd already been stretched, my little angel was able to take Leon's full nine inches.

Then after we'd been pounded and filled with cum again – after Daisy and I had had two more orgasms – we repeated the hugging and kissing.

After the two cops erected for the third time, Daisy and I straddled them, placing our hands on their chests for leverage. We both flung our heads and hair back and began to hump. Two more orgasms for us ... then a flood of cum from Gus and Leon.

As we caught our breaths again, the two giants spooned us. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a key in the lock and the door being opened.

In walked Maggie and Thomas.

"Surprise, darling!" Maggie said to me. "Did you have fun?"

Then I heard Daisy giggle, "Oh, she did, Mama! But she took up for me all night!!! She said she'd set there balls on fire then cut them off if they hurt me!"

How can you not love that child?

"This is why you were so calm through all of this?" I asked Daisy. "You were in on it?"

She replied, "Yup, Mommy."

Chapter 8

How the hell did Maggie set all this up so perfectly? There were SO many people involved. Where did she get the police car? Where did she get the uniforms? Well, I'd ask, but I really didn't care at the moment.

It turns out, Gus and Leon really are brothers. But they're actually Thomas's sons – Thomas, Jr. (Tom), and Troy. And it also turns out –obviously – they have the same taste in special girls as Thomas does. Like father, like sons.

"Okay, Leeeoooon'," I giggled. "Do you really say yous'?"

"I guess you'll just have to go out with me again to find out, huh?" he replied.

"I will," I said. "But only if Daisy comes along with `Gus'."

No argument from anybody in the room ...

Then Troy said: "I hope our nasty insults and language didn't hurt your feelings too much. We know you're ladies."

"It did, you asshole!" I laughed. "But it was an adrenalin RUSH!"

Maggie opened a suitcase with two sets of more appropriate clothes: For Sweet Daisy, a VERY short pleated khaki miniskirt, pink singlet and pink four-inch pumps. A just-as-short black cocktail dress for me with strappy five-inch stiletto sandals, along with a black-lace garterbelt and sheer black stockings.

And two pair of panties, believe it or not! Flowered cotton for my little girl. Black-lace French-cut for me.

Maggie handed me a makeup kit and Daisy and I went into the bathroom. We peed and pooped out as much cum as we could, then showered together. We washed the whore makeup off, and took turns applying the lighter makeup we almost always wear.

When we were dressed and back into the room, Thomas popped the cork on a bottle of chilled champagne. Maggie handed everyone glasses, including Daisy.

"A toast to two beautiful young ladies," Thomas said.

"And to your handsome sons," added Maggie.

Will the surprises never end?

Well, no. Not yet, anyway.

"So, who sent the roses?" I asked.

Maggie said: "A dozen each from Tom and Troy." By then, Maggie had taken them out of the vase and placed them in ribbon-wrapped boxes for us to take home.

"Who's hungry?" asked Thomas.

"All of us!" Daisy squeaked. "Let's go for spaghetti and meat balls!"

And we sort of did. We all piled into Thomas's full-sized Benz and he drove us to the ritziest and most expensive Italian restaurant in town.

Waiting at our table were – oh, my gosh! – Marnie, David and Mistress Kathy.

"Maggie," I giggled as we sat after the men held our chairs for us, "can you come up with a game to top this?"

"What do you think?" she replied

Do I really have to answer that?

Okay, gentle readers. Got ideas for more games? Send them to me if you do:

Next: Chapter 5

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