Aunt Maggie

By Full Name

Published on Aug 29, 2023


Like all of my stories, this is fiction and fantasy.

Aunt Maggie and Christy continue their role-play in this part, based on scenarios determined by Maggie.

Please let me know if you see other potential roles for Christy:

Also, I never, ever refer to my star characters as "tgirls", "trannies", "shemales", etc. To me, they're simply "special girls". I think that makes them more feminine. And isn't that the point?

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Aunt Maggie Part 3 REVISED By Pink Pumps


My fling with David continued for the rest of the summer, very much with Maggie's blessings and to her delight. She loves me so much she's more than willing to share me so I can experience things I never would without her help. I love her just as much.

David is so much fun to be with and was coming out of his shy shell a little every day. I noticed more than just a subtle change in him when we went to the lake party the weekend after his senior prom. It made me happy – and flattered – to think I could help him become as confident as he is HOT.

We let the illusion continue that I was a college girl he was regularly fucking. Well, I guess the college-girl thing was an illusion. The fucking sure as hell wasn't.

I care very deeply for him, although it was unspoken and accepted that what we have might end when he went off to college in the fall. But I was prepared say some things to David at summer's end I hoped would make him happy.

As our relationship progressed, we did the regular things a teen couple would: Dances, parties, movies, etc.

We went to the lake just about every sunny weekend. I'll add right now: In a bikini, I'm a head-turning honeybun. And because my thingy and marble sack are so tiny, thanks to hormones, I can wear little teeny ones! I always say "thank you, Maggie" when realizations like that hit me.

Except for the time spent at the lake, I dress very differently from a girl in her teens. Well, I'm actually 21, but I'm still playing the role of Maggie's teen niece Christy ... and passing the test very, very well.

If there's a constant in my dressing, it's heels. I just love heels! As a matter of fact – now that I think about it – I've only been fucked by two guys, but each and every time, I've worn heels.

I wear four-inch sandals with sundresses, showing off my bare tan legs. With casual skirts and dresses, I wear thigh-high stockings and four-inch pumps. For evening wear, I almost always choose garterbelts and stockings under tight dresses, and strappy five-inch stiletto sandals.

If David's friends asked – and they damn sure did – why I always seemed to be dressed to kill, he would tell them I was in a college sorority that required pledges to dress as I did for an entire year.

It had to be a stoke to David's ego for his guy friends to know he was fucking a college girl who wore garterbelts, stockings and sexy heels. They knew about the garterbelts and stockings for sure. I'll admit I didn't do it on purpose – I'm a lady, after all – but I accidentally flashed them all at one time or another. That goodness I was wearing panties! And it was sure as shit a stroke to MY ego when I got lustful stares from them.

As for the girls in our little group, I did everything I could to make them accept and like me, and I think I was successful. And believe or not, the girls gradually began dumping the ratty jeans, t-shirts and flip-flops for heels, stockings, and dresses or skirts. I had to believe that made them feel sexier than they ever had. So maybe I was a good influence, right?

Once I became Christy, I swore I'd never wear pants again, but I did. Sort of. One night when David picked me up to take me to the cabin to fuck my pootie, I was dressed in red Spandex short-shorts so tiny half of each asscheek was exposed and my crack framed.

The white crop-top t-shirt I wore ended right below my nipples, so almost half my boobies showed, too.

I had on red six-inch come-fuck-me strappy stilettos that even all my experience in five-inchers had not prepared me for. But they were HOT! I think we both loved that look, but I could NEVER go out in public dressed like a whore. (Or maybe I could. We'll see!)

But as the time approached for David to leave for college, I noticed a touch of sadness in him, and he had become quieter and more reserved again. One night when we were in bed at the cabin – my bowels full of his cum – I coaxed him into telling me what was bothering him:

"I don't want this to end," he said.

"David, that's EXACTLY what you said to me the day after the prom," I replied. "Did it end?"

"No," he admitted. "But I'll be 1,000 miles away after school starts. I'm on a swimming scholarship, and I can't go to college closer to you."

Let me tell you now that he has a beautiful swimmer's body! David is ripped! And stamina! Oh, my gosh!

"Do you believe I care very, very much for you?" I asked. "You're always telling me I'm beautiful. Do you believe you're flipping every switch a beautiful girl has? Do you see how the girls look at you now?"

"I guess."

"You guess???!!!" I said with a laugh. "Honey, you're a stud-muffin fucking a college girl, remember? If you go to college with the confidence I've seen in you this summer, you'll have girls throwing their sticky panties at you! College will be the happiest time of your life. Go and enjoy it!"

I paused, then whispered in his ear, "But I'll miss you, David. I will."

The next day, I helped David pack his things in his truck for the long trip ahead. David wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head against his chest.

Then we kissed, but as he was about to open the truck's door, I asked him to wait for just a second.

I was wearing the very same pair of sterling-silver shoulder-brushing earrings I wore to his prom. I took off both, held one of his hands palm up, placed them in it, and closed his fingers around them. I placed both of my hands on his and squeezed.

"Keep one in your tighty-whities, sweetie, and let it touch your cock. That's a reminder of what we have, and that I'll be waiting for you at Christmas break," I said. "And baby, notice I didn't say what we HAD'. I said what we HAVE'.

"Keep the other under your pillow so you can put it on your tummy when you masturbate. Cum on it. Think of all the times you came inside me."

We kissed again, then he got in his truck and drove off. I actually got a little choked up. The hormones I was on did some serious kicking in. I was really going to miss that sweet boy.

Chapter 1

If it sounds like Maggie and I weren't having as much intense sex as we were before David came into my life, well think again.

But things were very different. We didn't seem to be fucking as much, but hang on to that "intense" thought for just a moment while I explain:

I was still giving Maggie screaming orgasms. I was tickling and teasing her clitty with my tongue and little nibbles as I fingered her sopping wet pussy.

She also loves for me to use my fingers and tongue in her pooper. (Maggie loved to eat mine, too!)

And her perfect gravity defying 38Ds are still a delight, as is her full but trimmed pubic bush.

I have almost dry orgasms (hormones again), so squinting is not that big of a deal anymore. I cum just as hard as I would from fucking her. My peepee can't be more than three inches hard now, and my balls are smaller than cherries. But Maggie says what I have is so pink and cute! That's good enough for me!

One night while she spooned me after our lovemaking (she's the dominant one in our relationship, and I the very willing submissive, if you haven't figured that out), she giggled and asked: "You know what I've become?"

"No," I answered. "But you always say the right thing."

"Well, you're such a sweet, sexy young lady now, I think I may be ..." – she paused, still giggling – " ... I think I may be a lesbian in love with a beautiful girl!"

For the first time ever, I felt as feminine as Maggie. She thought of us as lesbians! I don't care what's between my legs, I'm a girl. No, I'm a young lady. And because of Maggie, a beautiful one.

The next day, we showered together like we always do, then dressed in our business attire and headed out.

Are you interested in what we wear? Well, we both wear tailored business suits, but they're distinctly different. Maggie's skirts are more like over-the-knee pencil skirts with a slit in the back just long enough to allow her to easily walk. My skirts are mid-thigh-lenght and just as tight. Talk about covered but visibly sweet asses on display! And, of course, we wear silk blouses, stockings and four-inch stiletto pumps.

Chapter 2

"We have something to take care of before we get to the office, darling," Maggie said one morning as she pulled her Jag into the parking lot of one of the taller buildings in our town.

I'd been inside the building many times – on the top floor were the offices of her attorney. Maggie's holdings far exceed the secretarial business she owns, and where I'm still the IT specialist. She's invested wisely. I have no idea what Maggie's net worth is, and don't care, but it has to be in the multi-millions of dollars.

We exited one of the building's elevators, and were immediately whisked into her lawyer's private office. And I do mean "whisked". EVERYBODY at the firm knows Maggie and the amount of money she generates for them. Maggie would never demand that kind of attention, but she gets it nevertheless. There's never much of a wait for Maggie to see her attorney.

Maggie's lawyer, Thomas, is a very handsome 50-something, with a full head of dark hair. The only place he's graying is at his temples. Very distinguished, right?

He's as fit as David, and at least four inches taller. I could imagine that imposing figure in court. And being the normal, red-blooded special girl I am, I couldn't help but wonder if his cock size matched the rest of him. I could imagine that imposing thing, too.

By the way, Thomas took care of the legalese to completely erase my identity from Christopher to Christy, so of course he knows all about me. In the eyes of the legal world, Christopher never existed.

Maggie and I sat in leather chairs before his desk, crossed our long legs, adjusted our skirts, and went through the normal friendly formalities. Then Thomas reached into his desk, pulled out a three-inch-thick binder, and handed it to Maggie.

Maggie turned to me and said, "Christy darling, what we have here is really rather simple and straight forward, even though there's a lot of paperwork."

She opened the binder, laid it flat on Thomas' desk and held out a pen.

"You can read everything if you'd like, sweetheart," Maggie said. "You've always trusted me, so reading all this right now is really a waste of time. You can do that later, if you want.

"By signing the first page," she continued, "you become my full partner in all business affairs. By signing the second page, you become my sole heir."

I was speechless, then finally gasped: "But Maggie!"

Thomas took over: "She's sure about this, Christy. I advised her to keep 51% of her holdings, but she's convinced me you're the love of her life. I can certainly see why. Maggie tells me you're a wonderful person and she wants to spend the rest of her life with you. And might I add: You're gorgeous."

Then Maggie spoke again: "You do love me, don't you darling?"

"Yes," I answered, even though I knew she was teasing. She knew I did. "With all my heart and soul. And I wouldn't be Christy if I hadn't trusted you."

"Well silly, sign the dotted lines!" she giggled.

I did, and that taken care of, we stood, shook hands with Thomas and both kissed his cheek.

Before we turned to walk out, I said to Thomas: "How can I ever properly thank you for the things you did to make me legally `Christy'?"

Before he could answer, Maggie giggled again and said: "Oh, we'll think of something, sweetie."


Chapter 3

I was so stunned by the things that just happened I had to take Maggie's arm and be led from the building. And as always, she opened the passenger's side car door for me. Dominant and submissive, remember? I did the lady thing she'd taught me – bootie on the seat first, heels on the ground, legs together, then swing them in.

Maggie closed my door, walked around, then paused for just a second before she opened the driver's side door. She took something from her purse. I couldn't tell what she did next, but she seemed to be fiddling with her fingers.

After getting in and closing her door, she took my left hand and slid a rock of an engagement ring and a wedding band on the fourth finger. Both bands were platinum.

Then she held up her left hand, and on the fourth finger were matching rings in gold.

"You will marry me won't you?" she asked.

I started to sob – hormones, I guess – and nodded.

"Can I take that as a yes?" she asked, but she already knew the answer.

After a minute or so, I finally sniffled, "So you're really my wife?"

"Obviously, darling," she replied. "I'm no longer your pretend Aunt Maggie. I'm really YOUR wife. And you're really MY wife. It's all very legal, honey. Thomas saw to that.

"But we still have some games to play; so MANY fun games to play for my wonderful, deserving Christy."

Wait. What?

Chapter 4

Preparations for my next role began that very night. After our long scented bubble bath, Maggie started by giving me an enema ... well, several enemas actually, until I expelled all the stinky chunks and brown water. Just like she did before the cocks of the mystery man's and David's entered my fuck hole.

Was a man coming for me at this late hour? Was I getting fucked in my squeaky clean pootie tonight?

Well, yes and no. I wasn't going out, but I WAS getting fucked.

Maggie had me bend at the waist, and told me to spread my bootie-cheeks, exposing my winking pucker. She fiddled with a tube Anal Eze then inserted two slicky fingers in me, lubing me thoroughly.

Then we moved into the bedroom where she laid out a very short black babydoll that left nothing of my boobies and stiffy to the imagination. There were also sheer black lace-top thigh-highs and a pair of black six-inch stiletto pumps.

I put everything on. And once again I struggled in the extra-tall heels, but made it to the bed without falling and killing myself. Heels that tall are difficult to walk in, I told you that, but they are so fucking sexy.

Maggie instructed me lay on my back and spread my legs. Then she stepped back into the bathroom.

When she emerged, she was wearing a strap-on. It was equipped with a clitty tickler for her; six-inch dick-shaped dildo for me. She knelt between my legs, and I placed my calves on her shoulders. I knew the drill.

Maggie entered my fuck hole slowly – my 34Bs pressed against her 38Ds – and whispered: "How's my beautiful Christy feel with her wife's cock in her?"

"Every time I think things can't be better between us, they get better. A lot better," I said.

"Love me?" she asked.

"Always," I answered.

We fucked until we both had multiple body-quivering orgasms. I squirted a little on the first; dry as sand on the many others.

The next morning after our shower, Maggie gave me the enema series and lubed my pooper-hole, still stretched a little from the night's fucking. Then she inserted a buttplug. It hurt a little going in, but once it seated, it felt GREAT. I would grow to love the full feeling of buttplugs and the stretching as much as I love the tug of garterbelt straps on my stockings!

"Bigger and better things to come, darling," she said. I thought I knew what that meant. If I was right, I looked soooo forward to it. But whose big thing?

Chapter 5

As the days turned into weeks, bigger and better things really did come. Maggie was fucking me with the clitty tickling strap-on and the dildos got progressively bigger and thicker. The buttplugs got bigger and bigger as well. It was obvious she was preparing me for a massive dick, and I was actually a little scared, thinking back to the eight inches that invaded me the first time.

Well, the day finally arrived when Maggie declared that I was "ready for the big one", as she liked to say as I was being prepared.

After we got home from work, she bathed me in the usual scented bubble bath then went through the enema and lube routine. No buttplug tonight, but she did use a scented douche.

Maggie continued to do everything for me, and I do mean EVERYTHING. She applied darker makeup than I normally wear, rolled then brushed my hair (now reaching well below my shoulders), trimmed my landing strip ... etc., etc. I'm sure you get it.

She slid a pair of nude pure-silk lace-top thigh-highs up my freshly shaved legs. If not for the sheen, they would have been almost invisible. If I thought the stockings I wore to David's prom were sheer – and they were – these were even more so. My legs looked better than they ever had!

But I had to wonder – why thigh-highs instead of a garterbelt and stockings? When I was fucked by Mr. Mystery I wore them, and also my first time with David.

All gold jewelry – earrings, barrettes, necklace, bracelet ...

The dress I would wear was something out of a fashion show. It was a sparkly green-satin strapless cocktail dress that I could see it being worn on a runway. The green against my ginger hair would look great!

... As I looked at the dress on the hanger, that is. That was a good thought until I actually got the dress on and Maggie zipped me up. It was very tight and so short it barely covered my stocking tops.

The "V" in the front was ruffled and extended to just below my pierced navel. (The jewelry on my piercing matched my earrings, by the way.)

The back plunged so deep at least four inches of my asscrack showed. I guess it goes without saying I couldn't wear a bra or even a thong, which would show. Now I understood the thigh-highs instead of a garterbelt and stockings – there was nothing but bare skin from the bottom of my air to my partially exposed crack.

My heels were matching green-satin five-inch peep-toe stiletto pumps with bows on the back. I'd worn peeps with bows just above the toe-hole many times, but never ones with the bows on the back. Sexy!

"Baby, I didn't think you could be more gorgeous, but you are," said Maggie.

"Because of you," I whispered, as I looked at myself in the mirror. How could Maggie see the teenage Christy that was standing beside her in the plain Christopher I'd been? I keep asking every time I tell you a story because I really don't know.

The doorbell rang, so Maggie and I went down to meet my date for the evening.

Maggie took off the engagement ring and wedding band finger my finger, then pulled up the front of my dress. She softly fondled my peeny until it was hard. Didn't take but just a few seconds! Believe it or not, she slipped both rings just over my peepee head. I was so tiny now they fit perfectly!

She said: "When you get fucked tonight, let the rings be a reminder of how much I want it for my beautiful wife Christy."

Then she whispered: "Daughter."

So I was playing a daughter tonight, and my Daddy was at the door. She opened it, and there stood ...

Chapter 6

... Thomas???!!!

To say I was taken aback is the understatement of my life. All I could do was stare at him!

"Christy, darling," Maggie giggled, "here's the `big one'. Thomas is your Daddy for the night!"

I was so stunned I had to be led to his silver Benz. (Being stunned and led about seems to be happening a LOT lately, huh?) He opened my door for me, and I got in lady-like – unconsciously, by rote – just as Maggie had taught me. What a great teacher she is, as you already know.

Thomas had to help me buckle in.

"You look wonderful," he said as we drove away. "Maggie told me to be prepared for a shock. I'm not just shocked, your beauty leaves me breathless."

My beauty leaves a man like Thomas breathless? Holy shit! I gathered myself enough to thank him and finally realize he was in black tie.

As I composed myself, I felt my naked ass on the seat – that's how short my dress was. As I wrestled to get the dress under them, my stocking tops and a TON of bare thigh showed. As I tugged at the hem to cover them, a boobie popped out.

Thomas noticed. "So do you like the dress?" he asked.

"I do! I love it!" I said. "Wearing it especially for YOU is a rush! I feel like such a whore! But where can we go with me dressed like this?"

Well, I was in for another shock: Thomas explained that he'd always wanted to be a member of an exclusive and very secretive club that some of his very good and trusted friends had started. Long story short, it was a place for Daddies to fuck their daughters.

"I do want you to fuck me. I do so much! But I'm not really your daughter, Thomas," I said. "Won't your friends know I'm not?"

"I have a daughter, honey," he said. "People know that, but none we'll be around tonight has ever seen her. She went to high school in Switzerland, college in London, and has a fashion-design business in New York now.

"In fact," he continued, "she designed the dress you're wearing. It's one of a kind. A special dress for a special girl."

"So she knows everything?" I asked.

"I think she can guess," he replied.

"Thomas, you can have any woman you want. Why me?"

"Isn't it obvious, my dear? There is nothing sexier than a beautiful special girl. I love pussy, but the holes you girls have are so tight and sweet. And knowing that a young lady as gorgeous as you has something extra in her panties makes you even more desirable; so, so exciting to be with."

"I'm not wearing panties, Thomas," I giggled.

"Even better. Will you trust that I know from experience?" he asked. "That's how my daughter has been able to put two and two together about you. She understands my tastes."

Ooooh, my!

Chapter 7

I don't know how long we drove – I was lost in a world I'd never even dreamed of being in. We finally arrived at what I can only describe as a secluded mansion in a deep and very dark forest.

As we pulled in and stopped under a portico supported by marble Doric columns, we were met by a valet who helped me out. But in my dress, it was impossible for me to cover my stocking tops even though I did everything a proper lady could. The valet smiled and stared at the bare skin above the lace on my stockings. I could feel a stiffy coming because of the lustful look on his face. I loved it!

I took Thomas' arm and he led me into a large ornate greatroom surrounded by couches, daybeds and chaise lounges. I won't waste your time describing it, just take my word for it: It was as beautiful.

All the Daddies were in tuxedos, while their daughters were dressed in all manners of topless gowns, assless pencil skirts, diaphanous dresses with dark spots located in strategic places ... and some were naked!

When I was finally able to focus, it hit me like a mortar blast. Oh, my god! The naked ones had thingys! I guess all of us girls had peepees?

"Thomas!!!???" I squealed.

"Surprise, my darling," he said. "Welcome to a very special place."

SPECIAL is right! Sensory overload time! After all, the only naked special girl I'd ever seen was ME in the mirror! I'd seen special girls on the internet, okay? But in person? Indescribable, but I'll sure try!

All of the girls were wearing come-fuck-me heels, no matter what they had on ... or didn't have on, depending on your point of view. Some of the ones exposing everything were in heels alone; others in heels and thigh-highs; still others in garterbelts, stockings and heels; a few in crotchless body stockings ... you name it, and one of these true babes was probably wearing it.

Like I said, there was a brain overload of eye candy in the room, but two daughters in particular caught my attention:

~ One was an unusually tall teen with straight wheat-straw colored hair that reached nearly to her sweet bare ass, which was enhanced by perfect hip flare. Her natural boobies (hormones are a special girl's best friend!) must have been 34Cs and the dark quarter-sized aerola were topped by nipples pierced with small gold rings that matched her earrings! A special-girl thing???!!! Don't exactly know, but it's hot ...

She was erect, and her circumcised three-inch peeny was just beautiful. Her balls had dropped, but the sack looked like it held two ripe olives. What a fox!

Except for being special, she reminded me SO MUCH of Maggie.

She was wearing seamed opaque white lace-top thigh-highs. The straps of her red five-inch stiletto sandals wound their way to mid-calf where they were tied off, and they pushed her height to well over six feet.

There was just a small triangle of darker pubic hair above her thingy.

~ The other was a moppet who couldn't have been more than 10 years old. Could her daddy get his cock in her? Obviously, or she wouldn't be here, right? The naked beauty was wearing pink real-leather four-inch stiletto pumps, but she was moving confidently and gracefully in them.

She was only about four feet tall; maybe 65 or 70 pounds.

Nowhere NEAR puberty. Obviously her pubic area was completely bald. Her hard and very pale circumcised nail was no bigger than my little finger, and it pointed straight up. I couldn't help but notice that her tiny jewels had most definitely NOT dropped.

There was no way she could start hormones for at least two more years so there wasn't even a hint of hip flare, but her bootie cheeks were so plump! She had bikini tan lines above and below her little white ass, and it just glowed!

She was as flat-chested as a board and her pink dime-size aerola were almost invisible. But as I got closer to her I could see her tiny granite-hard nipples. If I was to describe them in terms of diamond carats, I'd say one-quarter, tops.

What a beautiful pixie!

So why do I seem obsessed – and I WAS obsessed – with these two when this story is about me about to be impaled by what I was certain was a monster cock?

~ Well first, they're hotties. Was I that hot? I'm told I am, so I'll go with that.

~ Second, the tall one, as I said, looked so much like Maggie without the appendage between her legs and nipple piercings.

~ And third, the little one made me envy her youth as a special girl – something I would never experience. But I couldn't really complain, given the wonderful changes Maggie made in me, right? Plus, there was something about her that was just enchanting; even intoxicating

I already told you a sizable part of my asscrack was showing and I gave up trying to keep my boobies from popping out. My lacy stocking tops were exposed with each step I took, and my five-inch heels gave my pantyless ass and braless titties a delicious wiggle. It all showed.

As proof, I was getting ogled by the Daddies, and I must admit I was flattered by that in a room full of their nearly naked, and completely naked, special girls. Their GORGEOUS daughters. What girl wouldn't like that?

As the night progressed and the drinking continued – even among the very young daughters – there was the inevitable feeling up of us by other than our own Daddies. I had my ass and titties openly groped and fondled ... my erect nipples lightly pinched and sucked by so many Daddies ...

And I got a TON of compliments on the rings on my stiffy when I couldn't pull my dress down enough to cover them.

Lubed fingers moved under my dress and into my rosebud. Some lingered, moving in and out, very much to my delight.

As I said, I had a full-blown stiffy going and I didn't try to hide it. To hell with being shy!

But none of the Daddies went for our crotches. It doesn't take a genius to figure out all of the daughters were "bottoms", and the Daddies "tops", right?

Then the open fucking began. And can you guess who one of the daughters was doing it in front of EVERYBODY? Yup, the 10 year old, and she was taking her daddy's seven-inch cock with ease. Obviously, that scene drew a crowd. Mesmerizing!

She had her tan legs spread as wide as she could manage, and she was supporting her thighs with her hands. She couldn't have been more fully open to her Daddy's thrusts. The pink pumps on her splayed legs looked SO sexy.

The little doll was chanting over and over as she bucked and fucked back: "Daddy's dirty whore. Daddy's dirty whore. Daddy's dirty whore".

Oh my goodness! I kissed Thomas for the first time, placed my hand on his hard, trousers-covered cock (it felt HUGE!) and squeezed.

"Please fuck me" I hissed. "I've got to see your big cock! I've got to suck it! I've got to feel it in my love hole! My sweet fuck hole! I want your cum in me! I want you to watch as your hot juices gush out of me after you've fucked me SO HARD! Please!"

Chapter 8

I know my language to Thomas was a little sluttier than I normally use, especially after what I can only describe as sweet love making with Maggie and David. But I was so honey after watching that little cutie fuck and fuck and fuck; and especially after the things she'd said. Her Daddy made her his whore toy in front of everybody. I wanted to feel like a slut, too, with a tight special hole for MY Daddy.

I'd been a lady since I'd become Christy, but this was a nasty game my wonderful Maggie – my wife Maggie – planned for me. I wanted so very badly to be a whore for the first time ... Thomas' whore. I wanted to be my make-believe Daddy's teen-girl cunt! Even better, I knew Maggie wanted me to be a whore and fuck like one tonight. What a rush!

I've never used illegal drugs and wouldn't, but there's no way cocaine could produce a high like I was feeling.

Thomas led me to a chaise lounge, but we remained standing. We kissed and his hands went under my dress and onto my bare asscheeks. As he cupped them, I put a hand on his crotch again and squeezed.

Then I took off Thomas' tie and began to remove the studs from his shirt. But I felt a tiny hand on one of my arms. A sweet voice said: "Let me. Just sit down, and I'll get his dick out so you can suck it."

It was the creampuff in the pink pumps! Seeing her Daddy's cum running down her inner thighs; her gentle touch on my arm; her heels; her hard peepee ... well, that almost made me cum.

After freeing Thomas' hard cock – it had to be 10 inches – and removing the rest of his clothes, she unzipped me, and I stepped out of my dress. She folded it and placed in on the chaise lounge back.

So there we were – me only in silk stockings and green peeps; she only in pink pumps. Both exposed and erect special girls. My shyness was LONG GONE. Why shouldn't it be? I was surrounded by princesses. And I was one of them.

Before me was a 10-inch cock and a gorgeous prepubescent girl in fuck-me, fuck-me heels. Only sex with Maggie could be better.

"Baby, I'm Christy," I said to her. "I have to know your name, too."

"I'm Daisy," she whispered.

A beautiful flower ... perfect!

And then more feelings for her – a child I'd just met – flowed over me like an avalanche. I'd already been enchanted by her; I'd already been intoxicated by her. I told you that. But this was WAY more powerful! I didn't understand the feelings AT ALL.

Maggie filled a special place in my heart. And so had David. Places I didn't even know I had until they came along. Each feeling was so very different, but so was this. WHAT THE HELL???!!!

My spell was broken when she presented the hard cock of a now completely naked Thomas to me. I swallowed greedily until it hit the back of my throat, but there was still so much shaft left Daisy had both hands wrapped around it.

Thomas' balls were nearly as big as hen's eggs and I cradled and fondled them gently.

Then on to some serious sucking by me and stroking by Daisy.

After a few minutes, I pulled off and offered Thomas' cock to her, but she could barely get her little mouth over the massive head. So she concentrated on the purple bulb, paying close attention to the peehole and the inverted "V" on the underside. We both slurped up every drop of precum from Thomas' cockhead, making sure our lips and tongues touched while we did.

Now I had to have Thomas' dick in me. But I'll admit I was a little nervous about taking his log! Still, knowing Daisy would be watching me being plowed by that thing strenthed my reslove to take it all.

I've told you many times I open myself up by placing my calves on the shoulders of my lovers, then wrapping my legs around him/her after the fucking got going and we synced. That was NOT going to work this time. If I opened myself up like that, Thomas' cock would split me in half. This was going to have to be a slow process, giving me plenty of time to adjust. So I laid back and dug my heels into the chaise lounge, bracing myself.

"I'll help him get his cock all the way in," Daisy said, reaching under the chaise lounge for a tube of Anal Eze. How convenient, huh? This was a well-prepared group.

She squirted a huge dollop onto her fingers, then entered my pink star with her entire hand and twirled. Oh fuck! Daisy's little hand felt soooo good! Maggie had already lubed me, but there was no question I needed a LOT more.

Finished with me, she thickly coated Thomas' cock in Anal Eze.

Time for the big one.

Chapter 9

Daisy aimed that telephone pole at my winking pucker and Thomas moved into me. Just the head of his cock clearing my anal sphincter made my insides feel like they were on fire. Not even Maggie's biggest dildo was bigger than Thomas.

"Wait!" I cried.

"I will, honey. I will," Thomas whispered in my ear. "I want you to enjoy it as much as I know I will."

After several seconds and some deep breaths, Daisy placed a hand on one of Thomas' asscheeks and pushed, letting him know she thought it was okay to go deeper. He did, moving in until I'd taken six inches. More than halfway there. It hurt, of course, but I really felt like the worst was over after he passed my super-tight anal ring.

After some further adjustments and some very heavy breathing on my part, Daisy pushed again and Thomas moved farther in and hit home.

"I can see a bump in your tummy his cock is so big and in so deep!" Daisy giggled. "Okay, Thomas, fuck her. Go slow at first, then fuck her HARD!"

(It never dawned on me at the moment to wonder how in the hell she knew Thomas!)

Then she asked: "Do you want to be Thomas' cum-slut whore daughter, Christy? Do you?"

"Yes," I moaned.

"Then tell me," she said. "You have to say it, Christy! Say it LOUD!"

"I want to be my Daddy's cum-slut whore! I want my fuck hole to be his toy!" I wailed. "Sweet Daisy, I want you to watch as he slams my dirty whore hole with his monster cock!"

Was I hot for that cock or what? And Daisy, too, for that matter.

As we got into a rhythm and began fucking faster, I felt mouths and hands on BOTH boobies. The hands fondled them, then my rock-hard nipples were gently sucked and lightly teethed. I managed to open my eyes long enough to see the tall teen who reminded me of Maggie had joined the fun ... and we'd drawn a crowd!

Every person in the room was watching this spectacle. I could only imagine what it looked like. Can you?

Both cuties were on their knees as they serviced my titties, so I took my arms from around Thomas' neck and wiped lube leaking from my pooper onto the middle finger of both hands. Then I pushed them into the love holes of a teen and a little girl! They both gasped and humped against my fingers.

That was enough for me. A primal and involuntary scream burst from the deepest parts of my lungs and I fucked back as hard as I could. I was even able to lift my hips off the chaise lounge as I did.

Thoughts of Maggie and the rings on my peeny flashed through my brain. She wanted this for me, and I knew it.

Thomas pounded me as he moaned and we girls squeaked and squealed. I squirted a couple of small ropes onto my tummy, but at least six hard spasms followed.

Then it was like a dam broke inside Thomas. As I tightened and loosened my anal muscles, I could feel the cum flood as his own spasms started. He came so much it gushed out of me despite how tight my rectum was plugged by his big cock. I was over the edge again – dry orgasms flowed over me, and I could feel the girls' pooty muscles clamp down on my fingers.

Thomas collapsed on me, and I was comfortable enough now to wrap my legs around him and milk out the rest of his cum.

When my middle fingers slipped out of the two dreamboats, there was a sloppy and very audible "plop". I sucked and licked my fingers. Delicious!

Then I stoked both of their little weenies until they shook with orgasms. The teen squirted two or three globs, but Daisy's orgasm was bone-dry. I licked the teen's cum off the palm of my hand. Again, delicious!

We stayed together until we'd all caught our collective breaths, then unwrapped.

All around us Daddy's were fucking their special daughters. What they'd just witnessed was raw and animalistic lust. We'd inspired them. I knew that. And I was so proud.

The teen rejoined her Daddy and they were going at it. But oddly, Daisy remained with us.

When her eyes met mine, those perplexing feelings for her overwhelmed me again. (Holy crap, Christy! Get a grip!)

When she smiled at me my legs turned to rubber and I thought I was going to collapse to my knees. Daisy could make me melt! I knew at that moment I could love her as much as I love Maggie, albeit in a different and inexplicable way. I was so fucking confused, but does that prove to you the power she had over me?

"Don't you want your Daddy to fuck you again, baby?" I asked.

Want to know what was unsaid after I asked that question? What my mind was screaming? Well, here you go: "Please stay here with me, Daisy! Please! I've only known you for 30 minutes, but I want to take you home and eat you up with a spoon, you sweet sexy little beauty!"

"Oh, he's not my Daddy," Daisy replied.

Now I was even MORE confused!

"He brings me here a lot and fucks me, but he's not my real Daddy," she said. "I'm a Pleasure Sissy and I pretend to be his daughter."

She's a what???!!!

"I don't have parents. At least I can't remember them," Daisy continued. "But I have a Mistress Mommy. She's been taking very good care of me.

"Marnie is a Pleasure Sissy, too," she said as she pointed to the teen who'd sweetly sucked my boobies while I fingered her and stroked her to orgasm.

(To understand, please see "Danielle The Pleasure Sissy":

Daisy looked at Thomas, then burst into laughter as if she knew something I didn't. Turns out, she did.

Thomas interjected: "This has been great fun, Christy my dear. I see why Maggie loves you so. What a sweet person you are. What a beauty you are. What a great fuck you are.

"Daisy will explain Pleasure Sissies to you later," he continued. "But now it's time for the game to end and for us to get down to some serious business."

As if by magic, Thomas produced a binder, laid it flat on the chaise lounge, opened it, and handed me a pen. Good grief! I'd seen this played out before, and it had turned out so well!

"These are adoption papers. Maggie has already signed them," he explained. "And after you do, Daisy will be your daughter."

Even as stunned as I was; even with a painfully stretched hole; even with cum running down my legs and soaking my stockings; I signed on the dotted line. Without hesitation. Just like before.

Daisy took her tiny middle finger, wiped a droplet of my cum from my tummy and sucked it into her mouth.

"Very tasty, Mommy!" she said.

I gasped and – you guessed it – collapsed. The orgasms, hard fucking – and especially the emotions for Daisy that I felt – were too much to overcome. I'm just glad big ole Thomas was close enough to catch me.


I guess it goes without saying the feelings I was having for Daisy that night were lovingly maternal. Hormones? I have no idea, and don't care.

Maggie, Daisy and I left for the Bahamas the next morning, where we spent two wonderful weeks getting to know each other. I love them both so much I actually break down in tears sometimes. Just like the day Maggie put the rings on my finger.

After we returned, we moved Daisy's things from her Mistress Kathy's home (the Mistress Mommy she'd referred to) and into ours, where she shares our bed.

Daisy really has been very well cared for, loved and well educated. As have all of Mistress Kathy's Pleasure Sissies. They're all orphans she's taken in off the streets. She has a keen eye for special beauties.

They're lucky girls who love their work as Pleasure Sissies ... soon to be RICH Pleasure Sissies! Thomas says those little angels are worth every penny men spend on them, and he's making sure the money is in high-yielding tax-free municipal bonds

How Maggie and Thomas knew in advance I would feel those things for Daisy is too perfect to doubt.

But I do know bits and pieces of a somewhat complex puzzle, even though I never went looking for them.

In passing, Thomas had asked Maggie once if she'd ever considered adoption. He'd mentioned it again after we were married. Because of the hormones, I wasn't producing enough of the little squiggles to fertilize Maggie's eggs. And I was no longer penetrating her, as you know, so an offspring of our own was virtually impossible. Thomas knew that.

He knew of Daisy through Kathy, although she's FAR too young for him. He would kill her with that thing of his. But as I said, it's too perfect to waste time wondering about.

If I have to wonder about anything at all, it's this: What if I had NOT been so taken with Daisy that night? Would we still have adopted her? I assume we would have. I mean, Thomas had already introduced her to Maggie. Thomas had already drawn up the papers. Maggie had already signed them. So this is probably the very last time I'll bother to think about it.

Now that I'm a wife and mother, I don't have the time in my life to be fair to David, even though I care so very much for him. Dressing for him; sucking him; fucking him, and then bringing out the man in him was a flattering treat. Every time I look at the Spandex shorts, cropped t-shirt and slut heels, I'll think of him. And I'll always treasure the moment and sensations I felt the first time he kissed me.

But David's being well taken care of. We made the introductions, and David and Pleasure Sissy Marnie seem to be well on their way to something serious. I may have been David's first special girl – well, his first girl, period – but I somehow have the feeling Marnie will be the one to feather his nest.

As for Thomas, let's just say Mistress Kathy is keeping him well supplied with Pleasure Sissies. How those little things handle that big ... well, maybe we'll talk about that another time.

So, I guess I'll leave you with this: Maggie would like you to know she still wants to play games. Do you want to include Daisy in them? Let her know through our friend Pink Pumps if you have any games in mind:

Next: Chapter 4

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