Auditioning to Become His Boy

By T J

Published on Jul 24, 2015


Auditioning to Become His Boy (4)

This is a work of fantasy and fiction. This work is copyrighted to me and can only be reprinted with my permission. Please remember to donate to Nifty to help keep this site running. If it is illegal in your area to read this or you are offended by M/m sex, then please leave this page. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story! Let me know if you like it or if you have other ideas. If you like the story, I have put my contact information at the bottom. Thanks again, Sirs!

As Sir finished pissing all over me, he chuckled as I licked at the streams flowing from the back of my head into my mouth. Sir put his hand on my neck and guided me over the coffee table. I crawled over it so my chest lay flat while my ass hung over the edge. My caged cock hit the side of the table while Sir tied my hands and thighs to the legs of the table beneath me. Once my limbs were secure, Sir used his tie to gag me and tied it behind my head. Sir took a throw pillow from the couch and put it under my chin. With this stress position, I was looking right at the motel television. Sir walked around in front of me holding a disc, "Now, let's see how much fun you had on your birthday, boy." As Sir put in the disc and hit play, he moved behind me to sit on the couch. The movie opened showing me tied in a similar position to the one I was currently in. As the camera panned around the room to show the group of men in a circle around me, I felt Sir pulling on the plug and teasing out my pussy.

It had been two days since my introduction and transformation to a piss slut, which means it had also been two days since I broke Sir's rule and had cum without permission. I had sent several further emails to Sir, apologizing repeatedly and offering to do anything to make it up to him, but had not heard from him in over 48 hours now. When I got home from school that day, I was beginning to wonder if Sir was done with me. I felt depressed at having lost this opportunity, but started considering going back to the bookstore tonight. I was very horny and wanted to get fucked again bad. My swelling in my pussy had receded and I had to admit I was thirsty to taste some more piss. I tried tasting mine but it didn't feel right or taste as good. As I was contemplated driving across town to the bookstore where I first was tested by Sir, I heard an email notification from my phone. I was surprised to see that it was from Sir!

"boy, I got your numerous apologies and watched the tape of the events with Logan and his friends. I am very disappointed in you but realize your pussy couldn't help it. However, there must be some punishment for your disobedience. I have decided to give you an additional test with a chance at a reward. I did some research on you and discovered your birthday is coming up in a few days. I asked around and have started planning your party, but will cancel them all if you do not pass this next test. I want you to take the money you got from Logan and his friends and go to the bookstore you were at the other night and buy a chastity cage. I called ahead and they will have one waiting for you. Steve is working tonight so ask him to help you. He will keep the key until I come to town and collect it myself. Then you will go to the theater and advertise yourself as you did the first time. You will report each load of cum you get to Steve. Your goal is 15 loads, 8 in your pussy and 7 in your mouth. Don't fail me again, boy. -Sir"

I looked at the time and saw it was already past 5:00. On a weeknight like this there wasn't likely to be a lot of men there, so I needed to hurry if I was going to get fifteen loads. I took a quick shower, mainly to clean myself out, and started to get dressed. Out of habit I threw on some underwear with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I knew I was going to strip out of them anyway but figured the underwear would help the cum from leaking too much on my car seat. I drove across town and pulled into the parking lot, happy to see the parking lot halfway full. When I walked in, Steven was behind the counter and was obviously very happy to see me. "You bring the money, boy?" He asked. I nodded and pulled the envelope from my pocket to show him. "Come with me," Steve motioned and led me to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet while I stood in front of him. I moved to close the door but he pulled my hand back and then ordered me to drop my shorts. When I complied, he had me step out of them and tossed them aside. My full dick was very hard from the excitement. "Well that isn't going to fit," Steve commented.

As I opened my mouth to reply, Steve smacked my hanging balls with his open hand. I moved to hold my painful balls but Steve smacked my hand away again. "We have to get this down so it fits, boy. Either make it go down or you are getting another smack." I focused as hard as I could and breathed a sigh of relief as I felt the blood flow back out of my dick. Steven manhandled me into the metal device, including shoving my balls through an opening that seemed too small for them to fit through. I winced but kept my mouth shut as I felt a metal rod being inserted into my urethra while the cage imprisoned my dick. Steven took a couple other pieces and fastened them together, then finished it with a small padlock. He put the key on his key ring as I took a minute to examine the new piece of my servitude to Sir. "Now on your knees, boy, and get your first load of the night." I dropped to my knees and took his short, thick cock in my mouth. Steve leaned back so his stomach was out of the way and I could go all the way down to his balls. My first load didn't take long as Steve quickly flooded my mouth. As I pulled off, Steve grabbed my hair then aimed his cock at my face. Before I could think, he started spraying me with his piss. The shock passed quickly as I tried to catch it in my mouth, but Steve purposefully moved the stream so it soaked my hair and dripped down to my shirt.

As his stream ended, I pulled against his fist in my hair to lap at the piss slit. Steve just chuckled then told me to follow him to the front counter. I was nervous to be in the open shop without pants on, but followed Steve as ordered. Once I was in the open, I felt more free and, dare I say, sexy. I was in the middle of a sex shop wearing a piss soaked t-shirt and sneakers with nothing in between but a metal cage. Steve took my pants and underwear and put them under the desk then grabbed a bottle of lube from the counter that was used as a tester. "Lean forward against the counter." As the portly cashier kneeled behind me and worked lubed-covered fingers into my pussy, a geriatric man with a cane walked in. When he saw a college boy getting his hole lubed in the open, he got a smile on his face and came over to inspect the new sex toy. "Get your ticket and join the others in the theater. He will be taking cum and piss all night." Steve told the new customer.

As Steve got up to sell the grandpa a ticket, he pulled out his cell phone and showed me a craigslist ad. "Your Master wanted to make sure you saw what you were getting into," Steve told me. As I read the ad, I felt the first of many times my dick would be prevented from hardening in its new home. "College cum dump taking any and all loads tonight. No cock refused, no load wasted. Will be available to use at the theater. Now taking piss, too!" I looked up when the door buzzed and saw Logan walking through with Gary, the fat man that fed me piss from his ass just a few days ago. Logan walked over to me and pushed on my shoulders for me to drop to my knees. Once there I was faced with his bulge covered by his FedEx brown shorts. I licked my lips and looked up into his eyes, pleading for further instructions. Logan unzipped his shorts and fished his cock out, waving it in front of my face like a lure. I stuck my tongue out to taste the tip and he placed the head within my lips. Without saying a word, Logan let loose a stream of piss, almost gagging me as I struggled to swallow fast enough.

Once his stream had finished, he looked down at me and laughed, seeing my face dripping with the urine I had spilt in my struggle to swallow. "Gary has a gift for you from some of the other guys that couldn't make it here yet. You will get it once we are inside." Logan grabbed my hair and pulled me along the floor behind him toward the theater door. Gary followed behind, kicking my legs and chuckling when I stumbled. Once inside the theater, and my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I could see a dozen men of all ages in various stages of undress. I noticed a few stripped down boys like me on their knees in front of various men, but most of the customers were much older, heavier men who got excited when I crawled through the door. Logan led me to the front of the theater and had me roll over to my back. When I was on my back, Logan took the honors of lifting my legs and lining his cock up to my lubed boy pussy. He poked and teased my hole as I focused on relaxing the muscle to try to suck him in. "Okay Gary, I think it's time to give him his presents."

Gary pulled his pants down, revealing his almost hidden cock beneath his huge stomach, and came over to straddle my face. I knew what was coming and arched my neck forward to get my mouth around Gary's ass hole in between his huge cheeks. Gary sighed as he relaxed and let loose the contents of his ass, obviously several bladder-fulls of piss from some other abusers. As my mouth filled and I swallowed my first gulp, Logan rammed full hilt into my pussy, causing me to catch my breath. As I paused to handle the brief pain, Gary continued releasing onto me, missing my mouth and covering my face and chest with the ass-warm urine. Once he was empty, Gary moved further down so I could lick clean his hairy hole while Logan kept up the barrage on my hole. Once he was licked clean, Gary adjusted his hips and put his small cock in my mouth. I felt it was fully hard but still did not hit the back of my throat.

I didn't have to suck the push pop size cock long before I tasted Gary's cum trickle onto my tongue. I swallowed it down then held him in my mouth, expecting a stream of his piss to follow, but was disappointed when he pulled away. I looked up to see a man crawling towards me, then over me. He was several years older than I am, but was hairless from the nose down. I got a close up look at his pits, chest, and then crotch as he stopped above my face. I took the cock into my mouth as his balls laid on my nose and eyes. Logan was still battering my pussy while the man above me moved his arms so I could rest my legs in his armpit, keeping them up and out of the way. This way I could relax my legs and let Logan go even deeper. "I wanna try the old bitch," Logan pulled out of me and his cock was replaced by the tongue of the man on top of me. I moaned as I felt the man give a jerk deeper into my throat. The movement changed his angle and I could see Logan's cock going into his ass hole.

There was no resistance as Logan's cock squelched in the hole above my face. I felt a cock at my pussy, but could not look to see who it was, though I guess it doesn't matter. The cock rammed hard into me full hilt. It wasn't a very large cock, so I had to focus on tightening my pussy to milk him. As I did, Logan's balls above me started contracting and I could see it pulsing as he continued to stroke into the older guy's hole. He held it in place to milk the last drop then pulled out. The old guy arched his back to pull his cock out of my mouth so Logan could stick his cock in for me to clean. "I think all your loads you have to take in your mouth should come from Billy here," Logan said then laid a hard smack on the guy above me's ass. Billy knew what to do and moved his hole to match up with my mouth, then pushed Logan's load out. I caught the first push on my tongue then moved my lips to tongue and suck the rest out.

The rest of the night continued the same, either the men in attendance bred my pussy or loaded up Billy's hole and I sucked it out. Once I reached my goal, I stopped counting, but the men kept cumming. There was a large puddle of cum and piss under me that I couldn't hold in my pussy, but everything that leaked out of Billy ended up in my mouth. When I had to pee, Logan pushed Billy's face onto my caged dick so it would recycle back through into my mouth when I swallowed his bladder. When the lights came on in the theater, signaling the store was closing, Steve came back with a plug in hand. "Very good, boy. You more than doubled your goal, guess more people use craigslist than I thought. I'll let your Master know. Now this is the biggest plug we have, so hold still," Steve pushed my knees to my chest then started pushing the plug in. I caught my breath as he kept shoving, forcing the flare past my ring. My pussy sucked the rest in and nestled against my prostate. I moaned as the pressure from the plug forced precum from the tip of my cage. The plug was not the biggest I had ever seen, but like most bookstores, they wouldn't carry the most extreme stuff.

Steve tapped the base of the plug a few times then told me to sit up. Once I was upright, he grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pulled my face to his cock, hanging out the fly of his pants. I took his head on my tongue as he released his bladder. I swallowed as fast as I could while rocking on the plug, forcing it deeper and wiggling it around. As I continued to suckle Steve's cock, I reached my hand down to play with myself and feel the cage tight around my own dick, struggling to get hard. Not being able to cum was bad enough, but not being able to get hard was torture. I mean it actually hurt, a constant ache like a cramp in my dick, reminding me of my mistake a few days ago. Steve started cumming in my mouth, the second load of the night I got to drink straight from a cock.

Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth and zipped up. "Your clothes are at the front desk. You can come get them once you clean up this mess," Steve gestured to the puddle on the floor under where I had been laying all night. As Steve walked out, I crawled over to the mess of puddled piss and drying cum. I was sure not all the dried cum was from tonight, but I dutifully licked and sucked every drop and crusted stain. I worked as quickly as I could, worried Steve would leave me there trapped in the theater without my clothes. Eventually I got everything I could see from the floor and crawled towards the door. My knees began to ache as I crawled into the main part of the store and over to the counter. I must have looked a sight because Steve chuckled as I got to the glass display of the front desk.

"Here's your clothes, pussy boy," Steve dropped my shirt and shorts over the counter. I looked for my underwear, but realized Steve must have kept them again. "Your Master has been updated on how you did tonight. I'll keep the key to your cage, though, until he tells me different. Hopefully for you it won't be too long." I began to put my clothes on, the shorts were a bit difficult while staying on the ground but eventually got them pulled up. The geriatric man with the cane appeared around the corner, walking towards me. I got on my knees as he got close, prepared for one more customer.

"Oh no, no thanks. I don't play here, I just watch. I prefer to play in private." He leaned on the table and traced the cane against my cage within my shorts. With a flip of his wrist, he hit the thick, wooden cane against my balls, causing me to double over in pain. All the cum and piss I swallowed hit the back of my throat as I struggled to breathe and swallow it back down. "You aren't ready for me anyway, young man." Through tears I saw him walk around me, putting the bulk of his weight on the cane while the other hand adjusted a growing bulge in his slacks. The bell above the door rang as he exited, then Steve decided that was my cue to leave as well.

I barely remember driving home, thankfully I didn't get into an accident or fall asleep. As I pulled in my driveway, my phone chirped an email notification. I knew who it would be without looking. I stumbled inside and into my kitchen, sitting on the first stool in the line. I opened my email to read what Sir had written-

"Very well done tonight, boy. You more than proved your obedience. I will let the guests know your birthday is still going on as planned. Now get some rest, you are going to need your strength. I'm proud of you, boy. -Sir"

My dick tried to harden as I read the brief note, but was of course blocked by the cage. I got off the stool and headed to my bed. I momentarily thought about taking the plug out, but decided to leave it in for the night. Less mess in my bed, plus I would have something to wake up to. As my head hit the pillow, before falling asleep, I wondered what Sir had in store for me for my birthday. It was two days away. But then I remembered that Sir was supposed to be here in less than a week. I smiled, happy that I had found this Man. This Man that knew what I had always needed and was giving it to me. I couldn't wait to meet Him.

I have some ideas about what is coming but not sure what you guys want to see. I love to hear from my readers for anything. Love to hear from fellow subs, Domly Sirs, or just literary fans. I will take any ideas into consideration. If you want to be a character in the story, I also will do that for my loyal fans, any body type, any age, I just ask for a picture (which will be kept private), stats, and a list of what options I have to work with. Thank you for taking the time, Sirs!

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