Auditioning to Become His Boy

By T J

Published on Mar 26, 2015


Auditioning to become His boy (2)

This is a work of fantasy and fiction. This work is copyrighted to me and can only be reprinted with my permission. Please remember to donate to Nifty to help keep this site running. If it is illegal in your area to read this or you are offended my M/m sex, then please leave this page. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story! If you like the story, I have put my contact information at the bottom. Thanks again, Sirs!

I felt Sir's hand caress my bowed head, running His fingers down my cheek before tracing my lips with His thumb. I instinctively opened my mouth to allow Him to invade my mouth and feel my eager tongue. My eyes closed as I started to suck on the first piece of Sir's flesh I was allowed contact with. Sir chuckled at my eagerness and started to pull His thumb out of my mouth. I leaned forward in an attempt to keep Him in my mouth but kept my knees in place as ordered, but Sir was in charge. As he pulled his thumb from my lips, I felt the cool air against my exposed hole. My eyes still cast down, I sat back on my haunches and awaited Sir's next touch.

The morning after I sent Sir the video, I woke up and checked my email like usual. There was one there from Sir, sent early this morning. "Hope you slept well, boy. Assuming you did not succumb to another jerk-fest, you seem to follow orders well. Today you have two orders, though one will be easier than the other. The first is to go to Amazon and create a wishlist with the items I have provided links for beneath this. Make sure you put in the correct information. I will be providing you with the items I want you to have as you need them. The second order is to go back to that bookstore you like to frequent. I put an ad on craigslist for you. You are to take your phone and record your activities. Send me the videos as proof as soon as you get home. Keep doing well and I may let you cum this weekend, - Sir"

I looked at the links and there were quite a few items that made my dick spasm. Chastity cages, plugs, dildos, collars, restraints, paddles, everything you could think of. And Sir had not chosen cheap products either, all of these were high end expensive. I created a wishlist with all my information, added the items, then sent Sir the link. Next I looked on craigslist for the ad Sir placed. As I read, my stomach dropped, but I got so excited at the same time. It was short but to the point, "College cocksucker looking for Daddy loads. The older the better. Please record me sucking the cum out of your balls. No reciprocation. I'll be at the bookstore off 6th street after 5. Not leaving until I eat every load there." And attached was the face picture of me on all fours I had sent Sir last night. I looked down to see my dick dripping with excitement. I wrapped my hand around it but quickly pulled it away remembering Sir's orders.

My phone chirped with another email. Another one from Sir. "By the way, boy. I don't like my boys to have clothes as I told you, but for this you may keep your shoes on. –Sir" I had to be naked when doing this? I had never taken my clothes off in the bookstore before. But Sir didn't like to see clothes on his boy so I guess I should have figured that out. Good thing he sent that though or I may have gotten punished. I looked at the clock and saw I needed to get ready for class. I took a cold shower to try to calm my body down, got dressed, and headed to campus.

It was hard to focus in class, but I managed to get through unnoticed. I got out of my last class at 4:40, ran to my car, and drove the familiar route to the bookstore. I could feel my dick hardening along the way, but did my best to take my mind off it. When I got to my destination, I went in the front door and to the cashier to buy a ticket to the theater. The cashier, a short, fat man in his 50's smirked as I approached. He handed me a ticket he seemed to have ready but waved me off when I reached for my wallet. "I'll come in to collect my payment later, cocksucker." His voice was gruff and deep. I was taken aback but smiled and went in through the door he buzzed me through. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was a few minutes after 5:00, so I guess I was right on time.

There were three men in the seats and they all looked at me as I walked in. A man that looked in his 40's got up and walked over to me. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, asking if I was the "cocksucker". I nodded silently and he put his hand on my shoulder and applied pressure. I resisted and held up a finger. Walking to the back row of the theater, I started removing my shirt and folded it on one of the chairs. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down with my underwear. As I was bent over, the man came up behind me and started fondling my newly exposed college boy ass. I did not refute his advances this time as I stayed bent over to put my shoes back on and lace them up. He pulled me into a standing position and I felt his hard cock in the crack of my ass. "I got a big load for you to swallow, cocksucker. A nice thick load to coat your throat." I moaned as he reached around with both hands. One tweaked my nipple and rolled it between finger and thumb while the other caressed down my stomach and into my pubic hair.

As his fingertips ran into my throbbing college cock, I turned around a reminded him that there was no reciprocation. I walked around him and towards the front of the theater. If I was going to do this, I wanted Sir to know I did the best I could. I kneeled naked in front of the middle seat in the front row and waited. My first customer sat down with his hard cock sticking through the fly of his khaki shorts. I handed him my phone with the camera ready to record and took the head of his cock into my mouth as I saw the light turn on. The stranger held the phone with one hand while his other ran through my hair. He had an average size cock, circumcised with a small mushroom head. As I bobbed on his cock, I could see the grey pubic hair and smell the musk coming from his crotch. It was clean, but not scented. His balls were still trapped in his tighty whities so I could not see how big they were or gauge when he was about to cum.

As I heard the high pitched whimper of a, no doubt, big busted woman on the screen start to orgasm, my mouth was flooded with my first load. The man was right, it was very thick and strong. It didn't shoot out as much as pour out of his cock slit. In an effort to put on the best show, I held the load in my mouth, coating my teeth and tongue with the reward of my efforts. The man pulled my mouth off his sensitive head and I looked right at the camera and opened my mouth, showing the white prize I was about to swallow. The man handed the camera to the man next to him that I hadn't seen and he kept recording as he shoved his cock in my mouth.

I sucked four more men off and swallowed them all. As I pulled off the fifth cock of the night, my jaw was very sore. I hadn't had a chance to take a break and judging by the movies on the screen I had been there about an hour. I looked over and saw a man in a suit jacket and tie sitting in the second row. He was at least 60 with a bald head and a big belly and he was looking at me with lustful hunger in his eyes. He was stroking his cock at a downward angle and I couldn't see it behind the front row seats, so I licked my lips and raised my head to get a better angle. "So you are the college cocksucker? Not bad so far, but I got one that will test your throat. You are gonna have to earn it, though. Kneel on the seat in front of me. As I crawled up onto the seat from the place on the floor I had taken up residence, I noticed how sore my knees had become. I was grateful for the cushioned seat to rest my knees on. I looked down and saw that the suit had covered up his cock with a jock. I could see the straps going underneath but the bulge was covered by his tie. He leaned back and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a wifebeater underneath.

I leaned forward to get my mouth close to his cloth covered cock when he leaned up and held my head in his strong hands. "Don't move, boy." I could tell from the sound of the buckle that he had grabbed his belt from the floor. He wrapped it around my waist and ran it through the arms of the theater seat. I was bent with my waist right on the seat, so when he tightened the belt, my boy dick was forced down between my legs. My dick had gone soft after not stimulating it for so long but this got me excited again; however, with the angle he tied me, I couldn't get hard without it hurting from forcing against the chair. As my cock struggled to get hard while being forced to stay semi soft, the suited Daddy leaned back again but this time he scooted his ass to the edge of the seat and put his legs on the seats on either side of me. My head was right next to his jocked Grandpa ass as I smelled the day long musk emanating from his crotch. I inhaled deep as he grabbed my head and forced my mouth to his Daddy hole.

I normally don't rim, but I didn't have a choice and knew better than to fight in the predicament I was in. I looked up and could only see his jock bulge and belly while my tongue tried to force its way into him. "Fuck that's nice," I heard another voice behind me. The first man I sucked had come back and he was the one holding the camera. I had almost forgotten about it. I momentarily wondered how much memory was left on it, but quickly refocused back on the Grandpa in front of me. He was moaning and pulling my head in tighter against his hole as I felt the ring relax so I could get in deep. Thank god he was clean as I dove my tongue in as far as it could go. "What do you think, Roger?" The first man asked.

"You and Steve weren't lying. This boy is prime meat. I'm glad you guys called me down." He let go of my head and ran his hands over his belly, pulling up the wifebeater so I could see the white, hairy skin underneath. I moaned into his ass at the sight. Disregarding the pressure against my dick, I leaned forward more, resting my hands on his armrests so I wouldn't fall. "Hey Tyler, go grab the wrist cuffs. This boy is going to need them." Tyler, apparently the first man, handed the phone camera to "Roger" and ran out the door. "I can't wait for you to choke on me, cocksucker. I'll show you what it means to be a real faggot."

"I got the wrist AND ankle cuffs, Roger!" Tyler had returned. "We will up the production value of this boy's homemade video." Roger took one set from Tyler and I felt him tie my wrists to the armrest so my forearms were holding my weight. As soon as the last cuff buckled on, I felt my ankles being restrained and tied to the armrest of the seat I was kneeling in. I tried to look back but Roger grabbed my head and held it still. He pulled my head back and scooted back in his seat before pulling my head to the jock pouch. I relaxed my head back down and right into the very big balls I could feel with my nose. I inhaled deeply as I heard the gruff voice of the cashier.

"God damn, Roger. You got him leaking back here." I felt a rough, callous hand grab my hanging balls and rub against the sensitive tip of my dick. I tried to pull away but didn't have any space. I felt a sudden smack on my ass cheek causing me to jump what little I could against the belt and restraints. "Hold still, boy."

"I'm not allowed to cum, please don't. I'll be punished." I pleaded with the Men surrounding me.

"Awww, poor boy can't get off. What happens if you disobey, cocksucker?" The cashier, who I am guessing was Steve, teased me.

I frantically tried to think of something that would make these men stop. "My Sir won't let me come here anymore if I disobey." Immediately, and thankfully, the groping stopped. I looked at the camera that was brought to my face and hoped Sir would not mind my lying like this. I felt another hard smack to the same cheek, this one brought tears to my eyes.

"Well then we will have to give you the loads you came for, faggot. Plus you still owe me payment for getting into the theater in the first place. Since my shift is over, I can now take what I'm owed. Roger, you ready?" With this said, Roger, the suit, pulled his jock to the side and released one of the thickest cocks I had ever seen in person. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get my mouth around it, but I had a feeling that wouldn't stop Roger. I watched in awe as the cock rose to its full length, getting longer but thankfully not thicker. Roger slapped the cock against my cheek as it got to a very girthy 7 inches. Underneath the mushroom-headed fuck meat, was a pair of bull balls hanging below a very thick bush. There was dark hair all over the area below a pronounced beer belly gut and between two very meaty thighs. I could feel a spittle of drool escape and get lost in the forest of fur as I stared, open-mouthed, at this Grandpa's cock.

I had only a few seconds to admire the next cock to invade my lips before Roger gave me the next set of directions. "If I need to get a spreader gag for your teeth, I will, cocksucker, but you are going to take this all the way to the base. The angle you are at will help your throat accommodate me while also giving a good show to our audience." With that said, he took my hair in his fist and shoved it on his cock and straight to the back of my throat. I started to gag right away but that only let him push past my throat muscles and rest his head in my throat to let my muscles stretch.

"Fuck, Roger. You know how to train a boy's throat. Keep him there, I am going to get my payment." I heard a squirt from a bottle and felt a cooling finger forcefully invade my tight hole. I tried to scream but the Grandpa cock in my throat stopped any air from getting in or out. I tried to squirm but the belt around my waist and the restraints on my wrists and ankles prevented me from escaping. This wasn't part of the deal! This was not in the craigslist ad. Was this guy really going to fuck me against my will in exchange for a five dollar theater ticket? Was that all I was worth?

I started getting lightheaded from lack of oxygen and focused on getting some air. Thankfully I the mushroom head pull from my throat, but a brown bottle was placed under one nostril while the other was held closed. I inhaled deep to get some air but ended up filling my lungs with the poppers held by Tyler. Every two breaths, the bottle was moved to my other nostril until I took easily eight hits from the bottle of head cleaner. By the time they took the bottle away my head was swimming and my body was overheating with lust. As Roger shoved is cock all the way down my throat, Steve lined up his cock and shoved it all the way in with one thrust. I was spit roasted with a double forced entry, but the poppers blocked me from feeling the pain in either hole. Steve leaned over me and I could feel his beard in the middle of my back and his stomach rest on my ass as he started to thrust into me, not being gentle on the cocksucker at his disposal.

Meanwhile Roger was using my head as a fleshlight, stroking his cock with my mouth and throat. Every few strokes he had to slap my face, bringing tears to my eyes, as I forgot to cover my teeth, but then the poppers were put under my nose again and I was swimming. "Damn, the battery is running dead. Guess the rest of this is only going to live on in his memory," I heard Tyler say as the light from the camera shut off and my phone was put on the seat next to Roger. The theater went black as the movie ended and then another one started. This time, it was replaced by the sound of leather smacking skin as the screen lit up the theater again.

"It's leather night tonight, boy, by the time I am done a lot of other Masters will be here to enjoy the show, with audience participation," Steve chuckled behind my back. "I made sure to call a couple special ones in just for you." Roger pulled his cock out my throat as I heard the theater door open and close. Roger pulled himself through the space in my arms and over the back of his seat as Steve started grunting and banging his balls against me faster. Roger took off his tie and jock strap, then shoved the jockstrap in my mouth, leaving some cloth hanging out. He used his tie to wrap around my head and lock the jock in my mouth, but pulled one strap over my head so some of the cloth from the pouch covered my nose. Tyler took the brown bottle and positioned it inside the pouch so that it was pulled against my upper lip, with the open bottle settled against my septum. They had done this before as it didn't move even with all the thrusting. As I continuously breathed in the poppers and Grandpa's musk jock, I raised my head to watch Roger walk down the aisle and then to the front of the theater behind me, but Tyler grabbed my head and held me steady. I could feel my dick leaking but without the ability to get hard I was not going to orgasm anytime soon.

"You won't be needing your mouth anymore tonight, faggot." Roger was leaning over me with his warm breath caressing my ear. The theater door opened and closed again. "Come on in, guys. We got a boy to break tonight." Steve growled and roared for everyone to hear, announcing that he was about to breed my `pussy'. Even with the constant poppers, I could still feel him spasm inside me. He stayed there for only a few seconds before pulling out, eliciting an involuntary whimper from me. "Oh don't worry, faggot," Roger said, "you won't be empty much tonight at ALL," he punctuated his last word by ramming his thick almost beer can cock in my hole, stretching me more than I had ever been before. I just moaned as Tyler let me hang my head in lust.

Tyler sat down next to me and started stroking his cock again. "Two more in line, slut. And I am sure many more. When Steve responded to your ad, I sure am glad it was your Master that replied. He asked if Steve could set this all up. Don't worry, we got another camera filming all this over in the corner, but he said to send the video to him personally. Guess he doesn't want you to see how much of a whore we made you in just a few hours." I hung my head back down and concentrated the best I could on the cock in my new `pussy'. The constant poppers kept me in a haze I couldn't escape from.

I don't know how many cocks I took, but by the time they announced closing, my hole was so flooded with all the mixed cum that it had pooled onto the plastic cushion beneath me, almost overflowing to the ground. Roger and Tyler had left but Steve stayed to monitor the activities. He was the one that finally released me from my bondage. I felt a plug enter my hole before he unlocked my ankles, then Roger's jock was pulled from my mouth and wiped up the cum on my ass and thighs. It was soaked when Steve was done, but he kept hold of it over me. "One last thing, boy. You need to clean up this mess." He pointed to the seat below me. When I crawled off the chair, the change in pressure on the seat let some of the cum pool to the floor. I didn't fight back as Steve guided my tongue over the seat and then to the floor, filling my stomach with a creamy pool of stranger semen, including my own that had leaked out of my soft, trapped college boy dick. Once it was licked dry, he put the soaked jock in my mouth. "That's for you to take home. Bring it back next week clean and you will get another one. Now get your clothes and get out, we are closed."

I limped to the back of the theater to put my clothes back on, but couldn't find my underwear. I assumed one of the men had taken it and got dressed, then straddled to my car, thankful that the plug was holding anything from leaking onto my car seat. I kept the jock in my mouth the whole drive, sucking out all the juices it had collected. When I got home and plugged my phone in, several notifications sounded, but I noticed an email from Sir. "Hope you had fun with your first test tonight, boy. I saw all that leaking you did out of your dick, so I guess you don't need to cum again soon. I like a boy that is self-cleaning. Take a couple days to recover, I will be in touch. I'm proud of you, boy. You did good. –Sir"

As exhausted as I was, I beamed with pride at that last statement. I made Sir proud! I sat down at the kitchen table and was reminded of the plug in me when I sat on the wooden stool. I took the not quite clean jock from between my lips and set it over the chair and raised myself up. I reached back and worked the plug from my `pussy', sore and puffy from all the abuse tonight. As I pulled it out, the cum inside me flooded out and pooled in the stretched jock underneath me. Once the bulk of it was released, I folded it over and put it in the freezer, then went to take a hot shower to relax my tense muscles. As I walked, I could feel my pussy lips rubbing against each other, making me squirm in pleasure and sensitive pain. I stood under the hot, steamy water for easily fifteen minutes before the water started to cool. As I hobbled out of the bathroom, before going to bed, I went back to kitchen and retrieved the cooled, but not yet frozen jock. I put it in my mouth to relieve my aching jaw then went to lay down. As I quickly fell asleep with the loaded jock in my mouth, I couldn't help but writhe my legs together to remind me of what I was becoming, Sir's obedient boy. How many tests were there? And what was next?

I have some ideas to continue this story but always appreciate feedback. I love to hear from my readers for anything. If you are a fellow sub and want to share your stories, a Dom that wants to tell me what to do, or just a fan that has some ideas, feel free to contact me. I have a rough outline but will gladly add more if I hear enough requests for it so don't be shy. Thank you for taking the time, Sirs!

Next: Chapter 3

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