Attorney Client Privilege

By eric jones

Published on May 3, 2023

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Feedback is welcome.

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Darryl was sentenced to two months on the domestic battery charge. He was smiling when the judge passed the sentence. We both knew that with overcrowding and standard sentence reduction he would be out in less than a month.

The DA wasn't budging. It was the police officer who finally relented.

I talked Darryl up as best I could. Vouched for him. Talked about how he had big plans and was a changed man. I told the officer I had known his family for years and that Darryl had strong ties to the community. That he was a man who needed a second chance.

I left out the part about me wanting a second chance to get his dick.

As I was talking this guy up to the officer, I thought several times about the irony. I still had Darryl's fresh seed in me. As I sat there, talking professionally and calmly, I could still feel his raw assault on my ass.

But it worked. The officer trusted me. Why shouldn't he? He didn't know I had a reason to... to exaggerate...

I even got his report date put off by a week. To give him time to "tie up loose ends and take care of his family and business."

I shook hands with Darryl when it was over. He had this look on his face.

"Knew ya would pull through," he said with a grin on his face.

"Thanks," I told him.

"I gave ya da right... da right... incentive," he said.

I smiled back at him. "Look, I was already on your side. I told you."

"Yea, but ya needed ta feel it," he said. Still grinning. Like he knew too much.

I wasn't going to let him get the upper hand. I knew he was referring to the fuck he threw me. I could play along.

"Yeah, I needed someone to light a fire under my ass, I guess," I threw back at him.

"Or IN ya ass," he tossed back.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ok, Darryl. You win."

I looked him over. So confident.

"But you knew you were going to win the whole time didn't you?" I asked.

He thought about it for a second.

"Naw," he said. "But I had a feelin ya was gonna come though fa ya boy."

"Yeah, you made sure of that," I said.

He paused.

"Ya sorry it happened?" he asked, like he was really interested to hear.

"You mean lunch?" I asked with my own grin.

He laughed out loud this time. I could tell he was enjoying this too. He was a clever dude I realized then. He knew what he was doing the minute Tyson threw me his way. He took a bad situation and worked it to his advantage. He knew he needed more than a lawyer. He needed a lawyer who could pull strings that were hard to come by. To go that extra mile. To fight harder and do whatever it took. He needed someone who was personally invested in the outcome of his case. He dumped a load in me to make sure.

I knew what Tyson had told him. I didn't need to hear the words to know that Darryl knew my weaknesses and interests before we ever met. Tyson gave him a trump card and he played it when the game was close to the end.

But it was clever. It's what I would have done in his position. And he hadn't done anything wrong. He used a little subterfuge to get me in that storage room. But he knew I would be down in the end. He dogged me out because he knew that was what I wanted. He got what he needed, and so did I.

"Yea, I mean lunch," he said with a laugh. "Ya sorry ya had lunch with me today?"

I pretended I need to think it over.

I looked down and answered him honestly.

"No. Not sorry."

I looked up. He was still grinning. I couldn't help but grin too.

"I'll go with you to that restaurant anytime you like."

It was my turn to be bold.

"Oh, word?" he chuckled, looking surprised.

"Word," I responded.

"Aiight." He got a serious look. "Ya did good by ya boy today. I 'preciate all ya did. Fa real too."

"It was my pleasure," I replied.

"I bet it fuckin was," he laughed.

I walked out of the courtroom with him. In the lobby he looked even more relaxed.

He sat on a bench in the corner and I sat down next to him. It was pretty deserted in the lobby now. We could talk without being overheard.

"So what's next for you?" I asked.

"Shit, I thought mah ass was goin to lockup today, so I didn't make any fuckin plans."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Good planning," I said. "Now you have a bonus day."

"Nah, dog... Thanks ta you I got me a bonus WEEK."

"Well enjoy it," I said. "You deserve it."

"Fuck nah I don't deserve shit!" he said. "But I ain't gonna say no to it either," he followed with a laugh.

I wondered to myself if I would be this happy if I had just been sentenced to a month in jail. I don't think I'd be this light and chatty. But then he and I were very different.

"So, lemme ask you somethin," as he leaned in. His tone was different. He rubbed his hands together like he was thinking. Looking for the right words. His scent and the warmth from his body was already familiar to me. Fresh in my mind. I liked being this close to him.

"OK," I replied. Now he was looking down.

"So, today..." He hesitated. "At... lunch..."

We both laughed.

"Yeah, what about lunch?" I asked.

I could tell he was a little uncomfortable. The topic he was working through was one he didn't want to bring up. I figured a little blunt talk would make him at ease.

"Look, Darryl," I started.

"Ya can call me, D."

"OK, D, you can call me Sy."

"Sy" he said with a funny voice.

"Oh, so now's it's funny," I came right back.

"Nah, ya good, man."

I could tell it was time to come clean.

"Look, D... Whatever it is just come out with it. You're not going to embarrass me. Or offend me.

He smiled but continued to look down.

"D," I continued. "I have this rule. Once a dude cums in me I have to be honest with him for at least 24 hours. As hard as you threw that dick earlier I'll give you the whole week."

Again he couldn't help but laugh.

"Aiight," he started. I was all ears.

"So ya liked what we did? What I did?"

"Yes," I answered him quickly and honestly. "I liked what you did."

He looked at me now. I could tell he was working up to his next question. I jumped in just for good measure.

"I liked it enough that I would do it again." I was telling him again, in case he hadn't caught my drift the first time I said it.

"I gotcha, Sy," he started. "But why? What ya get out of it?"

"Besides getting fucked you mean?" I asked, giving him a little smile.

"Beside that. You didn't nutt or nothin."

"But I don't need to cum to have a good time. Getting fucked like that was all the turn on I needed. It's what I like." There was no point in beating around the bush.

"Gettin it like that?" he asked, incredulously.

"Like that. Just like that," I responded.

"I jus don't get it," he shook his head a little. "Dat shit was all about me. I mean I knew ya got off on dat shit, ya boy told me. But I still don't fuckin get it. He say ya like to get used, dat ya like black dick. Dat ya liked it hard and rough and shit."

Damn, Tyson really told him a lot. He assumed a lot. He was right, but he was still making assumptions.

"But," he continued, "ya was still... still just a... a..."

"A hole," I offered.

"A hole," he repeated. "Just a hole gettin' wore out just so I could bust."

"Yep," I answered.

"I mean I know how dees broads love da dick. But I ain't neva fucked no hoe like dat. Dat rough and shit," he confided.

"Well you should!" I popped back. "You might be surprised how much the ladies would enjoy getting used the same way you used me."

"It were still different, though."

I could tell he was working through something in his head.

"How is it different?" I asked.

"Imma be honest wit cha. Since you talkin real shit to me. And since ya helped me out. And this ain't no homo shit, so don't get it twisted." He looked up at me and then down again.

"I ain't gay. Dick don't do nuthin fa ya boy. But you ain't the first dude I fucked."

"OK," I replied as I nodded my head.

"Had a few fags suck me off. One on a muthafuckin dare. Dis other cause I was so fuckin drunk I didn't care. And da bitch kinda looked like fuckin girl."

I couldn't help but smile. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"And I ain't no stranger to fuckin ass neither," he said. Like he was telling me something I didn't know.

"Oh, I could tell, trust me." I smiled. It seemed to make him a little more comfortable.

"Wit some bitch ya always gotta worry about goin too fuckin far. Fuck em good and they happy as shit. Bang em too hard, or da wrong way and dey make yo ass pay. Dudes done caught charges over slangin dick too hard. Ya all in to da shit, but always gotta hold shit back."

I just listened. Looking at him as he looked from my face down to his lap over and over again.

"But today, when I was fuckin you. I mean I took it easy on ya ass there in the start. I didn't want to kill ya. I know I gotta big dick..."

"Mmmmm hmmmmm" I moaned.

"Bitch," he looked at my smiling.

"Anyways, fuckin you today reminded me da difference between banging some dude instead of some broad. I ain't hold back. I knew I was hurtin ya, but I didn't care. And da fucked up thing is I knew you ain't care neither.

I knew what he meant.

"I just fucked ya da way I wanted. Hard as I fuckin wanted. It ain't that just dat I knew ya would take da shit and not bitch out. I knew ya wanted it. Da dudes like you wanted that shit."

"D, everything you're saying is true. You hit the nail on the head. But what do you not understand?" I asked.

"Ya got a dick just like me. I figure ya like jackin ya dick and bustin' nutts just like otha dudes?"

I assumed he was asking me a question, so I answered. "Yeah, of course. I jack off all the time. I love to bust a nutt like any guy."

"So how do me fuckin ya ass get ya off? I mean you a dude like me, so dontcha wanna fuck somethin? Get head? Jacked da fuck off at last? I mean nuttin is da whole point. You ain't done..."

"Well, first of all, I did cum at lunch," I corrected him. That doesn't always happen, but it did with you."

"Why wit me?" he asked.

It was time for some honest flattery.

"Because of your big ass dick and your fuck skills, that's why."

He couldn't help but smile.

"Having a dick up your ass, especially a big dick digging in to you, can make a lot of guys go soft. It happens to me a lot of the time. I have to be really turned on to not only get hard while I'm getting fucked, but to cum."

I could tell he was processing the information. He was hearing a lot of this for the first time. It's not like he had a lot of folks to talk about this sort of stuff with...

"Now in the effort of full disclosure, having my dick rubbing against the back of that sofa didn't hurt either. With you banging me in to the back of that couch, bent over with my dick rubbing the back, I'm not surprised I got hard. That's the power of friction!"

"So friction got ya to nutt, not me?" he asked, pretending to be offended.

"No sir. Friction got me hard. You're the one that made me cum."

"Gotcha," he said.

"But while I want you to be very proud of achieving something not many dudes can make another do, the reality is it doesn't happen often and it's not necessary for me to have a good time."

He turned. That puzzled look was back.

"I get off from pleasing you. Getting you off is what turns me on. I will get off later. Maybe hundreds of times thinking about what we did. But in that moment, not to cum would have been fine."

"Still don't really getchu dude," he offered. He was trying to understand why, but there was a line his male mind just couldn't cross.

"If we had more time we could get in to the whole thing about domination and submission. The truth is there are hundreds of moving parts that make me like what I like and you like what you like. At the risk of sounding like an asshole, you will be on your way to jail before we got even halfway through that discussion. A week wouldn't be enough," I ended with a smile.

"More jokes huh, bitch?" he said with a grin.

"That was the last one. I cross my heart. But before we adjourn this meeting, do you have any other questions you'd like to ask the court?" I asked.

"No more jokes huh? Bitch think he funny," he said, shaking his head.

I did think I was pretty clever. But Darryl impressed me. I had never had a discussion like this with someone I'd fucked. I was enjoying myself. No need to hide shit. No need to be shy. He wasn't digging for anything other than information now.

"Ok, ya honor... I got a question for ya ass..."

"Ok, sir, ask away..."

"If you coulda done shit different today, if you was king for da day, what would ya have done different?" he asked.

I thought about it a moment. It didn't take me long.

"Well, since you asked... This afternoon in court, when I was sitting on my sore ass, it occurred to me that I didn't even see your dick. I regret that. I mean I know you're big. My stretched out hole is proof of that. I can still feel you! But I still would loved to see it, to... taste you. Sucking dick is one of my favorite things. So, if I was king, I would have sucked your dick."

Darryl didn't miss a beat. He rubbed the bulge in lap, looked me dead in the face and asked:

"Well, whatchu doin now?"

Next: Chapter 8

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