Attitude Adjustment

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 10, 2012



Attitude Adjustment By Storyguy22

While rare in the grand scheme of life, certain events can indeed have the power to greatly alter a life we previously thought we had all figured out. Following is a fictional depiction of one such event.

I had recently turned 16, and while some facets of my young life went lacking as I saw it, on balance I was pretty comfortable with the way things were, or so I thought anyway.

Naturally enough, one of the aspects of my life that I would have loved to improve upon was my sex life, or more to the point, the lack thereof. To be clear, I suppose the somewhat limited dalliances I had thus far enjoyed with occasional dates was pretty much on par with my peer group, but when balanced against the burning need for sexual release generated by my crashing teenage hormone overload, I was seriously behind the curve, at least as I measured it.

Thus far, the definite high point of my limited sexual adventures had come at the dainty hands of a hot little number from school named Donna, a fair enough little filly who always did her very best to live up to the reputation she enjoyed as an easy touch once properly deployed in the steamy interior of a well secluded parked car. Without belaboring the sordid details, suffice it to say that the frisky Ms. Donna had completely blown my mind right along with my aching nuts as she had deftly extracted my throbbing boner from the confines of my Levi's and lovingly stroked it until I had experienced true nirvana, not only once that memorable evening, but, count `em, 3 TIMES!! Other than that one amazing date, my experiences were limited to the usual blue-balls sort of event involving heavy making out and furtive groping within each lasses personal limits. Why, I can hear you asking, did I not further pursue the nubile Donna, and the sad answer is that among her other quirks Donna was a definite one-hit-wonder who made it a personal rule of behavior to never second date any boy she had already jacked off. Go figure!

All that teen angst aside, it was toward the end of the very summer I had tasted the forbidden fruit with Donna that my somewhat staid life took a completely unexpected turn that all began with a seemingly benign acceptance of a cousin's invitation to spend the weekend at his house, including our attendance at a party at the home of one of his friends. Cousin Mike lived across town from my own family, and in that we attended different schools and travelled different circles; I was unlikely to be acquainted with any of the party attendees. But, overt shyness was not among my many shortcomings, so rather than feeling any reluctance to attend the party, I actually looked forward to possibly making some new friends, and the outside chance of meeting some Ms. Donna clone. Hope, as they say, springs eternal.

The big day arrived, and Cousin Mike and I eagerly headed to the party, a somewhat raucous event as it turned out with an overflow crowd, blaring music, and an abundance of keg beer and sufficient smoldering pot smoke to generate a contact high by simply breathing in and out. Mike hung with me at first, introducing me around and making sure that I was cool with the happenings, and then he kind of disappeared with some friends leaving me to my own devices. I wandered around, chatting here and there and watching the wildly gyrating bodies on the make-shift dance floor, and then I got myself a cup of beer in the kitchen, and wandered out back by the glistening swimming pool. I sat down on a slat bench at the back corner of the patio, and relaxed, sipping the beer and checking out the lavish back yard appointments.

My solitude was short lived as it turned out, as a very cute girl soon appeared from nowhere to settle in alongside me on the bench. We said our hello's, and my courage being somewhat inflated from the beer, I pretty openly checked her out, liking what I was seeing a great deal. She was seriously cute, on the petite side with shaggy brown hair surrounding her pixie face and sparkling dark eyes. Her smile was captivating, and my attention was drawn to her lush, full mouth and gleaming white teeth. As unlike me as it was, hell, I didn't even know her name yet, I was nearly overwhelmed with the urge to kiss that soft, lush mouth! Gathering myself, we introduced ourselves which told me I was talking to Megan who was 16 and attended the same school as my cousin who she knew only slightly. I explained my own newness to the group, and that I lived across town and attended a rival school, and after mere moments had passed, Megan and I were chattering like old pals, and I felt completely comfortable with her, albeit the lingering desire to kiss that lovely mouth.

At some point I went to get us fresh beers, and after we had downed them we joined the melee on the dance floor for a few turns, an experience that cemented my earlier suspicions that Ms. Megan was seriously put together, and that she knew how to throw it all around to the beat of the music. I complimented her moves, and her petite body, and I even confessed my personal weakness for girls exactly her type, and configuration, and she flashed me a killer smile before twisting around and shaking that oh-so-sweet booty at me. I felt a tug in my balls as she turned back and pushed herself against me, the firmness of her small breasts pressing on my chest as I held her close, the clean scent of her hair filling my senses as we slow danced. I rubbed her back, and let my hands wander down to gently squeeze the small mounds of her little ass, and she responded by pressing her pelvis against mine as my cock reacted with an instant swelling behind my Dockers. She tilted her head back, and smiled brightly at me, and I finally surrendered to my need to kiss her luscious mouth. She kissed me right back, that lush mouth against mine and opening to accommodate my plunging tongue, and in seconds we were heavily involved in some serious tongue kissing as my hands continued to explore her delicious little ass. She ground her pelvic mound against me brazenly, and my rock hard cock could hardly have gone unnoticed, and for a few seconds I worried that I might actually dump a load in my undies as we ground together. Finally, she pulled away, and looked deep into my eyes, her pretty face flushed with pink. She shuddered slightly, smiled sexily, and said in a throaty voice,

"Man, you are really something...seriously...and I am really tempted to offer to show you my parents new SUV, which happens to be parked right know, the full sized type that has that really roomy back seat..."

I grinned, mentally notching my bedpost as I returned her sultry gaze, and told her,

"Sounds heavenly...I love a full size ride...and I'd sure love to see yours...!"

Giggling sweetly, Megan grabbed my hand and turned, pulling me along behind her as she steered us to the kitchen where we grabbed fresh beers, and then went out the side door to the driveway.

"Over here...I'm parked under that big tree over there."

She resumed walking, towing a fully willing me along, and in moments we were clamoring into the spacious back seat of her parents gleaming Escalade. We settled in, and after swigging some brew we set the cups in holders and fairly attacked each other, our hands and tongues everywhere as our passions climbed off the charts. In no time the windows were completely fogged up, and it sounded like an iron lung ward in a hospital with our combined huffing and panting. I pushed her top up, exposing a sexy little bra, and I felt only a mild disappointment at their smallness as I eagerly cupped her tiny breasts. I worked my fingers under the bra, and toyed with her rigid nipples, and she cooed and dug her tongue into my ear canal. I slid my hand lower along her smooth torso, going for the gold under her short skirt, but as I stroked the silkiness of her inner thigh, she suddenly twisted away, and pushed me flat on the wide seat.

Sitting above me, she yanked open my pants, and lowered the zipper as I lifted my ass off the seat to facilitate her effort to remove them. My cock was hard as a nail, and poked obscenely at my white briefs, and Megan muttered something I missed as she quickly tugged the briefs over my boner, then down my legs, and off. Naked now, my cock pulsed, the shaft rigid along my abdomen and the head flared wide with my aching balls bulging below, and Megan stared at it all like a starving person eyeing a full buffet table, and then she groaned, and dove in.

I damn near lost my load when she grabbed my pulsing shaft and fed the glistening knob into her lush mouth, and I groaned loudly as she began bobbing over me, her tongue doing untold magic to the shaft and head as her soft hand toyed with my balls. I tried to push my hand under her skirt, but she batted it away and stepped up her incredible sucking as I surrendered altogether to the wave of amazing feelings her blow job was delivering to my nervous system. I was panting like a sprinter, and thrashing my hips under her attack, and in far too short a time, I felt my balls go on the boil. I thrust into her drooling mouth, my cum starting it's run up my cock as I yelped a warning to Megan, but undaunted she just kept up her delicious sucking until my semen spurted repeatedly into her hot mouth as my balls unloaded what felt like a gallon of hot cum.

I sagged back on the seat, exhausted and excited all at the same time, my mind still reeling from the realization that I had just experienced my first ever blow job. Megan was still gently nibbling on my wilting dick, and I looked down at her pretty face, grinning widely at the stunning sight of her pink tongue lapping at my penis. I didn't see so much as a drop of my massive load anywhere, and I felt a zing in my spent balls as I realized that she had apparently swallowed it all down, and it may have been at that particular moment that I fell ass over teakettle in lust with her. I had an awareness of the fact that a very small number of girls were known to be of somewhat loose morals that would willingly play with a boy's cock, even make him cum in some instances, but Megan was the absolute first I had even heard of that would suck a dick, and OMG, swallow the cum, and I definitely wanted very much to do whatever was required to keep her around to repeat the act as often as possible. I reached out to stroke her soft hair, and she responded by planting a soft kiss on the knob of my cock as she looked up at me, and then she slid up alongside me, those incredible soft lips pressing against mine as she pushed her tongue inside my mouth. I sucked on it, the tart taste of my cum stinging my taste buds, and I fought the urge to giggle at the thought that in kissing her I had just become a cock sucker by proxy. Breaking the kiss, Megan nuzzled into the crook of my neck and said throatily,

"That was taste really good too, and you have a great cock!"

I ran my hand over her firm little ass, and told her,

"God Megan, that was SO amazing...YOU are amazing...I don't suppose you might want to get married, do you?"

She laughed, licking the hollow of my neck so that I shivered, and she muttered,

"Careful what you wish for, Stud...I might just hold you to it."

It was my turn to laugh, and I did, saying,

"Well okay then...maybe I am a little bit eager about that marriage thing...but...I AM sure I want to see a lot more of you, Megan...ALL of you, in fact...just kidding...but seriously...are you doing anything tomorrow...?...maybe we could hang out, or something?"

She pulled back and looked into my eyes, and my dick began stirring anew as I eyed that sexy mouth, drawing a mental image of my hard cock between those amazing lips, and I went fully hard again as she said,

"We definitely can do that, fact, I have the house to myself all day folks are going to the city to see some play and have dinner...we can hang out at my place if that interests you at all...I could even show you my etchings, you know?"

Etchings eh, right...boy did I ever want to see her etchings, but out loud I answered,

"Absolutely hanging out at your house interests me...a lot...will you show me your bedroom too?"

She giggled some more, and then ran her hand down to grab my new boner as she made a little humming sound, and said,

"Oh goodie...I just love seconds...just stay right there for me, and let me get another taste of that creamy cum of yours!"

Who was I to argue with that suggestion, I wondered, and I settled back as Megan slid down my body and once more slurped my erection into her warm, wet mouth and deftly sucked me until I spurted another impressive load over her tonsils. That time we got ourselves together and headed back to the party, both of us looking forward to our day together the following day. I was somewhat disappointed that I hadn't really gotten to explore very much of her sexy little body, but I consoled myself with the joy of having gotten two superb blow jobs in about one hour's time, and then there was the pending promise of tomorrow.

The following morning I awoke feeling great, the memory of Megan's luscious mouth bobbing on my rigid cock still very fresh in my mind as I showered and dressed before joining Mike and his parents for breakfast. After eating I confided in Mike my plans to spend the bulk of the day with Megan at her house, and I was somewhat befuddled by his reaction to the pronouncement, a kind of sniggering response that could have been interpreted in a number of ways which I decided to take as a bit of petty jealousy on his part, though it may well have meant something entirely different. In any event I was so stoked about the many possibilities that awaited me with Megan that I just let it go, and headed for her place.

I arrived and rang the door bell, and was shortly greeted by a smiling Megan who quickly ushered me inside where we moved to the living room and took seats on the sofa. She looked amazing, all bright eyed and fresh dressed in a simple little sundress kind of thing, a one piece garment that clung to her lithe body in a way that made me realize her tits were even smaller than I remembered from last night's furtive groping, not that it was any kind of issue for me, but rather a simple observation. The dress was short and displayed an interesting amount of her smooth thighs, and it had a single zipper that ran down the back. She smelled wonderful, an aroma consisting of a mixture of soap and shampoo along with just a hint of some kind of cologne that I found intoxicating as we sat side by side chatting. I was again transfixed with her lush mouth and full lips, and my balls tingled with the memory of those lips circling my hard cock. She seemed as eager as I was to resume our previous activities, and in no time at all we were fully engrossed in some serious making out as we stretched out on the sofa.

Megan again was very aggressive, and I was more than happy to let her take the lead as we steamed up the room and each other with long wet kisses and groping. She had me on my back as she draped her lean body atop mine, and I had run down the zipper of her dress as I stroked her smooth back and groped her firm little ass. For her part, she quickly had my tee shirt peeled over my head and my board shorts wide open as she worked my throbbing erection and licked my nipples and tummy. God, she was amazing, her hunger for my cock and balls totally unique in my very limited experience, and I was quickly all in, letting her have her way me as she wished. I tried a couple of times to take the lead by rolling her over, but she seemed much more content in the aggressor role, and as she slid down to once more begin licking and sucking my cock, I simply capitulated to her aggression by lying back and enjoying the wonderful sensations that delicious wet mouth was providing.

Sensing my full surrender, Megan tugged my shorts and boxers off my feet and once I was fully naked she resumed her oral assault on my junk, and when she began first licking and then gently sucking on each of my balls, I struggled mightily to not blow my load on the spot. Never had I even imagined someone working my tender balls that way, and I was stunned at how incredible it felt. Lost completely to my off-the-chart reactions to her actions, I have no real idea how long I managed to resist the burning urge to cum before I suddenly became aware that I was once more spurting a mind blowing load into her magic mouth, an offering that Megan again happily swallowed down as quickly as I delivered it.

Cuddling in the afterglow of our lust, I began to feel slightly self conscious being fully naked with her still in her dress, and as we snuggled and kissed I managed to work the top half of the dress off her shoulders so that her bra clad boobs were exposed. The bra had one of those front clip releases, and as I began to work at it with my fingers Megan squirmed around and tugged at my hands to foil my efforts to get the bra off.

"Don't'll be disappointed, trust me...boobs are so not my best feature...I'm seriously little there!"

""Jeez, think I really care about that...?...I actually love little boobs...shit, I have little boobs...and I'm sure you are beautiful and perfect...just let me...please...I promise I will love every inch of you no matter what!"

My pleas seemed to placate her to some degree, as she stopped resisting me and let me unhook and remove the bra which I dropped to the floor as I focused on her now exposed chest. Holy shit, I thought, she is dead-on right about having tiny tits, just small bumps of flesh topped with dark nipples not a lot different from my own. But beyond the initial surprise I really meant what I had told her, and what was there was a hell of lot more than I had been getting up to that point, so without hesitation I dove in, licking and sucking the swollen nipples as I tried to push my hand under her dress to get to her pussy. She allowed me to suckle freely at her tiny bumps, but her defense of the Promised Land was formidable, and after a few moments of my trying to overpower her resistance she gave me a serious push off, and gathered herself in a kind of fetal position as she began to softly whimper, and even cry.

Stunned at the sudden rebuff and being a perpetual sucker for tears, I sat back and tried to console her, my confusion complete as I tried to figure out her problem. Girls, right...? second she is eagerly gulping down my spurting cum, and the next she is all bawling and upset...WTF??

"Megan...? I offered, "What's wrong, Baby...did I to something wrong...?...I said that I love your kissing and sucking them...what is it, Megan...please tell me!"

She sniffed a few times, and wiped at her eyes before making an effort to smile a bit, and then she shook her head slowly side to side as she said softly,

:"Oh Robby...I'm sorry...really I am...I'm just so fucked up...and I really like you a lot...and I love your cock...and your sweet cum so much...but...oh golly...I just know I'll lose you if I...oh shit,'ll freaking hate me if I let you find out the truth about me...I just know you will!"

Ever more confused by all that, I slid my arm over her shoulders and let my other hand rest on her smooth thigh as I rubbed the silky skin and told her,

"Megan, Baby...listen to me...I'm nuts about you too...ALL of matter what I will still want you...hell, I'm dying for us to be naked and sucking me off is awesome, but I just know that us fucking will be even better...and I want so badly to taste you like you have tasted me...please Megan...honest...nothing could ever make me not want all of you...!"

She looked deeply into my eyes, and seemed to slowly reach some decision as she sighed heavily, and then slowly nodded as she mumbled,

"Okay Robby...okay then...go ahead and love me any way you want...let's just get it over with...I can't take this anymore!"

Jeez, I thought, "get it over with...?...WTF...I didn't like the remark one bit, but I wasn't about to let her change her mind now, no matter how she phrased it, so I moved back in, pulling her close as I kissed her lush mouth passionately as I moved my hand along her upper thigh, under her little dress until I encountered her silky panties. She gasped against my mouth and jammed her tongue into my mouth as my hand pressed against her crotch. She shuddered briefly, and then parted her legs widely to allow me full access to her...JESUS...her... HARD COCK...??

I froze, my hand firmly gripping the impressive bulges of her/his rigid cock and swollen balls, and my mind spun with effort to make sense of it all. Christ, Megan was definitely a boy...a darned big one at that apparently...and here I was swapping spit and tongue with her/ him as I found myself helpless to remove my hand from her/his hard cock. Instead, I was actually fondling it, and worse, I was loving doing it, and my own cock went instantly erect as I allowed myself to admit that I was actually enjoying what I was doing, and that I wanted to do a whole lot more with this mysterious and alluring...uh...boy!

Gathering myself, I broke our kiss and pulled back to quickly rid Megan of her dress, and her panties, freeing her/his very nice cock to stand rigidly off a small patch of dark pubes at the base of her/his cock. I took a long look at her/his treasures, the nice cock, and a taut pouch of equally nice balls, and then I looked right into her eyes, and smiled as I said,

"See're every bit as beautiful and sexy as I knew you would be...maybe not exactly what I was expecting, but beautiful none the less...I love have a very nice cock and balls, Megan...and I really want to take you into your bedroom and get to know every inch of you, just like I said before...will you come with me?"

She just stared at me a minute, her long lashes batting as she blinked rapidly and tried to get her head around what I had said, and then she slowly smiled, and nodded as she whispered,

"Oh God, are just too wonderful...yes...oh God yes...take me to bed, Robby, and use me...taste me...fuck me!"

And all of the above is exactly what I did, I stood and took her hand, then led her to her bedroom where we spent the next glorious hours holding each other and kissing wildly as we explored every facet of each other's body with hands and lips and tongues. While the very idea that I would EVER suck a cock or balls had never even occurred to me, I quickly found that my attitude rapidly adjusted to the idea, and that I absolutely LOVED doing just that, and a whole lot more that just hours ago would have been regarded as out of the question. I licked and nibbled every inch of her silky skin, I sucked her pert nipples nearly raw, and tried my best to suck the skin off her very nice cock, and savored the feeling of her tender balls filling my mouth as I sucked on them. I eagerly encouraged her to deposit her creamy semen inside my mouth repeatedly and gulped it down whether I was sucking her off on my own, or we were doing a wicked sixty-nine, and I felt not the slightest hesitation about tonguing and licking her "pussy", or fingering its buttery warmth to lube the snug crease before impaling it with my rampant cock. I fucked the lovely Megan again and again that afternoon, and ate a number of her copious offerings, and simply never looked back, nor felt the tiniest bit of shame or guilt as my attitude underwent a true adjustment, an adjustment that altered the course of my life in a seriously positive way.

Megan and I were to remain a "number" throughout our final year of high school, and our scalding lust for each other never wavered. She continued her gender role playing and continued to present herself as a girl, and I was so taken with her sexiness and the stunning levels of lust and passion she could so easily invoke in me that I never felt a single pang of shame that we were the goat of a lot of ridicule from our peer group during that year, but rather I felt a sense of pride that it was me she had chosen to share her incredible gifts with, and I will be forever grateful for having tasted the many forbidden fruits of pure lust and complete sexual satisfaction.

The End

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