Attention Whore

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 1, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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We got out of the shower and he took a huge, white towel and began to dry me off.

It was such an intimate gesture I just stood there and marveled at it. He started at my feet and worked his way up my legs, no one had ever done anything like to me before and it was kind of amazing. When he got to my cock he dried it and then took it in his hand.

"God you are hung," he said, kissing the tip gently before going back to drying me. I was half hard by the time he got to my abs and realized how badly I wanted to kiss him. He traced the cuts of my six pack and smiled, "So hot."

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to standing so I could kiss him. I pushed him back against the counter and attacked his mouth. I swear I'm not gay but a that moment, I couldn't feel more for Shayne if I tried. He kissed me back, his legs wrapping around my waist as his hands curled around my shoulders. He must have kissed for five minutes straight, my cock was hard as a rock and so was Shay's, we had just cum and we were already to go again!

He pulled back laughing, "If we keep this up we're never going to get back downstairs."

"I'm ok with that," I said, leaning in for another kiss.

He held a finger up to my lips, "But Rachel won't be."

Shit, I forgot about Rachel.

Suddenly I got all self conscious because it felt like I was cheating or something. Keg saw my reaction and pulled me into a hug, "Hey, don't be worried, she is dying to see you."

I nodded but was not sure how this was going to work. I was going to be with both of them? I just didn't get it. We waked back into the bedroom and he opened a closet up that was the size of my fucking old apartment!

"Take anything, it will be tight on you but that just shows off dat ass!" he said slapping my cheek.

"This is all yours?" I asked walking in.

"Yeah, Rachel's is in the other bedroom."

Fuck, there were like fifty pair of sneakers, suits, a whole wall of baseball caps, each one in perfect condition. This was every man's dream closet. I grabbed a loose t shirt and some sweats and pulled them over my quads. He was right, they were tight, but not so much that they were uncomfortable.

I showed Shayne and his mouth dropped, "Man I thought you were supposed to jiggle and gray sweat, not fucking bust the seams.

I looked down and the outline of my cock was fully visible, you could tell it snaked down to the left and the outline of my head was clear as day. The other side was bugling from my balls, it did look a little lewd.

"Shit, I'll change.." I said turning to the closet.

"No!" he barked and I froze, "Leave them, you look incredible."

I dropped my hands and he just stared at me, obviously enjoying the view.

"I thought we were going downstairs," I said with a smile.

He shook his head, "Sorry, was about to throw you down on that bed and fuck the shit out of you again."

It was so weird hearing a guy say that to me but what was weirder is that it turned me the fuck on. I adjusted my dick as I followed him downstairs. We got down to the living room and there was a ton of food on the table laid out. It was like the biggest, baddest breakfast I had ever seen.

Sitting on the couch, arms spread, legs crossed was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had dark red hair that came down over her shoulders, she didn't have any makeup on but she didn't need any. She was busy looking at her phone and the concentration on her face made her look like she could be a complete bitch. But when she saw us she looked up and smiled and any doubt she was the sweetest girl in the word were banished.

"My boys!" she said ditching her phone and standing up. You know when some girls look too small? Like they are skinny and you feel like you were going to break them if you squeezed them too hard? Rachel wasn't like that at all. She had a kicking body but she looked more like an athlete than just some pretty girl. She had on a dark blue jacket with a purple corset underneath that made her already big tits looks huge. She held out her hands and hugged Shayne and I felt instantly jealous.

Of which one I didn't know.

When they were done Rachel looked over and me and opened her arms, "Did you think I forgot you?"

I tried not to blush as I stepped forward and hugged her. The feeling of her breasts being pressed up again my pecs was amazing and I wish I had put on baggy pants now. She reached around and grabbed my ass, which made me jump in surprise.

She pulled back and said, "Damn boy, you do have some thick cake."

Now I did blush and she laughed, "Oh my god he is adorable."

Shayne nodded, "He really is, I told you so."

She sat back down and nodded, "When you're right you're right. How far have you explained?"

Shayne sat down across from her and patted the space next to him, "He knows he's here for us."

I sat down and wondered if I should say anything since I was the topic of conversation.

"You are ok with that right Sean?"

It took me a second to realize was actually talking to me.

"Um, with, I mean.."

She cut me off, "Do you want to have sex with me as well as Shayne?"

My mouth just hung open in shock, she was so blunt about it.

"He does," Shayne answered for me, "If he likes it with me he will love it with you."

Did he just tell her we had sex? Like out of nowhere?

"Sean," she said leaning forward, "Do you want to have sex with me?"

My face had to be beet red in embarrassment but I nodded nonetheless.

"Now? Or do you want breakfast first?"

She gestured at the table of food.

"After?" I asked, not believing I was having this conversation.

She gave me a wink and said, "Good choice, you're gonna need to carb up for what's next."

She reached down and grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite, all the while maintaining eye contact with me.

I never thought bacon would turn me on so much.

Shayne laughed and patted me on the back, "Eat doofus,"

I nodded and scooped some eggs onto a plate as Shay grabbed one of his own. These eggs were amazing, no way she made all this. I poured a glass or orange juice and took a huge full.

And then started to cough like crazy.

"Oh yeah that has vodka in it," Rachel said grabbing a sausage link.

"No shit," I said, trying to breathe again.

They both laughed and I took a smaller sip and went back to eating.

"So what's the news?" Shayne asked Rachel.

"All good," she said grabbing another piece of bacon, "That's what I was checking when you guys came down, up 60 percent in less than 12 hours."

Whatever that meant Shayne was impressed, "No shit? That's a record."

She nodded, "Yep, better than Ezra."

Man I wish I knew what they were talking about.

"That's incredible," Shayne said taking a huge bite of eggs, "So then this will be insane."

Rachel nodded and poured herself a glass of vodka orange juice, "Here's hoping," she raised her glass to me, "To new experiences."

I grabbed mine and clinked with hers, "Um, yeah."

She downed hers in one gulp so I did the same.

I finished my plate while they kept talking about whatever it was.

Shayne finished his plate as I was taking my last bite.

"More?" Rachel asked me.

"I'm good," I said, not wanting to seem like a pig.

She patted the space next to her, "Come."

I jumped up and moved around the table and sat down. God she was hot.

"Good boy," she said playing with my hair. Why was she talking to me like this?

"So, has Shayne explained why you're here?"

"Um, kinda."

"Shayne and me have a great sex life," I felt a blush coming on from her being so blunt."But we have different needs. Shay is just growing into his bisexuality and I, I like to be in control."

I nodded, so far I understood.

"Shayne said that he missed you and I found him jerking off to your IG stories a few times and I saw how much you meant to him."

Shayne jerked off to me?

"I watched your videos too and I realized something important."

"What's that?" I asked.

"That you aren't great with decisions."

God was I that obvious of a loser?

I must have made a face cause she put a hand up to my cheek, "Oh no sweetie, that's not a slight, it's just the truth."

She smelled incredible.

"Even without the pandemic you would have gone nowhere with your life. Personal trainer is a job people do while doing something else and you just don't have the ego to be an influencer."

I felt like shit, because everything she was saying was true.

"So I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Shayne gets to be with you, and I get a puppy."

There it was again, "What's that mean?"

She smiled and slipped her jacket off, "It's simple, you live here, free of charge. We take care of you, pay your bills, make sure you're happy, just like a puppy. And in return, we train you to how to service us."

"I'm a slave?"

She chuckled and shook her head, "No silly, you're a puppy. We will never ask you to do anything you don't want to but we do expect you to follow commands."

She reached up and undid the first button in her corset.

"Like if I tell you to come, you come. If I tell you to sit, you sit," another button, "And if I tell you to fuck me," another button and her breasts were exposed, "You fuck me."

I swallowed hard, not able to look away from her tits.

"Aren't you tired of having to make all these choices? Don't you just want to be taken care of?"

I was hypnotized by her tits but I was still paying attention to what she was saying and she was right. I was exhausted. All through high school I had been told what to do and where to go and I loved it. My parents, the teachers, my coach, even Shayne made sure my head was screwed on tight. Since I graduated I had been lost, just wandering aimlessly, waiting for something to make sense. I thought being an adult would be easier than this.

The idea of just being taken care of, of not having to choose...god I did want this but I didn't know if I could handle being...I don't know, under someone?

I nodded, "It sounds nice but...."

She smiled and grabbed the end of the chain Shayne had given me. She pulled me down, my face pressed into those tits. My mouth opened and I moaned as I licked around her nipple.

I had always dreamed of this, of having her. Of course I didn't dream it with Shayne sitting across watching me. Normally it would have freaked me out but honestly, knowing I was being watched kind of turned me on.

I went from one to another, I felt like I was a kid let loose in a candy store. I felt them up as I licked them, my cock throbbing in my sweats. I pulled open the last of the buttons and she laughed and pushed me back.

"Heel," she said with a smile, and I stopped.

She looked over to Shayne, "I think he likes me."

Shayne nodded, "Told ya."

"So what do you say?" She asked handing me another glass of orange juice.

I gulped it down because I was close to freaking out.

"It sounds great," I admitted, "But being a dog..."

"See, when you say it that way you make it sound like a bad thing. You're not going to be eating dog food or sleeping on the floor. Being a puppy just means you are here for us to love on you."

She moved closer to me, "I like telling people what to do and when to it. Like, if I say I want you to fuck me now, is that a bad thing?"

I shook my head,

She nodded and stood up, "Well let me see how well he fucks for myself." She walked towards the stairs and paused. She looked at me and patted her leg, "Come boy, let's go upstairs."

I was off the couch in an instant. She took my chain and led me up the stairs to the bedroom. I could hear Shayne following behind.

She tossed her top across the room and turned around to face me. "Stay."

I stopped in place, the urge to touch my dick was overwhelming.

She undid her pants and they slipped down, revealing a pair of red, lace panties that didn't so much cover anything as highlight the small strip of hair that has become the most important piece of real estate in the world to me.

"Shayne, you want to get your dog ready?"

I felt Shayne reach around me and grab the edge of my shirt, "Raise your arms."

I raised them as he slid it over my head. Rachel was examining my chest and abs, I was flexing both trying to impress. His hands grabbed either side of the sweats and he pulled them down, normally I would be embarrassed by the fact my cock slapped upwards, slapping the bottom part of my six pack with a thud.

"Puppy has a bone!" she exclaimed lustfully. She walked over to me and trailed a finger down the valley if my pecs, "My god Shayne, he is even better looking in person."

She traced the ridges of my abs, oblivious to my hard cock, just leaking inches away. "Turn around," she ordered. I turned and I felt her hands on my cheeks.

"Excuse my French but fuck me, I should have used these to eat my breakfast off of." She slapped one and remarked, "Look at them jiggle, it's hypnotizing."

Shayne saw my embarrassment and he leaned forward and kissed me, "She's right, you're beautiful."

I kissed him back, feeling as loved as I ever had. Rachel was completely forgotten as Shayne kissed me, until I heard her behind me.

"Here boy,"

I turned around and she was laying naked on the bed, pillows behind them, her legs spread wide.

"Up," she said smiling.

I glanced back at Shayne and he nodded. I turned around and climbed up on the bed. I crawled towards her and she held a hand out, "Stay."

I stopped moving.


The sight of her cunt, just inches away broke whatever embarrassment I was feeling because I opened my mouth and said, "Please Rachel, please let me fuck you."

"Puppy wants to play?"

"Puppy wants to play, please Rachel, let your puppy fuck you."

"Who's a good puppy?"

I just didn't care any more.

"I'm a good puppy, I'm your good puppy. Please Rachel, let me be your puppy."

She smiled and nodded, I scrambled towards her and she grabbed the top of my head and pushed me down.

You did not have to tell me twice.

I put my hands on her thighs and spread them wide as I lowered myself down and licked the front of her lips lightly. Moving around her lips I slowly kissed and tongued the area, teasing her before I moved in.

She pushed down on my head hard, "I'm not fragile."

Taking the hint I took her lips in my mouth and sucked them in, mouthing her hard with my tongue swirling around her entrance. She gasped as I kept working her pussy, I tasted her juices and I knew she was getting wet.

Without warning I plunged my tongue between her lips and entered heaven. The tang, the smell, it was everything I dreamed of and more. She squirmed as I pushed my tongue deeper and harder, probing her, tasting her, driving her crazy.

"Jesus his dick isn't the only big thing he has," she moaned as I began to nudge the side of her walls, trying to push every button she had.

With her warmth surrounding my tongue I began to let out a low groan that vibrated in my throat. Her hands gripped the sides of my head as she felt her cunt start to vibrate. I traced the edges of her lips and then worked out up her thigh, nibbling as I went, not hard enough to mark but hard enough to make it felt. I then trailed back down, plunging past her wet lips to start all over again.

"Fuck," she gasped as I felt the swollen nub of her under my tongue, I licked around it, causing her to shake as I worked. She gyrated under me and I was losing my fucking mind.

I reached under her knees and pushed her ass up. The angle of her entrance moved and I had a straight shot at her joy button. I'm sure there is a technical name for it but all I knew it as was the spot that made girls melt.

I was proud of my oral skills, they were as far as I had ever gotten with a girl, never finding one that was willing to let me stick my cock in them had made me find other ways of pleasing them. I knew it was big but it seems that wasn't a good thing to them. So if I wanted to do anything I had to use my mouth.

She squealed as I toungefucked her for all my might. She was screaming in ecstasy, her fists beating the pillow as her legs dangled off my shoulders. Her legs were twitching as I worshipped her wet cunt, giving my thanks, my joy and my lust on the alter of her pussy. Her juices flowed and I had never tasted anything so perfect in my life.

Her hands were back on my head, her fingers intwined in my hair, pulling it as she bucked back against my face.

"Sean...Sean...." she panted as I felt the muscles around my tongue start to twitch.

There was a thought to stop, so I could actually fuck her, stick my dick into this wet hole and finally lose my virginity. But as she whimpered under my mouth I realized as much as I wanted to feel that, I wanted to make her cum more.

I wanted to know how good I could make her feel. How good her puppy could be in bed. She bucked her hips again and again, I held on for dear life as I ravaged her cunt with no mercy.

Her legs wrapped around my head as she pulled me in. If I could get my mouth all the way into her I would have nibbled on her clit for hours. But all I could do was stab it, nudge it, encircle it with my tongue, show it all the love I could.

I heard a series of muffled fucks as her hips bucked up so hard she almost broke my nose. But I didn't care, all I wanted was to feel her cum. Her cunt walls flexed once, twice and then it was flooded with a wetness that I lapped up like a hungry dog.

She shook and twitched and finally she pushed my head out of her legs, she was covered in sweat as she looked down at me.

"No more, bad dog."

I backed up, giving her a sad look with biggest eyes I could muster.

She laughed and opened her arms, "Come here boy"

I moved into them and on top of her as she kissed me hard, tasting her own juices from my tongue. She was a very intense kisser, aggressive, forceful, obviously the one in charge.

She broke the kiss and held me, "Good puppy, such a good puppy." She stroked my hair and I was just in puppy heaven. "You are so good..."

I was about to thank her when I felt my ass cheeks pulled apart and Shayne's tongue thrust into me.

"Fuck..." I exclaimed as I lowered my head to her breasts.

"That's a good puppy, let your daddy have a turn now."

I nodded with my eyes closed as I felt Shayne begin to eat me out.

"Fuck," I grunted, feeling his tongue dig up into me. Rachel held my head as I was slowly driven mad bu Shay.

"See? Good puppies get played with," she said, my resistance to the entire thing fading with each stab into my ass. He had both hands on either cheek, prying open muscular buns so he could access my fucking jock hole.

It was insane how good it felt, Rachel tipped my head up so she could kiss me and this was everything I never knew I wanted. I was actually making out with the girl I had listed after since forever, my best friend was prepping me to get fucked again, I had no bills, a house to live in and people who loved me.

I hate to say it, but I think I wanted to be their puppy.

I felt my hips back up instinctively as Shayne bug deeper into my ass. I m not sure how I had gotten this far in life without knowing what a tongue up your ass feels like. There were so many emotions swimming around in my head I couldn't keep track of them all. I was happy, freaked out, horny, scared, but above all else I felt loved, which seemed to drown out all the others ones.

Rachel lifted my face up so Ic old look her in the eyes, "You like that?"

All I could do was nod with a dopey grin on my face as Shayne spread my cheeks even farther with his hands.

I let out a muffled fuck as he practically lifted my rear up from trying to get deeper in me. Finally he pulled off and I heard him sigh, "Fuck Sean, your ass is just..."

"Don't tell him honey," Rachel sad, "Show him."

I am not sure how her grin was sexy, evil and welcoming at the same time.

Something cold hot my hole and I jumped a little.

"Just lube," Shayne said in a calming voice, "I's never hurt you."

God when he said things like that..

I felt his thick head press against my hole and I felt it twitch in anticipation, I really did want this. I felt him push into my and I groaned loudly as my head fell to Rachel's chest. It burned and felt incredible at the same time. There was a fullness when he was in me that just drove me nuts. As he forced my ass open and pressed my walls apart I just started to whimper, his shaft driving me insane.

I felt his pubes push up against my ass and I knew I'd once again taken all of him in me again. Thankfully he just waited, letting me get adjusted before going to town on me. Rachel stroked my hair, "You're so good at this," she cooed, "Such a good puppy."

Again, her praise turned me on and I found myself objecting to being called a puppy less and less. She was smiling, waiting for me to show her how good a pup I could be. I brought my hands down and pushed myself up onto my knees, never breaking eye contact.

"You ready?" Shayne asked, slapping the side of my ass.

I nodded and Rachel smiled.

The sensation of Shay's cock sliding out of my ass made me groan, the pleasure/pain completely off the charts. He got about ¾ out and then slammed it back in. I grunted as I pushed back against him, there was that flash of light and a feeling of perfection when he bottomed out in me. I felt my cock drip precum under me.

"Oh he liked that," Rachel teased.

He slid out and then hammered me hard, another flash of light and I felt my soul react to his cock. Not waiting for him moved forward, pulling his cock out of me by myself, once I felt he was out enough I slammed back into it, a low whimper escalated my lips as I felt the rectilinear again. I sped up, pulling and pushing myself on the cock by myself. I closed my eyes as I kept slamming myself onto his dick, each time my cock getting more abs more excited. The sound of my ass slapping against Shay's flesh were like tiny gunshots in the room, I think Rachel said something but I couldn't understand her.

I was drunk on fucking myself on that cock.

This had started with me being lonely and stuck at home, but now, now as I felt that cock rub me in places I didn't know I realized I honestly didn't care any more. I wasn't doing this for Shay or Rachel. I was doing this for myself. I cried out as stated to go nuts turning back again and again. There was a part of me that was shocked by the sheer abandonment I was feeling but the greater part knew that even if Shayne kicked me out tomorrow, I'd have to find another cock to fill me up.

This was who I was now, and maybe I'd always been. I wanted to be fucked, relentlessly, like a fucking dog. On all fours, begging to be breed, not happy unless I had a thick cock in me.

Shay's hands gripped my waist, at this point holding on for dear life. Before where I was bracing myself against his assault, he was holding on to my thick ass as I fucked myself on him. I could see Rachel watching, fingering herself as I debased myself on her boyfriends dick, even that shame turned me on more. Fuck I wanted this!!

"Jesus Sean I'm close..." he cried out behind me.

"Just fuck me Shay! Fuck me harder!!"

I felt him push forward as I slammed back and that flash of light became an explosion in me, I literally cried out as I felt that space inside me screaming in delight.

"Take that cock boy!" Shayne yelled as he grabbed the back of my hair and pulled, "Whose ass is this! Who's fucking jock cunt is this?"

I was delirious, I had no ego, no self worth. In this moment I existed just to serve this cock. It was my entire world, my everything. I just screamed, "Yours Shayne! It's all yours!!"

"Gonna fucking cum, you ready for my babies Sean?"

My cock was on fire as I felt my body seat to unravel, "Breed me Shayne, please shoot in me..."

I could feel his cock expand and a warm was full my hole/

The thought of Shayne flooding my ass with cum throw me over the edge and my cock started to spurt untouched, waves of cum coating my abs, I was beyond words as my entire body shook from orgasm, only sounds escaped my throat, I was no longer capable of forming words.

"Fucking shit!" Rachel screamed as her legs began to shake as she came from watching me be bred. Shayne collapsed on my back, pushing me down onto the bed, my face resting on Rachel's firm stomach. We were all covered in sweat and panting like had all ran a marathon. Caught between their bodies, I felt warm and content. My ass full of cum, my mouth still tasting of her cunt, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be.

Next: Chapter 6

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