Attending University

By ray hkg

Published on Feb 24, 2023


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 8.

"Alright! When it's about to finish, I will call you." Sam said and we go back to the store.

John and Sam come back from the working room. John says to me that he will come back later when Sam is about to finish the work today.

"Alright boy." Sam said, "Do you know I will work on your body?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you know that they are permanent in nature and you cannot remove them?"

"Yes Sir!"

"And now it is the last chance for you to change your mind. Once I have started, nothing can change. Are you willing to be marked then?"

"Yes Sir! I am willing to be marked as according to Master John's instruction, Sir" I answered.

"Boy, I will see you later when Sam is about to finish his work." John said as he approaches to the door.

Sam then looks the door and have the sign "Close for work" put on the window.

"Follow me, boy" Sam ordered and I follow him into the working room.

There's a chair looks like to the dentist chair. But it has supports for arms and legs, and it is wider. And most parts of the chair are adjustable. Sam roughly adjusted the chair and orders me to strip naked and lay down to the chair. Then he further adjust it to the position which is comfortable fro him to do his work. And he places a blindfold and says, "It's your Master's instruction for you to put on the blindfold."

"Yes Sir!" I said.

With my sight being cut off, I have no idea what Sam will do. Only after he has finished his work and remove the blindfold. I know John will have something very special for me.

First, Sam sterilizes my chest by alcohol and he repeats another time. I can hear that he is preparing his tools and then clean my chest again.

After a while, Sam says, "It's about to begin and you will feel some pain. If you feel any problem, tell me, ok?"

"Yes Sir!" I answered.

I can feel he starts the needle on my right chest. I feel itching and some pain, but not too bad. I hope Sam can finish the work quickly and I can see the new tattoos on my body.

I don't know how long has past for tattooing on my right chest. I can feel Sam has worked from around the nipple up to the clavicle, and from just the armpit position to the middle of the chest

After finished on the right, Sam starts to work on my left chest. I can feel that it's similar to the one on the right.

Then Sam asks me if I feel any uncomfortable.. I say it's ok and he told me to take a rest and he will continue the work after ten minutes.

Then Sam adjusts the positions of the supports with my legs on. My legs being spread apart with my cock exposed. I have a bit nervous if John would have my cock tattooed. But Sam just cleans my abdomen and crotch area. I have never thought to have tattoos on that area. I have been clean-shaven and I think it's interesting to have tattoo on my crotch other than hair.

This time, I can feel the needle works under my navel down to the end of my cock, covering the whole crotch area. The only thing I know that is so humiliated for other people to see my crotch, with tattoos but no hair.

When Sam has finished my crotch, he says, "Something interesting will be done. And it's not tattoo. I can say it would be more painful than the tattoo but the work will be done very fast."

Sam then raises the chair and further raises my legs. The area in between my ass hole and the base of my cock was sterilizing by alcohol. I have no idea what will be done. Then I feel the pain, a sharp pain and something has gone under my skin.

"It's finished. And then the other one." Sam says and he unfolds my foreskin to have my cock head exposed. Touching my cock is ok, but unfolding the foreskin is so humiliated. But my response is a hard on.

"Easy boy! If you get hard on, I cannot do it for you." Sam says as he starts sterilizing my cock head. I can only get harder and harder. Then I feel a sudden coolness. Sam has put an ice pack onto my cock and after a while, it gets soft. Without a word, Sam holds my cock and I feel another sharp pain at my cock head. I yell out. Yes, it's very painful. Then I feel something pass trough the urethra.

"Another done!" Sam says, "Take a rest and you still have some more to get. I think the most difficult part has been over."

The pain from my cock head and the base of my cock nearly drive me crazy. But what has done? I have no idea.

Sam sterilizes my right upper arm and I will soon have another tattoo.

Once finished on my right arm, Sam adjusts the arm support for my left arm. He has my arm spread straight out of my body. Unlike on my right, he sterilizes around my arm. So it means this tattoo will joint together.

I can hear Sam is making a phone call. "John, I think I will finish the job in about forty five minutes." "Ok! I won't remove his blindfold." "See you then!"

After tattooing on the front of my left arm, Sam adjusts the arm support again and raises it. And he fastens a strap on my wrist so my arm cannot move. Then he works for the bottom.

I think Sam has finished the work today when he lowered my left arm. But he says, "Two more things left then everything will finish for today."

I feel the alcohol again, on my nipples. Now I get the idea what has done on my cock head and the base. They are piercings. I have seen some people have nipple piercings as they are easy to be seen in the summer â€" a ring passes through the tit under a tee. But I have never seen one for the cock head or at the base of the cock. I don't think anyone would show his pierced cock around.

Then the pain on my right tit get me back from my through. Next comes from the left. I am totally exhausted. The pain from the tattoos is not too bad, but from the piercings is really a matter.

"Boy, you are ordered to stay still and wait for your Master. And you are not allowed to remove the blindfold until your Master has seen your new decorations." Sam says.

"Yes Sir!"

I lay still but I cannot keep from thinking how I look like now. The more I think about it, the harder my cock is, and the more the pain I can feel.

John comes back to the studio as I can listen he talks with Sam.

Sam helps me to stand up and I can feel John's approaching to me.

"Let me see!" John says, "Sam you've done a great job. Everything looks great. Boy, you can remove the blindfold now and see the new you."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!" I say as I remove the blindfold.

I am so afraid to see how John has marked me. But I am so happy to be marked. I look at the mirror to see the new me.

Both my tits have pierced. The tattoos on my chest are 2 hawks, one on each side and they look the same â€" with the wings spread apart, look like they are flying out from my chest. But the interesting thing is the claw. They have their claws on both sides of my tits. By having the piercings, it looks like the hawks have seized both my tit-rings with the claws flying out.

Down to my crotch, there're 2 rows of words. They are in forms of beautiful fonts and not easy for me to read, especially from the mirror. Then I can see the word "John", then the word "Master". Finally, I know it reads "Property of Master John". It's no doubt that John now owns me. I am happy to have John as my Master.

My PA makes my cock looks funny. I want to touch it and Sam stops me at once and says, "You cannot touch the rings and the tattoos after 2 hours. The pattern of the tattoos maybe distorted. You have to be careful for cleaning the tattooed areas. Do not rub on then and gently press by a piece of soft cloth after a shower. Then apply a very thin layer of this cream to prevent infection. For the rings, you can turn them gently and clean them with this solution. Remember to clean after pissing. The first pissing will hurt but later on, the pain will goes."

Sam then turn to John and say, "For the Guiche, you may need to help him for the cleaning."

"Sure!" John says.

Then I look at my arms. On my right arms, a pair of handcuffs is tattooed. And there's a chain tattoos around on my left arm joint by a padlock, just like my collar. So even I am not wearing my collar on my neck now, there's another collar. The only difference is the new one can never be unlocked.

Sam then covers up my tattooed areas then tells me to dress up. He reminds me, "You have to remove the dressings on the tattoos after 2 hours and don't' cover them up. And if you have any problems with the tattoos and the rings, call me!"

"Yes Sir! Thank You Sir!"

John pays Sam for the work and asks if next week is ok for me to have the other tattoos. "It's ok. See you then." Sam confirmed.

We leave the studio and John stops at a restaurant to have dinner on the way back to the campus. When having our dinner, John orders me that I cannot pay with my rings or tattoos until they heal. And he doesn't want me to have any problem with my new decoration too.

"Do you like the tattoos and the rings?" John asks me on the way.

"Yes Sir! They look great. Especially the effect of the hawks and the tit ring. It looks like the hawks are holding my rings flying. Thank you Sir for the idea." I answer.

"How about the one on your crotch?" He asks.

"I think it's really humiliate. But Sir! I am totally your slave so I am happy to be marked as your property. And I feel it is the love you express to me too." I say.

"But Sir! If there's any meaning for the handcuffs?" I ask

"Well, I know you like to be bounded so I have them tattooed on your arm. And you know the other on is a collar?"

"Yes Sir!" I answer.

When we get into the hostel, John orders me to strip and head to the shower directly. I waited for John and he enters naked too. He carefully removes the dressings covering my new tattoos. The carefully cleans me with warm water. I love the feeling as he treats like me as gently as a baby. Afterwards, he dries my body and applies the ointment onto my tattoos. Then to my rings. I cannot stop from kissing John for his generous.

I keep totally naked for a week's time, and then it's time for me to have the new tattoos. On the way to Sam's studio, John tells me that he has no idea what to do on my back, but just a little alternation on my butt.

I have had some designs for tattooing Ray's back. But they mean nothing other than just some graphics. I want something special and meaningful, I don't know what should be so I just leave it. Moreover, the tattoo on his crotch together with the new ones on his butts is enough to humiliate him. I don't think he will show them around to every body. So it's just for our own fun, within our hostel.

When we arrive Sam's studio, I hands the new design to him.

"Nothing else?" Sam asks.

"Yes. I have no great idea. I want something special and meaningful, like the hawks on his chest. So I just leave it blank. And if I have any new idea in the future, I would have him done." I say.

"It doesn't take long for me to deal with it. You want to stay or have a walk around?" Sam says.

"I just stay and watch the process." I say.

I strip naked inside Sam's working room. Sam carefully inspects his works done last week. First the hawks then the crotch tattoo. "The tattoos are ok." He says then he grab my cock and turn the PA. Afterwards, he orders me to band down and he examines the Guiche. Having stand upright again, Sam takes hold of my tit rings and rotate them. "And the rings heals good too."

Sam then tells me to lay down on my stomach, on a message bed. He sterilizes my butts and starts tattooing.

John has told me that he only has me marked special with nothing meaningless. So I think something very humiliate would be appeared on my butt. It's not as pain as than last time. It doesn't take long for Sam to deal with my left butt and then on the right. John stays with me all the time an he watches the whole scene. My bare butt becomes a tattooed butt.

"It's another piece of beautiful work you have done, Sam!" John says when Sam finishes the work.

"Ok Boy, You can look at your new tattoo then." Sam says.

I get up and walk towards the mirror. I look at the image of my butt in the mirror. There're words on both my butts. On the left, it reads "I am a slave!" and on the right is "Please punish me!"

I don't know I wish to laugh or to cry. Yes it tells the truth, I am a slave and would like some punishment too. But how do people react when they seen my butt? My crotch already tells I am Master John's property.

"What do you think, boy?" John asks.

"Sorry Sir! But I think it's too much. It's too humiliate to let everyone knows I'm a slave."

"How can everyone knows you are a slave?" John keeps asking.

"My butt, Sir. It says I am a slave' and Please punish me'. My crotch already tells I'm a `Property of Master John'." I answer as I nearly to cry.

"So you want to show your crotch and butt out and let everybody to see? Are you a exhibitionism? Don't you at least put on a short when you go out?" John asks.

Yes! Why am I so stupid? I like to be naked but I am not a exhibitionism. I only naked at home and in the hostel with my Sirs. I would never go out naked. I have nothing to worry about at all.

"Sorry Sir! Please forgive my foolish. I am so stupid and forget that only those see me naked can read my body. I am not an exhibitionism at all. Thank you Sir in helping to express myself!" I say.

Sam uses some dressing to cover up my new tattoo. Sam says it's better fro me to sleep on my stomach. Sitting is not a big problem but not to sit too long for a day or two.

When we get into the car, John says we should spend the remain holiday at my home other than just staying in the campus.

"But we will only leave on tomorrow. It's better for your butt to take a rest before a long ride." John says.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcomed.

Attending university series.

This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 8.

"Alright! When it's about to finish, I will call you." Sam said and we go back to the store.

John and Sam come back from the working room. John says to me that he will come back later when Sam is about to finish the work today.

"Alright boy." Sam said, "Do you know I will work on your body?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Do you know that they are permanent in nature and you cannot remove them?"

"Yes Sir!"

"And now it is the last chance for you to change your mind. Once I have started, nothing can change. Are you willing to be marked then?"

"Yes Sir! I am willing to be marked as according to Master John's instruction, Sir" I answered.

"Boy, I will see you later when Sam is about to finish his work." John said as he approaches to the door.

Sam then looks the door and have the sign "Close for work" put on the window.

"Follow me, boy" Sam ordered and I follow him into the working room.

There's a chair looks like to the dentist chair. But it has supports for arms and legs, and it is wider. And most parts of the chair are adjustable. Sam roughly adjusted the chair and orders me to strip naked and lay down to the chair. Then he further adjust it to the position which is comfortable fro him to do his work. And he places a blindfold and says, "It's your Master's instruction for you to put on the blindfold."

"Yes Sir!" I said.

With my sight being cut off, I have no idea what Sam will do. Only after he has finished his work and remove the blindfold. I know John will have something very special for me.

First, Sam sterilizes my chest by alcohol and he repeats another time. I can hear that he is preparing his tools and then clean my chest again.

After a while, Sam says, "It's about to begin and you will feel some pain. If you feel any problem, tell me, ok?"

"Yes Sir!" I answered.

I can feel he starts the needle on my right chest. I feel itching and some pain, but not too bad. I hope Sam can finish the work quickly and I can see the new tattoos on my body.

I don't know how long has past for tattooing on my right chest. I can feel Sam has worked from around the nipple up to the clavicle, and from just the armpit position to the middle of the chest

After finished on the right, Sam starts to work on my left chest. I can feel that it's similar to the one on the right.

Then Sam asks me if I feel any uncomfortable.. I say it's ok and he told me to take a rest and he will continue the work after ten minutes.

Then Sam adjusts the positions of the supports with my legs on. My legs being spread apart with my cock exposed. I have a bit nervous if John would have my cock tattooed. But Sam just cleans my abdomen and crotch area. I have never thought to have tattoos on that area. I have been clean-shaven and I think it's interesting to have tattoo on my crotch other than hair.

This time, I can feel the needle works under my navel down to the end of my cock, covering the whole crotch area. The only thing I know that is so humiliated for other people to see my crotch, with tattoos but no hair.

When Sam has finished my crotch, he says, "Something interesting will be done. And it's not tattoo. I can say it would be more painful than the tattoo but the work will be done very fast."

Sam then raises the chair and further raises my legs. The area in between my ass hole and the base of my cock was sterilizing by alcohol. I have no idea what will be done. Then I feel the pain, a sharp pain and something has gone under my skin.

"It's finished. And then the other one." Sam says and he unfolds my foreskin to have my cock head exposed. Touching my cock is ok, but unfolding the foreskin is so humiliated. But my response is a hard on.

"Easy boy! If you get hard on, I cannot do it for you." Sam says as he starts sterilizing my cock head. I can only get harder and harder. Then I feel a sudden coolness. Sam has put an ice pack onto my cock and after a while, it gets soft. Without a word, Sam holds my cock and I feel another sharp pain at my cock head. I yell out. Yes, it's very painful. Then I feel something pass trough the urethra.

"Another done!" Sam says, "Take a rest and you still have some more to get. I think the most difficult part has been over."

The pain from my cock head and the base of my cock nearly drive me crazy. But what has done? I have no idea.

Sam sterilizes my right upper arm and I will soon have another tattoo.

Once finished on my right arm, Sam adjusts the arm support for my left arm. He has my arm spread straight out of my body. Unlike on my right, he sterilizes around my arm. So it means this tattoo will joint together.

I can hear Sam is making a phone call. "John, I think I will finish the job in about forty five minutes." "Ok! I won't remove his blindfold." "See you then!"

After tattooing on the front of my left arm, Sam adjusts the arm support again and raises it. And he fastens a strap on my wrist so my arm cannot move. Then he works for the bottom.

I think Sam has finished the work today when he lowered my left arm. But he says, "Two more things left then everything will finish for today."

I feel the alcohol again, on my nipples. Now I get the idea what has done on my cock head and the base. They are piercings. I have seen some people have nipple piercings as they are easy to be seen in the summer â€" a ring passes through the tit under a tee. But I have never seen one for the cock head or at the base of the cock. I don't think anyone would show his pierced cock around.

Then the pain on my right tit get me back from my through. Next comes from the left. I am totally exhausted. The pain from the tattoos is not too bad, but from the piercings is really a matter.

"Boy, you are ordered to stay still and wait for your Master. And you are not allowed to remove the blindfold until your Master has seen your new decorations." Sam says.

"Yes Sir!"

I lay still but I cannot keep from thinking how I look like now. The more I think about it, the harder my cock is, and the more the pain I can feel.

John comes back to the studio as I can listen he talks with Sam.

Sam helps me to stand up and I can feel John's approaching to me.

"Let me see!" John says, "Sam you've done a great job. Everything looks great. Boy, you can remove the blindfold now and see the new you."

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!" I say as I remove the blindfold.

I am so afraid to see how John has marked me. But I am so happy to be marked. I look at the mirror to see the new me.

Both my tits have pierced. The tattoos on my chest are 2 hawks, one on each side and they look the same â€" with the wings spread apart, look like they are flying out from my chest. But the interesting thing is the claw. They have their claws on both sides of my tits. By having the piercings, it looks like the hawks have seized both my tit-rings with the claws flying out.

Down to my crotch, there're 2 rows of words. They are in forms of beautiful fonts and not easy for me to read, especially from the mirror. Then I can see the word "John", then the word "Master". Finally, I know it reads "Property of Master John". It's no doubt that John now owns me. I am happy to have John as my Master.

My PA makes my cock looks funny. I want to touch it and Sam stops me at once and says, "You cannot touch the rings and the tattoos after 2 hours. The pattern of the tattoos maybe distorted. You have to be careful for cleaning the tattooed areas. Do not rub on then and gently press by a piece of soft cloth after a shower. Then apply a very thin layer of this cream to prevent infection. For the rings, you can turn them gently and clean them with this solution. Remember to clean after pissing. The first pissing will hurt but later on, the pain will goes."

Sam then turn to John and say, "For the Guiche, you may need to help him for the cleaning."

"Sure!" John says.

Then I look at my arms. On my right arms, a pair of handcuffs is tattooed. And there's a chain tattoos around on my left arm joint by a padlock, just like my collar. So even I am not wearing my collar on my neck now, there's another collar. The only difference is the new one can never be unlocked.

Sam then covers up my tattooed areas then tells me to dress up. He reminds me, "You have to remove the dressings on the tattoos after 2 hours and don't' cover them up. And if you have any problems with the tattoos and the rings, call me!"

"Yes Sir! Thank You Sir!"

John pays Sam for the work and asks if next week is ok for me to have the other tattoos. "It's ok. See you then." Sam confirmed.

We leave the studio and John stops at a restaurant to have dinner on the way back to the campus. When having our dinner, John orders me that I cannot pay with my rings or tattoos until they heal. And he doesn't want me to have any problem with my new decoration too.

"Do you like the tattoos and the rings?" John asks me on the way.

"Yes Sir! They look great. Especially the effect of the hawks and the tit ring. It looks like the hawks are holding my rings flying. Thank you Sir for the idea." I answer.

"How about the one on your crotch?" He asks.

"I think it's really humiliate. But Sir! I am totally your slave so I am happy to be marked as your property. And I feel it is the love you express to me too." I say.

"But Sir! If there's any meaning for the handcuffs?" I ask

"Well, I know you like to be bounded so I have them tattooed on your arm. And you know the other on is a collar?"

"Yes Sir!" I answer.

When we get into the hostel, John orders me to strip and head to the shower directly. I waited for John and he enters naked too. He carefully removes the dressings covering my new tattoos. The carefully cleans me with warm water. I love the feeling as he treats like me as gently as a baby. Afterwards, he dries my body and applies the ointment onto my tattoos. Then to my rings. I cannot stop from kissing John for his generous.

I keep totally naked for a week's time, and then it's time for me to have the new tattoos. On the way to Sam's studio, John tells me that he has no idea what to do on my back, but just a little alternation on my butt.

I have had some designs for tattooing Ray's back. But they mean nothing other than just some graphics. I want something special and meaningful, I don't know what should be so I just leave it. Moreover, the tattoo on his crotch together with the new ones on his butts is enough to humiliate him. I don't think he will show them around to every body. So it's just for our own fun, within our hostel.

When we arrive Sam's studio, I hands the new design to him.

"Nothing else?" Sam asks.

"Yes. I have no great idea. I want something special and meaningful, like the hawks on his chest. So I just leave it blank. And if I have any new idea in the future, I would have him done." I say.

"It doesn't take long for me to deal with it. You want to stay or have a walk around?" Sam says.

"I just stay and watch the process." I say.

I strip naked inside Sam's working room. Sam carefully inspects his works done last week. First the hawks then the crotch tattoo. "The tattoos are ok." He says then he grab my cock and turn the PA. Afterwards, he orders me to band down and he examines the Guiche. Having stand upright again, Sam takes hold of my tit rings and rotate them. "And the rings heals good too."

Sam then tells me to lay down on my stomach, on a message bed. He sterilizes my butts and starts tattooing.

John has told me that he only has me marked special with nothing meaningless. So I think something very humiliate would be appeared on my butt. It's not as pain as than last time. It doesn't take long for Sam to deal with my left butt and then on the right. John stays with me all the time an he watches the whole scene. My bare butt becomes a tattooed butt.

"It's another piece of beautiful work you have done, Sam!" John says when Sam finishes the work.

"Ok Boy, You can look at your new tattoo then." Sam says.

I get up and walk towards the mirror. I look at the image of my butt in the mirror. There're words on both my butts. On the left, it reads "I am a slave!" and on the right is "Please punish me!"

I don't know I wish to laugh or to cry. Yes it tells the truth, I am a slave and would like some punishment too. But how do people react when they seen my butt? My crotch already tells I am Master John's property.

"What do you think, boy?" John asks.

"Sorry Sir! But I think it's too much. It's too humiliate to let everyone knows I'm a slave."

"How can everyone knows you are a slave?" John keeps asking.

"My butt, Sir. It says I am a slave' and Please punish me'. My crotch already tells I'm a `Property of Master John'." I answer as I nearly to cry.

"So you want to show your crotch and butt out and let everybody to see? Are you a exhibitionism? Don't you at least put on a short when you go out?" John asks.

Yes! Why am I so stupid? I like to be naked but I am not a exhibitionism. I only naked at home and in the hostel with my Sirs. I would never go out naked. I have nothing to worry about at all.

"Sorry Sir! Please forgive my foolish. I am so stupid and forget that only those see me naked can read my body. I am not an exhibitionism at all. Thank you Sir in helping to express myself!" I say.

Sam uses some dressing to cover up my new tattoo. Sam says it's better fro me to sleep on my stomach. Sitting is not a big problem but not to sit too long for a day or two.

When we get into the car, John says we should spend the remain holiday at my home other than just staying in the campus.

"But we will only leave on tomorrow. It's better for your butt to take a rest before a long ride." John says.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcomed.

Next: Chapter 9

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